コード例 #1
ファイル: ActionScope.cpp プロジェクト: souxiaosou/FireNET
bool CActionScope::IsDifferent(const FragmentID aaID, const TagState &fragmentTags, const TagID subContext /*= TAG_ID_INVALID*/) const
    if (m_lastFragmentID != aaID)
        return true;
        SFragmentQuery fragQuery(aaID, SFragTagState(m_context.state.GetMask(), fragmentTags));
        if (subContext != TAG_ID_INVALID)
            const SSubContext subContextDef = m_context.controllerDef.m_subContext[subContext];
            fragQuery.tagState.globalTags = m_context.controllerDef.m_tags.GetUnion(fragQuery.tagState.globalTags, m_context.subStates[subContext].GetMask());
            fragQuery.tagState.globalTags = m_context.controllerDef.m_tags.GetUnion(fragQuery.tagState.globalTags, subContextDef.additionalTags);
        fragQuery.tagState.globalTags = m_context.controllerDef.m_tags.GetUnion(fragQuery.tagState.globalTags, m_additionalTags);
        fragQuery.requiredTags = m_additionalTags;

        SFragTagState foundState;
        const bool foundMatch = (GetDatabase().FindBestMatchingTag(fragQuery, &foundState) > 0);

        return ((foundMatch != HasFragment()) || (foundMatch && (foundState != m_lastFragSelection.tagState)));

    return false;
コード例 #2
const BString&
BUrl::UrlString() const
	if (!fUrlStringValid) {

		if (HasProtocol()) {
			fUrlString << fProtocol << ':';
			if (HasAuthority())
				fUrlString << "//";

		fUrlString << Authority();
		fUrlString << Path();

		if (HasRequest())
			fUrlString << '?' << fRequest;

		if (HasFragment())
			fUrlString << '#' << fFragment;

		fUrlStringValid = true;

	return fUrlString;
コード例 #3
ファイル: uri.cpp プロジェクト: chromylei/third_party
// combine all URI fields in a single string, applying funcDecode to each
// component which it may make sense to decode (i.e. "unescape")
wxString wxURI::DoBuildURI(wxString (*funcDecode)(const wxString&)) const
    wxString ret;

    if (HasScheme())
        ret += m_scheme + ":";

    if (HasServer())
        ret += "//";

        if (HasUserInfo())
            ret += funcDecode(m_userinfo) + "@";

        if (m_hostType == wxURI_REGNAME)
            ret += funcDecode(m_server);
            ret += m_server;

        if (HasPort())
            ret += ":" + m_port;

    ret += funcDecode(m_path);

    if (HasQuery())
        ret += "?" + funcDecode(m_query);

    if (HasFragment())
        ret += "#" + funcDecode(m_fragment);

    return ret;
コード例 #4
ファイル: uri.cpp プロジェクト: 252525fb/rpcs3
wxString wxURI::BuildUnescapedURI() const
    wxString ret;

    if (HasScheme())
        ret = ret + m_scheme + wxT(":");

    if (HasServer())
        ret += wxT("//");

        if (HasUserInfo())
            ret = ret + wxURI::Unescape(m_userinfo) + wxT("@");

        if (m_hostType == wxURI_REGNAME)
            ret += wxURI::Unescape(m_server);
            ret += m_server;

        if (HasPort())
            ret = ret + wxT(":") + m_port;

    ret += wxURI::Unescape(m_path);

    if (HasQuery())
        ret = ret + wxT("?") + wxURI::Unescape(m_query);

    if (HasFragment())
        ret = ret + wxT("#") + wxURI::Unescape(m_fragment);

    return ret;
コード例 #5
ファイル: uri.cpp プロジェクト: 252525fb/rpcs3
wxString wxURI::BuildURI() const
    wxString ret;

    if (HasScheme())
        ret = ret + m_scheme + wxT(":");

    if (HasServer())
        ret += wxT("//");

        if (HasUserInfo())
            ret = ret + m_userinfo + wxT("@");

        ret += m_server;

        if (HasPort())
            ret = ret + wxT(":") + m_port;

    ret += m_path;

    if (HasQuery())
        ret = ret + wxT("?") + m_query;

    if (HasFragment())
        ret = ret + wxT("#") + m_fragment;

    return ret;
コード例 #6
ファイル: ActionScope.cpp プロジェクト: souxiaosou/FireNET
bool CActionScope::QueueFragment(FragmentID fragID, const SFragTagState &fragTagState, uint32 optionIdx, float startTime, uint32 userToken, bool isRootScope, bool isHigherPriority, bool principleContext)
    if (m_scopeContext.database == NULL)
        return false;

    SBlendQuery query;
    FillBlendQuery(query, fragID, fragTagState, isHigherPriority, NULL);
    query.SetFlag(SBlendQuery::toInstalled, principleContext);

    SFragmentData fragData;
    IAnimationSet* pAnimSet = m_scopeContext.charInst ? m_scopeContext.charInst->GetIAnimationSet() : NULL;
    m_sequenceFlags = m_scopeContext.database->Query(fragData, query, optionIdx, pAnimSet, &m_lastFragSelection);
    m_lastQueueTagState = query.tagStateTo;
    m_lastNormalisedTime = m_normalisedTime = 0.0f;
    m_isOneShot = fragData.isOneShot && ((fragID == FRAGMENT_ID_INVALID) || ((m_context.controllerDef.GetFragmentDef(fragID).flags & SFragmentDef::PERSISTENT) == 0));
    m_fragmentInstalled = principleContext;

    const bool fragmentInstalled = HasFragment();

#ifndef _RELEASE
    if (m_actionController.DebugFragments(isRootScope))
        char tagList[128] = "No Match";
        char fragTagList[128] = "";
        if (HasFragment())
            m_context.controllerDef.m_tags.FlagsToTagList(m_lastFragSelection.tagState.globalTags, tagList, 128);
            const CTagDefinition *pFragTagDef = m_context.controllerDef.GetFragmentTagDef(fragID);
            if (pFragTagDef)
                pFragTagDef->FlagsToTagList(m_lastFragSelection.tagState.fragmentTags, fragTagList, 128);
        const int frameId = gEnv->pRenderer->GetFrameID(false);
        CryLog("[%6d] Fragment %s (%s,%s) queued on scope %s for action %s", frameId, fragID != FRAGMENT_ID_INVALID ? m_context.controllerDef.m_fragmentIDs.GetTagName(fragID) : "None", tagList, fragTagList, m_name.c_str(), m_pAction ? m_pAction->GetName() : "None");
#endif //_RELEASE

    m_fragmentDuration = m_transitionOutroDuration = m_transitionDuration = 0.0f;
    for (uint32 i=0; i<SFragmentData::PART_TOTAL; i++)
        m_partTypes[i] = fragData.transitionType[i];
        switch (fragData.transitionType[i])
        case eCT_Normal:
            m_fragmentDuration += fragData.duration[i];
        case eCT_Transition:
            m_transitionDuration += fragData.duration[i];
        case eCT_TransitionOutro:
            m_transitionOutroDuration += fragData.duration[i];
    if (!isRootScope)
        if ((m_sequenceFlags & (eCT_Transition|eCT_TransitionOutro)) != 0)
            startTime = 0.0f;
            startTime = max(startTime - (m_transitionOutroDuration + m_transitionDuration), 0.0f);
    m_lastFragmentID		= fragID;
    m_fragmentTime			= -startTime;

    const uint32 numAnimLayers = fragData.animLayers.size();
    const uint32 numScopeLayers = m_numLayers;
    const uint32 numLayers = min(numAnimLayers, numScopeLayers);

    CRY_ASSERT_MESSAGE(numLayers <= m_numLayers, "Invalid layer count");

    m_userToken = userToken;

    uint32 nLayer = 0;
    for (nLayer=0; nLayer<numLayers; nLayer++)
        const bool hasClips = fragData.animLayers[nLayer].size() > 0;
        SSequencer &sequencer	= m_layerSequencers[nLayer];

        sequencer.pos						= 0;
        sequencer.referenceTime = -1.0f;

        if (hasClips)
            sequencer.sequence			= fragData.animLayers[nLayer];
            sequencer.blend					= sequencer.sequence[0].blend;
            sequencer.installTime		= startTime + sequencer.blend.exitTime;
            sequencer.flags					= eSF_Queued;

            sequencer.blend = SAnimBlend();
            sequencer.installTime = startTime;
            sequencer.flags				= eSF_Queued|eSF_BlendingOut;

    for ( ; nLayer < numScopeLayers; nLayer++)
        //--- Layers that are not touched by the new fragment blend out using default blends
        SSequencer &sequencer = m_layerSequencers[nLayer];
        sequencer.pos = 0;

        sequencer.blend = SAnimBlend();
        sequencer.installTime = startTime;
        sequencer.flags				= eSF_Queued|eSF_BlendingOut;

    const size_t numProcSequencers		= fragData.procLayers.size();
    const size_t totNumProcSequencers = max(numProcSequencers, m_procSequencers.size());
    for (nLayer=0; nLayer<numProcSequencers; nLayer++)
        const bool hasClips = fragData.procLayers[nLayer].size() > 0;
        SProcSequencer &sequencerPush = m_procSequencers[nLayer];
        sequencerPush.pos = 0;

        if (hasClips)
            sequencerPush.sequence = fragData.procLayers[nLayer];

            const float layerBlendTime = sequencerPush.sequence[0].blend.exitTime;
            sequencerPush.installTime = startTime;
            sequencerPush.blend = sequencerPush.sequence[0].blend;
            sequencerPush.flags				= eSF_Queued;
            if (layerBlendTime > 0.0f)
                sequencerPush.blend = SAnimBlend();
                sequencerPush.flags				|= eSF_BlendingOut;

            sequencerPush.blend = SAnimBlend();
            sequencerPush.installTime = startTime;
            sequencerPush.flags				= eSF_Queued|eSF_BlendingOut;
    for ( ; nLayer < totNumProcSequencers; nLayer++)
        SProcSequencer &sequencerPush = m_procSequencers[nLayer];

        sequencerPush.pos = 0;

        sequencerPush.blend = SAnimBlend();
        sequencerPush.installTime = startTime;
        sequencerPush.flags				= eSF_Queued|eSF_BlendingOut;

    return fragmentInstalled;
コード例 #7
ファイル: uri.cpp プロジェクト: chromylei/third_party
bool wxURI::operator==(const wxURI& uri) const
    if (HasScheme())
        if(m_scheme != uri.m_scheme)
            return false;
    else if (uri.HasScheme())
        return false;

    if (HasServer())
        if (HasUserInfo())
            if (m_userinfo != uri.m_userinfo)
                return false;
        else if (uri.HasUserInfo())
            return false;

        if (m_server != uri.m_server ||
            m_hostType != uri.m_hostType)
            return false;

        if (HasPort())
            if(m_port != uri.m_port)
                return false;
        else if (uri.HasPort())
            return false;
    else if (uri.HasServer())
        return false;

    if (HasPath())
        if(m_path != uri.m_path)
            return false;
    else if (uri.HasPath())
        return false;

    if (HasQuery())
        if (m_query != uri.m_query)
            return false;
    else if (uri.HasQuery())
        return false;

    if (HasFragment())
        if (m_fragment != uri.m_fragment)
            return false;
    else if (uri.HasFragment())
        return false;

    return true;
コード例 #8
wxInputStream *wxURL::GetInputStream()
    if (!m_protocol)
        m_error = wxURL_NOPROTO;
        return NULL;

    m_error = wxURL_NOERR;
    if (HasUserInfo())
        size_t dwPasswordPos = m_userinfo.find(':');

        if (dwPasswordPos == wxString::npos)
            m_protocol->SetUser(m_userinfo(0, dwPasswordPos));
            m_protocol->SetPassword(m_userinfo(dwPasswordPos+1, m_userinfo.length() + 1));

    // give the native implementation to return a better stream
    // such as the native WinINet functionality under MS-Windows
    if (m_nativeImp)
        wxInputStream *rc;
        rc = m_nativeImp->GetInputStream(this);
        if (rc != 0)
            return rc;
    // else use the standard behaviour
#endif // wxUSE_URL_NATIVE

    wxIPV4address addr;

    // m_protoinfo is NULL when we use a proxy
    if (!m_useProxy && m_protoinfo->m_needhost)
        if (!addr.Hostname(m_server))
            m_error = wxURL_NOHOST;
            return NULL;


        if (!m_protocol->Connect(addr, true)) // Watcom needs the 2nd arg for some reason
            m_error = wxURL_CONNERR;
            return NULL;

    // When we use a proxy, we have to pass the whole URL to it.
    wxInputStream *the_i_stream;

    if (!m_useProxy)
        the_i_stream = m_protocol->GetInputStream(m_url);
        wxString fullPath = m_path;

        if (HasQuery())
            fullPath += wxT("?") + m_query;

        if (HasFragment())
            fullPath += wxT("#") + m_fragment;

        the_i_stream = m_protocol->GetInputStream(fullPath);

    if (!the_i_stream)
        m_error = wxURL_PROTOERR;
        return NULL;

    return the_i_stream;
コード例 #9
ファイル: ActionScope.cpp プロジェクト: joewan/pycmake
bool CActionScope::QueueFragment(FragmentID fragID, const SFragTagState &fragTagState, uint32 optionIdx, float startTime, uint32 userToken, bool isRootScope, bool isHigherPriority, bool principleContext)
	if (m_scopeContext.pDatabase == NULL)
		return false;

	SBlendQuery query;
	FillBlendQuery(query, fragID, fragTagState, isHigherPriority, NULL);
	query.SetFlag(SBlendQuery::toInstalled, principleContext);

	SFragmentData  fragData;
	IAnimationSet* pAnimSet = m_scopeContext.pCharInst ? m_scopeContext.pCharInst->GetIAnimationSet() : NULL;
	m_sequenceFlags      = m_scopeContext.pDatabase->Query(fragData, query, optionIdx, pAnimSet, &m_lastFragSelection);
	m_lastQueueTagState  = query.tagStateTo;
	m_lastNormalisedTime = m_normalisedTime = 0.0f;
	m_isOneShot          = fragData.isOneShot && ((fragID == FRAGMENT_ID_INVALID) || ((m_context.controllerDef.GetFragmentDef(fragID).flags & SFragmentDef::PERSISTENT) == 0));
	m_blendOutDuration   = fragData.blendOutDuration;
	m_fragmentInstalled  = principleContext;

	const bool fragmentInstalled = HasFragment();

	CryStackStringT<char,128> sTagList = "No Match";
	CryStackStringT<char,128> sFragTagList;

	if (!fragmentInstalled && (m_layer == 0) && (m_numLayers > 0))
		const char* fragmentName = fragID != FRAGMENT_ID_INVALID ? m_context.controllerDef.m_fragmentIDs.GetTagName(fragID) : "None";
		m_context.controllerDef.m_tags.FlagsToTagList(fragTagState.globalTags, sTagList);
		const CTagDefinition* pFragTagDef = (fragID != FRAGMENT_ID_INVALID) ? m_context.controllerDef.GetFragmentTagDef(fragID) : NULL;
		if (pFragTagDef)
			pFragTagDef->FlagsToTagList(fragTagState.fragmentTags, sFragTagList);
		MannLog(GetActionController(), "Warning - Missing root level fragment %s(%s)", fragmentName, sTagList.c_str());
	if (m_actionController.DebugFragments(principleContext) && fragmentInstalled)
		if (HasFragment())
			m_context.controllerDef.m_tags.FlagsToTagList(m_lastFragSelection.tagState.globalTags, sTagList);
			const CTagDefinition* pFragTagDef = m_context.controllerDef.GetFragmentTagDef(fragID);
			if (pFragTagDef)
				pFragTagDef->FlagsToTagList(m_lastFragSelection.tagState.fragmentTags, sFragTagList);
		const char* fragmentName     = fragID != FRAGMENT_ID_INVALID ? m_context.controllerDef.m_fragmentIDs.GetTagName(fragID) : "None";
		const char* prevFragmentName = query.fragmentFrom != FRAGMENT_ID_INVALID ? m_context.controllerDef.m_fragmentIDs.GetTagName(query.fragmentFrom) : "None";

		MannLog(GetActionController(), "Frag %s (%s,%s) queued on %s for action %s", fragmentName, sTagList.c_str(), sFragTagList.c_str(), m_name.c_str(), m_pAction ? m_pAction->GetName() : "None");

		CryStackStringT<char,128> sTagStateFrom;
		CryStackStringT<char,128> sTagStateTo;

		SBlendQueryResult queryRes1, queryRes2;
		m_scopeContext.pDatabase->FindBestBlends(query, queryRes1, queryRes2);

		if (queryRes1.pFragmentBlend)
			MannLog(GetActionController(), "Transition from (%s -> %s) %s", (queryRes1.fragmentFrom != FRAGMENT_ID_INVALID) ? prevFragmentName : "Any", (queryRes1.fragmentTo != FRAGMENT_ID_INVALID) ? fragmentName : "Any", queryRes1.pFragmentBlend->IsExitTransition() ? "Exit" : "");

			m_actionController.GetContext().controllerDef.m_tags.FlagsToTagList(queryRes1.tagStateFrom.globalTags, sTagStateFrom);
			m_actionController.GetContext().controllerDef.m_tags.FlagsToTagList(queryRes1.tagStateTo.globalTags, sTagStateTo);

			MannLog(GetActionController(), "Transition tags (%s -> %s)", sTagStateFrom.c_str(), sTagStateTo.c_str());
		if (queryRes2.pFragmentBlend)
			MannLog(GetActionController(), "And Transition from (%s -> %s) %s", (queryRes2.fragmentFrom != FRAGMENT_ID_INVALID) ? prevFragmentName : "Any", (queryRes2.fragmentTo != FRAGMENT_ID_INVALID) ? fragmentName : "Any", queryRes2.pFragmentBlend->IsExitTransition() ? "Exit" : "");

			m_actionController.GetContext().controllerDef.m_tags.FlagsToTagList(queryRes2.tagStateFrom.globalTags, sTagStateFrom);
			m_actionController.GetContext().controllerDef.m_tags.FlagsToTagList(queryRes2.tagStateTo.globalTags, sTagStateTo);

			MannLog(GetActionController(), "Transition tags (%s -> %s)", sTagStateFrom.c_str(), sTagStateTo.c_str());

	m_fragmentDuration = m_transitionOutroDuration = m_transitionDuration = 0.0f;
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < SFragmentData::PART_TOTAL; i++)
		m_partTypes[i] = fragData.transitionType[i];
		switch (fragData.transitionType[i])
		case eCT_Normal:
			m_fragmentDuration += fragData.duration[i];
		case eCT_Transition:
			m_transitionDuration += fragData.duration[i];
		case eCT_TransitionOutro:
			m_transitionOutroDuration += fragData.duration[i];
	if (!isRootScope)
		if (m_sequenceFlags & (eSF_Transition | eSF_TransitionOutro))
			startTime = 0.0f;
			startTime = max(startTime - (m_transitionOutroDuration + m_transitionDuration), 0.0f);
	m_lastFragmentID = fragID;
	m_fragmentTime   = -startTime;

	const uint32 numAnimLayers  = fragData.animLayers.size();
	const uint32 numScopeLayers = m_numLayers;
	const uint32 numLayers      = min(numAnimLayers, numScopeLayers);

	CRY_ASSERT_MESSAGE(numLayers <= m_numLayers, "Invalid layer count");

	m_userToken = userToken;

	uint32 nLayer = 0;
	for (nLayer = 0; nLayer < numLayers; nLayer++)
		const bool  hasClips  = fragData.animLayers[nLayer].size() > 0;
		SSequencer &sequencer = m_layerSequencers[nLayer];

		sequencer.pos           = 0;
		sequencer.referenceTime = -1.0f;

		if (hasClips)
			sequencer.sequence    = fragData.animLayers[nLayer];
			sequencer.blend       = sequencer.sequence[0].blend;
			sequencer.installTime = startTime + sequencer.blend.exitTime;
			sequencer.flags       = eSF_Queued;

			sequencer.blend       = SAnimBlend();
			sequencer.installTime = startTime;
			sequencer.flags       = eSF_Queued | eSF_BlendingOut;

	for (; nLayer < numScopeLayers; nLayer++)
		//--- Layers that are not touched by the new fragment blend out using default blends
		SSequencer &sequencer = m_layerSequencers[nLayer];
		sequencer.pos = 0;

		sequencer.blend       = SAnimBlend();
		sequencer.installTime = startTime;
		sequencer.flags       = eSF_Queued | eSF_BlendingOut;

	const size_t numProcSequencers    = fragData.procLayers.size();
	const size_t totNumProcSequencers = max(numProcSequencers, m_procSequencers.size());
	for (nLayer = 0; nLayer < numProcSequencers; nLayer++)
		const bool      hasClips      = fragData.procLayers[nLayer].size() > 0;
		SProcSequencer &sequencerPush = m_procSequencers[nLayer];
		sequencerPush.pos = 0;

		if (hasClips)
			sequencerPush.sequence = fragData.procLayers[nLayer];

			const float layerBlendTime = sequencerPush.sequence[0].blend.exitTime;
			sequencerPush.installTime = startTime;
			sequencerPush.blend       = sequencerPush.sequence[0].blend;
			sequencerPush.flags       = eSF_Queued;
			if (layerBlendTime > 0.0f)
				sequencerPush.blend  = SAnimBlend();
				sequencerPush.flags |= eSF_BlendingOut;

			sequencerPush.blend       = SAnimBlend();
			sequencerPush.installTime = startTime;
			sequencerPush.flags       = eSF_Queued | eSF_BlendingOut;
	for (; nLayer < totNumProcSequencers; nLayer++)
		SProcSequencer &sequencerPush = m_procSequencers[nLayer];

		sequencerPush.pos = 0;

		sequencerPush.blend       = SAnimBlend();
		sequencerPush.installTime = startTime;
		sequencerPush.flags       = eSF_Queued | eSF_BlendingOut;

	return fragmentInstalled;