コード例 #1
ファイル: irda.c プロジェクト: Realhram/wdk81
    _Inout_ PLCMINIPORT    pIniPort
    HANDLE hToken       = NULL;
    DWORD  dwLastError  = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // If remote guest is the first user to print, then the connect fails.
    // Thus we need to revert to system context before calling IrdaConnect

    hToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();

    if (!hToken) {
        return FALSE;

    dwLastError = IrdaConnect(pIniPort);


    if ( dwLastError ) {

        return FALSE;
    } else
        return TRUE;
コード例 #2
ファイル: xcv.c プロジェクト: Moteesh/reactos
 * @name _HandleSetDefaultCommConfig
 * Sets the default configuration of a legacy port. Checks for granted SERVER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER access.
 * You have to supply the port name (with colon!) in XcvOpenPort.
 * The opposite function is _HandleGetDefaultCommConfig.
 * @param pXcv
 * Pointer to the LOCALMON_XCV structure of the currently opened Xcv port.
 * @param pInputData
 * Pointer to the COMMCONFIG structure that shall be passed to SetDefaultCommConfigW.
 * @param pcbOutputNeeded
 * Pointer to a DWORD that will be zeroed on return.
 * @return
 * An error code indicating success or failure.
static DWORD
_HandleSetDefaultCommConfig(PLOCALMON_XCV pXcv, PBYTE pInputData, PDWORD pcbOutputNeeded)
    DWORD dwErrorCode;
    HANDLE hToken = NULL;
    LPCOMMCONFIG pCommConfig;
    PWSTR pwszPortNameWithoutColon = NULL;

    // Sanity checks
    // pwszObject needs to be at least 2 characters long to be a port name with a trailing colon.
    if (!pXcv || !pXcv->pwszObject || !pXcv->pwszObject[0] || !pXcv->pwszObject[1] || !pInputData || !pcbOutputNeeded)
        dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
        goto Cleanup;

    *pcbOutputNeeded = 0;

    // This action can only happen at SERVER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER access level.
    if (!(pXcv->GrantedAccess & SERVER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER))
        dwErrorCode = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;
        goto Cleanup;

    // SetDefaultCommConfigW needs the port name without colon.
    dwErrorCode = GetPortNameWithoutColon(pXcv->pwszObject, &pwszPortNameWithoutColon);
    if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        goto Cleanup;

    // Switch to the SYSTEM context for setting the port configuration.
    hToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
    if (!hToken)
        dwErrorCode = GetLastError();
        ERR("RevertToPrinterSelf failed with error %lu!\n", dwErrorCode);
        goto Cleanup;

    // Finally pass the parameters to SetDefaultCommConfigW.
    pCommConfig = (LPCOMMCONFIG)pInputData;
    if (!SetDefaultCommConfigW(pwszPortNameWithoutColon, pCommConfig, pCommConfig->dwSize))
        dwErrorCode = GetLastError();
        ERR("SetDefaultCommConfigW failed with error %lu!\n", dwErrorCode);
        goto Cleanup;

    dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    if (hToken)

    if (pwszPortNameWithoutColon)

    return dwErrorCode;
コード例 #3
ファイル: xcv.c プロジェクト: Moteesh/reactos
 * @name _HandleConfigureLPTPortCommandOK
 * Writes the value for "TransmissionRetryTimeout" to the registry. Checks for granted SERVER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER access.
 * Actually the opposite of _HandleGetTransmissionRetryTimeout, but name kept for compatibility.
 * @param pXcv
 * Pointer to the LOCALMON_XCV structure of the currently opened Xcv port.
 * @param pInputData
 * Pointer to a Unicode string containing the value to be written to the registry.
 * @param pcbOutputNeeded
 * Pointer to a DWORD that will be zeroed on return.
 * @return
 * An error code indicating success or failure.
static DWORD
_HandleConfigureLPTPortCommandOK(PLOCALMON_XCV pXcv, PBYTE pInputData, PDWORD pcbOutputNeeded)
    DWORD cbBuffer;
    DWORD dwErrorCode;
    HKEY hKey = NULL;
    HKEY hToken = NULL;

    // Sanity checks
    if (!pXcv || !pInputData || !pcbOutputNeeded)
        dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
        goto Cleanup;

    *pcbOutputNeeded = 0;

    // This action can only happen at SERVER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER access level.
    if (!(pXcv->GrantedAccess & SERVER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER))
        dwErrorCode = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;
        goto Cleanup;

    // Switch to the SYSTEM context for modifying the registry.
    hToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
    if (!hToken)
        dwErrorCode = GetLastError();
        ERR("RevertToPrinterSelf failed with error %lu!\n", dwErrorCode);
        goto Cleanup;

    // Open the key where our value is stored.
    dwErrorCode = (DWORD)RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Windows", 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKey);
    if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        ERR("RegOpenKeyExW failed with status %lu!\n", dwErrorCode);
        goto Cleanup;

    // We don't use cbInputData here, because the buffer pInputData could be bigger than the data it contains.
    cbBuffer = (wcslen((PWSTR)pInputData) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);

    // Write the value to the registry.
    dwErrorCode = (DWORD)RegSetValueExW(hKey, L"TransmissionRetryTimeout", 0, REG_SZ, pInputData, cbBuffer);
    if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        ERR("RegSetValueExW failed with status %lu!\n", dwErrorCode);
        goto Cleanup;

    if (hKey)

    if (hToken)

    return dwErrorCode;
コード例 #4
ファイル: openprn.c プロジェクト: mingpen/OpenNT
    LPCWSTR string,
    LPCWSTR pSecondPart,
    PDWORD pTypeofHandle,
    PINIPRINTER* ppIniPrinter,
    PINIJOB* ppIniJob,
    PHANDLE phReadFile,
    const PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler
    HANDLE  hImpersonationToken;
    DWORD Position;
    DWORD JobId;
    PINIPRINTER pIniPrinter;
    PINIJOB pIniJob, pCurrentIniJob;

    if( wcsncmp( pSecondPart, L"Job ", 4 ) != STRINGS_ARE_EQUAL ||
        !( pIniPrinter = FindPrinter( string ))){

        return ROUTER_UNKNOWN;

    //  Get the Job ID ",Job xxxx"
    pSecondPart += 4;

    JobId = Myatol( (LPWSTR)pSecondPart );

    pIniJob = FindJob( pIniPrinter, JobId, &Position );

    if( pIniJob == NULL ) {

        DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ("OpenPrinter failed to find Job %d\n", JobId ));
        return ROUTER_UNKNOWN;

    DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("OpenPrinter: pIniJob->cRef = %d\n", pIniJob->cRef));

    if( pIniJob->Status & JOB_DIRECT ) {

        INCJOBREF( pIniJob );

        goto Success;

    //  If this job is assigned to a port
    //  Then pick up the correct chained jobid file instead of the master
    //  JobId.

    if ( pIniJob->pCurrentIniJob != NULL ) {

        SPLASSERT( pIniJob->pCurrentIniJob->signature == IJ_SIGNATURE );

        DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE,("CheckPrinterJobToken pIniJob %x JobId %d using chain JobId %d\n",
                pIniJob, pIniJob->JobId, pIniJob->pCurrentIniJob->JobId ));

        pCurrentIniJob = pIniJob->pCurrentIniJob;

        SPLASSERT( pCurrentIniJob->signature == IJ_SIGNATURE );

    } else {

        pCurrentIniJob = pIniJob;


    GetFullNameFromId( pCurrentIniJob->pIniPrinter,
                       FALSE );

    //  !! BUGBUG !!
    //  Even a user without previledge can open a ", JOB #"
    //  if he is physically running on the machine.

    hImpersonationToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();

    *phReadFile = CreateFile( string,
                  FILE_SHARE_READ |
                  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL |
                  NULL );

    ImpersonatePrinterClient( hImpersonationToken );

    if( *phReadFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {

    DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("OpenPrinter JobID %d pIniJob %x CreateFile( %ws ), hReadFile %x success", JobId, pIniJob, string, *phReadFile ));

    INCJOBREF( pIniJob );

        *pTypeofHandle |= PRINTER_HANDLE_JOB;
        goto Success;

    DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("LocalOpenPrinter CreateFile(%ws) GENERIC_READ failed : %d\n", string, GetLastError()));
    SPLASSERT( GetLastError( ));



    *ppIniJob = pIniJob;
    *ppIniPrinter = pIniPrinter;
    return ROUTER_SUCCESS;