コード例 #1
ファイル: steal.c プロジェクト: JohnPJenkins/swift-t
   Send a batch of work until to a stealer
   batch: info about the batch.  This function will free memory
   finish: true if we should notify target that this is last to send
static adlb_code
send_steal_batch(steal_cb_state *batch, bool finish)
  int count = (int)batch->size;
  struct packed_steal_resp hdr = { .count = count, .last = finish };
  SEND(&hdr, sizeof(hdr), MPI_BYTE, batch->stealer_rank,

  if (count == 0)
    return ADLB_SUCCESS;

  struct packed_steal_work packed[count];
  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
    xlb_pack_steal_work(&(packed[i]), batch->work_units[i]);
  // Store requests for wait
  MPI_Request reqs[count + 1];

  DEBUG("[%i] sending batch size %zu", xlb_s.layout.rank, batch->size);
  ISEND(packed, (int)sizeof(packed[0]) * count, MPI_BYTE,
       batch->stealer_rank, ADLB_TAG_RESPONSE_STEAL, &reqs[0]);

  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
    DEBUG("stolen payload: %s", (char*) batch->work_units[i]->payload);
    xlb_work_unit *unit = batch->work_units[i];
    ISEND(unit->payload, unit->length, MPI_BYTE,
         batch->stealer_rank, ADLB_TAG_RESPONSE_STEAL, &reqs[i+1]);

  // Wait until MPI confirms sends have completed
  int rc = MPI_Waitall(count + 1, reqs, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);

  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
  batch->size = 0;
  return ADLB_SUCCESS;
コード例 #2
ファイル: thd_intlist.c プロジェクト: neurodebian/afni
   A slightly modified version of MCW_get_intlist, which 
   can scan for label matching instead of just numbers.
   If labels == NULL, then it functions just like 
                              ZSS Dec 09
int * MCW_get_labels_intlist (char **labels, int nvals, char *str)
   int *subv = NULL ;
   int ii , ipos , nout , slen ;
   int ibot,itop,istep , nused ;
   char *cpt ;
   static int show_labs = -1;
   /* Meaningless input? */
   if( nvals < 1 ) return NULL ;

   /* No selection list? */

   if( str == NULL || str[0] == '\0' ) return NULL ;

   if( show_labs == -1 ) show_labs = AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_SHOW_LABEL_TO_INDEX");

   /* skip initial '[' or '{' or '#'*/

   subv    = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * 2 ) ;
   subv[0] = nout = 0 ;

   ipos = 0 ;
   if( str[ipos] == '[' || str[ipos] == '{' || str[ipos] == '#') ipos++ ;

   /* do we have a 1dcat string in there ZSS ? */
   if (strstr(str,"1dcat ")) {
      return(get_1dcat_intlist ( str, &ii, nvals-1 ));
   /* do we have a count string in there ZSS ? */
   if (strstr(str,"count ")) {
      return(get_count_intlist ( str, &ii, nvals-1 ));
   /*** loop through each sub-selector until end of input ***/
   slen = strlen(str) ;
   while( ipos < slen && !ISEND(str[ipos]) ){
      while( isspace(str[ipos]) ) ipos++ ;   /* skip blanks */
      if( ISEND(str[ipos]) ) break ;         /* done */

      /** get starting value **/

      if( str[ipos] == '$' ){  /* special case */
         ibot = nvals-1 ; ipos++ ;
      } else if ( !labels || 
                  !(nused = is_in_labels(str+ipos, labels, nvals, &ibot))){
                                                      /* decode integer */
         ibot = strtol( str+ipos , &cpt , 10 ) ;
         if( ibot < 0 && !allow_negative ){
                   "** ERROR: selector index %d is out of range 0..%d\n",
                   ibot,nvals-1) ;
           free(subv) ; return NULL ;
         if( ibot >= nvals ){
                   "** ERROR: selector index %d is out of range 0..%d\n",
                   ibot,nvals-1) ;
           free(subv) ; return NULL ;
         nused = (cpt-(str+ipos)) ;
         if( ibot == 0 && nused == 0 ){
                   "** ERROR: selector syntax error 5 '%s'\n",str+ipos) ;
           free(subv) ; return NULL ;
         ipos += nused ;
      } else {
         if( show_labs )
            fprintf(stderr,"-- label select: sub-brick %d is from label %s\n",
                        ibot, labels[ibot]);

      while( isspace(str[ipos]) ) ipos++ ;   /* skip blanks */

      /** if that's it for this sub-selector, add one value to list **/

      if( str[ipos] == ',' || ISEND(str[ipos]) ){
         nout++ ;
         subv = (int *) realloc( (char *)subv , sizeof(int) * (nout+1) ) ;
         subv[0]    = nout ;
         subv[nout] = ibot ;
         if( ISEND(str[ipos]) ) break ; /* done */
         ipos++ ; continue ;            /* re-start loop at next sub-selector */

      /** otherwise, must have '..' or '-' as next inputs **/

      if( str[ipos] == '-' || str[ipos] == ':' ){
         ipos++ ;
      } else if( str[ipos] == '.' && str[ipos+1] == '.' ){
         ipos++ ; ipos++ ;
      } else {
         fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: selector selector syntax is bad: '%s'\n",
                 str+ipos) ;
         free(subv) ; return NULL ;

      /** get ending value for loop now **/

      if( str[ipos] == '$' ){  /* special case */
         itop = nvals-1 ; ipos++ ;
      } else if ( !labels ||
                  !(nused = is_in_labels(str+ipos,labels, nvals, &itop))){  
                                                      /* decode integer */
         itop = strtol( str+ipos , &cpt , 10 ) ;
         if( itop < 0 && !allow_negative ){
           fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: selector index %d is out of range 0..%d\n",
                   itop,nvals-1) ;
           free(subv) ; return NULL ;
         if( itop >= nvals ){
           fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: selector index %d is out of range 0..%d\n",
                   itop,nvals-1) ;
           free(subv) ; return NULL ;
         nused = (cpt-(str+ipos)) ;
         if( itop == 0 && nused == 0 ){
           fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: selector syntax error 6 '%s'\n",str+ipos) ;
           free(subv) ; return NULL ;
         ipos += nused ;
      } else {
         /* have a label */
         if( show_labs )
            fprintf(stderr,"-- label select: sub-brick %d is from label %s\n",
                        itop, labels[itop]);

      /** set default loop step **/

      istep = (ibot <= itop) ? 1 : -1 ;

      while( isspace(str[ipos]) ) ipos++ ;                  /* skip blanks */

      /** check if we have a non-default loop step **/

      if( str[ipos] == '(' ){  /* decode an integer */
         ipos++ ;
         istep = strtol( str+ipos , &cpt , 10 ) ;
         if( istep == 0 ){
           fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: selector loop step is 0!\n") ;
           free(subv) ; return NULL ;
         nused = (cpt-(str+ipos)) ;
         ipos += nused ;
         if( str[ipos] == ')' ) ipos++ ;
         if( (ibot-itop)*istep > 0 ){
           fprintf(  stderr,
                     "** WARNING: selector count '%d..%d(%d)' means nothing!\n",
                     ibot,itop,istep ) ;

      /** add values to output **/

      for( ii=ibot ; (ii-itop)*istep <= 0 ; ii += istep ){
         nout++ ;
         subv = (int *) realloc( (char *)subv , sizeof(int) * (nout+1) ) ;
         subv[0]    = nout ;
         subv[nout] = ii ;

      /** check if we have a comma to skip over **/

      while( isspace(str[ipos]) ) ipos++ ;                  /* skip blanks */
      if( str[ipos] == ',' ) ipos++ ;                       /* skip commas */

   }  /* end of loop through selector string */

   if( subv[0] == 0 ){ free(subv); subv = NULL; }
   return subv ;
コード例 #3
ファイル: dir.c プロジェクト: tflynn/ruby19-norubygems
static int
    const char **pcur, /* pattern */
    const char **scur, /* string */
    int flags)
    const int period = !(flags & FNM_DOTMATCH);
    const int pathname = flags & FNM_PATHNAME;
    const int escape = !(flags & FNM_NOESCAPE);
    const int nocase = flags & FNM_CASEFOLD;

    const char *ptmp = 0;
    const char *stmp = 0;

    const char *p = *pcur;
    const char *s = *scur;

    if (period && *s == '.' && *UNESCAPE(p) != '.') /* leading period */

    while (1) {
	switch (*p) {
	  case '*':
	    do { p++; } while (*p == '*');
	    if (ISEND(UNESCAPE(p))) {
		p = UNESCAPE(p);
	    if (ISEND(s))
	    ptmp = p;
	    stmp = s;

	  case '?':
	    if (ISEND(s))

	  case '[': {
	    const char *t;
	    if (ISEND(s))
	    if ((t = bracket(p + 1, s, flags)) != 0) {
		p = t;
	    goto failed;

	/* ordinary */
	p = UNESCAPE(p);
	if (ISEND(s))
	if (ISEND(p))
	    goto failed;
	if (Compare(p, s) != 0)
	    goto failed;

      failed: /* try next '*' position */
	if (ptmp && stmp) {
	    p = ptmp;
	    Inc(stmp); /* !ISEND(*stmp) */
	    s = stmp;
コード例 #4
ファイル: thd_intlist.c プロジェクト: neurodebian/afni
int * get_count_intlist ( char *str , int *nret, int maxval )
   int *subv = NULL, *ret = NULL ;
   int ii , ipos , nout , slen, shuffle, step, itmp;
   int ibot,itop,istep , nused , nuni;
   long int seed=0;
   char *cpt ;
   *nret = -1;
   if (!str || !strstr(str,"count ") || strlen (str) < 8) {
      fprintf(stderr, "NULL input or string does not have 'count '"
                      " or at least 2 values are not present after 'count '\n");
      return (NULL);
   /* move past count */
   slen = strlen(str) ;
   ipos = strlen("count ");

   /* see if you have seed */
   if (strstr(str, "-seed ")) {
      ipos = (strstr(str, "-seed ")-str)+strlen("-seed ");
      seed = strtol( str+ipos , &cpt , 10 ) ;
      nused = (cpt-(str+ipos)) ;
      ipos += nused ;
   /* get first value */
   while( isspace(str[ipos]) ) ipos++ ;   /* skip blanks */
   if( ISEND(str[ipos]) ) return NULL ;         /* bad */
   ibot = strtol( str+ipos , &cpt , 10 ) ;
   if( ibot < 0 && !allow_negative ){
     fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: bot selector index %d cannot be < 0\n",
             ibot) ;
     return NULL ;  /* added return     4 Jan 2016 [rickr] */
   } else if( maxval >= 0 && ibot > maxval ){       /* 4 Jan 2016 [rickr] */
     fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: count selector index %d exceeds max %d\n",
             ibot, maxval) ;
     return NULL ;
   nused = (cpt-(str+ipos)) ;
   if( ibot == 0 && nused == 0 ){
     fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: selector syntax error 1 '%s'\n",str+ipos) ;
     return NULL ;
   ipos += nused ;

   while( isspace(str[ipos]) ) ipos++ ;   /* skip blanks */
   if( ISEND(str[ipos]) ) return NULL  ;         /* Bad */
   itop = strtol( str+ipos , &cpt , 10 ) ;
   if( itop < 0 && !allow_negative ){
     fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: top selector index %d cannot be < 0\n",
             itop) ;
     return NULL ;
   } else if( maxval >= 0 && itop > maxval ){       /* 4 Jan 2016 [rickr] */
     fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: count top selector index %d exceeds max %d\n",
             itop, maxval) ;
     return NULL ;
   if( itop == 0 && nused == 0 ){
     fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: selector syntax error 2 '%s'\n",str+ipos) ;
     return NULL ;
   nused = (cpt-(str+ipos)) ;
   ipos += nused ;
   shuffle = 0;
   step = 0;
   while( isspace(str[ipos]) ) ipos++ ;   /* skip blanks */
   if( !ISEND(str[ipos]) ) { /* have step */
      if (  (str[ipos] >= 'A' && str[ipos]<='Z') ||
            (str[ipos] >= 'a' && str[ipos]<='z') ) {
         /* only S is acceptable here */
         if (str[ipos] == 'S' || str[ipos] == 's') {
            shuffle = 1;
         }else {
                     "** No qualifiers allowed for step, other than 'S'. "
                     "Have %c.\n", str[ipos]);
            return NULL ;
      if( !ISEND(str[ipos]) ) {
         step = strtol( str+ipos , &cpt , 10 ) ;   
   nused = (cpt-(str+ipos)) ;
   ipos += nused ;
   if (step < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr,"** step must be > 0. Have %d.\n", step);
      return NULL ;
      fprintf(stderr,"Have count parameters: %d to %d with 
      step %d and shuffle = %d; seed = %ld\n", ibot, itop, step, shuffle, seed);
   if (itop < ibot) {nuni = ibot - itop + 1;}
   else { nuni = itop - ibot + 1; } 
   if (shuffle) {
      subv = z_rand_order(ibot, itop, seed);
      if (step > 0) { 
         *nret = step;
      } else {
         *nret = nuni;
   } else {
      *nret = nuni;
      subv = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(*nret));
      if (!step) {
         if (itop < ibot) step = -1;
         else step = 1;
      } else {
         if (itop < ibot) step *= -1;
         else step *= 1;
      itmp = 0;
      if (itop < ibot) 
         for (ii=ibot; ii>=itop;ii=ii+step) { subv[itmp] = ii; ++itmp; }
      else for (ii=ibot; ii<=itop;ii=ii+step) { subv[itmp] = ii; ++itmp; }
      *nret = itmp;
   /* fprintf(stderr,"Have %d ints: %d to %d with step %d 
      and shuffle = %d\n", *nret, ibot, itop, step, shuffle); */
   ret = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(*nret+1));
   ret[0] = *nret;
   for (ii=1; ii<=ret[0]; ++ii) ret[ii] = subv[(ii-1)%(nuni)];
   free(subv); subv = ret;
   /* for (ii=0; ii<=ret[0]; ++ii) fprintf(stderr,"%d: %d\n", ii, subv[ii]); */