コード例 #1
ファイル: ArtwordEditor.cpp プロジェクト: DsRQuicke/praat
static void gui_drawingarea_cb_click (ArtwordEditor me, GuiDrawingArea_ClickEvent event) {
	if (! my graphics) return;
	Artword artword = (Artword) my data;
	Graphics_setWindow (my graphics.get(), 0, artword -> totalTime, -1.0, 1.0);
	Graphics_setInner (my graphics.get());
	double xWC, yWC;
	Graphics_DCtoWC (my graphics.get(), event -> x, event -> y, & xWC, & yWC);
	Graphics_unsetInner (my graphics.get());
	GuiText_setString (my time,  Melder_fixed (xWC, 6));
	GuiText_setString (my value, Melder_fixed (yWC, 6));
コード例 #2
static void gui_list_cb_doubleClick (GuiObject widget, void *void_me, long item) {
	(void) widget;
	iam (StringsEditor);
	Strings strings = (Strings) my data;
	if (item <= strings -> numberOfStrings)
		GuiText_setString (my text, strings -> strings [item]);
コード例 #3
ファイル: StringsEditor.cpp プロジェクト: alekstorm/tala
void StringsEditor::gui_list_cb_doubleClick (GuiObject widget, void *void_me, long item) {
	(void) widget;
	StringsEditor *stringsEditor = (StringsEditor *)void_me;
	Strings strings = (structStrings*)stringsEditor->_data;
	if (item <= strings -> numberOfStrings)
		GuiText_setString (stringsEditor->_text, strings -> strings [item]);
コード例 #4
ファイル: ScriptEditor.cpp プロジェクト: jjatria/praat
static void menu_cb_expandIncludeFiles (ScriptEditor me, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) {
	structMelderFile file = { 0 };
	autostring32 text = GuiText_getString (my textWidget);
	if (my name [0]) {
		Melder_pathToFile (my name, & file);
		MelderFile_setDefaultDir (& file);
	Melder_includeIncludeFiles (& text);
	GuiText_setString (my textWidget, text.peek());
コード例 #5
ファイル: CategoriesEditor.cpp プロジェクト: motiz88/praat
static void gui_list_cb_doubleClick (CategoriesEditor me, GuiList_DoubleClickEvent event) {
	Melder_assert (event -> list == my list);

	//  `my position` should just have been updated by the selectionChanged callback.

	long posCount;
	autoNUMvector<long> posList (GuiList_getSelectedPositions (my list, & posCount), 1);
	if (posCount == 1   // often or even usually true when double-clicking?
	    && posList [1] == my position)   // should be true, but we don't crash if it's false
		const char32 *catg = OrderedOfString_itemAtIndex_c ((OrderedOfString) my data, my position);
		if (catg) {   // should be non-null, but we don't crash if not
			GuiText_setString (my text, catg);
コード例 #6
ファイル: CategoriesEditor.cpp プロジェクト: motiz88/praat
// origin is at top left.
void structCategoriesEditor :: v_createChildren () {
	constexpr int menuBarOffset { 40 };
	constexpr int button_width { 130 }, button_height { menuBarOffset }, list_width { 260 }, list_height { 420 };
	constexpr int delta_x { 15 }, delta_y { menuBarOffset / 2 }, text_button_height { button_height / 2 };
	int left, right, top, bottom, buttons_left, buttons_top, list_bottom;

	left = 5; right = left + button_width; top = 3 + menuBarOffset; bottom = top + text_button_height;
	GuiLabel_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Positions:", 0);
	left = right + delta_x ; right = left + button_width;
	GuiLabel_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Values:", 0);

	left = 0; right = left + list_width; buttons_top = (top = bottom + delta_y); list_bottom = bottom = top + list_height;
	list = GuiList_create (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, true, 0);
	GuiList_setSelectionChangedCallback (list, gui_list_cb_selectionChanged, this);
	GuiList_setDoubleClickCallback (list, gui_list_cb_doubleClick, this);
	GuiList_setScrollCallback (list, gui_list_cb_scroll, this);
	GuiThing_show (list);

	buttons_left = left = right + 2 * delta_x; right = left + button_width; bottom = top + button_height;
	GuiLabel_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Value:", 0);
	left = right + delta_x; right = left + button_width;
	text = GuiText_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, 0);
	GuiText_setString (text, CategoriesEditor_EMPTYLABEL);

	left = buttons_left; right = left + button_width; top = bottom + delta_y; bottom = top + button_height;
	insert = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom,	U"Insert", gui_button_cb_insert, this, GuiButton_DEFAULT);
	left = right + delta_x; right = left + button_width;
	replace = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Replace", gui_button_cb_replace, this, 0);
	left = buttons_left; right = left + int (1.5 * button_width); top = bottom + delta_y; bottom = top + button_height;
	insertAtEnd = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Insert at end", gui_button_cb_insertAtEnd, this, 0);
	top = bottom + delta_y; bottom = top + button_height;
	undo = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Undo", gui_button_cb_undo, this, 0);
	top = bottom + delta_y; bottom = top + button_height;
	redo = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Redo", gui_button_cb_redo, this, 0);
	top = bottom + delta_y; bottom = top + button_height;
	remove = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Remove", gui_button_cb_remove, this, 0);
	top = bottom + delta_y; bottom = top + button_height;
	moveUp = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Move selection up", gui_button_cb_moveUp, this, 0);
	top = bottom + delta_y; bottom = top + button_height;
	moveDown = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"Move selection down", gui_button_cb_moveDown, this, 0);

	top = list_bottom + delta_y; bottom = top + button_height; left = 5; right = left + 200;
	outOfView = GuiLabel_createShown (d_windowForm, left, right, top, bottom, U"", 0);
コード例 #7
ファイル: TextEditor.cpp プロジェクト: ffostertw/praat
static void openDocument (TextEditor me, MelderFile file) {
	if (theOpenTextEditors) {
		for (long ieditor = 1; ieditor <= theOpenTextEditors -> size; ieditor ++) {
			TextEditor editor = (TextEditor) theOpenTextEditors -> item [ieditor];
			if (editor != me && MelderFile_equal (file, & editor -> file)) {
				Editor_raise (editor);
				Melder_appendError (U"Text file ", file, U" is already open.");
				forget (me);   // don't forget me before Melder_appendError, because "file" is owned by one of my dialogs
				Melder_flushError ();
	autostring32 text = MelderFile_readText (file);
	GuiText_setString (my textWidget, text.peek());
	 * GuiText_setString has invoked the changeCallback,
	 * which has set `my dirty` to `true`. Fix this.
	my dirty = false;
	MelderFile_copy (file, & my file);
	Thing_setName (me, Melder_fileToPath (file));
コード例 #8
ファイル: CategoriesEditor.cpp プロジェクト: motiz88/praat
static void update (CategoriesEditor me, long from, long to, const long *select, long nSelect) {
	long size = ((Categories) my data) -> size;

	if (size == 0) {
		autoSimpleString str = SimpleString_create (CategoriesEditor_EMPTYLABEL);
		Collection_addItem_move ((Categories) my data, str.move());
		update (me, 0, 0, nullptr, 0);
	if (from == 0 && from == to) {
		from = 1; to = size;
	if (from < 1 || from > size) {
		from = size;
	if (to < 1 || to > size) {
		to = size;
	if (from > to) {
		long ti = from; from = to; to = ti;

	// Begin optimization: add the items from a table instead of separately.
	try {
		autostring32vector table (from, to);
		long itemCount = GuiList_getNumberOfItems (my list);
		for (long i = from; i <= to; i++) {
			char wcindex[20];
			snprintf (wcindex,20, "%5ld ", i);
			table[i] = Melder_dup_f (Melder_cat (Melder_peek8to32 (wcindex), OrderedOfString_itemAtIndex_c ((OrderedOfString) my data, i)));
		if (itemCount > size) { // some items have been removed from Categories?
			for (long j = itemCount; j > size; j --) {
				GuiList_deleteItem (my list, j);
			itemCount = size;
		if (to > itemCount) {
			for (long j = 1; j <= to - itemCount; j ++) {
				GuiList_insertItem (my list, table [itemCount + j], 0);
		if (from <= itemCount) {
			long n = (to < itemCount ? to : itemCount);
			for (long j = from; j <= n; j++) {
				GuiList_replaceItem (my list, table[j], j);
	} catch (MelderError) {

	// End of optimization


	GuiList_deselectAllItems (my list);
	if (size == 1) { /* the only item is always selected */
		const char32 *catg = OrderedOfString_itemAtIndex_c ((OrderedOfString) my data, 1);
		GuiList_selectItem (my list, 1);
		updateWidgets (me);   // instead of "notify". BUG?
		GuiText_setString (my text, catg);
	} else if (nSelect > 0) {
		// Select but postpone highlighting

		for (long i = 1; i <= nSelect; i++) {
			GuiList_selectItem (my list, select[i] > size ? size : select[i]);


		long top = GuiList_getTopPosition (my list), bottom = GuiList_getBottomPosition (my list);
		long visible = bottom - top + 1;
		if (nSelect == 0) {
			top = my position - visible / 2;
		} else if (select[nSelect] < top) {
			// selection above visible area
			top = select[1];
		} else if (select[1] > bottom) {
			// selection below visible area
			top = select[nSelect] - visible + 1;
		} else {
			long deltaTopPos = -1, nUpdate = to - from + 1;
			if ( (from == select[1] && to == select[nSelect]) || // Replace
			        (nUpdate > 2 && nSelect == 1) /* Inserts */) {
				deltaTopPos = 0;
			} else if (nUpdate == nSelect + 1 && select[1] == from + 1) { // down
				deltaTopPos = 1;
			top += deltaTopPos;
		if (top + visible > size) {
			top = size - visible + 1;
		if (top < 1) {
			top = 1;
		GuiList_setTopPosition (my list, top);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Manual.cpp プロジェクト: DsRQuicke/praat
void Manual_search (Manual me, const char32 *query) {
	GuiText_setString (my searchText, query);
	search (me, query);
コード例 #10
ファイル: TextEditor.cpp プロジェクト: ffostertw/praat
static void newDocument (TextEditor me) {
	GuiText_setString (my textWidget, U"");   // implicitly sets my dirty to `true`
	my dirty = false;
	if (my v_fileBased ()) Thing_setName (me, U"");