static bool ItemDroppedOnChar(P_CLIENT ps, PKGx08 *pp, P_ITEM pi) { UOXSOCKET s=ps->GetSocket(); CHARACTER cc=ps->GetCurrChar(); P_CHAR pc_currchar = MAKE_CHARREF_LRV(cc,true); P_CHAR pTC=FindCharBySerial(pp->Tserial); // the targeted character if (!pTC) return true; if (DEREF_P_CHAR(pTC)!=DEREF_P_CHAR(pc_currchar)) { if (pTC->isNpc()) { if(!pTC->isHuman()) { ItemDroppedOnPet( ps, pp, pi); } else // Item dropped on a Human character { // Item dropped on a Guard (possible bounty quest) if( ( pTC->isNpc() ) && ( pTC->npcaitype == 4 ) ) { if (!ItemDroppedOnGuard( ps, pp, pi) ) { Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->IsDragging()) { ps->ResetDragging(); item_bounce5(s,pi); } } return true; } if ( pTC->npcaitype == 5 ) { if (!ItemDroppedOnBeggar( ps, pp, pi)) { Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->IsDragging()) { ps->ResetDragging(); item_bounce5(s,pi); } } return true; } if ( pTC->npcaitype == 8 ) { if (!ItemDroppedOnBanker( ps, pp, pi)) { Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->IsDragging()) { ps->ResetDragging(); item_bounce5(s,pi); } } return true; } //This crazy training stuff done by Anthracks ([email protected]) if(pc_currchar->trainer!=pTC->serial) { npctalk(s, DEREF_P_CHAR(pTC), "Thank thee kindly, but I have done nothing to warrant a gift.",0); Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->IsDragging()) { ps->ResetDragging(); item_bounce5(s,pi); } return true; } else // The player is training from this NPC { ItemDroppedOnTrainer( ps, pp, pi); return true; } }//if human or not } else // dropped on another player { // By Polygon: Avoid starting the trade if GM drops item on logged on char (crash fix) if ((pc_currchar->isGM()) && !online(DEREF_P_CHAR(pTC))) { // Drop the item in the players pack instead // Get the pack P_ITEM pack = Packitem(pTC); if (pack != NULL) // Valid pack? { pack->AddItem(pi); // Add it Weight->NewCalc(DEREF_P_CHAR(pTC)); } else // No pack, give it back to the GM { pack = Packitem(pc_currchar); if (pack != NULL) // Valid pack? { pack->AddItem(pi); // Add it Weight->NewCalc(DEREF_P_CHAR(pc_currchar)); } else // Even GM has no pack? { // Drop it to it's feet pi->MoveTo(pc_currchar->pos.x, pc_currchar->pos.y, pc_currchar->pos.z); RefreshItem(pi); } } } else { P_ITEM pj = Trade->tradestart(s, DEREF_P_CHAR(pTC)); //trade-stuff pi->SetContSerial(pj->serial); pi->pos.x=30; pi->pos.y=30; pi->pos.z=9; SndRemoveitem(pi->serial); RefreshItem(pi); } } } else // dumping stuff to his own backpack ! { ItemDroppedOnSelf( ps, pp, pi); } return true; }
static bool ItemDroppedOnChar(NXWCLIENT ps, PKGx08 *pp, P_ITEM pi) { if (ps == NULL) return true; VALIDATEPIR(pi, false); NXWSOCKET s = ps->toInt(); // CHARACTER cc=ps->currCharIdx(); P_CHAR pTC = pointers::findCharBySerial(pp->Tserial); // the targeted character VALIDATEPCR(pTC, false); P_CHAR pc_currchar = ps->currChar(); //MAKE_CHAR_REF(cc); VALIDATEPCR(pc_currchar, false); Location charpos = pc_currchar->getPosition(); if (!pTC) return true; if (pi->amxevents[EVENT_IDROPONCHAR]!=NULL) { g_bByPass = false; pi->amxevents[EVENT_IDROPONCHAR]->Call( pi->getSerial32(), pc_currchar->getSerial32(), pTC->getSerial32() ); if (g_bByPass) { pi->Refresh(); return true; } } if (pc_currchar->getSerial32() != pTC->getSerial32() /*DEREF_P_CHAR(pTC)!=cc*/) { if (pTC->npc) { if(!pTC->HasHumanBody()) { ItemDroppedOnPet( ps, pp, pi); } else // Item dropped on a Human character { // Item dropped on a Guard (possible bounty quest) if( ( pTC->npc == 1 ) && ( pTC->npcaitype == NPCAI_TELEPORTGUARD ) ) { ItemDroppedOnGuard( ps, pp, pi); } if ( pTC->npcaitype == NPCAI_BEGGAR ) { ItemDroppedOnBeggar( ps, pp, pi); } //This crazy training stuff done by Anthracks ([email protected]) if(pc_currchar->isBeingTrained() ) { if ( pc_currchar->trainer != pTC->getSerial32()) { pTC->talk(s, TRANSLATE("Thank thee kindly, but I have done nothing to warrant a gift."),0); Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->isDragging()) { ps->resetDragging(); item_bounce5(s,pi); } return true; } else // The player is training from this NPC { ItemDroppedOnTrainer( ps, pp, pi); } } if ( pTC->isHirable() ) { // test if gold is enough if ( pi->amount < pTC->getHireFee() ) { pTC->talk(s, TRANSLATE("I need much more gold if i shall be working for you !"),0); Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->isDragging()) { ps->resetDragging(); item_bounce5(s,pi); } return true; } else if ( pi->amount >= pTC->getHireFee() ) { if ( pi->amount > pTC->getHireFee() ) { pi->amount=(UI16)(pi->amount - pTC->getHireFee()); pTC->talk(s, TRANSLATE("Thank thee kindly, but this is more than i need for the day."),0); Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->isDragging()) { ps->resetDragging(); item_bounce5(s,pi); } } pTC->setOwner(pc_currchar); tempfx::add(pTC, pc_currchar, tempfx::NPC_HIRECOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, (UI16)(MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC*secondsperuominute*60*24 )); // call callback every uo day return true; } } }//if human or not } else // dropped on another player { // By Polygon: Avoid starting the trade if GM drops item on logged on char (crash fix) if ((pc_currchar->IsGM()) && !pTC->IsOnline()) { // Drop the item in the players pack instead // Get the pack P_ITEM pack = pTC->getBackpack(); if (pack != NULL) // Valid pack? { pack->AddItem(pi); // Add it weights::NewCalc(pTC); } else // No pack, give it back to the GM { pack = pc_currchar->getBackpack(); if (pack != NULL) // Valid pack? { pack->AddItem(pi); // Add it weights::NewCalc(pc_currchar); } else // Even GM has no pack? { // Drop it to it's feet pi->MoveTo( charpos ); pi->Refresh(); } } } else { //<Luxor>: secure trade P_ITEM tradeCont = tradestart(pc_currchar, pTC); if (ISVALIDPI(tradeCont)) { tradeCont->AddItem( pi, 30, 30 ); } else { Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->isDragging()) { ps->resetDragging(); UpdateStatusWindow(s,pi); } } //</Luxor> } } } else // dumping stuff to his own backpack ! { ItemDroppedOnSelf( ps, pp, pi); } return true; }