D3D11PointLight::D3D11PointLight(VobLightInfo* info, bool dynamicLight) { D3D11GraphicsEngineBase* engine = (D3D11GraphicsEngineBase *)Engine::GraphicsEngine; LightInfo = info; DynamicLight = dynamicLight; LastUpdatePosition = LightInfo->Vob->GetPositionWorld(); DepthCubemap = NULL; ViewMatricesCB = NULL; if(!dynamicLight) { InitDone = false; // Add to queue Engine::WorkerThreadPool->enqueue( [this]{ InitResources(); }); }else { InitResources(); } DrawnOnce = false; }
FSplineMeshSceneProxy::FSplineMeshSceneProxy(USplineMeshComponent* InComponent) : FStaticMeshSceneProxy(InComponent) { bSupportsDistanceFieldRepresentation = false; // make sure all the materials are okay to be rendered as a spline mesh for (FStaticMeshSceneProxy::FLODInfo& LODInfo : LODs) { for (FStaticMeshSceneProxy::FLODInfo::FSectionInfo& Section : LODInfo.Sections) { if (!Section.Material->CheckMaterialUsage_Concurrent(MATUSAGE_SplineMesh)) { Section.Material = UMaterial::GetDefaultMaterial(MD_Surface); } } } // Copy spline params from component SplineParams = InComponent->SplineParams; SplineUpDir = InComponent->SplineUpDir; bSmoothInterpRollScale = InComponent->bSmoothInterpRollScale; ForwardAxis = InComponent->ForwardAxis; // Fill in info about the mesh if (FMath::IsNearlyEqual(InComponent->SplineBoundaryMin, InComponent->SplineBoundaryMax)) { FBoxSphereBounds StaticMeshBounds = StaticMesh->GetBounds(); SplineMeshScaleZ = 0.5f / USplineMeshComponent::GetAxisValue(StaticMeshBounds.BoxExtent, ForwardAxis); // 1/(2 * Extent) SplineMeshMinZ = USplineMeshComponent::GetAxisValue(StaticMeshBounds.Origin, ForwardAxis) * SplineMeshScaleZ - 0.5f; } else { SplineMeshScaleZ = 1.0f / (InComponent->SplineBoundaryMax - InComponent->SplineBoundaryMin); SplineMeshMinZ = InComponent->SplineBoundaryMin * SplineMeshScaleZ; } LODResources.Reset(InComponent->StaticMesh->RenderData->LODResources.Num()); for (int32 LODIndex = 0; LODIndex < LODs.Num(); LODIndex++) { FSplineMeshVertexFactory* VertexFactory = new FSplineMeshVertexFactory(this); LODResources.Add(VertexFactory); if( InComponent->LODData.IsValidIndex( LODIndex )) { const FStaticMeshComponentLODInfo& ComponentLODInfo = InComponent->LODData[ LODIndex ]; InitResources( InComponent, LODIndex, ComponentLODInfo.OverrideVertexColors ); } else InitResources( InComponent, LODIndex, NULL ); } }
int MsgInit( void ) { #if !defined( USE_TEXT_MSGS ) int initerror; char name[_MAX_PATH]; hInstance.handle = NIL_HANDLE; if( _cmdname( name ) == NULL ) { initerror = 1; } else { hInstance.filename = name; OpenResFile( &hInstance ); if( hInstance.handle == NIL_HANDLE ) { initerror = 1; } else { initerror = FindResources( &hInstance ); if( !initerror ) { initerror = InitResources( &hInstance ); } } } MsgShift = WResLanguage() * MSG_LANG_SPACING; if( !initerror && !MsgGet( MSG_USE_BASE, name ) ) { initerror = 1; } if( initerror ) { write( STDOUT_FILENO, NO_RES_MESSAGE, NO_RES_SIZE ); MsgFini(); return( 0 ); } #endif return( 1 ); }
int InitMsg( void ) { char buff[_MAX_PATH]; #if defined( IDE_PGM ) || !defined( __WATCOMC__ ) char imageName[_MAX_PATH]; #else char *imageName; #endif hInstance.handle = NIL_HANDLE; #if defined( IDE_PGM ) _cmdname( imageName ); #elif !defined( __WATCOMC__ ) get_dllname( imageName, sizeof( imageName ) ); #else imageName = _LpDllName;; #endif BannerPrinted = false; if( !OpenResFile( &hInstance, imageName ) ) { if( !FindResources( &hInstance ) && !InitResources( &hInstance ) ) { MsgShift = _WResLanguage() * MSG_LANG_SPACING; if( Msg_Get( MSG_PRODUCT, buff ) ) { Res_Flag = EXIT_SUCCESS; return( Res_Flag ); } } CloseResFile( &hInstance ); hInstance.handle = NIL_HANDLE; } WriteStdOutInfo( NO_RES_MESSAGE, ERR, NULL ); Res_Flag = EXIT_FAILURE; return( Res_Flag ); }
void Initialize( void ) { #if __APPLE__ // Shiny OS X InitResources(); #else #if _WIN32 HMODULE module; char name[MAX_PATH+1], *lastBackslash; module = GetModuleHandle( NULL ); GetModuleFileName( module, name, MAX_PATH ); lastBackslash = strrchr( name, '\\' ); if( lastBackslash != NULL ) { *lastBackslash = '\0'; strcpy( candyCrisisResources, name ); strcat( candyCrisisResources, "\\CandyCrisisResources\\" ); } #endif #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON // Classic MacOS strcpy( candyCrisisResources, ":CandyCrisisResources:" ); #endif #ifdef linux strcpy( candyCrisisResources, "CandyCrisisResources/" ); #endif #endif atexit( SDL_Quit ); SDL_SetEventFilter( SDLU_EventFilter ); }
void InitMsg( void ) { int initerror; hInstance.filename = ImageName; initerror = OpenResFile( &hInstance ) == NIL_HANDLE; if( !initerror ) { initerror = FindResources( &hInstance ); if( initerror ) { CloseResFile( &hInstance ); } } if( !initerror ) { initerror = InitResources( &hInstance ); if( initerror ) { CloseResFile( &hInstance ); } } MsgShift = WResLanguage() * MSG_LANG_SPACING; if( initerror ) { Res_Flag = EXIT_FAILURE; FatalResError(); } else { Res_Flag = EXIT_SUCCESS; } }
protected func Initialize() { // Show wealth in HUD. GUI_Controller->ShowWealth(); // Rules: team account and buying at flagpole. CreateObject(Rule_TeamAccount); CreateObject(Rule_BuyAtFlagpole); // Goal: Sell Gems, amount depends on difficulty and initial availability. var gems = (4 * GetMaterialCount(Material("Ruby"))) / (5 * GetMaterialVal("Blast2ObjectRatio", "Material", Material("Ruby"))); gems += (4 * GetMaterialCount(Material("Amethyst"))) / (5 * GetMaterialVal("Blast2ObjectRatio", "Material", Material("Amethyst"))); var percentage = 55 + 15 * SCENPAR_Difficulty; var goal = CreateObject(Goal_SellGems); goal->SetTargetAmount((gems * percentage) / 100); // Initialize different parts of the scenario. InitEnvironment(SCENPAR_Difficulty); InitVegetation(); InitAnimals(); InitResources(SCENPAR_Difficulty); InitMainIsland(4 - SCENPAR_Difficulty); InitIslands(4 - SCENPAR_Difficulty); return; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Entry point to the program. Initializes everything and goes into a message processing // loop. Idle time is used to render the scene. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int _cdecl main( int NumArgs, char** ppCmdLine ) { // Enable run-time memory check for debug builds. #if defined(DEBUG) | defined(_DEBUG) _CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF ); #endif // This may fail if Direct3D 10 isn't installed WCHAR wszPath[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; if( !::GetSystemDirectory( wszPath, MAX_PATH + 1 ) ) return false; wcscat_s( wszPath, MAX_PATH, L"\\d3d10.dll" ); HMODULE hMod = LoadLibrary( wszPath ); if( NULL == hMod ) { PrintError( "DirectX 10 is necessary to run GPUSpectrogram.\n" ); return 1; } FreeLibrary( hMod ); // parse the command line if( !ParseCommandLine( ppCmdLine, NumArgs ) ) return 1; // create a device HRESULT hr = S_OK; ID3D10Device* pDevice = NULL; DWORD dwCreateFlags = 0; #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG) dwCreateFlags |= D3D10_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG; #endif hr = D3D10CreateDevice( NULL, D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE, ( HMODULE )0, dwCreateFlags, D3D10_SDK_VERSION, &pDevice ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { hr = D3D10CreateDevice( NULL, D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE_REFERENCE, ( HMODULE )0, dwCreateFlags, D3D10_SDK_VERSION, &pDevice ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { PrintError( "A suitable D3D10 device could not be created.\n" ); return 1; } } if( FAILED( InitResources( pDevice ) ) ) { PrintError( "GPUSpectrogram encountered an error creating resources.\n" ); return 2; } CreateSpectrogram( pDevice ); if( FAILED( SaveSpectogramToFile( pDevice, g_strBitmapName, g_pSourceTexture ) ) ) PrintError( "GPUSpectrogram encountered an error saving the spectrogram image file.\n" ); DestroyResources(); SAFE_RELEASE( pDevice ); return 0; }
bool GUILoadStrInit( const char *fname ) { bool error; error = OpenResFile( &hInstance, fname ) == NIL_HANDLE; if( !error ) { if( GUIGetExtName() != NULL ) { // we are using an external resource file so we don't have to // search FileShift = 0; } else { error = FindResources( &hInstance ); } } if( !error ) { error = InitResources( &hInstance ); } if( error ) { GUIMsgInitFlag = FALSE; write( fileno(stdout), NO_RES_MESSAGE_PREFIX, sizeof( NO_RES_MESSAGE_PREFIX ) - 1 ); write( fileno(stdout), fname, strlen( fname ) ); write( fileno(stdout), NO_RES_MESSAGE_SUFFIX, sizeof( NO_RES_MESSAGE_SUFFIX ) - 1 ); } else { GUIMsgInitFlag = TRUE; } return( GUIMsgInitFlag ); }
/** * Sets number of resources in project * * @param * @return * @exception - * @see */ void CProjectWizardData::SetResourceCount(int iCount) { ResetResources(); m_Resources.RemoveAll(); m_Resources.SetSize(iCount); InitResources(); CreateNewResources(); }
FSlateRHIRenderingPolicy::FSlateRHIRenderingPolicy( TSharedPtr<FSlateFontCache> InFontCache, TSharedRef<FSlateRHIResourceManager> InResourceManager ) : FSlateRenderingPolicy(0) , ResourceManager( InResourceManager ) , FontCache( InFontCache ) , CurrentBufferIndex(0) , bGammaCorrect(true) { InitResources(); };
void UMaterialInstanceDynamic::CopyParameterOverrides(UMaterialInstance* MaterialInstance) { ClearParameterValues(); VectorParameterValues = MaterialInstance->VectorParameterValues; ScalarParameterValues = MaterialInstance->ScalarParameterValues; TextureParameterValues = MaterialInstance->TextureParameterValues; FontParameterValues = MaterialInstance->FontParameterValues; InitResources(); }
FSlateD3D11RenderingPolicy::FSlateD3D11RenderingPolicy( TSharedPtr<FSlateFontCache> InFontCache, TSharedRef<FSlateD3DTextureManager> InTexureManager ) : FSlateRenderingPolicy( PixelCenterOffsetD3D11 ) , FontCache( InFontCache ) , TextureManager( InTexureManager ) { InitResources(); }
void SoundHubObject::InitSound( int freq, int chksz) { m_MaxSounds = MIX_CHANNELS; Mix_Init( MIX_INIT_OGG ); Mix_OpenAudio( freq, AUDIO_S16SYS, 2, chksz ); Mix_AllocateChannels( m_MaxSounds ); InitResources(); m_CanPlaySound = true; }
UINT32 Update( EVENT_STACK_T *ev_st, void *app, UINT32 sItem ) { APPLICATION_T *papp = (APPLICATION_T*) app; SU_PORT_T port = papp->port; CONTENT_T content; UIS_DIALOG_T dialog = 0; ACTIONS_T action_list; if ( papp->dialog != NULL ) { APP_UtilUISDialogDelete( &papp->dialog ); papp->dialog = NULL; RemoveResources(); } InitResources(); InitDlgActions( &action_list ); dialog = UIS_CreateList( &port, 0, ENTRIES_NUM, 0, &starting_num, 0, 2, &action_list, Resources[RES_LIST_CAPTION] ); if(dialog == 0) return RESULT_FAIL; papp->dialog = dialog; if (sItem != 0) { APP_UtilAddEvUISListChange( ev_st, app, 0, // = 0 sItem, ENTRIES_NUM, TRUE, 2, // = 2 FBF_LEAVE, NULL, NULL ); UIS_HandleEvent( dialog, ev_st ); } SendListItems( ev_st, app, 1, starting_num ); return RESULT_OK; }
Bool Mesh::Manager::Init() { rootTree.SetNodeMember( &MeshRoot::treeNode); entList.SetNodeMember( &MeshEnt::listNode); envMap = NULL; Statistics::Init(); InitResources(); return sysInit = TRUE; }
static void ErrorInit( const char *pgm_name ) { hInstance.handle = NIL_HANDLE; if( OpenResFile( &hInstance, pgm_name ) ) return; ResFlags |= RF_OPENED; if( FindResources( &hInstance ) ) return; if( InitResources( &hInstance ) ) return; MsgShift = _WResLanguage() * MSG_LANG_SPACING; ResFlags |= RF_INITIALIZED; }
FSkeletalMeshObjectCPUSkin::FSkeletalMeshObjectCPUSkin(USkinnedMeshComponent* InMeshComponent, FSkeletalMeshResource* InSkeletalMeshResource, ERHIFeatureLevel::Type InFeatureLevel) : FSkeletalMeshObject(InMeshComponent, InSkeletalMeshResource, InFeatureLevel) , DynamicData(NULL) , CachedVertexLOD(INDEX_NONE) , bRenderBoneWeight(false) { // create LODs to match the base mesh for( int32 LODIndex=0;LODIndex < SkeletalMeshResource->LODModels.Num();LODIndex++ ) { new(LODs) FSkeletalMeshObjectLOD(SkeletalMeshResource,LODIndex); } InitResources(); }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { renderer = new RenderSystem(); camera = new Camera(); renderer->SetDisplayCallback(&displayCallback); renderer->SetCamera(camera); InitResources(); renderer->SetRenderList(_meshList); renderer->StartRender(); _meshList[0]->Rotate(45, glm::vec3(0, 0, 1)); return 0; }
/** * WinMain Function * Main Windows program entry point */ int CALLBACK WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd) { // Initialize Resources InitResources(hInstance); // Main Loop while(true){Sleep(5000);} // Release Resources ReleaseResources(); // Return Success return 0; }
int C_DECL main(int argc, char* argv[]) { { // One time init InitResources(); glslang::InitializeProcess(); spv::Parameterize(); } const char* File = ReadFileData(argv[1]); DoCompile(File); glslang::FinalizeProcess(); return 0; }
FSkeletalMeshObjectGPUSkin::FSkeletalMeshObjectGPUSkin(USkinnedMeshComponent* InMeshComponent, FSkeletalMeshResource* InSkeletalMeshResource, ERHIFeatureLevel::Type InFeatureLevel) : FSkeletalMeshObject(InMeshComponent, InSkeletalMeshResource, InFeatureLevel) , DynamicData(NULL) , bNeedsUpdateDeferred(false) , bMorphNeedsUpdateDeferred(false) , bMorphResourcesInitialized(false) { // create LODs to match the base mesh LODs.Empty(SkeletalMeshResource->LODModels.Num()); for( int32 LODIndex=0;LODIndex < SkeletalMeshResource->LODModels.Num();LODIndex++ ) { new(LODs) FSkeletalMeshObjectLOD(SkeletalMeshResource,LODIndex); } InitResources(); }
int InitRcMsgs( void ) { int error; WResFileID (* oldopen)(const char *, int, ...); char testbuf[1]; #if defined( IDE_PGM ) || !defined( __WATCOMC__ ) char imageName[_MAX_PATH]; #else char *imageName; #endif #if defined( IDE_PGM ) _cmdname( imageName ); #elif !defined( __WATCOMC__ ) get_dllname( imageName, sizeof( imageName ) ); #else imageName = _LpDllName; #endif /* * swap open functions so this file handle is not buffered. * This makes it easier for layer0 to fool WRES into thinking * that the resource information starts at offset 0 */ oldopen = WResRtns.open; WResRtns.open = open; error = OpenResFile( &Instance, imageName ); WResRtns.open = oldopen; if( !error ) { RegisterOpenFile( Instance.handle ); error = FindResources( &Instance ); if( !error ) { error = InitResources( &Instance ); } if( error ) { CloseResFile( &Instance ); UnRegisterOpenFile( Instance.handle ); } } MsgShift = _WResLanguage() * MSG_LANG_SPACING; if( !error && !GetRcMsg( USAGE_MSG_FIRST, testbuf, sizeof( testbuf ) ) ) { error = TRUE; } if( error ) { RcFatalError( ERR_RCSTR_NOT_FOUND ); } return( 1 ); }
int MsgInit( void ) { char name[_MAX_PATH]; hInstance.handle = NIL_HANDLE; if( _cmdname( name ) != NULL && !OpenResFile( &hInstance, name ) ) { if( !FindResources( &hInstance ) && !InitResources( &hInstance ) ) { MsgShift = _WResLanguage() * MSG_LANG_SPACING; if( GetMsg( name, MSG_USAGE_FIRST ) ) { return( 1 ); } } } write( STDOUT_FILENO, NO_RES_MESSAGE, NO_RES_SIZE ); MsgFini(); return( 0 ); }
ALERROR CCommandLine::Activate (CUFrame *pFrame, RECT *pRect) // Activate // // Handle activation { ALERROR error; AutoSizeDesc AutoSize; CUFrame *pNewFrame; // Remember our rect and frame m_rcRect = *pRect; m_pFrame = pFrame; m_cxFieldWidth = max(0, RectWidth(pRect) - (LEFT_MARGIN + RIGHT_MARGIN)); // Make sure we have our resources loaded if (error = InitResources(pFrame->GetWindow()->GetApp()->GetResourcesDb())) return error; // Create an edit control AutoSize.SetAutoSize(0, EDITOR_HEIGHT, LEFT_MARGIN, EDITOR_Y, RIGHT_MARGIN, 0, AutoSizeDesc::DimVariable, AutoSizeDesc::MaxVariable); if (error = m_pFrame->GetWindow()->CreateFrame(m_pFrame, EDITOR_FRAME_ID, 0, &AutoSize, &pNewFrame)) return error; m_pEditor = new CULineEditor(this); if (m_pEditor == NULL) return ERR_MEMORY; m_pEditor->SetActionMsg((ControllerNotifyProc)&CCommandLine::CmdAction); m_pEditor->SetSingleLine(); if (error = pNewFrame->SetContent(m_pEditor, TRUE)) return error; return NOERROR; }
BOOL CTorrentWizardApp::InitInstance() { CCommandLineInfoEx cmdInfo; ParseCommandLine(cmdInfo); cmdInfo.GetOption( _T("sourcefile"), m_sCommandLineSourceFile ); cmdInfo.GetOption( _T("destination"), m_sCommandLineDestination ); cmdInfo.GetOption( _T("tracker"), m_sCommandLineTracker ); cmdInfo.GetOption( _T("comment"), m_sCommandLineComment ); if ( m_sCommandLineSourceFile.GetLength() > 0 && m_sCommandLineDestination.GetLength() > 0 && m_sCommandLineTracker.GetLength() > 0 ) { if ( m_sCommandLineComment.IsEmpty() ) m_sCommandLineComment = _T("http://shareaza.sourceforge.net/"); } SetRegistryKey( _T("Shareaza") ); InitEnvironment(); InitResources(); CWizardSheet pSheet; CWelcomePage pWelcome; CSinglePage pSingle; CPackagePage pPackage; CTrackerPage pTracker; CCommentPage pComment; COutputPage pOutput; CFinishedPage pFinished; m_pSheet = &pSheet; pSheet.AddPage( &pWelcome ); pSheet.AddPage( &pSingle ); pSheet.AddPage( &pPackage ); pSheet.AddPage( &pTracker ); pSheet.AddPage( &pOutput ); pSheet.AddPage( &pComment ); pSheet.AddPage( &pFinished ); pSheet.DoModal(); return FALSE; }
bool ManagerApp::OnInit() { const wxString name = wxString::Format(wxT("RCT3Manager-%s"), wxGetUserId().c_str()); m_checker = new wxSingleInstanceChecker(name); if ( m_checker->IsAnotherRunning() ) { wxLogError(_("Another program instance is already running, aborting.")); return false; } ::wxInitAllImageHandlers(); //wxXmlResource::Get()->InitAllHandlers(); wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxArchiveFSHandler); wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxFilterFSHandler); wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxMemoryFSHandler); wxBZipClassFactory cf; xmlcpp::wxXmlInputCallbackFileSystem::Init(); m_appdir = wxFileName(argv[0]).GetPath(wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR | wxPATH_GET_VOLUME); wxFileConfig::Set(new wxFileConfig(wxT("RCT3 Manager"), wxT("Freeware"), m_appdir.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR | wxPATH_GET_VOLUME)+wxT("RCT3 Manager.conf"), wxT(""), wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE)); // *&^$% GraphicsMagick wxString appenv = wxT("MAGICK_CONFIGURE_PATH=") + m_appdir.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR | wxPATH_GET_VOLUME); putenv(appenv.mb_str(wxConvLocal)); if (!CheckInstallDir()) return false; InitResources(); if (!CheckManagerDB()) return false; if (!CheckFilesDB()) return false; frmMain* main = new frmMain(NULL); main->Show(true); SetTopWindow(main); return true; }
bool MsgInit( void ) { char name[_MAX_PATH]; hInstance.handle = NIL_HANDLE; if( _cmdname( name ) != NULL && !OpenResFile( &hInstance, name ) ) { res_failure = false; if( !FindResources( &hInstance ) && !InitResources( &hInstance ) ) { MsgShift = _WResLanguage() * MSG_LANG_SPACING; if( MsgGet( WDIS_LITERAL_BASE, name ) ) { return( true ); } } MsgFini(); } write( STDOUT_FILENO, NO_RES_MESSAGE, NO_RES_SIZE ); res_failure = true; return( false ); }
int MsgInit( void ) /******************/ { char name[_MAX_PATH]; char dummy[MAX_RESOURCE_SIZE]; hInstance.handle = NIL_HANDLE; if( _cmdname( name ) != NULL && !OpenResFile( &hInstance, name ) ) { if( !FindResources( &hInstance ) && !InitResources( &hInstance ) ) { MsgShift = _WResLanguage() * MSG_LANG_SPACING; if( MsgGet( MSG_USAGE_BASE, dummy ) ) { return( true ); } } } write( STDOUT_FILENO, NO_RES_MESSAGE, NO_RES_SIZE ); MsgFini(); return( false ); }
int Msg_Init( void ) { char name[_MAX_PATH]; hInstance.handle = NIL_HANDLE; if( _cmdname( name ) != NULL && !OpenResFile( &hInstance, name ) ) { if( !FindResources( &hInstance ) && !InitResources( &hInstance ) ) { MsgShift = _WResLanguage() * MSG_LANG_SPACING; if( Msg_Get( MSG_USAGE_FIRST, name ) ) { Res_Flag = EXIT_SUCCESS; return( Res_Flag ); } } CloseResFile( &hInstance ); hInstance.handle = NIL_HANDLE; } Res_Flag = EXIT_FAILURE; write( STDOUT_FILENO, NO_RES_MESSAGE, NO_RES_SIZE ); return Res_Flag; }