コード例 #1
/* PROGRAM: rlmemwt - write the transaction table and phy. backout flag
 *		      into an rlnote
rlmemwt(dsmContext_t *pcontext)
    dbcontext_t *pdbcontext = pcontext->pdbcontext;
    dbshm_t     *pdbpub = pdbcontext->pdbpub;
    MEMNOTE      note;
    TEXT        *ptx;
    TX          *ptrn;
    TEXT        *pdata;
    COUNT        dlen;
    TRANTAB     *ptran = pdbcontext->ptrantab;
    int          i,j,numToGo;
TRACE_CB(pcontext, "rlmemwt")


    note.rlpbkout = pdbcontext->prlctl->rlpbkout;
    note.lasttask = pdbcontext->pmstrblk->mb_lasttask;
    note.numLive  = pdbcontext->ptrantab->numlive;
    note.numMemnotes = (note.numLive / (UCOUNT)MAX_ENTRIES_PER_NOTE) + 1; 
    note.tmsize = sizeof (TX) - sizeof(txPlus_t);

    /* This is a funny note.  It describes physical state but since no action
    is taken and no database blocks depend on it so we'll write it with... */

    note.rlnote.rlArea   = 0;	/* bug 20000114-034 by dmeyer in v9.1b */
    note.rlnote.rldbk	 = 0;
    note.rlnote.rlupdctr = 0;
    note.spare[0] = 0;
    note.spare[1] = 0;
    /* put 0 in the trn id part of the note */
    note.rlnote.rlTrid = 0;

    if ( ptran->numlive > MAX_ENTRIES_PER_NOTE )
        note.numThisNote = MAX_ENTRIES_PER_NOTE;
        note.numThisNote = ptran->numlive;
    dlen = note.numThisNote * note.tmsize;
    /* bug 93-01-21-035: use stRent instead of stkpush */

    pdata = (TEXT *)stRentd (pcontext, pdsmStoragePool, (unsigned)dlen);
    numToGo = ptran->numlive;
    ptrn = ptran->trn;
    for ( j = 0; j < (int)note.numMemnotes; j++)
       note.noteSequence = j + 1;

       note.aiupdctr = pdbcontext->pmstrblk->mb_aictr;
       note.ainew    = pdbcontext->pmstrblk->mb_ai.ainew;

           note.tlWriteBlockNumber = pdbcontext->ptlctl->writeLocation;
           note.tlWriteOffset = pdbcontext->ptlctl->writeOffset;

           note.tlWriteBlockNumber = 0;
           note.tlWriteOffset = 0;
       if (pdbpub->qaictl)
           note.aiwrtloc =
               pdbcontext->paictl->ailoc + pdbcontext->paictl->aiofst;

       else note.aiwrtloc = 0; /* bug 20000114-034 by dmeyer in v9.1b */

       for(i=note.numThisNote, ptx = pdata;
	i > 0; ptrn++)
          /* Only copy the transaction if it is in an active state */
	  if (ptrn->txstate && (ptrn->txstate != TM_TS_ALLOCATED) )
	     bufcop (ptx, (TEXT *)ptrn, note.tmsize);
	     ptx += note.tmsize;

       /* Why not just use rlputnote here? */
       rlwrite(pcontext, (RLNOTE *)&note, dlen, pdata);
       if (rlainote (pcontext, (RLNOTE *)&note))
	  /* write note to ai also. Notice that the ai information which is
	     recorded in the note will change when we do this. */
	  MT_LOCK_AIB ();
	  rlaiwrt (pcontext, (RLNOTE *)&note, dlen, pdata,
	  MT_UNLK_AIB ();
       numToGo -= note.numThisNote;
       if( numToGo > MAX_ENTRIES_PER_NOTE )
	  note.numThisNote = MAX_ENTRIES_PER_NOTE;
	  note.numThisNote = numToGo;
	  dlen = numToGo * note.tmsize;
    /* bug 93-01-21-035: use stVacate instead of stkpop */
    stVacate (pcontext, pdsmStoragePool, pdata);
    /* Write out the ready to commit tx table if there any */
    if( pdbcontext->ptrcmtab != NULL )
}  /* end rlmemwt */
コード例 #2
        dsmContext_t    *pcontext,
	dsmTable_t table, /* Table number the index is on  */
        FINDP   *pfndp,   /* parameter block for the FIND */
        CXBAP   *pbap,    /* block access params at the next higher level. */
                          /* Its descrption is put here                    */
        int     leftents) /* number of entry left in the left block by split*/
        CXBLK     *pixblk;      /* the idx block to be split */
        TEXT      *pos;
        TEXT      *pend;
        COUNT      len1, len2;
        CXSPLIT    note;
        int        cs;

    pixblk = pfndp->pblkbuf;

    /* get a firm grip on both blocks */
    /**** the in use count guaranties that the old block is there */
    /* get new block - the right block  */
    cxGetNewBlock(pcontext, table, pfndp->pkykey->index,

    /* decide the split point */
    pos = pfndp->position; /* split position */
    len1 = pos - pixblk->ixchars;

    len2 = pixblk->IXLENENT - len1;
    INITNOTE( note, RL_CXSP1, RL_PHY );
    INIT_S_CXSPLIT_FILLERS( note );	/* bug 20000114-034 by dmeyer in v9.1b */

    bufcop( &(note.ixhdr1), &(pixblk->ix_hdr), sizeof(note.ixhdr1) );
    bufcop( &(note.ixhdr2), &(pixblk->ix_hdr), sizeof(note.ixhdr2) );
    note.extracs = 0;

/*    if (len2 && *pos)    if key in split position is compressed */ 
    cs = CS_GET(pos);
    if (len2 && cs)     /* if key in split position is compressed */

        /* the 1st entry in the new block is compressed, we must
        have the missing part in the note to allow decompression */
/*        note.extracs = *pos; */
        note.extracs = cs;
        pend = pixblk->ixchars + pixblk->IXLENENT;
        if ((MAXIXCHRS - pixblk->IXLENENT) < note.extracs)
            /* no space in the block, use tmp area */
            bufcop(&tmp[0], pos, len2);
            bufcop(&tmp[0] + len2, pfndp->pinpkey, note.extracs);
            pos = &tmp[0];
            /* there is space to attach the extra at end of the block data */
            bufcop(pend, pfndp->pinpkey, note.extracs);
    note.ixhdr1.ih_lnent = len1;
    note.ixhdr2.ih_lnent = len2 + note.extracs;
    note.ixhdr1.ih_nment = leftents;
    note.ixhdr2.ih_nment -= leftents;

    /* Do the original block */
    rlLogAndDo (pcontext, (RLNOTE *)&note, pfndp->bufHandle,
                 (COUNT)(len2+note.extracs), (TEXT *)pos);

    /* and then the new block */
    note.rlnote.rlcode = RL_CXSP2;
    rlLogAndDo (pcontext, (RLNOTE *)&note, pbap->bufHandle,
                 (COUNT)(len2+note.extracs), (TEXT *)pos);


}  /* cxDoSplit */