/*TODO: currently, nobody references this function*/ void dns_dynamic_update(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length, struct DNS *dns) { unsigned i; for (i=0; i<dns->answer_count; i++) { char name[256]; unsigned name_length; unsigned x; struct DNSRECORD *rec = &dns->answers[i]; name_length = dns_extract_name(frame, px, length, rec->name_offset, name, sizeof(name)); x = rec->clss<<16 | rec->type; SAMPLE(ferret,"DynDNS", JOT_NUM("Prereq", x)); switch (rec->type) { case 0x0001: /*A*/ switch (rec->clss) { case 0x0001: /*INTERNET*/ { unsigned ip_address = ex32be(px+rec->rdata_offset); if (rec->rdata_length != 4) FRAMERR(frame, "dns: data not 4-bytes long, was %d-bytes instead (class=%d, type=%d, name=%s)\n", rec->rdata_length, rec->clss, rec->type, name); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_IPv4("ID-IP", ip_address), JOT_PRINT("name", name, name_length), 0); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto","NETBIOS"), JOT_SZ("op","register"), JOT_SRC("ip.src", frame), JOT_PRINT("name", name, name_length), JOT_IPv4("address", ip_address), 0); } break; default: FRAMERR(frame, "dns: unknown class=%d (type=%d, name=%s)\n", rec->clss, rec->type, name); } break; } } }
void process_upnp_response(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { unsigned offset=0; while (offset < length) { const unsigned char *line = px+offset; unsigned line_length; for (line_length=0; offset+line_length < length && px[offset+line_length] != '\n'; line_length++) ; offset += line_length; if (offset<length && px[offset] == '\n') offset++; while (line_length && isspace(line[line_length-1])) line_length--; if (line_length>3 && strnicmp((const char*)line, "ST:", 3) == 0) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto","upnp"), JOT_SRC("ip.src", frame), JOT_PRINT("ST", line+3, line_length-3), 0); } } }
/** * Cisco VLAN Trunking Protocol. */ void process_cisco_vtp(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { struct vtp_summary { unsigned char version; unsigned char code; unsigned char followers; unsigned char domain_length; unsigned char domain[32]; unsigned revision; unsigned updater; unsigned char timestamp[12]; unsigned char md5[16]; } vtp; unsigned offset=0; const unsigned char *domain_name; if (offset+4 > length) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: truncated\n", "VTP"); return; } vtp.version = px[offset++]; SAMPLE(ferret,"Cisco", JOT_NUM("VTP version", vtp.version)); if (vtp.version != 1) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown version %d\n", "VTP", vtp.version); return; } vtp.code = px[offset++]; SAMPLE(ferret,"Cisco", JOT_NUM("VTP code", vtp.code)); vtp.followers = px[offset++]; SAMPLE(ferret,"Cisco", JOT_NUM("VTP followers", vtp.followers)); vtp.domain_length = px[offset++]; if (offset + vtp.domain_length > length) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: truncated\n", "VTP"); return; } domain_name = px+offset; offset += 32; if (offset + 8 > length) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: truncated\n", "VTP"); return; } vtp.revision = ex32be(px+offset); offset += 4; vtp.updater = ex32be(px+offset); offset += 4; JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_PRINT("Cisco VTP Domain", domain_name, vtp.domain_length), JOT_NUM("Revision", vtp.revision), JOT_IPv4("Updater", vtp.updater), 0); }
void parse_dynamic_trunking_protocol(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { unsigned offset; if (length < 1) { FRAMERR(frame, "truncated\n"); return; } /* Version */ if (px[0] != 0x01) { FRAMERR(frame, "unexpected\n"); return; } /* Look for TLV values */ for (offset=1; offset+4<length; ) { unsigned tag = ex16be(px+offset+0); unsigned length = ex16be(px+offset+2); if (tag == 0 && length == 0) break; if (length < 4) { FRAMERR(frame, "unexpected\n"); return; } length -= 4; offset += 4; switch (tag) { case 0x0001: /* domain */ JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_PRINT("DTP-Domain", px+offset, length), 0); break; case 0x0002: /* status */ break; case 0x0003: /* Dtptype */ break; case 0x0004: /* neighbor */ /* TODO: is this interesting? */ break; default: FRAMERR(frame, "unknown 0x%x\n", tag); } offset += length; } }
void process_icmpv6(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { unsigned type = px[0]; unsigned code = px[1]; unsigned checksum = ex16be(px+2); UNUSEDPARM(length); UNUSEDPARM(frame); UNUSEDPARM(checksum); frame->layer4_protocol = LAYER4_ICMP; JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("TEST","icmp"), JOT_NUM("type",type), JOT_NUM("code",code), 0); if (frame->dst_ipv6[0] == 0xFF) JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_IPv6("ipv6", frame->src_ipv6, 16), 0); }
void process_cups(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { unsigned offset = 0; unsigned type=0; unsigned state = 0; const unsigned char *uri; unsigned uri_length; const unsigned char *location; unsigned location_length; const unsigned char *information; unsigned information_length; const unsigned char *model; unsigned model_length; extract_num(px, length, &offset, &type); extract_num(px, length, &offset, &state); extract_string(px, length, &offset, &uri, &uri_length); extract_string(px, length, &offset, &location, &location_length); extract_string(px, length, &offset, &information, &information_length); extract_string(px, length, &offset, &model, &model_length); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto", "CUPS"), JOT_SRC("ip.src", frame), JOT_NUM("type",type), 0); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto", "CUPS"), JOT_SRC("ip.src", frame), JOT_NUM("state",state), 0); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto", "CUPS"), JOT_SRC("ip.src", frame), JOT_PRINT("uri", uri, uri_length), 0); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto", "CUPS"), JOT_SRC("ip.src", frame), JOT_PRINT("location", location, location_length), 0); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto", "CUPS"), JOT_SRC("ip.src", frame), JOT_PRINT("info", information, information_length), 0); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto", "CUPS"), JOT_SRC("ip.src", frame), JOT_PRINT("model", model, model_length), 0); }
void process_icmp(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { unsigned type = px[0]; unsigned code = px[1]; unsigned checksum = ex16be(px+2); UNUSEDPARM(length); UNUSEDPARM(frame); UNUSEDPARM(checksum); ferret->statistics.icmp++; frame->layer4_protocol = LAYER4_ICMP; JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("TEST","icmp"), JOT_NUM("type",type), JOT_NUM("code",code), 0); }
void process_ymsg_server_response( struct TCPRECORD *sess, struct NetFrame *frame, struct StringReassembler *ymsg_packet) { struct FerretEngine *eng = sess->eng; struct Ferret *ferret = eng->ferret; unsigned service = sess->layer7.ymsg.service; unsigned status = sess->layer7.ymsg.status; struct Atom atom; switch (service) { /*YAHOO_SERVICE_AUTH Authentication */ case 0x57: switch (status) { case 1: /*Ack*/ { struct Atom challenge; struct Atom algorithm; atom = ymsg_get_enumerated_item(ymsg_packet, "1"); /* user account name */ challenge = ymsg_get_enumerated_item(ymsg_packet, "94"); /* challenge from the server */ algorithm = ymsg_get_enumerated_item(ymsg_packet, "13"); /* which authentication algorithm to use */ /* Note the username */ if (atom.len) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_DST("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("username", atom.px+atom.offset, atom.len), 0); strncpy_s(sess->layer7.ymsg.username, sizeof(sess->layer7.ymsg.username), atom.px+atom.offset, atom.len); } /* Note the password hash */ if (atom.len && challenge.len && algorithm.len && atom_is_number(algorithm)) { strfrag_init(sess->str+1); strfrag_append(sess->str+1, challenge.px+challenge.offset, challenge.len); sess->layer7.ymsg.pwhash_algorithm = atom_to_number(algorithm); } } break; default: FRAMERR_UNPARSED(frame, "YMSG.service", service); } break; case 85: /* Ref: 2009-01-24-1.pcap(6320) */ atom = ymsg_get_enumerated_item(ymsg_packet, "3"); /* user account name */ if (atom.len) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_DST("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("username", atom.px+atom.offset, atom.len), 0); strncpy_s(sess->layer7.ymsg.username, sizeof(sess->layer7.ymsg.username), atom.px+atom.offset, atom.len); } break; case 241: /* Ref: 2009-01-24-1.pcap(6323) */ /*TODO*/ break; case 240: /* Ref: 2009-01-24-1.pcap(6326) */ /*TODO*/ break; case 239: /* Ref: 2009-01-24-1.pcap(6326) */ /*TODO*/ break; case 18: /* Ref: 2009-01-24-1.pcap(6326) */ /*TODO*/ break; case 11: /* new mail has arrived */ /* Ref: 2009-01-24-1.pcap(8505) */ /*TODO*/ break; default: FRAMERR_UNPARSED(frame, "YMSG.service", service); } }
/** * This code analyzes a <name=value> pair within a cookie, within the * context of an HTTP request, which includes relavent information * about the host that it comes from */ void parse_http_cookie(struct TCPRECORD *sess, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *name, unsigned name_length, const unsigned char *value, unsigned value_length) { struct HTTPREQUEST *req = &sess->layer7.httpreq; unsigned char *dec; unsigned dec_length = value_length; if (dec_length > 1000) dec_length = 1000; switch (toupper(name[0])) { case 'C': /* MYSPACE COUNTRY CODE * Example: * COUNTRYCODE=MFMGCisGAQQBgjdYA%2FmgRTBDBgorBgEEAYI3WAMBoDUwMwIDAgABAgJmAwICAMAECOOUmLvDDv%2BRBBB6gRxsNuYMZ2M7SXM7N4fdBAgyFGPRkgkD7Q%3D%3D; */ if (match_name("COUNTRYCODE", name, name_length) && ends_with_t(".myspace.com", req->host)) { unsigned char *dec0; unsigned dec0_length; unsigned i; /* First, "uudecode" this */ dec0 = alloca(value_length); dec0_length = 0; for (i=0; i<value_length; i++) { if (value[i] != '%') dec0[dec0_length++] = value[i]; else { unsigned c=0; i++; if (i<value_length && isxdigit(value[i])) c = hexval(value[i++])<<4; if (i<value_length && isxdigit(value[i])) c |= hexval(value[i++]); dec0[dec0_length++] = (unsigned char)c; i--; } } /* Second, "base64 decode" this */ dec = alloca(dec0_length); dec_length = base64_decode(dec, dec_length, value, value_length); /* Third, "asn.1 decode" this */ { unsigned tag, len; const unsigned char *px = dec; unsigned offset = 0; unsigned length = dec_length; unsigned max_offset; tag = asn1_tag(px,length,&offset); len = asn1_length(frame,px,length, &offset); /* Process the big object */ if (tag == 0x30 && len != 0xFFFFFFFF) { max_offset = offset+len; tag = asn1_tag(px,max_offset,&offset); len = asn1_length(frame,px,max_offset, &offset); /* Process the OID */ if (tag == 0x06) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_OID("MySpace-CountryCode", px+offset, len), 0); } offset += len; } } } break; case 'D': /* go.com (including such properties as espn.com) put in their cookies some sort of location information. Here are some examples that were googled from the web: Z2JyO2VuZztsb25kb247YnJvYWRiYW5kOzU7NTs0Oy0xOzA1MS41MDA7LTAwMC4xMTc7ODI2OzEwMTk4OzQ3ODI7NTsK Z2JyO2VuZztsb25kb247YnJvYWRiYW5kOzU7NTs1Oy0xOzA1MS41MDA7LTAwMC4xMTc7ODI2OzEwMTk4OzQ3ODI7NTsK dXNhO21kO2NvbGxlZ2UgcGFyazt0MTs1OzQ7NDs1MTE7MDM4Ljk5NzstMDc2LjkyODs4NDA7MjE7MTU7NjsK dXNhO3R4O2RhbGxhczticm9hZGJhbmQ7NTs0OzQ7NjIzOzAzMi43ODc7LTA5Ni43OTk7ODQwOzQ0Ozc3OzY7Cg== dXNhO3R4O2RhbGxhczticm9hZGJhbmQ7NTs0OzQ7NjIzOzAzMi43ODc7LTA5Ni43OTk7ODQwOzQ0Ozc3OzY7Cg== dXNhO2dhO2F0bGFudGE7YnJvYWRiYW5kOzU7NTs1OzUyNDswMzMuNzQ5Oy0wODQuMzg4Ozg0MDsxMTszOzY7Cg== dXNhO29yO2JlYXZlcnRvbjticm9hZGJhbmQ7NTszOzM7ODIwOzA0NS40OTE7LTEyMi44MDU7ODQwOzM4OzYyOzY7Cg== dXNhO3R4O2RhbGxhczticm9hZGJhbmQ7NTs0OzQ7NjIzOzAzMi43ODc7LTA5Ni43OTk7ODQwOzQ0Ozc3OzY7Cg== dXNhO3R4O2RhbGxhczticm9hZGJhbmQ7NTs0OzM7NjIzOzAzMi43ODc7LTA5Ni43OTk7ODQwOzQ0Ozc3OzY7Cg== */ if (match_name("DE2", name, name_length) && ends_with_t(".go.com", req->host)) { dec = alloca(dec_length); dec_length = base64_decode(dec, dec_length, value, value_length); JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("GO-LOC", dec, dec_length), 0); } break; case 'E': if (starts_with("EMAIL", name, name_length)) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("e-mail", value, value_length), 0); } if (starts_with("E-MAIL", name, name_length)) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("e-mail", value, value_length), 0); } break; case 'G': /* d78da8e7eb998e8f571c4c641b104c60cxsAAABVUyxnYSxsYXdyZW5jZXZpbGxlLCwsLCw1MjQ= bf8e3d7c0474fa9da14b6551e6846ec7cxUAAABVUyxnYSxhdGxhbnRhLCwsLCw1MjQ= */ if (match_name("GEO", name, name_length) && ends_with_t(".youtube.com", req->host)) { unsigned i; unsigned comma_count=0; dec = alloca(dec_length); dec_length = base64_decode(dec, dec_length, value, value_length); for (i=dec_length; i>0; i--) { if (dec[i-1] == ',') { /*US,ga,lawrenceville,,,,,524*/ if (++comma_count == 7) break; } } if (i>3 && isalpha(dec[i-2]) && isalpha(dec[i-3])) { unsigned offset=i-3; while (i<dec_length && comma_count > 5) { if (dec[i] == ',') comma_count--; i++; } JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("YouTube-Loc", dec+offset, i-offset-1), 0); } } /*Example: * [email protected]/769779 */ if (match_name("GMAILCHAT", name, name_length) && ends_with_t("mail.google.com", req->host)) { unsigned j; for (j=0; j<value_length && value[j] != '/'; j++) ; JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("e-mail", value, j), 0); } break; case 'I': if (match_name("ID", name, name_length) && ends_with_t(".doubleclick.net", req->host)) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("DoubleClick", value, value_length), 0); } break; case 'L': if (match_name("LOGIN", name, name_length) || match_name("LOGIN_X", name, name_length)) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_URLENC("login", value, value_length), 0); if (ends_with_t(".facebook.com", req->host)) { req->login = stringtab_lookup(sess->eng->stringtab, value, value_length); JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_URLENC("Facebook-user", req->login->str, req->login->length), 0); } if (contains("@", value, value_length)) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_URLENC("e-mail", value, value_length), 0); } else if (contains("%40", value, value_length)) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_URLENC("e-mail", value, value_length), 0); } } break; case 'M': /*http://facebook.com *m_user = warnerc2%40gpc.edu%3A71101757%3ASwUchOEuvzIbYo7E*/ if (match_name("M_USER", name, name_length)) { if (ends_with_t(".facebook.com", req->host)) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_URLENC("e-mail", value, value_length), 0); } } /* http://login.live.com/login.srf * [email protected] */ if (match_name("MSPPRE", name, name_length)) { if (ends_with_t(".live.com", req->host)) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("e-mail", value, value_length), 0); } } /* Canadian Broadcasting */ if (match_name("MyCBCSignIn", name, name_length)) { if (ends_with_t(".cbc.ca", req->host)) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("e-mail", value, value_length), 0); } } if (match_name("ME", name, name_length)) { if (ends_with_t(".myspace.com", req->host)) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_URLENC("e-mail", value, value_length), 0); } } break; case 'P': if (starts_with("PASSWORD", name, name_length)) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("password", value, value_length), 0); } break; case 'U': if (starts_with("USERNAME", name, name_length)) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("username", value, value_length), 0); } break; case 'W': if (starts_with("WATCHED_VIDEO_ID_LIST_", name, name_length)) { size_t l = sizeof("WATCHED_VIDEO_ID_LIST_")-1; JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_URLENC("YouTube-ID", name+l, name_length-l), 0); } break; } }
static unsigned parse_ssi_entry(struct TCPRECORD *sess, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { enum { SSI_BUDDYLEN_HI, SSI_BUDDYLEN_LOW, SSI_BUDDY, SSI_BUDDY_DONE, SSI_GROUPID_HI, SSI_GROUPID_LO, SSI_BUDDYID_HI, SSI_BUDDYID_LO, SSI_TYPE_HI, SSI_TYPE_LOW, SSI_TLVLEN_HI, SSI_TLVLEN_LO, SNAC_TLV_START, SNAC_TLV_TAG_HI, SNAC_TLV_TAG_LO, SNAC_TLV_LEN_HI, SNAC_TLV_LEN_LO, SNAC_TLV_DATA, SNAC_TLV_DONE, SNAC_IGNORE, }; struct AIMPARSER *aim = &sess->layer7.aim; unsigned offset = 0; while (offset<length) switch (aim->ssi_state) { case SSI_BUDDYLEN_HI: aim->tlv_len = px[offset++]; aim->ssi_state++; break; case SSI_BUDDYLEN_LOW: aim->tlv_len <<= 8; aim->tlv_len |= px[offset++]; aim->ssi_state++; strfrag_init(sess->str); strfrag_init(sess->str+1); break; case SSI_BUDDY: if (aim->tlv_len) { unsigned sublen; if (aim->tlv_len < length-offset) sublen = aim->tlv_len; else sublen = length-offset; strfrag_append(sess->str+1, px+offset, sublen); offset += sublen; aim->tlv_len -= sublen; } if (aim->tlv_len == 0) { aim->ssi_state = SSI_BUDDY_DONE; } break; case SSI_BUDDY_DONE: aim->ssi_state++; break; case SSI_GROUPID_HI: case SSI_GROUPID_LO: /* just ignore these fields */ aim->ssi_state++; offset++; break; case SSI_BUDDYID_HI: case SSI_BUDDYID_LO: /* just ignore these fields */ aim->ssi_state++; offset++; break; case SSI_TYPE_HI: aim->ssi_buddy_type = px[offset++]; aim->ssi_state++; break; case SSI_TYPE_LOW: aim->ssi_buddy_type <<= 8; aim->ssi_buddy_type |= px[offset++]; aim->ssi_state++; if (sess->str[1].length) switch (aim->ssi_buddy_type) { case 0x0000: /* individual */ /* TODO: I should also remember what group it is in */ if (aim->ssi_group) JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_DST("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Buddy", sess->str[1].the_string, sess->str[1].length), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Group", aim->ssi_group->str, aim->ssi_group->length), 0); else JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_DST("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Buddy", sess->str[1].the_string, sess->str[1].length), 0); break; case 0x0001: /* group */ aim->ssi_group = stringtab_lookup(sess->eng->stringtab, sess->str[1].the_string, sess->str[1].length); strfrag_finish(&sess->str[1]); break; default: /*TODO: add SAMPLE */ break; } break; case SSI_TLVLEN_HI: aim->ssi_len = px[offset++]; aim->ssi_state++; break; case SSI_TLVLEN_LO: aim->ssi_len <<= 8; aim->ssi_len |= px[offset++]; aim->ssi_state++; break; case SNAC_TLV_START: case SNAC_TLV_TAG_HI: case SNAC_TLV_TAG_LO: case SNAC_TLV_LEN_HI: case SNAC_TLV_LEN_LO: case SNAC_TLV_DATA: case SNAC_TLV_DONE: while (offset<length && aim->ssi_len > 0) switch (aim->ssi_state) { case SNAC_TLV_START: strfrag_init(sess->str); aim->ssi_state++; break; case SNAC_TLV_TAG_HI: aim->tlv_tag = px[offset++]; aim->ssi_len--; aim->ssi_state++; break; case SNAC_TLV_TAG_LO: aim->tlv_tag <<= 8; aim->tlv_tag |= px[offset++]; aim->ssi_len--; aim->ssi_state++; break; case SNAC_TLV_LEN_HI: aim->tlv_len = px[offset++]; aim->ssi_len--; aim->ssi_state++; break; case SNAC_TLV_LEN_LO: aim->tlv_len <<= 8; aim->tlv_len |= px[offset++]; aim->ssi_len--; aim->ssi_state++; break; case SNAC_TLV_DATA: if (aim->tlv_len && aim->ssi_len) { unsigned sublen; if (aim->tlv_len < length-offset) sublen = aim->tlv_len; else sublen = length-offset; if (sublen > aim->ssi_len) sublen = aim->ssi_len; parse_tlv(sess, frame, px+offset, sublen); offset += sublen; aim->tlv_len -= sublen; aim->ssi_len -= sublen; } /* We can get here 3 ways. * #1 - the TLV len could have started at zero, in * which case there is no real data to process. * #2 - the TLV len had a value that crossed packets, * and we slowly decremented it by bits # #3 - we got here right after processing a chunk */ if (aim->tlv_len == 0 || aim->ssi_len == 0) { /* If done parsing the TLV, then do a 'close' operation by * sending a NULL data pointer */ parse_tlv(sess, frame, 0, 0); aim->ssi_state = SNAC_TLV_DONE; } break; case SNAC_TLV_DONE: aim->ssi_state = SNAC_TLV_START; break; } if (aim->ssi_len == 0) return offset; /* return the number of bytes we analyzed */ break; case SNAC_IGNORE: /* Just ignore the remainder of the data from this point on */ offset = length; break; } return offset; }
/** * This parses a TLV record instead of a SNAC packet, which is itself * inside of a FLAP PDU. We identify the precise item by the SNAC-family, * SNAC-subtype, and TLV-tag */ static void parse_tlv(struct TCPRECORD *sess, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { struct FerretEngine *eng = sess->eng; struct Ferret *ferret = eng->ferret; struct AIMPARSER *aim = &sess->layer7.aim; unsigned h; /* This function is going to process the data within a SNAC TLV field. * We are just going to handle this all in a big switch/case statement. */ #define HASH(x,y,z) (((x)<<16)|((y)<<8)|(z)) h = HASH(aim->pdu.family, aim->pdu.subtype, aim->tlv_tag); /* If we are in the middle of parsing the string, just grab * it in our re-assembly buffer */ if (px != NULL) { strfrag_append(sess->str, px, length); return; } /* Process the string we've reassembled. We are going to hash on the full context * of the PDU rather than just the TLV tag */ switch (h) { case 0x00170203: /* family=Sign-on, subtype=Logon, tag=client-id-string */ JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Client-ID", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); break; case 0x0017020e: /* family=Sign-on, subtype=Logon, tag=country */ JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Country", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); break; case 0x0017020f: /* family=Sign-on, subtype=Logon, tag=language */ JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Language", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); break; case 0x00170225: /* family=Sign-on, subtype=Logon, tag=password hash */ JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_HEXSTR("AIM-Password-Hash", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); break; break; case 0x00170201: /* family=Sign-on, subtype=Logon, tag=screen-name */ case 0x00170601: /* family=Sign-on, subtype=Sign-on, tag=screen-name */ /* This is the sign-on 'screen-name' in the packet that the user sends to * the logon server (logon.oscar.aol.com). The server will respond with * a 'challenge'. The user will then send the screen-name and hash of * challenge and password to the real server he wants to connect to */ JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Screen-Name", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); break; case 0x00170301: /* family=Logon, subtype=Reply, tag=screen-name */ JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_DST("ID-IP",frame), /* logon reply screen name sent from server*/ JOT_PRINT("AIM-Screen-Name", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); break; case 0x00170311: /* family=Logon, subtype=Reply, tag=email */ JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_DST("ID-IP",frame), /* logon reply screen name sent from server*/ JOT_PRINT("e-mail", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); break; case 0x00170349: /* family=Logon, subtype=Reply, tag=auth-protocol */ JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_DST("ID-IP",frame), /* logon reply screen name sent from server*/ JOT_HEXSTR("AIM-digest-sig", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); break; case 0x00170700: /*AIM Sign-on(0x17), Sign-on Reply(7), Challenge(10)*/ /* This is the 'challenge' sent back by logon.oscar.aol.com. The user * will hash this with his password in order to logon to all the other * servers. * * Because of this, we need to attach this string to the session going * in the reverse direction. That will enable us to log the authentication * process in case we want to log the hashes */ JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Challenge", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); break; case 0x0017038e: /* authorization cookie */ /* This is a long string to pull out, but it gives anybody who has * this cookie the ability to log onto any AIM service */ JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_DST("ID-IP",frame), JOT_HEXSTR("AIM-Auth-Cookie", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); break; case 0x00030b00: /* INCOMING oncoming buddy name */ case 0x00020600: if (sess->str->length) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_DST("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Buddy", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_DST("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("friend", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); } break; case 0x00021500: /* OUTGOING user info query*/ if (sess->str->length) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Buddy", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("friend", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); } break; case 0x00040700: /* Messaging, incoming */ if (sess->str->length) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_DST("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Buddy", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_DST("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("friend", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); strfrag_xfer(sess->str+1, sess->str); } break; case 0x00040702: /* Messaging, INCOMING */ decode_message(sess, frame, sess->str[0].the_string, sess->str[0].length, 0); break; case 0x00040600: /* Messaging, outgoing */ if (sess->str->length) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Buddy", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("friend", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); strfrag_xfer(sess->str+1, sess->str); } break; case 0x00040602: /* Messaging, outgoing */ decode_message(sess, frame, sess->str[0].the_string, sess->str[0].length, 1); break; case 0x00020604: /* Buddy Info - away message */ if (sess->str->length) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_DST("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Buddy", sess->str[1].the_string, sess->str[1].length), JOT_PRINT("Away-Message", sess->str[0].the_string, sess->str[0].length), 0); } break; case 0x00041400: /* typing, outgoing */ if (sess->str->length) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Buddy", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("friend", sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length), 0); } break; case 0x00040605: /* File transfer */ parse_message_filexfer_rendezvous(sess, frame, sess->str->the_string, sess->str->length); break; case 0x00040701: case 0x00040703: case 0x00040705: case 0x0004070b: case 0x0004070f: case 0x00040713: case 0x00040716: case 0x0004071d: case 0x00040603: /* Messaging, outgoing, server-ack requested */ break; case 0x00130601: /* SNAC Server Side Information Entry List*/ case 0x001306c9: case 0x001306d6: case 0x0013066a: case 0x0013066d: case 0x00130631: /* This is the start of an SSI Entry list, maybe we should * remember this??? */ break; case 0x00130731: if (sess->str[1].length && sess->str[0].length) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_DST("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Buddy", sess->str[1].the_string, sess->str[1].length), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Description", sess->str[0].the_string, sess->str[0].length), 0); } break; /* Others that I've seen */ case 0x0017064b: case 0x0017065a: case 0x0017024c: case 0x00170216: case 0x00170217: case 0x00170218: case 0x00170219: case 0x0017021a: case 0x00170214: case 0x0017024a: case 0x00170305: case 0x00170306: case 0x00170313: case 0x00170354: case 0x00170340: case 0x00170343: case 0x00170341: case 0x00170342: case 0x00170348: case 0x00170344: case 0x00170347: case 0x00170345: case 0x00170346: case 0x00020301: case 0x00020302: case 0x00020305: case 0x00020303: case 0x00020304: case 0x00030302: case 0x00030301: case 0x00030304: case 0x00040504: case 0x00090302: case 0x00090301: case 0x00020405: case 0x00011e1d: case 0x00011e06: case 0x0004060d: case 0x00020601: /* Buddy Info - User Class */ case 0x00020603: /* Buddy Info - Online Since AND Away Msg Encoding ??? */ case 0x00020605: /* Buddy Info - Member Since */ case 0x0002060b: /* Buddy Info - unknown timestamp */ case 0x0002060d: /* Buddy Info - Capabilities List */ case 0x0002060f: /* Buddy Info - Session Length */ case 0x0002061d: /* Buddy Info - Available Message */ case 0x0002061f: /* Buddy Info - unknown */ case 0x00020623: /* Buddy Info - unknown timestamp */ case 0x00020626: /* Buddy Info - unknown timestamp (member since?) */ case 0x00020627: /* Buddy Info - unknown timestamp */ break; case 0x001306C8: /*SSI: members of this group */ break; default: /* TODO: add SAMPLE here */ switch (h&0xFFFFFF00) { case 0x00130300: break; default: FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown TLV tag: 0x%08x\n", "AIM", h); } break; } strfrag_finish(sess->str); }
void decode_message(struct TCPRECORD *sess, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length, unsigned is_outgoing) { struct FerretEngine *eng = sess->eng; struct Ferret *ferret = eng->ferret; const unsigned char *msg = px; unsigned msg_length = length; unsigned msg_offset = 0; if (msg_length > 2 && ex16be(msg+msg_offset) == 0x501) { /*unsigned flags = ex16be(msg+msg_offset);*/ unsigned len=0; msg_offset += 2; if (msg_offset+2 < msg_length) { len = ex16be(msg+msg_offset); msg_offset += len+2; } if (msg_offset+2 < msg_length) msg_offset += 2; /* block info */ if (msg_offset+2 < msg_length) { len = ex16be(msg+msg_offset); msg_offset += 2; /* block length */ } msg_offset += 4; /* character set */ if (len > 4) len -= 4; /* subtract the charset info from the block lenght*/ if (msg_offset > msg_length) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: integer overflow\n", "AIM"); return; } if (msg_offset + len > msg_length) len = msg_length - msg_offset; if (len > 6 && strnicmp((const char*)msg+msg_offset, "<HTML>", 6)==0) { unsigned char *msg2 = alloca(len); unsigned msg2_len; msg2_len = strip_html_tags(msg+msg_offset, len, msg2, len); if (is_outgoing) JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Message-To", sess->str[1].the_string, sess->str[1].length), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Message", msg2, msg2_len), 0); else JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_DST("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Message-From", sess->str[1].the_string, sess->str[1].length), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Message", msg2, msg2_len), 0); } else { if (is_outgoing) JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Message-To", sess->str[1].the_string, sess->str[1].length), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Message", msg+msg_offset, msg_length-msg_offset), 0); else JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_DST("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Message-From", sess->str[1].the_string, sess->str[1].length), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Message", msg+msg_offset, msg_length-msg_offset), 0); } } else { while (msg_offset<msg_length && msg[msg_offset] < 26) msg_offset++; if (is_outgoing) JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Message-To", sess->str[1].the_string, sess->str[1].length), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Message", msg+msg_offset, msg_length-msg_offset), 0); else JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_DST("ID-IP",frame), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Message-From", sess->str[1].the_string, sess->str[1].length), JOT_PRINT("AIM-Message", msg+msg_offset, msg_length-msg_offset), 0); } }
/* * Cisco Discovery Protocol */ static void parse_CDP(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { unsigned offset=0; unsigned version; //unsigned ttl; //unsigned checksum; if (offset+4 > length) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: truncated\n", "cisco"); return; } frame->layer3_protocol = LAYER3_MGMT; version = px[offset++]; //ttl = px[offset++]; //checksum = ex16be(px+2); offset += 2; SAMPLE(ferret,"Cisco Discovery Protocol", JOT_NUM("version",version)); while (offset < length) { unsigned tag; unsigned len; unsigned i; if (offset+4 > length) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: truncated\n", "cisco"); return; } tag = ex16be(px+offset); len = ex16be(px+offset+2); offset += 4; if (len < 4) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: bad value: 0x%x\n", "cdp", tag); return; } else len -= 4; if (len > length-offset) len = length-offset; SAMPLE(ferret,"Cisco Discovery Protocol", JOT_NUM("tag", tag)); switch (tag) { case 0x0000: return; case 0x0001: /* Device ID */ JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_PRINT("Cisco Device ID", px+offset,len), 0); break; case 0x0002: /* Addresses */ if (len < 4) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: truncated\n", "cdp"); break; } i=0; { unsigned address_count = ex32be(px+offset); i += 4; while (address_count && i<len) { unsigned protocol_type; unsigned protocol_length; unsigned protocol = 0; unsigned address_length; if (i-len < 5) break; address_count--; protocol_type = px[offset+i++]; protocol_length = px[offset+i++]; if (protocol_length != 1) FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown value: 0x%x\n", "cdp", protocol_length); while (protocol_length && i<len) { protocol <<= 8; protocol |= px[offset+i++]; protocol_length--; } address_length = ex16be(px+offset+i); i+= 2; switch (protocol_type) { case 1: switch (protocol) { case 0xCC: /*IPv4 address */ if (address_length != 4) FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown value: 0x%x\n", "cdp", address_length); else if (len-i < 4) FRAMERR(frame, "%s: truncated\n", "cdp"); else { unsigned ip = ex32be(px+offset+i); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_IPv4("ip", ip), 0); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_IPv4("ID-IP", ip), JOT_MACADDR("mac", frame->src_mac), 0); } break; default: SAMPLE(ferret,"CDP", JOT_NUM("ip-protocol-type", protocol)); FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown value: 0x%x\n", "cdp", protocol); } break; default: SAMPLE(ferret,"CDP", JOT_NUM("address-protocol-type", protocol_type)); FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown value: 0x%x\n", "cdp", protocol_type); break; } } } break; case 0x0003: /* Port ID*/ JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_PRINT("Cisco Port ID", px+offset,len), 0); break; case 0x0004: { unsigned n = 0; for (i=0; i<len; i++) { n <<= 8; n |= px[offset + i]; } if (n & 0x00000001) JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_SZ("Capabilities", "router"), 0); if (n & 0x00000002) JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_SZ("Capabilities", "bridge"), 0); if (n & 0x00000004) JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_SZ("Capabilities", "source route bridge"), 0); if (n & 0x00000008) JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_SZ("Capabilities", "switch"), 0); if (n & 0x00000010) JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_SZ("Capabilities", "host"), 0); if (n & 0x00000020) JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_SZ("Capabilities", "IGMP"), 0); if (n & 0x00000040) JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_SZ("Capabilities", "repeater"), 0); } break; case 0x0005: /* IOS Version */ for (i=0; i<len; i++) if (!isspace(px[offset+i])) break; JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_PRINT("IOS Version", px+offset+i,len-i), 0); break; case 0x0006: /* Platform*/ JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_PRINT("Cisco Platform", px+offset,len), 0); break; case 0x0008: /* Hello: cluster mgmt */ break; case 0x0009: /* VTP mgmnt domain */ JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_PRINT("VTP Mgmt Domain", px+offset,len), 0); break; case 0x000a: /* Native VLAN */ break; case 0x000b: /* Duplex */ break; case 0x0012: /* Trust Bitmap */ break; case 0x0013: /* Untrusted Port CoS */ break; case 0x0016: /* Management Addresses */ /* TODO: decode the management addresses */ break; default: FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown value: 0x%x\n", "cdp", tag); } offset += len; } }
void process_simple_smtp_request(struct TCPRECORD *sess, struct TCP_STREAM *to_server, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { struct FerretEngine *eng = sess->eng; struct Ferret *ferret = eng->ferret; char command[16]; const char *parm; unsigned parm_length; unsigned i; unsigned x; /* IF CLOSING CONNECTION */ if (px == NULL) { return; } frame->layer7_protocol = LAYER7_SMTP; if (to_server->app.smtpreq.is_data) { process_simple_smtp_data(sess, to_server, frame, px, length); return; } /* Remove leading whitespace */ for (i=0; i<length && isspace(px[i]); i++) ; /* Grab command. This means parsing up to the first space * character, or the first ':' character in the case of * mailfrom: or rcptto: */ x=0; again: while (i<length && !isspace(px[i]) && px[i] != ':') { if (x < sizeof(command) -1) { command[x++] = (char)toupper(px[i]); command[x] = '\0'; } i++; } if (i<length && px[i] == ':') i++; /* skip space after command */ while (i<length && isspace(px[i])) i++; if (stricmp(command, "mail")==0 || stricmp(command, "rcpt")==0) { if (i >= length) return; goto again; } SAMPLE(ferret,"SMTP", JOT_SZ("command", command)); /* Grab parm */ parm = (const char*)px+i; x=i; while (i<length && px[i] != '\n') i++; parm_length = i-x; if (parm_length && parm[parm_length-1] == '\n') parm_length--; if (parm_length && parm[parm_length-1] == '\r') parm_length--; JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto", "SMTP"), JOT_SZ("op", command), JOT_PRINT("parm", parm, parm_length), JOT_SRC("client", frame), JOT_DST("server", frame), 0); /* test parms */ if (stricmp(command, "MAILFROM")==0) { strip_address(&parm, &parm_length); if (sess) smtp_copy(to_server->app.smtpreq.from, parm, parm_length); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("e-mail", parm, parm_length), 0); } if (stricmp(command, "RCPTTO")==0) { strip_address(&parm, &parm_length); if (sess) smtp_copy(to_server->app.smtpreq.to, parm, parm_length); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("friend", parm, parm_length), 0); } if (stricmp(command, "DATA")==0 && sess) { to_server->app.smtpreq.is_data = 1; } if (stricmp(command, "RSET")==0 && sess) { to_server->app.smtpreq.is_data = 0; } }
void process_dns(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { unsigned offset; struct DNS dns[1]; unsigned record_count; unsigned total_records; unsigned i; /* Count the number of DNS packets we process. This includes * all types of DNS */ ferret->statistics.dns++; memset(dns, 0, sizeof(dns[0])); if (length < 12) { /* Regress: defcon2008-dns2.pcap(95639) */ ; //FRAMERR(frame, "dns: frame too short\n"); return; } /* Parse the DNS header, the 'fixed' portion of the packet * before the variable length records +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | ID | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ |QR| Opcode |AA|TC|RD|RA| Z | RCODE | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | QDCOUNT | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | ANCOUNT | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | NSCOUNT | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | ARCOUNT | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ID A 16 bit identifier assigned by the program that generates any kind of query. This identifier is copied the corresponding reply and can be used by the requester to match up replies to outstanding queries. QR A one bit field that specifies whether this message is a query (0), or a response (1). OPCODE A four bit field that specifies kind of query in this message. This value is set by the originator of a query and copied into the response. The values are: 0 a standard query (QUERY) 1 an inverse query (IQUERY) 2 a server status request (STATUS) 3-15 reserved for future use AA Authoritative Answer - this bit is valid in responses, and specifies that the responding name server is an authority for the domain name in question section. Note that the contents of the answer section may have multiple owner names because of aliases. The AA bit corresponds to the name which matches the query name, or the first owner name in the answer section. TC TrunCation - specifies that this message was truncated due to length greater than that permitted on the transmission channel. RD Recursion Desired - this bit may be set in a query and is copied into the response. If RD is set, it directs the name server to pursue the query recursively. Recursive query support is optional. RA Recursion Available - this be is set or cleared in a response, and denotes whether recursive query support is available in the name server. Z Reserved for future use. Must be zero in all queries and responses. RCODE Response code - this 4 bit field is set as part of responses. The values have the following interpretation: 0 No error condition 1 Format error - The name server was unable to interpret the query. 2 Server failure - The name server was unable to process this query due to a problem with the name server. 3 Name Error - Meaningful only for responses from an authoritative name server, this code signifies that the domain name referenced in the query does not exist. 4 Not Implemented - The name server does not support the requested kind of query. 5 Refused - The name server refuses to perform the specified operation for policy reasons. For example, a name server may not wish to provide the information to the particular requester, or a name server may not wish to perform a particular operation (e.g., zone 6-15 Reserved for future use. QDCOUNT an unsigned 16 bit integer specifying the number of entries in the question section. ANCOUNT an unsigned 16 bit integer specifying the number of resource records in the answer section. NSCOUNT an unsigned 16 bit integer specifying the number of name server resource records in the authority records section. ARCOUNT an unsigned 16 bit integer specifying the number of resource records in the additional records section. */ dns->id = ex16be(px+0); dns->is_response = ((px[2]&0x80) != 0); dns->opcode = (px[2]>>3)&0x01F; dns->flags = ex16be(px+2)&0x7F0; dns->rcode = px[3]&0x0F; dns->question_count = ex16be(px+4); dns->answer_count = ex16be(px+6); dns->authority_count = ex16be(px+8); dns->additional_count = ex16be(px+10); /* Remember a total count of the records. There are a lot of corrupted packets * with data after the counted records, so we need to stop parsing once all * the counted records have been parsed. */ total_records = dns->question_count + dns->answer_count + dns->authority_count + dns->additional_count; offset = 12; record_count = 0; /* After parsing the fixed header, we no PRE-PROCESS the variable length records. * All we want to do at this point is to find their locations within the packet. * The reason we want to pre-process these is that some records will refer to * other records in the same packet. A good example are CNAME records * that require looking up other records in order to fully resolve. We can * do the resolution easier if we can preprocess the list first */ while (offset < length && record_count < 100) { struct DNSRECORD *rec = &dns->records[record_count]; /* Even if there is remaining data in the packet, do not parse past * the total count of all the records */ if (record_count >= total_records) { SAMPLE(ferret,"dns", JOT_NUM("too-many-records", total_records)); break; } /* NAME * The first part of a DNS record is the variable length name. The name * consists of a sequence of LABELS. Each label starts with a tag. The * tag can be one of three things: * - a value of zero, which ends the name * - a length from 1-63, which means we need to continue processing * more labels * - a two-byte 'pointer' to the remainder of the name, which means that * we stop pre-processing the name. We don't actually parse out the * full name at this stage in the code (so we won't follow that pointer), * we are just concerned with skipping the name at this point. */ rec->name_offset = offset; while (offset < length) { /* Test for end label */ if (px[offset] == 0x00) { offset++; break; } /* Test for compression 'pointer' */ if (px[offset] & 0xC0) { offset += 2; break; } /* Skip the 'length' number of bytes, plus the length byte itself */ offset += px[offset] + 1; if (offset > length) { FRAMERR(frame, "dns: past end of packet\n"); return; } } /* Now parse out the 'type' and 'class' fields. These are the * 4 bytes immediately following the name */ if (offset + 4 > length) { FRAMERR(frame, "dns: past end of packet\n"); return; } rec->type = ex16be(px+offset+0); rec->clss = ex16be(px+offset+2); offset += 4; record_count++; /* If this is a 'question' record, then we don't do any further processing. * Since question records are just asking for data, they don't contain * any data themselves. Otherwise, if the record will contain data that * we need to also parse */ if (record_count <= dns->question_count) continue; /* This bit of code parses out the remainder of the data in the record. For * the most part, we just need to parse the 'length' field for the record * data, remember it for use later, then skip the remainder of this record * and continue processing the next record */ if (offset + 6 > length) { /* Regress: defcon2008-dns2.pcap(88069) */ FRAMERR(frame, "dns: past end of packet\n"); return; } rec->ttl = ex32be(px+offset+0); rec->rdata_length = ex16be(px+offset+4); offset += 6; rec->rdata_offset = offset; offset += rec->rdata_length; if (offset > length) { FRAMERR(frame, "dns: past end of packet\n"); return; } } dns->record_count = record_count; /* We stored the records in one large array, but there are four kinds * of records (questions, answers, authority, additional). We figure out * which records belong to which type according to the counts */ if (dns->question_count > record_count) { dns->question_count = record_count; FRAMERR(frame, "%s: bad record count\n", "DNS"); } if (dns->answer_count > record_count - dns->question_count) { dns->answer_count = record_count - dns->question_count; /* Regress: defcon2008-dns2.pcap(158112) */ ; //FRAMERR(frame, "%s: bad record count\n", "DNS"); } if (dns->authority_count > record_count - dns->question_count - dns->answer_count) { dns->authority_count = record_count - dns->question_count - dns->answer_count; FRAMERR(frame, "%s: bad record count\n", "DNS"); } if (dns->additional_count > record_count - dns->question_count - dns->answer_count - dns->authority_count) { dns->additional_count = record_count - dns->question_count - dns->answer_count - dns->authority_count; FRAMERR(frame, "%s: bad record count\n", "DNS"); } dns->questions = &dns->records[0]; dns->answers = &dns->records[dns->question_count]; dns->authorities = &dns->records[dns->question_count + dns->answer_count]; dns->additionals = &dns->records[dns->question_count + dns->answer_count + dns->authority_count]; /* * First, we parse out all the question records. These don't contain any data * themselves, but they do give us interesting information about what a client * is looking for. Also, some protocols, such as NetBIOS and mDNS/Bonjour will * tell us additional information about the client. */ if (dns->is_response && dns->rcode == 0) for (i=0; i<dns->question_count; i++) { struct DNSRECORD *rec = &dns->questions[i]; dns_parse_question_record(ferret, frame, px, length, rec, dns); } /* Now parse all the resource records after the questions */ for (i=0; i<dns->answer_count; i++) { struct DNSRECORD *rec = &dns->answers[i]; dns_parse_resource_record(ferret, frame, px, length, rec, dns); } for (i=0; i<dns->authority_count; i++) { struct DNSRECORD *rec = &dns->authorities[i]; dns_parse_resource_record(ferret, frame, px, length, rec, dns); } for (i=0; i<dns->additional_count; i++) { struct DNSRECORD *rec = &dns->additionals[i]; dns_parse_resource_record(ferret, frame, px, length, rec, dns); } #if 0 switch (dns->opcode) { case 0x00: /*query request*/ case 0x10: /*query response */ switch (dns->rcode) { case 0: case 3: /* No such name */ SAMPLE(ferret,"DNS", JOT_NUM("rcode", dns->rcode)); break; case 2: /* Server error */ SAMPLE(ferret,"DNS", JOT_NUM("rcode", dns->rcode)); break; default: FRAMERR(frame, "dns: unknown rcode=%d (opcode=%d)\n", dns->rcode, dns->opcode); } break; case 0x06: /*release*/ switch (dns->rcode) { case 0: for (i=0; i<dns->additional_count; i++) { char name[256]; unsigned name_length; struct DNSRECORD *rec = &dns->additionals[i]; if (rec->type == 0x8001) FRAMERR(frame, "test\n"); name_length = dns_extract_name(frame, px, length, rec->name_offset, name, sizeof(name)); switch (rec->type) { case 0x0020: /*NETBIOS */ switch (rec->clss) { case 0x0001: /*INTERNET*/ { unsigned ip_address = ex32be(px+rec->rdata_offset+2); char netbios_name[256]; if (rec->rdata_length != 6) FRAMERR(frame, "dns: data not 4-bytes long, was %d-bytes instead (class=%d, type=%d, name=%s)\n", rec->rdata_length, rec->clss, rec->type, name); translate_netbios_name(frame, name, netbios_name, sizeof(netbios_name)); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto","NETBIOS"), JOT_SZ("op","release"), JOT_DST("ip.src", frame), JOT_PRINT("name", netbios_name, strlen(netbios_name)), JOT_IPv4("address", ip_address), 0); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_IPv4("ID-IP", ip_address), JOT_PRINT("netbios", netbios_name, strlen(netbios_name)), 0); } break; default: FRAMERR(frame, "dns: unknown class=%d (type=%d, name=%s)\n", rec->clss, rec->type, name); } break; default: FRAMERR(frame, "dns: unknown type=%d (class=%d, name=%s)\n", rec->type, rec->clss, name); } } } break; case 0x05: /*netbios registration request*/ if (frame->dst_port == 53) dns_dynamic_update(ferret, frame, px, length, dns); else process_request_update(ferret, frame, px, length, dns); break; case 0x08: for (i=0; i<dns->additional_count; i++) DECODEANSWER(ferret, frame, px, length, dns, &dns->additionals[i], "refresh"); break; case 0x01: /*inverse query request*/ case 0x11: /*inverse query reqsponse*/ case 0x02: /*status request*/ case 0x12: /*status response*/ case 0x04: /*notify request*/ case 0x14: /*notify response*/ case 0x15: /*update response*/ case 0x0f: /*multi-home registration*/ for (i=0; i<dns->additional_count; i++) DECODEANSWER(ferret, frame, px, length, dns, &dns->additionals[i], "multi-home"); break; default: FRAMERR(frame, "dns: unknown opcode %d\n", dns->opcode); } #endif }
/** * This is the main function of the DNS parser. * * This is where the each DNS 'answer' (or 'additional' or 'authoritative') * record is parsed. Mostly, we ignore the return code, though some functions * pay attention to and provide slightly different information depending * upon the opcode. */ static void dns_parse_resource_record(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length, struct DNSRECORD *rec, struct DNS *dns) { char name[512]; /* reserve a longer name than the max theoretical limit */ unsigned name_length; char name2[512]; /* reserve a longer name than the max theoretical limit */ unsigned name2_length; unsigned ip_address; unsigned offset = rec->rdata_offset; unsigned offset_max = MIN(rec->rdata_offset+rec->rdata_length, length); /* MULTICAST DNS (mDNS): handle the multicast DNS records differently * from normal DNS records. */ if (!dns->is_response && frame->dst_port == 5353) { bonjour_parse_resource_record(ferret, frame, px, length, rec, dns); return; } else if (dns->is_response && (frame->src_port == 5353 || (frame->dst_port == 5353 && frame->src_port != 53))) { bonjour_parse_resource_record(ferret, frame, px, length, rec, dns); return; } /* NETBIOS: handle NetBIOS records differently from normal DNS records */ if (!dns->is_response && frame->dst_port == 137) { netbios_parse_resource_record(ferret, frame, px, length, rec, dns); return; } else if (dns->is_response && frame->src_port == 137) { netbios_parse_resource_record(ferret, frame, px, length, rec, dns); return; } /* First, let's extract a pretty version of the name */ name_length = dns_extract_name(frame, px, length, rec->name_offset, name, sizeof(name)); if (rec->type == 0x8001) FRAMERR(frame, "TODO\n"); if (rec->clss == 0xfe) return; /* RFC2671 - Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS0) */ if (rec->type == 41) { /* Regress: defcon2008/dump000.pca(12541) */ /* TODO: parse this */ return; } /* Haven't implemented dynamic update yet * TODO: */ if (dns->opcode == 21 || dns->opcode == 5) return; switch (rec->type<<16 | rec->clss) { case TYPECLASS(1,0x8001): /* type=A(IPv4 address), class=INTERNET(cache flush) */ bonjour_parse_resource_record(ferret, frame, px, length, rec, dns); break; case TYPECLASS(1,1): /* type=A(IPv4 address), class=INTERNET */ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, 0x10, 5, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } ip_address = ex32be(px+rec->rdata_offset); if (rec->rdata_length != 4) FRAMERR(frame, "dns: data not 4-bytes long, was %d-bytes instead (class=%d, type=%d, name=%s)\n", rec->rdata_length, rec->clss, rec->type, name); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_PRINT("ID-DNS", name, name_length), JOT_IPv4("address", ip_address), 0); break; case TYPECLASS(2,1): /* type=NS, class=INTERNET */ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, 0x10, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } name2_length = dns_extract_name(frame, px, length, rec->rdata_offset, name2, sizeof(name2)); ip_address = dns_resolve_alias(frame, px, length, dns, name2, 0); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_PRINT("ID-DNS", name, name_length), JOT_PRINT("Name-Server", name2, name2_length), JOT_IPv4("address", ip_address), 0); break; case TYPECLASS(5,1): /*type=CNAME(aliased canonical name), class=INTERNET */ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, 0x10, 5, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } name2_length = dns_extract_name(frame, px, length, rec->rdata_offset, name2, sizeof(name2)); ip_address = dns_resolve_alias(frame, px, length, dns, name2, 0); if (ip_address != 0) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_PRINT("ID-DNS", name, name_length), JOT_IPv4("alias",ip_address), 0); } JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_PRINT("ID-DNS", name, name_length), JOT_PRINT("alias", name2, name2_length), 0); break; case TYPECLASS(6,1): /*type=SOA, class=INTERNET*/ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, 0x10, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } /* * Authoritative Name Server */ name2_length = dns_extract_name(frame, px, length, offset, name2, sizeof(name2)); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_PRINT("ID-DNS", name, name_length), JOT_SZ("SOA", "Start of zone authority"), JOT_PRINT("Name-Server", name2, name2_length), 0); ip_address = dns_resolve_alias(frame, px, length, dns, name2, 0); if (ip_address) JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_PRINT("ID-DNS", name, name_length), JOT_SZ("SOA", "Start of zone authority"), JOT_PRINT("Name-Server", name2, name2_length), JOT_IPv4("address", ip_address), 0); skip_name(px, length, &offset); /* Contact */ if (offset < offset_max) { name2_length = dns_extract_name(frame, px, length, offset, name2, sizeof(name2)); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_PRINT("ID-DNS", name, name_length), JOT_SZ("SOA", "Start of zone authority"), JOT_PRINT("Contact", name2, name2_length), 0); skip_name(px, length, &offset); } break; case TYPECLASS(10,1): /* type=NULL, class=INTERNET*/ /* Regress: defcon2008-dns2.pcap(100803): name=Vaaaaiaqaac.tunnel.fastcoder.net */ /* I'm not sure what this is, other than passing data as Null records. * This would be a good thing for an intrusion-detection system to trigger * on. */ break; case TYPECLASS(12,0x8001): /*type=PTR, class=INTERNET */ bonjour_parse_resource_record(ferret, frame, px, length, rec, dns); break; case TYPECLASS(12,1): /*type=PTR(pointer reverse lookup), class=INTERNET */ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, 0x10, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } if (name_length > 6 && memcmp(name+name_length-6, ".local", 6) == 0) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("Service", name,name_length), 0); /* Extract MAC address */ { const unsigned char *p_name; unsigned name_length; const unsigned char *p_mac = find_mac(px, MIN(length, rec->rdata_offset+rec->rdata_length), rec->rdata_offset, &p_name, &name_length); if (p_mac) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("mac", p_mac, 19), 0); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("name", p_name, name_length), 0); } } } else if (endsWith(name, ".in-addr.arpa")) { /* Extract a 4-byte IPv4 address * Example: ""*/ unsigned ipv4=0; unsigned i; unsigned j=0; for (i=0; i<4; i++) { unsigned num = 0; for (; name[j] && name[j] != '.'; j++) { if ('0' <= name[j] && name[j] <= '9') num = num * 10 + name[j]-'0'; } while (name[j] == '.') j++; ipv4 |= num<<(i*8); } /* Now get the name it points to */ name2_length = dns_extract_name(frame, px, length, offset, name2, sizeof(name2)); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_PRINT("ID-DNS", name2, name2_length), JOT_IPv4("ID-IP", ipv4), JOT_SRC("dnssrv", frame), 0); } else ; //FRAMERR(frame, "dns: unknown PTR record\n"); break; case TYPECLASS(13,0x8001): /*type=HINFO, class=INTERNET */ bonjour_parse_resource_record(ferret, frame, px, length, rec, dns); break; case TYPECLASS(15,1): /*type=MX, class=INTERNET */ /* Regress: defcon2008-dns2.pcap(18661) */ break; case TYPECLASS(16,0x8001): /*type=TXT, class=INTERNET(cache flush)*/ bonjour_parse_resource_record(ferret, frame, px, length, rec, dns); break; case TYPECLASS(16,1): /*type=TXT, class=INTERNET */ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, 0x10, 5, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } if (stricmp(name, "current.cvd.clamav.net") == 0) { /* This is a single string containing a version string, like: * 0.91.1:44:3855:1186270141:1 */ break; } else if (starts_with("_DM-NOTIFICATION.", name, strlen(name))) { /* Regress: defcon2008\dump001.pcap(87082) */ /* TODO */ break; } else if (endsWith(name, "._workstation._tcp.local")) { /* Regress: defcon2008-dns2.pcap(56127): "mike-desktop [00:0c:29:f6:58:ca]._workstation._tcp.local" */ break; } else if (endsWith(name, ".asn.cymru.com")) { /* Regress: defcon2008-dns2.pcap(98958) */ /* This is a system for mapping IP to ASN numbers: * http://www.team-cymru.org/Services/ip-to-asn.html */ break; } else if (endsWith(name, ".wrs.trendmicro.com")) { /* Regress: defcon2008-dns2.pcap(184904) */ /* Appears to check whether IP addresses are trustworthy */ break; } else { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown TXT record %s", "DNS", name); } break; case TYPECLASS(0x1c,1): /*type=AAAA(IPv6 address), class=INTERNET*/ case TYPECLASS(0x1c,255): /*type=AAAA(IPv6 address), class=INTERNET*/ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, 0x10, 5, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } switch (dns->opcode) { case 0x10: { const unsigned char *ipv6_address = px+rec->rdata_offset; if (rec->rdata_length != 16) FRAMERR(frame, "dns: data not 16-bytes long, was %d-bytes instead (class=%d, type=%d, name=%s)\n", rec->rdata_length, rec->clss, rec->type, name); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto","DNS"), JOT_SZ("op","lookup"), JOT_SRC("ip.src", frame), JOT_PRINT("name", name, name_length), JOT_IPv6("address", ipv6_address, 16), 0); } case 5: /* dynamic update*/ /* Regress: defcon2008-dns2.pcap(7958) */ break; default: FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); } break; case TYPECLASS(33,1): /*type=SRV, class=INTERNET */ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, 0x10, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } if (rec->rdata_length < 7) FRAMERR(frame, "dns: unknown type=%d (class=%d, name=%s)\n", rec->type, rec->clss, name); else { unsigned port = px[rec->rdata_offset+4]<<8 | px[rec->rdata_offset+5]; name2_length = dns_extract_name(frame, px, length, rec->rdata_offset+6, name2, sizeof(name2)); ip_address = dns_resolve_alias(frame, px, length, dns, name2, 0); if (ip_address != 0) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_PRINT("ID-DNS", name, name_length), JOT_PRINT("Server", name2, name2_length), JOT_NUM("Port", port), JOT_IPv4("IPv4",ip_address), 0); } else JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_PRINT("ID-DNS", name, name_length), JOT_PRINT("Server", name2, name2_length), JOT_NUM("Port", port), 0); } break; default: FRAMERR(frame, "dns: unknown type=%d (class=%d, name=%s)\n", rec->type, rec->clss, name); } }
void process_ymsg_client_request( struct TCPRECORD *sess, struct NetFrame *frame, struct StringReassembler *ymsg_packet) { struct FerretEngine *eng = sess->eng; struct Ferret *ferret = eng->ferret; unsigned service = sess->layer7.ymsg.service; unsigned status = sess->layer7.ymsg.status; struct Atom atom; switch (service) { case 18: /* Ping */ break; case 0x54: /*YAHOO_SERVICE_AUTHRESP - Response to server challenge */ switch (status) { case 0: case 1515563605: /* Web Login: Ref: 2009-01-24-1.pcap(6243) */ atom = ymsg_get_enumerated_item(ymsg_packet, "0"); /* "yahoo_id" */ if (atom.len) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("username", atom.px+atom.offset, atom.len), 0); strncpy_s(sess->layer7.ymsg.username, sizeof(sess->layer7.ymsg.username), atom.px+atom.offset, atom.len); } atom = ymsg_get_enumerated_item(ymsg_packet, "1"); /* "active_id", which may differ from "yahoo_id" */ if (atom.len) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("username", atom.px+atom.offset, atom.len), 0); strncpy_s(sess->layer7.ymsg.username, sizeof(sess->layer7.ymsg.username), atom.px+atom.offset, atom.len); } /* * Report challenge/response for password-cracking tools */ if (sess->reverse && sess->reverse->str[1].length) { /* if we have a challenge from the other direction */ strfrag_init(&sess->reverse->str[1]); } break; default: FRAMERR_UNPARSED(frame, "YMSG.service", service); } break; /*YAHOO_SERVICE_AUTH Authentication */ case 0x57: switch (status) { case 0: atom = ymsg_get_enumerated_item(ymsg_packet, "1"); /* "yahoo_id" */ if (atom.len) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("username", atom.px+atom.offset, atom.len), 0); strncpy_s(sess->layer7.ymsg.username, sizeof(sess->layer7.ymsg.username), atom.px+atom.offset, atom.len); } break; default: FRAMERR_UNPARSED(frame, "YMSG.service", service); } break; case 198: /* Yahoo v6 Status Update */ break; case 138: /* Ref: 2009-01-24-1.pcap(1441) */ /* Appears to be the user's login name as the one * field in this packet */ break; case 21: /* skin name */ /* Ref: 2009-01-24-1.pcap(6394) */ /* TODO * This contains some information about the user's machine, such as * what type of machine it is */ break; default: FRAMERR_UNPARSED(frame, "YMSG.service", service); } }
void parse_atalk_nbp(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { struct { unsigned op; unsigned count; unsigned xid; } nbp; unsigned offset=0; if (length < 2) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: truncated\n", "NBP"); return; } /* * Parse the header first */ nbp.op = (px[0]>>4)&0x0F; nbp.count = (px[0]>>0)&0x0F; nbp.xid = px[1]; offset = 2; /* * Parse all the name-bindings */ while (nbp.count) { unsigned atalk_addr; unsigned atalk_port; unsigned enumerator; unsigned object_len; const unsigned char *object; unsigned type_len; const unsigned char *type; unsigned zone_len; const unsigned char *zone; nbp.count--; if (offset + 6 > length) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: truncated\n", "NBP"); return; } atalk_addr = ex24be(px+offset); offset += 3; atalk_port = px[offset++]; enumerator = px[offset++]; /* Extract the items */ extract_item(ferret, frame, px, length, &offset, &object, &object_len); extract_item(ferret, frame, px, length, &offset, &type, &type_len); extract_item(ferret, frame, px, length, &offset, &zone, &zone_len); if (offset > length) break; switch (nbp.op) { case 2: JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-ATALK", frame), JOT_PRINT("Lookup", type, type_len), JOT_PRINT("Object", object, object_len), JOT_PRINT("Zone", zone, zone_len), 0); break; default: FRAMERR(frame, "%s: not implemented\n", "NBP"); } } }
static void dns_parse_question_record(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length, struct DNSRECORD *rec, struct DNS *dns) { char name[512]; /* reserve a longer name than the max theoretical limit */ unsigned name_length; /* If this is actually a bonjour packet, then pass it off to the * Bonjour module */ if (!dns->is_response && frame->dst_port == 5353) bonjour_parse_question_record(ferret, frame, px, length, rec, dns); else if (dns->is_response && frame->src_port == 5353) bonjour_parse_question_record(ferret, frame, px, length, rec, dns); /* First, let's extract a pretty version of the name */ name_length = dns_extract_name(frame, px, length, rec->name_offset, name, sizeof(name)); switch (rec->type<<16 | rec->clss) { case TYPECLASS(1,1): /* type=A(IPv4 address), class=INTERNET*/ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, 0, 0x10, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto","DNS"), JOT_SZ("query","A"), "ip.src", dns->is_response?REC_FRAMEDST:REC_FRAMESRC, frame, -1, JOT_PRINT("name", name, name_length), 0); break; case TYPECLASS(2,1): /* type=NS(name-server), class=INTERNET*/ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, 0x10, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto","DNS"), JOT_SZ("query","NS"), "ip.src", dns->is_response?REC_FRAMEDST:REC_FRAMESRC, frame, -1, JOT_PRINT("name", name, name_length), 0); break; case TYPECLASS(6,1): /* type=SOA(Start of Authority), class=INTERNET*/ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, 0x10, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto","DNS"), JOT_SZ("query","SOA"), "ip.src", dns->is_response?REC_FRAMEDST:REC_FRAMESRC, frame, -1, JOT_PRINT("name", name, name_length), 0); break; case TYPECLASS(10,1): /* type=NULL, class=INTERNET*/ /* Regress: defcon2008-dns2.pcap(100803): name=Vaaaaiaqaac.tunnel.fastcoder.net */ /* I'm not sure what this is, other than passing data as Null records. * This would be a good thing for an intrusion-detection system to trigger * on. */ break; case TYPECLASS(12,1): /* type=PTR(pointer, aka. reverse), class=INTERNET*/ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, 0x10, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto","DNS"), JOT_SZ("op","reverse"), "ip.src", dns->is_response?REC_FRAMEDST:REC_FRAMESRC, frame, -1, JOT_PRINT("name", name, name_length), 0); break; case TYPECLASS(13,1): /* type=HINFO, class=INTERNET*/ /* Regress: defcon2008-dns2.pcap(292428) */ break; case TYPECLASS(15,1): /* type=MX, class=INTERNET*/ /* Regress: defcon2008-dns2.pcap(18661) */ break; case TYPECLASS(16,1): /* type=TXT(text), class=INTERNET*/ /* CASE: I see these in mDNS. A machine sends out a query for a * record to the multi-cast address right before it then multi-casts * the answer. I don't think there is anything useful to extract here * at this time */ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, OP_QUERY, 0x10, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } break; case TYPECLASS(35,1): /* type=NAPTR(naming authority pointer), class=INTERNET*/ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, OP_QUERY, 0x10, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } /* Reference: defcon2008-dns2.pcap(277617) */ break; case TYPECLASS(0x1c,1): /* type=AAAA(IPv6 address), class=INTERNET*/ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, 0x10, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto","DNS"), JOT_SZ("query","AAAA"), "ip.src", dns->is_response?REC_FRAMEDST:REC_FRAMESRC, frame, -1, JOT_PRINT("name", name, name_length), 0); break; case TYPECLASS(0x1c,0x8001): /* type=AAAA(IPv6 address), class=mDNS-FLUSH*/ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } /* TODO: move this to the mDNS-Bonjour parser */ JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto","MDNS"), JOT_SZ("query","AAAA"), "ip.src", dns->is_response?REC_FRAMEDST:REC_FRAMESRC, frame, -1, JOT_PRINT("flush", name, name_length), 0); break; case TYPECLASS(0x21,1): /* type=SRV(Service Location), class=INTERNET*/ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, OP_QUERY, 0x10, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto","DNS"), JOT_SZ("query","srv"), "ip.src", dns->is_response?REC_FRAMEDST:REC_FRAMESRC, frame, -1, JOT_PRINT("name", name, name_length), 0); break; /*case TYPECLASS(255,1):*/ /* type=ANY, class=INTERNET*/ case TYPECLASS(255,0x8001): /* type=ANY, class=FLUSH(mDNS/Bonjour)*/ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto","DNS"), JOT_SZ("op","flush"), "ip.src", dns->is_response?REC_FRAMEDST:REC_FRAMESRC, frame, -1, JOT_PRINT("name", name, name_length), 0); if (endsWith(name, "._ipp._tcp.local")) { JOTDOWN(ferret, "Bonjour", dns->is_response?REC_FRAMEDST:REC_FRAMESRC, frame, -1, JOT_PRINT("Printer", name, name_length-strlen("._ipp._tcp.local")), 0); } else if (endsWith(name, ".local")) JOTDOWN(ferret, "ID-IP", dns->is_response?REC_FRAMEDST:REC_FRAMESRC, frame, -1, JOT_PRINT("name", name, name_length-strlen(".local")), 0); else FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown value: %s\n", "dns", name); break; case TYPECLASS(255,1): /* type=ANY, class=INTERNET*/ if (!is_valid_opcode(dns->opcode, 0, 0x10, -1)) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown opcode=%d\n", "DNS", dns->opcode); return; } JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto","DNS"), JOT_SZ("query","ANY"), "ip.src", dns->is_response?REC_FRAMEDST:REC_FRAMESRC, frame, -1, JOT_PRINT("name", name, name_length), 0); break; default: FRAMERR(frame, "dns: unknown [type=0x%x(%d), class=0x%x(%d)] name=%s)\n", rec->type, rec->type, rec->clss, rec->clss, name); } }
/** * Parses the <name=value> pairs in HTTP URLs and HTTP POST content data */ void http_parse_form_field(struct TCPRECORD *sess, struct NetFrame *frame, struct StringT *name, const unsigned char *value, unsigned value_length) { struct TCP_STREAM *stream = &sess->to_server; struct HTTPREQUEST *req = &stream->app.httpreq; if (name == NULL) return; switch (toupper(name->str[0])) { case 'E': if (match_name_t("EMAIL", name)) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_URLENC("e-mail", value, value_length), 0); if (ends_with_t(".myspace.com", req->host)) { req->login = stringtab_lookup(sess->eng->stringtab, value, value_length); if (req->password) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_URLENC("MySpace-user", req->login->str, req->login->length), JOT_URLENC("password", req->password->str, req->password->length), 0); } else JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_URLENC("MySpace-user", req->login->str, req->login->length), 0); } } break; case 'P': if (match_name_t("PASSWORD", name)) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_URLENC("form-password", value, value_length), 0); if (ends_with_t(".myspace.com", req->host)) { req->password = stringtab_lookup(sess->eng->stringtab, value, value_length); if (req->login) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_URLENC("MySpace-user", req->login->str, req->login->length), JOT_URLENC("password", req->password->str, req->password->length), 0); } } } if (match_name_t("PASSWD", name)) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_URLENC("password", value, value_length), 0); } break; case 'Q': if (match_name_t("Q", name)) { if (ends_with_t(".google.com", req->host)) { if (!starts_with("cache:", req->url, req->url_length)) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("IP", frame), JOT_URLENC("search", value, value_length), 0); } } } break; case 'V': if (match_name_t("VIDEO_ID", name)) { if (ends_with_t(".youtube.com", req->host)) { JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("Watches", frame), JOT_URLENC("YouTube", value, value_length), 0); req->youtube_video_id = stringtab_lookup(sess->eng->stringtab, value, value_length); } } break; } }
void parse_atalk_ddp(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { unsigned offset=0; struct { unsigned hop_count; unsigned datagram_length; unsigned checksum; unsigned protocol_type; unsigned address_src; unsigned address_dst; unsigned port_src; unsigned port_dst; } ddp; ferret->statistics.atalk++; if (length < 13) { FRAMERR(frame, "%s: truncated\n", "DDP"); return; } ddp.hop_count = px[0]>>4; ddp.datagram_length = (px[0]&0xF)<<8 | px[1]; ddp.checksum = ex16be(px+2); ddp.address_dst = ex16be(px+4)<<8; ddp.address_src = ex16be(px+6)<<8; ddp.address_dst |= px[8]; ddp.address_src |= px[9]; ddp.port_dst = px[10]; ddp.port_src = px[11]; ddp.protocol_type = px[12]; if (length > ddp.datagram_length) { if (length-ddp.datagram_length == 4) ferret->statistics.remaining_4++; /*hints that an FCS trails*/ length = ddp.datagram_length; } frame->ipver = ADDRESS_ATALK_EDDP; frame->src_ipv4 = ddp.address_src; frame->dst_ipv4 = ddp.address_dst; frame->src_port = ddp.port_src; frame->dst_port = ddp.port_dst; /* skip the header */ offset += 13; /* If this is a broadcast packet, we can make the assumption * that the sender is on the local subnet */ JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_SRC("AppleTalk", frame), 0); /* Parse the next layer */ SAMPLE(ferret, "ATALK-DDP",JOT_NUM("protocol", ddp.protocol_type)); SAMPLE(ferret, "ATALK-DDP",JOT_NUM("dst-port", ddp.port_dst)); switch (ddp.protocol_type) { case 0x02: /* NBP - Name Binding Protocol */ parse_atalk_nbp(ferret, frame, px+offset, length-offset); break; case 0x06: /* ZIP (Zone Information Protocol) */ break; case 0x01: /* RTMP (Routing Table Maintenance Protocol), works like RIP */ case 0x03: /* ATP (Appletalk Transfer Protocol) */ case 0x04: /* Echo, works like ICMP Echo */ case 0x05: /* RTMP requests */ case 0x07: /* ADSP (Appletalk Data Stream Protocol) */ case 0x08: /* SNMP, same as normal SNMP */ case 0x16: /* IP over AppleTalk */ default: FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown protocol=%d, srcport=%d, dstport=%d\n", "DDP", ddp.protocol_type, ddp.port_src, ddp.port_dst); } }
/** * Parse the "rendez-vous" TLV within a packet. Since this is a TLV, it has * already been reassembled by our string frag parser. */ static void parse_message_filexfer_rendezvous(struct TCPRECORD *sess, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { unsigned offset=0; /* skip some fields */ offset += 2+8; /* verify we have the file transfer ID */ while (offset < 2+8+16) { if (px[offset] != (unsigned char)("\x09\x46\x13\x43\x4c\x7f\x11\xd1\x82\x22\x44\x45\x53\x54\x00\x00"[offset-8-2])) return; /* not a file transfer command */ /*TODO: SAMPLE this */ offset++; } /* go through the embeded TLVs */ while (offset<length) { unsigned tag; unsigned len; if (offset+4>length) break; tag = ex16be(px+offset+0); len = ex16be(px+offset+2); offset += 4; /* TLV: Unknown Value ID: Unknown (0x000a) Length: 2 Value TLV: Unknown Value ID: Unknown (0x000f) Length: 0 Value TLV: Internal IP Value ID: Internal IP (0x0003) Length: 4 Value: 12625930 TLV: External Port Value ID: External Port (0x0005) Length: 2 Value: 5190 TLV: Extended Data Value ID: Extended Data (0x2711) Length: 17 Value */ switch (tag) { case 0x000a: case 0x000f: case 0x0010: break; case 3: /* Internet IP */ { unsigned j; unsigned ip=0; for (j=0; j<4 && offset+j<length; j++) ip = ip << 8 | px[offset+j]; JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_SZ("AIM", "File-Transfer"), JOT_IPv4("Internal-IP", ip), 0); } break; case 5: /* Internal Port */ { unsigned j; unsigned port=0; for (j=0; j<2 && offset+j<length; j++) port = port << 8 | px[offset+j]; JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_SZ("AIM", "File-Transfer"), JOT_NUM("Internal-Port", port), 0); } break; case 0x2711: /* filename */ if (len > length-offset) len = length-offset; if (len > 4) { len -= 4; offset += 4; } while (offset < length && len && px[offset] < 26) { offset++; len--; } JOTDOWN(sess->eng->ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP",frame), JOT_SZ("AIM", "File-Transfer"), JOT_PRINT("Filename", px+offset, len), 0); break; default: /* TODO: SAMPLE this */ FRAMERR(frame, "%s: unknown\n", "AIM"); break; } offset += len; } }
void process_simple_smtp_data(struct TCPRECORD *sess, struct TCP_STREAM *to_server, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { struct FerretEngine *eng = sess->eng; struct Ferret *ferret = eng->ferret; unsigned offset=0; unsigned command; unsigned command_length; unsigned parm; unsigned parm_length; if (sess == NULL) return; frame->layer7_protocol = LAYER7_SMTP; while (offset<length) { /* Handle end-of-email '.' issue */ if (offset<length && px[offset] == '.') { if (offset+1<length && px[offset] == '\n' && offset+2<length && px[offset] == '\r' && px[offset+1] == '\n') { to_server->app.smtpreq.is_body = 0; to_server->app.smtpreq.is_data = 0; return; } } if (to_server->app.smtpreq.is_body) { while (offset<length && px[offset] != '\n') offset++; if (offset<length && px[offset] == '\n') offset++; continue; } while (offset<length && isspace(px[offset]) && px[offset] != '\n') offset++; command = offset; while (offset<length && px[offset] != ':' && px[offset] != '\n') offset++; command_length = offset-command; if (command_length == 0) { to_server->app.smtpreq.is_body = 1; continue; } while (command_length && isspace(px[offset+command_length])) command_length--; if (command_length && px[offset+command_length] == ':') command_length--; while (command_length && isspace(px[offset+command_length])) command_length--; while (offset<length && px[offset] == ':') offset++; while (offset<length && isspace(px[offset]) && px[offset] != '\n') offset++; parm = offset; if ((offset<length && px[offset] == '\n') || (offset+1<length && px[offset] == '\r' && px[offset+1] == '\n')) { to_server->app.smtpreq.is_body = 1; return; } again: while (offset<length && px[offset] != '\n') offset++; if (offset<length && px[offset] == '\n') offset++; if (offset<length && px[offset] != '\n' && isspace(px[offset]) && (offset+1<length && px[offset] != '\r' && px[offset] != '\n')) goto again; parm_length = offset-parm; while (parm_length && isspace(px[parm+parm_length-1])) parm_length--; JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("proto","RFC822msg"), JOT_PRINT("header", px+command, command_length), JOT_PRINT("value", px+parm, parm_length), JOT_SRC("client", frame), JOT_DST("server", frame), 0); if (is_command("subject", px+command, command_length)) { smtp_copy(to_server->app.smtpreq.subject, px+parm, parm_length); } if (is_command("X-Mailer", px+command, command_length)) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("X-Mailer", px+parm, parm_length), 0); } if (is_command("X-MimeOLE", px+command, command_length)) { JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SRC("ID-IP", frame), JOT_PRINT("X-MimeOLE", px+parm, parm_length), 0); } } }
void parse_PVSTP(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { unsigned port_id; if (length < 4) { FRAMERR(frame, "truncated\n"); return; } /* Protocol Identifier */ if (ex16be(px+0) != 0) { FRAMERR(frame, "unexpected\n"); return; } frame->layer3_protocol = LAYER3_STP; /* Protocol Version Identifier */ if (px[2] != 0) { FRAMERR(frame, "unexpected\n"); return; } /* BPDU type */ switch (px[3]) { case 0: if (length < 28) { FRAMERR(frame, "truncated\n"); return; } JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_SZ("Type", "bridge"), JOT_MACADDR("root", px+7), 0); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_SZ("Type", "bridge"), JOT_MACADDR("ID", px+19), 0); port_id = ex16be(px+25); JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_SZ("Type", "bridge"), JOT_NUM("port-id", port_id), 0); break; case 0x80: JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_SZ("Type", "bridge"), 0); break; default: FRAMERR(frame, "unexpected\n"); return; } }