コード例 #1
void PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL::SetTopLayer( LAYER_ID aLayer )
    m_view->SetTopLayer( aLayer );

    // Layers that should always have on-top attribute enabled
    const LAYER_NUM layers[] = {

    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof( layers ) / sizeof( LAYER_NUM ); ++i )
        m_view->SetTopLayer( layers[i] );

    // Extra layers that are brought to the top if a F.* or B.* is selected
    const LAYER_NUM frontLayers[] = {
        F_Cu, F_Adhes, F_Paste, F_SilkS, F_Mask, F_CrtYd, F_Fab, ITEM_GAL_LAYER( PAD_FR_VISIBLE ),

    const LAYER_NUM backLayers[] = {
        B_Cu, B_Adhes, B_Paste, B_SilkS, B_Mask, B_CrtYd, B_Fab, ITEM_GAL_LAYER( PAD_BK_VISIBLE ),

    const LAYER_NUM* extraLayers = NULL;

    // Bring a few more extra layers to the top depending on the selected board side
    if( IsFrontLayer( aLayer ) )
        extraLayers = frontLayers;
    else if( IsBackLayer( aLayer ) )
        extraLayers = backLayers;

    if( extraLayers )
        const LAYER_NUM* l = extraLayers;

        while( *l >= 0 )
            m_view->SetTopLayer( *l++ );

        // Move the active layer to the top
        if( !IsCopperLayer( aLayer ) )
            m_view->SetLayerOrder( aLayer, m_view->GetLayerOrder( GAL_LAYER_ORDER[0] ) );
    else if( IsCopperLayer( aLayer ) )
        // Display labels for copper layers on the top
        m_view->SetTopLayer( GetNetnameLayer( aLayer ) );

コード例 #2
unsigned int D_PAD::ViewGetLOD( int aLayer, KIGFX::VIEW* aView ) const
    if( aView->GetPrintMode() > 0 )  // In printing mode the pad is always drawable
        return 0;

    const int HIDE = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
    BOARD* board = GetBoard();

    // Handle Render tab switches
    if( ( GetAttribute() == PAD_ATTRIB_STANDARD || GetAttribute() == PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )
         && !aView->IsLayerVisible( LAYER_PADS_TH ) )
        return HIDE;

    if( !IsFlipped() && !aView->IsLayerVisible( LAYER_MOD_FR ) )
        return HIDE;

    if( IsFlipped() && !aView->IsLayerVisible( LAYER_MOD_BK ) )
        return HIDE;

    if( IsFrontLayer( ( PCB_LAYER_ID )aLayer ) && !aView->IsLayerVisible( LAYER_PAD_FR ) )
        return HIDE;

    if( IsBackLayer( ( PCB_LAYER_ID )aLayer ) && !aView->IsLayerVisible( LAYER_PAD_BK ) )
        return HIDE;

    // Only draw the pad if at least one of the layers it crosses is being displayed
    if( board && !( board->GetVisibleLayers() & GetLayerSet() ).any() )
        return HIDE;

    // Netnames will be shown only if zoom is appropriate
    if( IsNetnameLayer( aLayer ) )
        int divisor = std::max( m_Size.x, m_Size.y );

        // Pad sizes can be zero briefly when someone is typing a number like "0.5"
        // in the pad properties dialog
        if( divisor == 0 )
            return HIDE;

        return ( Millimeter2iu( 10 ) / divisor );

    // Other layers are shown without any conditions
    return 0;
コード例 #3
unsigned int TEXTE_MODULE::ViewGetLOD( int aLayer ) const
    const int MAX = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();

    if( !m_view )
        return 0;

    if( m_Type == TEXT_is_VALUE && !m_view->IsLayerVisible( ITEM_GAL_LAYER( MOD_VALUES_VISIBLE ) ) )
        return MAX;

    if( m_Type == TEXT_is_REFERENCE && !m_view->IsLayerVisible( ITEM_GAL_LAYER( MOD_REFERENCES_VISIBLE ) ) )
        return MAX;

    if( IsFrontLayer( m_Layer ) && ( !m_view->IsLayerVisible( ITEM_GAL_LAYER( MOD_TEXT_FR_VISIBLE ) ) ||
                                     !m_view->IsLayerVisible( ITEM_GAL_LAYER( MOD_FR_VISIBLE ) ) ) )
        return MAX;

    if( IsBackLayer( m_Layer ) && ( !m_view->IsLayerVisible( ITEM_GAL_LAYER( MOD_TEXT_BK_VISIBLE ) ) ||
                                    !m_view->IsLayerVisible( ITEM_GAL_LAYER( MOD_BK_VISIBLE ) ) ) )
        return MAX;

    return 0;
コード例 #4
unsigned int TEXTE_MODULE::ViewGetLOD( int aLayer, KIGFX::VIEW* aView ) const
    const int HIDE = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();

    if( !aView )
        return 0;

    // Hidden text gets put on the LAYER_MOD_TEXT_INVISIBLE for rendering, but
    // should only render if its native layer is visible.
    if( !aView->IsLayerVisible( GetLayer() ) )
        return HIDE;

    // Handle Render tab switches
    if( ( m_Type == TEXT_is_VALUE || m_Text == wxT( "%V" ) )
            && !aView->IsLayerVisible( LAYER_MOD_VALUES ) )
        return HIDE;

    if( ( m_Type == TEXT_is_REFERENCE || m_Text == wxT( "%R" ) )
            && !aView->IsLayerVisible( LAYER_MOD_REFERENCES ) )
        return HIDE;

    if( !IsParentFlipped() && !aView->IsLayerVisible( LAYER_MOD_FR ) )
        return HIDE;

    if( IsParentFlipped() && !aView->IsLayerVisible( LAYER_MOD_BK ) )
        return HIDE;

    if( IsFrontLayer( m_Layer ) && !aView->IsLayerVisible( LAYER_MOD_TEXT_FR ) )
        return HIDE;

    if( IsBackLayer( m_Layer ) && !aView->IsLayerVisible( LAYER_MOD_TEXT_BK ) )
        return HIDE;

    // Other layers are shown without any conditions
    return 0;
コード例 #5
void TEXTE_MODULE::Draw( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode,
                         const wxPoint& aOffset )
    if( aPanel == NULL )

    /* parent must *not* be NULL (a footprint text without a footprint
       parent has no sense) */
    wxASSERT( m_Parent );

    BOARD* brd = GetBoard( );

    auto frame = static_cast<PCB_BASE_FRAME*> ( aPanel->GetParent() );
    auto color = frame->Settings().Colors().GetLayerColor( GetLayer() );

    PCB_LAYER_ID text_layer = GetLayer();

    if( !brd->IsLayerVisible( m_Layer )
      || ( IsFrontLayer( text_layer ) && !brd->IsElementVisible( LAYER_MOD_TEXT_FR ) )
      || ( IsBackLayer( text_layer ) && !brd->IsElementVisible( LAYER_MOD_TEXT_BK ) ) )

    if( !brd->IsElementVisible( LAYER_MOD_REFERENCES ) && GetText() == wxT( "%R" ) )

    if( !brd->IsElementVisible( LAYER_MOD_VALUES ) && GetText() == wxT( "%V" ) )

    // Invisible texts are still drawn (not plotted) in LAYER_MOD_TEXT_INVISIBLE
    // Just because we must have to edit them (at least to make them visible)
    if( !IsVisible() )
        if( !brd->IsElementVisible( LAYER_MOD_TEXT_INVISIBLE ) )

        color = frame->Settings().Colors().GetItemColor( LAYER_MOD_TEXT_INVISIBLE );

    auto displ_opts = (PCB_DISPLAY_OPTIONS*)( aPanel->GetDisplayOptions() );

    // shade text if high contrast mode is active
    if( ( aDrawMode & GR_ALLOW_HIGHCONTRAST ) && displ_opts && displ_opts->m_ContrastModeDisplay )
        PCB_LAYER_ID curr_layer = ( (PCB_SCREEN*) aPanel->GetScreen() )->m_Active_Layer;

        if( !IsOnLayer( curr_layer ) )
            color = COLOR4D( DARKDARKGRAY );

    // Draw mode compensation for the width
    int width = GetThickness();

    if( displ_opts && displ_opts->m_DisplayModTextFill == SKETCH )
        width = -width;

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );
    wxPoint pos = GetTextPos() - aOffset;

    // Draw the text anchor point
    if( brd->IsElementVisible( LAYER_ANCHOR ) )
        COLOR4D anchor_color = frame->Settings().Colors().GetItemColor( LAYER_ANCHOR );
        GRDrawAnchor( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, pos.x, pos.y, DIM_ANCRE_TEXTE, anchor_color );

    // Draw the text proper, with the right attributes
    wxSize size   = GetTextSize();
    double orient = GetDrawRotation();

    // If the text is mirrored : negate size.x (mirror / Y axis)
    if( IsMirrored() )
        size.x = -size.x;

    DrawGraphicText( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, pos, color, GetShownText(), orient,
                     size, GetHorizJustify(), GetVertJustify(),
                     width, IsItalic(), IsBold() );

    // Enable these line to draw the bounding box (debug test purpose only)
#if 0
        EDA_RECT BoundaryBox = GetBoundingBox();
        GRRect( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, BoundaryBox, 0, BROWN );
コード例 #6
void TEXTE_MODULE::Draw( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode,
                         const wxPoint& aOffset )
    if( aPanel == NULL )

    /* parent must *not* be NULL (a footprint text without a footprint
       parent has no sense) */
    wxASSERT( m_Parent );

    BOARD* brd = GetBoard( );
    EDA_COLOR_T color = brd->GetLayerColor( GetLayer() );
    LAYER_ID text_layer = GetLayer();

    if( !brd->IsLayerVisible( m_Layer )
      || (IsFrontLayer( text_layer ) && !brd->IsElementVisible( MOD_TEXT_FR_VISIBLE ))
      || (IsBackLayer( text_layer ) && !brd->IsElementVisible( MOD_TEXT_BK_VISIBLE )) )

    // Invisible texts are still drawn (not plotted) in MOD_TEXT_INVISIBLE
    // Just because we must have to edit them (at least to make them visible)
    if( m_NoShow )
        if( !brd->IsElementVisible( MOD_TEXT_INVISIBLE ) )

        color = brd->GetVisibleElementColor( MOD_TEXT_INVISIBLE );

    DISPLAY_OPTIONS* displ_opts = (DISPLAY_OPTIONS*)aPanel->GetDisplayOptions();

    // shade text if high contrast mode is active
    if( ( aDrawMode & GR_ALLOW_HIGHCONTRAST ) && displ_opts && displ_opts->m_ContrastModeDisplay )
        LAYER_ID curr_layer = ( (PCB_SCREEN*) aPanel->GetScreen() )->m_Active_Layer;

        if( !IsOnLayer( curr_layer ) )
            ColorTurnToDarkDarkGray( &color );

    // Draw mode compensation for the width
    int width = m_Thickness;

    if( displ_opts && displ_opts->m_DisplayModTextFill == SKETCH )
        width = -width;

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );
    wxPoint pos = m_Pos - aOffset;

    // Draw the text anchor point
    if( brd->IsElementVisible( ANCHOR_VISIBLE ) )
        EDA_COLOR_T anchor_color = brd->GetVisibleElementColor(ANCHOR_VISIBLE);
        GRDrawAnchor( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, pos.x, pos.y, DIM_ANCRE_TEXTE, anchor_color );

    // Draw the text proper, with the right attributes
    wxSize size   = m_Size;
    double orient = GetDrawRotation();

    // If the text is mirrored : negate size.x (mirror / Y axis)
    if( m_Mirror )
        size.x = -size.x;

    DrawGraphicText( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, pos, color, GetShownText(), orient,
                     size, m_HJustify, m_VJustify, width, m_Italic, m_Bold );

    // Enable these line to draw the bounding box (debug test purpose only)
#if 0
        EDA_RECT BoundaryBox = GetBoundingBox();
        GRRect( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, BoundaryBox, 0, BROWN );