コード例 #1
ファイル: HkFuncLog.cpp プロジェクト: HeIIoween/FLHook
bool HkAddCheaterLog(const wstring &wscCharname, const wstring &wscReason)
	FILE *f = fopen(("./flhook_logs/flhook_cheaters.log"), "at");
		return false;

	CAccount *acc = HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname);
	wstring wscAccountDir = L"???";
	wstring wscAccountID = L"???";
		HkGetAccountDirName(acc, wscAccountDir);
		wscAccountID = HkGetAccountID(acc);

	uint iClientID = HkGetClientIdFromCharname(wscCharname);
	wstring wscHostName = L"???";
	wstring wscIp = L"???";
	if(iClientID != -1) 
		wscHostName = ClientInfo[iClientID].wscHostname;

	time_t tNow = time(0);
	struct tm *stNow = localtime(&tNow);
	fprintf(f, "%.2d/%.2d/%.4d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d Possible cheating detected (%s) by %s(%s)(%s) [%s %s]\n",
		stNow->tm_mon + 1, stNow->tm_mday, stNow->tm_year + 1900, stNow->tm_hour, stNow->tm_min, stNow->tm_sec, wstos(wscReason).c_str(), wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(wscAccountDir).c_str(), wstos(wscAccountID).c_str(), wstos(wscHostName).c_str(), wstos(wscIp).c_str());
	return true;
コード例 #2
/** Clean up old bounties **/
void CleanUpBounties()
	conDebug(L"attempting to clean up bounties");
	string File_FLHook_bounties = "..\\exe\\flhook_plugins\\bountytrackerbounties.cfg";

	INI_Reader ini;
		if (ini.open(File_FLHook_bounties.c_str(), false))
			while (ini.read_header())
				if (ini.is_header("bounty"))
					while (ini.read_value())
						if (ini.is_value("hit"))
							wstring wscTargetName = stows(ini.get_value_string(0));
							//if bounty has expired
							if ((uint)time(0) - stoi(mapBountyTargets[wscTargetName].issueTime) > iBountyAge)
								conDebug(L"removing " + wscTargetName);
								//find bounty
								BountyTargetInfo BTIc = mapBountyTargets[wscTargetName];
								//refund remaining credits to issuer
								HkAddCash(stows(BTIc.issuer), (stoi(BTIc.Cash) * stoi(BTIc.xTimes)));//issuer needs to be online(?)
								//notify issuer their bounty has been refunded

								//delete bounty
							//if target has changed name
							CAccount *caTargetAcc = HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetName);
							int iTargetAcc = stoi(HkGetAccountID(caTargetAcc));
							if (iTargetAcc == -1)
								//find bounty
								BountyTargetInfo BTIc = mapBountyTargets[wscTargetName];
								//refund remaining credits to issuer
								HkAddCash(stows(BTIc.issuer), (stoi(BTIc.Cash) * stoi(BTIc.xTimes)));//issuer needs to be online(?)
								//notify issuer their bounty has been refunded

								//delete bounty
コード例 #3
void HkLockAccountAccess(CAccount *acc, bool bKick)
	char szJMP[] = { '\xEB' };
	char szJBE[] = { '\x76' };

	flstr *flStr = CreateWString(HkGetAccountID(acc).c_str());

		WriteProcMem((void*)0x06D52A6A, &szJMP, 1);

	Players.LockAccountAccess(*flStr); // also kicks player on this account
		WriteProcMem((void*)0x06D52A6A, &szJBE, 1);

コード例 #4
ファイル: Givecash.cpp プロジェクト: HeIIoween/FLHook
	/** Process a draw cash command **/
	bool GiveCash::UserCmd_DrawCash(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage) 
		// The last error.
		HK_ERROR err;

		// Get the current character name
		wstring wscCharname = (const wchar_t*) Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID);

		// Get the parameters from the user command.
		wstring wscTargetCharname = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 0);
		wstring wscCode = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 1);
		wstring wscCash = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 2);
		wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L".", L"");
		wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L",", L"");
		wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L"$", L"");
		int cash = ToInt(wscCash);
		if (!wscTargetCharname.length() || !wscCode.length() || cash<=0)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Invalid parameters");
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, usage);
			return true;

		CAccount *iTargetAcc=HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname);
		if (iTargetAcc==0)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR char does not exist");
			return true;	

		int secs = 0;
		HkGetOnLineTime(wscTargetCharname, secs);
		if (secs<set_iMinTime)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR insufficient time online");
			return true;

		if (InBlockedSystem(wscCharname) || InBlockedSystem(wscTargetCharname))
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR cash transfer blocked");
			return true;

		string scFile;
		if (!GetUserFilePath(scFile, wscTargetCharname, "-givecash.ini"))
			return true;

		wstring wscTargetCode = IniGetWS(scFile, "Settings", "Code", L"");
		if (!wscTargetCode.length() || wscTargetCode!=wscCode)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR cash account access denied");
			return true;

		if (cash<set_iMinTransfer || cash<0) {
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer too small, minimum transfer "+ToMoneyStr(set_iMinTransfer)+L" credits");
			return true;

		int tCash = 0;
		if ((err = HkGetCash(wscTargetCharname, tCash)) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;
		if (tCash<cash)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Insufficient credits");
			return true;

		// Check the adding this cash to this player will not
		// exceed the maximum ship value.
		float fTargetValue = 0.0f;
		if (HKGetShipValue(wscCharname, fTargetValue) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;
		if ((fTargetValue + cash) > 2000000000.0f)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer will exceed credit limit");
			return true;

		// Calculate the new cash
		int iExpectedCash = 0;
		if ((err = HkGetCash(wscCharname, iExpectedCash)) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;
		iExpectedCash += cash;

		// Do an anticheat check on the receiving ship first.
		if (HkAntiCheat(iClientID) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer failed");							
			AddLog("NOTICE: Possible cheating when drawing %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s)",
				wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str(),
				wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str());				
			return true;

		uint targetClientId = HkGetClientIdFromCharname(wscTargetCharname);
		if (targetClientId != -1)
			if (ClientInfo[iClientID].iTradePartner || ClientInfo[targetClientId].iTradePartner)
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Trade window open");
				AddLog("NOTICE: Trade window open when drawing %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s) %u %u",
					wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str(),
					wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str(),
					iClientID, targetClientId);			
				return true;

		// Remove cash from target character
		if ((err = HkAddCash(wscTargetCharname, 0-cash)) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;

		if (targetClientId!=-1 && !HkIsInCharSelectMenu(targetClientId))
			if (HkAntiCheat(targetClientId) != HKE_OK)
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer failed");						
				AddLog("NOTICE: Possible cheating when drawing %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s)",
					wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str(),
					wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str());				
				return true;

		// Add cash to this player
		if ((err = HkAddCash(wscCharname, cash)) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;

		if (HkAntiCheat(iClientID) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer failed");			
			AddLog("NOTICE: Possible cheating when drawing %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s)",
				wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str(),
				wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str());				
			return true;
		// Check that receiving player has the correct ammount of cash.
		int iCurrCash;
		if ((err = HkGetCash(wscCharname, iCurrCash)) != HKE_OK
			|| iCurrCash != iExpectedCash)
			AddLog("ERROR: Cash transfer error when drawing %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s) current %s credits expected %s credits ",
					wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str(),
					wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str(),
					wstos(ToMoneyStr(iCurrCash)).c_str(), wstos(ToMoneyStr(iExpectedCash)).c_str());
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer failed");

		// If the target player is online then send them a message saying
		// telling them that they've received transfered cash.
		wstring msg = L"You have transferred " + ToMoneyStr(cash) + L" credits to " + wscCharname;
		if (targetClientId!=-1 && !HkIsInCharSelectMenu(targetClientId))
			PrintUserCmdText(targetClientId, L"%s", msg.c_str());
		// Otherwise we assume that the character is offline so we record an entry
		// in the character's givecash.ini. When they come online we inform them
		// of the transfer. The ini is cleared when ever the character logs in.
			LogTransfer(wscTargetCharname, msg);

		AddLog("NOTICE: Draw %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s)",
			wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str(),
			wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str());

		// A friendly message explaining the transfer.
		msg = GetTimeString(set_bLocalTime) + L": You have drawn " + ToMoneyStr(cash) + L" credits from " + wscTargetCharname;
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"%s", msg.c_str());
		return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Givecash.cpp プロジェクト: HeIIoween/FLHook
	/** Process a give cash command */
	bool GiveCash::UserCmd_GiveCash(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage) 
		// The last error.
		HK_ERROR err;

		// Get the current character name
		wstring wscCharname = (const wchar_t*) Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID);

		// Get the parameters from the user command.
		wstring wscTargetCharname = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 0);
		wstring wscCash = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 1);
		wstring wscAnon = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 2);
		wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L".", L"");
		wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L",", L"");
		wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L"$", L"");
		int cash = ToInt(wscCash);
		if ((!wscTargetCharname.length() || cash<=0) || (wscAnon.size() && wscAnon!=L"anon"))
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Invalid parameters");
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, usage);
			return true;

		bool bAnon = false;
		if (wscAnon==L"anon")
			bAnon = true;

		if (HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname)==0)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR char does not exist");
			return true;	

		int secs = 0;
		HkGetOnLineTime(wscCharname, secs);
		if (secs<set_iMinTime)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR insufficient time online");
			return true;

		if (InBlockedSystem(wscCharname) || InBlockedSystem(wscTargetCharname))
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR cash transfer blocked");
			return true;	

		// Read the current number of credits for the player
		// and check that the character has enough cash.
		int iCash = 0;
		if ((err = HkGetCash(wscCharname, iCash)) != HKE_OK) {
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;
		if (cash<set_iMinTransfer || cash<0) {
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer too small, minimum transfer "+ToMoneyStr(set_iMinTransfer)+L" credits");
			return true;
		if (iCash<cash)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Insufficient credits");
			return true;

		// Prevent target ship from becoming corrupt.
		float fTargetValue = 0.0f;
		if (HKGetShipValue(wscTargetCharname, fTargetValue) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;
		if ((fTargetValue + cash) > 2000000000.0f)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer will exceed credit limit");
			return true;

		// Calculate the new cash
		int iExpectedCash = 0;
		if ((err = HkGetCash(wscTargetCharname, iExpectedCash)) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Get cash failed err="+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;
		iExpectedCash += cash;

		// Do an anticheat check on the receiving character first.
		uint targetClientId = HkGetClientIdFromCharname(wscTargetCharname);
		if (targetClientId!=-1 && !HkIsInCharSelectMenu(targetClientId))
			if (HkAntiCheat(targetClientId) != HKE_OK)
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer failed");			
				AddLog("NOTICE: Possible cheating when sending %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s)",
					wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str(),
					wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str());		
				return true;
		if (targetClientId != -1)
			if (ClientInfo[iClientID].iTradePartner || ClientInfo[targetClientId].iTradePartner)
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Trade window open");
				AddLog("NOTICE: Trade window open when sending %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s) %u %u",
						wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str(),
						wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str(),
						iClientID, targetClientId);
				return true;

		// Remove cash from current character and save it checking that the
		// save completes before allowing the cash to be added to the target ship.
		if ((err = HkAddCash(wscCharname, 0-cash)) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Remove cash failed err="+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;

		if (HkAntiCheat(iClientID) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer failed");			
			AddLog("NOTICE: Possible cheating when sending %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s)",
				wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str(),
				wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str());			
			return true;

		// Add cash to target character
		if ((err = HkAddCash(wscTargetCharname, cash)) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Add cash failed err="+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;

		targetClientId = HkGetClientIdFromCharname(wscTargetCharname);
		if (targetClientId!=-1 && !HkIsInCharSelectMenu(targetClientId))
			if (HkAntiCheat(targetClientId) != HKE_OK)
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer failed");			
				AddLog("NOTICE: Possible cheating when sending %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s)",
					wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str(),
					wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str());		
				return true;

		// Check that receiving character has the correct ammount of cash.
		int iCurrCash;
		if ((err = HkGetCash(wscTargetCharname, iCurrCash)) != HKE_OK
			|| iCurrCash != iExpectedCash)
			AddLog("ERROR: Cash transfer error when sending %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s) current %s credits expected %s credits ",
					wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str(),
					wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str(),
					wstos(ToMoneyStr(iCurrCash)).c_str(), wstos(ToMoneyStr(iExpectedCash)).c_str());
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer failed");
			return true;

		// If the target player is online then send them a message saying
		// telling them that they've received the cash.
		wstring msg = L"You have received " + ToMoneyStr(cash) + L" credits from " + ((bAnon)?L"anonymous":wscCharname);
		if (targetClientId!=-1 && !HkIsInCharSelectMenu(targetClientId))
			PrintUserCmdText(targetClientId, L"%s", msg.c_str());
		// Otherwise we assume that the character is offline so we record an entry
		// in the character's givecash.ini. When they come online we inform them
		// of the transfer. The ini is cleared when ever the character logs in.
			wstring msg = L"You have received " + ToMoneyStr(cash) + L" credits from " + ((bAnon)?L"anonymous":wscCharname);
			LogTransfer(wscTargetCharname, msg);

		AddLog("NOTICE: Send %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s)",
			wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str(),
			wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str());

		// A friendly message explaining the transfer.
		msg = L"You have sent " + ToMoneyStr(cash) + L" credits to " + wscTargetCharname;
		if (bAnon)
			msg += L" anonymously";
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"%s", msg.c_str());
		return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: SiegeGun.cpp プロジェクト: dsyalex/FLHook
void Siege::SiegeGunDeploy(uint client, const wstring &args)
	// Abort processing if this is not a "heavy lifter"
	uint shiparch;
	pub::Player::GetShipID(client, shiparch);
	if (set_construction_shiparch != 0 && shiparch != set_construction_shiparch)
		PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Need deployment ship");

	uint ship;
	pub::Player::GetShip(client, ship);
	if (!ship)
		PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Not in space");

	// If the ship is moving, abort the processing.
	Vector dir1;
	Vector dir2;
	pub::SpaceObj::GetMotion(ship, dir1, dir2);
	if (dir1.x>5 || dir1.y>5 || dir1.z>5)
		PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Ship is moving");

	int min = 100;
	int max = 5000;
	int randomsiegeint = min + (rand() % (int)(max - min + 1));

	string randomname = "Siege Cannon AX-" + randomsiegeint;

	// Check for conflicting base name
	if (GetPlayerBase(CreateID(PlayerBase::CreateBaseNickname(randomname).c_str())))
		PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Deployment error, please reiterate.");

	// Check that the ship has the requires commodities.
	int hold_size;
	list<CARGO_INFO> cargo;
	HkEnumCargo((const wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(client), cargo, hold_size);
	for (map<uint, uint>::iterator i = construction_items.begin(); i != construction_items.end(); ++i)
		bool material_available = false;
		uint good = i->first;
		uint quantity = i->second;
		for (list<CARGO_INFO>::iterator ci = cargo.begin(); ci != cargo.end(); ++ci)
			if (ci->iArchID == good && ci->iCount >= (int)quantity)
				material_available = true;
				pub::Player::RemoveCargo(client, ci->iID, quantity);
		if (material_available == false)
			PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Construction failed due to insufficient raw material.");
			for (i = construction_items.begin(); i != construction_items.end(); ++i)
				const GoodInfo *gi = GoodList::find_by_id(i->first);
				if (gi)
					PrintUserCmdText(client, L"|  %ux %s", i->second, HkGetWStringFromIDS(gi->iIDSName).c_str());

	wstring charname = (const wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(client);
	AddLog("NOTICE: Base created %s by %s (%s)",

	wstring password = L"hastesucks";
	wstring basename = stows(randomname);

	PlayerBase *newbase = new PlayerBase(client, password, basename);
	player_bases[newbase->base] = newbase;
	newbase->basetype = "siegegun";
	newbase->basesolar = "depot";
	newbase->baseloadout = "depot";
	newbase->defense_mode = 1;

	for (map<string, ARCHTYPE_STRUCT>::iterator iter = mapArchs.begin(); iter!=mapArchs.end(); iter++)

		ARCHTYPE_STRUCT &thearch = iter->second;
		if (iter->first == newbase->basetype) 
			newbase->invulnerable = thearch.invulnerable;
			newbase->logic = thearch.logic;


	PrintUserCmdText(client, L"OK: Siege Cannon deployed");
	PrintUserCmdText(client, L"Default administration password is %s", password.c_str());
コード例 #7
ファイル: HkFuncLog.cpp プロジェクト: HeIIoween/FLHook
bool HkAddConnectLog(uint iClientID, wstring wscReason, ...)
	wchar_t wszBuf[1024*8] = L"";
	va_list marker;
	va_start(marker, wscReason);

	_vsnwprintf(wszBuf, (sizeof(wszBuf) / 2) - 1, wscReason.c_str(), marker);

	FILE *f = fopen(("./flhook_logs/flhook_connects.log"), "at");
		return false;

	const wchar_t *wszCharname = (wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID);
		wszCharname = L"";

	CAccount *acc = Players.FindAccountFromClientID(iClientID);
	wstring wscAccountDir;
	HkGetAccountDirName(acc, wscAccountDir);

	time_t tNow = time(0);
	struct tm *stNow = localtime(&tNow);
	fprintf(f, "%.2d/%.2d/%.4d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d Connect (%s): %s(%s)(%s)\n", stNow->tm_mon + 1, stNow->tm_mday, stNow->tm_year + 1900, stNow->tm_hour, stNow->tm_min, stNow->tm_sec, wstos(wszBuf).c_str(), wstos(wszCharname).c_str(), wstos(wscAccountDir).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(acc)).c_str());
	return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Rename.cpp プロジェクト: HeIIoween/FLHook
	void Timer()
		// Every 100 seconds expire unused tags and save the tag database
		/* uint curr_time = (uint)time(0);
		if (curr_time % 100)
			for (std::map<wstring, TAG_DATA>::iterator i = mapTagToPassword.begin(); i != mapTagToPassword.end(); ++i)
				if (i->second.last_access < (curr_time - (3600 * 24 * 30)))
		} */

		// Check for pending renames and execute them. We do this on a timer so that the
		// player is definitely not online when we do the rename.
		while (pendingRenames.size())
			RENAME o = pendingRenames.front();
			if (HkGetClientIdFromCharname(o.wscCharname)!=-1)

			CAccount *acc = HkGetAccountByCharname(o.wscCharname);
			// Delete the character from the existing account, create a new character with the
			// same name in this account and then copy over it with the save character file.
				if (!acc)
					throw "no acc";

				HkLockAccountAccess(acc, true);

				// Move the char file to a temporary one.
				if (!::MoveFileExA(o.scSourceFile.c_str(), o.scDestFileTemp.c_str(),
					throw "move src to temp failed";
				// Decode the char file, update the char name and re-encode it.
				// Add a space to the value so the ini file line looks like "<key> = <value>"
				// otherwise Ioncross Server Operator can't decode the file correctly
				flc_decode(o.scDestFileTemp.c_str(), o.scDestFileTemp.c_str());
				IniWriteW(o.scDestFileTemp, "Player", "Name", o.wscNewCharname);
				if (!set_bDisableCharfileEncryption)
					flc_encode(o.scDestFileTemp.c_str(), o.scDestFileTemp.c_str());

				// Create and delete the character
				HkDeleteCharacter(acc, o.wscCharname);
				HkNewCharacter(acc, o.wscNewCharname);

				// Move files around
				if (!::MoveFileExA(o.scDestFileTemp.c_str(), o.scDestFile.c_str(),
					throw "move failed";
				if (::PathFileExistsA(o.scSourceFile.c_str()))
					throw "src still exists";
				if (!::PathFileExistsA(o.scDestFile.c_str()))
					throw "dest does not exist";

				// The rename worked. Log it and save the rename time.
				AddLog("NOTICE: User rename %s to %s (%s)",wstos(o.wscCharname).c_str(),wstos(o.wscNewCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(acc)).c_str());
			catch (char *err)
				AddLog("ERROR: User rename failed (%s) from %s to %s (%s)", err, wstos(o.wscCharname).c_str(),wstos(o.wscNewCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(acc)).c_str());

		while (pendingMoves.size())
			MOVE o = pendingMoves.front();
			if (HkGetClientIdFromCharname(o.wscDestinationCharname)!=-1)
			if (HkGetClientIdFromCharname(o.wscMovingCharname)!=-1)

			CAccount *acc = HkGetAccountByCharname(o.wscDestinationCharname);
			CAccount *oldAcc = HkGetAccountByCharname(o.wscMovingCharname);

			// Delete the character from the existing account, create a new character with the
			// same name in this account and then copy over it with the save character file.
				HkLockAccountAccess(acc, true);

				HkLockAccountAccess(oldAcc, true);

				// Move the char file to a temporary one.
				if (!::MoveFileExA(o.scSourceFile.c_str(), o.scDestFileTemp.c_str(),
					throw "move src to temp failed";

				// Create and delete the character
				HkDeleteCharacter(oldAcc, o.wscMovingCharname);
				HkNewCharacter(acc, o.wscMovingCharname);

				// Move files around
				if (!::MoveFileExA(o.scDestFileTemp.c_str(), o.scDestFile.c_str(),
					throw "move failed";
				if (::PathFileExistsA(o.scSourceFile.c_str()))
					throw "src still exists";
				if (!::PathFileExistsA(o.scDestFile.c_str()))
					throw "dest does not exist";

				// The move worked. Log it.
				AddLog("NOTICE: Character %s moved from %s to %s",

			catch (char *err)
				AddLog("ERROR: Character %s move failed (%s) from %s to %s",
					wstos(o.wscMovingCharname).c_str(), err,
コード例 #9
void HkUnlockAccountAccess(CAccount *acc)
	flstr *flStr = CreateWString(HkGetAccountID(acc).c_str());