コード例 #1
ファイル: il_user.c プロジェクト: Airr/iup_mac
static int User(lua_State *L)
  Ihandle *ih = IupUser();
  iuplua_plugstate(L, ih);
  iuplua_pushihandle_raw(L, ih);
  return 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: mottimer.c プロジェクト: svn2github/iup-iup
static Ihandle *motTimerCreate(Iclass *ic)
  Ihandle *timer = NULL;
  assert(ic != NULL);
  if(ic == NULL)
    return NULL;

  timer = IupUser();
  number(timer) = -1;
  return timer;
コード例 #3
ファイル: motmsgdlg.c プロジェクト: svn2github/iup-iup
static Ihandle* motMessageDlgCreate(Iclass *ic)
  Ihandle* user = IupUser();
  Ihandle* ih   = IupDialog( user );

  IupSetAttribute( user, IUP_EXPAND, IUP_YES );
  IupSetAttribute( ih,   IUP_MINBOX, IUP_NO );
  IupSetAttribute( ih,   IUP_MAXBOX, IUP_NO );
  IupSetAttribute( ih,   IUP_RESIZE, IUP_NO );

  return ih;
コード例 #4
static void create_CircleProgress_animation(void)
  Ihandle* animation = IupUser();
  int i;
  char name[30];

  for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
    sprintf(name, "IUP_CircleProgress%d", i);
    IupAppend(animation, IupGetHandle(name));

  IupSetHandle("IUP_CircleProgressAnimation", animation);
  IupSetAttribute(animation, "FRAMETIME", "83");  /* near 1s for a full turn */
コード例 #5
ファイル: text.c プロジェクト: sanikoyes/iup
void TextTest(void)
  int formatting = 0;
  Ihandle *dlg, *mltline, *text, *opt, *btn_def_enter, *btn_def_esc, *btn_active, *btn_overwrite,
          *btn_append, *btn_insert, *btn_caret, *btn_clip, *btn_key, *btn_readonly, *btn_tabsize,
          *btn_selection, *btn_selectedtext, *btn_nc, *btn_value, *lbl, *formattag, *btn_remformat;

//  IupSetGlobal("UTF8AUTOCONVERT", "NO");

  text = IupText (NULL);
  IupSetAttribute(text, "EXPAND", "HORIZONTAL");
//  IupSetAttribute(text, "VALUE", "Single Line Text");
  IupSetAttribute(text, "CUEBANNER", "Enter Attribute Value Here");
  IupSetAttribute(text, "NAME", "text");
  IupSetAttribute(text, "TIP", "Attribute Value");
//  IupSetAttribute(text, "FORMATTING", "YES");

  opt = IupToggle("Set/Get", NULL);
  IupSetAttribute (opt, "VALUE", "ON");
  IupSetHandle ("text2multi", opt);

  mltline = IupMultiLine(NULL);  
  //  mltline = IupText(NULL);  
//  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "MULTILINE", "YES");
  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "NAME", "mltline");

  IupSetCallback(mltline, "DROPFILES_CB", (Icallback)dropfiles_cb);
  IupSetCallback(mltline, "BUTTON_CB",    (Icallback)button_cb);
//  IupSetCallback(mltline, "MOTION_CB",    (Icallback)motion_cb);
  IupSetCallback(mltline, "HELP_CB",      (Icallback)help_cb);
  IupSetCallback(mltline, "GETFOCUS_CB",  (Icallback)getfocus_cb); 
  IupSetCallback(mltline, "KILLFOCUS_CB", (Icallback)killfocus_cb);
  IupSetCallback(mltline, "ENTERWINDOW_CB", (Icallback)enterwindow_cb);
  IupSetCallback(mltline, "LEAVEWINDOW_CB", (Icallback)leavewindow_cb);
  IupSetCallback(mltline, "ACTION", (Icallback)action);
//  IupSetCallback(mltline, "VALUECHANGED_CB", (Icallback)valuechanged_cb);
//  IupSetCallback(mltline, "K_ANY", (Icallback)k_any);
  IupSetCallback(mltline, "K_F2", (Icallback)k_f2);
//  IupSetCallback(mltline, "CARET_CB", (Icallback)caret_cb);
//  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "WORDWRAP", "YES");
//  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "BORDER", "NO");
//  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "AUTOHIDE", "YES");
//  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "BGCOLOR", "255 0 128");
//  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "FGCOLOR", "0 128 192");
//  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "PADDING", "15x15");
  if (IupGetInt(NULL, "UTF8MODE"))
    IupSetAttribute(mltline, "VALUE", "First Line\nSecond Line Big Big Big\nThird Line\nmore\nmore\n(çãõáóé)"); // UTF-8
    char* txt = "First Line\nSecond Line Big Big Big\nThird Line\nmore\nmore\n(ηγυασι)";
    //int len = strlen(txt);
    IupSetAttribute(mltline, "VALUE", txt); // Windows-1252
  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "TIP", "First Line\nSecond Line\nThird Line");
//  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "FONT", "Helvetica, 14");
//  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "MASK", IUP_MASK_FLOAT);
//  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "FILTER", "UPPERCASE");
//  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "ALIGNMENT", "ACENTER");
//  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "CANFOCUS", "NO");
//  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "SCROLLBAR", "NO");
//  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "NOHIDESEL", "Yes");

  /* Turns on multiline expand and text horizontal expand */
  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "SIZE", "80x40");
  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "EXPAND", "YES");

//  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "FONT", "Courier, 16");
//  IupSetAttribute(mltline, "FONT", "Arial, 12");
//    IupSetAttribute(mltline, "FORMATTING", "YES");

  formatting = 1;
  if (formatting)          /* just to make easier to comment this section */
    /* formatting before Map */
    IupSetAttribute(mltline, "FORMATTING", "YES");

    formattag = IupUser();
    IupSetAttribute(formattag, "ALIGNMENT", "CENTER");
    IupSetAttribute(formattag, "SPACEAFTER", "10");
    IupSetAttribute(formattag, "FONTSIZE", "24");
    IupSetAttribute(formattag, "SELECTION", "3,1:3,50");
    IupSetAttribute(mltline, "ADDFORMATTAG_HANDLE", (char*)formattag);

    formattag = IupUser();
    IupSetAttribute(formattag, "BGCOLOR", "255 128 64");
    IupSetAttribute(formattag, "UNDERLINE", "SINGLE");
    IupSetAttribute(formattag, "WEIGHT", "BOLD");
    IupSetAttribute(formattag, "SELECTION", "3,7:3,11");
    IupSetAttribute(mltline, "ADDFORMATTAG_HANDLE", (char*)formattag);

  /* Creates buttons */
  btn_append = IupButton ("&APPEND", NULL);
  btn_insert = IupButton ("INSERT", NULL);
  btn_caret = IupButton ("CARET", NULL);
  btn_readonly = IupButton ("READONLY", NULL);
  btn_selection = IupButton ("SELECTION", NULL);
  btn_selectedtext = IupButton ("SELECTEDTEXT", NULL);
  btn_nc = IupButton ("NC", NULL);
  btn_value = IupButton ("VALUE", NULL);
  btn_tabsize = IupButton ("TABSIZE", NULL);
  btn_clip = IupButton ("CLIPBOARD", NULL);
  btn_key = IupButton ("KEY", NULL);
  btn_def_enter = IupButton ("Default Enter", NULL);
  btn_def_esc = IupButton ("Default Esc", NULL);
  btn_active = IupButton("ACTIVE", NULL);
  btn_remformat = IupButton("REMOVEFORMATTING", NULL);
  btn_overwrite = IupButton("OVERWRITE", NULL);

  IupSetAttribute(btn_append, "TIP", "First Line\nSecond Line\nThird Line");

  /* Registers callbacks */
  IupSetCallback(btn_append, "ACTION", (Icallback) btn_append_cb);
  IupSetCallback(btn_insert, "ACTION", (Icallback) btn_insert_cb);
  IupSetCallback(btn_caret, "ACTION", (Icallback) btn_caret_cb);
  IupSetCallback(btn_readonly, "ACTION", (Icallback) btn_readonly_cb);
  IupSetCallback(btn_selection, "ACTION", (Icallback) btn_selection_cb);
  IupSetCallback(btn_selectedtext, "ACTION", (Icallback) btn_selectedtext_cb);
  IupSetCallback(btn_nc, "ACTION", (Icallback) btn_nc_cb);
  IupSetCallback(btn_value, "ACTION", (Icallback) btn_value_cb);
  IupSetCallback(btn_tabsize, "ACTION", (Icallback) btn_tabsize_cb);
  IupSetCallback(btn_clip, "ACTION", (Icallback) btn_clip_cb);
  IupSetCallback(btn_key, "ACTION", (Icallback) btn_key_cb);
  IupSetCallback(btn_def_enter, "ACTION", (Icallback) btn_def_enter_cb);
  IupSetCallback(btn_def_esc, "ACTION", (Icallback) btn_def_esc_cb);
  IupSetCallback(btn_active, "ACTION", (Icallback) btn_active_cb);
  IupSetCallback(btn_remformat, "ACTION", (Icallback) btn_remformat_cb);
  IupSetCallback(btn_overwrite, "ACTION", (Icallback) btn_overwrite_cb);

  lbl = IupLabel("&Multiline:");
  IupSetAttribute(lbl, "PADDING", "2x2");

  /* Creates dlg */
  dlg = IupDialog(IupVbox(lbl,
                          IupHbox (text, opt, NULL),
                          IupHbox (btn_append, btn_insert, btn_caret, btn_readonly, btn_selection, NULL),
                          IupHbox (btn_selectedtext, btn_nc, btn_value, btn_tabsize, btn_clip, btn_key, NULL), 
                          IupHbox (btn_def_enter, btn_def_esc, btn_active, btn_remformat, btn_overwrite, NULL), 
  IupSetCallback(dlg, "K_cO", (Icallback)file_open);
  IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "IupText Test");
  IupSetAttribute(dlg, "MARGIN", "10x10");
  IupSetAttribute(dlg, "GAP", "5");
  IupSetAttributeHandle(dlg, "DEFAULTENTER", btn_def_enter);
  IupSetAttributeHandle(dlg, "DEFAULTESC", btn_def_esc);
  IupSetAttribute(dlg, "SHRINK", "YES");

  if (formatting)          /* just to make easier to comment this section */
    /* formatting after Map */

    formattag = IupUser();
    IupSetAttribute(formattag, "ITALIC", "YES");
    IupSetAttribute(formattag, "STRIKEOUT", "YES");
    IupSetAttribute(formattag, "SELECTION", "2,1:2,12");
    IupSetAttribute(mltline, "ADDFORMATTAG_HANDLE", (char*)formattag);

    if (1)
      int count = IupGetInt(mltline, "COUNT");
      IupSetAttribute(mltline, "APPEND", "Append Test");

      formattag = IupUser();
      IupSetAttribute(formattag, "FGCOLOR", "0 128 64");
      IupSetfAttribute(formattag, "SELECTIONPOS", "%d:%d", count+1, IupGetInt(mltline, "COUNT"));
      IupSetAttribute(mltline, "ADDFORMATTAG_HANDLE", (char*)formattag);

  /* Shows dlg in the center of the screen */
コード例 #6
ファイル: iuplua_widgets.c プロジェクト: svn2github/iup-iup
static void CreateUser(void)
  lua_pushusertag(IupUser(), iuplua_tag);
コード例 #7
ファイル: icreate.c プロジェクト: svn2github/iup-iup
Ihandle* IupCreatev(const char *name, void **params)
  Iclass *ic = NULL;
  char lower[30];
  int size = 0;
  if(name == NULL)
    return NULL;

  size = (int)strlen(name);
  assert(size < 30 && size > 0); /* invalid name */
  if(size > 30 || size <= 0)
    return NULL;

    lower[size] = (char)tolower(name[size]);

  if(iupStrEqual(lower, "dialog"))
    return IupDialog(params? params[0] : NULL);
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "canvas"))
    return IupCanvas(NULL);
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "button"))
    return IupButton(NULL, NULL);
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "toggle"))
    return IupToggle(NULL, NULL);
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "label"))
    return IupLabel(NULL);
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "frame"))
    return IupFrame(NULL);
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "list"))
    return IupList(NULL);
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "multiline"))
    return IupMultiLine(NULL);
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "text"))
    return IupText(NULL);
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "user"))
    return IupUser();
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "fill"))
    return IupFill();
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "separator"))
    return IupSeparator();
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "item"))
    return IupItem(NULL, NULL);
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "hbox"))
    return IupHboxv((Ihandle**)params);
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "zbox"))
    return IupZboxv((Ihandle**)params);
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "vbox"))
    return IupVboxv((Ihandle**)params);
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "menu"))
    return IupMenuv((Ihandle**)params);
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "radio"))
    return IupRadio(params[0]);
  else if(iupStrEqual(lower, "submenu"))
    return IupSubmenu(NULL, params? params[0] : NULL);

  Not accepted:

  ic = iupCpiGetClass(lower);
  return iupCpiCreate(ic, params);