コード例 #1
NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgThreadedDBView::Open(nsIMsgFolder *folder, nsMsgViewSortTypeValue sortType, nsMsgViewSortOrderValue sortOrder, nsMsgViewFlagsTypeValue viewFlags, PRInt32 *pCount)
  nsresult rv = nsMsgDBView::Open(folder, sortType, sortOrder, viewFlags, pCount);

  if (!m_db)
  // Preset msg hdr cache size for performance reason.
  PRInt32 totalMessages, unreadMessages;
  nsCOMPtr <nsIDBFolderInfo> dbFolderInfo;
  // save off sort type and order, view type and flags
  if (m_viewFlags & nsMsgViewFlagsType::kUnreadOnly)
    // Set unread msg size + extra entries to avoid reallocation on new mail.
    totalMessages = (PRUint32)unreadMessages+MSGHDR_CACHE_LOOK_AHEAD_SIZE;  
    if (totalMessages > MSGHDR_CACHE_MAX_SIZE) 
      totalMessages = MSGHDR_CACHE_MAX_SIZE;        // use max default
    else if (totalMessages > 0)
      totalMessages += MSGHDR_CACHE_LOOK_AHEAD_SIZE;// allocate extra entries to avoid reallocation on new mail.
  // if total messages is 0, then we probably don't have any idea how many headers are in the db
  // so we have no business setting the cache size.
  if (totalMessages > 0)
  if (pCount)
    *pCount = 0;
  rv = InitThreadedView(pCount);

  // this is a hack, but we're trying to find a way to correct
  // incorrect total and unread msg counts w/o paying a big
  // performance penalty. So, if we're not threaded, just add
  // up the total and unread messages in the view and see if that
  // matches what the db totals say. Except ignored threads are
  // going to throw us off...hmm. Unless we just look at the
  // unread counts which is what mostly tweaks people anyway...
  PRInt32 unreadMsgsInView = 0;
  if (!(m_viewFlags & nsMsgViewFlagsType::kThreadedDisplay))
    for (PRUint32 i = m_flags.Length(); i > 0; )
      if (!(m_flags[--i] & nsMsgMessageFlags::Read))

    if (unreadMessages != unreadMsgsInView)

  return rv;
コード例 #2
NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgQuickSearchDBView::Open(nsIMsgFolder *folder, nsMsgViewSortTypeValue sortType, nsMsgViewSortOrderValue sortOrder, nsMsgViewFlagsTypeValue viewFlags, int32_t *pCount)
  nsresult rv = nsMsgDBView::Open(folder, sortType, sortOrder, viewFlags, pCount);

  if (!m_db)
  if (pCount)
    *pCount = 0;
  m_viewFolder = nullptr;
  return InitThreadedView(pCount);
コード例 #3
NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgThreadedDBView::Sort(nsMsgViewSortTypeValue sortType, nsMsgViewSortOrderValue sortOrder)
  nsresult rv;

  PRInt32 rowCountBeforeSort = GetSize();

  if (!rowCountBeforeSort) 
    // still need to setup our flags even when no articles - bug 98183.
    m_sortType = sortType;
    if (sortType == nsMsgViewSortType::byThread && ! (m_viewFlags & nsMsgViewFlagsType::kThreadedDisplay))
      SetViewFlags(m_viewFlags | nsMsgViewFlagsType::kThreadedDisplay);
    SaveSortInfo(sortType, sortOrder);
    return NS_OK;

  // sort threads by sort order
  bool sortThreads = m_viewFlags & (nsMsgViewFlagsType::kThreadedDisplay | nsMsgViewFlagsType::kGroupBySort);
  // if sort type is by thread, and we're already threaded, change sort type to byId
  if (sortType == nsMsgViewSortType::byThread && (m_viewFlags & nsMsgViewFlagsType::kThreadedDisplay) != 0)
    sortType = nsMsgViewSortType::byId;

  nsMsgKey preservedKey;
  nsAutoTArray<nsMsgKey, 1> preservedSelection;
  SaveAndClearSelection(&preservedKey, preservedSelection);
  // if the client wants us to forget our cached id arrays, they
  // should build a new view. If this isn't good enough, we
  // need a method to do that.
  if (sortType != m_sortType || !m_sortValid || sortThreads)
    SaveSortInfo(sortType, sortOrder);
    if (sortType == nsMsgViewSortType::byThread)  
      m_sortType = sortType;
      m_viewFlags |= nsMsgViewFlagsType::kThreadedDisplay;
      m_viewFlags &= nsMsgViewFlagsType::kGroupBySort;
      if ( m_havePrevView)
        // restore saved id array and flags array
        m_keys = m_prevKeys;
        m_flags = m_prevFlags;
        m_levels = m_prevLevels;
        m_sortValid = true;
        // the sort may have changed the number of rows
        // before we restore the selection, tell the tree
        // do this before we call restore selection
        // this is safe when there is no selection.
        rv = AdjustRowCount(rowCountBeforeSort, GetSize());
        RestoreSelection(preservedKey, preservedSelection);
        if (mTree) mTree->Invalidate();
        return NS_OK;
        // set sort info in anticipation of what Init will do.
        InitThreadedView(nsnull);	// build up thread list.
        if (sortOrder != nsMsgViewSortOrder::ascending)
          Sort(sortType, sortOrder);
        // the sort may have changed the number of rows
        // before we update the selection, tell the tree
        // do this before we call restore selection
        // this is safe when there is no selection.
        rv = AdjustRowCount(rowCountBeforeSort, GetSize());
        RestoreSelection(preservedKey, preservedSelection);
        if (mTree) mTree->Invalidate();
        return NS_OK;
    else if (sortType  != nsMsgViewSortType::byThread && (m_sortType == nsMsgViewSortType::byThread  || sortThreads)/* && !m_havePrevView*/)
      if (sortThreads)
        SortThreads(sortType, sortOrder);
        sortType = nsMsgViewSortType::byThread; // hack so base class won't do anything
        // going from SortByThread to non-thread sort - must build new key, level,and flags arrays 
        m_prevKeys = m_keys;
        m_prevFlags = m_flags;
        m_prevLevels = m_levels;
        // do this before we sort, so that we'll use the cheap method
        // of expanding.
        m_viewFlags &= ~(nsMsgViewFlagsType::kThreadedDisplay | nsMsgViewFlagsType::kGroupBySort);
        //			m_idArray.RemoveAll();
        //			m_flags.Clear();
        m_havePrevView = true;
  else if (m_sortOrder != sortOrder)// check for toggling the sort
    nsMsgDBView::Sort(sortType, sortOrder);
  if (!sortThreads)
    // call the base class in case we're not sorting by thread
    rv = nsMsgDBView::Sort(sortType, sortOrder);
    SaveSortInfo(sortType, sortOrder);
  // the sort may have changed the number of rows
  // before we restore the selection, tell the tree
  // do this before we call restore selection
  // this is safe when there is no selection.
  rv = AdjustRowCount(rowCountBeforeSort, GetSize());

  RestoreSelection(preservedKey, preservedSelection);
  if (mTree) mTree->Invalidate();
  return NS_OK;