int main() { kmeans("./dataset", "./result"); Forecast forecast("./result"); HMM hmm = HMM("./dataset", "./dictionnary.txt", forecast); hmm.print(); { cout << "Save" << endl; std::ofstream ofs("hmm_save"); boost::archive::text_oarchive oa(ofs); oa << hmm; } HMM hmm2 = HMM(); { cout << "Load" << endl; std::ifstream ifs("hmm_save"); boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(ifs); ia >> hmm2; } hmm2.print(); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main() { calculate_no_samples2(); //printf("\nThe no. of samples in the given sound data is: %d\n", no_samples); /* DCshift(); normalize(); silence_removal(); hamming_window_values(); start = 0; calculate_ci();*/ HMM(); free(data_set); free(initial_codebook); free(centroid); free(min_distance); free(data_set_index); delete[]values; delete[]data; printf("Finished.:)\n"); getchar(); }