static void * hb_pcre2_grab( PCRE2_SIZE size, void * data ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( data ); return size > 0 ? hb_xgrab( size ) : NULL; }
static void hb_mlGetEOLs( PHB_MLC_INFO pMLC, int iParam ) { int iEOLs = 0; HB_SIZE nLen; pMLC->pEOLs = pMLC->EOL_buffer; /* NOTE: This is a parameter extension (HB_EXTENSION) which breaks our effort to keep strict parameter compatibility with Clipper 5.x. In this case we've resorted to a compromise because there was no other idea which seemed natural enough. Clipper will ignore these parameters and use CRLF EOL hard coded. [vszakats] */ #ifndef HB_CLP_STRICT /* HB_EXTENSION */ nLen = hb_parclen( iParam ); if( nLen ) { pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].szEOL = hb_parc( iParam ); pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].nLen = nLen; iEOLs = 1; } else if( HB_ISARRAY( iParam ) ) { PHB_ITEM pArray = hb_param( iParam, HB_IT_ARRAY ); HB_SIZE nSize = hb_arrayLen( pArray ), n; for( n = 1; n <= nSize; ++n ) { if( hb_arrayGetCLen( pArray, n ) > 0 ) ++iEOLs; } if( iEOLs ) { if( iEOLs > HB_EOL_BUFFER_SIZE ) pMLC->pEOLs = ( PHB_EOL_INFO ) hb_xgrab( sizeof( HB_EOL_INFO ) * iEOLs ); iEOLs = 0; for( n = 1; n <= nSize; ++n ) { nLen = hb_arrayGetCLen( pArray, n ); if( nLen > 0 ) { pMLC->pEOLs[ iEOLs ].szEOL = hb_arrayGetCPtr( pArray, n ); pMLC->pEOLs[ iEOLs ].nLen = nLen; ++iEOLs; } } } } #else HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iParam ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( nLen ); #endif if( iEOLs == 0 ) { pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].szEOL = hb_setGetEOL(); if( ! pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].szEOL || ! pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].szEOL[ 0 ] ) pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].szEOL = hb_conNewLine(); pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].nLen = strlen( pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].szEOL ); iEOLs = pMLC->pEOLs[ 0 ].nLen ? 1 : 0; } pMLC->iEOLs = iEOLs; }
static void hbqt_lib_exit( void * cargo ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( cargo ); }
HB_FATTR hb_fsAttrToRaw( HB_FATTR nAttr ) { HB_FATTR raw_attr; HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_fsAttrToRaw(%u)", nAttr ) ); #if defined( HB_OS_DOS ) raw_attr = 0; if( nAttr & HB_FA_ARCHIVE ) raw_attr |= FA_ARCH; if( nAttr & HB_FA_DIRECTORY ) raw_attr |= FA_DIREC; if( nAttr & HB_FA_HIDDEN ) raw_attr |= FA_HIDDEN; if( nAttr & HB_FA_READONLY ) raw_attr |= FA_RDONLY; if( nAttr & HB_FA_LABEL ) raw_attr |= FA_LABEL; if( nAttr & HB_FA_SYSTEM ) raw_attr |= FA_SYSTEM; #elif defined( HB_OS_OS2 ) raw_attr = 0; if( nAttr & HB_FA_ARCHIVE ) raw_attr |= FILE_ARCHIVED; if( nAttr & HB_FA_DIRECTORY ) raw_attr |= FILE_DIRECTORY; if( nAttr & HB_FA_HIDDEN ) raw_attr |= FILE_HIDDEN; if( nAttr & HB_FA_READONLY ) raw_attr |= FILE_READONLY; if( nAttr & HB_FA_SYSTEM ) raw_attr |= FILE_SYSTEM; #elif defined( HB_OS_WIN ) raw_attr = 0; if( nAttr & HB_FA_ARCHIVE ) raw_attr |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE; if( nAttr & HB_FA_DIRECTORY ) raw_attr |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; if( nAttr & HB_FA_HIDDEN ) raw_attr |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN; if( nAttr & HB_FA_READONLY ) raw_attr |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; if( nAttr & HB_FA_SYSTEM ) raw_attr |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM; if( nAttr & HB_FA_NORMAL ) raw_attr |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; /* Note that FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL is not needed HB_FA_DEVICE not supported HB_FA_VOLCOMP needs to be checked */ if( nAttr & HB_FA_ENCRYPTED ) raw_attr |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED; if( nAttr & HB_FA_TEMPORARY ) raw_attr |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY; if( nAttr & HB_FA_SPARSE ) raw_attr |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE; if( nAttr & HB_FA_REPARSE ) raw_attr |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT; if( nAttr & HB_FA_COMPRESSED ) raw_attr |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED; if( nAttr & HB_FA_OFFLINE ) raw_attr |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE; if( nAttr & HB_FA_NOTINDEXED ) raw_attr |= 0x00002000; /* FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED not defined in some older winnt.h */ if( nAttr & HB_FA_VOLCOMP ) raw_attr |= 0x00008000; #elif defined( HB_OS_UNIX ) raw_attr = HB_FA_POSIX_ATTR( nAttr ); if( nAttr & HB_FA_FILE ) raw_attr |= S_IFREG; if( nAttr & HB_FA_DIRECTORY ) raw_attr |= S_IFDIR; if( nAttr & HB_FA_LINK ) raw_attr |= S_IFLNK; if( nAttr & HB_FA_CHRDEVICE ) raw_attr |= S_IFCHR; if( nAttr & HB_FA_BLKDEVICE ) raw_attr |= S_IFBLK; if( nAttr & HB_FA_FIFO ) raw_attr |= S_IFIFO; if( nAttr & HB_FA_SOCKET ) raw_attr |= S_IFSOCK; #else HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( nAttr ); raw_attr = 0; #endif return raw_attr; }
static void hb_regfree( PHB_REGEX pRegEx ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pRegEx ); }
static HB_BOOL s_fileAccept( const char * pszFileName ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pszFileName ); return HB_FALSE; }
static PHB_FILE s_fileOpen( PHB_FILE_FUNCS pFuncs, const char * pszName, const char * pszDefExt, HB_USHORT uiExFlags, const char * pPaths, PHB_ITEM pError ) { const char * pszHost = pszName + FILE_PREFIX_LEN, * ptr; PHB_FILE pFile = NULL; HB_ERRCODE errcode = 0; HB_SIZE nLen = 0; int iPort = 0; int timeout = -1; HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pFuncs ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pszDefExt ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pPaths ); if( ( ptr = strchr( pszHost, ':' ) ) != NULL && ptr != pszHost ) { nLen = ptr - pszHost; ++ptr; while( HB_ISDIGIT( * ptr ) ) iPort = iPort * 10 + ( * ptr++ - '0' ); if( * ptr == ':' ) { ++ptr; while( HB_ISDIGIT( * ptr ) ) timeout = HB_MAX( timeout, 0 ) * 10 + ( * ptr++ - '0' ); } if( * ptr != 0 && * ptr != ':' ) iPort = 0; } if( iPort > 0 ) { char * pszAddr, * pszIpAddr; pszAddr = hb_strndup( pszHost, nLen ); pszIpAddr = hb_socketResolveAddr( pszAddr, HB_SOCKET_AF_INET ); hb_xfree( pszAddr ); if( pszIpAddr ) { HB_SOCKET sd = hb_socketOpen( HB_SOCKET_PF_INET, HB_SOCKET_PT_STREAM, 0 ); if( sd != HB_NO_SOCKET ) { void * pSockAddr; unsigned uiLen; if( hb_socketInetAddr( &pSockAddr, &uiLen, pszIpAddr, iPort ) ) { hb_socketSetKeepAlive( sd, HB_TRUE ); if( hb_socketConnect( sd, pSockAddr, uiLen, timeout ) == 0 ) { switch( uiExFlags & ( FO_READ | FO_WRITE | FO_READWRITE ) ) { case FO_READ: hb_socketShutdown( sd, HB_SOCKET_SHUT_WR ); break; case FO_WRITE: hb_socketShutdown( sd, HB_SOCKET_SHUT_RD ); break; } pFile = s_fileNew( sd, timeout ); sd = HB_NO_SOCKET; } hb_xfree( pSockAddr ); } if( sd != HB_NO_SOCKET ) { errcode = hb_socketGetError(); hb_socketClose( sd ); } } hb_xfree( pszIpAddr ); } if( errcode == 0 && pFile == NULL ) errcode = hb_socketGetError(); } else errcode = HB_SOCKET_ERR_WRONGADDR; hb_fsSetError( errcode ); if( pError ) { hb_errPutFileName( pError, pszName ); if( pFile == NULL ) { hb_errPutOsCode( pError, errcode ); hb_errPutGenCode( pError, ( HB_ERRCODE ) EG_OPEN ); } } return pFile; }
BOOL WINAPI SetCurrentDirectoryW( LPCWSTR dirname ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( dirname ); return FALSE; }
UINT WINAPI SetErrorMode( UINT mode ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( mode ); return 0; }
HB_ERRCODE hb_rddSelectWorkAreaNumber( int iArea ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iArea ); return HB_FAILURE; }
HB_ERRCODE hb_rddSelectWorkAreaSymbol( PHB_SYMB pSymAlias ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pSymAlias ); return HB_FAILURE; }
HB_ERRCODE hb_rddSelectWorkAreaAlias( const char * szName ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( szName ); return HB_FAILURE; }
void hb_rddWaShutDown( PHB_STACKRDD pRddInfo ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pRddInfo ); }
static void hb_pcre2_free( void * ptr, void * data ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( data ); if( ptr ) hb_xfree( ptr ); }
static void s_fileFlush( PHB_FILE pFile, HB_BOOL fDirty ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pFile ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( fDirty ); }
HANDLE WINAPI GetStdHandle( DWORD nStdHandle ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( nStdHandle ); return NULL; }
static void s_fileCommit( PHB_FILE pFile ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pFile ); hb_fsSetError( HB_FILE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED ); }
DWORD WINAPI GetFileType( HANDLE handle ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( handle ); return 0; }
static HB_BOOL s_fileAccept( PHB_FILE_FUNCS pFuncs, const char * pszFileName ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pFuncs ); return hb_strnicmp( pszFileName, FILE_PREFIX, FILE_PREFIX_LEN ) == 0; }
BOOL WINAPI SetKeyboardState( PBYTE p ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( p ); return FALSE; }
HB_FATTR hb_fsAttrFromRaw( HB_FATTR raw_attr ) { HB_FATTR nAttr; HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_fsAttrFromRaw(%u)", raw_attr ) ); #if defined( HB_OS_DOS ) nAttr = 0; if( raw_attr & FA_ARCH ) nAttr |= HB_FA_ARCHIVE; if( raw_attr & FA_DIREC ) nAttr |= HB_FA_DIRECTORY; if( raw_attr & FA_HIDDEN ) nAttr |= HB_FA_HIDDEN; if( raw_attr & FA_RDONLY ) nAttr |= HB_FA_READONLY; if( raw_attr & FA_LABEL ) nAttr |= HB_FA_LABEL; if( raw_attr & FA_SYSTEM ) nAttr |= HB_FA_SYSTEM; #elif defined( HB_OS_OS2 ) nAttr = 0; if( raw_attr & FILE_ARCHIVED ) nAttr |= HB_FA_ARCHIVE; if( raw_attr & FILE_DIRECTORY ) nAttr |= HB_FA_DIRECTORY; if( raw_attr & FILE_HIDDEN ) nAttr |= HB_FA_HIDDEN; if( raw_attr & FILE_READONLY ) nAttr |= HB_FA_READONLY; if( raw_attr & FILE_SYSTEM ) nAttr |= HB_FA_SYSTEM; #elif defined( HB_OS_WIN ) nAttr = 0; if( raw_attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE ) nAttr |= HB_FA_ARCHIVE; if( raw_attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) nAttr |= HB_FA_DIRECTORY; if( raw_attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN ) nAttr |= HB_FA_HIDDEN; if( raw_attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ) nAttr |= HB_FA_READONLY; if( raw_attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM ) nAttr |= HB_FA_SYSTEM; if( raw_attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ) nAttr |= HB_FA_NORMAL; /* Note that FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL is not needed HB_FA_DEVICE not supported HB_FA_VOLCOMP needs to be checked */ if( raw_attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED ) nAttr |= HB_FA_ENCRYPTED; if( raw_attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY ) nAttr |= HB_FA_TEMPORARY; if( raw_attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE ) nAttr |= HB_FA_SPARSE; if( raw_attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT ) nAttr |= HB_FA_REPARSE; if( raw_attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED ) nAttr |= HB_FA_COMPRESSED; if( raw_attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE ) nAttr |= HB_FA_OFFLINE; /* FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED */ /* not defined in some older winnt.h */ if( raw_attr & 0x00002000 ) nAttr |= HB_FA_NOTINDEXED; if( raw_attr & 0x00008000 ) nAttr |= HB_FA_VOLCOMP; #elif defined( HB_OS_UNIX ) nAttr = ( ( raw_attr & S_IXOTH ) ? HB_FA_XOTH : 0 ) | ( ( raw_attr & S_IWOTH ) ? HB_FA_WOTH : 0 ) | ( ( raw_attr & S_IROTH ) ? HB_FA_ROTH : 0 ) | ( ( raw_attr & S_IXGRP ) ? HB_FA_XGRP : 0 ) | ( ( raw_attr & S_IWGRP ) ? HB_FA_WGRP : 0 ) | ( ( raw_attr & S_IRGRP ) ? HB_FA_RGRP : 0 ) | ( ( raw_attr & S_IXUSR ) ? HB_FA_XUSR : 0 ) | ( ( raw_attr & S_IWUSR ) ? HB_FA_WUSR : 0 ) | ( ( raw_attr & S_IRUSR ) ? HB_FA_RUSR : 0 ) | ( ( raw_attr & S_ISVTX ) ? HB_FA_SVTX : 0 ) | ( ( raw_attr & S_ISGID ) ? HB_FA_SGID : 0 ) | ( ( raw_attr & S_ISUID ) ? HB_FA_SUID : 0 ); if( S_ISREG( raw_attr ) ) nAttr |= HB_FA_FILE; if( S_ISDIR( raw_attr ) ) nAttr |= HB_FA_DIRECTORY; if( S_ISLNK( raw_attr ) ) nAttr |= HB_FA_LINK; if( S_ISCHR( raw_attr ) ) nAttr |= HB_FA_CHRDEVICE; if( S_ISBLK( raw_attr ) ) nAttr |= HB_FA_BLKDEVICE; if( S_ISFIFO( raw_attr ) ) nAttr |= HB_FA_FIFO; #if ! defined( HB_OS_VXWORKS ) if( S_ISSOCK( raw_attr ) ) nAttr |= HB_FA_SOCKET; #endif #else nAttr = 0; HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( raw_attr ); #endif return nAttr; }
static HB_BOOL hb_fsFindNextLow( PHB_FFIND ffind ) { HB_BOOL bFound; int iYear = 0; int iMonth = 0; int iDay = 0; int iHour = 0; int iMin = 0; int iSec = 0; int iMSec = 0; HB_FATTR raw_attr = 0, nAttr = 0; /* Set the default values in case some platforms don't support some of these, or they may fail on them. */ ffind->szName[ 0 ] = '\0'; ffind->size = 0; /* Do platform dependant first/next search */ hb_vmUnlock(); #if defined( HB_OS_DOS ) { PHB_FFIND_INFO info = ( PHB_FFIND_INFO ) ffind->info; /* Handling HB_FA_LABEL doesn't need any special tricks under the MS-DOS platform. */ if( ffind->bFirst ) { ffind->bFirst = HB_FALSE; /* tzset(); */ #if defined( __WATCOMC__ ) bFound = ( _dos_findfirst( ffind->pszFileMask, ( HB_USHORT ) hb_fsAttrToRaw( ffind->attrmask ), &info->entry ) == 0 ); #else bFound = ( findfirst( ffind->pszFileMask, &info->entry, ( HB_USHORT ) hb_fsAttrToRaw( ffind->attrmask ) ) == 0 ); #endif } else { #if defined( __WATCOMC__ ) bFound = ( _dos_findnext( &info->entry ) == 0 ); #else bFound = ( findnext( &info->entry ) == 0 ); #endif } /* Fill Harbour found file info */ if( bFound ) { hb_strncpy( ffind->szName, info->entry.ff_name, sizeof( ffind->szName ) - 1 ); ffind->size = info->entry.ff_fsize; raw_attr = info->entry.ff_attrib; { time_t ftime; struct tm * ft; struct stat sStat; stat( info->entry.ff_name, &sStat ); ftime = sStat.st_mtime; ft = localtime( &ftime ); iYear = ft->tm_year + 1900; iMonth = ft->tm_mon + 1; iDay = ft->tm_mday; iHour = ft->tm_hour; iMin = ft->tm_min; iSec = ft->tm_sec; } } hb_fsSetIOError( bFound, 0 ); } #elif defined( HB_OS_OS2 ) { #define HB_OS2_DIRCNT 16 PHB_FFIND_INFO info = ( PHB_FFIND_INFO ) ffind->info; APIRET ret = NO_ERROR; /* TODO: HB_FA_LABEL handling */ if( ffind->bFirst ) { ffind->bFirst = HB_FALSE; info->isWSeB = hb_isWSeB(); info->findSize = sizeof( FILEFINDBUF3L ); if( info->findSize & 0x07 ) info->findSize += 0x08 - ( info->findSize & 0x07 ); info->findSize *= HB_OS2_DIRCNT; if( info->findSize > 0xF000 ) info->findSize = 0xF000; info->findInitCnt = ! info->isWSeB ? info->findSize / 32 : HB_OS2_DIRCNT; info->hFindFile = HDIR_CREATE; info->findCount = info->findInitCnt; ret = DosAllocMem( &info->entry, info->findSize, OBJ_TILE | PAG_COMMIT | PAG_WRITE ); if( ret == NO_ERROR ) { ret = DosFindFirst( ( PCSZ ) ffind->pszFileMask, &info->hFindFile, ( ULONG ) hb_fsAttrToRaw( ffind->attrmask ), info->entry, info->findSize, &info->findCount, FIL_STANDARDL ); bFound = ret == NO_ERROR && info->findCount > 0; if( bFound ) info->next = info->entry; } else { info->entry = NULL; bFound = HB_FALSE; } } else if( info->findCount == 0 ) { info->findCount = info->findInitCnt; ret = DosFindNext( info->hFindFile, info->entry, info->findSize, &info->findCount ); bFound = ret == NO_ERROR && info->findCount > 0; if( bFound ) info->next = info->entry; } else bFound = HB_TRUE; if( bFound ) { ULONG oNextEntryOffset; if( info->isWSeB ) { PFILEFINDBUF3L pFFB = ( PFILEFINDBUF3L ) info->next; hb_strncpy( ffind->szName, pFFB->achName, sizeof( ffind->szName ) - 1 ); ffind->size = ( HB_FOFFSET ) pFFB->cbFile; raw_attr = pFFB->attrFile; iYear = pFFB->fdateLastWrite.year + 1980; iMonth = pFFB->fdateLastWrite.month; iDay = pFFB->; iHour = pFFB->ftimeLastWrite.hours; iMin = pFFB->ftimeLastWrite.minutes; iSec = pFFB->ftimeLastWrite.twosecs * 2; oNextEntryOffset = pFFB->oNextEntryOffset; } else { PFILEFINDBUF3 pFFB = ( PFILEFINDBUF3 ) info->next; hb_strncpy( ffind->szName, pFFB->achName, sizeof( ffind->szName ) - 1 ); ffind->size = ( HB_FOFFSET ) pFFB->cbFile; raw_attr = pFFB->attrFile; iYear = pFFB->fdateLastWrite.year + 1980; iMonth = pFFB->fdateLastWrite.month; iDay = pFFB->; iHour = pFFB->ftimeLastWrite.hours; iMin = pFFB->ftimeLastWrite.minutes; iSec = pFFB->ftimeLastWrite.twosecs * 2; oNextEntryOffset = pFFB->oNextEntryOffset; } if( oNextEntryOffset > 0 ) { info->next = ( char * ) info->next + oNextEntryOffset; info->findCount--; } else info->findCount = 0; } hb_fsSetError( ( HB_ERRCODE ) ret ); } #elif defined( HB_OS_WIN ) { PHB_FFIND_INFO info = ( PHB_FFIND_INFO ) ffind->info; bFound = HB_FALSE; #if ! defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE ) if( ( ffind->attrmask & HB_FA_LABEL ) != 0 && ! info->fLabelDone ) { TCHAR lpVolName[ HB_PATH_MAX ]; LPTSTR lpFileMask = NULL; char * mask = NULL; info->fLabelDone = HB_TRUE; if( ffind->pszFileMask && *ffind->pszFileMask ) { PHB_FNAME pFileName = hb_fsFNameSplit( ffind->pszFileMask ); if( pFileName->szName && pFileName->szName[ 0 ] ) mask = hb_strdup( pFileName->szName ); if( pFileName->szPath && pFileName->szPath[ 0 ] && ( pFileName->szPath[ 1 ] || pFileName->szPath[ 0 ] != HB_OS_PATH_DELIM_CHR ) ) lpFileMask = HB_CHARDUP( pFileName->szPath ); hb_xfree( pFileName ); } bFound = GetVolumeInformation( lpFileMask, lpVolName, HB_SIZEOFARRAY( lpVolName ), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 ) != 0; if( bFound ) { HB_OSSTRDUP2( lpVolName, ffind->szName, sizeof( ffind->szName ) - 1 ); if( mask && *mask && ! hb_strMatchFile( ffind->szName, mask ) ) { ffind->szName[ 0 ] = '\0'; bFound = HB_FALSE; } } if( lpFileMask ) hb_xfree( lpFileMask ); if( mask ) hb_xfree( mask ); } #endif if( ! bFound && ( ffind->attrmask & ( HB_FA_LABEL | HB_FA_HIDDEN | HB_FA_SYSTEM | HB_FA_DIRECTORY ) ) != HB_FA_LABEL ) { if( ffind->bFirst ) { LPTSTR lpFileMask = HB_CHARDUP( ffind->pszFileMask ); ffind->bFirst = HB_FALSE; info->dwAttr = ( DWORD ) hb_fsAttrToRaw( ffind->attrmask ); info->hFindFile = FindFirstFile( lpFileMask, &info->pFindFileData ); hb_xfree( lpFileMask ); if( ( info->hFindFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) && _HB_WIN_MATCH() ) bFound = HB_TRUE; } if( ! bFound && info->hFindFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { while( FindNextFile( info->hFindFile, &info->pFindFileData ) ) { if( _HB_WIN_MATCH() ) { bFound = HB_TRUE; break; } } } /* Fill Harbour found file info */ if( bFound ) { HB_OSSTRDUP2( info->pFindFileData.cFileName, ffind->szName, sizeof( ffind->szName ) - 1 ); if( info->pFindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) ffind->size = 0; else { #if defined( __XCC__ ) || ( defined( __POCC__ ) && __POCC__ >= 500 ) /* NOTE: PellesC 5.00.1 will go into an infinite loop if we don't split this into two operations. [vszakats] */ ffind->size = ( HB_FOFFSET ) info->pFindFileData.nFileSizeLow; ffind->size += ( HB_FOFFSET ) info->pFindFileData.nFileSizeHigh << 32; #else ffind->size = ( HB_FOFFSET ) info->pFindFileData.nFileSizeLow + ( ( HB_FOFFSET ) info->pFindFileData.nFileSizeHigh << 32 ); #endif } raw_attr = ( HB_FATTR ) info->pFindFileData.dwFileAttributes; /* NOTE: One of these may fail when searching on an UNC path, I don't know yet what's the reason. [vszakats] */ { FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME time; if( FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &info->pFindFileData.ftLastWriteTime, &ft ) && FileTimeToSystemTime( &ft, &time ) ) { iYear = time.wYear; iMonth = time.wMonth; iDay = time.wDay; iHour = time.wHour; iMin = time.wMinute; iSec = time.wSecond; iMSec = time.wMilliseconds; } } } } hb_fsSetIOError( bFound, 0 ); } #elif defined( HB_OS_UNIX ) { PHB_FFIND_INFO info = ( PHB_FFIND_INFO ) ffind->info; char dirname[ HB_PATH_MAX ]; bFound = HB_FALSE; /* TODO: HB_FA_LABEL handling */ if( ffind->bFirst ) { char * pos; ffind->bFirst = HB_FALSE; hb_strncpy( dirname, ffind->pszFileMask, sizeof( dirname ) - 1 ); pos = strrchr( dirname, HB_OS_PATH_DELIM_CHR ); if( pos ) { hb_strncpy( info->pattern, pos + 1, sizeof( info->pattern ) - 1 ); *( pos + 1 ) = '\0'; } else { hb_strncpy( info->pattern, dirname, sizeof( info->pattern ) - 1 ); dirname[ 0 ] = '.'; dirname[ 1 ] = HB_OS_PATH_DELIM_CHR; dirname[ 2 ] = '\0'; } /* tzset(); */ info->dir = opendir( dirname ); hb_strncpy( info->path, dirname, sizeof( info->path ) - 1 ); } if( info->dir && info->pattern[ 0 ] != '\0' ) { while( ( info->entry = readdir( info->dir ) ) != NULL ) { if( hb_strMatchFile( info->entry->d_name, info->pattern ) ) { bFound = HB_TRUE; break; } } } /* Fill Harbour found file info */ if( bFound ) { hb_strncpy( dirname, info->path, sizeof( dirname ) - 1 ); hb_strncat( dirname, info->entry->d_name, sizeof( dirname ) - 1 ); { time_t ftime; struct tm lt; #if defined( HB_USE_LARGEFILE64 ) struct stat64 sStat, sStatL; if( lstat64( dirname, &sStat ) == 0 ) { if( S_ISLNK( sStat.st_mode ) && ( ffind->attrmask & HB_FA_LINK ) == 0 ) { if( stat64( dirname, &sStatL ) == 0 ) memcpy( &sStat, &sStatL, sizeof( sStat ) ); nAttr |= HB_FA_LINK; } #else struct stat sStat, sStatL; if( lstat( dirname, &sStat ) == 0 ) { if( S_ISLNK( sStat.st_mode ) && ( ffind->attrmask & HB_FA_LINK ) == 0 ) { if( stat( dirname, &sStatL ) == 0 ) memcpy( &sStat, &sStatL, sizeof( sStat ) ); nAttr |= HB_FA_LINK; } #endif hb_strncpy( ffind->szName, info->entry->d_name, sizeof( ffind->szName ) - 1 ); ffind->size = sStat.st_size; raw_attr = sStat.st_mode; ftime = sStat.st_mtime; # if defined( HB_HAS_LOCALTIME_R ) localtime_r( &ftime, < ); # else lt = *localtime( &ftime ); # endif iYear = lt.tm_year + 1900; iMonth = lt.tm_mon + 1; iDay = lt.tm_mday; iHour = lt.tm_hour; iMin = lt.tm_min; iSec = lt.tm_sec; # if defined( HB_OS_LINUX ) && \ defined( __GLIBC__ ) && defined( __GLIBC_MINOR__ ) && \ ( __GLIBC__ > 2 || ( __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 6 ) ) # if defined( _BSD_SOURCE ) || defined( _SVID_SOURCE ) || \ ( __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 12 && \ ( ( defined( _POSIX_C_SOURCE ) || _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200809L ) || \ ( defined( _XOPEN_SOURCE ) || _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 700 ) ) ) iMSec = sStat.st_mtim.tv_nsec / 1000000; # else iMSec = sStat.st_mtimensec / 1000000; # endif # endif } else bFound = HB_FALSE; } } hb_fsSetIOError( bFound, 0 ); } #else { int iTODO; /* TODO: for given platform */ /* HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( ffind ); */ HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iYear ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iMonth ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iDay ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iHour ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iMin ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iSec ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iMSec ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( raw_attr ); bFound = HB_FALSE; hb_fsSetIOError( bFound, 0 ); } #endif /* Fill common Harbour found file info */ if( bFound ) { /* Do the conversions common for all platforms */ ffind->szName[ sizeof( ffind->szName ) - 1 ] = '\0'; #if ! defined( HB_OS_WIN ) /* Convert from OS codepage */ { char * pszFree = NULL; HB_SIZE nSize = sizeof( ffind->szName ); const char * pszResult = hb_osDecodeCP( ffind->szName, &pszFree, &nSize ); if( pszFree ) { hb_strncpy( ffind->szName, pszResult, sizeof( ffind->szName ) - 1 ); hb_xfree( pszFree ); } } #endif ffind->attr = hb_fsAttrFromRaw( raw_attr ) | nAttr; ffind->lDate = hb_dateEncode( iYear, iMonth, iDay ); ffind->lTime = hb_timeEncode( iHour, iMin, iSec, iMSec ); hb_dateStrPut( ffind->szDate, iYear, iMonth, iDay ); ffind->szDate[ 8 ] = '\0'; hb_snprintf( ffind->szTime, sizeof( ffind->szTime ), "%02d:%02d:%02d", iHour, iMin, iSec ); } hb_vmLock(); return bFound; } PHB_FFIND hb_fsFindFirst( const char * pszFileMask, HB_FATTR attrmask ) { PHB_FFIND ffind = ( PHB_FFIND ) hb_xgrabz( sizeof( HB_FFIND ) ); /* Allocate platform dependent file find info storage */ ffind->info = ( void * ) hb_xgrabz( sizeof( HB_FFIND_INFO ) ); /* Store search parameters */ #if defined( HB_OS_WIN ) ffind->pszFileMask = pszFileMask; #else /* Convert to OS codepage */ ffind->pszFileMask = hb_fsNameConv( pszFileMask, &ffind->pszFree ); #endif ffind->attrmask = attrmask; ffind->bFirst = HB_TRUE; /* Find first/next matching file */ if( hb_fsFindNext( ffind ) ) return ffind; /* If no file found at all, free stuff allocated so far and return NULL. */ hb_fsFindClose( ffind ); return NULL; }
static int hb_regcomp( PHB_REGEX pRegEx, const char * szRegEx ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pRegEx ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( szRegEx ); return -1; }
static HB_ERRCODE sddClose( SQLBASEAREAP pArea ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pArea ); return HB_SUCCESS; }
static void hbqt_lib_init( void * cargo ) { HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( cargo ); hbqt_registerCallbacks(); }
static HB_ERRCODE sqlbaseRddInfo( LPRDDNODE pRDD, HB_USHORT uiIndex, HB_ULONG ulConnect, PHB_ITEM pItem ) { HB_ULONG ulConn; SQLDDCONNECTION * pConn; HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pRDD ); ulConn = ulConnect ? ulConnect : s_ulConnectionCurrent; if( ulConn > 0 && ulConn <= s_ulConnectionCount ) pConn = s_pConnection[ ulConn - 1 ]; else pConn = NULL; switch( uiIndex ) { case RDDI_REMOTE: hb_itemPutL( pItem, HB_TRUE ); break; case RDDI_CONNECTION: { HB_ULONG ulNewConnection = 0; if( hb_itemType( pItem ) & HB_IT_NUMERIC ) ulNewConnection = hb_itemGetNL( pItem ); hb_itemPutNL( pItem, ulConnect ? ulConnect : s_ulConnectionCurrent ); if( ulNewConnection ) s_ulConnectionCurrent = ulNewConnection; break; } case RDDI_ISDBF: hb_itemPutL( pItem, HB_FALSE ); break; case RDDI_CANPUTREC: hb_itemPutL( pItem, HB_TRUE ); break; case RDDI_CONNECT: { PSDDNODE pNode = NULL; HB_ULONG ul; const char * pStr; pStr = hb_arrayGetCPtr( pItem, 1 ); if( pStr ) { pNode = s_pSdd; while( pNode ) { if( ! hb_stricmp( pNode->Name, pStr ) ) break; pNode = pNode->pNext; } } hb_rddsqlSetError( 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 ); pConn = ( SQLDDCONNECTION * ) hb_xgrab( sizeof( SQLDDCONNECTION ) ); memset( pConn, 0, sizeof( SQLDDCONNECTION ) ); if( pNode && pNode->Connect( pConn, pItem ) == HB_SUCCESS ) { pConn->pSDD = pNode; /* Find free connection handle */ for( ul = 0; ul < s_ulConnectionCount; ul++ ) { if( ! s_pConnection[ ul ] ) break; } if( ul >= s_ulConnectionCount ) { /* Realloc connection table */ if( s_pConnection ) s_pConnection = ( SQLDDCONNECTION ** ) hb_xrealloc( s_pConnection, sizeof( SQLDDCONNECTION * ) * ( s_ulConnectionCount + CONNECTION_LIST_EXPAND ) ); else s_pConnection = ( SQLDDCONNECTION ** ) hb_xgrab( sizeof( SQLDDCONNECTION * ) * CONNECTION_LIST_EXPAND ); memset( s_pConnection + s_ulConnectionCount, 0, sizeof( SQLDDCONNECTION * ) * CONNECTION_LIST_EXPAND ); ul = s_ulConnectionCount; s_ulConnectionCount += CONNECTION_LIST_EXPAND; } s_pConnection[ ul ] = pConn; ul++; s_ulConnectionCurrent = ul; } else { hb_xfree( pConn ); ul = 0; } hb_itemPutNI( pItem, ul ); break; } case RDDI_DISCONNECT: hb_rddsqlSetError( 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 ); if( pConn && ! pConn->uiAreaCount && pConn->pSDD->Disconnect( pConn ) == HB_SUCCESS ) { hb_xfree( pConn ); s_pConnection[ ulConn - 1 ] = NULL; if( s_ulConnectionCurrent == ulConn ) s_ulConnectionCurrent = 0; hb_itemPutL( pItem, HB_TRUE ); return HB_SUCCESS; } hb_itemPutL( pItem, HB_FALSE ); return HB_SUCCESS; case RDDI_EXECUTE: hb_rddsqlSetError( 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 ); if( pConn ) hb_itemPutL( pItem, pConn->pSDD->Execute( pConn, pItem ) == HB_SUCCESS ); else hb_itemPutL( pItem, HB_FALSE ); return HB_SUCCESS; case RDDI_ERROR: hb_itemPutC( pItem, s_szError ); return HB_SUCCESS; case RDDI_ERRORNO: hb_itemPutNI( pItem, s_errCode ); return HB_SUCCESS; case RDDI_QUERY: hb_itemPutC( pItem, s_szQuery ); return HB_SUCCESS; case RDDI_NEWID: hb_itemCopy( pItem, s_pItemNewID ); return HB_SUCCESS; case RDDI_AFFECTEDROWS: hb_itemPutNInt( pItem, s_ulAffectedRows ); return HB_SUCCESS; #if 0 default: return SUPER_RDDINFO( pRDD, uiIndex, ulConnect, pItem ); #endif } return HB_SUCCESS; }
static HB_ERRCODE odbcGoTo( SQLBASEAREAP pArea, HB_ULONG ulRecNo ) { SQLHSTMT hStmt; SQLRETURN res; SQLLEN iLen; PHB_ITEM pArray, pItem; LPFIELD pField; HB_USHORT ui; /* No pArea->pSDDData for DBCreate() area... * though pArea->fFetched == HB_TRUE for them */ hStmt = pArea->pSDDData ? ( ( SDDDATA * ) pArea->pSDDData )->hStmt : NULL; while( ulRecNo > pArea->ulRecCount && ! pArea->fFetched ) { if( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( SQLFetch( hStmt ) ) ) { pArea->fFetched = HB_TRUE; break; } pArray = hb_itemArrayNew( pArea->area.uiFieldCount ); pItem = NULL; for( ui = 1; ui <= pArea->area.uiFieldCount; ui++ ) { iLen = SQL_NULL_DATA; res = 0; pField = pArea->area.lpFields + ui - 1; switch( pField->uiType ) { case HB_FT_STRING: if( pField->uiType & HB_FF_BINARY ) { char buffer[ 1 ]; iLen = 0; if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_BINARY, buffer, 0, &iLen ) ) ) { if( iLen >= 0 ) { char * val = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( iLen + 1 ); if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_BINARY, val, iLen + 1, &iLen ) ) ) pItem = hb_itemPutCLPtr( pItem, val, ( HB_SIZE ) iLen ); else hb_xfree( val ); } } } else { O_HB_CHAR buffer[ 1 ]; #if defined( UNICODE ) SQLSMALLINT iTargetType = SQL_C_WCHAR; #else SQLSMALLINT iTargetType = SQL_C_CHAR; #endif iLen = 0; if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, iTargetType, buffer, 0, &iLen ) ) ) { if( iLen >= 0 ) { O_HB_CHAR * val = ( O_HB_CHAR * ) hb_xgrab( iLen + sizeof( O_HB_CHAR ) ); if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, iTargetType, val, iLen + sizeof( O_HB_CHAR ), &iLen ) ) ) { #if defined( UNICODE ) iLen >>= 1; #endif pItem = O_HB_ITEMPUTSTRLEN( pItem, val, ( HB_SIZE ) iLen ); } hb_xfree( val ); } } } break; case HB_FT_INTEGER: #if ODBCVER >= 0x0300 if( pField->uiTypeExtended == ( HB_USHORT ) SQL_BIGINT ) { HB_I64 val = 0; /* NOTE: SQL_C_SBIGINT not available before ODBC 3.0 */ if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_SBIGINT, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) ) pItem = hb_itemPutNIntLen( pItem, val, pField->uiLen ); } else #endif { SQLINTEGER val = 0; if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_LONG, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) ) pItem = hb_itemPutNLLen( pItem, val, pField->uiLen ); } break; case HB_FT_LONG: if( pField->uiDec == 0 && pField->uiLen < 10 ) { SQLINTEGER val = 0; if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_LONG, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) ) pItem = hb_itemPutNLLen( pItem, val, pField->uiLen ); } else { double val = 0.0; if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_DOUBLE, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) ) pItem = hb_itemPutNDLen( pItem, val, pField->uiLen, pField->uiDec ); } break; case HB_FT_DOUBLE: { double val = 0.0; if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_DOUBLE, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) ) pItem = hb_itemPutNDLen( pItem, val, pField->uiLen, pField->uiDec ); break; } case HB_FT_LOGICAL: { unsigned char val = 0; if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_BIT, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) ) pItem = hb_itemPutL( pItem, val != 0 ); break; } case HB_FT_DATE: { DATE_STRUCT val = { 0, 0, 0 }; if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_DATE, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) ) pItem = hb_itemPutD( pItem, val.year, val.month, ); break; } case HB_FT_TIME: { TIME_STRUCT val = { 0, 0, 0 }; if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_TIME, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) ) pItem = hb_itemPutTDT( pItem, 0, hb_timeEncode( val.hour, val.minute, val.second, 0 ) ); break; } case HB_FT_TIMESTAMP: { TIMESTAMP_STRUCT val = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_TIMESTAMP, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) ) pItem = hb_itemPutTDT( pItem, hb_dateEncode( val.year, val.month, ), hb_timeEncode( val.hour, val.minute, val.second, val.fraction / 1000000 ) ); break; } } /* TODO: check SQL_SUCCEEDED( res ) */ /* TODO: check for SQL_NO_TOTAL. What does this mean? */ HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( res ); if( pItem ) { /* NULL -> NIL */ if( iLen == SQL_NULL_DATA ) hb_itemClear( pItem ); else hb_arraySetForward( pArray, ui, pItem ); } } if( pItem ) hb_itemRelease( pItem ); if( pArea->ulRecCount + 1 >= pArea->ulRecMax ) { pArea->pRow = ( void ** ) hb_xrealloc( pArea->pRow, ( pArea->ulRecMax + SQLDD_ROWSET_RESIZE ) * sizeof( void * ) ); pArea->pRowFlags = ( HB_BYTE * ) hb_xrealloc( pArea->pRowFlags, ( pArea->ulRecMax + SQLDD_ROWSET_RESIZE ) * sizeof( HB_BYTE ) ); pArea->ulRecMax += SQLDD_ROWSET_RESIZE; } pArea->ulRecCount++; pArea->pRow[ pArea->ulRecCount ] = pArray; pArea->pRowFlags[ pArea->ulRecCount ] = SQLDD_FLAG_CACHED; }
static int hb_regexec( PHB_REGEX pRegEx, const char * szString, HB_SIZE nLen, int iMatches, HB_REGMATCH * aMatches ) { #if defined( HB_HAS_PCRE2 ) PCRE2_SIZE iResult = pcre2_match( pRegEx->re_pcre, ( PCRE2_SPTR ) szString, ( PCRE2_SIZE ) nLen, ( PCRE2_SIZE ) 0 /* startoffset */, ( uint32_t ) pRegEx->iEFlags, aMatches, s_re_ctxm ); if( iResult == 0 ) { PCRE2_SIZE i; for( i = 0; i < ( PCRE2_SIZE ) iMatches; i++ ) { if( HB_REGMATCH_EO( aMatches, i ) != HB_REGMATCH_UNSET ) iResult = i + 1; } } return ( int ) iResult; #elif defined( HB_HAS_PCRE ) int iResult = pcre_exec( pRegEx->re_pcre, NULL /* pcre_extra */, szString, ( int ) nLen, 0 /* startoffset */, pRegEx->iEFlags, aMatches, HB_REGMATCH_SIZE( iMatches ) ); if( iResult == 0 ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < iMatches; i++ ) { if( HB_REGMATCH_EO( aMatches, i ) != HB_REGMATCH_UNSET ) iResult = i + 1; } } return iResult; #elif defined( HB_POSIX_REGEX ) char * szBuffer = NULL; int iResult, i; if( szString[ nLen ] != 0 ) { szBuffer = hb_strndup( szString, nLen ); szString = szBuffer; } for( i = 0; i < iMatches; i++ ) HB_REGMATCH_EO( aMatches, i ) = HB_REGMATCH_UNSET; iResult = regexec( &pRegEx->reg, szString, iMatches, aMatches, pRegEx->iEFlags ); if( iResult == 0 ) { for( i = 0; i < iMatches; i++ ) { if( HB_REGMATCH_EO( aMatches, i ) != HB_REGMATCH_UNSET ) iResult = i + 1; } } else iResult = -1; if( szBuffer ) hb_xfree( szBuffer ); return iResult; #else HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pRegEx ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( szString ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( nLen ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iMatches ); HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( aMatches ); return -1; #endif }