コード例 #1
ファイル: computeMLE.c プロジェクト: cran/MLEcens
/* Computation of the matrix W that is used in the function ComputeAlphasIQM().
* Input: ndata = number of observation rectangles.
* R = observation rectangles (in canonical form).
* w = w[i]=1/max(P[i],tol), where P[i] is the mass in 
* observation rectangle R[i].
*		 m = number of maximal intersections with positive mass.
*		 t = upper right corners of maximal intersections with positive mass
*		 (in canonical form).
* Output: W = matrix W used in the function ComputeAlphasIQM().
*				 W is a symmetric matrix. We only store its upper triangle 
*				 (including the diagonal), column by column. To translate between 
*				 the full matrix a[i][j], i=0..m-1, j=0..m-1 and the compactly stored 
*				 matrix W[i], i=0..m*(m+1)/2, use a[i][j] = W[i+j*(j+1)/2], for i<=j.
void ComputeW(int ndata, SCanonRect *R, double *w, int m, SIntPoint *t, double *W)
   int i, j, k, lengthW;
   lengthW = m*(m+1)/2;
   for (i=0; i<lengthW; i++)
      W[i] = 0;
   for (i=0; i<m; i++)
      for (j=0; j<ndata; j++)
         if (IsInRectangle(&t[i],&R[j]))
            for (k=i; k<m; k++)
               if (IsInRectangle(&t[k],&R[j]))
                  W[i+k*(k+1)/2] += SQR(w[j]); /* add to element a[i][k] */
   for (i=0; i<lengthW; i++)
      W[i] = W[i]/ndata;
コード例 #2
ファイル: computeMLE.c プロジェクト: cran/MLEcens
/* The following procedure computes the minimum of the derivatives of the 
* criterion function for the LS part (see Maathuis (2003, page 51, eq (5.10)).
* At the end of the iteration loop, this minimum should be 
* nonnegative or bigger than some allowed negative tolerance. 
* Input: ndata = number of observation rectangles
* R = observation rectangles (in canonical form)
* 	 P = probability mass in each observation rectangle (not used if m==0)
*		 w = w[i] = 1/max(tol,P[i])
*		 mm = number of maximal intersections
*		 tt = upper right corners of maximal intersections (in canonical form)
*		 m = number of maximal intersections that get positive mass
* Output: index = index (in 0,..mm-1) at which minimum occurs.
* return value = minimum of the derivatives of the criterion function 
*						 for the least squares part.
double ComputeMinimumIQM (int ndata, SCanonRect *R, double P[], double *w, int mm, 
                          SIntPoint *tt, int m, int *indexmin)
   int j, k;
   double sum, min=0;
   if (m==0)
      for (k=0; k<mm; k++)
         sum = 0;
         for (j=0; j<ndata; j++)
            if (IsInRectangle(&tt[k],&R[j]))
               sum -= w[j];
         sum *= 2;
         if (sum<min)
            min = sum;
            *indexmin = k;
      return min;
   /* else, if m>0: */
   for (k=0; k<mm; k++)
      sum = 0;
      for (j=0; j<ndata; j++)
         if (IsInRectangle(&tt[k],&R[j]))
            sum += P[j]*SQR(w[j]) - 2*w[j];
      sum = sum/ndata + 1;
      if (sum<min)
         min = sum;
         *indexmin = k;
   return min;
コード例 #3
ファイル: computeMLE.c プロジェクト: cran/MLEcens
/* Computation of the coefficients alpha that satisfy the equality part of 
* Maathuis (2003, page 50, eq (5.9)) for all alpha's with positive mass. 
* The alpha's are a solution of a linear system of equations with 
* a symmetric (but not positive definite) matrix of coefficients. It is solved using 
* the function SolveSymmetricLinearSystem(),which uses a LAPACK routine. 
* Input: ndata = number of observation rectangles 
* R = observation rectangles (in canonical form)
* w = w[i]=1/max(tol,P[i]), where P[i] is mass in observation rectangle R[i]
* m = number of maximal intersections with positive mass
* t = upper right corners of maximal intersections with positive mass
* i_dummy_mm = dummy array needed in function SolveSymmetricLinearSystem
* (this array is allocated in MLE_IQM() to limit number of memory allocations)
* d_dummy_mm = right hand side of linear system.
* (this array is allocated in MLE_IQM() to limit number of memory allocations)
* Output: alpha = alpha[i] is new probability mass corresponding to t[i].
void ComputeAlphasIQM (int ndata, SCanonRect *R, double *w, int m, SIntPoint *t, 
                       double alpha[], int *i_dummy_mm, double *d_dummy_mm)
   int i, j;
   double *W;
   W = Calloc(m*(m+1)/2, double);
   /* compute matrix a, based on vectors R, w and t */
   for (i=0; i<m; i++)
      for (j=0; j<ndata; j++)
         if (IsInRectangle(&t[i],&R[j]))
            d_dummy_mm[i] += w[j];
   for (i=0; i<m; i++)
      d_dummy_mm[i] = 2*d_dummy_mm[i]/ndata - 1;
コード例 #4
ファイル: computeMLE.c プロジェクト: cran/MLEcens
/* Computes P_F(R_i), probability masses in the observation rectangles
* Input: ndata = number of observation rectangles
*	 R	 = observation rectangles (in canonical form)
* m = number of maximal intersections 
* t = upper right corners of maximal intersections with positive mass 
* (in canonical form)
* alpha = alpha[i] is probability mass corresponding to t[i]
* Output: P = P[i] is probability mass in observation rectangle R[i]
void	ComputeProbabilities(int ndata, SCanonRect *R, int m, SIntPoint *t, 
                           double alpha[], double P[])
   int i, k;
   for (i=0; i<ndata; i++)
      P[i] = 0;
      for (k=0; k<m; k++)
         if (IsInRectangle(&t[k],&R[i]))
            P[i] += alpha[k]; 
コード例 #5
ファイル: computeMLE.c プロジェクト: cran/MLEcens
/* Computes nabla: vector of partial derivatives of object function w.r.t. alpha[j],
* see Maathuis (2003, page 49, eq (5.5))
* Input: ndata = number of observation rectangles
* R = observation rectangles (in canonical form)
* P = P[i] is probability mass in observation rectangle R[i]
* m = number of maximal intersections with positive mass
* t = upper right corners of maximal intersections with positive mass
* (in canonical form)
* Output: nabla = vector of partial derivatives of object function w.r.t. 
alpha[j], j=0..m-1, see Maathuis (2003, page 49, eq (5.5)).
void	ComputeNabla(int ndata, SCanonRect *R, double P[], int m, SIntPoint *t, 
                   double tol, double nabla[])
   int j, k;
   double sum;
   for (k=0; k<m; k++)
      sum = 0;
      for (j=0; j<ndata; j++)
         if (IsInRectangle(&t[k],&R[j]))
            if (P[j]>tol)
               sum += 1/P[j];
               sum += 1/tol;
      nabla[k] = 1.0 - sum/ndata;
コード例 #6
ファイル: handmade_debug.cpp プロジェクト: coeuvre/handmade
inline void
EndElement(layout_element *Element)
    layout *Layout = Element->Layout;
    debug_state *DebugState = Layout->DebugState;

    r32 SizeHandlePixels = 4.0f;

    v2 Frame = V2(0, 0);
    if (Element->Size) {
        Frame.x = SizeHandlePixels;
        Frame.y = SizeHandlePixels;
    v2 TotalDim = *Element->Dim + 2.0f * Frame;

    v2 TotalMinCorner = V2(Layout->At.x + Layout->Depth * 2.0f * Layout->LineAdvance,
                           Layout->At.y - TotalDim.y);
    v2 TotalMaxCorner = TotalMinCorner + TotalDim;

    v2 InteriorMinCorner = TotalMinCorner + Frame;
    v2 InteriorMaxCorner = InteriorMinCorner + *Element->Dim;

    rectangle2 TotalBounds = RectMinMax(TotalMinCorner, TotalMaxCorner);
    Element->Bounds = RectMinMax(InteriorMinCorner, InteriorMaxCorner);

    if (Element->Interaction.Type && IsInRectangle(Element->Bounds, Layout->MouseP)) {
        DebugState->NextHotInteraction = Element->Interaction;

    if (Element->Size) {
        PushRect(DebugState->RenderGroup, RectMinMax(V2(TotalMinCorner.x, InteriorMinCorner.y),
                                                     V2(InteriorMaxCorner.x, InteriorMaxCorner.y)),
                 0.0f, V4(0, 0, 0, 1));

        PushRect(DebugState->RenderGroup, RectMinMax(V2(InteriorMaxCorner.x, InteriorMinCorner.y),
                                                     V2(TotalMaxCorner.x, InteriorMaxCorner.y)),
                 0.0f, V4(0, 0, 0, 1));
        PushRect(DebugState->RenderGroup, RectMinMax(V2(InteriorMinCorner.x, TotalMinCorner.y),
                                                     V2(InteriorMaxCorner.x, InteriorMinCorner.y)),
                 0.0f, V4(0, 0, 0, 1));
        PushRect(DebugState->RenderGroup, RectMinMax(V2(InteriorMinCorner.x, InteriorMaxCorner.y),
                                                     V2(InteriorMaxCorner.x, TotalMaxCorner.y)),
                 0.0f, V4(0, 0, 0, 1));

        debug_interaction SizeInteraction = {};
        SizeInteraction.Type = DebugInteraction_Resize;
        SizeInteraction.P = Element->Size;

        rectangle2 SizeBox = RectMinMax(V2(InteriorMaxCorner.x, TotalMinCorner.y),
                                        V2(TotalMaxCorner.x, InteriorMinCorner.y));
        PushRect(DebugState->RenderGroup, SizeBox, 0.0f,
                 InteractionIsHot(DebugState, SizeInteraction) ? V4(1, 1, 0, 1) : V4(1, 1, 1, 1));
        if (IsInRectangle(SizeBox, Layout->MouseP)) {
            DebugState->NextHotInteraction = SizeInteraction;

    r32 SpacingY = Layout->SpacingY;
    if (0) {
        SpacingY = 0.0f;
    Layout->At.y = GetMinCorner(TotalBounds).y - SpacingY;

コード例 #7
ファイル: handmade_debug.cpp プロジェクト: coeuvre/handmade
internal void
DrawProfileIn(debug_state *DebugState, rectangle2 ProfileRect, v2 MouseP) {
    PushRect(DebugState->RenderGroup, ProfileRect, 0.0f, V4(0, 0, 0, 0.25f));

    r32 BarSpacing = 4.0f;
    r32 LaneHeight = 0.0f;
    u32 LaneCount = DebugState->FrameBarLaneCount;

    u32 MaxFrame = DebugState->FrameCount;
    if (MaxFrame > 10) {
        MaxFrame = 10;

    if (LaneCount > 0 && MaxFrame > 0) {
        r32 PixelsPerFramePlusSpacing = GetDim(ProfileRect).y / (r32)MaxFrame;
        r32 PixelsPerFrame = PixelsPerFramePlusSpacing - BarSpacing;
        LaneHeight = PixelsPerFrame / (r32)LaneCount;

    r32 BarHeight = LaneHeight * LaneCount;
    r32 BarsPlusSpacing = BarHeight + BarSpacing;
    r32 ChartLeft = ProfileRect.Min.x;
    r32 ChartHeight = BarSpacing * (r32)MaxFrame;
    r32 ChartWidth = GetDim(ProfileRect).x;
    r32 ChartTop = ProfileRect.Max.y;
    r32 Scale = ChartWidth * DebugState->FrameBarScale;

    v3 Colors[] = {
        {1, 0, 0},
        {0, 1, 0},
        {0, 0, 1},
        {1, 1, 0},
        {0, 1, 1},
        {1, 0, 1},
        {1, 0.5f, 0},
        {1, 0, 0.5f},
        {0.5f, 1, 0},
        {0, 1, 0.5f},
        {0.5f, 0, 1},
        {0, 0.5f, 1},

#if 1
    for (u32 FrameIndex = 0; FrameIndex < MaxFrame; ++FrameIndex) {
        debug_frame *Frame = DebugState->Frames + DebugState->FrameCount - (FrameIndex + 1);
        r32 StackX = ChartLeft;
        r32 StackY = ChartTop - BarsPlusSpacing * (r32)FrameIndex;
        r32 PrevTimestampSeconds = 0.0f;
        for (u32 RegionIndex = 0; RegionIndex < Frame->RegionCount; ++RegionIndex) {
            debug_frame_region *Region = Frame->Regions + RegionIndex;

            // v3 Color = Colors[RegionIndex % ArrayCount(Colors)];
            v3 Color = Colors[Region->ColorIndex % ArrayCount(Colors)];
            r32 ThisMinX = StackX + Scale * Region->MinT;
            r32 ThisMaxX = StackX + Scale * Region->MaxT;

            rectangle2 RegionRect = RectMinMax(V2(ThisMinX, StackY - LaneHeight * (Region->LaneIndex + 1)),
                                               V2(ThisMaxX, StackY - LaneHeight * Region->LaneIndex));

            PushRect(DebugState->RenderGroup, RegionRect, 0.0f, V4(Color, 1));

            if (IsInRectangle(RegionRect, MouseP)) {
                debug_record *Record = Region->Record;
                char buf[512];
                snprintf(buf, 512, "%s: %10llucy [%s(%d)]\n",
                DEBUGTextOutAt(MouseP + V2(0.0f, 10.0f), buf);

                // HotRecord = Record;
#if 0
    PushRect(RenderGroup, V3(ChartLeft + 0.5f * ChartWidth, ChartMinY + ChartHeight, 0.0f),
             V2(ChartWidth, 1.0f), V4(1, 1, 1, 1));