OGDFPlanarizationGrid(const tlp::PluginContext* context) :OGDFLayoutPluginBase(context, new ogdf::PlanarizationGridLayout()) { addInParameter<double>("page ratio", HTML_HELP_OPEN() HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "double" ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "Sets the option pageRatio." HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), "1.0"); addInParameter<StringCollection>(ELT_PLANARSUBGRAPH, HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "StringCollection") HTML_HELP_DEF("values", "- FastPlanarSubgraph <i>(Computation of a planar subgraph using PQ-trees)</i><br/>- MaximalPlanarSubgraphSimple") HTML_HELP_DEF( "default", "FastPlanarSubgraph " ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "Indicates the computation type for the planar subgraph." HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), ELT_PLANARSUBGRAPHLIST); addInParameter<StringCollection>(ELT_EDGEINSERTION, HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "StringCollection") HTML_HELP_DEF("values", "- FixedEmbeddingInserter <i>(Edge insertion module that inserts each edge optimally into a fixed embedding)</i><br/>- VariableEmbeddingInserter <i>(Optimal edge insertion algorithm, which inserts a single edge with a minum number of crossings into a planar graph)</i><br/>- VariableEmbeddingInserter2") HTML_HELP_DEF( "default", "FixedEmbeddingInserter " ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "Indicates the type of edge insertion." HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), ELT_EDGEINSERTIONLIST); }
OGDFFastMultipoleMultiLevelEmbedder(const tlp::PluginContext* context) :OGDFLayoutPluginBase(context, new ogdf::FastMultipoleMultilevelEmbedder()) { addInParameter<int>("number of threads", HTML_HELP_OPEN() HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "int" ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "The number of threads to use during the computation of the layout." HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), "2"); }
OGDFFastMultipoleMultiLevelEmbedder(const tlp::PluginContext* context) : OGDFLayoutPluginBase(context, new ogdf::ComponentSplitterLayout()), fmme(new ogdf::FastMultipoleMultilevelEmbedder()) { addInParameter<int>("number of threads", HTML_HELP_OPEN() HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "int" ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "The number of threads to use during the computation of the layout." HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), "2"); addInParameter<int>("multilevel nodes bound", HTML_HELP_OPEN() HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "int" ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "The bound for the number of nodes for multilevel step." HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), "10"); ogdf::ComponentSplitterLayout *csl = reinterpret_cast<ogdf::ComponentSplitterLayout*>(ogdfLayoutAlgo); // ComponentSplitterLayout takes ownership of the FastMultipoleMultilevelEmbedder instance csl->setLayoutModule(fmme); }
OGDFCircular(const tlp::PluginContext* context) :OGDFLayoutPluginBase(context, new ogdf::CircularLayout()) { addInParameter<double> ("minDistCircle", HTML_HELP_OPEN() HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "double" ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "The minimal distance between nodes on a circle." HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), "20.0", false); addInParameter<double> ("minDistLevel", HTML_HELP_OPEN() HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "double" ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "The minimal distance between father and child circle. " HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), "20.0", false); addInParameter<double> ("minDistSibling", HTML_HELP_OPEN() HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "double" ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "The minimal distance between circles on same level. " HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), "10.0", false); addInParameter<double> ("minDistCC", HTML_HELP_OPEN() HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "double" ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "The minimal distance between connected components." HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), "20.0", false); addInParameter<double> ("pageRatio", HTML_HELP_OPEN() HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "double" ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "The page ratio used for packing connected components." HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), "1.0", false); }
OGDFTree(const tlp::PluginContext* context) :OGDFLayoutPluginBase(context, new ogdf::TreeLayout()) { addInParameter<double>("siblings distance", HTML_HELP_OPEN() HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "double" ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "The minimal required horizontal distance between siblings." HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), "20"); addInParameter<double>("subtrees distance", HTML_HELP_OPEN() HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "double" ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "The minimal required horizontal distance between subtrees." HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), "20"); addInParameter<double>("levels distance", HTML_HELP_OPEN() HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "double" ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "The minimal required vertical distance between levels." HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), "50"); addInParameter<double>("trees distance", HTML_HELP_OPEN() HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "double" ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "The minimal required horizontal distance between trees in the forest." HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), "50"); addInParameter<bool>("orthogonal layout", HTML_HELP_OPEN() HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "bool" ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "Indicates whether orthogonal edge routing style is used or not." HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), "false"); addInParameter<StringCollection>(ELT_ORIENTATION, HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "StringCollection") HTML_HELP_DEF("values", "- topToBottom <i>(Edges are oriented from top to bottom)</i><br/>- bottomToTop <i>(Edges are oriented from bottom to top)</i><br>- leftToRight <i>(Edges are oriented from left to right)</i><br/>- rightToLeft <i>(Edges are oriented from right to left)</i>") HTML_HELP_DEF( "default", "topToBottom " ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "This parameter indicates the orientation of the layout." HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), ELT_ORIENTATIONLIST); addInParameter<StringCollection>(ELT_ROOTSELECTION, HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "StringCollection") HTML_HELP_DEF("values", "- rootIsSource <i>(Select a source in the graph)</i><br>- rootIsSink <i>(Select a sink in the graph)</i><br/>- rootByCoord <i>(Use the coordinates, e.g., select the topmost node if orientation is topToBottom)</i>") HTML_HELP_DEF( "default", "rootIsSource " ) HTML_HELP_BODY() "This parameter that indicates how the root is selected." HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), ELT_ROOTSELECTIONLIST); }
* */ #include<fstream> #include "routes.h" #include "fabric.h" #include "ibautils/ib_fabric.h" #include "ibautils/ib_parser.h" #include "ibautils/regex.h" PLUGIN(ImportInfinibandRoutes) static const char * paramHelp[] = { // File to Open HTML_HELP_OPEN() \ HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "pathname" ) \ HTML_HELP_BODY() \ "Path to ibdiagnet2.fdbs file to import" \ HTML_HELP_CLOSE() }; ImportInfinibandRoutes::ImportInfinibandRoutes(tlp::PluginContext* context) : tlp::Algorithm(context) { addInParameter<std::string>("file::filename", paramHelp[0],""); } namespace ib = infiniband; namespace ibp = infiniband::parser; bool ImportInfinibandRoutes::run()
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Tulip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #include <tulip/ColorAlgorithm.h> #include <tulip/ColorProperty.h> static const char * paramHelp[] = { HTML_HELP_OPEN() \ HTML_HELP_DEF( "type", "ColorProperty" ) \ HTML_HELP_DEF( "default", "\"viewColor\"" ) \ HTML_HELP_BODY() \ "This parameter indicates the property to compute." \ HTML_HELP_CLOSE(), }; tlp::ColorAlgorithm::ColorAlgorithm (const tlp::AlgorithmContext &context):tlp::Algorithm(context), colorResult(NULL) { addOutParameter<tlp::ColorProperty>("result", paramHelp[0], "viewColor"); if (dataSet != NULL) dataSet->get("result", colorResult); } tlp::ColorAlgorithm::~ColorAlgorithm() {