コード例 #1
  Hash data and extend to PCR.

  @param PcrIndex      PCR to be extended.
  @param DataToHash    Data to be hashed.
  @param DataToHashLen Data size.
  @param DigestList    Digest list.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS     Hash data and DigestList is returned.
HashAndExtend (
  IN TPMI_DH_PCR                    PcrIndex,
  IN VOID                           *DataToHash,
  IN UINTN                          DataToHashLen,
  OUT TPML_DIGEST_VALUES            *DigestList
  HASH_INTERFACE_HOB *HashInterfaceHob;
  HASH_HANDLE        HashHandle;
  EFI_STATUS         Status;

  HashInterfaceHob = InternalGetHashInterface ();
  if (HashInterfaceHob == NULL) {

  if (HashInterfaceHob->HashInterfaceCount == 0) {

  HashStart (&HashHandle);
  HashUpdate (HashHandle, DataToHash, DataToHashLen);
  Status = HashCompleteAndExtend (HashHandle, PcrIndex, NULL, 0, DigestList);

  return Status;
コード例 #2
  Measure PE image into TPM log based on the authenticode image hashing in
  PE/COFF Specification 8.0 Appendix A.

  Caution: This function may receive untrusted input.
  PE/COFF image is external input, so this function will validate its data structure
  within this image buffer before use.

  @param[in]  PCRIndex       TPM PCR index
  @param[in]  ImageAddress   Start address of image buffer.
  @param[in]  ImageSize      Image size
  @param[out] DigestList     Digeest list of this image.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Successfully measure image.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   No enough resource to measure image.
  @retval other error value
MeasurePeImageAndExtend (
  IN  UINT32                    PCRIndex,
  IN  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS      ImageAddress,
  IN  UINTN                     ImageSize,
  OUT TPML_DIGEST_VALUES        *DigestList
  EFI_STATUS                           Status;
  EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER                 *DosHdr;
  UINT32                               PeCoffHeaderOffset;
  EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER             *Section;
  UINT8                                *HashBase;
  UINTN                                HashSize;
  UINTN                                SumOfBytesHashed;
  EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER             *SectionHeader;
  UINTN                                Index;
  UINTN                                Pos;
  UINT16                               Magic;
  UINT32                               NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
  UINT32                               CertSize;
  HASH_HANDLE                          HashHandle;

  HashHandle = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Know bad value

  Status        = EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
  SectionHeader = NULL;

  // Check PE/COFF image
  DosHdr = (EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *) (UINTN) ImageAddress;
  PeCoffHeaderOffset = 0;
  if (DosHdr->e_magic == EFI_IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) {
    PeCoffHeaderOffset = DosHdr->e_lfanew;

  Hdr.Pe32 = (EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 *)((UINT8 *) (UINTN) ImageAddress + PeCoffHeaderOffset);
  if (Hdr.Pe32->Signature != EFI_IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) {
    goto Finish;

  // PE/COFF Image Measurement
  //    NOTE: The following codes/steps are based upon the authenticode image hashing in
  //      PE/COFF Specification 8.0 Appendix A.

  // 1.  Load the image header into memory.

  // 2.  Initialize a SHA hash context.

  Status = HashStart (&HashHandle);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto Finish;

  // Measuring PE/COFF Image Header;
  // But CheckSum field and SECURITY data directory (certificate) are excluded
  if (Hdr.Pe32->FileHeader.Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64 && Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.Magic == EFI_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC) {
    // NOTE: Some versions of Linux ELILO for Itanium have an incorrect magic value 
    //       in the PE/COFF Header. If the MachineType is Itanium(IA64) and the 
    //       Magic value in the OptionalHeader is EFI_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC
    //       then override the magic value to EFI_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR64_MAGIC
  } else {
    // Get the magic value from the PE/COFF Optional Header
    Magic = Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.Magic;
  // 3.  Calculate the distance from the base of the image header to the image checksum address.
  // 4.  Hash the image header from its base to beginning of the image checksum.
  HashBase = (UINT8 *) (UINTN) ImageAddress;
    // Use PE32 offset
    NumberOfRvaAndSizes = Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
    HashSize = (UINTN) ((UINT8 *)(&Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.CheckSum) - HashBase);
  } else {
    // Use PE32+ offset
    NumberOfRvaAndSizes = Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
    HashSize = (UINTN) ((UINT8 *)(&Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.CheckSum) - HashBase);

  Status = HashUpdate (HashHandle, HashBase, HashSize);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto Finish;

  // 5.  Skip over the image checksum (it occupies a single ULONG).
    // 6.  Since there is no Cert Directory in optional header, hash everything
    //     from the end of the checksum to the end of image header.
      // Use PE32 offset.
      HashBase = (UINT8 *) &Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.CheckSum + sizeof (UINT32);
      HashSize = Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders - (UINTN) (HashBase - ImageAddress);
    } else {
      // Use PE32+ offset.
      HashBase = (UINT8 *) &Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.CheckSum + sizeof (UINT32);
      HashSize = Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders - (UINTN) (HashBase - ImageAddress);

    if (HashSize != 0) {
      Status  = HashUpdate (HashHandle, HashBase, HashSize);
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        goto Finish;
  } else {
    // 7.  Hash everything from the end of the checksum to the start of the Cert Directory.
      // Use PE32 offset
      HashBase = (UINT8 *) &Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.CheckSum + sizeof (UINT32);
      HashSize = (UINTN) ((UINT8 *)(&Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY]) - HashBase);
    } else {
      // Use PE32+ offset
      HashBase = (UINT8 *) &Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.CheckSum + sizeof (UINT32);
      HashSize = (UINTN) ((UINT8 *)(&Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY]) - HashBase);

    if (HashSize != 0) {
      Status  = HashUpdate (HashHandle, HashBase, HashSize);
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        goto Finish;

    // 8.  Skip over the Cert Directory. (It is sizeof(IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY) bytes.)
    // 9.  Hash everything from the end of the Cert Directory to the end of image header.
      // Use PE32 offset
      HashBase = (UINT8 *) &Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY + 1];
      HashSize = Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders - (UINTN) (HashBase - ImageAddress);
    } else {
      // Use PE32+ offset
      HashBase = (UINT8 *) &Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY + 1];
      HashSize = Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders - (UINTN) (HashBase - ImageAddress);
    if (HashSize != 0) {
      Status  = HashUpdate (HashHandle, HashBase, HashSize);
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        goto Finish;

  // 10. Set the SUM_OF_BYTES_HASHED to the size of the header
    // Use PE32 offset
    SumOfBytesHashed = Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
  } else {
    // Use PE32+ offset
    SumOfBytesHashed = Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;

  // 11. Build a temporary table of pointers to all the IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER
  //     structures in the image. The 'NumberOfSections' field of the image
  //     header indicates how big the table should be. Do not include any
  //     IMAGE_SECTION_HEADERs in the table whose 'SizeOfRawData' field is zero.
  SectionHeader = (EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *) AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER) * Hdr.Pe32->FileHeader.NumberOfSections);
  if (SectionHeader == NULL) {
    goto Finish;

  // 12.  Using the 'PointerToRawData' in the referenced section headers as
  //      a key, arrange the elements in the table in ascending order. In other
  //      words, sort the section headers according to the disk-file offset of
  //      the section.
               (UINT8 *) (UINTN) ImageAddress +
               PeCoffHeaderOffset +
               sizeof(UINT32) +
               sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER) +
  for (Index = 0; Index < Hdr.Pe32->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; Index++) {
    Pos = Index;
    while ((Pos > 0) && (Section->PointerToRawData < SectionHeader[Pos - 1].PointerToRawData)) {
      CopyMem (&SectionHeader[Pos], &SectionHeader[Pos - 1], sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER));
    CopyMem (&SectionHeader[Pos], Section, sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER));
    Section += 1;

  // 13.  Walk through the sorted table, bring the corresponding section
  //      into memory, and hash the entire section (using the 'SizeOfRawData'
  //      field in the section header to determine the amount of data to hash).
  // 14.  Add the section's 'SizeOfRawData' to SUM_OF_BYTES_HASHED .
  // 15.  Repeat steps 13 and 14 for all the sections in the sorted table.
  for (Index = 0; Index < Hdr.Pe32->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; Index++) {
    Section  = (EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *) &SectionHeader[Index];
    if (Section->SizeOfRawData == 0) {
    HashBase = (UINT8 *) (UINTN) ImageAddress + Section->PointerToRawData;
    HashSize = (UINTN) Section->SizeOfRawData;

    Status = HashUpdate (HashHandle, HashBase, HashSize);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto Finish;

    SumOfBytesHashed += HashSize;

  // 16.  If the file size is greater than SUM_OF_BYTES_HASHED, there is extra
  //      data in the file that needs to be added to the hash. This data begins
  //      at file offset SUM_OF_BYTES_HASHED and its length is:
  //             FileSize  -  (CertDirectory->Size)
  if (ImageSize > SumOfBytesHashed) {
    HashBase = (UINT8 *) (UINTN) ImageAddress + SumOfBytesHashed;

      CertSize = 0;
    } else {
      if (Magic == EFI_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC) {
        // Use PE32 offset.
        CertSize = Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY].Size;
      } else {
        // Use PE32+ offset.
        CertSize = Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY].Size;

    if (ImageSize > CertSize + SumOfBytesHashed) {
      HashSize = (UINTN) (ImageSize - CertSize - SumOfBytesHashed);

      Status = HashUpdate (HashHandle, HashBase, HashSize);
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        goto Finish;
    } else if (ImageSize < CertSize + SumOfBytesHashed) {
      Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
      goto Finish;

  // 17.  Finalize the SHA hash.
  Status = HashCompleteAndExtend (HashHandle, PCRIndex, NULL, 0, DigestList);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto Finish;

  if (SectionHeader != NULL) {
    FreePool (SectionHeader);

  return Status;