// Add a new hub to Cedar void AddHub(CEDAR *c, HUB *h) { // Validate arguments if (c == NULL || h == NULL) { return; } LockHubList(c); { #if 0 // We shall not check here the number of hub if (LIST_NUM(c->HubList) >= MAX_HUBS) { // over limit UnlockHubList(c); return; } #endif // Confirm there is no hub which have same name if (IsHub(c, h->Name)) { // exist UnlockHubList(c); return; } // Register the hub Insert(c->HubList, h); AddRef(h->ref); } UnlockHubList(c); }
void checkServer(struct Client *sptr, struct Client *acptr) { char outbuf[BUFSIZE]; /* Header */ send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, " "); send_reply(sptr, RPL_CHKHEAD, "server", acptr->cli_name); send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, " "); ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), " Connected at:: %s (%Tu)", myctime(acptr->cli_serv->timestamp), acptr->cli_serv->timestamp); send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf); ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), " Server name:: %s", acptr->cli_name); send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf); if (cli_sslclifp(acptr) && (strlen(cli_sslclifp(acptr)) > 0)) { ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "SSL Fingerprint:: %s", cli_sslclifp(acptr)); send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf); } ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), " Numeric:: %s --> %d", NumServ(acptr), base64toint(acptr->cli_yxx)); send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf); ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), " Users:: %d / %d", (acptr == &me) ? UserStats.local_clients : cli_serv(acptr)->clients, base64toint(cli_serv(acptr)->nn_capacity)); send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf); if (IsBurst(acptr)) send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, " Status:: Bursting"); else if (IsBurstAck(acptr)) send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, " Status:: Awaiting EOB Ack"); else if (IsService(acptr)) send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, " Status:: Network Service"); else if (IsHub(acptr)) send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, " Status:: Network Hub"); ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), " Class:: %s", get_client_class(acptr)); send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf); if (feature_bool(FEAT_CHECK_EXTENDED)) { int dlinkc = 0; struct DLink* slink = NULL; send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, " "); send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, "Downlinks::"); for (slink = cli_serv(acptr)->down; slink; slink = slink->next) { ircd_snprintf(0, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "[%d] - %s%s", ++dlinkc, IsBurst(slink->value.cptr) ? "*" : IsBurstAck(slink->value.cptr) ? "!" : IsService(slink->value.cptr) ? "=" : IsHub(slink->value.cptr) ? "+" : " ", cli_name(slink->value.cptr)); send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, outbuf); } if (!dlinkc) send_reply(sptr, RPL_DATASTR, "<none>"); } /* Send 'END OF CHECK' message */ send_reply(sptr, RPL_ENDOFCHECK, " "); }
// Normalize the IPsec service setttings void IPsecNormalizeServiceSetting(IPSEC_SERVER *s) { CEDAR *c; // Validate arguments if (s == NULL) { return; } c = s->Cedar; Lock(s->LockSettings); { bool reset_hub_setting = false; if (IsEmptyStr(s->Services.IPsec_Secret)) { // If the secret is not set, set the default one StrCpy(s->Services.IPsec_Secret, sizeof(s->Services.IPsec_Secret), IPSEC_DEFAULT_SECRET); } LockList(c->HubList); { if (IsEmptyStr(s->Services.L2TP_DefaultHub)) { reset_hub_setting = true; } else { if (IsHub(c, s->Services.L2TP_DefaultHub) == false) { reset_hub_setting = true; } } if (reset_hub_setting) { // Select the first Virtual HUB if there is no HUB HUB *h = NULL; if (LIST_NUM(c->HubList) >= 1) { h = LIST_DATA(c->HubList, 0); } if (h != NULL) { StrCpy(s->Services.L2TP_DefaultHub, sizeof(s->Services.L2TP_DefaultHub), h->Name); } else { StrCpy(s->Services.L2TP_DefaultHub, sizeof(s->Services.L2TP_DefaultHub), ""); } } } UnlockList(c->HubList); } Unlock(s->LockSettings); }
static void stats_servers_verbose(struct Client* sptr, struct StatDesc* sd, int stat, char* param) { struct Client *acptr; /* lowercase 'v' is for human-readable, * uppercase 'V' is for machine-readable */ if (stat == 'v') send_reply(sptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSVERBOSE, "%-20s %-20s Flags Hops Numeric Lag RTT Up Down " "Clients/Max Proto %-10s :Info", "Servername", "Uplink", "LinkTS"); for (acptr = GlobalClientList; acptr; acptr = cli_next(acptr)) { if (!IsServer(acptr) && !IsMe(acptr)) continue; if (param && match(param, cli_name(acptr))) /* narrow search */ continue; send_reply(sptr, SND_EXPLICIT | RPL_STATSVERBOSE, stat == 'v' ? "%-20s %-20s %c%c%c%c %4i %s %-4i %5i %4i %4i %4i %5i %5i " "P%-2i %Tu :%s" : "%s %s %c%c%c%c %i %s %i %i %i %i %i %i %i P%i %Tu :%s", cli_name(acptr), cli_name(cli_serv(acptr)->up), IsBurst(acptr) ? 'B' : '-', IsBurstAck(acptr) ? 'A' : '-', IsHub(acptr) ? 'H' : '-', IsService(acptr) ? 'S' : '-', cli_hopcount(acptr), NumServ(acptr), base64toint(cli_yxx(acptr)), cli_serv(acptr)->lag, cli_serv(acptr)->asll_rtt, cli_serv(acptr)->asll_to, cli_serv(acptr)->asll_from, cli_serv(acptr)->clients, cli_serv(acptr)->nn_mask, cli_serv(acptr)->prot, cli_serv(acptr)->timestamp, cli_info(acptr)); } }
/** Handle a SERVER message from another server. * * \a parv has the following elements: * \li \a parv[1] is the server name * \li \a parv[2] is the hop count to the server * \li \a parv[3] is the start timestamp for the server * \li \a parv[4] is the link timestamp * \li \a parv[5] is the protocol version (P10 or J10) * \li \a parv[6] is the numnick mask for the server * \li \a parv[7] is a string of flags like +hs to mark hubs and services * \li \a parv[\a parc - 1] is the server description * * See @ref m_functions for discussion of the arguments. * @param[in] cptr Client that sent us the message. * @param[in] sptr Original source of message. * @param[in] parc Number of arguments. * @param[in] parv Argument vector. */ int ms_server(struct Client* cptr, struct Client* sptr, int parc, char* parv[]) { int i; char* host; struct Client* acptr; struct Client* bcptr; int hop; int ret; unsigned short prot; time_t start_timestamp; time_t timestamp; if (parc < 8) { return need_more_params(sptr, "SERVER"); return exit_client(cptr, cptr, &me, "Need more parameters"); } host = clean_servername(parv[1]); if (!host) { sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Bogus server name (%s) from %s", host, cli_name(cptr)); return exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me, "Bogus server name (%s)", host); } /* * Detect protocol */ hop = atoi(parv[2]); start_timestamp = atoi(parv[3]); timestamp = atoi(parv[4]); prot = parse_protocol(parv[5]); if (!prot) return exit_client_msg(cptr, sptr, &me, "Bogus protocol (%s)", parv[5]); else if (prot < atoi(MINOR_PROTOCOL)) return exit_new_server(cptr, sptr, host, timestamp, "Incompatible protocol: %s", parv[5]); Debug((DEBUG_INFO, "Got SERVER %s with timestamp [%s] age %Tu (%Tu)", host, parv[4], start_timestamp, cli_serv(&me)->timestamp)); if (timestamp < OLDEST_TS) return exit_client_msg(cptr, sptr, &me, "Bogus timestamps (%s %s)", parv[3], parv[4]); if (parv[parc - 1][0] == '\0') return exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me, "No server info specified for %s", host); ret = check_loop_and_lh(cptr, sptr, NULL, host, (parc > 7 ? parv[6] : NULL), timestamp, hop, parv[5][0] == 'J'); if (ret != 1) return ret; /* * Server is informing about a new server behind * this link. Create REMOTE server structure, * add it to list and propagate word to my other * server links... */ acptr = make_client(cptr, STAT_SERVER); make_server(acptr); cli_serv(acptr)->prot = prot; cli_serv(acptr)->timestamp = timestamp; cli_hopcount(acptr) = hop; ircd_strncpy(cli_name(acptr), host, HOSTLEN); ircd_strncpy(cli_info(acptr), parv[parc-1], REALLEN); cli_serv(acptr)->up = sptr; cli_serv(acptr)->updown = add_dlink(&(cli_serv(sptr))->down, acptr); /* Use cptr, because we do protocol 9 -> 10 translation for numeric nicks ! */ SetServerYXX(cptr, acptr, parv[6]); update_uworld_flags(cptr); if (*parv[7] == '+') set_server_flags(acptr, parv[7] + 1); Count_newremoteserver(UserStats); add_client_to_list(acptr); hAddClient(acptr); if (*parv[5] == 'J') { SetBurst(acptr); SetJunction(acptr); for (bcptr = cli_serv(acptr)->up; !IsMe(bcptr); bcptr = cli_serv(bcptr)->up) if (IsBurstOrBurstAck(bcptr)) break; if (IsMe(bcptr)) sendto_opmask(0, SNO_NETWORK, "Net junction: %s %s", cli_name(sptr), cli_name(acptr)); } /* * Old sendto_serv_but_one() call removed because we now need to send * different names to different servers (domain name matching). */ for (i = 0; i <= HighestFd; i++) { if (!(bcptr = LocalClientArray[i]) || !IsServer(bcptr) || bcptr == cptr || IsMe(bcptr)) continue; if (0 == match(cli_name(&me), cli_name(acptr))) continue; sendcmdto_one(sptr, CMD_SERVER, bcptr, "%s %d 0 %s %s %s%s +%s%s%s :%s", cli_name(acptr), hop + 1, parv[4], parv[5], NumServCap(acptr), IsHub(acptr) ? "h" : "", IsService(acptr) ? "s" : "", IsIPv6(acptr) ? "6" : "", cli_info(acptr)); } return 0; }
/** Handle a connection that has sent a valid PASS and SERVER. * @param cptr New peer server. * @param aconf Connect block for \a cptr. * @return Zero. */ int server_estab(struct Client *cptr, struct ConfItem *aconf) { struct Client* acptr = 0; const char* inpath; int i; assert(0 != cptr); assert(0 != cli_local(cptr)); inpath = cli_name(cptr); if (IsUnknown(cptr)) { if (aconf->passwd[0]) sendrawto_one(cptr, MSG_PASS " :%s", aconf->passwd); /* * Pass my info to the new server */ sendrawto_one(cptr, MSG_SERVER " %s 1 %Tu %Tu J%s %s%s +%s6 :%s", cli_name(&me), cli_serv(&me)->timestamp, cli_serv(cptr)->timestamp, MAJOR_PROTOCOL, NumServCap(&me), feature_bool(FEAT_HUB) ? "h" : "", *(cli_info(&me)) ? cli_info(&me) : "IRCers United"); } det_confs_butmask(cptr, CONF_SERVER); if (!IsHandshake(cptr)) hAddClient(cptr); SetServer(cptr); cli_handler(cptr) = SERVER_HANDLER; Count_unknownbecomesserver(UserStats); SetBurst(cptr); /* nextping = CurrentTime; */ /* * NOTE: check for acptr->user == cptr->serv->user is necessary to insure * that we got the same one... bleah */ if (cli_serv(cptr)->user && *(cli_serv(cptr))->by && (acptr = findNUser(cli_serv(cptr)->by))) { if (cli_user(acptr) == cli_serv(cptr)->user) { sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, acptr, "%C :Link with %s established.", acptr, inpath); } else { /* * if not the same client, set by to empty string */ acptr = 0; *(cli_serv(cptr))->by = '\0'; } } sendto_opmask(acptr, SNO_OLDSNO, "Link with %s established.", inpath); cli_serv(cptr)->up = &me; cli_serv(cptr)->updown = add_dlink(&(cli_serv(&me))->down, cptr); sendto_opmask(0, SNO_NETWORK, "Net junction: %s %s", cli_name(&me), cli_name(cptr)); SetJunction(cptr); /* * Old sendto_serv_but_one() call removed because we now * need to send different names to different servers * (domain name matching) Send new server to other servers. */ for (i = 0; i <= HighestFd; i++) { if (!(acptr = LocalClientArray[i]) || !IsServer(acptr) || acptr == cptr || IsMe(acptr)) continue; if (!match(cli_name(&me), cli_name(cptr))) continue; sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_SERVER, acptr, "%s 2 0 %Tu J%02u %s%s +%s%s%s :%s", cli_name(cptr), cli_serv(cptr)->timestamp, Protocol(cptr), NumServCap(cptr), IsHub(cptr) ? "h" : "", IsService(cptr) ? "s" : "", IsIPv6(cptr) ? "6" : "", cli_info(cptr)); } /* Send these as early as possible so that glined users/juped servers can * be removed from the network while the remote server is still chewing * our burst. */ gline_burst(cptr); jupe_burst(cptr); /* * Pass on my client information to the new server * * First, pass only servers (idea is that if the link gets * canceled because the server was already there, * there are no NICK's to be canceled...). Of course, * if cancellation occurs, all this info is sent anyway, * and I guess the link dies when a read is attempted...? --msa * * Note: Link cancellation to occur at this point means * that at least two servers from my fragment are building * up connection this other fragment at the same time, it's * a race condition, not the normal way of operation... */ for (acptr = &me; acptr; acptr = cli_prev(acptr)) { /* acptr->from == acptr for acptr == cptr */ if (cli_from(acptr) == cptr) continue; if (IsServer(acptr)) { const char* protocol_str; if (Protocol(acptr) > 9) protocol_str = IsBurst(acptr) ? "J" : "P"; else protocol_str = IsBurst(acptr) ? "J0" : "P0"; if (0 == match(cli_name(&me), cli_name(acptr))) continue; sendcmdto_one(cli_serv(acptr)->up, CMD_SERVER, cptr, "%s %d 0 %Tu %s%u %s%s +%s%s%s :%s", cli_name(acptr), cli_hopcount(acptr) + 1, cli_serv(acptr)->timestamp, protocol_str, Protocol(acptr), NumServCap(acptr), IsHub(acptr) ? "h" : "", IsService(acptr) ? "s" : "", IsIPv6(acptr) ? "6" : "", cli_info(acptr)); } } for (acptr = &me; acptr; acptr = cli_prev(acptr)) { /* acptr->from == acptr for acptr == cptr */ if (cli_from(acptr) == cptr) continue; if (IsUser(acptr)) { char xxx_buf[25]; char *s = umode_str(acptr); sendcmdto_one(cli_user(acptr)->server, CMD_NICK, cptr, "%s %d %Tu %s %s %s%s%s%s %s%s :%s", cli_name(acptr), cli_hopcount(acptr) + 1, cli_lastnick(acptr), cli_user(acptr)->username, cli_user(acptr)->realhost, *s ? "+" : "", s, *s ? " " : "", iptobase64(xxx_buf, &cli_ip(acptr), sizeof(xxx_buf), IsIPv6(cptr)), NumNick(acptr), cli_info(acptr)); } } /* * Last, send the BURST. * (Or for 2.9 servers: pass all channels plus statuses) */ { struct Channel *chptr; for (chptr = GlobalChannelList; chptr; chptr = chptr->next) send_channel_modes(cptr, chptr); } sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_END_OF_BURST, cptr, ""); return 0; }