コード例 #1
ファイル: chesslogic.c プロジェクト: twonds/chesspark
int IsPathClear(enum ChessPiece board[8][8], int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy)
	int dx = (newx == oldx) ? 0 : ((newx > oldx) ? 1 : -1);
	int dy = (newy == oldy) ? 0 : ((newy > oldy) ? 1 : -1);
	int x = oldx;
	int y = oldy;

	/* straight lines and diagonals only */
	if ((abs(oldx - newx) != abs(oldy - newy)) && (oldx != newx) && (oldy != newy))
		return 0;

	while ((x != newx) || (y != newy))
		x += dx;
		y += dy;

		if (board[x][y] != CP_EMPTY && !((x == newx) && (y == newy) && (IsPieceWhite(board[newx][newy]) != IsPieceWhite(board[oldx][oldy]))))
			return 0;

	return 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: eval.cpp プロジェクト: tildedave/apep-chess-engine
int getCenterControlScore(ChessBoard * board, bool white) {
	int whiteCenterScore = 0;
	int blackCenterScore = 0;

	BITBOARD iterateCenterSquares = centerSquares;
	while(iterateCenterSquares != 0) {
		short centerSquare = FirstOne(iterateCenterSquares);
		iterateCenterSquares ^= offset_to_mask(centerSquare);
		BITBOARD attackBitboard = get_attacksto_bitboard(board, centerSquare);
		short whiteAttacks = NumOnes(attackBitboard & board->whitePieces);
		short blackAttacks = NumOnes(attackBitboard & board->blackPieces);
		short contents = board->boardContents[centerSquare];
		if (contents != EMPTY) {
			if (IsPieceWhite(contents))
				whiteAttacks += 2;
				blackAttacks += 2;
		whiteCenterScore += whiteAttacks * EvalParameters::whiteCenterControlScale[centerSquare];
		blackCenterScore += blackAttacks * EvalParameters::blackCenterControlScale[centerSquare];

	if (white)
		return whiteCenterScore - blackCenterScore;
		return blackCenterScore - whiteCenterScore;
コード例 #3
ファイル: chesslogic.c プロジェクト: twonds/chesspark
int IsMoveLegal(enum ChessPiece board[8][8], int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy, enum ChessCastling *castling, char **enpassanttarget)
	enum ChessPiece tempboard[8][8];
	char *letters = "abcdefgh";
	char *numbers = "87654321";
	char move[5];
	int iswhitemove = IsPieceWhite(board[oldx][oldy]);

	if (CanPieceMoveHere(board, oldx, oldy, newx, newy, castling, enpassanttarget))
		/* is this a castling move?  Then check the intermediate square */
		if (oldx == 4 && oldy == 7 && newy == 7 && (newx == 6 || newx == 2) && board[oldx][oldy] == CP_WKING)
			CopyBoard(board, tempboard);

			if (newx == 6)
				strcpy(move, "e8f8");
				ExecuteMove(tempboard, move, 0, NULL, NULL);
				if (!IsPositionLegal(tempboard, !iswhitemove))
					return 0;

			if (newx == 2)
				strcpy(move, "e8d8");
				ExecuteMove(tempboard, move, 0, NULL, NULL);
				if (!IsPositionLegal(tempboard, !iswhitemove))
					return 0;

		if (oldx == 4 && oldy == 7 && newy == 0 && (newx == 6 || newx == 2) && board[oldx][oldy] == CP_BKING)
			CopyBoard(board, tempboard);

			if (newx == 6)
				strcpy(move, "e1f1");
				ExecuteMove(tempboard, move, 0, NULL, NULL);
				if (!IsPositionLegal(tempboard, !iswhitemove))
					return 0;

			if (newx == 2)
				strcpy(move, "e1d1");
				ExecuteMove(tempboard, move, 0, NULL, NULL);
				if (!IsPositionLegal(tempboard, !iswhitemove))
					return 0;

		CopyBoard(board, tempboard);
		move[0] = letters[oldx];
		move[1] = numbers[oldy];
		move[2] = letters[newx];
		move[3] = numbers[newy];
		move[4] = '\0';

		ExecuteMove(tempboard, move, 0, NULL, NULL);
		return IsPositionLegal(tempboard, !iswhitemove);

	return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: chesslogic.c プロジェクト: twonds/chesspark
int CanPieceMoveHere(enum ChessPiece board[8][8], int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy, enum ChessCastling *castling, char **enpassanttarget)
	enum ChessPiece moving = board[oldx][oldy];
	enum ChessPiece captured = board[newx][newy];
	char *letters = "abcdefgh";
	char *numbers = "87654321";
	int epx, epy;

	if (oldx == newx && oldy == newy)
		return 0;
	if (enpassanttarget && *enpassanttarget)
		epx = strchr(letters, (*enpassanttarget)[0]) - letters;
		epy = strchr(numbers, (*enpassanttarget)[1]) - numbers;
		epx = -1;
		epy = -1;

		case CP_WPAWN:
			if (!IsPathClear(board, oldx, oldy, newx, newy))
				return 0;
			if (oldx == newx)
				if (!captured && (newy == oldy - 1 || (newy == 4 && oldy == 6)))
					return 1;
			else if ((abs(oldx - newx) == 1) && (newy == oldy - 1))
				if (captured != CP_EMPTY && !IsPieceWhite(captured))
					return 1;
				else if (captured == CP_EMPTY && newx == epx && newy == epy)
					return 1;
			return 0;

		case CP_BPAWN:
			if (!IsPathClear(board, oldx, oldy, newx, newy))
				return 0;
			if (oldx == newx)
				if (!captured && (newy == oldy + 1 || (newy == 3 && oldy == 1)))
					return 1;
			else if ((abs(oldx - newx) == 1) && (newy == oldy + 1))
				if (captured != CP_EMPTY && IsPieceWhite(captured))
					return 1;
				else if (captured == CP_EMPTY && newx == epx && newy == epy)
					return 1;
			return 0;

		case CP_WKNIGHT:
		case CP_BKNIGHT:
			if (!((abs(oldx - newx) == 2 && abs(oldy - newy) == 1) || (abs(oldx - newx) == 1 && abs(oldy - newy) == 2)))
				return 0;
			if (captured && IsPieceWhite(captured) == IsPieceWhite(moving))
				return 0;
			return 1;

		case CP_WBISHOP:
		case CP_BBISHOP:
			if (!IsPathClear(board, oldx, oldy, newx, newy))
				return 0;
			if (abs(oldx - newx) != abs(oldy - newy))
				return 0;
			return 1;

		case CP_WROOK:
		case CP_BROOK:
			if (!IsPathClear(board, oldx, oldy, newx, newy))
				return 0;
			if ((oldx - newx != 0) && (oldy - newy != 0))
				return 0;
			return 1;

		case CP_WQUEEN:
		case CP_BQUEEN:
			if (!IsPathClear(board, oldx, oldy, newx, newy))
				return 0;
			if (((oldx - newx != 0) && (oldy - newy != 0)) && (abs(oldx - newx) != abs(oldy - newy)))
				return 0;
			return 1;

		case CP_WKING:
		case CP_BKING:
			if (!IsPathClear(board, oldx, oldy, newx, newy))
				return 0;
			if (abs(oldx - newx) > 1 || abs(oldy - newy) > 1)
				/* check for castling */
				if (castling)

					if (moving == CP_WKING && oldx == 4 && oldy == 7 && newy == 7)
						if (newx == 6 && (*castling & CC_WK) != 0)
							return 1;
						if (newx == 2 && (*castling & CC_WQ) != 0)
							return 1;

					if (moving == CP_BKING && oldx == 4 && oldy == 0 && newy == 0)
						if (newx == 6 && (*castling & CC_BK) != 0)
							return 1;
						if (newx == 2 && (*castling & CC_BQ) != 0)
							return 1;
				return 0;
			return 1;


	return 0;