コード例 #1
ファイル: H5ARRAY.c プロジェクト: 87/PyTables
herr_t H5ARRAYget_chunkshape( hid_t dataset_id,
			      int rank,
			      hsize_t *dims_chunk)
  hid_t        plist_id;
  H5D_layout_t layout;

  /* Get creation properties list */
  if ( (plist_id = H5Dget_create_plist( dataset_id )) < 0 )
    goto out;

  /* Get the dataset layout */
  layout = H5Pget_layout(plist_id);
  if (layout != H5D_CHUNKED) {
    H5Pclose( plist_id );
    return -1;

  /* Get the chunkshape for all dimensions */
  if (H5Pget_chunk(plist_id, rank, dims_chunk ) < 0 )
    goto out;

 /* Terminate access to the datatype */
 if ( H5Pclose( plist_id ) < 0 )
  goto out;

 return 0;

 if (dims_chunk) free(dims_chunk);
 return -1;

コード例 #2
ファイル: H5DcreatProp.cpp プロジェクト: 151706061/ITK
// Function:	DSetCreatPropList::getChunk
///\brief	Retrieves the size of the chunks used to store a chunked
///		layout dataset.
///\param	max_ndims - IN: Size of \a dim array
///\param	dim      - OUT: Array to store the chunk dimensions
///\exception	H5::PropListIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
int DSetCreatPropList::getChunk( int max_ndims, hsize_t* dim ) const
   int chunk_size = H5Pget_chunk( id, max_ndims, dim );
   if( chunk_size < 0 )
      throw PropListIException("DSetCreatPropList::getChunk",
		"H5Pget_chunk returns negative chunk size");
   return( chunk_size );
コード例 #3
ファイル: FWSingle.cpp プロジェクト: digideskio/qmcpack
  void FWSingle::readInFloat(int step, vector<float>& data_out)
    int RANK=1;

    hid_t       dataset;  
    hid_t       filespace;                   
    hid_t       memspace;                  
    hid_t       cparms;                   
    hsize_t     dims[2];                     /* dataset and chunk dimensions*/ 
    hsize_t     chunk_dims[1];
    hsize_t     col_dims[1];
    hsize_t     count[2];
    hsize_t     offset[2];

    herr_t      status, status_n;                             

    int         rank, rank_chunk;
    hsize_t hi, hj;

    c_file = H5Fopen(fname.str().c_str(),H5F_ACC_RDONLY,H5P_DEFAULT);
    stringstream gname("");

    gname<<"Block_"<< step;
    hid_t d_file = H5Gopen(c_file,gname.str().c_str());
    dataset = H5Dopen(d_file, "Positions");
    filespace = H5Dget_space(dataset); 
    rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(filespace);
    status_n  = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(filespace, dims, NULL);
    //     if (verbose>1) printf("dataset rank %d, dimensions %lu x %lu\n", rank, (unsigned long)(dims[0]), (unsigned long)(dims[1]));
    cparms = H5Dget_create_plist(dataset);
    if (H5D_CHUNKED == H5Pget_layout(cparms))  {
      rank_chunk = H5Pget_chunk(cparms, 2, chunk_dims);
      //       if (verbose>1) printf("chunk rank %d, dimensions %lu \n", rank_chunk, (unsigned long)(chunk_dims[0]) );
    memspace = H5Screate_simple(RANK,dims,NULL);

    status = H5Dread(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, memspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, &(data_out[0]));
      printf("Dataset: \n");
      for (int j = 0; j < dims[0]; j++) app_log()<<data_out[j]<<" ";


コード例 #4
ファイル: hdf5imagedataset.cpp プロジェクト: afarnham/gdal
HDF5ImageRasterBand::HDF5ImageRasterBand( HDF5ImageDataset *poDS, int nBand,
                                          GDALDataType eType )

    char          **papszMetaGlobal;
    this->poDS    = poDS;
    this->nBand   = nBand;
    eDataType     = eType;
    bNoDataSet    = FALSE;
    dfNoDataValue = -9999;
    nBlockXSize   = poDS->GetRasterXSize( );
    nBlockYSize   = 1;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Take a copy of Global Metadata since  I can't pass Raster       */
/*      variable to Iterate function.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszMetaGlobal = CSLDuplicate( poDS->papszMetadata );
    CSLDestroy( poDS->papszMetadata );
    poDS->papszMetadata = NULL;

    if( poDS->poH5Objects->nType == H5G_DATASET ) {
        poDS->CreateMetadata( poDS->poH5Objects, H5G_DATASET );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Recover Global Metadat and set Band Metadata                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    SetMetadata( poDS->papszMetadata );

    CSLDestroy( poDS->papszMetadata );
    poDS->papszMetadata = CSLDuplicate( papszMetaGlobal );
    CSLDestroy( papszMetaGlobal );

    /* check for chunksize and set it as the blocksize (optimizes read) */
    hid_t listid = H5Dget_create_plist(((HDF5ImageDataset * )poDS)->dataset_id);
    if (listid>0)
        if(H5Pget_layout(listid) == H5D_CHUNKED)
            hsize_t panChunkDims[3];
            int nDimSize = H5Pget_chunk(listid, 3, panChunkDims);
            nBlockXSize   = (int) panChunkDims[nDimSize-1];
            nBlockYSize   = (int) panChunkDims[nDimSize-2];

コード例 #5
HDF5ImageRasterBand::HDF5ImageRasterBand( HDF5ImageDataset *poDSIn, int nBandIn,
                                          GDALDataType eType ) :
    poDS = poDSIn;
    nBand = nBandIn;
    eDataType     = eType;
    nBlockXSize   = poDS->GetRasterXSize( );
    nBlockYSize   = 1;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Take a copy of Global Metadata since  I can't pass Raster       */
/*      variable to Iterate function.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char **papszMetaGlobal = CSLDuplicate( poDSIn->papszMetadata );
    CSLDestroy( poDSIn->papszMetadata );
    poDSIn->papszMetadata = NULL;

    if( poDSIn->poH5Objects->nType == H5G_DATASET ) {
        poDSIn->CreateMetadata( poDSIn->poH5Objects, H5G_DATASET );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Recover Global Metadata and set Band Metadata                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    SetMetadata( poDSIn->papszMetadata );

    CSLDestroy( poDSIn->papszMetadata );
    poDSIn->papszMetadata = CSLDuplicate( papszMetaGlobal );
    CSLDestroy( papszMetaGlobal );

    /* check for chunksize and set it as the blocksize (optimizes read) */
    const hid_t listid = H5Dget_create_plist(poDSIn->dataset_id);
    if (listid>0)
        if(H5Pget_layout(listid) == H5D_CHUNKED)
            hsize_t panChunkDims[3] = {0, 0, 0};
            const int nDimSize = H5Pget_chunk(listid, 3, panChunkDims);
            CPLAssert(nDimSize == poDSIn->ndims);
            nBlockXSize   = (int) panChunkDims[poDSIn->GetXIndex()];
            nBlockYSize   = (int) panChunkDims[poDSIn->GetYIndex()];

コード例 #6
int has_layout(hid_t dcpl_id,
               pack_info_t *obj)
 hsize_t      chsize[64];     /* chunk size in elements */
 H5D_layout_t layout;         /* layout */
 int          nfilters;       /* number of filters */
 int          rank;           /* rank */
 int          i;              /* index */

 /* if no information about the input layout is requested return exit */
 if (obj==NULL)
  return 1;

 /* check if we have filters in the input object */
 if ((nfilters = H5Pget_nfilters(dcpl_id))<0)
  return -1;

 /* a non chunked layout was requested on a filtered object; avoid the test */
 if (nfilters && obj->layout!=H5D_CHUNKED)
  return 1;

 /* get layout */
 if ((layout = H5Pget_layout(dcpl_id))<0)
  return -1;

 if (obj->layout != layout)
  return 0;

 if (layout==H5D_CHUNKED)
  if ((rank = H5Pget_chunk(dcpl_id,NELMTS(chsize),chsize/*out*/))<0)
   return -1;
  if (obj->chunk.rank != rank)
   return 0;
  for ( i=0; i<rank; i++)
   if (chsize[i] != obj->chunk.chunk_lengths[i])
    return 0;

 return 1;
コード例 #7
ファイル: h5mdfile_tcl.cpp プロジェクト: Clemson-MSE/espresso
int H5mdfile::H5_Dopen2(int argc, char **argv, Tcl_Interp *interp)
    /* Open an existing dataset */
    dataset_id = H5Dopen2(file_id, argv[2], H5P_DEFAULT);
    // Dataset properties
    dataspace_id = H5Dget_space(dataset_id);
    dataset_type_id = H5Dget_type(dataset_id);
    datatype_size = H5Tget_size(dataset_type_id);
    dataset_rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataspace_id,dims,maxdims);
    dataset_rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataspace_id,dimstotal,maxdims);
    prop_id = H5Dget_create_plist(dataset_id);
    if (H5D_CHUNKED == H5Pget_layout(prop_id))
        chunk_rank = H5Pget_chunk(prop_id, dataset_rank, chunk_dims);
    // Dataset size
    for(int i=0;i<dataset_rank;i++)
    return TCL_OK;
コード例 #8
ファイル: h5_group.c プロジェクト: SterVeen/DAL1
static herr_t group_info (hid_t loc_id,
			  const char *name,
			  const H5L_info_t *linfo,
			  void *opdata)
  hid_t datasetID;  /* dataset identifier  */
  hid_t datatypeID;  /* datatype identifier */
  hid_t propertyID;  /* data_property identifier */
  H5T_class_t t_class;
  hsize_t chunk_dims_out[2];
  int  rank_chunk;
  /* avoid warnings */
  opdata = opdata;
  linfo  = linfo;
   * Open the datasets using their names.
  datasetID = H5Dopen (loc_id, name, H5P_DEFAULT);
   * Display dataset name.
  printf("\nName : %s\n", name);
   * Display dataset information.
  datatypeID = H5Dget_type(datasetID);  /* get datatype*/
  propertyID = H5Dget_create_plist(datasetID); /* get creation property list */
   * Check if dataset is chunked.
  if(H5D_CHUNKED == H5Pget_layout(propertyID)) {
     * get chunking information: rank and dimensions.
    rank_chunk = H5Pget_chunk(propertyID, 2, chunk_dims_out);
    printf("chunk rank %d, dimensions %lu x %lu\n", rank_chunk,
	   (unsigned long)(chunk_dims_out[0]),
	   (unsigned long)(chunk_dims_out[1]));
  else {
    t_class = H5Tget_class(datatypeID);
    if(t_class < 0) {
      puts(" Invalid datatype.\n");
    else {
      if(t_class == H5T_INTEGER)
	puts(" Datatype is 'H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER'.\n");
      if(t_class == H5T_FLOAT)
	puts(" Datatype is 'H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT'.\n");
      if(t_class == H5T_STRING)
	puts(" Datatype is 'H5T_NATIVE_STRING'.\n");
      if(t_class == H5T_BITFIELD)
	puts(" Datatype is 'H5T_NATIVE_BITFIELD'.\n");
      if(t_class == H5T_OPAQUE)
	puts(" Datatype is 'H5T_NATIVE_OPAQUE'.\n");
      if(t_class == H5T_COMPOUND)
	puts(" Datatype is 'H5T_NATIVE_COMPOUND'.\n");
  return 0;
コード例 #9
ファイル: h5repack_filters.c プロジェクト: svn2github/hdf5
int apply_filters(const char* name,    /* object name from traverse list */
                  int rank,            /* rank of dataset */
                  hsize_t *dims,       /* dimensions of dataset */
                  size_t msize,        /* size of type */
                  hid_t dcpl_id,       /* dataset creation property list */
                  pack_opt_t *options, /* repack options */
                  int *has_filter)     /* (OUT) object NAME has a filter */

    int          nfilters;       /* number of filters in DCPL */
    hsize_t      chsize[64];     /* chunk size in elements */
    H5D_layout_t layout;
    int          i;
    pack_info_t  obj;

    *has_filter = 0;

    if (rank==0) /* scalar dataset, do not apply */
        return 0;

    * initialize the assigment object

    * find options
    if (aux_assign_obj(name,options,&obj)==0)
        return 0;

    /* get information about input filters */
    if ((nfilters = H5Pget_nfilters(dcpl_id))<0)
        return -1;

    * check if we have filters in the pipeline
    * we want to replace them with the input filters
    * only remove if we are inserting new ones
    if (nfilters && obj.nfilters )
        *has_filter = 1;
        if (H5Premove_filter(dcpl_id,H5Z_FILTER_ALL)<0)
            return -1;

    * check if there is an existent chunk
    * read it only if there is not a requested layout
    if (obj.layout == -1 )
        if ((layout = H5Pget_layout(dcpl_id))<0)
            return -1;

        if (layout == H5D_CHUNKED)
            if ((rank = H5Pget_chunk(dcpl_id,NELMTS(chsize),chsize/*out*/))<0)
                return -1;
            obj.layout = H5D_CHUNKED;
            obj.chunk.rank = rank;
            for ( i = 0; i < rank; i++)
                obj.chunk.chunk_lengths[i] = chsize[i];

    * the type of filter and additional parameter
    * type can be one of the filters
    * H5Z_FILTER_NONE        0 , uncompress if compressed
    * H5Z_FILTER_DEFLATE     1 , deflation like gzip
    * H5Z_FILTER_SHUFFLE     2 , shuffle the data
    * H5Z_FILTER_FLETCHER32  3 , fletcher32 checksum of EDC
    * H5Z_FILTER_SZIP        4 , szip compression
    * H5Z_FILTER_NBIT        5 , nbit compression
    * H5Z_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET 6 , scaleoffset compression

    if (obj.nfilters)

    * filters require CHUNK layout; if we do not have one define a default
        if (obj.layout==-1)

            /* stripmine info */
            hsize_t sm_size[H5S_MAX_RANK]; /*stripmine size */
            hsize_t sm_nbytes;             /*bytes per stripmine */

            obj.chunk.rank = rank;

            * determine the strip mine size. The strip mine is
            * a hyperslab whose size is manageable.

            sm_nbytes = msize;
            for ( i = rank; i > 0; --i)
                hsize_t size = H5TOOLS_BUFSIZE / sm_nbytes;
                if ( size == 0) /* datum size > H5TOOLS_BUFSIZE */
                    size = 1;
                sm_size[i - 1] = MIN(dims[i - 1], size);
                sm_nbytes *= sm_size[i - 1];
                assert(sm_nbytes > 0);


            for ( i = 0; i < rank; i++)
                obj.chunk.chunk_lengths[i] = sm_size[i];


        for ( i=0; i<obj.nfilters; i++)
            switch (obj.filter[i].filtn)

            * H5Z_FILTER_DEFLATE       1 , deflation like gzip
            case H5Z_FILTER_DEFLATE:
                    unsigned     aggression;     /* the deflate level */

                    aggression = obj.filter[i].cd_values[0];
                    /* set up for deflated data */
                    if(H5Pset_chunk(dcpl_id, obj.chunk.rank, obj.chunk.chunk_lengths)<0)
                        return -1;
                        return -1;

            * H5Z_FILTER_SZIP       4 , szip compression
            case H5Z_FILTER_SZIP:
                    unsigned  options_mask;
                    unsigned  pixels_per_block;

                    options_mask     = obj.filter[i].cd_values[0];
                    pixels_per_block = obj.filter[i].cd_values[1];

                    /* set up for szip data */
                        return -1;
                    if (H5Pset_szip(dcpl_id,options_mask,pixels_per_block)<0)
                        return -1;


            * H5Z_FILTER_SHUFFLE    2 , shuffle the data
            case H5Z_FILTER_SHUFFLE:
                if(H5Pset_chunk(dcpl_id, obj.chunk.rank, obj.chunk.chunk_lengths)<0)
                    return -1;
                if (H5Pset_shuffle(dcpl_id)<0)
                    return -1;

            * H5Z_FILTER_FLETCHER32 3 , fletcher32 checksum of EDC
            case H5Z_FILTER_FLETCHER32:
                if(H5Pset_chunk(dcpl_id, obj.chunk.rank, obj.chunk.chunk_lengths)<0)
                    return -1;
                if (H5Pset_fletcher32(dcpl_id)<0)
                    return -1;
           /*----------- -------------------------------------------------------------
            * H5Z_FILTER_NBIT , NBIT compression
            case H5Z_FILTER_NBIT:
                if(H5Pset_chunk(dcpl_id, obj.chunk.rank, obj.chunk.chunk_lengths)<0)
                    return -1;
                if (H5Pset_nbit(dcpl_id)<0)
                    return -1;
            /*----------- -------------------------------------------------------------
             * H5Z_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET , scale+offset compression

            case H5Z_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET:
                    H5Z_SO_scale_type_t scale_type;
                    int                 scale_factor;

                    scale_type   = (H5Z_SO_scale_type_t)obj.filter[i].cd_values[0];
                    scale_factor = obj.filter[i].cd_values[1];

                    if(H5Pset_chunk(dcpl_id, obj.chunk.rank, obj.chunk.chunk_lengths)<0)
                        return -1;
                    if (H5Pset_scaleoffset(dcpl_id,scale_type,scale_factor)<0)
                        return -1;
            } /* switch */


    * layout

    if (obj.layout>=0)
        /* a layout was defined */
        if (H5Pset_layout(dcpl_id, obj.layout)<0)
            return -1;

        if (H5D_CHUNKED == obj.layout)
            if(H5Pset_chunk(dcpl_id, obj.chunk.rank, obj.chunk.chunk_lengths)<0)
                return -1;
        else if (H5D_COMPACT == obj.layout)
            if (H5Pset_alloc_time(dcpl_id, H5D_ALLOC_TIME_EARLY)<0)
                return -1;
        /* remove filters for the H5D_CONTIGUOUS case */
        else if (H5D_CONTIGUOUS == obj.layout)
            if (H5Premove_filter(dcpl_id,H5Z_FILTER_ALL)<0)
                return -1;


 return 0;
コード例 #10
bool BAGRasterBand::Initialize( hid_t hDatasetID, const char *pszName )

    SetDescription( pszName );

    this->hDatasetID = hDatasetID;

    hid_t datatype     = H5Dget_type( hDatasetID );
    dataspace          = H5Dget_space( hDatasetID );
    hid_t n_dims       = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims( dataspace );
    native             = H5Tget_native_type( datatype, H5T_DIR_ASCEND );
    hsize_t dims[3], maxdims[3];

    eDataType = GH5_GetDataType( native );

    if( n_dims == 2 )
        H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( dataspace, dims, maxdims );

        nRasterXSize = dims[1];
        nRasterYSize = dims[0];
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "Dataset not of rank 2." );
        return false;

    nBlockXSize   = nRasterXSize;
    nBlockYSize   = 1;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for chunksize, and use it as blocksize for optimized      */
/*      reading.                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hid_t listid = H5Dget_create_plist( hDatasetID );
    if (listid>0)
        if(H5Pget_layout(listid) == H5D_CHUNKED)
            hsize_t panChunkDims[3];
            int nDimSize = H5Pget_chunk(listid, 3, panChunkDims);
            nBlockXSize   = panChunkDims[nDimSize-1];
            nBlockYSize   = panChunkDims[nDimSize-2];

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Load min/max information.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( EQUAL(pszName,"elevation") 
        && GH5_FetchAttribute( hDatasetID, "Maximum Elevation Value", 
                            dfMaximum ) 
        && GH5_FetchAttribute( hDatasetID, "Minimum Elevation Value", 
                               dfMinimum ) )
        bMinMaxSet = true;
    else if( EQUAL(pszName,"uncertainty") 
             && GH5_FetchAttribute( hDatasetID, "Maximum Uncertainty Value", 
                                    dfMaximum ) 
             && GH5_FetchAttribute( hDatasetID, "Minimum Uncertainty Value", 
                                    dfMinimum ) )
        bMinMaxSet = true;
    else if( EQUAL(pszName,"nominal_elevation") 
             && GH5_FetchAttribute( hDatasetID, "max_value", 
                                    dfMaximum ) 
             && GH5_FetchAttribute( hDatasetID, "min_value", 
                                    dfMinimum ) )
        bMinMaxSet = true;

    return true;
コード例 #11
ファイル: volprops.c プロジェクト: SiyaSher/libminc
/*! Get a copy of the volume property list.  When the program is finished
 * using the property list it should call  mifree_volume_props() to free the
 * memory associated with the list.
 * \param volume A volume handle
 * \param props A pointer to the returned volume properties handle.
 * \ingroup mi2VPrp
int miget_volume_props(mihandle_t volume, mivolumeprops_t *props)
  mivolumeprops_t handle;
  hid_t hdf_vol_dataset;
  hid_t hdf_plist;
  int nfilters;
  unsigned int flags;
  size_t cd_nelmts;
  unsigned int cd_values[MI2_MAX_CD_ELEMENTS];
  char fname[MI2_CHAR_LENGTH];
  int fcode;
  if (volume->hdf_id < 0) {
    return (MI_ERROR);
  hdf_vol_dataset = midescend_path(volume->hdf_id, "/minc-2.0/image/0/image");
  if (hdf_vol_dataset < 0) {
    return (MI_ERROR);
  hdf_plist = H5Dget_create_plist(hdf_vol_dataset);
  if (hdf_plist < 0) {
    return (MI_ERROR);
  handle = (mivolumeprops_t)malloc(sizeof(struct mivolprops));
  if (handle == NULL) {
    return (MI_ERROR);
  /* Get the layout of the raw data for a dataset.
  if (H5Pget_layout(hdf_plist) == H5D_CHUNKED) {
    hsize_t dims[MI2_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
    int i;
    /* Returns chunk dimensionality */
    handle->edge_count = H5Pget_chunk(hdf_plist, MI2_MAX_VAR_DIMS, dims);
    if (handle->edge_count < 0) {
      return (MI_ERROR);
    handle->edge_lengths = (int *)malloc(handle->edge_count*sizeof(int));
    if (handle->edge_lengths == NULL) {
      return (MI_ERROR);
    for (i = 0; i < handle->edge_count; i++) {
      handle->edge_lengths[i] = dims[i];
    /* Get the number of filters in the pipeline */
    nfilters = H5Pget_nfilters(hdf_plist);
    if (nfilters == 0) {
      handle->zlib_level = 0;
      handle->compression_type = MI_COMPRESS_NONE;
    else {
      for (i = 0; i < nfilters; i++) {
        cd_nelmts = MI2_MAX_CD_ELEMENTS;
        fcode = H5Pget_filter1(hdf_plist, i, &flags, &cd_nelmts,
                               cd_values, sizeof(fname), fname);
        switch (fcode) {
          case H5Z_FILTER_DEFLATE:
            handle->compression_type = MI_COMPRESS_ZLIB;
            handle->zlib_level = cd_values[0];
          case H5Z_FILTER_SHUFFLE:
          case H5Z_FILTER_FLETCHER32:
          case H5Z_FILTER_SZIP:
  else {
    handle->edge_count = 0;
    handle->edge_lengths = NULL;
    handle->zlib_level = 0;
    handle->compression_type = MI_COMPRESS_NONE;
  *props = handle;
  return (MI_NOERROR);
コード例 #12
ファイル: bagdataset.cpp プロジェクト: AbdelghaniDr/mirror
bool BAGRasterBand::Initialize( hid_t hDatasetID, const char *pszName )

    SetDescription( pszName );

    this->hDatasetID = hDatasetID;

    hid_t datatype     = H5Dget_type( hDatasetID );
    dataspace          = H5Dget_space( hDatasetID );
    int n_dims         = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims( dataspace );
    native             = H5Tget_native_type( datatype, H5T_DIR_ASCEND );
    hsize_t dims[3], maxdims[3];

    eDataType = GH5_GetDataType( native );

    if( n_dims == 2 )
        H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( dataspace, dims, maxdims );

        nRasterXSize = (int) dims[1];
        nRasterYSize = (int) dims[0];
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "Dataset not of rank 2." );
        return false;

    nBlockXSize   = nRasterXSize;
    nBlockYSize   = 1;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for chunksize, and use it as blocksize for optimized      */
/*      reading.                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hid_t listid = H5Dget_create_plist( hDatasetID );
    if (listid>0)
        if(H5Pget_layout(listid) == H5D_CHUNKED)
            hsize_t panChunkDims[3];
            int nDimSize = H5Pget_chunk(listid, 3, panChunkDims);
            nBlockXSize  = (int) panChunkDims[nDimSize-1];
            nBlockYSize  = (int) panChunkDims[nDimSize-2];

        int nfilters = H5Pget_nfilters( listid );

        H5Z_filter_t filter;
        char         name[120];
        size_t       cd_nelmts = 20;
        unsigned int cd_values[20];
        unsigned int flags;
        for (int i = 0; i < nfilters; i++) 
          filter = H5Pget_filter(listid, i, &flags, (size_t *)&cd_nelmts, cd_values, 120, name);
          if (filter == H5Z_FILTER_DEFLATE)
            poDS->SetMetadataItem( "COMPRESSION", "DEFLATE", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" );
          else if (filter == H5Z_FILTER_NBIT)
            poDS->SetMetadataItem( "COMPRESSION", "NBIT", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" );
          else if (filter == H5Z_FILTER_SCALEOFFSET)
            poDS->SetMetadataItem( "COMPRESSION", "SCALEOFFSET", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" );
          else if (filter == H5Z_FILTER_SZIP)
            poDS->SetMetadataItem( "COMPRESSION", "SZIP", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" );


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Load min/max information.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( EQUAL(pszName,"elevation") 
        && GH5_FetchAttribute( hDatasetID, "Maximum Elevation Value", 
                            dfMaximum ) 
        && GH5_FetchAttribute( hDatasetID, "Minimum Elevation Value", 
                               dfMinimum ) )
        bMinMaxSet = true;
    else if( EQUAL(pszName,"uncertainty")
             && GH5_FetchAttribute( hDatasetID, "Maximum Uncertainty Value", 
                                    dfMaximum ) 
             && GH5_FetchAttribute( hDatasetID, "Minimum Uncertainty Value", 
                                    dfMinimum ) )
        /* Some products where uncertainty band is completely set to nodata */
        /* wrongly declare minimum and maximum to 0.0 */
        if( dfMinimum != 0.0 && dfMaximum != 0.0 )
            bMinMaxSet = true;
    else if( EQUAL(pszName,"nominal_elevation") 
             && GH5_FetchAttribute( hDatasetID, "max_value", 
                                    dfMaximum ) 
             && GH5_FetchAttribute( hDatasetID, "min_value", 
                                    dfMinimum ) )
        bMinMaxSet = true;

    return true;
コード例 #13
 * Append planes, each of (1,2*chunksize,2*chunksize) to the dataset.
 * In other words, 4 chunks are appended to the dataset at a time.
 * Fill each plane with the plane number and then write it at the nth plane.
 * Increase the plane number and repeat till the end of dataset, when it
 * reaches chunksize long. End product is a (2*chunksize)^3 cube.
 * Return: 0 succeed; -1 fail.
static int 
    hid_t	fid;          	/* File ID for new HDF5 file */
    hid_t	dsid;         	/* dataset ID */
    hid_t       fapl;         	/* File access property list */
    hid_t	dcpl;      	/* Dataset creation property list */
    char	*name;
    UC_CTYPE	*buffer, *bufptr;	/* data buffer */
    hsize_t	cz=chunksize_g;		/* Chunk size */
    hid_t	f_sid;	    	/* dataset file space id */
    hid_t	m_sid;	    	/* memory space id */
    int		rank;	    	/* rank */
    hsize_t 	chunk_dims[3];	/* Chunk dimensions */
    hsize_t	dims[3];    	/* Dataspace dimensions */
    hsize_t	memdims[3]; 	/* Memory space dimensions */
    hsize_t	start[3] = {0,0,0}, count[3];    /* Hyperslab selection values */
    hbool_t 	disabled;   	/* Object's disabled status */	
    hsize_t     i, j, k;

    name = filename_g;

    /* Open the file */
    if((fapl = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0)
        return -1;
        if(H5Pset_libver_bounds(fapl, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST) < 0)
            return -1;
    if((fid = H5Fopen(name, H5F_ACC_RDWR | (use_swmr_g ? H5F_ACC_SWMR_WRITE : 0), fapl)) < 0){
	fprintf(stderr, "H5Fopen failed\n");
        return -1;

    /* Open the dataset of the program name */
    if((dsid = H5Dopen2(fid, progname_g, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0){
	fprintf(stderr, "H5Dopen2 failed\n");
	return -1;

    /* Disabled mdc flushed for the dataset */
    if(H5Odisable_mdc_flushes(dsid) < 0) {
	fprintf(stderr, "H5Odisable_mdc_flushes failed\n");
	return -1;

    /* Get mdc disabled status of the dataset */
    if(H5Oare_mdc_flushes_disabled(dsid, &disabled) < 0) {
	fprintf(stderr, "H5Oare_mdc_flushes_disabled failed\n");
	return -1;
    } else if(disabled)
	printf("Dataset has disabled mdc flushes.\n");
	printf("Dataset should have disabled its mdc flushes.\n");

    /* Find chunksize used */
    if ((dcpl = H5Dget_create_plist(dsid)) < 0){
	fprintf(stderr, "H5Dget_create_plist failed\n");
	return -1;
    if (H5D_CHUNKED != H5Pget_layout(dcpl)){
	fprintf(stderr, "storage layout is not chunked\n");
	return -1;
    if ((rank = H5Pget_chunk(dcpl, 3, chunk_dims)) != 3){
	fprintf(stderr, "storage rank is not 3\n");
	return -1;

    /* verify chunk_dims against set paramenters */
    if (chunk_dims[0]!= chunkdims_g[0] || chunk_dims[1] != cz || chunk_dims[2] != cz){
	fprintf(stderr, "chunk size is not as expected. Got dims=(%llu,%llu,%llu)\n",
	    (unsigned long long)chunk_dims[0], (unsigned long long)chunk_dims[1], 
            (unsigned long long)chunk_dims[2]);
	return -1;

    /* allocate space for data buffer 1 X dims[1] X dims[2] of UC_CTYPE */
    memdims[1] = dims_g[1];
    memdims[2] = dims_g[2];
    if ((buffer=(UC_CTYPE*)HDmalloc((size_t)memdims[1]*(size_t)memdims[2]*sizeof(UC_CTYPE)))==NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr, "malloc: failed\n");
	return -1;

     * Get dataset rank and dimension.
    f_sid = H5Dget_space(dsid);    /* Get filespace handle first. */
    rank  = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(f_sid);
    if (rank != UC_RANK){
	fprintf(stderr, "rank(%d) of dataset does not match\n", rank);
	return -1;
    if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(f_sid, dims, NULL) < 0){
	fprintf(stderr, "H5Sget_simple_extent_dims got error\n");
	return -1;
    printf("dataset rank %d, dimensions %llu x %llu x %llu\n",
	   rank, (unsigned long long)(dims[0]), (unsigned long long)(dims[1]), 
           (unsigned long long)(dims[2]));
    /* verify that file space dims are as expected and are consistent with memory space dims */
    if (dims[0] != 0 || dims[1] != memdims[1] || dims[2] != memdims[2]){
	fprintf(stderr, "dataset is not empty. Got dims=(%llu,%llu,%llu)\n",
	    (unsigned long long)dims[0], (unsigned long long)dims[1], 
            (unsigned long long)dims[2]);
	return -1;
    /* setup mem-space for buffer */
    if ((m_sid=H5Screate_simple(rank, memdims, NULL))<0){
	fprintf(stderr, "H5Screate_simple for memory failed\n");
	return -1;

    /* write planes */
    for (i=0; i<nplanes_g; i++){
	/* fill buffer with value i+1 */
	bufptr = buffer;
	for (j=0; j<dims[1]; j++)
	    for (k=0; k<dims[2]; k++)
		*bufptr++ = i;

	/* extend the dataset by one for new plane */
        if(H5Dset_extent(dsid, dims) < 0){
	    fprintf(stderr, "H5Dset_extent failed\n");
            return -1;

        /* Get the dataset's dataspace */
        if((f_sid = H5Dget_space(dsid)) < 0){
	    fprintf(stderr, "H5Dset_extent failed\n");
            return -1;

        /* Choose the next plane to write */
        if(H5Sselect_hyperslab(f_sid, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, NULL, count, NULL) < 0){
	    fprintf(stderr, "Failed H5Sselect_hyperslab\n");
            return -1;

        /* Write plane to the dataset */
        if(H5Dwrite(dsid, UC_DATATYPE, m_sid, f_sid, H5P_DEFAULT, buffer) < 0){
	    fprintf(stderr, "Failed H5Dwrite\n");
            return -1;

	/* Flush the dataset for every "chunkplanes_g" planes */
	if(!((i + 1) % (hsize_t)chunkplanes_g)) {
	    if(H5Dflush(dsid) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to H5Dflush dataset\n");
		return -1;

    if(H5Dflush(dsid) < 0) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Failed to H5Dflush dataset\n");
	return -1;

    /* Enable mdc flushes for the dataset */
    /* Closing the dataset later will enable mdc flushes automatically if this is not done */
	if(H5Oenable_mdc_flushes(dsid) < 0) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to H5Oenable_mdc_flushes\n");
	    return -1;

    /* Done writing. Free/Close all resources including data file */

    if(H5Dclose(dsid) < 0){
	fprintf(stderr, "Failed to close datasete\n");
	return -1;
    if(H5Sclose(m_sid) < 0){
	fprintf(stderr, "Failed to close memory space\n");
	return -1;
    if(H5Sclose(f_sid) < 0){
	fprintf(stderr, "Failed to close file space\n");
	return -1;
    if(H5Pclose(fapl) < 0){
	fprintf(stderr, "Failed to property list\n");
	return -1;
    if(H5Fclose(fid) < 0){
	fprintf(stderr, "Failed to close file id\n");
	return -1;

    return 0;
} /* write_file() */