コード例 #1
ファイル: geomlib-advanced.cpp プロジェクト: yxrkt/DigiPen
// Determines if 3D segment and triangle have a unique intersection.  
// If true and rpoint is not NULL, returns intersection point.
bool Intersects(const Segment3D& seg, const Triangle3D& tri, Point3D *rpoint)
  Vector3D n = ( tri[1] - tri[0] ) ^ ( tri[2] - tri[1] );

  float a = n[0], b = n[1], c = n[2];
  float d = -( a * tri[0][0] + b * tri[0][1] + c * tri[0][2] );

  if ( !Intersects( seg, Plane3D( a, b, c, d ), rpoint ) )
    return false;

  return tri.contains( *rpoint );
コード例 #2
ファイル: UmbralMap.cpp プロジェクト: kidaa/SeventhUmbral
void CUmbralMap::GetMeshes(Palleon::MeshArray& meshes, const Palleon::CCamera* camera)
	auto cameraFrustum = camera->GetFrustum();
	for(const auto& instance : m_instances)
		auto boundingSphere = instance->GetWorldBoundingSphere();
コード例 #3
ファイル: Button.cpp プロジェクト: rnrobson/game440_01_2014
void Button::OnMouseHover(SDL_MouseMotionEvent e)
	if (!Active) return;
	if (!Enabled) return;

	if (Intersects({ e.x, e.y, 1, 1 }))
		isHovering = true;
	else isHovering = false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: AABB.cpp プロジェクト: innatewonder/mythril
  bool AxisAlignedBoundingBox3D::Intersection(const AxisAlignedBoundingBox3D& rhs, AxisAlignedBoundingBox3D& intersection, f32 epsilon) const
    if(!Intersects(rhs, epsilon))
      return false;

    intersection.max.x = (max.x <= rhs.max.x ? max.x : rhs.max.x);
    intersection.max.y = (max.y <= rhs.max.y ? max.y : rhs.max.y);
    intersection.max.z = (max.z <= rhs.max.z ? max.z : rhs.max.z);
    intersection.min.x = (min.x <= rhs.min.x ? rhs.min.x : min.x);
    intersection.min.y = (min.y <= rhs.min.y ? rhs.min.y : min.y);
    intersection.min.z = (min.z <= rhs.min.z ? rhs.min.z : min.z);
    return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: CLine.cpp プロジェクト: cugone/Abrams2010
bool Line::Intersects(const Rectangle& rectangle) const {

    if(this->IsVertical()) {
        double Xr = rectangle.GetX();
        double Xrw = rectangle.GetWidth();
        double Xl = _extent_one.GetX();
        if(Xr > Xl) return false;
        double Xrb = Xr + Xrw;
        if(Xrb < Xl) return false;
        return true;
    } else if(this->IsHorizontal()) {
        double Yr = rectangle.GetY();
        double Yrh = rectangle.GetHeight();
        double Yl = _extent_one.GetY();
        if(Yr > Yl) return false;
        double Yrb = Yr + Yrh;
        if(Yrb < Yl) return false;
        return true;

    double eOne_x = _extent_one.GetX();
    double eOne_y = _extent_one.GetY();
    double eTwo_x = _extent_two.GetX();
    double eTwo_y = _extent_two.GetY();
    double rTop = rectangle.GetY();
    double rLeft = rectangle.GetX();
    double rRight = rLeft + rectangle.GetWidth();
    double rBottom = rTop + rectangle.GetHeight();

    bool point_one_result = eOne_x > rLeft && eOne_x < rRight && eOne_y > rTop && eOne_y < rBottom;
    bool point_two_result = eTwo_x > rLeft && eTwo_x < rRight && eTwo_y > rTop && eTwo_y < rBottom;
    if(point_one_result || point_two_result) return true;

    bool result = Intersects(rectangle.GetTop()) ||
                  Intersects(rectangle.GetLeft()) ||
                  Intersects(rectangle.GetRight()) ||
    return result;
コード例 #6
void Systems::CollisionSystem::UpdateEntity(double dt, EntityID entity, EntityID parent)
	/*if (parent != 0)
		auto transform = m_World->GetComponent<Components::Transform>(entity, "Transform");
		auto parentTransform = m_World->GetComponent<Components::Transform>(parent, "Transform");

		transform->Position[0] += parentTransform->Position[0];
		transform->Position[1] += parentTransform->Position[1];
		transform->Position[2] += parentTransform->Position[2];

	auto collisionComponent = m_World->GetComponent<Components::Collision>(entity, "Collision");
	if (!collisionComponent)

	// Clear old collisions

	// Quit out if we're not interested in collision events
	if (!collisionComponent->Interested)

	auto entities = m_World->GetEntities();

	for (auto pair : *entities) {
		EntityID entity2 = pair.first;
		EntityID parent2 = pair.second;

		// Check if entity2 is a child of entity
		/*auto currentParent = parent;
		bool childOfEntity2 = false;
		while (currentParent != 0) {
			if (currentParent == entity2) {
				childOfEntity2 = true;
			currentParent = entities[currentParent];
		if (childOfEntity2)

		// Check if we're the parent to entity2
		//pair.first, pair.second;
		if(entity == entity2)

		Intersects(entity, entity2);
コード例 #7
Triangle* OctreeInternal::Query(const Ray& ray, float& t) const
	float tBox = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
	if (!Intersects(ray, bb, tBox) || tBox > t)
		return nullptr;

	Triangle* triangle = nullptr;
	for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
		Triangle* tri = children[i]->Query(ray, t);
		triangle = tri == nullptr ? triangle : tri;
	return triangle;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Polyhedron.cpp プロジェクト: 360degrees-fi/tundra
/** The algorithm for Polyhedron-Polyhedron intersection is from Christer Ericson's Real-Time Collision Detection, p. 384.
	As noted by the author, the algorithm is very naive (and here unoptimized), and better methods exist. [groupSyntax] */
bool Polyhedron::Intersects(const Polyhedron &polyhedron) const
	if (polyhedron.Contains(this->Centroid()))
		return true;
	if (this->Contains(polyhedron.Centroid()))
		return true;

	// This test assumes that both this and the other polyhedron are closed.
	// This means that for each edge running through vertices i and j, there's a face
	// that contains the line segment (i,j) and another neighboring face that contains
	// the line segment (j,i). These represent the same line segment (but in opposite direction)
	// so we only have to test one of them for intersection. Take i < j as the canonical choice
	// and skip the other winding order.

	// Test for each edge of this polyhedron whether the other polyhedron intersects it.
	for(size_t i = 0; i < f.size(); ++i)
		assert(!f[i].v.empty()); // Cannot have degenerate faces here, and for performance reasons, don't start checking for this condition in release mode!
		int v0 = f[i].v.back();
		float3 l0 = v[v0];
		for(size_t j = 0; j < f[i].v.size(); ++j)
			int v1 = f[i].v[j];
			float3 l1 = v[v1];
			if (v0 < v1 && polyhedron.Intersects(LineSegment(l0, l1))) // If v0 < v1, then this line segment is the canonical one.
				return true;
			l0 = l1;
			v0 = v1;

	// Test for each edge of the other polyhedron whether this polyhedron intersects it.
	for(size_t i = 0; i < polyhedron.f.size(); ++i)
		assert(!polyhedron.f[i].v.empty()); // Cannot have degenerate faces here, and for performance reasons, don't start checking for this condition in release mode!
		int v0 = polyhedron.f[i].v.back();
		float3 l0 = polyhedron.v[v0];
		for(size_t j = 0; j < polyhedron.f[i].v.size(); ++j)
			int v1 = polyhedron.f[i].v[j];
			float3 l1 = polyhedron.v[v1];
			if (v0 < v1 && Intersects(LineSegment(l0, l1))) // If v0 < v1, then this line segment is the canonical one.
				return true;
			l0 = l1;
			v0 = v1;

	return false;
コード例 #9
void CGEPropDynamic::Materialize(void)
	//A more lightweight and optional func_rebreakable materalize function 

	if (m_bRobustSpawn)
		// iterate on all entities in the vicinity.
		CBaseEntity *pEntity;
		Vector max = CollisionProp()->OBBMaxs();
		for (CEntitySphereQuery sphere(GetAbsOrigin(), max.NormalizeInPlace()); (pEntity = sphere.GetCurrentEntity()) != NULL; sphere.NextEntity())
			if (pEntity == this || pEntity->GetSolid() == SOLID_NONE || pEntity->GetSolid() == SOLID_BSP || pEntity->GetSolidFlags() & FSOLID_NOT_SOLID || pEntity->GetMoveType() & MOVETYPE_NONE)

			// Ignore props that can't move
			if (pEntity->VPhysicsGetObject() && !pEntity->VPhysicsGetObject()->IsMoveable())

			// Prevent respawn if we are blocked by anything and try again in 1 second
			if (Intersects(pEntity))
				SetNextThink(gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f);

	m_iHealth = m_iHealthOverride;

	if (m_iHealth > 0)
		m_takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;


	m_bUsingBrokenSkin = false;

	if (m_bUseRandomSkins)
		m_nSkin = m_iStartingSkin;

	SetRenderColor(m_col32basecolor.r, m_col32basecolor.g, m_col32basecolor.b);

	m_Respawn.FireOutput(this, this);
コード例 #10
ファイル: PoolCue.cpp プロジェクト: jason-amju/amju-scp
bool PoolCue::SetContactPos(float x, float y)
  float oldx = m_x;
  float oldy = m_y;
  m_x = x;
  m_y = y;
  if (Intersects())
    m_x = oldx;
    m_y = oldy;
    return false;
  return true;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Circle.cpp プロジェクト: 360degrees-fi/tundra
std::vector<float3> Circle::IntersectsFaces(const OBB &obb) const
	std::vector<float3> intersectionPoints;
	for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
		Plane p = obb.FacePlane(i);
		float3 pt1, pt2;
		int numIntersections = Intersects(p, &pt1, &pt2);
		if (numIntersections >= 1 && obb.Contains(pt1))
		if (numIntersections >= 2 && obb.Contains(pt2))
	return intersectionPoints;
コード例 #12
ファイル: geomlib-advanced.cpp プロジェクト: yxrkt/DigiPen
// Determines if 3D triangles intersect.  
// If parallel, returns false. (This may be considered misleading.)
// If true and rpoint is not NULL, returns two edge/triangle intersections.
int Intersects(const Triangle3D& tri1, const Triangle3D& tri2, std::pair<Point3D, Point3D> *rpoints)
  // check if coplanar
  if ( abs( ( ( tri1[1] - tri1[0] ) ^ ( tri1[2] - tri1[1] ) ) * ( tri2[1] - tri2[0] ) ) > epsilon )
    return 0;

  std::vector<Point3D> points;

  // test first tri's edges against second tri
  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
    unsigned j = ( i == 2 ) ? 0 : i + 1;
    Point3D isect;

    if ( Intersects( Segment3D( tri1[i], tri1[j] ), tri2, &isect ) )
      points.push_back( isect );

  // test second tri's edges against first tri
  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
    unsigned j = ( i == 2 ) ? 0 : i + 1;
    Point3D isect;

    if ( Intersects( Segment3D( tri2[i], tri2[j] ), tri1, &isect ) )
      points.push_back( isect );

  if ( rpoints && !points.empty() )
    rpoints->first  = points[0];
    rpoints->second = points[1];

  return points.size();
コード例 #13
ファイル: Polygon.cpp プロジェクト: mraggi/Graph
bool Polygon::Intersects(const Circle& other) const
    const Polygon& B = *this;

    if (Intersects(other.Position()))
        return true; // If the center of the circle is inside the polygon

    for (int i = 0; i < B.NumPoints(); ++i)
        if (other.Intersects(Segment(B[i], B[i + 1])))
            return true;

    return false;
コード例 #14
ファイル: AbstractAirspace.cpp プロジェクト: Advi42/XCSoar
AbstractAirspace::Intercept(const AircraftState &state,
                            const GeoPoint &end,
                            const FlatProjection &projection,
                            const AirspaceAircraftPerformance &perf) const
  AirspaceInterceptSolution solution = AirspaceInterceptSolution::Invalid();
  for (const auto &i : Intersects(state.location, end, projection)) {
    auto new_solution = Intercept(state, perf, i.first, i.second);
    if (new_solution.IsEarlierThan(solution))
      solution = new_solution;

  return solution;
コード例 #15
ファイル: frustum.cpp プロジェクト: hglm/sre
bool sreFrustum::ObjectIntersectsNearClipVolume(const sreObject& so) const {
    if (light_position_type & SRE_LIGHT_POSITION_IN_NEAR_PLANE) {
        // First check the only plane defined.
        if (Dot(near_clip_volume.plane[0], so.sphere.center) <= - so.sphere.radius)
            return false;
        // The object is outside the near clip volume if the object does not intersect the near plane.
        // Calculate distance from center of the bounding sphere to the near plane in world space.
        if (fabsf(Dot(frustum_world.plane[0], so.sphere.center)) < so.sphere.radius)
            return true; // Intersect.
        return false;
    // When the light position is in front of or behind the near plane, check the five planes of the near-clip
    // volume, six plane for point lights.
    return Intersects(so, near_clip_volume);
コード例 #16
NormalizedConstraintSet::StringRange::Merge(const StringRange& aOther)
  if (!Intersects(aOther)) {
    return false;

  ValueType unioned;
  set_union(mIdeal.begin(), mIdeal.end(),
            aOther.mIdeal.begin(), aOther.mIdeal.end(),
            std::inserter(unioned, unioned.begin()));
  mIdeal = unioned;
  return true;
コード例 #17
void MainScreen::UpdatePhysics(float dt)
    (void) dt;

    auto& scene = mScene;
    SceneNode* teapot = mScene->FindNodeByUuid("teapot_1");
    for(auto& p : scene->GetNodes())
        SceneNode* cur = p.second.get();
        if(cur->GetUUID() == teapot->GetUUID())

        if(Intersects(teapot->GetAABB(), cur->GetAABB()))
            scene->Move(teapot, CalcCollisionResponce(teapot->GetAABB(), cur->GetAABB()));
コード例 #18
ファイル: Triangle.cpp プロジェクト: d0n3val/Edu-Game-Engine
float3 Triangle::ClosestPoint(const Line &line, float3 *otherPt) const
	///\todo Optimize this function.
	float3 intersectionPoint;
	if (Intersects(line, 0, &intersectionPoint))
		if (otherPt)
			*otherPt = intersectionPoint;
		return intersectionPoint;

	float u1,v1,d1;
	float3 pt1 = ClosestPointToTriangleEdge(line, &u1, &v1, &d1);
	if (otherPt)
		*otherPt = line.GetPoint(d1);
	return pt1;
コード例 #19
ファイル: Polygon.cpp プロジェクト: mraggi/Graph
Point Polygon::ClosestPoint(const Point& point) const
    if (Intersects(point))
        return point;

    Point closestSoFar = GetPoint(0);

    for (int i = 0; i < NumPoints(); ++i)
        Segment seg(GetPoint(i), GetPoint(i + 1));
        Point closestNow = seg.ClosestPoint(point);
        if (point.IsCloserToFirstThanSecond(closestNow, closestSoFar))
            closestSoFar = closestNow;

    return closestSoFar;
コード例 #20
ファイル: control.cpp プロジェクト: GoBudokai/ozifi
void TControl::CheckTargetSelection(QPoint position) {
    int ax1 = position.x();
    int ax2 = position.x();
    int ay1 = position.y();
    int ay2 = position.y();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < World->planets_size(); ++i) {
        float r = World->planets(i).radius() * World->Scale;
        int bx1 = World->planets(i).x() * World->Scale + World->OffsetX - r;
        int bx2 = World->planets(i).x() * World->Scale + World->OffsetX + r;
        int by1 = World->planets(i).y() * World->Scale + World->OffsetY - r;
        int by2 = World->planets(i).y() * World->Scale + World->OffsetY + r;
        if (Intersects(ax1, ax2, ay1, ay2, bx1, bx2, by1, by2)) {
            World->SelectedTarget = i;
コード例 #21
ファイル: ZE_ZRect.cpp プロジェクト: jamesturk/zengine
ZRect ZRect::Intersection(const ZRect &rect) const
    float tempX=0,tempY=0,tempW=0,tempH=0;

    //can only grab the intersection if they intersect
        tempX = rX > rect.X() ? rX : rect.X();
        tempY = rY > rect.Y() ? rY : rect.Y();
        tempW = rX+rWidth < rect.Right() ? rX+rWidth : rect.Right();
        tempH = rY+rHeight < rect.Bottom() ? rY+rHeight : rect.Bottom();

        tempW -= tempX;        //adjust width and height
        tempH -= tempY;

    return ZRect(tempX,tempY,tempW,tempH);
コード例 #22
ファイル: soundscape.cpp プロジェクト: 0xFEEDC0DE64/UltraGame
// look for dead/spectating players in our volume, to call touch on
void CTriggerSoundscape::PlayerUpdateThink()
	int i;
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.2 );

	CUtlVector<CBasePlayerHandle> oldSpectators;
	oldSpectators = m_spectators;

	for ( i=1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i )
		CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );

		if ( !player )

		if ( player->IsAlive() )

		// if the spectator is intersecting the trigger, track it, and start a touch if it is just starting to touch
		if ( Intersects( player ) )
			if ( !oldSpectators.HasElement( player ) )
				StartTouch( player );
			m_spectators.AddToTail( player );

	// check for spectators who are no longer intersecting
	for ( i=0; i<oldSpectators.Count(); ++i )
		CBasePlayer *player = oldSpectators[i];

		if ( !player )

		if ( !m_spectators.HasElement( player ) )
			EndTouch( player );
コード例 #23
ファイル: HLine.cpp プロジェクト: CarlosGS/heekscad
bool HLine::FindNearPoint(const double* ray_start, const double* ray_direction, double *point){
	// The OpenCascade libraries throw an exception when one tries to
	// create a gp_Lin() object using a vector that doesn't point
	// anywhere.  If this is a zero-length line then we're in
	// trouble.  Don't bother with it.
	if ((A->m_p.X() == B->m_p.X()) &&
	    (A->m_p.Y() == B->m_p.Y()) &&
	    (A->m_p.Z() == B->m_p.Z())) return(false);

	gp_Lin ray(make_point(ray_start), make_vector(ray_direction));
	gp_Pnt p1, p2;
	ClosestPointsOnLines(GetLine(), ray, p1, p2);

		return false;

	extract(p1, point);
	return true;
コード例 #24
ファイル: rect.cpp プロジェクト: Strongc/Chrome_Library
    Rect Rect::Subtract(const Rect& rect) const
        // 边界情况:
            return *this;
            return Rect();

        int rx = x();
        int ry = y();
        int rr = right();
        int rb = bottom();

        if(rect.y()<=y() && rect.bottom()>=bottom())
            // y方向完全相交.
            if(rect.x() <= x())
                rx = rect.right();
                rr = rect.x();
        else if(rect.x()<=x() && rect.right()>=right())
            // x方向完全相交.
            if(rect.y() <= y())
                ry = rect.bottom();
                rb = rect.y();
        return Rect(rx, ry, rr-rx, rb-ry);
コード例 #25
ファイル: Math.cpp プロジェクト: CrazyNinja/Neural-Network
   bool Intersects(const LineSegment2 &lineSegment, const Circle &circle)
      Ray2 ray(lineSegment.GetTail(), lineSegment.GetDirection());

      float distance;
      bool rayIntersects = Intersects(ray, circle, &distance);

      if (!rayIntersects)
         return false;

      if (distance > lineSegment.GetLength())
         return false;

      return true;
コード例 #26
ファイル: control.cpp プロジェクト: GoBudokai/ozifi
void TControl::CheckSelection(QPoint from, QPoint to) {
    int ax1 = from.x();
    int ay1 = from.y();
    int ax2 = to.x();
    int ay2 = to.y();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < World->planets_size(); ++i) {
        if (World->planets(i).playerid() != World->selfid()) {
        float r = World->planets(i).radius() * World->Scale;
        int bx1 = World->planets(i).x() * World->Scale + World->OffsetX - r;
        int bx2 = World->planets(i).x() * World->Scale + World->OffsetX + r;
        int by1 = World->planets(i).y() * World->Scale + World->OffsetY - r;
        int by2 = World->planets(i).y() * World->Scale + World->OffsetY + r;
        if (Intersects(ax1, ax2, ay1, ay2, bx1, bx2, by1, by2)) {
コード例 #27
ファイル: Rect.cpp プロジェクト: hufuman/xindows
//  Member:     CRect::CountContainedCorners
//  Synopsis:   Count how many corners of the given rect are contained by
//              this rect.  This is tricky, because a rect doesn't technically
//              contain any of its corners except the top left.  This method
//              returns a count of 4 for rc.CountContainedCorners(rc).
//  Arguments:  rc      rect to count contained corners for
//  Returns:    -1 if rectangles do not intersect, or 0-4 if they do.  Zero
//              if rc completely contains this rect.
//  Notes:      
int CRect::CountContainedCorners(const RECT& rc) const
        return -1;

    int c = 0;
    if(rc.left >= left)
        if(rc.top >= top) c++;
        if(rc.bottom <= bottom) c++;
    if(rc.right <= right)
        if(rc.top >= top) c++;
        if(rc.bottom <= bottom) c++;
    return c;
コード例 #28
ファイル: pcs_pof_bspfuncs.cpp プロジェクト: z64555/PCS2
// Please only call this on triangulated meshes.. that makes the rest of my coding easier
void SplitIntersecting(std::vector<pcs_polygon> &polygons, vector3d plane_point, vector3d plane_normal)
	std::vector<pcs_polygon> newpolys;
	unsigned int i;
	for (i = 0; i < polygons.size(); i++)
		if (Intersects(polygons[i], plane_point, plane_normal))
			SplitPolygon(polygons, i, plane_point, plane_normal, newpolys);
	// add new polygons

	int in = polygons.size();
	for (i = 1; i < newpolys.size(); i++)
		polygons[in+i] = newpolys[i];
コード例 #29
ファイル: Plane.cpp プロジェクト: ggf31416/CompGraf1
int Plane::Intersects(const Circle &circle, vec *pt1, vec *pt2) const
	Line line;
	bool planeIntersects = Intersects(circle.ContainingPlane(), &line);
	if (!planeIntersects)
		return false;

	// Offset both line and circle position so the circle origin is at center.
	line.pos -= circle.pos;

	float a = 1.f;
	float b = 2.f * Dot(line.pos, line.dir);
	float c = line.pos.LengthSq() - circle.r * circle.r;
	float r1, r2;
	int numRoots = Polynomial::SolveQuadratic(a, b, c, r1, r2);
	if (numRoots >= 1 && pt1)
		*pt1 = circle.pos + line.GetPoint(r1);
	if (numRoots >= 2 && pt2)
		*pt2 = circle.pos + line.GetPoint(r2);
	return numRoots;
コード例 #30
ファイル: geo_classes.cpp プロジェクト: am2222/SAGA-GIS
bool CSG_Rect::Intersect(const CSG_Rect &Rect)
	switch( Intersects(Rect) )
	case INTERSECTION_None: default:
		return( false );

	case INTERSECTION_Identical:
	case INTERSECTION_Contained:

	case INTERSECTION_Contains:
		m_rect	= Rect.m_rect;

	case INTERSECTION_Overlaps:
		if( m_rect.xMin < Rect.Get_XMin() )
			m_rect.xMin	= Rect.Get_XMin();

		if( m_rect.yMin < Rect.Get_YMin() )
			m_rect.yMin	= Rect.Get_YMin();

		if( m_rect.xMax > Rect.Get_XMax() )
			m_rect.xMax	= Rect.Get_XMax();

		if( m_rect.yMax > Rect.Get_YMax() )
			m_rect.yMax	= Rect.Get_YMax();

	return( true );