/** * Execute the algorithm. */ void LoadSassena::exec() { //auto gws=boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<API::WorkspaceGroup>(getProperty("OutputWorkspace")); //API::WorkspaceGroup_sptr gws=getProperty("OutputWorkspace"); API::Workspace_sptr ows=getProperty("OutputWorkspace"); API::WorkspaceGroup_sptr gws=boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<API::WorkspaceGroup>(ows); if(gws && API::AnalysisDataService::Instance().doesExist( gws->name() ) ) { //gws->deepRemoveAll(); // remove workspace members API::AnalysisDataService::Instance().deepRemoveGroup( gws->name() ); } else { gws = boost::make_shared<API::WorkspaceGroup>(); setProperty("OutputWorkspace", boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<API::Workspace>(gws)); } //populate m_validSets int nvalidSets = 4; const char* validSets[] = { "fq", "fq0", "fq2", "fqt"}; for(int iSet=0; iSet<nvalidSets; iSet++) this->m_validSets.push_back( validSets[iSet] ); //open the HDF5 file for reading m_filename = this->getPropertyValue("Filename"); hid_t h5file = H5Fopen(m_filename.c_str(),H5F_ACC_RDONLY,H5P_DEFAULT); if( h5file < 0) { this->g_log.error("Cannot open "+m_filename); throw Kernel::Exception::FileError("Unable to open:" , m_filename); } //find out the sassena version used char cversion[16]; if ( H5LTget_attribute_string( h5file, "/", "sassena_version", cversion ) < 0 ) { this->g_log.error("Unable to read Sassena version"); } //const std::string version(cversion); //determine which loader protocol to use based on the version //to be done at a later time, maybe implement a Version class std::vector<int> sorting_indexes; const MantidVec qvmod = this->loadQvectors( h5file, gws, sorting_indexes); //iterate over the valid sets std::string setName; for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it=this->m_validSets.begin(); it!=this->m_validSets.end(); ++it){ setName = *it; if(H5LTfind_dataset(h5file,setName.c_str())==1) { if(setName == "fq" || setName == "fq0" || setName == "fq2") this->loadFQ( h5file, gws, setName, qvmod, sorting_indexes); else if(setName == "fqt") this->loadFQT( h5file, gws, setName, qvmod, sorting_indexes); } else this->g_log.information("Dataset "+setName+" not present in file"); }// end of iterate over the valid sets H5Fclose(h5file); } // end of LoadSassena::exec()
/* ------- begin -------------------------- readConvergence.c --- */ void readConvergence(void) { /* This is a self-contained function to read the convergence matrix, written by RH. */ const char routineName[] = "readConvergence"; char *atmosID; int ncid, ncid_mpi, nx, ny; size_t attr_size; hid_t plist; H5T_class_t type_class; mpi.rh_converged = matrix_int(mpi.nx, mpi.ny); /* --- Open the inputdata file --- */ if (( plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS )) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pset_fapl_mpio(plist, mpi.comm, mpi.info) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( ncid = H5Fopen(INPUTDATA_FILE, H5F_ACC_RDWR, plist) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pclose(plist) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* Get ncid of the MPI group */ if (( ncid_mpi = H5Gopen(ncid, "mpi", H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* --- Consistency checks --- */ /* Check that atmosID is the same */ if (( H5LTget_attribute_info(ncid, "/", "atmosID", NULL, &type_class, &attr_size) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); atmosID = (char *) malloc(attr_size + 1); if (( H5LTget_attribute_string(ncid, "/", "atmosID", atmosID) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (!strstr(atmosID, atmos.ID)) { sprintf(messageStr, "Indata file was calculated for different atmosphere (%s) than current", atmosID); Error(WARNING, routineName, messageStr); } free(atmosID); /* Check that dimension sizes match */ if (( H5LTget_attribute_int(ncid, "/", "nx", &nx) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (nx != mpi.nx) { sprintf(messageStr, "Number of x points mismatch: expected %d, found %d.", mpi.nx, (int)nx); Error(WARNING, routineName, messageStr); } if (( H5LTget_attribute_int(ncid, "/", "ny", &ny) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (ny != mpi.ny) { sprintf(messageStr, "Number of y points mismatch: expected %d, found %d.", mpi.ny, (int)ny); Error(WARNING, routineName, messageStr); } /* --- Read variable --- */ if (( H5LTread_dataset_int(ncid_mpi, CONV_NAME, mpi.rh_converged[0]) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* --- Close inputdata file --- */ if (( H5Gclose(ncid_mpi) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Fclose(ncid) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); return; }
int_f h5ltget_attribute_string_c(hid_t_f *loc_id, size_t_f *namelen, _fcd dsetname, size_t_f *attrnamelen, _fcd attrname, _fcd buf, size_t_f *buf_size) { int ret_value = -1; herr_t ret; char *c_name = NULL; char *c_attrname = NULL; char *c_buf = NULL; /* * Convert FORTRAN name to C name */ c_name = (char *)HD5f2cstring(dsetname, (size_t)*namelen); if (c_name == NULL) goto done; c_attrname = (char *)HD5f2cstring(attrname, (size_t)*attrnamelen); if (c_attrname == NULL) goto done; /* * Allocate buffer to hold C attribute string */ if ((c_buf = (char *)HDmalloc((size_t)*buf_size + 1)) == NULL) goto done; /* * Call H5LTget_attribute_int function. */ ret = H5LTget_attribute_string((hid_t)*loc_id,c_name,c_attrname,c_buf); if (ret < 0) goto done; /* * Convert C name to FORTRAN and place it in the given buffer */ HD5packFstring(c_buf, _fcdtocp(buf), (size_t)*buf_size); ret_value = 0; done: if(c_name!=NULL) HDfree(c_name); if(c_attrname!=NULL) HDfree(c_attrname); if(c_buf!=NULL) HDfree(c_buf); return ret_value; }
int_f nh5ltget_attribute_string_c(hid_t_f *loc_id, int_f *namelen, _fcd dsetname, int_f *attrnamelen, _fcd attrname, void *buf) { int ret_value = -1; herr_t ret; hid_t c_loc_id; char *c_name = NULL; char *c_attrname = NULL; int c_namelen; int c_attrnamelen; /* * Convert FORTRAN name to C name */ c_namelen = (int)*namelen; c_name = (char *)HD5f2cstring(dsetname, c_namelen); if (c_name == NULL) goto done; c_attrnamelen = (int)*attrnamelen; c_attrname = (char *)HD5f2cstring(attrname, c_attrnamelen); if (c_attrname == NULL) goto done; /* * Call H5LTget_attribute_int function. */ c_loc_id = (hid_t)*loc_id; ret = H5LTget_attribute_string(c_loc_id,c_name,c_attrname,buf); if (ret < 0) goto done; ret_value = 0; done: if(c_name!=NULL) free(c_name); if(c_attrname!=NULL) free(c_attrname); return ret_value; }
/** * Read integer attribute. * * @param [in] DatasetName * @param [in] AttributeName * @return Attribute value * @throw ios::failure */ inline string THDF5_File::ReadStringAttribute(const char * DatasetName, const char * AttributeName){ char Value[256] = ""; herr_t status = H5LTget_attribute_string (HDF5_FileId, DatasetName, AttributeName, Value); if (status < 0) { char ErrorMessage[256]; sprintf(ErrorMessage,HDF5_ERR_FMT_CouldNotReadFromAttribute,AttributeName, DatasetName); throw ios::failure(ErrorMessage); } return Value; }// end of ReadIntAttribute
int pioReadAttributeString(PIOObject pioObject, const char* attr_name, char** attr_value) { hid_t attr; size_t storage; if (pioHasAttribute(pioObject, attr_name)) { attr = H5Aopen_name(pioObject.identifier, attr_name); storage = H5Aget_storage_size(attr); H5Aclose(attr); *attr_value = (char*)malloc( storage + sizeof(char)); H5LTget_attribute_string(pioObject.identifier, ".", attr_name, *attr_value); return 1; } else { return -1; } }
int SpIO_H5GetAttribute_string(hid_t h5f_id, const char *obj_name, const char *attr_name, char **attribute) { int status = 0; herr_t hstatus = 0; hsize_t dims; H5T_class_t class; size_t size; if(hstatus >= 0) hstatus = H5LTget_attribute_info(h5f_id, obj_name, attr_name, &dims, &class, &size); if(hstatus >= 0) { *attribute = Mem_CALLOC(size, *attribute); hstatus = H5LTget_attribute_string(h5f_id, obj_name, attr_name, *attribute); } if(hstatus < 0) { PyWrErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Error getting attribute '%s' from '%s'", attr_name, obj_name); status = 1; } return status; }
/* ------- begin -------------------------- readMolPops_p.c -- */ void readMolPops(Molecule *molecule) { /* --- Read populations from file. Note: readPopulations only reads the true populations and not the LTE populations. -- -------------- */ const char routineName[] = "readMolPops"; char group_name[ARR_STRLEN], *atmosID; int nz, nlevel; H5T_class_t type_class; size_t attr_size; hsize_t offset[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; hsize_t count[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; hsize_t dims[4]; hid_t ncid, file_dspace, mem_dspace, pop_var; /* --- Open molecule group --- */ sprintf(group_name, "molecule_%s", molecule->ID); if (( ncid = H5Gopen(io.aux_ncid, group_name, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* --- Consistency checks --- */ /* Check that atmosID is the same */ if (( H5LTget_attribute_info(io.aux_ncid, "/", "atmosID", NULL, &type_class, &attr_size) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); atmosID = (char *) malloc(attr_size + 1); if (( H5LTget_attribute_string(io.aux_ncid, "/", "atmosID", atmosID) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (!strstr(atmosID, atmos.ID)) { sprintf(messageStr, "Indata file was calculated for different atmosphere (%s) than current", atmosID); Error(WARNING, routineName, messageStr); } free(atmosID); /* Check that dimension sizes match */ if (( H5LTget_attribute_int(ncid, ".", "nlevel_vibr", &nlevel) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (nlevel != molecule->Nv) { sprintf(messageStr, "Number of levels mismatch: expected %d, found %d.", molecule->Nv, (int)nlevel); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName, messageStr); } if (( H5LTget_attribute_int(io.aux_ncid, ".", "nz", &nz) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (nz < atmos.Nspace) { sprintf(messageStr, "Number of depth points mismatch: expected %ld, found %d.", atmos.Nspace, (int)nz); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName, messageStr); } /* --- Read data --- */ if (( pop_var = H5Dopen2(ncid, POP_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) HERR(routineName); dims[0] = molecule->Nv; dims[1] = atmos.Nspace; if (( mem_dspace = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* File dataspace */ offset[0] = 0; offset[1] = mpi.ix; offset[2] = mpi.iy; offset[3] = mpi.zcut; count[0] = molecule->Nv; count[3] = atmos.Nspace; if (( file_dspace = H5Dget_space(pop_var) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_dspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, count, NULL) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Dread(pop_var, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, mem_dspace, file_dspace, H5P_DEFAULT, molecule->nv[0]) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Sclose(mem_dspace) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Sclose(file_dspace) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Dclose(pop_var) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); return; }
/* ------- begin -------------------------- readPopulations_p.c -- */ void readPopulations(Atom *atom) { /* --- Read populations from file. Note: readPopulations only reads the true populations and not the LTE populations. Note2: This routine will not work yet in HFD5. Access to the aux file needs to be better regulated in OLD_POPULATIONS cases (ie, append and read/write acess). The code below assumes the file is already open, which may not be the case. -- -------------- */ const char routineName[] = "readPopulations_p"; char group_name[ARR_STRLEN], *atmosID; int nz, nlevel; H5T_class_t type_class; size_t attr_size; hsize_t offset[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; hsize_t count[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; hsize_t dims[4]; hid_t ncid, file_dspace, mem_dspace, pop_var; /* --- Open atom group --- */ sprintf(group_name,(atom->ID[1] == ' ') ? "atom_%.1s" : "atom_%.2s", atom->ID); if (( ncid = H5Gopen(io.aux_ncid, group_name, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* --- Consistency checks --- */ /* Check that atmosID is the same */ if (( H5LTget_attribute_info(io.aux_ncid, "/", "atmosID", NULL, &type_class, &attr_size) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); atmosID = (char *) malloc(attr_size + 1); if (( H5LTget_attribute_string(io.aux_ncid, "/", "atmosID", atmosID) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (!strstr(atmosID, atmos.ID)) { sprintf(messageStr, "Indata file was calculated for different atmosphere (%s) than current", atmosID); Error(WARNING, routineName, messageStr); } free(atmosID); /* Check that dimension sizes match */ if (( H5LTget_attribute_int(ncid, ".", "nlevel", &nlevel) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (nlevel != atom->Nlevel) { sprintf(messageStr, "Number of levels mismatch: expected %d, found %d.", atom->Nlevel, (int)nlevel); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName, messageStr); } if (( H5LTget_attribute_int(io.aux_ncid, ".", "nz", &nz) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (nz < atmos.Nspace) { sprintf(messageStr, "Number of depth points mismatch: expected %ld, found %d.", atmos.Nspace, (int)nz); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName, messageStr); } /* --- Read data --- */ if (( pop_var = H5Dopen2(ncid, POP_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) HERR(routineName); dims[0] = atom->Nlevel; dims[1] = atmos.Nspace; if (( mem_dspace = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* File dataspace */ offset[0] = 0; offset[1] = mpi.ix; offset[2] = mpi.iy; offset[3] = mpi.zcut; count[0] = atom->Nlevel; count[3] = atmos.Nspace; if (( file_dspace = H5Dget_space(pop_var) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_dspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, count, NULL) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Dread(pop_var, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, mem_dspace, file_dspace, H5P_DEFAULT, atom->n[0]) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Sclose(mem_dspace) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Sclose(file_dspace) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Dclose(pop_var) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); return; }
/* ------- begin -------------------- init_aux_existing.c --- */ void init_aux_existing(void) { const char routineName[] = "init_aux_existing"; int i, nlevel, nline, ncont; size_t attr_size; hid_t ncid, ncid_atom, ncid_mol, plist; H5T_class_t type_class; char group_name[ARR_STRLEN], *atmosID; Atom *atom; Molecule *molecule; /* Open the file with parallel MPI-IO access */ if (( plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS )) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pset_fapl_mpio(plist, mpi.comm, mpi.info) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( ncid = H5Fopen(AUX_FILE, H5F_ACC_RDWR, plist) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pclose(plist) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); io.aux_ncid = ncid; /* --- Consistency checks --- */ /* Check that atmosID is the same */ if (( H5LTget_attribute_info(ncid, "/", "atmosID", NULL, &type_class, &attr_size) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); atmosID = (char *) malloc(attr_size + 1); if (( H5LTget_attribute_string(ncid, "/", "atmosID", atmosID) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (!strstr(atmosID, atmos.ID)) { sprintf(messageStr, "Indata file was calculated for different atmosphere (%s) than current", atmosID); Error(WARNING, routineName, messageStr); } free(atmosID); /* Create arrays for multiple-atom/molecule output */ io.aux_atom_ncid = (hid_t *) malloc(atmos.Nactiveatom * sizeof(hid_t)); io.aux_mol_ncid = (hid_t *) malloc(atmos.Nactivemol * sizeof(hid_t)); if (input.p15d_wpop) { io.aux_atom_pop = (hid_t *) malloc(atmos.Nactiveatom * sizeof(hid_t)); io.aux_atom_poplte = (hid_t *) malloc(atmos.Nactiveatom * sizeof(hid_t)); io.aux_mol_pop = (hid_t *) malloc(atmos.Nactivemol * sizeof(hid_t)); io.aux_mol_poplte = (hid_t *) malloc(atmos.Nactivemol * sizeof(hid_t)); } if (input.p15d_wrates) { io.aux_atom_RijL = (hid_t *) malloc(atmos.Nactiveatom * sizeof(hid_t)); io.aux_atom_RjiL = (hid_t *) malloc(atmos.Nactiveatom * sizeof(hid_t)); io.aux_atom_RijC = (hid_t *) malloc(atmos.Nactiveatom * sizeof(hid_t)); io.aux_atom_RjiC = (hid_t *) malloc(atmos.Nactiveatom * sizeof(hid_t)); } /* --- Group loop over active ATOMS --- */ for (i=0; i < atmos.Nactiveatom; i++) { atom = atmos.activeatoms[i]; /* --- Get ncid of the atom group --- */ sprintf(group_name,(atom->ID[1] == ' ') ? "atom_%.1s" : "atom_%.2s", atom->ID); if (( io.aux_atom_ncid[i] = H5Gopen(io.aux_ncid, group_name, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); ncid_atom = io.aux_atom_ncid[i]; /* Check that dimension sizes match */ if (( H5LTget_attribute_int(ncid_atom, ".", "nlevel", &nlevel) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (nlevel != atom->Nlevel) { sprintf(messageStr, "Number of levels mismatch: expected %d, found %d.", atom->Nlevel, (int)nlevel); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName, messageStr); } if (( H5LTget_attribute_int(ncid_atom, ".", "nline", &nline) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (nline != atom->Nline) { sprintf(messageStr, "Number of lines mismatch: expected %d, found %d.", atom->Nline, (int)nline); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName, messageStr); } if (( H5LTget_attribute_int(ncid_atom, ".", "ncontinuum", &ncont) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (ncont != atom->Ncont) { sprintf(messageStr, "Number of continua mismatch: expected %d, found %d.", atom->Ncont, (int)ncont); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName, messageStr); } /* --- Open datasets collectively ---*/ if (input.p15d_wpop) { if (( io.aux_atom_pop[i] = H5Dopen(ncid_atom, POP_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.aux_atom_poplte[i] = H5Dopen(ncid_atom, POPLTE_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); } if (input.p15d_wrates) { if (( io.aux_atom_RijL[i] = H5Dopen(ncid_atom, RIJ_L_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.aux_atom_RjiL[i] = H5Dopen(ncid_atom, RJI_L_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (atom->Ncont > 0) { if (( io.aux_atom_RijC[i] = H5Dopen(ncid_atom, RIJ_C_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.aux_atom_RjiC[i] = H5Dopen(ncid_atom, RJI_C_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); } } } /* end active ATOMS loop */ /* --- Group loop over active MOLECULES --- */ for (i=0; i < atmos.Nactivemol; i++) { molecule = atmos.activemols[i]; /* --- Get ncid of the molecule group --- */ sprintf( group_name, "molecule_%s", molecule->ID); if (( io.aux_mol_ncid[i] = H5Gopen(io.aux_ncid, group_name, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); ncid_mol = io.aux_mol_ncid[i]; /* Check that dimension sizes match */ if (( H5LTget_attribute_int(ncid_mol, ".", "nlevel_vibr", &nlevel) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (nlevel != molecule->Nv) { sprintf(messageStr, "Number of levels mismatch: expected %d, found %d.", molecule->Nv, (int)nlevel); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName, messageStr); } if (( H5LTget_attribute_int(ncid_mol, ".", "nline_molecule", &nline) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (nline != molecule->Nrt) { sprintf(messageStr, "Number of lines mismatch: expected %d, found %d.", molecule->Nrt, (int)nline); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName, messageStr); } if (( H5LTget_attribute_int(ncid_mol, ".", "nJ", &ncont) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (ncont != molecule->NJ) { sprintf(messageStr, "Number of J mismatch: expected %d, found %d.", molecule->NJ, (int)ncont); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, routineName, messageStr); } /* --- Open datasets collectively ---*/ if (input.p15d_wpop) { if (( io.aux_mol_pop[i] = H5Dopen(ncid_mol, POP_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.aux_mol_poplte[i] = H5Dopen(ncid_mol, POPLTE_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); } } /* end active MOLECULES loop */ return; }
/* ------- begin -------------------------- init_hdf5_indata_old.c --- */ void init_hdf5_indata_existing(void) /* Opens an existing NetCDF input data file, loads structures and ids */ { const char routineName[] = "init_hdf5_indata_existing"; int ncid; size_t attr_size; hid_t plist; char *atmosID; H5T_class_t type_class; /* Open the file with parallel MPI-IO access */ if (( plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS )) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pset_fapl_mpio(plist, mpi.comm, mpi.info) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( ncid = H5Fopen(INPUTDATA_FILE, H5F_ACC_RDWR, plist) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( H5Pclose(plist) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); io.in_ncid = ncid; /* --- Consistency checks --- */ /* Check that atmosID is the same */ if (( H5LTget_attribute_info(ncid, "/", "atmosID", NULL, &type_class, &attr_size) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); atmosID = (char *) malloc(attr_size + 1); if (( H5LTget_attribute_string(ncid, "/", "atmosID", atmosID) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (!strstr(atmosID, atmos.ID)) { sprintf(messageStr, "Indata file was calculated for different atmosphere (%s) than current", atmosID); Error(WARNING, routineName, messageStr); } free(atmosID); /* Get group IDs */ if (( io.in_input_ncid = H5Gopen(ncid, "input", H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_atmos_ncid = H5Gopen(ncid, "atmos", H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_mpi_ncid = H5Gopen(ncid, "mpi", H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); /* --- Open datasets collectively ---*/ if (( io.in_atmos_T = H5Dopen(io.in_atmos_ncid, "temperature", H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_atmos_vz = H5Dopen(io.in_atmos_ncid, "velocity_z", H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_atmos_z = H5Dopen(io.in_atmos_ncid, "height", H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_mpi_tm = H5Dopen(io.in_mpi_ncid, TASK_MAP, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_mpi_tn = H5Dopen(io.in_mpi_ncid, TASK_NUMBER, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_mpi_it = H5Dopen(io.in_mpi_ncid, ITER_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_mpi_conv = H5Dopen(io.in_mpi_ncid, CONV_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_mpi_dm = H5Dopen(io.in_mpi_ncid, DM_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_mpi_dmh = H5Dopen(io.in_mpi_ncid, DMH_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); if (( io.in_mpi_zc = H5Dopen(io.in_mpi_ncid, ZC_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT) ) < 0) HERR(routineName); return; }
static herr_t make_attributes( hid_t loc_id, const char* obj_name ) { int rank_out; hsize_t *dims_out = 0; H5T_class_t type_class; size_t type_size; int i; char attr_str_in[] = {"My attribute"}; char attr_str_out[20]; char attr_char_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; char attr_char_out[5]; short attr_short_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; short attr_short_out[5]; int attr_int_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; int attr_int_out[5]; long attr_long_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; long attr_long_out[5]; float attr_float_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; float attr_float_out[5]; double attr_double_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; double attr_double_out[5]; unsigned char attr_uchar_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; unsigned char attr_uchar_out[5]; unsigned short attr_ushort_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; unsigned short attr_ushort_out[5]; unsigned int attr_uint_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; unsigned int attr_uint_out[5]; unsigned long attr_ulong_in[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; unsigned long attr_ulong_out[5]; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_string test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_string"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_string( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR1_NAME, attr_str_in ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_string test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_string"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_string( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR1_NAME, attr_str_out ) < 0 ) return -1; if ( strcmp( attr_str_in, attr_str_out ) != 0 ) { return -1; } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_char test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_char"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_char( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR2_NAME, attr_char_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_char test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_char"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_char( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR2_NAME, attr_char_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_char_in[i] != attr_char_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR2_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_CHAR, attr_char_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_char_in[i] != attr_char_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_short test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_short"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_short( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR3_NAME, attr_short_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_short test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_short"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_short( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR3_NAME, attr_short_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_short_in[i] != attr_short_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR3_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_SHORT, attr_short_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_short_in[i] != attr_short_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_int test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_int"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_int( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR4_NAME, attr_int_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_int test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_int"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_int( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR4_NAME, attr_int_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_int_in[i] != attr_int_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR4_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, attr_int_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_int_in[i] != attr_int_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_long test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_long"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_long( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR5_NAME, attr_long_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_long test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_long"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_long( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR5_NAME, attr_long_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_long_in[i] != attr_long_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR5_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_LONG, attr_long_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_long_in[i] != attr_long_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_uchar test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_uchar"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_uchar( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR6_NAME, attr_uchar_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_uchar test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_uchar"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_uchar( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR6_NAME, attr_uchar_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_uchar_in[i] != attr_uchar_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR6_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR, attr_uchar_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_uchar_in[i] != attr_uchar_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_ushort test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_ushort"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_ushort( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR7_NAME, attr_ushort_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_ushort test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_ushort"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_ushort( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR7_NAME, attr_ushort_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_ushort_in[i] != attr_ushort_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR7_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_USHORT, attr_ushort_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_ushort_in[i] != attr_ushort_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_int test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_uint"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_uint( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR8_NAME, attr_uint_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_int test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_uint"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_uint( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR8_NAME, attr_uint_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_uint_in[i] != attr_uint_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR8_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_UINT, attr_uint_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_uint_in[i] != attr_uint_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_ulong test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_ulong"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_ulong( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR9_NAME, attr_ulong_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_long test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_ulong"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_ulong( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR9_NAME, attr_ulong_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_ulong_in[i] != attr_ulong_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR9_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_ULONG, attr_ulong_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_ulong_in[i] != attr_ulong_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_float test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_float"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_float( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR10_NAME, attr_float_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_float test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_float"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_float( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR10_NAME, attr_float_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_float_in[i] != attr_float_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR10_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, attr_float_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_float_in[i] != attr_float_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTset_attribute_double test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTset_attribute_double"); /* Set the attribute */ if ( H5LTset_attribute_double( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR11_NAME, attr_double_in, (size_t)5 ) < 0 ) return -1; PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_double test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_double"); /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute_double( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR11_NAME, attr_double_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_double_in[i] != attr_double_out[i] ) { return -1; } } /* Get the attribute */ if ( H5LTget_attribute( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR11_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, attr_double_out ) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ( attr_double_in[i] != attr_double_out[i] ) { return -1; } } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_ndims test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_ndims"); if ( H5LTget_attribute_ndims( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR2_NAME, &rank_out ) < 0 ) return -1; if ( rank_out != 1 ) { return -1; } PASSED(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * H5LTget_attribute_info test *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TESTING("H5LTget_attribute_info"); dims_out = (hsize_t*) malloc( sizeof(hsize_t) * rank_out ); if ( H5LTget_attribute_info( loc_id, obj_name, ATTR2_NAME, dims_out, &type_class, &type_size) < 0 ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < rank_out; i++) { if ( dims_out[i] != 5 ) { return -1; } } if ( type_class != H5T_INTEGER ) { return -1; } if ( dims_out ) free( dims_out ); PASSED(); return 0; }
void rdiff(const char *name, hid_t f1, hid_t f2) { hid_t g1 = H5Gopen(f1, name, H5P_DEFAULT); hid_t g2 = H5Gopen(f2, name, H5P_DEFAULT); if (g1 >= 0 && g2 >= 0) { int n1 = H5Aget_num_attrs(g1); for (int i = 0; i < n1; i++) { char aname[MAXNAME]; hid_t a1 = H5Aopen_idx(g1, i); assert(H5Aget_name(a1, MAXNAME, aname) < MAXNAME); H5Aclose(a1); if (!H5LTfind_attribute(g2, aname)) { printf("Only in %s[%s%s]\n", file1, name, aname); continue; } int d1, d2; H5LTget_attribute_ndims(f1, name, aname, &d1); H5LTget_attribute_ndims(f2, name, aname, &d2); assert(d1 <= 1 && d2 <= 1); hsize_t dims1, dims2; H5T_class_t t1, t2; size_t ts1, ts2; H5LTget_attribute_info(f1, name, aname, &dims1, &t1, &ts1); H5LTget_attribute_info(f2, name, aname, &dims2, &t2, &ts2); assert(t1 == t2); assert(t1 == H5T_INTEGER || t1 == H5T_FLOAT || t1 == H5T_STRING); if (t1 == H5T_INTEGER) { assert(d1==0 || (dims1 == 1 && dims2 == 1)); assert(ts1 == 4 && ts2 == 4); int v1, v2; H5LTget_attribute_int(f1, name, aname, &v1); H5LTget_attribute_int(f2, name, aname, &v2); if (v1 != v2) { printf("%s[%s%s]=%d %s[%s%s]=%d\n", file1, name, aname, v1, file2, name, aname, v2); } } if (t1 == H5T_FLOAT) { assert(d1==0 || (dims1 == 1 && dims2 == 1)); assert(ts1 == 4 && ts2 == 4); float v1, v2; H5LTget_attribute_float(f1, name, aname, &v1); H5LTget_attribute_float(f2, name, aname, &v2); if (v1 != v2) { printf("%s[%s%s]=%g %s[%s%s]=%g\n", file1, name, aname, v1, file2, name, aname, v2); } } if (t1 == H5T_STRING) { assert(ts1 < 256 && ts2 < 256); char buf1[256]; char buf2[256]; H5LTget_attribute_string(f1, name, aname, buf1); H5LTget_attribute_string(f2, name, aname, buf2); if (strcmp(buf1, buf2)) { printf("%s[%s%s]=%s %s[%s%s]=%s\n", file1, name, aname, buf1, file2, name, aname, buf2); } } } int n2 = H5Aget_num_attrs(g2); for (int i = 0; i < n2; i++) { char aname[MAXNAME]; hid_t a2 = H5Aopen_idx(g2, i); assert(H5Aget_name(a2, MAXNAME, aname) < MAXNAME); H5Aclose(a2); if (!H5LTfind_attribute(g1, aname)) { printf("Only in %s[%s%s]\n", file2, name, aname); continue; } } hsize_t nobj; H5Gget_num_objs(g1, &nobj); for (int i = 0; i < nobj; i++) { char oname[MAXNAME]; assert(H5Gget_objname_by_idx(g1, i, oname, MAXNAME) < MAXNAME); int otype = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(g1, i); assert(otype == H5G_DATASET); if (!H5LTfind_dataset(g2, oname)) { printf("Only in %s[%s%s]\n", file1, name, oname); continue; } hsize_t dims1[2], dims2[2]; H5T_class_t t1, t2; size_t ts1, ts2; H5LTget_dataset_info(g1, oname, dims1, &t1, &ts1); H5LTget_dataset_info(g2, oname, dims2, &t2, &ts2); if (dims1[0] != dims2[0] || dims1[1] != dims2[1]) { printf("%s[%s%s](%d,%d) != %s[%s%s](%d,%d)\n", file1, name, oname, dims1[1], dims1[0], file2, name, oname, dims2[1], dims2[0]); continue; } float *data1 = malloc(dims1[0]*dims1[1]*sizeof(float)); float *data2 = malloc(dims1[0]*dims1[1]*sizeof(float)); H5LTread_dataset_float(g1, oname, data1); H5LTread_dataset_float(g2, oname, data2); float maxdiff = 0; for (int i = dims1[0]*dims1[1]-1; i >= 0; i--) { float d = data1[i] - data2[i]; if (d < 0) d = -d; if (d > maxdiff) maxdiff = d; } printf("max |%s[%s%s] - %s[%s%s]| = %g\n", file1, name, oname, file2, name, oname, maxdiff); free(data1); free(data2); } H5Gget_num_objs(g2, &nobj); for (int i = 0; i < nobj; i++) { char oname[MAXNAME]; assert(H5Gget_objname_by_idx(g2, i, oname, MAXNAME) < MAXNAME); int otype = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(g2, i); assert(otype == H5G_DATASET); if (!H5LTfind_dataset(g1, oname)) { printf("Only in %s[%s%s]\n", file2, name, oname); continue; } } H5Gclose(g1); H5Gclose(g2); } else if (g1 >= 0) { printf("Only in %s:%s\n", file1, name); H5Gclose(g1); } else if (g2 >= 0) { printf("Only in %s:%s\n", file2, name); H5Gclose(g2); } else { printf("Group %s does not exist in either file.\n", name); } }