コード例 #1
ファイル: Player.cpp プロジェクト: adamm24680/Planechase
void Player::Init()
コード例 #2
ファイル: readvf.c プロジェクト: jasondegraw/View3D-Legacy
void ReadVF( I1 *fileName, I1 *program, I1 *version,
             IX *format, IX *encl, IX *didemit, IX *nSrf,
             R4 *area, R4 *emit, R8 **AF, R4 **F, IX init, IX shape )
  if( init )
    I1 header[36];
    FILE *vfin = fopen( fileName, "r" );
    fgets( header, 35, vfin );
    sscanf( header, "%s %s %d %d %d %d",
      program, version, format, encl, didemit, nSrf );
    fclose( vfin );
    IX ns = *nSrf;
    if( *format == 0 )
      if( shape == 0 )
        ReadF0t( fileName, ns, area, emit, AF );
        ReadF0s( fileName, ns, area, emit, F );
    else if( *format == 1 )
      if( shape == 0 )
        ReadF1t( fileName, ns, area, emit, AF );
        ReadF1s( fileName, ns, area, emit, F );
      error( 3, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Undefined format: ", IntStr(*format), "" );

  }  /* end ReadVF */
コード例 #3
ファイル: Convert.cpp プロジェクト: AbdelghaniDr/mirror
Value  Convert::Format(const Value& q) const {
	if(IsVoid(q) || q.IsNull()) return String();
	switch(q.GetType()) {
	case INT64_V:
		return IntStr64((int64)q);
	case INT_V:
	case BOOL_V:
		return IntStr((int)q);
	case DOUBLE_V:
		return DblStr((double)q);
	case DATE_V:
		return UPP::Format(Date(q));
	case TIME_V:
		return UPP::Format(Time(q));
	case STRING_V:
	case WSTRING_V:
		return q;
	return q.ToString();
コード例 #4
ファイル: viewobs.c プロジェクト: jasondegraw/View3D-Legacy
R8 Triangle( VERTEX3D *p1, VERTEX3D *p2, VERTEX3D *p3, void *dc, IX dcflag )
/* p1  - X, Y, & Z coordinates of point P1.
 * p2  - X, Y, & Z coordinates of point P2.
 * p3  - X, Y, & Z coordinates of point P3.
 *  c  - X, Y, & Z components of direction cosines vector "C".
  VECTOR3D a, b, *c=(void *)dc;
  R8 r;  /* length of "C" (= twice the area of triangle P1-P2-P3) */

  VECTOR( p2, p3, (&a) );
  VECTOR( p2, p1, (&b) );
  VCROSS( (&a), (&b), c );
  r = VLEN( c );
  if( dcflag )   /* compute direction cosines */
    if( r <= 1.e-12 )
      fprintf( _ulog, "Vertices:\n" );
      fprintf( _ulog, "  %f  %f  %f\n", p1->x, p1->y, p1->z );
      fprintf( _ulog, "  %f  %f  %f\n", p2->x, p2->y, p2->z );
      fprintf( _ulog, "  %f  %f  %f\n", p3->x, p3->y, p3->z );
      error( 3, __FILE__,  __LINE__,
        "Vertices give invalid area, surface ", IntStr(dcflag), "" );
    c->x /= r;   /* reduce C to unit length */
    c->y /= r;
    c->z /= r;

#ifdef XXX
  fprintf( _ulog, " DC: %f %f %f; A: %f\n", c->x, c->y, c->z, 0.5*r );

  return (0.5f * r);

  }  /* end of Triangle */
コード例 #5
ファイル: viewobs.c プロジェクト: jasondegraw/View3D-Legacy
IX Subsurface( SRFDAT3X *srf, SRFDAT3X sub[] )
  IX nSubSrf;       /* number of subsurfaces */
  VERTEX3D tmpVrt;  /* temporary vertex */
  VECTOR3D edge[4]; /* quadrilateral edge vectors */
  R8 edgeLength[4]; /* lengths of edges */
  R8 cosAngle[4];   /* cosines of angles */
  IX obtuse=0;      /* identifies obtuse angles */
  IX i, j, k;

  if( srf->shape > 0 )     /* triangle or parallelogram */
    memcpy( sub+0, srf, sizeof(SRFDAT3X) );    /* no subdivision */
    sub[0].nr = 0;
    nSubSrf = 1;
  else if( srf->nv==4 )    /* convex quadrilateral */
    for( j=0,i=1; j<4; j++,i++ )  /* compute edge vectors and lengths */
      i &= 3;   /* equivalent to: if( i==4 ) i = 0; in this context */
      VECTOR( (srf->v+i), (srf->v+j), (edge+j) );
      edgeLength[j] = VLEN( (edge+j) );
    for( k=1,j=0,i=3; j<4; j++,i++,k*=2 )  /* compute corner angles */
      i &= 3;                /* A dot B = |A|*|B|*cos(angle) */
      cosAngle[j] = -VDOT( (edge+j), (edge+i) )
        / ( edgeLength[j] * edgeLength[i] );
      if( cosAngle[j] < 0.0 )  /* angle > 90 if cos(angle) < 0 */
        obtuse += k;
#if( DEBUG > 1 )
    for( j=0; j<4; j++ )
      fprintf( _ulog, " edge %d: (%f %f %f) L %f, C %f (%.3f deg)\n", j+1,
         edge[j].x, edge[j].y, edge[j].z,
         edgeLength[j], cosAngle[j], acos(cosAngle[j])*RTD );
    fprintf( _ulog, " quadrilateral, case %d\n", obtuse );
    fflush( _ulog );
    switch (obtuse) /* divide based on number and positions of obtuse angles */
      case 0:       /* rectangle */
        memcpy( sub+0, srf, sizeof(SRFDAT3X) );    /* no subdivision */
        sub[0].nr = 0;
        nSubSrf = 1;
      case 1:       /* only angle 0 is obtuse */
      case 4:       /* only angle 2 is obtuse */
      case 5:       /* angles 0 and 2 are obtuse */
      case 7:       /* angles 0, 1, and 2 are obtuse */
      case 13:      /* angles 0, 2, and 3 are obtuse */
        VCOPY( (srf->v+0), (sub[0].v+0) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+1), (sub[0].v+1) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+2), (sub[0].v+2) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+2), (sub[1].v+0) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+3), (sub[1].v+1) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+0), (sub[1].v+2) );
        nSubSrf = 2;
      case 2:       /* only angle 1 is obtuse */
      case 8:       /* only angle 3 is obtuse */
      case 10:      /* angles 1 and 3 are obtuse */
      case 11:      /* angles 0, 1, and 3 are obtuse */
      case 14:      /* angles 1, 2, and 3 are obtuse */
        VCOPY( (srf->v+1), (sub[0].v+0) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+2), (sub[0].v+1) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+3), (sub[0].v+2) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+3), (sub[1].v+0) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+0), (sub[1].v+1) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+1), (sub[1].v+2) );
        nSubSrf = 2;
      case 3:       /* angles 0 and 1 are obtuse */
        tmpVrt.x = 0.5f * (srf->v[2].x + srf->v[3].x );
        tmpVrt.y = 0.5f * (srf->v[2].y + srf->v[3].y );
        tmpVrt.z = 0.5f * (srf->v[2].z + srf->v[3].z );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+3), (sub[0].v+0) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+0), (sub[0].v+1) );
        VCOPY(  (&tmpVrt), (sub[0].v+2) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+0), (sub[1].v+0) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+1), (sub[1].v+1) );
        VCOPY(  (&tmpVrt), (sub[1].v+2) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+1), (sub[2].v+0) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+2), (sub[2].v+1) );
        VCOPY(  (&tmpVrt), (sub[2].v+2) );
        nSubSrf = 3;
      case 6:       /* angles 1 and 2 are obtuse */
        tmpVrt.x = 0.5f * (srf->v[0].x + srf->v[3].x );
        tmpVrt.y = 0.5f * (srf->v[0].y + srf->v[3].y );
        tmpVrt.z = 0.5f * (srf->v[0].z + srf->v[3].z );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+0), (sub[0].v+0) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+1), (sub[0].v+1) );
        VCOPY(  (&tmpVrt), (sub[0].v+2) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+1), (sub[1].v+0) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+2), (sub[1].v+1) );
        VCOPY(  (&tmpVrt), (sub[1].v+2) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+2), (sub[2].v+0) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+3), (sub[2].v+1) );
        VCOPY(  (&tmpVrt), (sub[2].v+2) );
        nSubSrf = 3;
      case 9:       /* angles 0 and 3 are obtuse */
        tmpVrt.x = 0.5f * (srf->v[1].x + srf->v[2].x );
        tmpVrt.y = 0.5f * (srf->v[1].y + srf->v[2].y );
        tmpVrt.z = 0.5f * (srf->v[1].z + srf->v[2].z );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+2), (sub[0].v+0) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+3), (sub[0].v+1) );
        VCOPY(  (&tmpVrt), (sub[0].v+2) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+3), (sub[1].v+0) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+0), (sub[1].v+1) );
        VCOPY(  (&tmpVrt), (sub[1].v+2) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+0), (sub[2].v+0) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+1), (sub[2].v+1) );
        VCOPY(  (&tmpVrt), (sub[2].v+2) );
        nSubSrf = 3;
      case 12:      /* angles 2 and 3 are obtuse */
        tmpVrt.x = 0.5f * (srf->v[0].x + srf->v[1].x );
        tmpVrt.y = 0.5f * (srf->v[0].y + srf->v[1].y );
        tmpVrt.z = 0.5f * (srf->v[0].z + srf->v[1].z );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+1), (sub[0].v+0) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+2), (sub[0].v+1) );
        VCOPY(  (&tmpVrt), (sub[0].v+2) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+2), (sub[1].v+0) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+3), (sub[1].v+1) );
        VCOPY(  (&tmpVrt), (sub[1].v+2) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+3), (sub[2].v+0) );
        VCOPY( (srf->v+0), (sub[2].v+1) );
        VCOPY(  (&tmpVrt), (sub[2].v+2) );
        nSubSrf = 3;
      case 15:      /* invalid configuration */
        error( 2, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid configuration", "" );
        error( 2, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid switch: ", IntStr(obtuse), "" );
      } /* end switch */
    if( obtuse > 0 )    /* complete subdivision data */
      for( j=0; j<nSubSrf; j++ )
        sub[j].nr = j;
        sub[j].nv = 3;
        SetCentroid( 3, sub[j].v, &sub[j].ctd );
        sub[j].area = Triangle( sub[j].v+0, sub[j].v+1, sub[j].v+2, &tmpVrt, 0 );
        memcpy( &sub[j].dc, &srf->dc, sizeof(DIRCOS) );
  else if( srf->nv==5 )
    for( j=0,i=1; j<5; j++,i++ )
      if( i==5 ) i = 0;
      VCOPY( (&srf->ctd), (sub[j].v+0) );
      VCOPY(  (srf->v+j), (sub[j].v+1) );
      VCOPY(  (srf->v+i), (sub[j].v+2) );
      sub[j].nr = j;
      sub[j].nv = 3;
      SetCentroid( 3, sub[j].v, &sub[j].ctd );
      sub[j].area = Triangle( sub[j].v+0, sub[j].v+1, sub[j].v+2, &tmpVrt, 0 );
      memcpy( &sub[j].dc, &srf->dc, sizeof(DIRCOS) );
    nSubSrf = 5;
    error( 3, __FILE__, __LINE__,
      "Invalid number of vertices", IntStr(srf->nv), "" );

  return nSubSrf;

  }  /* end Subsurface */
コード例 #6
ファイル: viewobs.c プロジェクト: jasondegraw/View3D-Legacy
R8 ViewObstructed( VFCTRL *vfCtrl, IX nv1, VERTEX3D v1[], R8 area, IX nDiv )
/* nv1  - number of vertices of surface 1.
 * v1   - vertices of surface 1.
 * area - area of surface 1.
 * nDiv - division factor, 3 or 4. */
  POLY *pp;     /* pointer to a polygon */
  POLY *shade;  /* pointer to the obstruction shadow polygon */
  POLY *stack;  /* pointer to stack of unobstructed polygons */
  POLY *next;   /* pointer to next unobstructed polygons */
  R8 dF,   /* F from a view point to an unshaded area */
    dFv,   /* F from a view point to all unshaded areas */
    AFu;   /* AF from all view points to all unshaded areas */
  VERTEX3D v2[MAXNV2]; /* 3D vertices: obstruction */
  VERTEX3D *pv2; /* clipped obstruction */
  VERTEX2D vs[MAXNV2], vb[MAXNV1]; /* 2D vertices: shadow and base surface (2) */
  SRFDAT3X *srfT;  /* pointer to surface */
  DIRCOS *dc1;  /* pointer to direction cosines of surface 1 */
  R8 xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; /* clipping limits */
  IX clip; /* if true, clip to prevent upward projection */
  R8 epsDist, epsArea;
  R8 hc, zc[MAXNV1];  /* surface clipping test values */
  VERTEX3D vpt[16];  /* vertices of view points */
  R8 weight[16];     /* integration weighting factors */
  IX nvpt; /* number of view points */
  IX np;   /* view point number */
  IX nv2, nvs, nvb;
  IX j, k, n;

#if( DEBUG > 1 )
  fprintf( _ulog, "ViewObstructed:\n" );
#if( DEBUG > 2  )
  for( j=0; j<nv1; j++ )
    if( v1[j].z <=0 ) ;

  dc1 = &vfCtrl->srf1T.dc;
  srfT = &vfCtrl->srf2T;
  nvb = srfT->nv;
  for( n=0; n<nvb; n++ )        /* reverse polygon 2 to clockwise */
    vb[n].x = srfT->v[nvb-1-n].x;
    vb[n].y = srfT->v[nvb-1-n].y;
  xmin = xmax = vb[0].x;
  ymin = ymax = vb[0].y;
  for( n=1; n<nvb; n++ )        /* determine polygon 2 to limits */
    if( vb[n].x < xmin ) xmin = vb[n].x;
    if( vb[n].x > xmax ) xmax = vb[n].x;
    if( vb[n].y < ymin ) ymin = vb[n].y;
    if( vb[n].y > ymax ) ymax = vb[n].y;
#if( DEBUG > 1 )
  DumpP2D( "Base Surface:", nvb, vb );
  fprintf( _ulog, "limits:  %f %f   %f %f\n", xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax );
  epsDist = 1.0e-6 * sqrt( (xmax-xmin)*(xmax-xmin) + (ymax-ymin)*(ymax-ymin) );
  epsArea = 1.0e-6 * srfT->area;

        /* determine Gaussian weights and view points of polygon 1 */
  nvpt = SubSrf( nDiv, nv1, v1, area, vpt, weight );

        /* compute obstructed view from each view point of polygon 1 */
  for( AFu=0.0,np=0; np<nvpt; np++ )        /* begin view points loop */
    hc = 0.9999f * vpt[np].z;
#if( DEBUG > 1 )
    fprintf( _ulog, "view point: %f %f %f\n", vpt[np].x, vpt[np].y, vpt[np].z );
    fprintf( _ulog, "Hclip %g\n", hc );
    fflush( _ulog );
        /* begin with cleared small structures area - memBlock */
    InitPolygonMem( epsDist, epsArea );
    stack = SetPolygonHC( nvb, vb, 1.0 );  /* convert surface 2 to HC */
#if( DEBUG > 1 )
    DumpHC( "BASE SURFACE:", stack, NULL );

        /* project shadow of each view obstructing surface */
    srfT = vfCtrl->srfOT;
    for( dFv=0.0,j=0; j<vfCtrl->nProbObstr; j++,srfT++ )
      {                        /* CTD must be behind surface */
      R8 dot = VDOTW ( (vpt+np), (&srfT->dc) );
#if( DEBUG > 1 )
      fprintf( _ulog, "Surface %d;  dot %f\n", srfT->nr, dot );
      fflush( _ulog );
      if( dot >= 0.0 ) continue;      /* no shadow polygon created */
      nvs = srfT->nv;
      for( clip=n=0; n<nvs; n++ )
        zc[n] = srfT->v[n].z - hc;
        if( zc[n] > 0.0 ) clip = 1;
      if( clip )        /* clip to prevent upward projection */
#if( DEBUG > 1 )
        fprintf( _ulog, "Clip M;  zc: %g %g %g %g\n",
          zc[0], zc[1], zc[2], zc[3] );
        nvs = ClipPolygon( -1, nvs, (VERTEX3D *)&srfT->v, zc, v2 );
#if( DEBUG > 0 )
        if( nvs >= MAXNV2 || nvs < 0 ) errorf( 3, __FILE__, __LINE__,
          "Invalid number of vertices: ", IntStr(nvs), "" );
        if( nvs < 3 ) continue;                /* no shadow polygon created */
        pv2 = v2;
#if( DEBUG > 1 )
        DumpP3D( "Clipped surface:", nvs, pv2 );
        pv2 = (void *)&srfT->v;

              /* project obstruction from centroid to z=0 plane */
      for( n=0; n<nvs; n++,pv2++ )
        R8 temp = vpt[np].z / (vpt[np].z - pv2->z);  /* projection factor */
        vs[n].x = vpt[np].x - temp * (vpt[np].x - pv2->x);
        vs[n].y = vpt[np].y - temp * (vpt[np].y - pv2->y);
              /* limit projected surface; avoid some HC problems */
#if( DEBUG > 0 )
        if( nvs >= MAXNV2 || nvs < 0 ) errorf( 3, __FILE__, __LINE__,
          "Invalid number of vertices: ", IntStr(nvs), "" );
      nvs = LimitPolygon( nvs, vs, xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin );
      if( nvs < 3 ) continue;                  /* no shadow polygon created */
#if( DEBUG > 0 )
             /* bounds check on projected surface */
      R8 temp = 0.0;
      for( n=0; n<nvs; n++ )
        if( fabs(vs[n].x) > temp ) temp = fabs(vs[n].x);
        if( fabs(vs[n].y) > temp ) temp = fabs(vs[n].y);
      if( temp > 1.01 ) errorf( 1, __FILE__, __LINE__,
        "Projected surface too large", "" );
      NewPolygonStack( );
      shade = SetPolygonHC( nvs, vs, 0.0 );
      if( shade )
#if( DEBUG > 1 )
        DumpHC( "SHADOW:", shade, NULL );

          /* compute unshaded portion of surface 2 polygon */
        NewPolygonStack( );
        for( pp=stack; pp; pp=next ) /* determine portions of old polygons */
          {                          /* outside the shadow polygon. */
          next = pp->next;              /* must save next to pop old stack */
          k = PolygonOverlap( shade, pp, 3, 1 ); /* 1 = popping old stack */
          if( k == -999)
        if( k == -999)
          stack = NULL;
          stack = TopOfPolygonStack();
        if( stack==NULL )            /* no new unshaded polygons; so */
          break;                     /* polygon 2 is totally obstructed. */

#if( DEBUG > 1 )
        DumpHC( "UNSHADED:", stack, NULL );
        FreePolygons( shade, NULL ); /* free the shadow polygon */
        }  /* end shade */
      }  /* end of obstruction surfaces (J) loop */
    if( stack == NULL ) continue;

        /* compute interchange area to each unshaded polygon */
    vfCtrl->totVpt += 1;
    for( pp=stack; pp; pp=pp->next )
      vfCtrl->totPoly += 1;
      nv2 = GetPolygonVrt3D( pp, v2 );
#if( DEBUG > 1 )
      DumpP3D( "Unshaded surface:", nv2, v2 );
      dF = V1AIpart( nv2, v2, vpt+np, dc1 );
#if( DEBUG > 1 )
      fprintf( _ulog, " Partial view factor: %g\n", dF );
#if( DEBUG > 0 )
      if( dF < 0.0 )
        if( dF < -1.0e-16 )
          errorf( 1, __FILE__, __LINE__,
            "Negative F (", FltStr(dF,4), ") set to 0", "" );
# if( DEBUG > 0 )     /* normally 1 */
          DumpHC( " Polygon", pp, pp );
          fprintf( _ulog, " View point: (%g, %g, %g)\n", vpt[np].x, vpt[np].y, vpt[np].z );
          fprintf( _ulog, " Direction: (%g, %g, %g)\n", dc1->x, dc1->y, dc1->z );
          V1AIpart( nv2, v2, vpt+np, dc1 );
          fflush( _ulog );
# endif
        dF = 0.0;
      dFv += dF; 

#if( DEBUG > 1 )
    fprintf( _ulog, " SS: x %f, y %f, z %f, dFv %g\n",
      vpt[np].x, vpt[np].y, vpt[np].z, dFv );
    AFu += dFv * weight[np];
    }  /* end of view points (np) loop */

#if( DEBUG > 0 )
  if( AFu < 0.0 )  // due to negative weight; enly np=0
    if( weight[0] > 0 ) errorf( 1, __FILE__, __LINE__,
//    if( AFu < -1.0e-11 ) errorf( 1, __FILE__, __LINE__,
      "Negative AFu (", FltStr(AFu,4), ") set to 0", "" );
    AFu = 0.0;

#if( DEBUG > 1 )
  fprintf( _ulog, "v_obst_u AF:  %g\n", AFu );
  fflush( _ulog );

  return AFu;

  }  /*  end of ViewObstructed  */
コード例 #7
ファイル: Player.cpp プロジェクト: adamm24680/Planechase
void Player::substract()
	int k = StrInt(hp.GetText()) +- StrInt(amount.GetText().ToString());
コード例 #8
ファイル: Player.cpp プロジェクト: adamm24680/Planechase
void Player::add()
	int k = StrInt(hp.GetText()) + StrInt(amount.GetText().ToString());
コード例 #9
ファイル: ImlFile.cpp プロジェクト: dreamsxin/ultimatepp
String SaveIml(const Array<ImlImage>& iml, int format) {
	StringStream out;
	if(format == 1) {
		for(int i = 0; i < iml.GetCount(); i++) {
			const ImlImage& c = iml[i];
				out << "IMAGE_META(\"exp\", \"\")\r\n";
			String name = c.name;
			Image buffer = c.image;
				name = "im__" + IntStr(i);
			out.PutLine(NFormat("IMAGE_BEGIN(%s)", name));
			int last = 0;
			for(int i = 0; i < buffer.GetHeight(); i++) {
				String scan = PackRLE(buffer[i], buffer.GetWidth());
				if(!scan.IsEmpty() || i == 0) // force at least 1 scan
					for(; last < i; last++)
					PutOctalString(out, scan.Begin(), scan.End(), true);
					last = i + 1;
			out.Put(", ");
			StringStream datastrm;
			Size size = buffer.GetSize();
			Point hotspot = buffer.GetHotSpot();
			int encoding = AlphaImageInfo::COLOR_RLE;
			int version = 1;
			datastrm / version;
			datastrm % size % hotspot % encoding;
			String s = datastrm.GetResult();
			PutOctalString(out, s.Begin(), s.End());
	else {
		out << "PREMULTIPLIED\r\n";
		for(int i = 0; i < iml.GetCount(); i++) {
			const ImlImage& c = iml[i];
			out << "IMAGE_ID(" << c.name << ")";
				out << " IMAGE_META(\"exp\", \"\")\r\n";
			out << "\r\n";
		int ii = 0;
		while(ii < iml.GetCount()) {
			int bl = 0;
			int bn = 0;
			Vector<Image> bimg;
			while(bl < 4096 && ii < iml.GetCount()) {
				const ImlImage& c = iml[ii++];
				bl += c.image.GetLength();
			String bs = PackImlData(bimg);
			out << "\r\nIMAGE_BEGIN_DATA\r\n";
			bs.Cat(0, ((bs.GetCount() + 31) & ~31) - bs.GetCount());
			const byte *s = bs;
			for(int n = bs.GetCount() / 32; n--;) {
				out << "IMAGE_DATA(";
				for(int j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
					if(j) out << ',';
					out << (int)*s++;
				out << ")\r\n";
			out << "IMAGE_END_DATA(" << bs.GetCount() << ", " << bn << ")\r\n";
	return out.GetResult();