コード例 #1
void BallMovementCalculator::PrintCalculationData(Mat& image, vector<TimedDetectedBall> relevantSamples)
	char message[256];
	for (int i = 0 ; i < NUM_OF_SAMPLES ; i++)
		TimedDetectedBall currentBall = m_SamplesArray[i];
		circle(image, currentBall.Location, 5, Scalar(255,0,0), 2);
		sprintf(message, "%d", i);
		PrintMessageOnImage(image, message, Point(currentBall.Location.x,currentBall.Location.y - 10), 0.9);
		sprintf(message, "%d - (%.2f,%.2f) - %f", i, currentBall.Location.x, currentBall.Location.y, GetRelativeTimeToFirstSample(currentBall.DetectionTime));
		PrintMessageOnImage(image, message, Point(0,(i+1)*20), 0.9);
	ImageShowOnDebug("BallMove", "Vision", image);
コード例 #2
* Method Name: FindGate
* Description: The function search for a couple of white vertical rectangles, whose buttom points
* 				are on green && upper part is not on green.
* 				This rectangles are marked as gate posts.
* 				If only one post is present in the frame, the function tries to find the direction
* 				of the second vertical post, using the upper post direction.
* Arguments: BWImage, Output - DetectedGate
* Return Values: DetectedGate object
* Owner: Hen Shoob, Assaf Rabinowitz
DetectedObject* GateDetector::FindGate(Mat& inputImage)
	Mat onlyWhiteImage;
	GetWhiteImage(inputImage, onlyWhiteImage);

	Mat whiteVertical = onlyWhiteImage.clone();

	//creating Mat thr with contours, using canny
	Mat src;
	cvtColor(whiteVertical, src, CV_GRAY2BGR);
	Mat canny;
	Canny(whiteVertical, canny, 50, 190, 3, false);
	ImageShowOnDebug("canny", canny);

	//crating contours vector
	vector<vector<Point> > contours;
	vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;

	findContours(canny, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Point(0, 0));

	cvtColor(canny, canny, CV_GRAY2BGR);
	//finding the blocking rectangles of the contours
	vector<RotatedRect> minRect(contours.size());
	for (size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
		minRect[i] = minAreaRect(Mat(contours[i]));
		DrawRectangle(canny, minRect[i]);
	ImageShowOnDebug("contours", canny);

	Mat field;
	FindField(inputImage, field);

	//Showing the contours + field in one image
	cvtColor(canny, canny, CV_BGR2GRAY);
//	Mat or;
//	bitwise_or(field, canny, or);
//	ImageShowOnDebug("convex", or);

	vector<RotatedRect> post1Candidates;
	FindPostCandidates(field, minRect, post1Candidates);

	RotatedRect post1 = FindLargestCandidate(post1Candidates);
	DrawRectangle(src, post1);
	ImageShowOnDebug("post1", src);

	vector<RotatedRect> post2Candidates;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < post1Candidates.size(); i++)
		if (post1Candidates[i].center.x != post1.center.x)

	RotatedRect post2 = FindLargestCandidate(post2Candidates);
	DrawRectangle(src, post2);
	ImageShowOnDebug("post2", src);


	if (post1.size.area() > 0 && post2.size.area() > 0)
		return new DetectedGate(post1, post2);

	if (post1.size.area() == 0 && post2.size.area() == 0)
		return new DetectedGate();

	// One post - detect which.

	float longSide = (post1.size.height > post1.size.width) ? post1.size.height : post1.size.width;
	float shortSide = (post1.size.height < post1.size.width) ? post1.size.height : post1.size.width;

	Mat whiteHorizontal = onlyWhiteImage.clone();
	ImageShowOnDebug("whiteHorizontal", whiteHorizontal);

	//counting white pixels near the top of the post on both sides
	// We set the range to look for white pixels in the upper post.
	float upperPostTop = MAX(post1.center.y - longSide / 2 - 10, 0);
	float upperPostButtom = upperPostTop + shortSide + 5;	

	//Counting near the left post
	float upperPostLeft = MAX(post1.center.x - shortSide * 3, 0);
	float upperPostRight = MAX(post1.center.x - shortSide, 0);
	unsigned int leftCounter = CountAndDrawWhitePixels(whiteHorizontal, src, upperPostTop, upperPostButtom, upperPostLeft, upperPostRight);

	//finding right check rectangle, left and right side
	upperPostRight = MIN(post1.center.x + shortSide * 3, FRAME_WIDTH - 1);
	upperPostLeft = MIN(post1.center.x + shortSide, FRAME_WIDTH - 1);
	unsigned int rightCounter = CountAndDrawWhitePixels(whiteHorizontal, src, upperPostTop, upperPostButtom, upperPostLeft, upperPostRight);
	if (rightCounter > leftCounter  &&  rightCounter - leftCounter > 5)
		return new DetectedGate(post1, E_DetectedPost_LEFT);
	else if (rightCounter < leftCounter  &&  leftCounter - rightCounter > 5)
		return new DetectedGate(post1, E_DetectedPost_RIGHT);
		PrintStringOnImage(src, "Move camera up");
		return new DetectedGate();