コード例 #1
ファイル: HomographyModel.cpp プロジェクト: antithing/uniclop
void HomographyModel::compute_residuals
(const vector< ScoredMatch> &data_points, vector<float> &residuals) const
    // residuals -> errors
    // Compute the residuals relative to the given parameter vector.

// based on rrel_homography2d_est :: compute_residuals

    vnl_matrix< double > H(3,3);
    int r,c;
    for ( r=0; r<3; ++r )
        for ( c=0; c<3; ++c )
            H( r, c ) = parameters[ 3*r + c ];

    vnl_svd< double > svd_H( H );
    if ( svd_H.rank() < 3 )
        if (true) cout << "H == " << H << endl;
        //throw runtime_error("HomographyModel::compute_residuals rank(H) < 3!!");
        cout << "HomographyModel::compute_residuals rank(H) < 3!!" << endl;
    vnl_matrix< double > H_inv( svd_H.inverse() );


    // compute the residual of each data point
    vector< ScoredMatch>::const_iterator data_points_it;
    vector<float>::iterator residuals_it;

    vnl_vector< double > from_point( 3 ), to_point( 3 );
    vnl_vector< double > trans_pt( 3 ), inv_trans_pt( 3 );
    double del_x, del_y, inv_del_x, inv_del_y;

    for (data_points_it = data_points.begin(), residuals_it = residuals.begin();
            data_points_it != data_points.end() && residuals_it != residuals.end();
            ++data_points_it, ++residuals_it)
        // from feature a to feature b
        from_point[0] = data_points_it->feature_a->x;
        from_point[1] = data_points_it->feature_a->y;
        from_point[2] = 1.0;

        to_point[0] = data_points_it->feature_b->x;
        to_point[1] = data_points_it->feature_b->y;
        to_point[2] = 1.0;

        trans_pt = H * from_point;
        inv_trans_pt = H_inv * to_point;

        if ( from_point[ 2 ] == 0 || to_point[ 2 ] == 0
                || trans_pt[ 2 ] == 0 || inv_trans_pt[ 2 ] == 0 )
            *residuals_it = 1e10;
            del_x = trans_pt[ 0 ] / trans_pt[ 2 ] - to_point[ 0 ] /to_point[ 2 ];
            del_y = trans_pt[ 1 ] / trans_pt[ 2 ] - to_point[ 1 ] / to_point[ 2 ];
            inv_del_x = inv_trans_pt[ 0 ] / inv_trans_pt[ 2 ] -from_point[ 0 ] / from_point[ 2 ];
            inv_del_y = inv_trans_pt[ 1 ] / inv_trans_pt[ 2 ] - from_point[ 1 ] / from_point[ 2 ];
            const double t_value = vnl_math_sqr(del_x) + vnl_math_sqr(del_y)
                                      + vnl_math_sqr(inv_del_x) + vnl_math_sqr(inv_del_y);
            *residuals_it = vcl_sqrt( t_value );

    } // end of 'for each data point'

} // end of method FundamentalMatrixModel<F>::compute_residuals
コード例 #2
ファイル: ProxyCam.cpp プロジェクト: Khrylx/BoxProxy
void CProxyCamera::GetGLMatrices(double glprojmatrix[], 
								 double glmodelviewmatrix[], 
								 const int glvpmatrix[], double znear, double zfar) const
	double mat[3][4];
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
			mat[i][j] = m_KR(i,j);
	mat[0][3] = m_KT[0];
	mat[1][3] = m_KT[1];
	mat[2][3] = m_KT[2];

	Matrix3d LHC = Matrix3d::Zero();
	LHC(0, 0) = LHC(1, 1) = LHC(2, 2) = -1;
	LHC(0, 0) = 1;

	double icpara[3][4], trans[3][4];
	if (arParamDecompMat(mat, icpara, trans) < 0)
		printf("Fatal error: proj decompose failed!\n");
	Matrix3d R;
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			R(i, j) = trans[i][j];
	Matrix3d LHCR = LHC * R;
	Matrix4d modelViewMatrix = Matrix4d::Identity();
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			modelViewMatrix(i, j) = LHCR(i,j);
	modelViewMatrix(0, 3) = trans[0][3];
	modelViewMatrix(1, 3) = trans[1][3];
	modelViewMatrix(2, 3) = trans[2][3];
	modelViewMatrix(1, 3) = modelViewMatrix(1, 3) * (-1);
	modelViewMatrix(2, 3) = modelViewMatrix(2, 3) * (-1);
	modelViewMatrix(3, 3) = 1.0;

	Matrix4d finalModelM=modelViewMatrix;
	for (int i=0;i<16;i++)

	double w = glvpmatrix[2];
	double h = glvpmatrix[3];
	Matrix4d H_inv = Matrix4d::Identity();
	H_inv(0, 0) = 2.0 / w;
	H_inv(0, 2) = -1;
	H_inv(1, 1) = -2.0 / h;
	H_inv(1, 2) = 1.0;
	H_inv(3, 2) = 1.0;
	Matrix3d K = Matrix3d::Zero();
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			K(i, j) = icpara[i][j] / icpara[2][2];
	Matrix3d y = K * LHC;
	Matrix4d y_ = Matrix4d::Zero();
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			y_(i, j) = y(i,j);
	Matrix4d result = H_inv * (y_);
	double C_ = -(zfar + znear) / (zfar - znear);
	double D_ = -(2 * zfar * znear) / (zfar - znear);
	result(2, 2) = C_;
	result(2, 3) = D_;
	Matrix4d finalRes=result;
	for (int i=0;i<16;i++)
std::vector<BoundingBox> PedestrianDetector::generateCandidatesWCalibration(int imageHeight, int imageWidth, double *maxHeight,
                            float meanHeight/* = 1.8m*/, float stdHeight/* = 0.1m*/, float factorStdHeight/* = 2.0*/) 

    // there is a set of parameters here that are hard coded, but should
    // be read from a file or something...
    cv::Mat_<float> P3 = P.col(2);

    //std::cout << "P3: " << P3 << std::endl;
    float aspectRatio = 0.5;
    float minImageHeight = 80;

    float stepHeight = 0.200;
    int totalCandidates = 0;

    std::vector<BoundingBox> all_candidates;
    double max_h = 0;

    // assemble the third line of the inverse of the homography
    cv::Mat_<float> H(3, 3, 0.0);
    H(0,0) = P(0,0); H(1,0) = P(1,0); H(2,0) = P(2,0);
    H(0,1) = P(0,1); H(1,1) = P(1,1); H(2,1) = P(2,1);
    H(0,2) = P(0,3); H(1,2) = P(1,3); H(2,2) = P(2,3);
    //std::cout << "H: " << H << std::endl;
    cv::Mat_<float> H_inv = H.inv();

    float padding = 10;

    // create foot points using the pixels of the image
    for (int u = 0; u < imageWidth; u+=padding) {
        for (int v = minImageHeight; v < imageHeight; v+=padding ) {

            float Xw = (H_inv(0,0)*u + H_inv(0,1)*v + H_inv(0,2))/(H_inv(2,0)*u + H_inv(2,1)*v + H_inv(2,2));
            float Yw = (H_inv(1,0)*u + H_inv(1,1)*v + H_inv(1,2))/(H_inv(2,0)*u + H_inv(2,1)*v + H_inv(2,2));

            // now create all_candidates at different heights
            for (float h = -stdHeight * factorStdHeight; h <= stdHeight * factorStdHeight; h+= stepHeight) {
                // std::cout << h << std::endl;
                float wHeight = meanHeight + h;

                int head_v = (int)((Xw*P(1,0) + Yw*P(1,1) + wHeight*P(1,2) + P(1,3))/(Xw*P(2,0) + Yw*P(2,1) + wHeight*P(2,2) + P(2,3)));
                int i_height = v - head_v;

                if (i_height >= minImageHeight) {
                    int head_u = (int)((Xw*P(0,0) + Yw*P(0,1) + wHeight*P(0,2) + P(0,3))/(Xw*P(2,0) + Yw*P(2,1) + wHeight*P(2,2) + P(2,3)));

                    BoundingBox candidate;

                    int i_width = i_height*aspectRatio;

                    candidate.bb.x = (int)(((u + head_u)/2.0) - (i_width/2.0));
                    candidate.bb.y = head_v;
                    candidate.bb.width          = i_width;
                    candidate.bb.height         = i_height;
                    candidate.world_height      = wHeight;

                    grow_candidate(candidate, 0.2);
                    if (candidate.bb.x >= 0 && candidate.bb.x+candidate.bb.width < imageWidth && 
                            candidate.bb.y >= 0 && candidate.bb.y+candidate.bb.height < imageHeight &&
                            candidate.bb.height >= minImageHeight) {
                        if (candidate.bb.height > max_h) 
                            max_h = candidate.bb.height;


            // exit(10);
    if (maxHeight != NULL) {
        *maxHeight = max_h;    

    return all_candidates;