BOOL GetNetConfig::GetStringFromRegistry( BOOL Is64KeyRequired, HKEY hRootKey, LPCSTR lpszPath, LPCSTR lpszKeyName, LPBYTE lpszValue, DWORD dwSize ) { REGSAM samDesired = KEY_READ; HKEY hKey; /* Check Win2000 (KEY_WOW64_64KEY - not supported) */ if (!IsWindows2000() && Is64KeyRequired) { samDesired |= KEY_WOW64_64KEY; } LONG lResult; lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(hRootKey, lpszPath, 0, samDesired, &hKey); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PrintWinAPI_error(lResult); return FALSE; } lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpszKeyName, NULL, NULL, lpszValue, &dwSize); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PrintWinAPI_error(lResult); RegCloseKey(hKey); return FALSE; } RegCloseKey(hKey); return TRUE; }
bool CNdasServiceDeviceEventHandler:: Initialize(HANDLE hRecipient, DWORD dwReceptionFlag) { m_hRecipient = hRecipient; m_dwReceptionFlags = dwReceptionFlag; // // Caution! // // DEVICE_NOFITY_WINDOW_HANDLE is 0x000, hence // XTLASSERT(DEVICE_NOFITY_WINDOW_HANDLE & m_dwReceptionFlags) // will always fail. // XTLASSERT( ((DEVICE_NOTIFY_SERVICE_HANDLE & m_dwReceptionFlags) == DEVICE_NOTIFY_SERVICE_HANDLE) || ((DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE & m_dwReceptionFlags) == DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE)); // // Do not initialize twice if successful. // XTLASSERT(!m_bInitialized); pEnumerateNdasStoragePorts(); // // register Storage Port, Volume and Disk device notification // m_hStoragePortNotify = RegisterDeviceInterfaceNotification(&GUID_DEVINTERFACE_STORAGEPORT); if (m_hStoragePortNotify.IsInvalid()) { XTLTRACE2(NDASSVC_PNP, TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "Registering Storage Port Device Notification failed, error=0x%X\n", GetLastError()); } m_hVolumeNotify = RegisterDeviceInterfaceNotification(&GUID_DEVINTERFACE_VOLUME); if (m_hVolumeNotify.IsInvalid()) { XTLTRACE2(NDASSVC_PNP, TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "Registering Volume Device Notification failed, error=0x%X\n", GetLastError()); } m_hDiskNotify = RegisterDeviceInterfaceNotification(&GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISK); if (m_hDiskNotify.IsInvalid()) { XTLTRACE2(NDASSVC_PNP, TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "Registering Disk Device Notification failed, error=0x%X\n", GetLastError()); } m_hCdRomClassNotify = RegisterDeviceInterfaceNotification(&GUID_DEVINTERFACE_CDROM); if (m_hCdRomClassNotify.IsInvalid()) { XTLTRACE2(NDASSVC_PNP, TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "Registering CDROM Device Notification failed, error=0x%X\n", GetLastError()); } XTLTRACE2(NDASSVC_PNP, TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, "Storage Port Notify Handle: %p\n", m_hStoragePortNotify); XTLTRACE2(NDASSVC_PNP, TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, "Volume Notify Handle : %p\n", m_hVolumeNotify); XTLTRACE2(NDASSVC_PNP, TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, "Disk Device Notify Handle : %p\n", m_hDiskNotify); XTLTRACE2(NDASSVC_PNP, TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, "CDROM Device Notify Handle : %p\n", m_hCdRomClassNotify); // // nothing more for Windows XP or later // // // If NoLfs is set and if the OS is Windows 2000, // load ROFilter service // if (!(IsWindows2000() && m_bNoLfs)) { m_bInitialized = TRUE; return TRUE; } XTLASSERT(m_hROFilter.IsInvalid()); // // Even if the rofilter is not loaded // initialization returns TRUE // However, m_hROFilter has INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE // m_bInitialized = TRUE; SERVICE_STATUS serviceStatus; BOOL fSuccess = NdasRoFilterQueryServiceStatus(&serviceStatus); if (!fSuccess) { XTLTRACE2(NDASSVC_PNP, TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "NdasRoFilterQueryServiceStatus failed, error=0x%X\n", GetLastError()); return TRUE; } if (SERVICE_RUNNING != serviceStatus.dwCurrentState) { fSuccess = NdasRoFilterStartService(); if (!fSuccess) { XTLTRACE2(NDASSVC_PNP, TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "NdasRoFilterStartService failed, error=0x%X\n", GetLastError()); return TRUE; } } HANDLE hROFilter = NdasRoFilterOpenDevice(); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hROFilter) { XTLTRACE2(NDASSVC_PNP, TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "NdasRoFilterCreate failed, error=0x%X\n", GetLastError()); return TRUE; } m_hROFilter = hROFilter; return TRUE; }
/*! \brief Opens the wan (dialup, vpn...) adapter. \return If the function succeeds, the return value is the pointer to a properly initialized WAN_ADAPTER structure, otherwise the return value is NULL. */ PWAN_ADAPTER WanPacketOpenAdapter() { PWAN_ADAPTER pWanAdapter = NULL; PBLOB_TABLE pBlobTable = NULL; HBLOB hFilterBlob = NULL; HRESULT hResult; DWORD i; if ( g_hModule == NULL) { g_hModule = LoadLibrary("npp\\ndisnpp.dll"); } if ( g_hModule == NULL) { return NULL; } hResult = CoInitialize(NULL); // // if the calling thread has already initialized COM with a // different threading model, we have this error // however, we are able to support another threading model, // so we try to initialize COM with another threading model. // This new call should succeed with S_FALSE. // if (hResult == RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE) { hResult = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); //MULTITHREADED threading is only supported on Windows 2000 if (hResult == RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE && IsWindows2000()) { hResult = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); } } if (hResult != S_OK && hResult != S_FALSE) return NULL; pWanAdapter = (PWAN_ADAPTER)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof (WAN_ADAPTER)); if ( pWanAdapter == NULL ) goto error; memset(pWanAdapter, 0, sizeof(WAN_ADAPTER)); if ( CreateBlob(&hFilterBlob) != NMERR_SUCCESS ) { goto error; } if ( SetBoolInBlob(hFilterBlob, OWNER_NPP, CATEGORY_CONFIG, TAG_INTERFACE_REALTIME_CAPTURE, TRUE) != NMERR_SUCCESS ) { DestroyBlob( hFilterBlob); goto error; } if ( SetBoolInBlob(hFilterBlob, OWNER_NPP, CATEGORY_LOCATION, TAG_RAS, TRUE) != NMERR_SUCCESS ) { DestroyBlob( hFilterBlob); goto error; } if ( GetNPPBlobTable(hFilterBlob, &pBlobTable) != NMERR_SUCCESS ) { DestroyBlob( hFilterBlob); goto error; } DestroyBlob (hFilterBlob); if ( pBlobTable->dwNumBlobs == 0 || pBlobTable->dwNumBlobs > 1) { ///fixme..... for ( i = 0 ; i < pBlobTable->dwNumBlobs ; i++ ) DestroyBlob(pBlobTable->hBlobs[i]); GlobalFree(pBlobTable); goto error; } pWanAdapter->hCaptureBlob = pBlobTable->hBlobs[0]; GlobalFree(pBlobTable); InitializeCriticalSection(&pWanAdapter->CriticalSection); pWanAdapter->hReadEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if ( pWanAdapter->hReadEvent == NULL ) goto error; pWanAdapter->MemEx.buffer = (PUCHAR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, DEFAULT_MEM_EX_SIZE); if (pWanAdapter->MemEx.buffer == NULL) goto error; pWanAdapter->MemEx.size = DEFAULT_MEM_EX_SIZE; pWanAdapter-> = TME_NONE_ACTIVE; if (CreateNPPInterface(pWanAdapter->hCaptureBlob, IID_IRTC, (void**) &pWanAdapter->pIRTC) == NMERR_SUCCESS && pWanAdapter->pIRTC != NULL) { //create OK if (pWanAdapter->pIRTC->Connect(pWanAdapter->hCaptureBlob, NULL, WanPacketReceiverCallback, (LPVOID)pWanAdapter , NULL) == NMERR_SUCCESS) { //connect OK if (pWanAdapter->pIRTC->Start() == NMERR_SUCCESS) { return pWanAdapter; } else { pWanAdapter->pIRTC->Disconnect(); pWanAdapter->pIRTC->Release(); goto error; } } else { pWanAdapter->pIRTC->Release(); goto error; } } else { goto error; } //awfully never reached // return NULL; error: if (pWanAdapter != NULL) { if (pWanAdapter->hReadEvent != NULL) CloseHandle(pWanAdapter->hReadEvent); DeleteCriticalSection(&pWanAdapter->CriticalSection); if (pWanAdapter->hCaptureBlob) DestroyBlob(pWanAdapter->hCaptureBlob); GlobalFree(pWanAdapter); } CoUninitialize(); return NULL; }
/*! \brief Tries to open the wan (dialup, vpn...) adapter, and immediately closes it. \return TRUE on success. */ BOOLEAN WanPacketTestAdapter() { PBLOB_TABLE pBlobTable = NULL; HBLOB hFilterBlob = NULL; BOOLEAN retVal; DWORD i; HRESULT hResult; if ( g_hModule == NULL) { g_hModule = LoadLibrary("npp\\ndisnpp.dll"); } if ( g_hModule == NULL) { return FALSE; } hResult = CoInitialize(NULL); // // if the calling thread has already initialized COM with a // different threading model, we have this error // however, we are able to support another threading model, // so we try to initialize COM with another threading model. // This new call should succeed with S_FALSE. // if (hResult == RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE) { hResult = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); //MULTITHREADED threading is only supported on Windows 2000 if (hResult == RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE && IsWindows2000()) { hResult = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); } } if (hResult != S_OK && hResult != S_FALSE) return FALSE; if ( CreateBlob(&hFilterBlob) != NMERR_SUCCESS ) { CoUninitialize(); return FALSE; } if ( SetBoolInBlob(hFilterBlob, OWNER_NPP, CATEGORY_CONFIG, TAG_INTERFACE_REALTIME_CAPTURE, TRUE) != NMERR_SUCCESS ) { DestroyBlob( hFilterBlob); CoUninitialize(); return FALSE; } if ( SetBoolInBlob(hFilterBlob, OWNER_NPP, CATEGORY_LOCATION, TAG_RAS, TRUE) != NMERR_SUCCESS ) { DestroyBlob( hFilterBlob); CoUninitialize(); return FALSE; } if ( GetNPPBlobTable(hFilterBlob, &pBlobTable) != NMERR_SUCCESS ) { DestroyBlob( hFilterBlob); CoUninitialize(); return FALSE; } DestroyBlob (hFilterBlob); if (pBlobTable->dwNumBlobs == 1) retVal = TRUE; else retVal = FALSE; for ( i = 0 ; i < pBlobTable->dwNumBlobs ; i++ ) DestroyBlob(pBlobTable->hBlobs[i]); GlobalFree(pBlobTable); CoUninitialize(); return retVal; }
CString GetOS() { CString Response; OS_VERSION_INFO osvi; char sText[512]=""; char sBuf[100]=""; ZeroMemory(&osvi,sizeof(OS_VERSION_INFO)); _stprintf(sText, _T("\nOperating System\n")); if (GetOSVersion(&osvi)) { // _stprintf(sText, _T("Emulated OS: ")); switch (osvi.dwEmulatedPlatformId) { case PLATFORM_DOS: { _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Dos")); break; } case PLATFORM_WINDOWS31: { _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows")); break; } case PLATFORM_WINDOWSFW: { _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows For Workgroups")); break; } case PLATFORM_WIN32S: { _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Win32s")); break; } case PLATFORM_WINDOWS_CE: { _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows CE")); break; } case PLATFORM_WINDOWS: { if (IsWindows95(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 95")); else if (IsWindows95SP1(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 95 SP1")); else if (IsWindows95OSR2(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 95 OSR2")); else if (IsWindows98(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 98")); else if (IsWindows98SP1(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 98 SP1")); else if (IsWindows98SE(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 98 Second Edition")); else _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows ??")); break; } case PLATFORM_NT_WORKSTATION: { if (IsWindows2000(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 2000 Professional")); else _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows NT Workstation")); break; } case PLATFORM_NT_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER: { if (IsWindows2000(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 2000 Server (Acting as Primary Domain Controller)")); else _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows NT Server (Acting as Primary Domain Controller)")); break; } case PLATFORM_NT_BACKUP_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER: { if (IsWindows2000(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 2000 Server (Acting as Backup Domain Controller)")); else _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows NT Server (Acting as Backup Domain Controller)")); break; } case PLATFORM_NT_STAND_ALONE_SERVER: { if (IsWindows2000(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 2000 Server (Acting as Standalone Sever)")); else _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows NT Server (Acting as Standalone Sever)")); break; } case PLATFORM_WINDOWS_TERMINAL_SERVER: { _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows NT Terminal Server")); break; } case PLATFORM_NT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER: { _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows NT Enterprise Edition")); break; } default: { _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Unknown OS")); break; } } } _tcscat(sText, sBuf); // _stprintf(sBuf, _T(" v%d."), osvi.dwEmulatedMajorVersion); // _tcscat(sText, sBuf); // _stprintf(sBuf, _T("%02d "), osvi.dwEmulatedMinorVersion); // _tcscat(sText, sBuf); if (osvi.wEmulatedServicePack) { _stprintf(sBuf, _T(" Service Pack %d"), osvi.wEmulatedServicePack); _tcscat(sText, sBuf); } if (osvi.dwEmulatedBuildNumber) { _stprintf(sBuf, _T(" (Build %d)"), osvi.dwEmulatedBuildNumber); _tcscat(sText, sBuf); } _tcscat(sText, _T(" \r\n")); ; return sText; }
bool CNdasServiceDeviceEventHandler::Initialize( HANDLE hRecipient, DWORD dwReceptionFlag) { HRESULT hr; m_hRecipient = hRecipient; m_dwReceptionFlags = dwReceptionFlag; // // Caution! // // DEVICE_NOFITY_WINDOW_HANDLE is 0x000, hence // XTLASSERT(DEVICE_NOFITY_WINDOW_HANDLE & m_dwReceptionFlags) // will always fail. // XTLASSERT( ((DEVICE_NOTIFY_SERVICE_HANDLE & m_dwReceptionFlags) == DEVICE_NOTIFY_SERVICE_HANDLE) || ((DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE & m_dwReceptionFlags) == DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE)); // // Do not initialize twice if successful. // XTLASSERT(!m_bInitialized); // // Register interested device interfaces // RegisterDeviceInterfaceNotification( &GUID_DEVINTERFACE_STORAGEPORT, "StoragePort"); RegisterDeviceInterfaceNotification( &GUID_DEVINTERFACE_VOLUME, "Volume"); for (DWORD i = 0; i < RTL_NUMBER_OF(LogicalUnitInterfaceGuids); ++i) { RegisterDeviceInterfaceNotification( LogicalUnitInterfaceGuids[i].Guid, LogicalUnitInterfaceGuids[i].TypeName); } // // Register all existing logical units // hr = pRegisterNdasScsiPorts(); hr = pRegisterLogicalUnits(); // // nothing more for Windows XP or later // // // If NoLfs is set and if the OS is Windows 2000, // load ROFilter service // if (!(IsWindows2000() && m_bNoLfs)) { m_bInitialized = TRUE; return TRUE; } XTLASSERT(m_hROFilter.IsInvalid()); // // Even if the rofilter is not loaded // initialization returns TRUE // However, m_hROFilter has INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE // m_bInitialized = TRUE; SERVICE_STATUS serviceStatus; BOOL fSuccess = NdasRoFilterQueryServiceStatus(&serviceStatus); if (!fSuccess) { XTLTRACE2(NDASSVC_PNP, TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "NdasRoFilterQueryServiceStatus failed, error=0x%X\n", GetLastError()); return TRUE; } if (SERVICE_RUNNING != serviceStatus.dwCurrentState) { fSuccess = NdasRoFilterStartService(); if (!fSuccess) { XTLTRACE2(NDASSVC_PNP, TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "NdasRoFilterStartService failed, error=0x%X\n", GetLastError()); return TRUE; } } HANDLE hROFilter = NdasRoFilterOpenDevice(); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hROFilter) { XTLTRACE2(NDASSVC_PNP, TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "NdasRoFilterCreate failed, error=0x%X\n", GetLastError()); return TRUE; } m_hROFilter = hROFilter; return TRUE; }
BOOL GetDriveSubmount (TCHAR chDrive, LPTSTR pszSubmountNow) { BOOL isWinNT = IsWindowsNT(); TCHAR szDrive[] = TEXT("*:"); szDrive[0] = chDrive; TCHAR szMapping[ _MAX_PATH ] = TEXT(""); if (isWinNT && !QueryDosDevice (szDrive, szMapping, MAX_PATH)) return FALSE; LPTSTR pszSubmount = szMapping; TCHAR szNetBiosName[32]; memset(szNetBiosName, '\0', sizeof(szNetBiosName)); GetClientNetbiosName(szNetBiosName); _tcscat(szNetBiosName, TEXT("\\")); if (isWinNT) { // Now if this is an AFS network drive mapping, {szMapping} will be: // // \Device\LanmanRedirector\<Drive>:\<netbiosname>\submount // // on Windows NT. On Windows 2000, it will be: // // \Device\LanmanRedirector\;<Drive>:0\<netbiosname>\submount // // (This is presumably to support multiple drive mappings with // Terminal Server). // // on Windows XP and 2003, it will be : // \Device\LanmanRedirector\;<Drive>:<AuthID>\<netbiosname>\submount // // where : <Drive> : DOS drive letter // <AuthID>: Authentication ID, 16 char hex. // <netbiosname>: Netbios name of server // BOOL b; #ifndef AFSIFS b = _tcsnicmp(szMapping, cszLANMANDEVICE, _tcslen(cszLANMANDEVICE)); #else const TCHAR ker_sub_path[] = "\\Device\\afsrdr\\"; b = _tcsnicmp(szMapping, ker_sub_path, _tcslen(ker_sub_path)); #endif if (b) return FALSE; #ifndef AFSIFS pszSubmount = &szMapping[ _tcslen(cszLANMANDEVICE) ]; #else pszSubmount = &szMapping[ _tcslen(ker_sub_path) ]; #endif #ifdef AFSIFS if (*(pszSubmount) < '0' || *(pszSubmount) > '9') return FALSE; ++pszSubmount; #else if (IsWindows2000()) { if (*(pszSubmount) != TEXT(';')) return FALSE; } else --pszSubmount; if (toupper(*(++pszSubmount)) != chDrive) return FALSE; if (*(++pszSubmount) != TEXT(':')) return FALSE; #ifdef COMMENT // No longer a safe assumption on XP if (IsWindows2000()) if (*(++pszSubmount) != TEXT('0')) return FALSE; #endif // scan for next "\" while (*(++pszSubmount) != TEXT('\\')) { if (*pszSubmount==0) return FALSE; } // note that szNetBiosName has a '\\' tagged in the end earlier for (++pszSubmount; *pszSubmount && (*pszSubmount != TEXT('\\')); ++pszSubmount) if (!_tcsncicmp(pszSubmount, szNetBiosName, _tcslen(szNetBiosName))) break; if ((!*pszSubmount) || (*pszSubmount == TEXT('\\'))) return FALSE; pszSubmount += _tcslen(szNetBiosName); #endif } else // (!IsWindowsNT()) { DWORD dwSize = MAX_PATH; if (WNetGetConnection (szDrive, szMapping, &dwSize) != NO_ERROR) return FALSE; if (*(pszSubmount++) != TEXT('\\')) return FALSE; if (*(pszSubmount++) != TEXT('\\')) return FALSE; for ( ; *pszSubmount && (*pszSubmount != TEXT('\\')); ++pszSubmount) if (!lstrncmpi (pszSubmount, szNetBiosName, lstrlen(szNetBiosName))) break; if ((!*pszSubmount) || (*pszSubmount == TEXT('\\'))) return FALSE; pszSubmount += lstrlen(szNetBiosName); } if (!pszSubmount || !*pszSubmount) return FALSE; #ifndef AFSIFS lstrcpy (pszSubmountNow, pszSubmount); #else lstrcpy (pszSubmountNow, "\\afs"); lstrcat (pszSubmountNow, pszSubmount); #endif return TRUE; }