static void test_object_info(LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE device, HWND hwnd) { HRESULT hr; DIPROPDWORD dp; DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE obj_info; DWORD obj_types[] = {DIDFT_BUTTON, DIDFT_AXIS, DIDFT_POV}; int type_index; int cnt = 0, cnt1 = 0; hr = IDirectInputDevice_EnumObjects(device, enum_callback, &cnt, DIDFT_ALL); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "EnumObjects() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat(device, &data_format); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "SetDataFormat() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_EnumObjects(device, enum_callback, &cnt1, DIDFT_ALL); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "EnumObjects() failed: %08x\n", hr); if (0) /* fails for joystick only */ ok(cnt == cnt1, "Enum count changed from %d to %d\n", cnt, cnt1); /* Testing EnumObjects with different types of device objects */ for (type_index=0; type_index < sizeof(obj_types)/sizeof(obj_types[0]); type_index++) { hr = IDirectInputDevice_EnumObjects(device, enum_type_callback, &obj_types[type_index], obj_types[type_index]); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "EnumObjects() failed: %08x\n", hr); } /* No need to test devices without axis */ obj_info.dwSize = sizeof(obj_info); hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetObjectInfo(device, &obj_info, 16, DIPH_BYOFFSET); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { /* No device supports per axis relative/absolute mode */ memset(&dp, 0, sizeof(dp)); dp.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); dp.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dp.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYOFFSET; dp.diph.dwObj = 16; dp.dwData = DIPROPAXISMODE_ABS; hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty(device, DIPROP_AXISMODE, &dp.diph); ok(hr == DIERR_UNSUPPORTED, "SetProperty() returned: %08x\n", hr); dp.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty(device, DIPROP_AXISMODE, &dp.diph); ok(hr == DIERR_INVALIDPARAM, "SetProperty() returned: %08x\n", hr); dp.diph.dwObj = 0; hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty(device, DIPROP_AXISMODE, &dp.diph); ok(hr == DI_OK, "SetProperty() failed: %08x\n", hr); /* Cannot change mode while acquired */ hr = IDirectInputDevice_Acquire(device); ok(hr == DI_OK, "Acquire() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty(device, DIPROP_AXISMODE, &dp.diph); ok(hr == DIERR_ACQUIRED, "SetProperty() returned: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire(device); ok(hr == DI_OK, "Unacquire() failed: %08x\n", hr); } }
static void test_mouse_EnumObjects(IDirectInputA *pDI) { HRESULT hr; IDirectInputDeviceA *pMouse = NULL; hr = IDirectInput_CreateDevice(pDI, &GUID_SysMouse, &pMouse, NULL); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInput_CreateDevice() failed: %08x\n", hr); if (FAILED(hr)) return; hr = IDirectInputDevice_EnumObjects(pMouse, EnumAxes, NULL, DIDFT_ALL); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_EnumObjects() failed: %08x\n", hr); if (pMouse) IUnknown_Release(pMouse); }
static BOOL CALLBACK EnumJoysticks(const DIDEVICEINSTANCEA *lpddi, void *pvRef) { HRESULT hr; UserData * data = pvRef; IDirectInputDeviceA *pJoystick; DIDATAFORMAT format; DIDEVCAPS caps; DIJOYSTATE2 js; JoystickInfo info; int i, count; ULONG ref; DIDEVICEINSTANCEA inst; DIDEVICEINSTANCE_DX3A inst3; DIPROPDWORD dipw; DIPROPSTRING dps; DIPROPGUIDANDPATH dpg; WCHAR nameBuffer[MAX_PATH]; HWND hWnd = get_hwnd(); char oldstate[248], curstate[248]; ok(data->version > 0x0300, "Joysticks not supported in version 0x%04x\n", data->version); hr = IDirectInput_CreateDevice(data->pDI, &lpddi->guidInstance, NULL, NULL); ok(hr==E_POINTER,"IDirectInput_CreateDevice() should have returned " "E_POINTER, returned: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInput_CreateDevice(data->pDI, NULL, &pJoystick, NULL); ok(hr==E_POINTER,"IDirectInput_CreateDevice() should have returned " "E_POINTER, returned: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInput_CreateDevice(data->pDI, NULL, NULL, NULL); ok(hr==E_POINTER,"IDirectInput_CreateDevice() should have returned " "E_POINTER, returned: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInput_CreateDevice(data->pDI, &lpddi->guidInstance, &pJoystick, NULL); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInput_CreateDevice() failed: %08x\n", hr); if (hr!=DI_OK) goto DONE; trace("---- %s ----\n", lpddi->tszProductName); /* Test for joystick ID property */ ZeroMemory(&dipw, sizeof(dipw)); dipw.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); dipw.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dipw.diph.dwObj = 0; dipw.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_JOYSTICKID, &dipw.diph); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty() for DIPROP_JOYSTICKID failed\n"); /* Test for INSTANCENAME property */ memset(&dps, 0, sizeof(dps)); dps.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPSTRING); dps.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dps.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_INSTANCENAME, &dps.diph); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInput_GetProperty() for DIPROP_INSTANCENAME failed: %08x\n", hr); /* Test if instance name is the same as present in DIDEVICEINSTANCE */ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpddi->tszInstanceName, -1, nameBuffer, MAX_PATH); ok(!lstrcmpW(nameBuffer, dps.wsz), "DIPROP_INSTANCENAME returned is wrong. Expected: %s Got: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(nameBuffer), wine_dbgstr_w(dps.wsz)); /* Test for GUIDPATH properties */ memset(&dpg, 0, sizeof(dpg)); dpg.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPGUIDANDPATH); dpg.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dpg.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_GUIDANDPATH, &dpg.diph); todo_wine ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirectInput_GetProperty() for DIPROP_GUIDANDPATH failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat(pJoystick, NULL); ok(hr==E_POINTER,"IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat() should have returned " "E_POINTER, returned: %08x\n", hr); ZeroMemory(&format, sizeof(format)); hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat(pJoystick, &format); ok(hr==DIERR_INVALIDPARAM,"IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat() should have " "returned DIERR_INVALIDPARAM, returned: %08x\n", hr); /* try the default formats */ hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat(pJoystick, &c_dfDIJoystick); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat(pJoystick, &c_dfDIJoystick2); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat() failed: %08x\n", hr); /* try an alternate format */ hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat(pJoystick, &c_dfDIJoystickTest); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat(pJoystick, &c_dfDIJoystick2); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat() failed: %08x\n", hr); if (hr != DI_OK) goto RELEASE; for (i=0; i<16; i++) { hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetCooperativeLevel(pJoystick, NULL, i); ok(hr == SetCoop_null_window[i], "SetCooperativeLevel(NULL, %d): %08x\n", i, hr); } for (i=0; i<16; i++) { hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetCooperativeLevel(pJoystick, hWnd, i); ok(hr == SetCoop_real_window[i], "SetCooperativeLevel(hwnd, %d): %08x\n", i, hr); } hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetCooperativeLevel(pJoystick, hWnd, DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE | DISCL_BACKGROUND); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_SetCooperativeLevel() failed: %08x\n", hr); /* get capabilities */ hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetCapabilities(pJoystick, NULL); ok(hr==E_POINTER,"IDirectInputDevice_GetCapabilities() " "should have returned E_POINTER, returned: %08x\n", hr); ZeroMemory(&caps, sizeof(caps)); hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetCapabilities(pJoystick, &caps); ok(hr==DIERR_INVALIDPARAM,"IDirectInputDevice_GetCapabilities() " "should have returned DIERR_INVALIDPARAM, returned: %08x\n", hr); caps.dwSize = sizeof(caps); hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetCapabilities(pJoystick, &caps); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_GetCapabilities() failed: %08x\n", hr); ZeroMemory(&info, sizeof(info)); info.pJoystick = pJoystick; /* default min/max limits */ info.lMin = 0; info.lMax = 0xffff; /* enumerate objects */ hr = IDirectInputDevice_EnumObjects(pJoystick, EnumAxes, &info, DIDFT_ALL); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_EnumObjects() failed: %08x\n", hr); ok(caps.dwAxes == info.axis, "Number of enumerated axes (%d) doesn't match capabilities (%d)\n", info.axis, caps.dwAxes); ok(caps.dwButtons == info.button, "Number of enumerated buttons (%d) doesn't match capabilities (%d)\n", info.button, caps.dwButtons); ok(caps.dwPOVs == info.pov, "Number of enumerated POVs (%d) doesn't match capabilities (%d)\n", info.pov, caps.dwPOVs); /* Set format and check limits again */ hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat(pJoystick, &c_dfDIJoystick2); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat() failed: %08x\n", hr); info.lMin = -2000; info.lMax = +2000; info.dZone= 123; hr = IDirectInputDevice_EnumObjects(pJoystick, EnumAxes, &info, DIDFT_ALL); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_EnumObjects() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetDeviceInfo(pJoystick, 0); ok(hr==E_POINTER, "IDirectInputDevice_GetDeviceInfo() " "should have returned E_POINTER, returned: %08x\n", hr); ZeroMemory(&inst, sizeof(inst)); ZeroMemory(&inst3, sizeof(inst3)); hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetDeviceInfo(pJoystick, &inst); ok(hr==DIERR_INVALIDPARAM, "IDirectInputDevice_GetDeviceInfo() " "should have returned DIERR_INVALIDPARAM, returned: %08x\n", hr); inst.dwSize = sizeof(inst); hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetDeviceInfo(pJoystick, &inst); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_GetDeviceInfo() failed: %08x\n", hr); inst3.dwSize = sizeof(inst3); hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetDeviceInfo(pJoystick, (DIDEVICEINSTANCEA*)&inst3); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_GetDeviceInfo() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire(pJoystick); ok(hr == S_FALSE, "IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire() should have returned S_FALSE, got: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_Acquire(pJoystick); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_Acquire() failed: %08x\n", hr); if (hr != DI_OK) goto RELEASE; hr = IDirectInputDevice_Acquire(pJoystick); ok(hr == S_FALSE, "IDirectInputDevice_Acquire() should have returned S_FALSE, got: %08x\n", hr); if (info.pov < 4) { hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetDeviceState(pJoystick, sizeof(DIJOYSTATE2), &js); ok(hr == DI_OK, "IDirectInputDevice_GetDeviceState() failed: %08x\n", hr); ok(js.rgdwPOV[3] == -1, "Default for unassigned POV should be -1 not: %d\n", js.rgdwPOV[3]); } if (caps.dwFlags & DIDC_FORCEFEEDBACK) { DWORD axes[2] = {DIJOFS_X, DIJOFS_Y}; LONG direction[2] = {0, 0}; DICONSTANTFORCE force = {0}; DIEFFECT eff; LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT effect = NULL; LONG cnt1, cnt2; HWND real_hWnd; HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandleW(NULL); DIPROPDWORD dip_gain_set, dip_gain_get; trace("Testing force-feedback\n"); memset(&eff, 0, sizeof(eff)); eff.dwSize = sizeof(eff); eff.dwFlags = DIEFF_CARTESIAN | DIEFF_OBJECTOFFSETS; eff.dwDuration = INFINITE; eff.dwGain = DI_FFNOMINALMAX; eff.dwTriggerButton = DIEB_NOTRIGGER; eff.cAxes = sizeof(axes) / sizeof(axes[0]); eff.rgdwAxes = axes; eff.rglDirection = direction; eff.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(force); eff.lpvTypeSpecificParams = &force; /* Sending effects to joystick requires * calling IDirectInputEffect_Initialize, which requires * having exclusive access to the device, which requires * - not having acquired the joystick when calling * IDirectInputDevice_SetCooperativeLevel * - a visible window */ real_hWnd = CreateWindowExA(0, "EDIT", "Test text", 0, 10, 10, 300, 300, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL); ok(real_hWnd!=0,"CreateWindowExA failed: %p\n", real_hWnd); ShowWindow(real_hWnd, SW_SHOW); hr = IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire(pJoystick); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetCooperativeLevel(pJoystick, real_hWnd, DISCL_EXCLUSIVE | DISCL_FOREGROUND); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_SetCooperativeLevel() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_Acquire(pJoystick); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_Acquire() failed: %08x\n", hr); cnt1 = get_refcount((IUnknown*)pJoystick); hr = IDirectInputDevice2_CreateEffect((IDirectInputDevice2A*)pJoystick, &GUID_ConstantForce, &eff, &effect, NULL); ok(hr == DI_OK, "IDirectInputDevice_CreateEffect() failed: %08x\n", hr); cnt2 = get_refcount((IUnknown*)pJoystick); ok(cnt1 == cnt2, "Ref count is wrong %d != %d\n", cnt1, cnt2); if (effect) { DWORD effect_status; struct DIPROPDWORD diprop_word; GUID guid = {0}; hr = IDirectInputEffect_Initialize(effect, hInstance, data->version, &GUID_ConstantForce); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputEffect_Initialize failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputEffect_SetParameters(effect, &eff, DIEP_AXES | DIEP_DIRECTION | DIEP_TYPESPECIFICPARAMS); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputEffect_SetParameters failed: %08x\n", hr); if (hr==DI_OK) { /* Test that upload, unacquire, acquire still permits updating * uploaded effect. */ hr = IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire(pJoystick); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_Acquire(pJoystick); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_Acquire() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputEffect_SetParameters(effect, &eff, DIEP_GAIN); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputEffect_SetParameters failed: %08x\n", hr); } /* Check effect status. * State: initially stopped * start * State: started * unacquire, acquire, download * State: stopped * start * State: started * * Shows that: * - effects are stopped after Unacquire + Acquire * - effects are preserved (Download + Start doesn't complain * about incomplete effect) */ hr = IDirectInputEffect_GetEffectStatus(effect, &effect_status); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputEffect_GetEffectStatus() failed: %08x\n", hr); ok(effect_status==0,"IDirectInputEffect_GetEffectStatus() reported effect as started\n"); hr = IDirectInputEffect_SetParameters(effect, &eff, DIEP_START); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputEffect_SetParameters failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputEffect_GetEffectStatus(effect, &effect_status); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputEffect_GetEffectStatus() failed: %08x\n", hr); todo_wine ok(effect_status!=0,"IDirectInputEffect_GetEffectStatus() reported effect as stopped\n"); hr = IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire(pJoystick); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_Acquire(pJoystick); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_Acquire() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputEffect_Download(effect); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputEffect_Download() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputEffect_GetEffectStatus(effect, &effect_status); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputEffect_GetEffectStatus() failed: %08x\n", hr); ok(effect_status==0,"IDirectInputEffect_GetEffectStatus() reported effect as started\n"); hr = IDirectInputEffect_Start(effect, 1, 0); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputEffect_Start() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputEffect_GetEffectStatus(effect, &effect_status); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputEffect_GetEffectStatus() failed: %08x\n", hr); todo_wine ok(effect_status!=0,"IDirectInputEffect_GetEffectStatus() reported effect as stopped\n"); hr = IDirectInputEffect_GetEffectGuid(effect, &guid); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputEffect_GetEffectGuid() failed: %08x\n", hr); ok(IsEqualGUID(&GUID_ConstantForce, &guid), "Wrong guid returned\n"); /* Check autocenter status * State: initially stopped * enable * State: enabled * acquire * State: enabled * unacquire * State: enabled * * IDirectInputDevice2_SetProperty(DIPROP_AUTOCENTER) can only be * executed when the device is released. * * If Executed interactively, user can feel that autocenter is * only disabled when the joystick is acquired. */ diprop_word.diph.dwSize = sizeof(diprop_word); diprop_word.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(diprop_word.diph); diprop_word.diph.dwObj = 0; diprop_word.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; hr = IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire(pJoystick); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice2_GetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_AUTOCENTER, &diprop_word.diph); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice2_GetProperty() failed: %08x\n", hr); ok(diprop_word.dwData==DIPROPAUTOCENTER_ON,"IDirectInputDevice2_GetProperty() reported autocenter as disabled\n"); diprop_word.dwData = DIPROPAUTOCENTER_OFF; hr = IDirectInputDevice2_SetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_AUTOCENTER, &diprop_word.diph); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice2_SetProperty() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice2_GetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_AUTOCENTER, &diprop_word.diph); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice2_GetProperty() failed: %08x\n", hr); ok(diprop_word.dwData==DIPROPAUTOCENTER_OFF,"IDirectInputDevice2_GetProperty() reported autocenter as enabled\n"); if (winetest_interactive) { trace("Acquiring in 2s, autocenter will be disabled.\n"); Sleep(2000); } hr = IDirectInputDevice_Acquire(pJoystick); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_Acquire() failed: %08x\n", hr); if (winetest_interactive) trace("Acquired.\n"); hr = IDirectInputDevice2_GetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_AUTOCENTER, &diprop_word.diph); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice2_GetProperty() failed: %08x\n", hr); ok(diprop_word.dwData==DIPROPAUTOCENTER_OFF,"IDirectInputDevice2_GetProperty() reported autocenter as enabled\n"); if (winetest_interactive) { trace("Releasing in 2s, autocenter will be re-enabled.\n"); Sleep(2000); } hr = IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire(pJoystick); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire() failed: %08x\n", hr); if (winetest_interactive) trace("Released\n"); hr = IDirectInputDevice2_GetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_AUTOCENTER, &diprop_word.diph); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice2_GetProperty() failed: %08x\n", hr); ok(diprop_word.dwData==DIPROPAUTOCENTER_OFF,"IDirectInputDevice2_GetProperty() reported autocenter as enabled\n"); hr = IDirectInputDevice_Acquire(pJoystick); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_Acquire() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice2_GetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_AUTOCENTER, &diprop_word.diph); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice2_GetProperty() failed: %08x\n", hr); /* Device gain (DIPROP_FFGAIN). * From MSDN: * 0..10000 range, otherwise DIERR_INVALIDPARAM. * Can be changed even if device is acquired. * Difference found by tests: * <0 is refused, >10000 is accepted */ dip_gain_set.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); dip_gain_set.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dip_gain_set.diph.dwObj = 0; dip_gain_set.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; dip_gain_set.dwData = 10000; dip_gain_get.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); dip_gain_get.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dip_gain_get.diph.dwObj = 0; dip_gain_get.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; dip_gain_get.dwData = 0; /* Test device is acquisition (non)impact. */ hr = IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire(pJoystick); ok(hr == DI_OK, "IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire() should have returned S_FALSE, got: %08x\n", hr); dip_gain_set.dwData = 1; hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_FFGAIN, &dip_gain_set.diph); ok(hr==DI_OK, "IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_FFGAIN, &dip_gain_get.diph); ok(hr==DI_OK, "IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty() failed: %08x\n", hr); ok(dip_gain_get.dwData==dip_gain_set.dwData, "Gain not updated: %i\n", dip_gain_get.dwData); hr = IDirectInputDevice_Acquire(pJoystick); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_Acquire() failed: %08x\n", hr); dip_gain_set.dwData = 2; hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_FFGAIN, &dip_gain_set.diph); ok(hr==DI_OK, "IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_FFGAIN, &dip_gain_get.diph); ok(hr==DI_OK, "IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty() failed: %08x\n", hr); ok(dip_gain_get.dwData==dip_gain_set.dwData, "Gain not updated: %i\n", dip_gain_get.dwData); /* Test range and internal clamping. */ dip_gain_set.dwData = -1; hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_FFGAIN, &dip_gain_set.diph); todo_wine ok(hr==DIERR_INVALIDPARAM, "IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty() should have returned %08x: %08x\n", DIERR_INVALIDPARAM, hr); dip_gain_set.dwData = 0; hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_FFGAIN, &dip_gain_set.diph); ok(hr==DI_OK, "IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_FFGAIN, &dip_gain_get.diph); ok(hr==DI_OK, "IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty() failed: %08x\n", hr); ok(dip_gain_get.dwData==dip_gain_set.dwData, "Gain not updated: %i\n", dip_gain_get.dwData); dip_gain_set.dwData = 10000; hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_FFGAIN, &dip_gain_set.diph); ok(hr==DI_OK, "IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_FFGAIN, &dip_gain_get.diph); ok(hr==DI_OK, "IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty() failed: %08x\n", hr); ok(dip_gain_get.dwData==dip_gain_set.dwData, "Gain not updated: %i\n", dip_gain_get.dwData); /* WARNING: This call succeeds, on the contrary of what is stated on MSDN. */ dip_gain_set.dwData = 10001; hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_FFGAIN, &dip_gain_set.diph); ok(hr==DI_OK, "IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty(pJoystick, DIPROP_FFGAIN, &dip_gain_get.diph); ok(hr==DI_OK, "IDirectInputDevice_GetProperty() failed: %08x\n", hr); ok(dip_gain_get.dwData==dip_gain_set.dwData, "Gain not updated: %i\n", dip_gain_get.dwData); ref = IUnknown_Release(effect); ok(ref == 0, "IDirectInputDevice_Release() reference count = %d\n", ref); } cnt1 = get_refcount((IUnknown*)pJoystick); ok(cnt1 == cnt2, "Ref count is wrong %d != %d\n", cnt1, cnt2); /* Before destroying the window, release joystick to revert to * non-exclusive, background cooperative level. */ hr = IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire(pJoystick); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire() failed: %08x\n", hr); hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetCooperativeLevel(pJoystick, hWnd, DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE | DISCL_BACKGROUND); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_SetCooperativeLevel() failed: %08x\n", hr); DestroyWindow (real_hWnd); hr = IDirectInputDevice_Acquire(pJoystick); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_Acquire() failed: %08x\n", hr); } if (winetest_interactive) { trace("You have 30 seconds to test all axes, sliders, POVs and buttons\n"); count = 300; } else count = 1; trace("\n"); oldstate[0]='\0'; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { hr = IDirectInputDevice_GetDeviceState(pJoystick, sizeof(DIJOYSTATE2), &js); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_GetDeviceState() failed: %08x\n", hr); if (hr != DI_OK) break; sprintf(curstate, "X%5d Y%5d Z%5d Rx%5d Ry%5d Rz%5d " "S0%5d S1%5d POV0%5d POV1%5d POV2%5d POV3%5d " "B %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", js.lX, js.lY, js.lZ, js.lRx, js.lRy, js.lRz, js.rglSlider[0], js.rglSlider[1], js.rgdwPOV[0], js.rgdwPOV[1], js.rgdwPOV[2], js.rgdwPOV[3], js.rgbButtons[0]>>7, js.rgbButtons[1]>>7, js.rgbButtons[2]>>7, js.rgbButtons[3]>>7, js.rgbButtons[4]>>7, js.rgbButtons[5]>>7, js.rgbButtons[6]>>7, js.rgbButtons[7]>>7, js.rgbButtons[8]>>7, js.rgbButtons[9]>>7, js.rgbButtons[10]>>7, js.rgbButtons[11]>>7); if (strcmp(oldstate, curstate) != 0) { trace("%s\n", curstate); strcpy(oldstate, curstate); } Sleep(100); } trace("\n"); hr = IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire(pJoystick); ok(hr==DI_OK,"IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire() failed: %08x\n", hr); RELEASE: ref = IDirectInputDevice_Release(pJoystick); ok(ref==0,"IDirectInputDevice_Release() reference count = %d\n", ref); DONE: return DIENUM_CONTINUE; }
static void InitJoystick(joystick_type *joystick) { LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE didTemp; HRESULT hr; LPDIRECTINPUT di = GetDirectInput(); joystick->use_joystick = FALSE; joystick->did = NULL; joystick->num_axes = 0; joystick->is_light_gun = (strcmp(joystick->name, "ACT LABS GS (ACT LABS GS)") == 0); /* get a did1 interface first... */ hr = IDirectInput_CreateDevice(di, &joystick->guidDevice, &didTemp, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorMsg("DirectInput CreateDevice() joystick failed: %s\n", DirectXDecodeError(hr)); return; } /* get a did2 interface to work with polling (most) joysticks */ hr = IDirectInputDevice_QueryInterface(didTemp, &IID_IDirectInputDevice2, (void**)&joystick->did); /* dispose of the temp interface */ IDirectInputDevice_Release(didTemp); /* check result of getting the did2 */ if (FAILED(hr)) { /* no error message because this happens in dx3 */ /* ErrorMsg("DirectInput QueryInterface joystick failed\n"); */ joystick->did = NULL; return; } hr = IDirectInputDevice2_SetCooperativeLevel(joystick->did, GetMainWindow(), DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE | DISCL_BACKGROUND); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorMsg("DirectInput SetCooperativeLevel() joystick failed: %s\n", DirectXDecodeError(hr)); return; } hr = IDirectInputDevice2_SetDataFormat(joystick->did, &c_dfDIJoystick); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorMsg("DirectInput SetDataFormat() joystick failed: %s\n", DirectXDecodeError(hr)); return; } if (joystick->is_light_gun) { /* setup light gun to report raw screen pixel data */ DIPROPDWORD diprop; memset(&diprop, 0, sizeof(diprop)); diprop.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); diprop.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); diprop.diph.dwObj = 0; diprop.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; diprop.dwData = DIPROPCALIBRATIONMODE_RAW; IDirectInputDevice2_SetProperty(joystick->did, DIPROP_CALIBRATIONMODE, &diprop.diph); } else { /* enumerate our axes */ hr = IDirectInputDevice_EnumObjects(joystick->did, DIJoystick_EnumAxisObjectsProc, joystick, DIDFT_AXIS); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorMsg("DirectInput EnumObjects() Axes failed: %s\n", DirectXDecodeError(hr)); return; } /* enumerate our POV hats */ joystick->num_pov = 0; hr = IDirectInputDevice_EnumObjects(joystick->did, DIJoystick_EnumPOVObjectsProc, joystick, DIDFT_POV); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorMsg("DirectInput EnumObjects() POVs failed: %s\n", DirectXDecodeError(hr)); return; } } /* enumerate our buttons */ joystick->num_buttons = 0; hr = IDirectInputDevice_EnumObjects(joystick->did, DIJoystick_EnumButtonObjectsProc, joystick, DIDFT_BUTTON); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorMsg("DirectInput EnumObjects() Buttons failed: %s\n", DirectXDecodeError(hr)); return; } hr = IDirectInputDevice2_Acquire(joystick->did); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorMsg("DirectInputDevice Acquire joystick failed!\n"); return; } /* start by clearing the structures */ ClearJoyState(&joystick->dijs); joystick->use_joystick = TRUE; }
/* mouse_dinput_init: [primary thread] * Sets up the DirectInput mouse device. */ static int mouse_dinput_init(void) { HRESULT hr; DIPROPDWORD property_buf_size = { /* the header */ { sizeof(DIPROPDWORD), // diph.dwSize sizeof(DIPROPHEADER), // diph.dwHeaderSize 0, // diph.dwObj DIPH_DEVICE, // diph.dwHow }, /* the data */ DINPUT_BUFFERSIZE, // dwData }; /* Get DirectInput interface */ hr = DirectInputCreate(allegro_inst, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, &mouse_dinput, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Error; /* Create the mouse device */ hr = IDirectInput_CreateDevice(mouse_dinput, &GUID_SysMouse, &mouse_dinput_device, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Error; /* Find how many buttons */ dinput_buttons = 0; dinput_wheel = FALSE; hr = IDirectInputDevice_EnumObjects(mouse_dinput_device, mouse_enum_callback, NULL, DIDFT_PSHBUTTON | DIDFT_AXIS); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Error; /* Check to see if the buttons are swapped (left-hand) */ mouse_swap_button = GetSystemMetrics(SM_SWAPBUTTON); /* Set data format */ hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat(mouse_dinput_device, &c_dfDIMouse); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Error; /* Set buffer size */ hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty(mouse_dinput_device, DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, &property_buf_size.diph); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Error; /* Enable event notification */ mouse_input_event = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetEventNotification(mouse_dinput_device, mouse_input_event); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Error; /* Register event handler */ if (_win_input_register_event(mouse_input_event, mouse_dinput_handle) != 0) goto Error; /* Grab the device */ _mouse_on = TRUE; wnd_call_proc(mouse_dinput_grab); return 0; Error: mouse_dinput_exit(); return -1; }