コード例 #1
ファイル: gdsfilext.c プロジェクト: shabiel/YottaDB
uint4	 gdsfilext(uint4 blocks, uint4 filesize, boolean_t trans_in_prog)
	sm_uc_ptr_t		old_base[2], mmap_retaddr;
	boolean_t		was_crit, is_mm;
	int			result, save_errno, status;
	DEBUG_ONLY(int		first_save_errno);
	uint4			new_bit_maps, bplmap, map, new_blocks, new_total, max_tot_blks, old_total;
	uint4			jnl_status;
	gtm_uint64_t		avail_blocks, mmap_sz;
	off_t			new_eof, new_size;
	trans_num		curr_tn;
	unix_db_info		*udi;
	inctn_opcode_t		save_inctn_opcode;
	int4			prev_extend_blks_to_upgrd;
	jnl_private_control	*jpc;
	jnl_buffer_ptr_t	jbp;
	cache_rec_ptr_t         cr;

	assert((cs_addrs->nl == NULL) || (process_id != cs_addrs->nl->trunc_pid)); /* mu_truncate shouldn't extend file... */
	DEBUG_ONLY(old_base[0] = old_base[1] = NULL);
	udi = FILE_INFO(gv_cur_region);
	is_mm = (dba_mm == cs_addrs->hdr->acc_meth);
#	if !defined(MM_FILE_EXT_OK)
	if (!udi->grabbed_access_sem && is_mm)
		return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE); /* should this be changed to show extension not allowed ? */
#	endif
	/* Both blocks and total blocks are unsigned ints so make sure we aren't asking for huge numbers that will
	   overflow and end up doing silly things.
	assert((blocks <= (MAXTOTALBLKS(cs_data) - cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks)) || WBTEST_ENABLED(WBTEST_FILE_EXTEND_ERROR));
#	if defined(__sun) || defined(__hpux)
	cs_data->defer_allocate = TRUE;
#	endif
	if (!blocks && (cs_data->defer_allocate || (TRANS_IN_PROG_TRUE == trans_in_prog)))
		return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE); /* should this be changed to show extension not enabled ? */
	bplmap = cs_data->bplmap;
	/* New total of non-bitmap blocks will be number of current, non-bitmap blocks, plus new blocks desired
	 * There are (bplmap - 1) non-bitmap blocks per bitmap, so add (bplmap - 2) to number of non-bitmap blocks
	 *      and divide by (bplmap - 1) to get total number of bitmaps for expanded database. (must round up in this
	 *      manner as every non-bitmap block must have an associated bitmap)
	 * Current number of bitmaps is (total number of current blocks + bplmap - 1) / bplmap.
	 * Subtract current number of bitmaps from number needed for expanded database to get number of new bitmaps needed.
	new_bit_maps = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks
			- DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks, bplmap) + blocks, bplmap - 1)
			- DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks, bplmap);
	new_blocks = blocks + new_bit_maps;
	assert((0 < (int)new_blocks) || (!cs_data->defer_allocate && (0 == new_blocks)));
	if (new_blocks + cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks > MAXTOTALBLKS(cs_data))
		send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_TOTALBLKMAX);
		return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);
	if (0 != (save_errno = disk_block_available(udi->fd, &avail_blocks, FALSE)))
		send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), save_errno);
		rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), save_errno);
	} else
		if (!(gtmDebugLevel & GDL_IgnoreAvailSpace))
		{	/* Bypass this space check if debug flag above is on. Allows us to create a large sparce DB
			 * in space it could never fit it if wasn't sparse. Needed for some tests.
			avail_blocks = avail_blocks / (cs_data->blk_size / DISK_BLOCK_SIZE);
			if ((blocks * EXTEND_WARNING_FACTOR) > avail_blocks)
				if (blocks > (uint4)avail_blocks)
					if (!INST_FREEZE_ON_NOSPC_ENABLED(cs_addrs))
						return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);
						send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(6) MAKE_MSG_WARNING(ERR_NOSPACEEXT), 4,
							DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), new_blocks, (uint4)avail_blocks);
				} else
					send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DSKSPACEFLOW, 3, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region),
						 (uint4)(avail_blocks - ((new_blocks <= avail_blocks) ? new_blocks : 0)));
#	ifdef DEBUG
	if (WBTEST_ENABLED(WBTEST_MM_CONCURRENT_FILE_EXTEND) && dollar_tlevel && !MEMCMP_LIT(gv_cur_region->rname, "DEFAULT"))
		SYSTEM("$gtm_dist/mumps -run $gtm_wbox_mrtn");
		assert(1 == cs_addrs->nl->wbox_test_seq_num);	/* should have been set by mubfilcpy */
		cs_addrs->nl->wbox_test_seq_num = 2;	/* signal mupip backup to stop sleeping in mubfilcpy */
#	endif
	/* From here on, we need to use GDSFILEXT_CLNUP before returning to the caller */
	was_crit = cs_addrs->now_crit;
	assert(!cs_addrs->hold_onto_crit || was_crit);
	/* If we are coming from mupip_extend (which gets crit itself) we better have waited for any unfreezes to occur.
	 * If we are coming from online rollback (when that feature is available), we will come in holding crit and in
	 * 	the final retry. In that case too, we expect to have waited for unfreezes to occur in the caller itself.
	 * Therefore if we are coming in holding crit from MUPIP, we expect the db to be unfrozen so no need to wait for
	 * freeze.
	 * If we are coming from GT.M and final retry (in which case we come in holding crit) we expect to have waited
	 * 	for any unfreezes (by invoking tp_crit_all_regions) to occur (TP or non-TP) before coming into this
	 *	function. However, there is one exception. In the final retry, if tp_crit_all_regions notices that
	 *	at least one of the participating regions did ONLY READs, it will not wait for any freeze on THAT region
	 *	to complete before grabbing crit. Later, in the final retry, if THAT region did an update which caused
	 *	op_tcommit to invoke bm_getfree->gdsfilext, then we would have come here with a frozen region on which
	 *	we hold crit.
	assert(!was_crit || !FROZEN_HARD(cs_data) || (dollar_tlevel && (CDB_STAGNATE <= t_tries)));
	 * If we are in the final retry and already hold crit, it is possible that csa->nl->wc_blocked is also set to TRUE
	 * (by a concurrent process in phase2 which encountered an error in the midst of commit and secshr_db_clnup
	 * finished the job for it). In this case we do NOT want to invoke wcs_recover as that will update the "bt"
	 * transaction numbers without correspondingly updating the history transaction numbers (effectively causing
	 * a cdb_sc_blkmod type of restart). Therefore do NOT call grab_crit (which unconditionally invokes wcs_recover)
	 * if we already hold crit.
	if (!was_crit)
		for ( ; ; )
			if (FROZEN_CHILLED(cs_data))
				DO_CHILLED_AUTORELEASE(cs_addrs, cs_data);
			if (!FROZEN(cs_data) && !IS_REPL_INST_FROZEN)
			while (FROZEN(cs_data) || IS_REPL_INST_FROZEN)
				if (FROZEN_CHILLED(cs_data) && CHILLED_AUTORELEASE(cs_data))
	} else if (FROZEN_HARD(cs_data) && dollar_tlevel)
	{	/* We don't want to continue with file extension as explained above. Hence return with an error code which
		 * op_tcommit will recognize (as a cdb_sc_needcrit/cdb_sc_instancefreeze type of restart) and restart accordingly.
		assert(CDB_STAGNATE <= t_tries);
		return (uint4)FINAL_RETRY_FREEZE_PROG;
	} else
		WAIT_FOR_REGION_TO_UNCHILL(cs_addrs, cs_data);
	if (IS_REPL_INST_FROZEN && trans_in_prog)
		assert(CDB_STAGNATE <= t_tries);
		return (uint4)FINAL_RETRY_INST_FREEZE;
	assert(cs_addrs->ti->total_blks == cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks);
	old_total = cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks;
	if (old_total != filesize)
	{	/* Somebody else has already extended it, since we are in crit, this is trust-worthy. However, in case of MM,
		 * we still need to remap the database
		assert((old_total > filesize) || !is_mm);
		/* For BG, someone else could have truncated or extended - we have no idea */
		return (SS_NORMAL);
	if (trans_in_prog && SUSPICIOUS_EXTEND)
		if (!was_crit)
			return (uint4)(EXTEND_SUSPECT);
		/* If free_blocks counter is not ok, then correct it. Do the check again. If still fails, then it means we held
		 * crit through bm_getfree into gdsfilext and still didn't get it right.
		assertpro(!is_free_blks_ctr_ok() && !SUSPICIOUS_EXTEND);
	if (JNL_ENABLED(cs_data))
		if (!jgbl.dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time)
			SET_GBL_JREC_TIME;	/* needed before jnl_ensure_open as that can write jnl records */
		jpc = cs_addrs->jnl;
		jbp = jpc->jnl_buff;
		/* Before writing to jnlfile, adjust jgbl.gbl_jrec_time if needed to maintain time order
		 * of jnl records. This needs to be done BEFORE the jnl_ensure_open as that could write
		 * journal records (if it decides to switch to a new journal file).
		ADJUST_GBL_JREC_TIME(jgbl, jbp);
		jnl_status = jnl_ensure_open(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
		if (jnl_status)
			send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(6) jnl_status, 4, JNL_LEN_STR(cs_data), DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
			return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);	/* should have better return status */
	if (is_mm)
		cs_addrs->nl->mm_extender_pid = process_id;
		status = wcs_wtstart(gv_cur_region, 0, NULL, NULL);
		cs_addrs->nl->mm_extender_pid = 0;
		assertpro(SS_NORMAL == status);
		old_base[0] = cs_addrs->db_addrs[0];
		old_base[1] = cs_addrs->db_addrs[1];
		cs_addrs->db_addrs[0] = NULL; /* don't rely on it until the mmap below */
#		ifdef _AIX
		status = shmdt(old_base[0] - BLK_ZERO_OFF(cs_data->start_vbn));
#		else
		status = munmap((caddr_t)old_base[0], (size_t)(old_base[1] - old_base[0]));
#		endif
		if (0 != status)
			save_errno = errno;
			send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(12) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region),
			return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);
	} else
	{	/* Due to concurrency issues, it is possible some process had issued a disk read of the GDS block# corresponding
		 * to "old_total" right after a truncate wrote a GDS-block of zeros on disk (to signal end of the db file).
		 * If so, the global buffer containing this block needs to be invalidated now as part of the extend. If not, it is
		 * possible the EOF block on disk is now going to be overwritten by a properly initialized bitmap block (as part
		 * of the gdsfilext below) while the global buffer continues to have an incorrect copy of that bitmap block and
		 * this in turn would cause XXXX failures due to a bad bitmap block in shared memory. (GTM-7519)
		cr = db_csh_get((block_id)old_total);
		if ((NULL != cr) && ((cache_rec_ptr_t)CR_NOTVALID != cr))
			assert((0 == cr->dirty) && (0 == cr->bt_index) && !cr->stopped);
			cr->blk = CR_BLKEMPTY;
	CHECK_TN(cs_addrs, cs_data, cs_data->trans_hist.curr_tn);	/* can issue rts_error TNTOOLARGE */
	new_total = old_total + new_blocks;
	new_eof = BLK_ZERO_OFF(cs_data->start_vbn) + ((off_t)new_total * cs_data->blk_size);
#	if !defined(__sun) && !defined(__hpux)
	if (!cs_data->defer_allocate)
		new_size = new_eof + cs_data->blk_size;
		save_errno = posix_fallocate(udi->fd, 0, new_size);
		DEBUG_ONLY(first_save_errno = save_errno);
		if ((ENOSPC == save_errno) && IS_GTM_IMAGE)
			save_errno = extend_wait_for_fallocate(udi, new_size);
		if (0 != save_errno)
			assert(ENOSPC == save_errno);
			if (ENOSPC != save_errno)
				send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_PREALLOCATEFAIL, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region),
			return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);
#	endif
	save_errno = db_write_eof_block(udi, udi->fd, cs_data->blk_size, new_eof, &(TREF(dio_buff)));
	if ((ENOSPC == save_errno) && IS_GTM_IMAGE)
		save_errno = extend_wait_for_write(udi, cs_data->blk_size, new_eof);
	if (0 != save_errno)
		if (ENOSPC != save_errno)
			send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), save_errno);
		return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);
	/* Ensure the EOF and metadata get to disk BEFORE any bitmap writes. Otherwise, the file size could no longer reflect
	 * a proper extent and subsequent invocations of gdsfilext could corrupt the database.
	if (!IS_STATSDB_CSA(cs_addrs))
		GTM_DB_FSYNC(cs_addrs, udi->fd, status);
		assert(0 == status);
		if (0 != status)
			send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_DBFILERR, 5,
						RTS_ERROR_LITERAL("fsync1()"), CALLFROM, status);
			return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);
		assert(FALSE); /* Should be killed before that */
	DEBUG_ONLY(prev_extend_blks_to_upgrd = cs_data->blks_to_upgrd;)
コード例 #2

uint4	 gdsfilext(uint4 blocks, uint4 filesize, boolean_t trans_in_prog)
	sm_uc_ptr_t		old_base[2], mmap_retaddr;
	boolean_t		was_crit, is_mm;
	char			buff[DISK_BLOCK_SIZE];
	int			result, save_errno, status;
	uint4			new_bit_maps, bplmap, map, new_blocks, new_total, max_tot_blks, old_total;
	uint4			jnl_status, to_wait, to_msg, wait_period;
	gtm_uint64_t		avail_blocks, mmap_sz;
	off_t			new_eof;
	trans_num		curr_tn;
	unix_db_info		*udi;
	inctn_opcode_t		save_inctn_opcode;
	int4			prev_extend_blks_to_upgrd;
	jnl_private_control	*jpc;
	jnl_buffer_ptr_t	jbp;
	cache_rec_ptr_t         cr;

	assert((cs_addrs->nl == NULL) || (process_id != cs_addrs->nl->trunc_pid)); /* mu_truncate shouldn't extend file... */
	DEBUG_ONLY(old_base[0] = old_base[1] = NULL);
	udi = FILE_INFO(gv_cur_region);
	is_mm = (dba_mm == cs_addrs->hdr->acc_meth);
#	if !defined(MM_FILE_EXT_OK)
	if (!udi->grabbed_access_sem && is_mm)
		return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE); /* should this be changed to show extension not allowed ? */
#	endif
	/* Both blocks and total blocks are unsigned ints so make sure we aren't asking for huge numbers that will
	   overflow and end up doing silly things.
	assert((blocks <= (MAXTOTALBLKS(cs_data) - cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks)) || WBTEST_ENABLED(WBTEST_FILE_EXTEND_ERROR));
	if (!blocks)
		return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE); /* should this be changed to show extension not enabled ? */
	bplmap = cs_data->bplmap;
	/* New total of non-bitmap blocks will be number of current, non-bitmap blocks, plus new blocks desired
	 * There are (bplmap - 1) non-bitmap blocks per bitmap, so add (bplmap - 2) to number of non-bitmap blocks
	 *      and divide by (bplmap - 1) to get total number of bitmaps for expanded database. (must round up in this
	 *      manner as every non-bitmap block must have an associated bitmap)
	 * Current number of bitmaps is (total number of current blocks + bplmap - 1) / bplmap.
	 * Subtract current number of bitmaps from number needed for expanded database to get number of new bitmaps needed.
	new_bit_maps = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks
			- DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks, bplmap) + blocks, bplmap - 1)
			- DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks, bplmap);
	new_blocks = blocks + new_bit_maps;
	assert(0 < (int)new_blocks);
	if (new_blocks + cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks > MAXTOTALBLKS(cs_data))
		send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_TOTALBLKMAX);
		return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);
	if (0 != (save_errno = disk_block_available(udi->fd, &avail_blocks, FALSE)))
		send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), save_errno);
		rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), save_errno);
	} else
		if (!(gtmDebugLevel & GDL_IgnoreAvailSpace))
		{	/* Bypass this space check if debug flag above is on. Allows us to create a large sparce DB
			 * in space it could never fit it if wasn't sparse. Needed for some tests.
			avail_blocks = avail_blocks / (cs_data->blk_size / DISK_BLOCK_SIZE);
			if ((blocks * EXTEND_WARNING_FACTOR) > avail_blocks)
				if (blocks > (uint4)avail_blocks)
					if (!INST_FREEZE_ON_NOSPC_ENABLED(cs_addrs))
						return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);
						send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(6) MAKE_MSG_WARNING(ERR_NOSPACEEXT), 4,
							DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), new_blocks, (uint4)avail_blocks);
				} else
					send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DSKSPACEFLOW, 3, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region),
						 (uint4)(avail_blocks - ((new_blocks <= avail_blocks) ? new_blocks : 0)));
	/* From here on, we need to use GDSFILEXT_CLNUP before returning to the caller */
	was_crit = cs_addrs->now_crit;
	assert(!cs_addrs->hold_onto_crit || was_crit);
	/* If we are coming from mupip_extend (which gets crit itself) we better have waited for any unfreezes to occur.
	 * If we are coming from online rollback (when that feature is available), we will come in holding crit and in
	 * 	the final retry. In that case too, we expect to have waited for unfreezes to occur in the caller itself.
	 * Therefore if we are coming in holding crit from MUPIP, we expect the db to be unfrozen so no need to wait for
	 * freeze.
	 * If we are coming from GT.M and final retry (in which case we come in holding crit) we expect to have waited
	 * 	for any unfreezes (by invoking tp_crit_all_regions) to occur (TP or non-TP) before coming into this
	 *	function. However, there is one exception. In the final retry, if tp_crit_all_regions notices that
	 *	at least one of the participating regions did ONLY READs, it will not wait for any freeze on THAT region
	 *	to complete before grabbing crit. Later, in the final retry, if THAT region did an update which caused
	 *	op_tcommit to invoke bm_getfree->gdsfilext, then we would have come here with a frozen region on which
	 *	we hold crit.
	assert(!was_crit || !cs_data->freeze || (dollar_tlevel && (CDB_STAGNATE <= t_tries)));
	 * If we are in the final retry and already hold crit, it is possible that csa->nl->wc_blocked is also set to TRUE
	 * (by a concurrent process in phase2 which encountered an error in the midst of commit and secshr_db_clnup
	 * finished the job for it). In this case we do NOT want to invoke wcs_recover as that will update the "bt"
	 * transaction numbers without correspondingly updating the history transaction numbers (effectively causing
	 * a cdb_sc_blkmod type of restart). Therefore do NOT call grab_crit (which unconditionally invokes wcs_recover)
	 * if we already hold crit.
	if (!was_crit)
		for ( ; ; )
			if (!cs_data->freeze && !IS_REPL_INST_FROZEN)
			while (cs_data->freeze || IS_REPL_INST_FROZEN)
	} else if (cs_data->freeze && dollar_tlevel)
	{	/* We don't want to continue with file extension as explained above. Hence return with an error code which
		 * op_tcommit will recognize (as a cdb_sc_needcrit/cdb_sc_instancefreeze type of restart) and restart accordingly.
		assert(CDB_STAGNATE <= t_tries);
		return (uint4)FINAL_RETRY_FREEZE_PROG;
	if (IS_REPL_INST_FROZEN && trans_in_prog)
		assert(CDB_STAGNATE <= t_tries);
		return (uint4)FINAL_RETRY_INST_FREEZE;
	assert(cs_addrs->ti->total_blks == cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks);
	old_total = cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks;
	if (old_total != filesize)
	{	/* Somebody else has already extended it, since we are in crit, this is trust-worthy. However, in case of MM,
		 * we still need to remap the database
		assert((old_total > filesize) GTM_TRUNCATE_ONLY( || !is_mm));
		/* For BG, someone else could have truncated or extended - we have no idea */
		return (SS_NORMAL);