コード例 #1
void BackfacesCulledRayHitCollectorDemo::showRaycastResults(const hkpWorldRayCastOutput& output, int triangleColor)
		// Find the leaf shape
		hkpShapeContainer::ShapeBuffer buffer;
		const hkpShape* shape = output.m_rootCollidable->getShape();
		for(int keyIndex = 0; shape != HK_NULL; ++keyIndex )
			if(shape->getType() == HK_SHAPE_MOPP)

			// go to the next level
			const hkpShapeContainer* container = shape->getContainer();
			if (container)
				shape = container->getChildShape(output.m_shapeKeys[keyIndex], buffer);

		// Draw the leaf shape's outline if it's a triangle.
		if (shape->getType() == HK_SHAPE_TRIANGLE)
			const hkpTriangleShape* triangle = static_cast<const hkpTriangleShape*>( shape );
			hkArray<hkVector4> transformedVertices(3); 
			transformedVertices[0].setTransformedPos(hkGetRigidBody(output.m_rootCollidable)->getTransform(), triangle->getVertex(0));
			transformedVertices[1].setTransformedPos(hkGetRigidBody(output.m_rootCollidable)->getTransform(), triangle->getVertex(1));
			transformedVertices[2].setTransformedPos(hkGetRigidBody(output.m_rootCollidable)->getTransform(), triangle->getVertex(2));

			HK_DISPLAY_LINE(transformedVertices[0], transformedVertices[1], triangleColor);
			HK_DISPLAY_LINE(transformedVertices[2], transformedVertices[1], triangleColor);
			HK_DISPLAY_LINE(transformedVertices[0], transformedVertices[2], triangleColor);

// 			hkVector4 triangleNormal;
// 			hkpTriangleUtil::calcNormal(triangleNormal,
// 				transformedVertices[0], transformedVertices[1], transformedVertices[2]);
// 			triangleNormal.normalize3();
// 			hkVector4 trianglePos;
// 			triangle->getCentre(trianglePos);
// 			trianglePos.setTransformedPos(hkGetRigidBody(output.m_rootCollidable)->getTransform(), trianglePos);
// 			HK_DISPLAY_ARROW(trianglePos, triangleNormal, hkColor::ORANGE);
コード例 #2
// This function casts a set of small rays along a curved path.
// Leaving numSamplePoints as 0 will use however many points defined originally in the curve.
hkReal PlanetGravityDemo::castCurvedRay( hkpClosestRayHitCollector& output, const hkpLinearParametricCurve& curve, int numSamplePoints )
	hkReal t_min, t_max;
	t_min = curve.getStart();
	t_max = curve.getEnd();

	if( numSamplePoints == 0 )
		numSamplePoints = curve.m_points.getSize();

	// Sample the curve and do a cast at each sample point
	for( int i = 0; i < numSamplePoints - 1; i++ )
		hkpWorldRayCastInput ray;

		hkReal difference = ( t_max - t_min );
		hkReal parametricValue1 = t_min + ( difference * ( i / static_cast<hkReal>( numSamplePoints ) ) );
		hkReal parametricValue2 = t_min + ( difference * ( (i + 1.0f) / static_cast<hkReal>( numSamplePoints ) ) );

		curve.getPoint( parametricValue1, ray.m_from );
		curve.getPoint( parametricValue2, ray.m_to );

		HK_DISPLAY_LINE( ray.m_from, ray.m_to, hkColor::RED );

		m_world->castRay( ray, output );
		if( output.hasHit() )
			return parametricValue1 + ( ( parametricValue2 - parametricValue1 ) * output.getHit().m_hitFraction );

	return -1.0f;
コード例 #3
hkDemo::Result WorldRaycastDemo::stepDemo()

	m_time += m_timestep;

	// The start point of the ray remains fixed in world space with the destination point of the
	// ray being varied in both the X and Y directions. This is achieved with simple
	// sine and cosine functions calls using the current time as the varying parameter:

	hkReal xDir = 12.0f * hkMath::sin(m_time * 0.3f);
	hkReal yDir = 12.0f * hkMath::cos(m_time * 0.3f);
	// The start and end points are both specified in World Space as we are using the world castRay() method
	// to fire the ray.

	hkpWorldRayCastInput input;
	input.m_from.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f);
	input.m_to.set( xDir, yDir, -15.0f);

	hkpClosestRayHitCollector output;
	m_world->castRay(input, output );

	// To visualise the raycast we make use of a macro defined in "hkDebugDisplay.h" called HK_DISPLAY_LINE.
	// The macro takes three parameters: a start point, an end point and the line color.
	// If a hit is found we display a RED line from the raycast start point to the point of intersection and mark that
	// point with a small RED cross. The intersection point is calculated using: startWorld + (result.m_mindist * endWorld).
	// If no hit is found we simply display a GREY line between the raycast start and end points.

	if( output.hasHit() )
		hkVector4 intersectionPointWorld;
		intersectionPointWorld.setInterpolate4( input.m_from, input.m_to, output.getHit().m_hitFraction );
		HK_DISPLAY_LINE( input.m_from, intersectionPointWorld, hkColor::RED);
		HK_DISPLAY_ARROW( intersectionPointWorld, output.getHit().m_normal, hkColor::CYAN);
		// Otherwise draw as GREY
		HK_DISPLAY_LINE(input.m_from, input.m_to, hkColor::rgbFromChars(200, 200, 200));


	return hkDefaultPhysicsDemo::stepDemo();
コード例 #4
void DestructibleWallsDemo::drawBrick( const hkVector4& position, const hkVector4& halfsize) const
	hkVector4 posA=position;
	hkVector4 posC=position;
	posA.sub4( halfsize );
	posC.add4( halfsize );
	hkVector4 posB=posA;
	posB(0) = posC(0);
	hkVector4 posD=posA;
	posD(1) = posC(1);
	posA(2) = posB(2) = posC(2)= posD(2) = .0f;
	HK_DISPLAY_LINE(posA, posB , 0xffffffff);
	HK_DISPLAY_LINE(posB, posC , 0xffffffff);
	HK_DISPLAY_LINE(posC, posD , 0xffffffff);
	HK_DISPLAY_LINE(posD, posA , 0xffffffff);
	HK_DISPLAY_LINE(posA, posC , 0xffffffff);
コード例 #5
void WorldLinearCastMultithreadedDemo::displayRootCdBody( hkpWorld* world, const hkpCollidable* collidable, hkpShapeKey key)
	hkpShapeCollection::ShapeBuffer shapeBuffer;

	//	Check, whether we have a triangle from the landscape or a single object
	if ( key == HK_INVALID_SHAPE_KEY )
		// now we have a single object as we are not part of a hkpShapeCollection
		HK_SET_OBJECT_COLOR((hkUlong)collidable, hkColor::rgbFromChars(160,160,160));
		// now we need to get our triangle.
		// Attention: The next lines make certain assumptions about how the landscape is constructed:
		//   1. The landscape is a single hkMoppShape with wraps a hkpShapeCollection, which
		//      produces only triangles.
		//   2. All hkShapeCollections are wrapped with a hkpBvTreeShape

		HK_ASSERT(0x3e93321f,  world->getCollisionDispatcher()->hasAlternateType( collidable->getShape()->getType(), HK_SHAPE_BV_TREE ) );

		const hkpBvTreeShape* bvTreeShape = static_cast<const hkpBvTreeShape*>(collidable->getShape());

		hkpShapeKey triangleId = key;

		const hkpShape* childShape = bvTreeShape->getContainer()->getChildShape( triangleId, shapeBuffer );

		HK_ASSERT(0x23f67112,  childShape->getType() == HK_SHAPE_TRIANGLE );
		const hkpTriangleShape* triangle = static_cast<const hkpTriangleShape*>( childShape );

		hkVector4 vertex[3];
		vertex[0].setTransformedPos(collidable->getTransform(), triangle->getVertex(0));
		vertex[1].setTransformedPos(collidable->getTransform(), triangle->getVertex(1));
		vertex[2].setTransformedPos(collidable->getTransform(), triangle->getVertex(2));

		//	Draw the border of the triangle
		HK_DISPLAY_LINE(vertex[0], vertex[1], hkColor::WHITE);
		HK_DISPLAY_LINE(vertex[2], vertex[1], hkColor::WHITE);
		HK_DISPLAY_LINE(vertex[0], vertex[2], hkColor::WHITE);

		if ( (const void*)childShape != (const void*)shapeBuffer && shapeBuffer[10] == 0 )
			HK_ASSERT(0x20b8765d, 0);
コード例 #6
void MyCollisionListener::contactPointAddedCallback(	hkpContactPointAddedEvent& event )
	// draw the contact point as a little red star
		const hkVector4& start = event.m_contactPoint->getPosition();
		for ( int i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
			hkVector4 dir( hkMath::sin( i * 1.0f ), hkMath::cos( i * 1.0f ), hkMath::sin(i * 5.0f ) );
			dir.setMul4(0.3f, dir);
			hkVector4 end;		end.setAdd4(start, dir);
			HK_DISPLAY_LINE(start, end, hkColor::RED);

	//	collect all information in our own data structure
	//  as the havok memory manager is really really fast,
	//  allocating lots of small structures is acceptable
	if ( event.m_contactPointProperties->getUserData() == HK_NULL )
		ContactPointInfo* info = new ContactPointInfo;
		info->m_uniqueId = m_uniqueIdCounter++;
		event.m_contactPointProperties->setUserData( reinterpret_cast<hkUlong>(info) );

		//	printf some information 
		if (m_reportLevel >= hkDemoEnvironment::REPORT_INFO)
			if ( event.isToi() )
 				hkprintf("Toi userId=%i created\n", info->m_uniqueId );
				int cpId = event.asManifoldEvent().m_contactPointId;
				hkprintf("Contact Point userId=%i created: contactId=%i\n", info->m_uniqueId, cpId );

	// By setting the  ProcessContactCallbackDelay to 0 we will receive callbacks for 
	// any collisions processed for this body every frame (simulation step), i.e. the delay between
	// any such callbacks is 0 frames.

	// If you wish to only be notified every N frames simply set the delay to be N-1.
	// The default is 65536, i.e. (for practical purpose) once for the first collision only, until
	// the bodies separate to outside the collision tolerance. 
コード例 #7
void VehicleDisplayUtils::updateTyremarks( hkReal timestep,
										  hkpVehicleInstance* vehicle )
	// Update the skidmarks. Note: as the vehicle is integrated, we msut add our 
	// current velocity to our skidmarks to compensate for the missing integration 
	// of the contact point information.
	vehicle->m_tyreMarks->updateTyremarksInfo( timestep, vehicle );

	for (int wheel = 0; wheel < vehicle->m_data->m_numWheels; wheel++ )
		const hkpTyremarksWheel &tyremarks_wheel = *vehicle->m_tyreMarks->m_tyremarksWheel[wheel];
		const int num_points = tyremarks_wheel.m_tyremarkPoints.getSize();

		const hkVector4* startl = &tyremarks_wheel.getTyremarkPoint(0).m_pointLeft;
		const hkVector4* startr = &tyremarks_wheel.getTyremarkPoint(0).m_pointRight;

		for (int p_it=1; p_it < num_points; p_it++)
			const hkpTyremarkPoint* tyremark_point = &tyremarks_wheel.getTyremarkPoint(p_it);

			const hkVector4* endl = &tyremark_point->m_pointLeft;
			const hkVector4* endr = &tyremark_point->m_pointRight;

			hkReal alpha = (*startl)(3);
			if ( alpha )
				// Note: alpha display does not work with the havok graphics engine but
				// the next lines should be ok. To trim the alpha values you can use 
				// m_minSkidmarkEnergy and m_maxSkidmarkEnergy.
				const long color = int( alpha ) <<24;
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE( *startl, *endl, color);
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE( *startr, *endr, color);
			startl = endl;
			startr = endr;
コード例 #8
void OptimizedWorldRaycastDemo::displayHit( const hkpWorldRayCastInput& input, hkpClosestRayHitCollector& collector, int color) const
	// To visualize the raycast we make use of a macro defined in "hkDebugDisplay.h" called HK_DISPLAY_LINE.
	// The macro takes three parameters: a start point, an end point and the line colour.
	// If a hit is found we display a RED line from the raycast start point to the point of intersection and mark that
	// point with a small RED cross. The intersection point is calculated using: startWorld + (result.m_mindist * endWorld).
	// If no hit is found we simply display a GREY line between the raycast start and end points.

	if( collector.hasHit() )
		hkVector4 intersectionPointWorld;
		intersectionPointWorld.setInterpolate4( input.m_from, input.m_to, collector.getHit().m_hitFraction );
		HK_DISPLAY_LINE( input.m_from, intersectionPointWorld, color);
		HK_DISPLAY_ARROW( intersectionPointWorld, collector.getHit().m_normal, color);
		// Otherwise draw full length
		HK_DISPLAY_LINE(input.m_from, input.m_to, color);
コード例 #9
		//	This collector draws a collered line from the last hit to the new hit.
		//  Nicely, the broadphase raycaster will sort all the objects, so our ray
		//  will hit in the correct order. However relying on the broadphase sorting
		//  does not work, if big objects, like landscape are involved.
		virtual void addRayHit( const hkpCdBody& cdBody, const hkpShapeRayCastCollectorOutput& hitInfo )
			//	Display the current hit from the last intersection point
			hkVector4 lastHit;	lastHit.setInterpolate4( m_ray.m_from, m_ray.m_to, m_lastHitFraction );
			hkVector4 hitPoint;	hitPoint.setInterpolate4( m_ray.m_from, m_ray.m_to, hitInfo.m_hitFraction );
			m_lastHitFraction = hitInfo.m_hitFraction;
			hkpWorldObject *object = static_cast<hkpWorldObject*>( cdBody.getRootCollidable()->getOwner() );

			HK_DISPLAY_LINE( lastHit, hitPoint, m_lastColor);
			m_lastColor = object->getProperty( UserRayHitCollectorDemo::COLOR_PROPERTY_ID ).getInt();
コード例 #10
// Raycast from the bottom (Y is up) to make sure that raycasting against the scaled mopp works
void MoppInstancingDemo::checkRayCasts(const hkpMoppBvTreeShape* mopp, const hkTransform& t)
	hkAabb aabb; mopp->getAabb(hkTransform::getIdentity(), 1.0f, aabb);
	hkVector4 extents; extents.setSub4(aabb.m_max, aabb.m_min);

	const int numX=10, numZ = 10;
	const hkReal deltaX = extents(0) / hkReal(numX-1);
	const hkReal deltaZ = extents(2) / hkReal(numZ-1);

	for (int x=0; x<numX; x++)
		for (int z=0; z<numZ; z++)
			hkpShapeRayCastInput input;
			hkpShapeRayCastOutput output;
			input.m_from(0) = aabb.m_min(0) + hkReal(x)*deltaX;
			input.m_from(1) = aabb.m_min(1)                   ;
			input.m_from(2) = aabb.m_min(2) + hkReal(z)*deltaZ;
			input.m_to = input.m_from;
			input.m_to(1) = aabb.m_max(1);
			input.m_rayShapeCollectionFilter = HK_NULL;

			mopp->castRay(input, output);

			hkVector4 worldFrom, worldTo;
			worldFrom.setTransformedPos(t, input.m_from);
			worldTo.setTransformedPos(t, input.m_to);

			if (output.hasHit())
				hkVector4 hitpoint; hitpoint.setInterpolate4(worldFrom, worldTo, output.m_hitFraction);
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE(worldFrom, hitpoint, hkColor::GREEN);

			// Check that the naive raycast gives the same results
			hkpShapeRayCastOutput testOutput;
			mopp->getShapeCollection()->castRay(input, testOutput);

			HK_ASSERT(0x793171a3, hkMath::equal(testOutput.m_hitFraction, output.m_hitFraction) );
			if ( !hkMath::equal(testOutput.m_hitFraction, 1.0f) )
				HK_ASSERT(0x793171a3, testOutput.m_normal.equals3(output.m_normal) );

コード例 #11
void SlidingWorldDemo::drawAabb(const hkVector4& m_minExtent, const hkVector4& m_maxExtent, int color)
	hkArray<hkVector4> lines;













	for (int i=0; i<24; i+=2)
		HK_DISPLAY_LINE(lines[i], lines[i+1], color);
コード例 #12
	// Display the constraint, and update this constrained axis (which is specified in World space).
	// If we update the axis to always pass through the pivots of the two bodies it will act
	// correctly no matter how the bodies are oriented.
hkDemo::Result ConstraintKitDemo::stepDemo()
	// Work out pivots in World space
	hkVector4 pivotAW, pivotBW;
		hkVector4 pivotA = *(m_constraintData->getParameters(m_pivotAIndex));
		hkVector4 pivotB = *(m_constraintData->getParameters(m_pivotBIndex));

		hkpRigidBody* ra = (hkpRigidBody*) m_constraint->getEntityA();
		hkpRigidBody* rb = (hkpRigidBody*) m_constraint->getEntityB();

		pivotAW.setTransformedPos(ra->getTransform(), pivotA);
		pivotBW.setTransformedPos(rb->getTransform(), pivotB);

	hkVector4 newAxis;
	newAxis.setSub4(pivotAW, pivotBW);
	hkReal length = newAxis.length3();

	// Only update axis if length non-zero (otherwise we can't normalize it correctly)
	if(length > 1e-3f)
		m_constraintData->setParameters(m_axisIndex, 1, &newAxis);

	// Set colour as RED if outside limits (constraint forces applied)
	// or as YELLOW if inside (constraint has no effect, rope is "slack").
	unsigned int colour = (length > 5.0f) ? hkColor::RED : hkColor::YELLOW;

	HK_DISPLAY_LINE(pivotAW, pivotBW, colour);
	return hkDefaultPhysicsDemo::stepDemo();
コード例 #13
hkDemo::Result MotionExtractionDemo::stepDemo()
	static hkReal val = 0.0f;

	hkReal stickX = m_env->m_gamePad->getStickPosX(1);
	val += (stickX - val) * 0.3f;

	hkReal leftWeight = (val < 0) ? -val : 0;
	hkReal rightWeight = (val > 0) ? val : 0;

	m_control[1]->setMasterWeight( leftWeight );
	m_control[2]->setMasterWeight( rightWeight );

	// Grab accumulated motion
		hkQsTransform deltaMotion;
		m_skeletonInstance->getDeltaReferenceFrame( m_timestep, deltaMotion);

	// Show the extracted motion for the next 2 seconds

	const hkReal freq = 60;
	hkVector4 lp = m_currentMotion.getTranslation();

	for (hkReal tm = 0.0f; tm < 2.0f; tm += 1.0f / freq)
		hkQsTransform deltaMotion;
		m_skeletonInstance->getDeltaReferenceFrame(tm, deltaMotion);
		hkVector4 p;
		p.setTransformedPos(m_currentMotion, deltaMotion.getTranslation());

		HK_DISPLAY_LINE( lp, p, 0xffff0f0f);
		lp = p;

	// Advance the active animations
	m_skeletonInstance->stepDeltaTime( m_timestep );

	hkaPose pose (m_skeleton);

	// Sample the active animations and combine into a single pose
	m_skeletonInstance->sampleAndCombineAnimations( pose.accessUnsyncedPoseLocalSpace().begin(), pose.getFloatSlotValues().begin()  );
	AnimationUtils::drawPose( pose, hkQsTransform::getIdentity() );

	// Skin
		// Work with the pose in Model space
		const hkArray<hkQsTransform>& poseInWorld = pose.getSyncedPoseModelSpace();

		// Construct the composite world transform
		const int boneCount = m_skeleton->m_numBones;
		hkLocalArray<hkTransform> compositeWorldInverse( boneCount );
		compositeWorldInverse.setSize( boneCount );

		// Convert accumlated info to graphics matrix
		hkTransform graphicsTransform;

		// Skin the meshes
		for (int i=0; i < m_numSkinBindings; i++)
			// assumes either a straight map (null map) or a single one (1 palette)
			hkInt16* usedBones = m_skinBindings[i]->m_mappings? m_skinBindings[i]->m_mappings[0].m_mapping : HK_NULL;
			int numUsedBones = usedBones? m_skinBindings[i]->m_mappings[0].m_numMapping : boneCount;

			// Multiply through by the bind pose inverse world inverse matrices
			for (int p=0; p < numUsedBones; p++)
				int boneIndex = usedBones? usedBones[p] : p;
				compositeWorldInverse[p].setMul( poseInWorld[ boneIndex ], m_skinBindings[i]->m_boneFromSkinMeshTransforms[ boneIndex ] );

			AnimationUtils::skinMesh( *m_skinBindings[i]->m_mesh, graphicsTransform, compositeWorldInverse.begin(), *m_env->m_sceneConverter );

	return hkDemo::DEMO_OK;
コード例 #14
// doReach() is always called, with reachOn=true when we want to do reaching, reachOn=false otherwise
// This is because is internally handles the easing in and out. It is called once for each arm
void Gdc2005Demo::doReach (hkBool reachOn, WhichArm whichArm, hkaPose& thePose)

	const hkVector4 upWS(0,1,0);

	const hkInt16 shoulderIdx = m_shoulderIdx[whichArm];
	const hkInt16 elbowIdx = m_elbowIdx[whichArm];
	const hkInt16 handIdx = m_handIdx[whichArm];

	hkQsTransform modelFromReference = thePose.getBoneModelSpace(m_reachReferenceBoneIdx);
	// Remove all local translations from the reference bone, use only its orientation
	modelFromReference.m_translation.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	hkQsTransform worldFromReference; worldFromReference.setMul(m_currentTransform, modelFromReference);

	// Look for a place to reach
	hkBool found = false;
	hkVector4 pointWS;
	hkVector4 normalWS;

	// Search for closest point, unless we are switching off reaching
	if (reachOn)
		// The position of our sensor:
		hkVector4 radarPosWS; radarPosWS.setTransformedPos(worldFromReference, m_radarLocationRS[whichArm]);

		// Display it
		if (m_options.m_Display.m_showIkInfo)
			HK_DISPLAY_STAR( radarPosWS, 0.1f, 0xffffffff);

		// Use hkpWorld::getClosestPoints() to look for candidates
		// Use a sphere of 0.05m radius located at the radar point
		hkTransform sphereTransform; sphereTransform.setIdentity();
		hkpSphereShape sphere(0.05f);

		// Use the ray cast filter layer, so it only landscape and movable environment is detected
		hkpCollidable collidable( &sphere, &sphereTransform );
		collidable.setCollisionFilterInfo(hkpGroupFilter::calcFilterInfo(LAYER_RAYCAST, 0));

		// Collect all possible candidates
		// Use the same filter we use for the world (it already knows which layers collide with which layers)
		hkpAllCdPointCollector collector;
		hkpProcessCollisionInput input =*m_world->getCollisionInput();
		input.m_tolerance = 0.4f;
		input.m_filter = m_world->getCollisionFilter();
		m_world->getClosestPoints( &collidable, input, collector);

		// Sort all the candidates (closest first) so the first good one is the best one
		hkArray<hkpRootCdPoint>& allHits = collector.getHits();

		// Now, we have a list of closest points (closest objects). Ray cast against them to find out if they
		// have a surface we can lay the hand on.
		for (int hitId = 0; hitId < allHits.getSize(); hitId++)
			hkContactPoint& contactPoint = allHits[hitId].m_contact;

			hkVector4 closest = contactPoint.getPosition();

			// Construct a unit vector that points from the radar towards the detected point in WS
			// This is the "away" vector
			hkVector4 awayWS;
				awayWS.setSub4(closest, radarPosWS);
				awayWS.addMul4(-awayWS.dot3(upWS), upWS);
				const hkReal length = awayWS.length3();
				if (length>1e-5f)
					const hkVector4 forwardMS(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
					awayWS.setRotatedDir(m_currentTransform.getRotation(), forwardMS);

			// The closest point is usually at the edge. Move it a little away (10cm)
			closest.addMul4(0.10f, awayWS);

			// Do a raycast above it. We reuse the raycast interface object that we use for the foot placement
			const hkReal upDistance = 0.3f;
			const hkReal downDistance = 0.3f;
			const hkReal totalLength = upDistance + downDistance;
			hkVector4 startWS; startWS.setAddMul4(closest,upWS, upDistance);
			hkVector4 endWS; endWS.setAddMul4(closest,upWS, -downDistance);
			hkReal hitFraction;
			const hkBool properHit = m_raycastInterface->castRay(startWS, endWS, hitFraction, normalWS);

			if (m_options.m_Display.m_showIkInfo)
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE( startWS, endWS, 0x00f8f8f8 );

			// Nothing found, check the next candidate
			if (!properHit)

			// The surface is not (roughly) horizontal, check the next candidate
			if (normalWS.dot3(upWS)<0.8f)

			// Good, we have a good candidate. Check where the landing point is
			pointWS.setAddMul4(startWS, upWS, -totalLength * hitFraction);

			// If we are dealing with a box (the big crates), move the point closer since to account for the radius
				const bool isABox = allHits[hitId].m_rootCollidableB->getShape()->getType() == HK_SHAPE_CONVEX_TRANSLATE;

				// Box : move it back closer
				if (isABox)
					pointWS.addMul4(-0.1f, awayWS);

			// Finally, reject points too far away (the arm won't reach)
			hkVector4 vDistance;vDistance.setSub4(pointWS, radarPosWS);
			const hkReal distanceSqr = vDistance.lengthSquared3();
			if (distanceSqr > 0.16f)

			// If we reached here, we have a found a place where to lay our hand, don't look for more candidates
			found = true;


		// Did we find a place to put the hand on?
		if (found)
			if (m_options.m_Display.m_showIkInfo)
				HK_DISPLAY_STAR(pointWS, 0.5f, 0xffffff00);

			// Move the point a little up to account for the width of the hand
			pointWS.addMul4(0.03f, upWS);

			// Interpolate the point and the normal with the previous ones, unless it's the first time of course
			if (m_reachWeight[whichArm]>0.0f)
				// Use the gain specified by the user
				const hkReal moveGain = m_options.m_IK.m_handIkMoveGain;
				pointWS.setInterpolate4(m_previousReachPointWS[whichArm], pointWS, moveGain);
				normalWS.setInterpolate4(m_previousNormalWS[whichArm], normalWS, moveGain);
			// Store them to interpolate the next frame
			m_previousReachPointWS[whichArm] = pointWS;
			m_previousNormalWS[whichArm] = normalWS;


	// Do gain on the weight for the reaching
	if (found)
		// If reach is on : go towards 1.0f (ease in), otherwise towards 0.0f (ease off)
		const hkReal desiredWeight = (reachOn) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
		const hkReal diffWeight = desiredWeight - m_reachWeight[whichArm];
		const hkReal reachGain = m_options.m_IK.m_handIkReachGain;
		m_reachWeight[whichArm] += diffWeight * reachGain;
		// If we didn't find anything, go towards 0.0f (ease off)
		const hkReal leaveGain = m_options.m_IK.m_handIkLeaveGain;
		m_reachWeight[whichArm] *= (1.0f - leaveGain);
		pointWS = m_previousReachPointWS[whichArm];
		normalWS = m_previousNormalWS[whichArm];

	// If weight 0 or very small, switch off completely and do nothing
	if (m_reachWeight[whichArm] < 0.01f)
		m_reachWeight[whichArm] = 0.0f;
		// Fix the position, use the Two Joints IK solver
			hkVector4 pointMS; pointMS.setTransformedInversePos(m_currentTransform, pointWS);

			hkaTwoJointsIkSolver::Setup setup;

			setup.m_firstJointIdx =shoulderIdx;
			setup.m_secondJointIdx = elbowIdx;
			setup.m_endBoneIdx = handIdx;
			setup.m_hingeAxisLS = m_elbowAxis[whichArm];
			setup.m_firstJointIkGain = m_reachWeight[whichArm];
			setup.m_secondJointIkGain = m_reachWeight[whichArm];
			setup.m_endJointIkGain = m_reachWeight[whichArm];
			setup.m_endTargetMS = pointMS;

			hkaTwoJointsIkSolver::solve(setup, thePose);

		// Now, rotate the wrist, so the palm follows the surface
			const hkVector4 upHandLocalSpace (0,1,0); // In this rig the hand Y axis points up (when the palm faces down)
			const hkQuaternion currentHandRotation = thePose.getBoneModelSpace(handIdx).getRotation();
			hkVector4 currentUpMS; currentUpMS.setRotatedDir(currentHandRotation, upHandLocalSpace);
			hkVector4 desiredUpMS; desiredUpMS.setRotatedInverseDir(m_currentTransform.getRotation(), normalWS);

				hkVector4 currentUpWS; currentUpWS.setRotatedDir(m_currentTransform.getRotation(), currentUpMS);
				hkVector4 desiredUpWS; desiredUpWS.setRotatedDir(m_currentTransform.getRotation(), desiredUpMS);


			// Calculate the shortest rotation that matches both axis
			hkQuaternion extraRotation; extraRotation.setIdentity();
				// Look for the shortest rotation that would bring the foot to the right orientation
				// We scale that rotation (its angle) by the weight of the reach IK
				const hkReal dotProd = currentUpMS.dot3(desiredUpMS);

				if ( (dotProd - 1.0f) < - HK_REAL_EPSILON)
					const hkReal rotationAngle = hkMath::acos(dotProd);

					hkVector4 rotationAxis;
					rotationAxis.setCross(currentUpMS, desiredUpMS);

					if (rotationAxis.length3()>1e-14f)
						extraRotation.setAxisAngle(rotationAxis, rotationAngle*m_reachWeight[whichArm]);

			// Apply the extra rotation
			hkQuaternion newRotationMS; newRotationMS.setMul(extraRotation, currentHandRotation);

			// Set the new rotation to the hand in the pose
			thePose.accessBoneModelSpace(handIdx, hkaPose::PROPAGATE).setRotation(newRotationMS);


コード例 #15
// Do some random raycasts into the world
// Both the kd-tree and the (deprecated) hkp3AxisSweep versions are used for comparison
void KdTreeVsBroadphaseDemo::doRaycasts()
	const int numRays = 100;
	hkLocalArray<hkpWorldRayCastInput> inputs( numRays );

	// Need fixed-size collector arrays to make sure the constructors get called

	hkpWorldRayCastOutput iterativeCollectors[numRays];
	hkpClosestRayHitCollector worldCollectors[numRays];

	for (int i=0; i < numRays; i++)
		hkVector4 start, end;
		start.set(	hkMath::randRange(-m_worldSizeX, m_worldSizeX),
					hkMath::randRange(-m_worldSizeY, m_worldSizeY),
					hkMath::randRange(-m_worldSizeZ, m_worldSizeZ));

		end.set(	hkMath::randRange(-m_worldSizeX, m_worldSizeX),
					hkMath::randRange(-m_worldSizeY, m_worldSizeY),
					hkMath::randRange(-m_worldSizeZ, m_worldSizeZ));

		// Flatten out the rays in one component - this triggers a special case in the raycasting code
			end(i%3) = start(i%3);

		inputs[i].m_from = start;
		inputs[i].m_to = end;
		inputs[i].m_filterInfo = 0;

	// Raycast using the world's kd-tree
	HK_TIMER_BEGIN("kdTreeRaycast", HK_NULL);

	// Check that the tree isn't dirty
	HK_ASSERT(0x3fe8daf1, m_world->m_kdTreeManager->isUpToDate());
	for (int i=0; i < numRays; i++)
		m_world->castRay(inputs[i], iterativeCollectors[i]);


		// Mark the world's kd-tree as dirty, forcing raycasting to go through the old (slow) hkp3AxisSweep algorithm
		// You should NOT usually be doing this.
		for (int i=0; i < numRays; i++)
			m_world->castRay(inputs[i], worldCollectors[i]);
	// Check that the results agree, and draw the results
		for (int i=0; i<numRays; i++)

			HK_ASSERT(0x0, iterativeCollectors[i].hasHit() == worldCollectors[i].hasHit());
			HK_ASSERT(0x0, hkMath::equal(iterativeCollectors[i].m_hitFraction, worldCollectors[i].m_earlyOutHitFraction));

			if (iterativeCollectors[i].hasHit())
				hkVector4 hitpoint;
				hitpoint.setInterpolate4(inputs[i].m_from, inputs[i].m_to, iterativeCollectors[i].m_hitFraction);
				HK_DISPLAY_STAR(hitpoint, .1f, hkColor::RED);
				HK_DISPLAY_ARROW(hitpoint, iterativeCollectors[i].m_normal, hkColor::CYAN);
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE(inputs[i].m_from, hitpoint, hkColor::BLUE);
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE(inputs[i].m_from, inputs[i].m_to, hkColor::WHITE);
コード例 #16
		void displayFinalRay( )
			hkVector4 lastHit;	lastHit.setInterpolate4( m_ray.m_from, m_ray.m_to, m_lastHitFraction );
			HK_DISPLAY_LINE( lastHit, m_ray.m_to, m_lastColor);
コード例 #17
void ShapeQueryDemo::worldLinearCast( hkpWorld* world, hkReal time, hkArray<QueryObject>& queryObjects )
	// For this cast we use a hkpClosestCdPointCollector to gather the results:
	hkpClosestCdPointCollector collector[10];

	// Since we're not too concerned with perfect accuracy, we can set the early out
	// distance to give the algorithm a chance to exit more quickly:
	world->getCollisionInput()->m_config->m_iterativeLinearCastEarlyOutDistance = 0.1f;
	// Cast direction
	hkVector4 displacement( 0.0f, -30.0f, 0.0f );

	// Perform all queries in one go (do not interleave with examining the results,
	// as this is bad for code and data cache.

	// The core loop is very similar to the one we described for the world ray cast,
	// with several casts being performed forming a circular pattern. The only
	// real difference this time is that we get the shape to cast (and the 'from'
	// position) from our collection of 'QueryObjects'.

		for ( int i = 0; i < queryObjects.getSize(); i++ )
			QueryObject& qo = queryObjects[i];

			// Create a new position: all objects move in a circle
			hkReal t = time + HK_REAL_PI * 2 * i / queryObjects.getSize();
			hkVector4 pos( hkMath::sin( t ) * 10.0f, 10.0f, hkMath::cos( t ) * 10.0f );

			// Set our position in our motion state

			// Query for intersecting objects
			for (int k = 0; k < NUM_ITER ; k++ )
					// Input
					hkpLinearCastInput input;
					input.m_to.setAdd4( pos, displacement );

					// Output
					hkpClosestCdPointCollector& coll = collector[i];

					// Call the engine
					world->linearCast( qo.m_collidable, input, coll );

	//	Batch examine the results

	// All that remains to do now is to display the results and update the position of our 'QueryObjects' (QO). We use the updateGeometry(...)
	// method from hkDebugDisplay to do the QO updates and once again we draw everything in GREEN:
		for ( int i = 0; i < queryObjects.getSize(); i++ )
			QueryObject& qo = queryObjects[i];

			// update our display
			if ( collector[i].hasHit() )
				// move our position to the hit and draw a line along the cast direction
				hkVector4& pos = qo.m_transform->getTranslation();
				hkVector4 to; to.setAdd4( pos, displacement );
				hkVector4 newPos; newPos.setInterpolate4( pos, to, collector[i].getHitContact().getDistance() );
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE(pos, newPos, hkColor::GREEN);

				// Update our QO
				qo.m_transform->setTranslation( newPos );
				hkDebugDisplay::getInstance().updateGeometry( qo.m_collidable->getTransform(), (hkUlong)qo.m_collidable, 0);

				// call a function to display the details
				displayRootCdPoint( world, collector[i].getHit() );
コード例 #18
void KdTreeVsBroadphaseDemo::doLinearCasts()
	const int numCasts = 100;

	hkObjectArray<hkpClosestCdPointCollector> worldCollectors(numCasts);
	hkObjectArray<hkpClosestCdPointCollector> treeCollectors(numCasts);
	hkArray<hkpLinearCastInput> lcInput (numCasts);

	hkArray<const hkpCollidable*> castCollidables(numCasts);

	for (int i=0; i < numCasts; i++)
		//hkprintf("random seed = %d\n", m_rand.getCurrent());
		castCollidables[i] = m_collidables[ m_rand.getRand32() % m_collidables.getSize() ];

		hkVector4 start, end;
		start = hkGetRigidBody(castCollidables[i])->getPosition();

		hkVector4 worldSize(m_worldSizeX, m_worldSizeY, m_worldSizeZ);

		// Flatten out the rays in one component - this triggers a special case in the raycasting code
			end(i%3) = start(i%3);

		lcInput[i].m_to = end;
		lcInput[i].m_maxExtraPenetration = HK_REAL_EPSILON;
		lcInput[i].m_startPointTolerance = HK_REAL_EPSILON;


		HK_ASSERT(0x3fe8daf1, m_world->m_kdTreeManager->isUpToDate());
		HK_TIME_CODE_BLOCK("kdtreeLinearCast", HK_NULL);
		for (int i=0; i < numCasts; i++)
			m_world->linearCast(castCollidables[i], lcInput[i], treeCollectors[i] );


		HK_TIME_CODE_BLOCK("worldLinearCast", HK_NULL);
		// Mark the world's kd-tree as dirty, forcing raycasting to go through the old (slow) hkp3AxisSweep algorithm
		// You should NOT usually be doing this.
		for (int i=0; i < numCasts; i++)
			m_world->linearCast(castCollidables[i], lcInput[i], worldCollectors[i] );
	// Check that the results agree, and draw the results
		for (int i=0; i<numCasts; i++)

  			HK_ASSERT(0x0, worldCollectors[i].hasHit() == treeCollectors[i].hasHit() );
  			if (worldCollectors[i].hasHit())
  				hkReal tolerance = m_world->getCollisionInput()->m_config->m_iterativeLinearCastEarlyOutDistance;
  				hkBool hitFractionsEqual = hkMath::equal(worldCollectors[i].getEarlyOutDistance(), treeCollectors[i].getEarlyOutDistance(), 2.0f*tolerance);
  				hkBool hitCollidablesEqual =  worldCollectors[i].getHit().m_rootCollidableB == treeCollectors[i].getHit().m_rootCollidableB ;
  				HK_ASSERT(0x0, hitFractionsEqual || hitCollidablesEqual );

			hkVector4 start = hkGetRigidBody(castCollidables[i])->getPosition();

			if (treeCollectors[i].hasHit())
				hkVector4 hitpoint;
				hitpoint.setInterpolate4(start, lcInput[i].m_to, treeCollectors[i].getEarlyOutDistance() );

				HK_DISPLAY_STAR(hitpoint, .1f, hkColor::RED);
				HK_DISPLAY_ARROW(hitpoint, treeCollectors[i].getHit().m_contact.getNormal(),  hkColor::CYAN);
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE(start, hitpoint, hkColor::BLUE);
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE(start, lcInput[i].m_to, hkColor::WHITE);
コード例 #19
void ShapeQueryDemo::worldRayCast( hkpWorld* world, hkReal time, hkBool useCollector )
	const int N_RAY_CASTS = 10;

	hkpWorldRayCastInput  rayInputs[N_RAY_CASTS];
	hkpWorldRayCastOutput rayOutputs[N_RAY_CASTS];
	hkpClosestRayHitCollector rayCollector[ N_RAY_CASTS ];

	// We may also choose whether or not we wish to use a collector or output structure to
	// gather the results of the query (hkpWorld::castRay has two overloaded methods).

	hkVector4 displacement( 0.0f, -30.0f, 0.0f );

	//	Perform all queries in one go (do not interleave with examining the results,
	//  as this is bad for code and data cache.
		for ( int i = 0; i < N_RAY_CASTS; i++ )
			hkpWorldRayCastInput& in = rayInputs[i];

			// create a new position: all objects move in a circle
			hkReal t = time + (HK_REAL_PI * 2 * i) / N_RAY_CASTS;
			hkVector4 pos( hkMath::sin( t ) * 8.0f, 10.0f, hkMath::cos( t ) * 8.0f );

			//	Set our position in our input structure
			in.m_from = pos;
			in.m_to.setAdd4( pos, displacement );

			// Query for intersecting objects. monitor the timing.
			for (int k = 0; k < NUM_ITER ; k++ )
				HK_TIMER_BEGIN("raycast", HK_NULL);
				if ( useCollector )
					hkpClosestRayHitCollector& collector = rayCollector[i];
					world->castRay( in, collector );
					hkpWorldRayCastOutput& out = rayOutputs[i];
					world->castRay( in, out );
				HK_TIMER_END( );

	// Once we've cast our rays all that remains to do is display them!
	// We can do this by using both the input structure (to find the
	// start position) and the output structure (which in the case
	// of using collectors uses the collector's internal
	// hkpWorldRayCastOutput structure) to find the end point.
	// We plot N_RAY_CAST casts, one for each iteration, in a GREEN colour.
		for ( int i = 0; i < N_RAY_CASTS; i++ )
			hkpWorldRayCastInput& in = rayInputs[i];

			const hkpWorldRayCastOutput* out;
			if ( useCollector )
				 out = &rayCollector[i].getHit();
				out = &rayOutputs[i];

			//	Display the ray
				hkVector4 hitPoint;	hitPoint.setInterpolate4( in.m_from, in.m_to, out->m_hitFraction );
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE(in.m_from, hitPoint, hkColor::GREEN);

			//	Display the result
			if ( out->hasHit() )
				displayRayHit( world, in, *out );
コード例 #20
hkDemo::Result WorldLinearCastMultithreadedDemo::stepDemo()
	if (m_jobThreadPool->getNumThreads() == 0)
		 HK_WARN(0x34561f23, "This demo does not run with only one thread");
		 return DEMO_STOP;

//	const WorldLinearCastMultithreadedDemoVariant& variant = g_WorldLinearCastMultithreadedDemoVariants[m_variantId];


	//	Reset all object colors
		for (int i = 0; i < m_rocksOnTheFloor.getSize(); i++)
			HK_SET_OBJECT_COLOR((hkUlong)m_rocksOnTheFloor[i]->getCollidable(), hkColor::rgbFromChars(70,70,70));

	// For this cast we use a hkpClosestCdPointCollector to gather the results:
	hkpClosestCdPointCollector collectors[10];

	// Since we're not too concerned with perfect accuracy, we can set the early out
	// distance to give the algorithm a chance to exit more quickly:
	m_world->getCollisionInput()->m_config->m_iterativeLinearCastEarlyOutDistance = 0.1f;

	// Cast direction & length.
	hkVector4 castVector( 0.0f, -30.0f, 0.0f );

	int numQueryObjects = m_queryObjects.getSize();

	// Setup the output array where the resulting collision points will be returned.
	hkpRootCdPoint* collisionPoints = hkAllocateChunk<hkpRootCdPoint>(numQueryObjects, HK_MEMORY_CLASS_DEMO);

	// Setup commands: one command for each query object.
	hkArray<hkpWorldLinearCastCommand> commands;
		for ( int i = 0; i < numQueryObjects; i++ )
			QueryObject& queryObject = m_queryObjects[i];

			// Let QueryObjects move in circles.
			hkVector4 position;
				hkReal t = m_time + HK_REAL_PI * 2 * i / m_queryObjects.getSize();
				position.set( hkMath::sin( t ) * 10.0f, 10.0f, hkMath::cos( t ) * 10.0f );


			hkpWorldLinearCastCommand& command = commands.expandOne();
				// Init input data.
					command.m_input.m_to				  . setAdd4( position, castVector );
					command.m_input.m_maxExtraPenetration = HK_REAL_EPSILON;
					command.m_input.m_startPointTolerance = HK_REAL_EPSILON;

					command.m_collidable				  = queryObject.m_collidable;

				// Init output data.
					command.m_results			= &collisionPoints[i];
					command.m_resultsCapacity	= 1;
					command.m_numResultsOut		= 0;

	// Create the job header.
	hkpCollisionQueryJobHeader* jobHeader;
		jobHeader = hkAllocateChunk<hkpCollisionQueryJobHeader>(1, HK_MEMORY_CLASS_DEMO);

	// Setup hkpWorldLinearCastJob.
	hkpWorldLinearCastJob worldLinearCastJob(m_world->getCollisionInput(), jobHeader, commands.begin(), commands.getSize(), m_world->m_broadPhase, &m_semaphore);

	// Put the job on the queue, kick-off the PPU/SPU threads and wait for everything to finish.

		// Put the raycast job on the job queue.

		m_jobQueue->addJob( worldLinearCastJob, hkJobQueue::JOB_LOW_PRIORITY );

		m_jobThreadPool->processAllJobs( m_jobQueue );


		// Wait for the one single job we started to finish.


	// Display results.
			for (int i = 0; i < commands.getSize(); i++)
				QueryObject& queryObject = m_queryObjects[i];

				hkpWorldLinearCastCommand& command = commands[i];
				if ( command.m_numResultsOut > 0 )
					// move our position to the hit and draw a line along the cast direction
					hkVector4& pos = queryObject.m_transform->getTranslation();
					hkVector4 to; to.setAdd4( pos, castVector );
					hkVector4 newPos; newPos.setInterpolate4( pos, to, command.m_results->m_contact.getDistance() );
					HK_DISPLAY_LINE(pos, newPos, hkColor::GREEN);

					// Update our QO
					queryObject.m_transform->setTranslation( newPos );
					hkDebugDisplay::getInstance().updateGeometry( queryObject.m_collidable->getTransform(), (hkUlong)queryObject.m_collidable, 0);

					// call a function to display the details
					displayRootCdPoint( m_world, *command.m_results );
					// only draw a line along the cast direction
					hkVector4& pos = queryObject.m_transform->getTranslation();
					hkVector4 to; to.setAdd4( pos, castVector );
					HK_DISPLAY_LINE(pos, to, hkColor::GREEN);

					// Update our QO
					hkVector4 nirvana(10000.0f, 10000.0f, 10000.0f);
					queryObject.m_transform->setTranslation( nirvana );
					hkDebugDisplay::getInstance().updateGeometry( queryObject.m_collidable->getTransform(), (hkUlong)queryObject.m_collidable, 0);

	// Free temporarily allocated memory.
	hkDeallocateChunk( jobHeader, 1, HK_MEMORY_CLASS_DEMO );
	hkDeallocateChunk(collisionPoints, numQueryObjects, HK_MEMORY_CLASS_DEMO);

	m_time += 0.005f;

	return hkDefaultPhysicsDemo::stepDemo();
コード例 #21
static void phantomLinearCast( ShapeQueryDemo* demo, hkArray<T*>& phantoms, hkReal offset )
	hkpClosestCdPointCollector collector[10];

	//	We are not really interested in the perfect accuracy, so we give the
	//  algorithm a chance for early outs
	demo->m_world->getCollisionInput()->m_config->m_iterativeLinearCastEarlyOutDistance = 0.1f;

	//	Cast direction
	hkVector4 displacement( 0.0f, -30.0f, 0.0f );

	//	Perform all queries in one go (do not interleave with examining the results,
	//  as this is bad for code and data cache.
		for ( int i = 0; i < phantoms.getSize(); i++ )
			// create a new position: all objects move in a circle
			hkReal t = demo->m_time + HK_REAL_PI * 2 * i / phantoms.getSize() + offset;
			hkVector4 pos( hkMath::sin( t ) * 12.0f, 10.0f, hkMath::cos( t ) * 10.0f );

			// Query for intersecting objects
			for (int k = 0; k < NUM_ITER ; k++ )
					// input
					hkpLinearCastInput input;
					input.m_to.setAdd4( pos, displacement );

					// output
					hkpClosestCdPointCollector& coll = collector[i];

					//	Call the engine
					phantoms[i]->setPositionAndLinearCast( pos, input, coll, HK_NULL );


	// As usual for phantoms we need only concern ourselves with updating the display with the results of the
	// linear cast. In this case we draw everything in ORANGE.
		for ( int i = 0; i < phantoms.getSize(); i++ )
			// update our display
			if ( collector[i].hasHit() )
				// move our position to the hit and draw a line along the cast direction
				const hkVector4& pos = phantoms[i]->getTransform().getTranslation();
				hkVector4 to; to.setAdd4( pos, displacement );
				hkVector4 newPos; newPos.setInterpolate4( pos, to, collector[i].getHitContact().getDistance() );
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE(pos, newPos, hkColor::rgbFromChars( 240, 200, 0, 200 ));
				phantoms[i]->setPosition( newPos );

				// call a function to display the details
				demo->displayRootCdPoint( demo->m_world, collector[i].getHit() );
コード例 #22
hkDemo::Result DestructibleWallsDemo::stepDemo()

		const hkgPad* pad = m_env->m_gamePad;

		// Cannon control + drawing
		// check to see if the user has pressed one of the control keys:
		int x = ((pad->getButtonState() & HKG_PAD_DPAD_LEFT) != 0)? -1:0;
		x = ((pad->getButtonState() & HKG_PAD_DPAD_RIGHT) != 0)? 1:x;
		int y = ((pad->getButtonState() & HKG_PAD_DPAD_DOWN) != 0)? -1:0;
		y = ((pad->getButtonState() & HKG_PAD_DPAD_UP) != 0)?    1:y;

		m_shootingDirX += x * 0.015f;
		m_shootingDirY += y * 0.015f;

		hkVector4 canonStart( m_centerOfScene );
		canonStart(2) += m_options.m_WallsWidth*2.0f;

		hkVector4 canonDir( m_shootingDirX, m_shootingDirY, -1.0f );

		// display the canon direction 
			hkpWorldRayCastInput in;
			in.m_from = canonStart;
			in.m_to.setAddMul4( in.m_from, canonDir, 100.0f );
			in.m_filterInfo = 0;
			hkpWorldRayCastOutput out;
			m_world->castRay( in , out );
			hkVector4 hit; hit.setInterpolate4( in.m_from, in.m_to, out.m_hitFraction );
			HK_DISPLAY_LINE( in.m_from, hit, 0x600000ff );
			if ( out.hasHit() )
				HK_DISPLAY_ARROW( hit, out.m_normal, 0x60ff00ff );
			HK_DISPLAY_ARROW( canonStart, canonDir, hkColor::CYAN );

		// Shooting bullets
			hkBool shooting = false;

			if ( pad->wasButtonPressed(HKG_PAD_BUTTON_1)!= 0 )
				shooting = true;

			if (  pad->isButtonPressed(HKG_PAD_BUTTON_2)!= 0)
				if ( m_gunCounter-- < 0 )
					shooting = true;
					m_gunCounter = 5;

			if ( shooting )
				hkpMassProperties result;
				hkpInertiaTensorComputer::computeSphereVolumeMassProperties(m_options.m_cannonBallRadius, m_options.m_cannonBallMass, result);

				hkpSphereShape* sphereShape = new hkpSphereShape(m_options.m_cannonBallRadius); 
				hkVector4 spherePos(-20.0f, 0.0f + m_options.m_cannonBallRadius, 200.0f);

				hkpRigidBodyCinfo sphereInfo;
				sphereInfo.m_mass = result.m_mass;
				sphereInfo.m_centerOfMass = result.m_centerOfMass;
				sphereInfo.m_inertiaTensor = result.m_inertiaTensor;
				sphereInfo.m_shape = sphereShape;
				sphereInfo.m_motionType = hkpMotion::MOTION_BOX_INERTIA;
				sphereInfo.m_position = canonStart;
				sphereInfo.m_qualityType = HK_COLLIDABLE_QUALITY_BULLET;
				sphereInfo.m_linearVelocity.setMul4( 100.0f, canonDir );

				hkpRigidBody* bullet = new hkpRigidBody( sphereInfo );

				m_world->addEntity( bullet );

	// release the world

	// step demo
	hkDemo::Result res = hkDefaultPhysicsDemo::stepDemo();

	//HK_TIMER_BEGIN_LIST( "Update Walls", "Update Walls"/*HK_NULL*/);
	HK_TIMER_BEGIN( "Update Walls", "update walls"/*HK_NULL*/);
	if(m_collisionDetectionType == PARALLEL)
		HK_ASSERT2(0x7274e9ec, m_fractureUtility!=HK_NULL ,"The parallel simulation wasn't set!!");
		// and update walls

	HK_TIMER_BEGIN("DebugDisplay", HK_NULL);
	if(m_fractureUtility->getSimulation() && m_options.m_showDebugDisplay)
		// applied impulses
		for(int i=0; i<m_fractureUtility->getSimulation()->debugImpulses.getSize(); i+=2)
			hkVector4 start( m_fractureUtility->getSimulation()->debugImpulses[i] );
			hkVector4 end( m_fractureUtility->getSimulation()->debugImpulses[i+1] );
			end.mul4( 0.01f );
			HK_DISPLAY_ARROW(start, end , 0x00000000);			
		if(m_fractureUtility->getSimulation()->debugImpulses.getSize() > 100 )

		// bricks positions in parallel simulation
		hkArray<hkVector4> positions;
		m_fractureUtility->getSimulation()->getAllBricksPositions( positions );
		for(int i=0; i<positions.getSize(); ++i)
			drawBrick(positions[i] , m_brickHalfExtents);

		// edges of union find
		for(int i=0; i<m_fractureUtility->getSimulation()->debugEdges.getSize(); i+=2)
			HK_DISPLAY_LINE(m_fractureUtility->getSimulation()->debugEdges[i], m_fractureUtility->getSimulation()->debugEdges[i+1] , 0x00000000);

	if(m_collisionDetectionType == PARALLEL)
		hkArray< hkVector4 > planes;
		for(int i=0; i< planes.getSize()-2; ++i)
				hkVector4 offset(.0f, .5f, .0f/*.5f, .5f, .5f*/);
				HK_DISPLAY_PLANE(planes[i], offset, 0.5f, 0xffffffff);
		if(!planes.isEmpty() && planes[planes.getSize()-1].length3()!=0)
			hkVector4 offset(.0f, .5f, .0f/*.5f, .5f, .5f*/);
			HK_DISPLAY_PLANE(planes[planes.getSize()-2], offset, 0.5f, 0x00000000);
			HK_DISPLAY_PLANE(planes[planes.getSize()-1], offset, 0.5f, 0xffff0000);
		hkArray<hkVector4> cpts;
		hkArray<hkVector4> impulses;
		m_fractureUtility->getSimulation()->getAllDebugImpulsesAndContactPoints(impulses, cpts);
		for(int i=0; i< cpts.getSize(); ++i)
			HK_DISPLAY_ARROW(cpts[i], impulses[i] , 0x00000000);	
	return res;
コード例 #23
void ShapeQueryDemo::phantomRayCast( hkpWorld* world, hkReal time, hkArray<hkpAabbPhantom*>& phantoms, hkBool useCollector )
	const int N_RAY_CASTS = 10;

	hkpWorldRayCastInput  rayInputs[N_RAY_CASTS];
	hkpWorldRayCastOutput rayOutputs[N_RAY_CASTS];
	hkpClosestRayHitCollector rayCollector[ N_RAY_CASTS ];

	hkVector4 displacement( 0.0f, -30.0f, 0.0f );

	//	Perform all queries in one go (do not interleave with examining the results,
	//  as this is bad for code and data cache.
		for ( int i = 0; i < N_RAY_CASTS; i++ )
			hkpWorldRayCastInput& in = rayInputs[i];

			// create a new position: all objects move in a circle
			hkReal t = time + (HK_REAL_PI * 2 * i) / N_RAY_CASTS;
			hkVector4 pos( hkMath::sin( t ) * 12.0f, 10.0f, hkMath::cos( t ) * 12.0f );

			//	Set our position in our input structure
			in.m_from = pos;
			in.m_to.setAdd4( pos, displacement );

			// Query for intersecting objects
			for (int k = 0; k < NUM_ITER ; k++ )
				HK_TIMER_BEGIN("raycast", HK_NULL);

				//	Move our phantom so it encapsulates our ray
				hkpAabbPhantom* phantom = phantoms[i];
					hkAabb aabb;
					aabb.m_min.setMin4( in.m_to, in.m_from );
					aabb.m_max.setMax4( in.m_to, in.m_from );
					phantom->setAabb( aabb );

				if ( useCollector )
					hkpClosestRayHitCollector& collector = rayCollector[i];
					phantom->castRay( in, collector );
					hkpWorldRayCastOutput& out = rayOutputs[i];
					phantom->castRay( in, out );
				HK_TIMER_END( );

	//	Batch display the results
	//	NOTE that phantom displays have been forced off for this variant.
		for ( int i = 0; i < N_RAY_CASTS; i++ )
			hkpWorldRayCastInput& in = rayInputs[i];

			const hkpWorldRayCastOutput* out;
			if ( useCollector )
				 out = &rayCollector[i].getHit();
				 hkVector4 off(.1f,0,0);
				 in.m_from.add4( off );
				 in.m_to.add4( off );
				out = &rayOutputs[i];
			//	Display the ray
				hkVector4 hitPoint;	hitPoint.setInterpolate4( in.m_from, in.m_to, out->m_hitFraction );
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE(in.m_from, hitPoint, hkColor::rgbFromChars( 240, 200, 0, 200 ));

			//	Display the result
			if ( out->hasHit() )
				displayRayHit( world, in, *out );
コード例 #24
hkDemo::Result WorldRayCastMultithreadedDemo::stepDemo()
	// const WorldRayCastMultithreadedDemoVariant& variant = g_WorldRayCastMultithreadedDemoVariants[m_variantId];

	m_time += m_timestep;

	// The start point of the ray remains fixed in world space with the destination point of the
	// ray being varied in both the X and Y directions. This is achieved with simple
	// sine and cosine functions calls using the current time as the varying parameter:

	hkReal xDir = 12.0f * hkMath::sin(m_time * 0.3f);
	hkReal yDir = 12.0f * hkMath::cos(m_time * 0.3f);

	// For this demo an array of size 1 is sufficient.
	hkArray<hkpWorldRayCastOutput> resultArray(1);

	const int numCommands = 1;
	hkArray<hkpWorldRayCastCommand> commands(numCommands);
		hkpWorldRayCastCommand& command = commands[0];
		command.m_rayInput.m_from							. set(0.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f);
		command.m_rayInput.m_to								. set( xDir, yDir, -15.0f);
		command.m_rayInput.m_enableShapeCollectionFilter	= false;
		command.m_rayInput.m_filterInfo						= 0;
		command.m_results									= resultArray.begin();
		command.m_resultsCapacity							= 1;
		command.m_numResultsOut								= 0;

	// create the job header
	hkpCollisionQueryJobHeader* jobHeader;
		jobHeader = hkAllocateChunk<hkpCollisionQueryJobHeader>(1, HK_MEMORY_CLASS_DEMO);

	// setup hkpWorldRayCastJob
	hkpWorldRayCastJob worldRayCastJob(m_world->getCollisionInput(), jobHeader, commands.begin(), numCommands, m_world->m_broadPhase, &m_semaphore);

	// Put the job on the queue, kick-off the PPU/SPU threads and wait for everything to finish.

		// Put the raycast job on the job queue.

		m_jobQueue->addJob( worldRayCastJob, hkJobQueue::JOB_LOW_PRIORITY );

		m_jobThreadPool->processAllJobs( m_jobQueue );


		// Wait for the one single job we started to finish.


	// Display results.
	if( commands[0].m_numResultsOut > 0 )
		hkVector4 intersectionPointWorld;
		intersectionPointWorld.setInterpolate4( commands[0].m_rayInput.m_from, commands[0].m_rayInput.m_to, commands[0].m_results->m_hitFraction );
		HK_DISPLAY_LINE( commands[0].m_rayInput.m_from, intersectionPointWorld, hkColor::RED);
		HK_DISPLAY_ARROW( intersectionPointWorld, commands[0].m_results->m_normal, hkColor::CYAN);
		// Otherwise draw as GREY
		HK_DISPLAY_LINE(commands[0].m_rayInput.m_from, commands[0].m_rayInput.m_to, hkColor::rgbFromChars(200, 200, 200));

	// Free temporarily allocated memory.
	hkDeallocateChunk(jobHeader, 1, HK_MEMORY_CLASS_DEMO);

	return hkDefaultPhysicsDemo::stepDemo();
コード例 #25
hkDemo::Result WorldLinearCastMultithreadingApiDemo::stepDemo()
//	const WorldLinearCastMultithreadingApiDemoVariant& variant = g_WorldLinearCastMultithreadingApiDemoVariants[m_variantId];

	// Advance time (used for calculating the rotating linear cast path).
	m_time += m_timestep;

	// Setup the output array where the resulting collision points will be returned.
	hkpRootCdPoint* bpCollisionPoints = hkAllocateChunk<hkpRootCdPoint>(1, HK_MEMORY_CLASS_DEMO);
	hkpRootCdPoint* kdCollisionPoints = hkAllocateChunk<hkpRootCdPoint>(1, HK_MEMORY_CLASS_DEMO);

	// Setup the hkpWorldLinearCastCommand bpCommand.
	hkpWorldLinearCastCommand* bpCommand;
	hkpWorldLinearCastCommand* kdCommand;
		bpCommand = hkAllocateChunk<hkpWorldLinearCastCommand>(1, HK_MEMORY_CLASS_DEMO);
		kdCommand = hkAllocateChunk<hkpWorldLinearCastCommand>(1, HK_MEMORY_CLASS_DEMO);

		// Init input data.
			bpCommand->m_input.m_to(0) = (CAST_CIRCLE_RADIUS * hkMath::sin(m_time * 1.0f));
			bpCommand->m_input.m_to(2) = (CAST_CIRCLE_RADIUS * hkMath::cos(m_time * 1.0f));

			bpCommand->m_input.m_maxExtraPenetration = HK_REAL_EPSILON;
			bpCommand->m_input.m_startPointTolerance = HK_REAL_EPSILON;

			// hkpWorldObject::getCollidable() needs a read-lock on the object
			bpCommand->m_collidable = m_castBody->getCollidable();


		// Init output data.
			bpCommand->m_results			= bpCollisionPoints;
			bpCommand->m_resultsCapacity	= 1;
			bpCommand->m_numResultsOut	= 0;
		// Copy the data for the kd-tree command
		*kdCommand = *bpCommand;
		// Different results ptr and numResultsOut, but everything else is the same;
		kdCommand->m_results = kdCollisionPoints;

	// create the job header
	hkpCollisionQueryJobHeader* bpJobHeader;
	hkpRayCastQueryJobHeader* kdJobHeader;
		bpJobHeader = hkAllocateChunk<hkpCollisionQueryJobHeader>(1, HK_MEMORY_CLASS_DEMO);
		kdJobHeader = hkAllocateChunk<hkpRayCastQueryJobHeader>(1, HK_MEMORY_CLASS_DEMO);

	// Setup the jobs.
	hkSemaphoreBusyWait* semaphore = new hkSemaphoreBusyWait(0, 1000); // must be allocated on heap, for SPU to work

	hkpWorldLinearCastJob worldLinearCastJob( m_world->getCollisionInput(), bpJobHeader, bpCommand, 1, m_world->m_broadPhase, semaphore);

	m_world->m_kdTreeManager->updateFromWorld(m_jobQueue, m_jobThreadPool);
	hkpKdTreeLinearCastJob kdTreeLinearCastJob(m_world->getCollisionInput(), kdJobHeader, kdCommand, 1, semaphore);
		// The jobs support multiple trees, but we only have one in the world right now
		kdTreeLinearCastJob.m_numTrees = 1;
		kdTreeLinearCastJob.m_trees[0] = m_world->m_kdTreeManager->getTree();


	// Put the job on the queue, kick-off the PPU/SPU threads and wait for everything to finish.

		m_jobQueue->addJob( worldLinearCastJob, hkJobQueue::JOB_LOW_PRIORITY );

		m_jobThreadPool->processAllJobs( m_jobQueue );

		// Wait for the one single job we started to finish.


	// Now do the same for the kd-tree job
		m_jobQueue->addJob(kdTreeLinearCastJob, hkJobQueue::JOB_HIGH_PRIORITY );

		m_jobThreadPool->processAllJobs( m_jobQueue );


	delete semaphore;

	// Display results.
		hkVector4 from	= bpCommand->m_collidable->getTransform().getTranslation();
		hkVector4 to	= bpCommand->m_input.m_to;
		hkVector4 path;
		path.setSub4(to, from);

		if ( bpCommand->m_numResultsOut > 0 )
			for ( int r = 0; r < bpCommand->m_numResultsOut; r++)
				const hkContactPoint& contactPoint = bpCommand->m_results[r].m_contact;

				hkReal fraction = contactPoint.getDistance();

				// Calculate the position on the linear cast's path where the first collidable hit the second collidable.
				hkVector4 pointOnPath;
					pointOnPath.setAddMul4( from, path, fraction );

				// Draw the linear cast line from startpoint to hitpoint.
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE( from, pointOnPath, hkColor::RED );

				// Draw the collision normal.
				HK_DISPLAY_ARROW( pointOnPath, contactPoint.getNormal(), hkColor::BLUE );

				// Draw the linear cast line from hitpoint to endpoint.
				HK_DISPLAY_LINE( pointOnPath, to, hkColor::BLACK );

				// Display body's position at 'time of collision'.
					hkTransform castTransform = bpCommand->m_collidable->getTransform();
					m_env->m_displayHandler->updateGeometry(castTransform, 1, 0);
			// Display the whole linear cast line.
			HK_DISPLAY_LINE( from, to, hkColor::BLACK );

			// Display the casted collidable at cast's endpoint.
				hkTransform castTransform = bpCommand->m_collidable->getTransform();
				m_env->m_displayHandler->updateGeometry(castTransform, 1, 0);

	// Free temporarily allocated memory.
	hkDeallocateChunk(bpJobHeader,       1, HK_MEMORY_CLASS_DEMO);
	hkDeallocateChunk(bpCommand,         1, HK_MEMORY_CLASS_DEMO);
	hkDeallocateChunk(kdCommand,         1, HK_MEMORY_CLASS_DEMO);
	hkDeallocateChunk(bpCollisionPoints, 1, HK_MEMORY_CLASS_DEMO);
	hkDeallocateChunk(kdCollisionPoints, 1, HK_MEMORY_CLASS_DEMO);

	return hkDefaultPhysicsDemo::stepDemo();