コード例 #1
ファイル: hardware.c プロジェクト: Moteesh/reactos
HwReset(PCONTROLLER_INFO ControllerInfo)
 * FUNCTION: Reset the controller
 *     ControllerInfo: controller to reset
 *     STATUS_SUCCESS in all cases
 *     - Generates an interrupt that must be serviced four times (one per drive)
    TRACE_(FLOPPY, "HwReset called\n");

    /* Write the reset bit in the DRSR */

    /* Check for the reset bit in the DOR and set it if necessary (see Intel doc) */
    if(!(READ_PORT_UCHAR(ControllerInfo->BaseAddress + DIGITAL_OUTPUT_REGISTER) & DOR_RESET))
        INFO_(FLOPPY, "HwReset: Setting Enable bit\n");

        if(!(READ_PORT_UCHAR(ControllerInfo->BaseAddress + DIGITAL_OUTPUT_REGISTER) & DOR_RESET))
            WARN_(FLOPPY, "HwReset: failed to set the DOR enable bit!\n");
            return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;

    return STATUS_SUCCESS;
コード例 #2
ファイル: hardware.c プロジェクト: Moteesh/reactos
Send_Byte(PCONTROLLER_INFO ControllerInfo, UCHAR Byte)
 * FUNCTION: Send a byte from the host to the controller's FIFO
 *     ControllerInfo: Info structure for the controller we're writing to
 *     Offset: Offset over the controller's base address that we're writing to
 *     Byte: Byte to write to the bus
 *     STATUS_SUCCESS if the byte was written successfully
 *     - Function designed after flowchart in intel datasheet
 *     - 250us max delay.  Note that this is exactly 5 times longer
 *       than Microsoft recommends stalling the processor
 *     - PAGED_CODE, because we spin for more than the Microsoft-recommended
 *       maximum.
 *     - This function is necessary because sometimes the FIFO reacts slowly
 *       and isn't yet ready to read or write the next byte
    int i;


    for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)


    if (i < 5)
        WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(ControllerInfo->BaseAddress + FIFO, Byte);
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;
        INFO_(FLOPPY, "Send_Byte: timed out trying to write\n");
コード例 #3
ファイル: hardware.c プロジェクト: Moteesh/reactos
Get_Byte(PCONTROLLER_INFO ControllerInfo, PUCHAR Byte)
 * FUNCTION: Read a byte from the controller to the host
 *     ControllerInfo: Info structure for the controller we're reading from
 *     Offset: Offset over the controller's base address  that we're reading from
 *     Byte: Byte to read from the bus
 *     STATUS_SUCCESS if the byte was read successfully
 *     - Function designed after flowchart in intel datasheet
 *     - 250us max delay.  Note that this is exactly 5 times longer
 *       than Microsoft recommends stalling the processor
 *     - Remember that we can be interrupted here, so this might
 *       take much more wall clock time than 250us
 *     - PAGED_CODE because we spin for longer than Microsoft recommends
    int i;


    for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)


    if (i < 5)
        *Byte = READ_PORT_UCHAR(ControllerInfo->BaseAddress + FIFO);
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;
        INFO_(FLOPPY, "Get_Byte: timed out trying to write\n");
コード例 #4
ファイル: readwrite.c プロジェクト: HBelusca/NasuTek-Odyssey
ReadWritePassive(PDRIVE_INFO DriveInfo, PIRP Irp)
 * FUNCTION: Handle the first phase of a read or write IRP
 *     DeviceObject: DeviceObject that is the target of the IRP
 *     Irp: IRP to process
 *     STATUS_VERIFY_REQUIRED if the media has changed and we need the filesystems to re-synch
 *     STATUS_SUCCESS otherwise
 *     - Must be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL
 *     - This function is about 250 lines longer than I wanted it to be.  Sorry.
 *  This routine manages the whole process of servicing a read or write request.  It goes like this:
 *    1) Check the DO_VERIFY_VOLUME flag and return if it's set
 *    2) Check the disk change line and notify the OS if it's set and return
 *    3) Detect the media if we haven't already
 *    4) Set up DiskByteOffset, Length, and WriteToDevice parameters
 *    5) Get DMA map registers
 *    6) Then, in a loop for each track, until all bytes are transferred:
 *      a) Compute the current CHS to set the read/write head to
 *      b) Seek to that spot
 *      c) Compute the last sector to transfer on that track
 *      d) Map the transfer through DMA
 *      e) Send the read or write command to the controller
 *      f) Read the results of the command
    PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject = DriveInfo->DeviceObject;
    PIO_STACK_LOCATION Stack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
    BOOLEAN WriteToDevice;
    ULONG Length;
    ULONG DiskByteOffset;
    KIRQL OldIrql;
    NTSTATUS Status;
    BOOLEAN DiskChanged;
    ULONG_PTR TransferByteOffset;
    UCHAR Gap;


    TRACE_(FLOPPY, "ReadWritePassive called to %s 0x%x bytes from offset 0x%x\n",
           (Stack->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_READ ? "read" : "write"),
           (Stack->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_READ ? Stack->Parameters.Read.Length : Stack->Parameters.Write.Length),
           (Stack->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_READ ? Stack->Parameters.Read.ByteOffset.u.LowPart :

    /* Default return codes */
    Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
    Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;

     * Check to see if the volume needs to be verified.  If so,
     * we can get out of here quickly.
    if(DeviceObject->Flags & DO_VERIFY_VOLUME && !(Stack->Flags & SL_OVERRIDE_VERIFY_VOLUME))
        INFO_(FLOPPY, "ReadWritePassive(): DO_VERIFY_VOLUME set; Completing with  STATUS_VERIFY_REQUIRED\n");
        Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_VERIFY_REQUIRED;
        IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);

     * Check the change line, and if it's set, return
    if(HwDiskChanged(DeviceObject->DeviceExtension, &DiskChanged) != STATUS_SUCCESS)
        WARN_(FLOPPY, "ReadWritePassive(): unable to detect disk change; Completing with STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL\n");
        IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);

        INFO_(FLOPPY, "ReadWritePhase1(): signalling media changed; Completing with STATUS_MEDIA_CHANGED\n");

        /* The following call sets IoStatus.Status and IoStatus.Information */
        SignalMediaChanged(DeviceObject, Irp);

         * Guessing at something... see ioctl.c for more info
        if(ResetChangeFlag(DriveInfo) == STATUS_NO_MEDIA_IN_DEVICE)
            Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_NO_MEDIA_IN_DEVICE;

        IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);

     * Figure out the media type, if we don't know it already
    if(DriveInfo->DiskGeometry.MediaType == Unknown)
        if(RWDetermineMediaType(DriveInfo) != STATUS_SUCCESS)
            WARN_(FLOPPY, "ReadWritePassive(): unable to determine media type; completing with STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL\n");
            IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);

        if(DriveInfo->DiskGeometry.MediaType == Unknown)
            WARN_(FLOPPY, "ReadWritePassive(): Unknown media in drive; completing with STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA\n");
            Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA;
            IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);

    /* Set up parameters for read or write */
    if(Stack->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_READ)
        Length = Stack->Parameters.Read.Length;
        DiskByteOffset = Stack->Parameters.Read.ByteOffset.u.LowPart;
        WriteToDevice = FALSE;
        Length = Stack->Parameters.Write.Length;
        DiskByteOffset = Stack->Parameters.Write.ByteOffset.u.LowPart;
        WriteToDevice = TRUE;

     * FIXME:
     *   FloppyDeviceData.ReadWriteGapLength specify the value for the physical drive.
     *   We should set this value depend on the format of the inserted disk and possible
     *   depend on the request (read or write). A value of 0 results in one rotation
     *   between the sectors (7.2sec for reading a track).
    Gap = DriveInfo->FloppyDeviceData.ReadWriteGapLength;

     * Set up DMA transfer
     * This is as good of a place as any to document something that used to confuse me
     * greatly (and I even wrote some of the kernel's DMA code, so if it confuses me, it
     * probably confuses at least a couple of other people too).
     * MmGetMdlVirtualAddress() returns the virtal address, as mapped in the buffer's original
     * process context, of the MDL.  In other words:  say you start with a buffer at address X, then
     * you build an MDL out of that buffer called Mdl. If you call MmGetMdlVirtualAddress(Mdl), it
     * will return X.
     * There are two parameters that the function looks at to produce X again, given the MDL:  the
     * first is the StartVa, which is the base virtual address of the page that the buffer starts
     * in.  If your buffer's virtual address is 0x12345678, StartVa will be 0x12345000, assuming 4K pages
     * (which is (almost) always the case on x86).  Note well: this address is only valid in the
     * process context that you initially built the MDL from.  The physical pages that make up
     * the MDL might perhaps be mapped in other process contexts too (or even in the system space,
     * above 0x80000000 (default; 0xc0000000 on current Odyssey or /3GB Windows)), but it will
     * (possibly) be mapped at a different address.
     * The second parameter is the ByteOffset.  Given an original buffer address of 0x12345678,
     * the ByteOffset would be 0x678.  Because MDLs can only describe full pages (and therefore
     * StartVa always points to the start address of a page), the ByteOffset must be used to
     * find the real start of the buffer.
     * In general, if you add the StartVa and ByteOffset together, you get back your original
     * buffer pointer, which you are free to use if you're sure you're in the right process
     * context.  You could tell by accessing the (hidden and not-to-be-used) Process member of
     * the MDL, but in general, if you have to ask whether or not you are in the right context,
     * then you shouldn't be using this address for anything anyway.  There are also security implications
     * (big ones, really, I wouldn't kid about this) to directly accessing a user's buffer by VA, so
     * Don't Do That.
     * There is a somewhat weird but very common use of the virtual address associated with a MDL
     * that pops up often in the context of DMA.  DMA APIs (particularly MapTransfer()) need to
     * know where the memory is that they should DMA into and out of.  This memory is described
     * by a MDL.  The controller eventually needs to know a physical address on the host side,
     * which is generally a 32-bit linear address (on x86), and not just a page address.  Therefore,
     * the DMA APIs look at the ByteOffset field of the MDL to reconstruct the real address that
     * should be programmed into the DMA controller.
     * It is often the case that a transfer needs to be broken down over more than one DMA operation,
     * particularly when it is a big transfer and the HAL doesn't give you enough map registers
     * to map the whole thing at once.  Therefore, the APIs need a way to tell how far into the MDL
     * they should look to transfer the next chunk of bytes.  Now, Microsoft could have designed
     * MapTransfer to take a  "MDL offset" argument, starting with 0, for how far into the buffer to
     * start, but it didn't.  Instead, MapTransfer asks for the virtual address of the MDL as an "index" into
     * the MDL.  The way it computes how far into the page to start the transfer is by masking off all but
     * the bottom 12 bits (on x86) of the number you supply as the CurrentVa and using *that* as the
     * ByteOffset instead of the one in the MDL.  (OK, this varies a bit by OS and version, but this
     * is the effect).
     * In other words, you get a number back from MmGetMdlVirtualAddress that represents the start of your
     * buffer, and you pass it to the first MapTransfer call.  Then, for each successive operation
     * on the same buffer, you increment that address to point to the next spot in the MDL that
     * you want to DMA to/from.  The fact that the virtual address you're manipulating is probably not
     * mapped into the process context that you're running in is irrelevant, since it's only being
     * used to index into the MDL.

    /* Get map registers for DMA */
    KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &OldIrql);
    Status = IoAllocateAdapterChannel(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo->AdapterObject, DeviceObject,
                                      DriveInfo->ControllerInfo->MapRegisters, MapRegisterCallback, DriveInfo->ControllerInfo);

    if(Status != STATUS_SUCCESS)
        WARN_(FLOPPY, "ReadWritePassive(): unable allocate an adapter channel; completing with STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL\n");
        IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
        return ;

     * Read from (or write to) the device
     * This has to be called in a loop, as you can only transfer data to/from a single track at
     * a time.
    TransferByteOffset = 0;
    while(TransferByteOffset < Length)
        UCHAR Cylinder;
        UCHAR Head;
        UCHAR StartSector;
        ULONG CurrentTransferBytes;
        UCHAR CurrentTransferSectors;

        INFO_(FLOPPY, "ReadWritePassive(): iterating in while (TransferByteOffset = 0x%x of 0x%x total) - allocating %d registers\n",
              TransferByteOffset, Length, DriveInfo->ControllerInfo->MapRegisters);


         * Compute starting CHS
        if(RWComputeCHS(DriveInfo, DiskByteOffset+TransferByteOffset, &Cylinder, &Head, &StartSector) != STATUS_SUCCESS)
            WARN_(FLOPPY, "ReadWritePassive(): unable to compute CHS; completing with STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL\n");
            IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);

         * Seek to the right track
            if(RWSeekToCylinder(DriveInfo, Cylinder) != STATUS_SUCCESS)
                WARN_(FLOPPY, "ReadWritePassive(): unable to seek; completing with STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL\n");
                IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
                return ;

         * Compute last sector
         * We can only ask for a transfer up to the end of the track.  Then we have to re-seek and do more.
         * TODO: Support the MT bit
        INFO_(FLOPPY, "ReadWritePassive(): computing number of sectors to transfer (StartSector 0x%x): ", StartSector);

        /* 1-based sector number */
        if( (((DriveInfo->DiskGeometry.TracksPerCylinder - Head) * DriveInfo->DiskGeometry.SectorsPerTrack - StartSector) + 1 ) <
                (Length - TransferByteOffset) / DriveInfo->DiskGeometry.BytesPerSector)
            CurrentTransferSectors = (UCHAR)((DriveInfo->DiskGeometry.TracksPerCylinder - Head) * DriveInfo->DiskGeometry.SectorsPerTrack - StartSector) + 1;
            CurrentTransferSectors = (UCHAR)((Length - TransferByteOffset) / DriveInfo->DiskGeometry.BytesPerSector);

        INFO_(FLOPPY, "0x%x\n", CurrentTransferSectors);

        CurrentTransferBytes = CurrentTransferSectors * DriveInfo->DiskGeometry.BytesPerSector;

         * Adjust to map registers
         * BUG: Does this take into account page crossings?
        INFO_(FLOPPY, "ReadWritePassive(): Trying to transfer 0x%x bytes\n", CurrentTransferBytes);


        if(BYTES_TO_PAGES(CurrentTransferBytes) > DriveInfo->ControllerInfo->MapRegisters)
            CurrentTransferSectors = (UCHAR)((DriveInfo->ControllerInfo->MapRegisters * PAGE_SIZE) /

            CurrentTransferBytes = CurrentTransferSectors * DriveInfo->DiskGeometry.BytesPerSector;

            INFO_(FLOPPY, "ReadWritePassive: limiting transfer to 0x%x bytes (0x%x sectors) due to map registers\n",
                  CurrentTransferBytes, CurrentTransferSectors);

        /* set up this round's dma operation */
        /* param 2 is ReadOperation --> opposite of WriteToDevice that IoMapTransfer takes.  BAD MS. */
        KeFlushIoBuffers(Irp->MdlAddress, !WriteToDevice, TRUE);

        IoMapTransfer(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo->AdapterObject, Irp->MdlAddress,
                      (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)MmGetMdlVirtualAddress(Irp->MdlAddress) + TransferByteOffset),
                      &CurrentTransferBytes, WriteToDevice);

         * Read or Write

        /* Issue the read/write command to the controller.  Note that it expects the opposite of WriteToDevice. */
        if(HwReadWriteData(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo, !WriteToDevice, DriveInfo->UnitNumber, Cylinder, Head, StartSector,
                           DriveInfo->BytesPerSectorCode, DriveInfo->DiskGeometry.SectorsPerTrack, Gap, 0xff) != STATUS_SUCCESS)
            WARN_(FLOPPY, "ReadWritePassive(): HwReadWriteData returned failure; unable to read; completing with STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL\n");
            IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
            return ;

        INFO_(FLOPPY, "ReadWritePassive(): HwReadWriteData returned -- waiting on event\n");

         * At this point, we block and wait for an interrupt
         * FIXME: this seems to take too long

        /* Read is complete; flush & free adapter channel */
        IoFlushAdapterBuffers(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo->AdapterObject, Irp->MdlAddress,
                              (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)MmGetMdlVirtualAddress(Irp->MdlAddress) + TransferByteOffset),
                              CurrentTransferBytes, WriteToDevice);

        /* Read the results from the drive */
        if(HwReadWriteResult(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo) != STATUS_SUCCESS)
            WARN_(FLOPPY, "ReadWritePassive(): HwReadWriteResult returned failure; unable to read; completing with STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL\n");
            IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
            return ;

        TransferByteOffset += CurrentTransferBytes;


    /* That's all folks! */
    INFO_(FLOPPY, "ReadWritePassive(): success; Completing with STATUS_SUCCESS\n");
    Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
    Irp->IoStatus.Information = Length;
    IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_DISK_INCREMENT);