bool CamulewebApp::CheckDirForTemplate(wxString& dir, const wxString& tmpl) { DebugShow(wxT("checking for directory '") + dir + wxT("'...")); if (wxFileName::DirExists(dir)) { DebugShow(wxT(" yes\n")); dir = JoinPaths(dir, tmpl); DebugShow(wxT("checking for directory '") + dir + wxT("'...")); if (wxFileName::DirExists(dir)) { DebugShow(wxT(" yes\n")); wxString tmplPath = JoinPaths(dir, wxT("login.php")); DebugShow(wxT("checking for file '") + tmplPath + wxT("'...")); if (wxFileName::FileExists(tmplPath)) { DebugShow(wxT(" yes\n")); // dir is already set to the directory component of the template path return true; } else { DebugShow(wxT(" no\n")); } } else { DebugShow(wxT(" no\n")); } } else { DebugShow(wxT(" no\n")); } return false; }
bool CMusic::LoadfromMusicTable(const std::string &gamepath, const std::string &levelfilename) { bool fileloaded = false; std::ifstream Tablefile; std::string musicpath = getResourceFilename(JoinPaths("music", "table.cfg"), gamepath, false, true); if(musicpath != "") fileloaded = OpenGameFileR(Tablefile, musicpath); if(fileloaded) { std::string str_buf; while(!Tablefile.eof()) { getline(Tablefile, str_buf, ' '); str_buf.erase(0, str_buf.find_first_not_of('\n')); if( str_buf == levelfilename ) // found the level! Load the song! { // Get the song filename and load it! getline(Tablefile, str_buf); TrimSpaces(str_buf); std::string filename = getResourceFilename(JoinPaths("music", str_buf), gamepath, false, true); if( load(filename) ) play(); return true; } Tablefile.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); } } return false; }
wxString CamulewebApp::SetLocale(const wxString& language) { wxString lang = CaMuleExternalConnector::SetLocale(language); // will call setlocale() for us // SetLocale() may indeed return an empty string, when no locale has been selected yet and // no locale change was requested, or, in the worst case, if the last locale change didn't succeed. if (!lang.IsEmpty()) { DebugShow(wxT("*** Language set to: ") + lang + wxT(" ***\n")); #ifdef ENABLE_NLS wxString domain = wxT("amuleweb-") + m_TemplateName; Unicode2CharBuf domainBuf = unicode2char(domain); const char *c_domain = (const char *)domainBuf; // Try to find a message catalog // First look in ~/.aMule/webserver/<template>, but only if a local template was used wxString dir; if (m_localTemplate) { dir = JoinPaths(JoinPaths(JoinPaths(GetConfigDir(), wxT("webserver")), m_TemplateName), wxT("locale")); DebugShow(wxT("looking for message catalogs in ") + dir + wxT("... ")); } if (!m_localTemplate || !DirHasMessageCatalog(dir, lang, domain)) { if (m_localTemplate) { DebugShow(wxT("no\n")); } #if defined __WXMAC__ || defined __WXMSW__ // on Mac, the bundle may be tried, too dir = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDataDir(); #elif defined(__UNIX__) dir = JoinPaths(static_cast<wxStandardPaths&>(wxStandardPaths::Get()).GetInstallPrefix(), JoinPaths(wxT("share"), wxT("locale"))); #endif DebugShow(wxT("looking for message catalogs in ") + dir + wxT("... ")); if (!DirHasMessageCatalog(dir, lang, domain)) { DebugShow(wxT("no\n")); dir = wxEmptyString; } else { DebugShow(wxT("yes\n")); } } else { DebugShow(wxT("yes\n")); } // If we found something, then use it otherwise it may still be present at the system default location if (!dir.IsEmpty()) { Unicode2CharBuf buffer = unicode2char(dir); const char *c_dir = (const char *)buffer; bindtextdomain(c_domain, c_dir); } // We need to have the returned messages in UTF-8 bind_textdomain_codeset(c_domain, "UTF-8"); // And finally select the message catalog textdomain(c_domain); #endif /* ENABLE_NLS */ } return lang; }
bool CamuleDlg::Check_and_Init_Skin() { bool ret = true; wxString skinFileName(thePrefs::GetSkin()); if (skinFileName.IsEmpty() || skinFileName.IsSameAs(_("- default -"))) { return false; } wxString userDir(JoinPaths(GetConfigDir(), wxT("skins")) + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator()); wxStandardPathsBase &spb(wxStandardPaths::Get()); #ifdef __WINDOWS__ wxString dataDir(spb.GetPluginsDir()); #elif defined(__WXMAC__) wxString dataDir(spb.GetDataDir()); #else wxString dataDir(spb.GetDataDir().BeforeLast(wxT('/')) + wxT("/amule")); #endif wxString systemDir(JoinPaths(dataDir,wxT("skins")) + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator()); skinFileName.Replace(wxT("User:"******"System:"), systemDir ); m_skinFileName.Assign(skinFileName); if (!m_skinFileName.FileExists()) { AddLogLineC(CFormat( _("Skin directory '%s' does not exist")) % skinFileName ); ret = false; } else if (!m_skinFileName.IsFileReadable()) { AddLogLineC(CFormat( _("WARNING: Unable to open skin file '%s' for read")) % skinFileName); ret = false; } wxFFileInputStream in(m_skinFileName.GetFullPath()); wxZipInputStream zip(in); wxZipEntry *entry; while ((entry = zip.GetNextEntry()) != NULL) { wxZipEntry*& current = cat[entry->GetInternalName()]; delete current; current = entry; } return ret; }
void CEGASprit::DerivePlayerSprites( const int id, std::vector<GsSprite> &sprites ) { for(Uint16 s=0 ; s<gGraphics.getSpriteVec(id).size() ; s++) { GsSprite &Sprite = gGraphics.getSprite(id,s); Sprite.optimizeSurface(); } // Try to load player sprites here! std::set<std::string> filelist; FileListAdder fileListAdder; std::string gfxpath = JoinPaths(m_gamepath, "gfx"); GetFileList(filelist, fileListAdder, gfxpath, false, FM_REG); const std::string spriteFn = "sprite"+itoa(id)+"_"; FilterFilelist(filelist, spriteFn); std::set<std::string>::iterator it = filelist.begin(); for( ; it != filelist.end() ; it++ ) { std::string name = *it; const int num = getRessourceID(name, spriteFn); GsSprite &Sprite = gGraphics.getSprite(id,num); std::string filename = getResourceFilename("gfx/"+name, m_gamepath, false, true); Sprite.loadHQSprite(filename); Sprite.applyTransparency(); } }
byte *getActionBasePtr() { auto &exeFile = gKeenFiles.exeFile; if(exeFile.isPythonScript()) { if(actionFormatData.empty()) { int episode = exeFile.getEpisode(); const std::string fname = "keen" + itoa(episode) + ".act"; const auto actFilePath = JoinPaths(gKeenFiles.gameDir,fname); const auto actFullFilePath = GetFullFileName(actFilePath); gLogging << "Loading Action file " << actFullFilePath; if(actFullFilePath == "") { gLogging << "Error Loading Action file " << actFullFilePath; return nullptr; } loadActionFile(actFullFilePath); } return; } else { return exeFile.getDSegPtr(); } }
int CPreviews::openNextScene() { // Here we set the function pointer for the cycle and load stuff for it... m_scene_number++; std::string filename = "preview"; filename += itoa(m_scene_number); filename += ".ck"; filename += itoa(m_episode); // If the we have scene to load, load it, else open the text which ends the preview if(openScene(filename)) { this->ponder_ptr = &CPreviews::processPreviewScene; this->render_ptr = &CPreviews::drawPreviewScene; } else { std::string filename = JoinPaths(g_pBehaviorEngine->m_ExeFile.getDataDirectory(), ""); filename += itoa(g_pBehaviorEngine->getEpisode()); mp_TextViewer.reset( new CTextViewer(0, 8, 320, 160) ); if(!mp_TextViewer->loadTextfromFile(filename)) m_destroy_me = true; this->render_ptr = &CPreviews::showText; this->ponder_ptr = &CPreviews::processShowText; } return 0; }
// This method is called by the menu. It assures that the // PlayGame instance will call load() and get the right data. bool CSaveGameController::prepareLoadGame(int SaveSlot) { const std::string savefile = "cksave" + itoa(SaveSlot) + ".ck"+itoa(m_Episode); m_statefilename = JoinPaths(m_savedir, savefile); m_datablock.clear(); g_pBehaviorEngine->EventList().add( new LoadGameEvent() ); return true; }
/** * \brief This function will look for certain files used in the game. It looks on the local dir * and is it didn't find the file, it will look on the global director GLOBAL_DIR. In case * it finds something there, it return that alternate path. * \param filename the filename for which we are looking * \param gamepath if a game started, path to that one * \param essential essential means whether the file is really needed or the game can live without it. * \param can_be_global This means, that the file can be read from the global directory. In some cases it must not. */ std::string getResourceFilename(const std::string &filename, const std::string &gamepath, bool essential, bool can_be_global) { std::string text; std::string vfs_path; if(gamepath != "") { vfs_path = JoinPaths(gamepath, filename); text = "Looking for " + vfs_path + " ... "; // try to look at the local path of the game. if(!IsFileAvailable(vfs_path)) vfs_path = ""; } if(vfs_path == "" && can_be_global) { // if it didn't find the file try looking at the global resources vfs_path = JoinPaths(GLOBAL_DIR, filename); text = "Looking for " + vfs_path + " ... "; if(!IsFileAvailable(vfs_path)) vfs_path = ""; } if( vfs_path == "" ) { if(essential) { text += "missing!\n"; text += "The file " + filename + " was not found. Please provide that file!\n"; } else text.clear(); } else text += "found!\n"; if(!text.empty()) gLogging.textOut(GREEN, text); return vfs_path; }
//////////////// // Apply the given selector void CImageButton::ApplySelector(const CSSParser::Selector &sel, const std::string& prefix) { CWidget::ApplySelector(sel, prefix); // Go through the attributes for (std::list<CSSParser::Attribute>::const_iterator it = sel.getAttributes().begin(); it != sel.getAttributes().end(); it++) { if (it->getName() == "image") { sPath = JoinPaths(sel.getBaseURL(), it->getFirstValue().getURL()); bmpImage = LoadGameImage(sPath, true); } } }
////////////////// // Apply the given selector to the column void CListviewColumn::CColumnStyle::ApplySelector(const CSSParser::Selector& sel, const std::string& prefix) { cBackground.ApplySelector(sel, prefix); cBorder.ApplySelector(sel, prefix); cFont.ApplySelector(sel, prefix); cText.ApplySelector(sel, prefix); // Go through the attributes FOR_EACH_ATTRIBUTE(sel, it) { if (it->getName() == prefix + "arrow-image") bmpSortArrow.set(LoadGameImage(JoinPaths(sel.getBaseURL(), it->getFirstValue().getURL()), true), it->getPriority()); } }
/////////////////// // Apply the given tag void CScrollbar::ApplyTag(xmlNodePtr node) { CWidget::ApplyTag(node); iMin = MAX(0, xmlGetInt(node, "min")); iMax = MAX(iMin + 1, xmlGetInt(node, "max", iMin + 1)); iValue = CLAMP(xmlGetInt(node, "value"), iMin, iMax); iItemsperbox = CLAMP(xmlGetInt(node, "itemsperbox"), 0, iMax); std::string base = xmlGetBaseURL(node); if (xmlPropExists(node, "topbtn")) bmpTop.set(LoadGameImage(JoinPaths(base, xmlGetString(node, "topbtn"))), TAG_ATTR_PRIORITY); if (xmlPropExists(node, "bottombtn")) bmpBottom.set(LoadGameImage(JoinPaths(base, xmlGetString(node, "bottombtn"))), TAG_ATTR_PRIORITY); if (xmlPropExists(node, "slidertop")) bmpSliderTop.set(LoadGameImage(JoinPaths(base, xmlGetString(node, "slidertop"))), TAG_ATTR_PRIORITY); if (xmlPropExists(node, "sliderbottom")) bmpSliderBottom.set(LoadGameImage(JoinPaths(base, xmlGetString(node, "sliderbottom"))), TAG_ATTR_PRIORITY); if (xmlPropExists(node, "slidermain")) bmpSliderMiddle.set(LoadGameImage(JoinPaths(base, xmlGetString(node, "slidermain"))), TAG_ATTR_PRIORITY); if (xmlPropExists(node, "color")) iColor.set(xmlGetColour(node, "color", iColor), TAG_ATTR_PRIORITY); if (xmlPropExists(node, "highcolor")) iHighlightColor.set(xmlGetColour(node, "highcolor", iHighlightColor), TAG_ATTR_PRIORITY); if (xmlPropExists(node, "shadowcolor")) iShadowColor.set(xmlGetColour(node, "shadowcolor", iShadowColor), TAG_ATTR_PRIORITY); if (xmlPropExists(node, "bgcolor")) iBackgroundColor.set(xmlGetColour(node, "bgcolor", iBackgroundColor), TAG_ATTR_PRIORITY); if (xmlPropExists(node, "arrowcolor")) iArrowColor.set(xmlGetColour(node, "arrowcolor", iArrowColor), TAG_ATTR_PRIORITY); if (xmlPropExists(node, "dir")) { std::string dir = xmlGetString(node, "dir", "vertical"); if (stringcaseequal(dir, "vertical")) iDirection.set(scrVertical, TAG_ATTR_PRIORITY); else if (stringcaseequal(dir, "horizontal")) iDirection.set(scrHorizontal, TAG_ATTR_PRIORITY); } }
/////////////////// // Apply a selector to one border side void CBorder::ApplySelectorToBorder(const CSSParser::Selector &sel, const std::string &prefix, const std::string &side, CBorder::BorderLineSettings &sett) { bool fail = false; std::string att = prefix + "border-" + side; FOR_EACH_ATTRIBUTE(sel, it) { if (it->getName() == att + "color" || it->getName() == att + "light" || it->getName() == "colour") { sett.clLight.set(it->getFirstValue().getColor(sett.clLight), it->getPriority()); sett.clDark.set(sett.clLight, it->getPriority()); } else if (it->getName() == att + "dark") { sett.clDark.set(it->getFirstValue().getColor(sett.clDark), it->getPriority()); } else if (it->getName() == att + "size") { sett.iThickness.set(it->getFirstValue().getInteger(0), it->getPriority()); } else if (it->getName() == att + "style") { sett.iStyle.set(StringToBorderStyle(it->getFirstValue().getString(), fail), it->getPriority()); } else if (it->getName() == att + "image") { sett.bmpLine.set(LoadGameImage(JoinPaths(sel.getBaseURL(), it->getFirstValue().getURL())), it->getPriority()); } else if (it->getName() == prefix + "border") { bool thickness_set = false; for (std::vector<CSSParser::Attribute::Value>::const_iterator val = it->getParsedValue().begin(); val != it->getParsedValue().end(); val++) { // Style BorderStyle style = StringToBorderStyle(val->getString(), fail); if (!fail) { sett.iStyle.set(style, it->getPriority()); if (!thickness_set) sett.iThickness.set(MAX(1, (int)sett.iThickness), it->getPriority()); // for example "border: solid black" means "1px solid black" continue; } // Thickness int thick = from_string<int>(val->getString(), fail); if (!fail && thick >= 0) { thickness_set = true; sett.iThickness.set(thick, it->getPriority()); } // Color Color c = StrToCol(val->getString(), fail); if (!fail) { sett.clDark.set(c, it->getPriority()); sett.clLight.set(c, it->getPriority()); } } } } }
/** * @function FindVarietyPaths2 * @brief Using Free Space */ std::vector< std::vector<Eigen::Vector3i> > LJM2::FindVarietyPaths2( int _x1, int _y1, int _z1, int _x2, int _y2, int _z2, int _times, float _alpha ) { mAlpha = _alpha; std::vector< std::vector<Eigen::Vector3i> > paths; std::vector<Eigen::Vector3i> path; std::vector< std::vector<int> > nodePaths; std::vector<int> allNodePaths; time_t ts; time_t tf; double dt; //-- Find the nearest points int startIndex = ref( _x1, _y1, _z1 ); int targetIndex = ref( _x2, _y2, _z2 ); printf("--> Start: %d Target: %d \n", startIndex, targetIndex ); InitSearch(); for( size_t i = 0; i < _times; ++i ) { path.resize(0); //ts = clock(); path = FindPath( startIndex, targetIndex ); //tf = clock(); printf("--[%d] Found Path of size %d \n", i, path.size() ); //printf(" Time elapsed: %.3f \n", (double) (tf - ts)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC ); paths.push_back( path ); nodePaths.push_back( mPath ); //-- Update the values //ts = clock(); ResetSearch(); //tf = clock(); //printf("--[%d] Search : Time elapsed: %.3f \n", i, (double) (tf - ts)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC ); allNodePaths = JoinPaths( nodePaths ); ts = clock(); UpdateNodeValues( allNodePaths ); //tf = clock(); //printf("--[%d] UpdateNodes : Time elapsed: %.3f \n", i, (double) (tf - ts)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC ); } return paths; }
bool COGGPlayer::loadMusicForLevel(const CExeFile& ExeFile, const int level) { // Now get the proper music slot reading the assignment table. Uint16 music_order = 0; const int Idx = ExeFile.getEpisode()-4; memcpy( &music_order, ExeFile.getRawData()+GalaxySongAssignments[Idx]+level*sizeof(Uint16), sizeof(Uint16)); if(music_order > 20) { g_pLogFile->textOut("Sorry, this track is invalid! Please report the developers."); return false; } m_filename = "slot" + itoa(music_order) + ".ogg"; m_filename = getResourceFilename(JoinPaths("music", m_filename), ExeFile.getDataDirectory(), false, false); if(m_filename.empty()) return false; return open(); }
// appends word to end of path if it doesnt exist at the end of path // path = "my/path" or "my/path and word = "view" -> path == "my/path/view CString AppendWordIfNotAtEndOfPath(const CString& _path, const CString& word, std::vector<CString> delimiters) { // delimiters could be passed in with initializer list if (delimiters.size() == 0) { delimiters.push_back(_T("\\")); delimiters.push_back(_T("/")); } // word is stripped of any special path characters, since its a word in a path CString word_without_specials = RemoveCharsIfEqualsAny(word, delimiters); // if the word without special path chars is at the end of the path, then // nothing needs to be done here, return the original path if (IsAtEndOfPath(_path, word_without_specials, delimiters)) { return _path; } // otherwise join the path with the word and return it CString path = _path; path = path.Trim(); path = JoinPaths(path, word_without_specials, delimiters); return path; }
/////////////////////// // Apply a selector to the scrollbar void CScrollbar::ApplySelector(const CSSParser::Selector &sel, const std::string &prefix) { CWidget::ApplySelector(sel, prefix); const std::string& base = sel.getBaseURL(); FOR_EACH_ATTRIBUTE(sel, it) { if (it->getName() == prefix + "top-button") { bmpTop.set(LoadGameImage(JoinPaths(base, it->getFirstValue().getURL()), true), it->getPriority()); } else if (it->getName() == prefix + "bottom-button") { bmpBottom.set(LoadGameImage(JoinPaths(base, it->getFirstValue().getURL()), true), it->getPriority()); } else if (it->getName() == prefix + "background-image") { bmpBackground.set(LoadGameImage(JoinPaths(base, it->getFirstValue().getURL())), it->getPriority()); } else if (it->getName() == prefix + "slider-top-image") { bmpSliderTop.set(LoadGameImage(JoinPaths(base, it->getFirstValue().getURL())), it->getPriority()); } else if (it->getName() == prefix + "slider-bottom-image") { bmpSliderBottom.set(LoadGameImage(JoinPaths(base, it->getFirstValue().getURL())), it->getPriority()); } else if (it->getName() == prefix + "slider-main-image") { bmpSliderMiddle.set(LoadGameImage(JoinPaths(base, it->getFirstValue().getURL())), it->getPriority()); } else if (it->getName() == prefix + "face-color" || it->getName() == prefix + "face-colour") { iColor.set(it->getFirstValue().getColor(iColor), it->getPriority()); } else if (it->getName() == prefix + "background-color" || it->getName() == prefix + "background-colour") { iBackgroundColor.set(it->getFirstValue().getColor(iBackgroundColor), it->getPriority()); } else if (it->getName() == prefix + "highlight-color" || it->getName() == prefix + "highlight-colour") { iHighlightColor.set(it->getFirstValue().getColor(iHighlightColor), it->getPriority()); } else if (it->getName() == prefix + "shadow-color" || it->getName() == prefix + "shadow-colour") { iShadowColor.set(it->getFirstValue().getColor(iShadowColor), it->getPriority()); } else if (it->getName() == prefix + "arrow-color" || it->getName() == prefix + "arrow-colour") { iArrowColor.set(it->getFirstValue().getColor(iArrowColor), it->getPriority()); } else if (it->getName() == prefix + "direction") { if (it->getFirstValue().getString() == "vertical") iDirection.set(scrVertical, it->getPriority()); else if (it->getFirstValue().getString() == "horizontal") iDirection.set(scrHorizontal, it->getPriority()); else iDirection.set(scrVertical, DEFAULT_PRIORITY); // Defaults to vertical } } }
bool CEGALatch::loadData( const std::string &path, const short episode, const int version, const unsigned char *data, const bool compresseddata ) { std::string filename; byte *RawData; Uint16 width, height; SDL_Surface *sfc; filename = getResourceFilename("" + itoa(episode), path); FILE* latchfile = OpenGameFile(filename,"rb"); if(!latchfile) return false; RawData = new byte[m_latchplanesize * 4]; // get the data out of the file into the memory, decompressing it if necessary. if (compresseddata) { if (lz_decompress(latchfile, (unsigned char*) RawData)) { return 1; } } else { for(int i=0 ; i<(m_latchplanesize*4) ; i++) RawData[i] = fgetc(latchfile); } fclose(latchfile); // these are the offsets of the different video planes as // relative to each other--that is if a pixel in plane1 // is at N, the byte for that same pixel in plane3 will be // at (N + plane3). unsigned long plane1, plane2, plane3, plane4; plane1 = 0; plane2 = (m_latchplanesize * 1); plane3 = (m_latchplanesize * 2); plane4 = (m_latchplanesize * 3); // ** read the 8x8 tiles ** // set up the getbit() function of CPlanes class CPlanes Planes(RawData); Planes.setOffsets(plane1 + m_fontlocation, plane2 + m_fontlocation, plane3 + m_fontlocation, plane4 + m_fontlocation, 0); // Load these graphics into the GsFont Class of GsGraphics // The original vorticon engine only uses one fontmap, but we use another for // extra icons. For example sliders are in that map gGraphics.freeFonts(); gGraphics.createEmptyFontmaps(3); gGraphics.getFont(0).loadinternalFont(); GsFont &Font = gGraphics.getFont(1); Font.CreateSurface( gGraphics.Palette.m_Palette, SDL_SWSURFACE ); sfc = Font.getSDLSurface(); gGraphics.getFont(2).loadAlternateFont(); if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(sfc)) SDL_LockSurface(sfc); Uint8 *pixel = (Uint8*) sfc->pixels; SDL_FillRect(sfc, NULL, 0); for(int p=0;p<4;p++) Planes.readPlaneofTiles(p, pixel, 16, 8, m_fonttiles); if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(sfc)) SDL_UnlockSurface(sfc); // prepare to ** read the 16x16 tiles ** Planes.setOffsets(plane1 + m_tiles16location, plane2 + m_tiles16location, plane3 + m_tiles16location, plane4 + m_tiles16location, 0); gGraphics.freeTilemap(); gGraphics.createEmptyTilemaps(2); loadTilemap(gGraphics.getTileMap(0), Planes, episode, path); // prepare to ** read the 16x16 tiles **, this is for the second plane. Planes.setOffsets(plane1 + m_tiles16location, plane2 + m_tiles16location, plane3 + m_tiles16location, plane4 + m_tiles16location, 0); loadTilemap(gGraphics.getTileMap(1), Planes, episode, path); gGraphics.getTileMap(0).optimizeSurface(); gGraphics.getTileMap(1).optimizeSurface(); // make masked tiles according to it's surfaces applyMasks(); //////////////////// /// Load Bitmaps /// //////////////////// Planes.setOffsets(plane1 + m_bitmaplocation, plane2 + m_bitmaplocation, plane3 + m_bitmaplocation, plane4 + m_bitmaplocation, 0); // decode bitmaps into the BitmapData structure. The bitmaps are // loaded into one continuous stream of image data, with the bitmaps[] // array giving pointers to where each bitmap starts within the stream. for(int p=0 ; p<4 ; p++) { for(int b=0 ; b<m_bitmaps ; b++) { GsBitmap &bitmap = gGraphics.getBitmapFromId(b); // this points to the location that we're currently // decoding bitmap data to sfc= bitmap.getSDLSurface(); if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(sfc)) SDL_LockSurface(sfc); Uint8* pixel = (Uint8*) sfc->pixels; if(p==0) SDL_FillRect(sfc, NULL, 0); width = bitmap.getWidth(); height = bitmap.getHeight(); // Now read the raw data Planes.readPlane(p, pixel, width, height); if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(sfc)) SDL_UnlockSurface(sfc); } } std::set<std::string> filelist; FileListAdder fileListAdder; std::string gfxpath = JoinPaths(path, "gfx"); GetFileList(filelist, fileListAdder, gfxpath, false, FM_REG); FilterFilelist(filelist, "bitmap"); std::set<std::string>::iterator it = filelist.begin(); for( ; it != filelist.end() ; it++ ) { std::string filename=*it; int num = getRessourceID(filename, "bitmap"); GsBitmap &bitmap = gGraphics.getBitmapFromId(num); filename = getResourceFilename("gfx/" + filename, path, false); bitmap.loadHQBitmap(filename); } if(RawData){ delete[] RawData; RawData = NULL;} // Create an intro in case it does not exist yet std::string fullpath = getResourceFilename("preview.bmp", path, false); if( fullpath == "" ) { // Not found create it fullpath = path + "/preview.bmp"; fullpath = GetWriteFullFileName(fullpath, true); GsBitmap *pBitmap = gGraphics.getBitmapFromStr("TITLE"); SDL_SaveBMP( pBitmap->getSDLSurface(), fullpath.c_str()); } return true; }
bool CEGASprit::loadData(const std::string& filename, bool compresseddata) { byte *RawData; SDL_Surface *sfc; Uint8* pixel; Uint32 percent = 0; FILE* latchfile = OpenGameFile(filename.c_str(),"rb"); if(!latchfile) return false; gResourceLoader.setPermilage(10); RawData = new byte[m_planesize * 5]; // get the data out of the file into the memory, decompressing it if necessary. if (compresseddata) { if (lz_decompress(latchfile, RawData)) return 1; } else { for(int i=0 ; i<(m_planesize*5) ; i++) RawData[i] = fgetc(latchfile); } fclose(latchfile); gResourceLoader.setPermilage(50); // TODO: Try to blit the Font map here! // these are the offsets of the different video planes as // relative to each other--that is if a pixel in plane1 // is at N, the byte for that same pixel in plane3 will be // at (N + plane3). unsigned long plane1, plane2, plane3, plane4, plane5; plane1 = 0; plane2 = (m_planesize * 1); plane3 = (m_planesize * 2); plane4 = (m_planesize * 3); plane5 = (m_planesize * 4); CPlanes Planes(RawData + m_spriteloc); Planes.setOffsets(plane1, plane2, plane3, plane4, plane5); // load the image data gGraphics.createEmptySprites(4,MAX_SPRITES+1); for(int i=0 ; i<m_numsprites ; i++) { GsSprite &Sprite = gGraphics.getSprite(0,i); Sprite.setSize( EGASpriteModell[i].width, EGASpriteModell[i].height ); Sprite.setBoundingBoxCoordinates( (EGASpriteModell[i].hitbox_l << STC), (EGASpriteModell[i].hitbox_u << STC), (EGASpriteModell[i].hitbox_r << STC), (EGASpriteModell[i].hitbox_b << STC) ); Sprite.createSurface( gVideoDriver.mpVideoEngine->getBlitSurface()->flags, gGraphics.Palette.m_Palette ); percent = (i*50)/m_numsprites; gResourceLoader.setPermilage(50+percent); } gResourceLoader.setPermilage(100); for(int p=0 ; p<4 ; p++) { for(int s=0 ; s<m_numsprites ; s++) { sfc = gGraphics.getSprite(0,s).getSDLSurface(); if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(sfc)) SDL_LockSurface(sfc); pixel = (Uint8*) sfc->pixels; Planes.readPlane(p, pixel, sfc->w, sfc->h); if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(sfc)) SDL_UnlockSurface(sfc); percent = (s*100)/m_numsprites; gResourceLoader.setPermilage(100+percent); } } gResourceLoader.setPermilage(200); // now load the 5th plane, which contains the sprite masks. // note that we invert the mask because our graphics functions // use white on black masks whereas keen uses black on white. for(int s=0 ; s<m_numsprites ; s++) { GsSprite &Sprite = gGraphics.getSprite(0,s); SDL_Surface *pixsfc = Sprite.getSDLSurface(); SDL_Surface *masksfc = Sprite.getSDLMaskSurface(); if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(pixsfc)) SDL_LockSurface(pixsfc); if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(masksfc)) SDL_LockSurface(masksfc); pixel = (Uint8*) masksfc->pixels; for(int y=0 ; y<masksfc->h ; y++) { for(int x=0 ; x<masksfc->w ; x++) { if(Planes.getbit(4)) pixel[y*masksfc->w + x] = ((Uint8*)pixsfc->pixels)[y*pixsfc->w + x]; else pixel[y*masksfc->w + x] = 15; } } if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(masksfc)) SDL_UnlockSurface(masksfc); if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(pixsfc)) SDL_UnlockSurface(pixsfc); percent = (s*100)/m_numsprites; gResourceLoader.setPermilage(200+percent); } gResourceLoader.setPermilage(300); if(RawData){ delete[] RawData; RawData = NULL;} LoadSpecialSprites( gGraphics.getSpriteVec(0) ); for(unsigned int i=1 ; i<4 ; i++) { gGraphics.getSpriteVec(i) = gGraphics.getSpriteVec(0); } // For the other variant let's exchange some colors auto &SpriteVecPlayer2 = gGraphics.getSpriteVec(1); for( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < SpriteVecPlayer2.size() ; i++) { auto &sprite = SpriteVecPlayer2[i]; // Red against Purple sprite.exchangeSpriteColor( 5, 4, 0 ); sprite.exchangeSpriteColor( 13, 12, 0 ); // Yellow against Green sprite.exchangeSpriteColor( 2, 6, 0 ); sprite.exchangeSpriteColor( 10, 14, 0 ); } auto &SpriteVecPlayer3 = gGraphics.getSpriteVec(2); for( auto &sprite : SpriteVecPlayer3) { // Red against Green sprite.exchangeSpriteColor( 2, 4, 0 ); sprite.exchangeSpriteColor( 10, 12, 0 ); // Yellow against Purple sprite.exchangeSpriteColor( 5, 6, 0 ); sprite.exchangeSpriteColor( 13, 14, 0 ); } auto &SpriteVecPlayer4 = gGraphics.getSpriteVec(3); for( auto &sprite : SpriteVecPlayer4) { // Red against Yellow sprite.exchangeSpriteColor( 6, 4, 0 ); sprite.exchangeSpriteColor( 14, 12, 0 ); // Green against Purple sprite.exchangeSpriteColor( 2, 5, 0 ); sprite.exchangeSpriteColor( 10, 13, 0 ); } for(unsigned int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) { for(Uint16 s=0 ; s<gGraphics.getSpriteVec(i).size() ; s++) { GsSprite &Sprite = gGraphics.getSprite(i,s); Sprite.optimizeSurface(); percent = (s*50)/m_numsprites; gResourceLoader.setPermilage(300+percent); } } gResourceLoader.setPermilage(350); std::set<std::string> filelist; FileListAdder fileListAdder; std::string gfxpath = JoinPaths(m_gamepath, "gfx"); GetFileList(filelist, fileListAdder, gfxpath, false, FM_REG); FilterFilelist(filelist, "sprite"); std::set<std::string>::iterator it = filelist.begin(); int listsize = filelist.size(); for( int c=0 ; it != filelist.end() ; it++, c++ ) { std::string name=*it; if(name.find("_") != name.npos) continue; int num = getRessourceID(name, "sprite"); if(num < m_numsprites ) { GsSprite &Sprite = gGraphics.getSprite(0, num); std::string filename = getResourceFilename("gfx/"+name, m_gamepath, false, true); Sprite.loadHQSprite(filename); } percent = (c*150)/listsize; gResourceLoader.setPermilage(350+percent); } gResourceLoader.setPermilage(500); for(unsigned int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) { const int NoSprites = gGraphics.getSpriteVec(i).size(); for(Uint16 s=0 ; s<NoSprites ; s++) { gGraphics.getSprite(i,s).applyTransparency(); percent = (s*250)/NoSprites; gResourceLoader.setPermilage(500+percent); } } gResourceLoader.setPermilage(750); // Now create special sprites, like those for effects and the doors! DeriveSpecialSprites( gGraphics.getTileMap(1), gGraphics.getSpriteVec(0) ); gResourceLoader.setPermilage(800); // Here special Effects are applied, only when the option is enabled for it if(gVideoDriver.getSpecialFXConfig()) ApplySpecialFX(); gResourceLoader.setPermilage(900); // Apply the sprites for player 2,3 and 4 DerivePlayerSprites( 1,gGraphics.getSpriteVec(1) ); DerivePlayerSprites( 2,gGraphics.getSpriteVec(2) ); DerivePlayerSprites( 3,gGraphics.getSpriteVec(3) ); gResourceLoader.setPermilage(1000); return true; }
static inline bool CheckDirForMessageCatalog(const wxString& dir, const wxString& lang, const wxString& domain) { return wxFileName::FileExists(JoinPaths(dir, JoinPaths(lang, JoinPaths(wxT("LC_MESSAGES"), domain + wxT(".mo"))))); }
void CEGASprit::DerivePlayerSprites( std::vector<CSprite> &sprites ) { // create the sprites for player 2, 3 and 4 for(size_t i=0;i<48;i++) { size_t s = SECOND_PLAYER_BASEFRAME+i;, g_pGfxEngine->Palette.m_Palette ); 13, 11 ,0 ); 5, 3 ,0 ); 12, 9 ,0 ); 4, 1 ,0 );; } for(size_t i=0;i<48;i++) { size_t s = THIRD_PLAYER_BASEFRAME+i;, g_pGfxEngine->Palette.m_Palette ); 13, 10, 0 ); // Shirt light 5, 2, 0 ); // Shirt dark 12, 2, 16 ); // Shoes light 4, 0, 16 ); // Shoes dark; } for(size_t i=0;i<48;i++) { size_t s = FOURTH_PLAYER_BASEFRAME+i;, g_pGfxEngine->Palette.m_Palette ); 13, 14, 0 ); // Shirt light 5, 6, 0 ); // Shirt dark 12, 6, 16 ); // Shoes light 4, 0, 16 ); // Shoes dark; } for(Uint16 s=0 ; s<g_pGfxEngine->getSpriteVec().size() ; s++) { CSprite &Sprite = g_pGfxEngine->getSprite(s); Sprite.optimizeSurface(); } // Try to load player sprites here! std::set<std::string> filelist; FileListAdder fileListAdder; std::string gfxpath = JoinPaths(m_gamepath, "gfx"); GetFileList(filelist, fileListAdder, gfxpath, false, FM_REG); FilterFilelist(filelist, "sprite"); std::set<std::string>::iterator it = filelist.begin(); for( ; it != filelist.end() ; it++ ) { std::string name=*it; int num = getRessourceID(name, "sprite"); if( num>=SECOND_PLAYER_BASEFRAME && num<FOURTH_PLAYER_BASEFRAME+48 ) { CSprite &Sprite = g_pGfxEngine->getSprite(num); std::string filename = getResourceFilename("gfx/"+name, m_gamepath, false, true); Sprite.loadHQSprite(filename); Sprite.applyTransparency(); } } }
void CCodeBlocksWorkspace::GenerateMakefileText(const CString& FileName, CCodeBlocksBuildConfig& Config) { // generate individual makefiles for projects //std::cout<<"Workspace: "<<FileName.GetCString()<<std::endl; CString cwd = GetCurrentDir(); CString workspace_path = ExtractFilePath(FileName); if (!workspace_path.IsEmpty()) { ChangeDir(workspace_path); } //std::cout<<"Workspace path: "<<workspace_path.GetCString()<<std::endl; m_TargetNames.Clear(); m_MakefileNames.Clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Units.size(); i++) { CString project_name = m_Units[i]->m_FileName; CString makefile_path = JoinPaths(workspace_path,ExtractFilePath(project_name)); CString makefile_pathname = JoinPaths(workspace_path,project_name+".mak"); CString target_name = LowerCase(ChangeFileExt(project_name,"")); CString makefile_name = ExtractFileName(makefile_pathname); //std::cout<<"Project name: "<<project_name.GetCString()<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"Makefile path: "<<makefile_path.GetCString()<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"Makefile pathname: "<<makefile_pathname.GetCString()<<std::endl; target_name = CCodeBlocksProject::DecorateTargetName(target_name); //std::cout<<"Target name: "<<target_name.GetCString()<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"Makefile name: "<<makefile_name.GetCString()<<std::endl; m_TargetNames.Insert(target_name); m_MakefilePaths.Insert(makefile_path); m_MakefileNames.Insert(makefile_name); makefile_pathname = MakeNativePath(makefile_pathname); //std::cout<<"Native makefile pathname: "<<makefile_pathname.GetCString()<<std::endl; m_Units[i]->m_Project.GenerateMakefile(makefile_pathname,Config); } //CString cwd = GetCurrentDir(); // generate workspace makefile int active_platforms = 0; for (size_t pi = 0, pn = Config.Platforms().GetCount(); pi < pn; pi++) { if (Config.Platforms().Platform(pi)->Active()) active_platforms++; } bool single_platform = (1==active_platforms); for (size_t pi = 0, pn = Config.Platforms().GetCount(); pi < pn; pi++) { CPlatform *pl = Config.Platforms().Platform(pi); if (!pl->Active()) continue; CString makefile_path = ExtractFilePath(FileName); CString makefile_name = ExtractFileName(FileName); CString platform_suffix; if (!single_platform) platform_suffix = "."+LowerCase(pl->Name()); makefile_name += platform_suffix; //ChangeDir(makefile_path); // m_MakefileText.Clear(); // head comment m_MakefileText.Insert("#------------------------------------------------------------------------------#"); #ifdef REVISION_NUMBER { CString s = "# This makefile was generated by 'cbp2make' tool rev. #"; CString n = IntegerToString(REVISION_NUMBER); int o = FindStr(s,"rev.") + 4; for (int i = 0; i < n.GetLength(); i++) s.SetChar(i+o,n[i]); m_MakefileText.Insert(s); } #else m_MakefileText.Insert("# This makefile was generated by 'cbp2make' tool #"); #endif m_MakefileText.Insert("#------------------------------------------------------------------------------#"); m_MakefileText.Insert(""); // macros CString line = "WRKDIR = "+pl->EvalWorkDir(); m_MakefileText.Insert(line); line = "MAKE = "+pl->Tool_Make(); m_MakefileText.Insert(line); m_MakefileText.Insert(""); // targets line = "all:"; for (int i = 0; i < m_TargetNames.GetCount(); i++) { line.Append(" ").Append(m_TargetNames[i]); } m_MakefileText.Insert(line); m_MakefileText.Insert(""); for (int i = 0; i < m_TargetNames.GetCount(); i++) { CString makefile_path = m_MakefilePaths[i]; line = m_TargetNames[i]+":"; m_MakefileText.Insert(line); line = "\t$(MAKE)"; if (!makefile_path.IsEmpty()) { line += " -C "+pl->ProtectPath(pl->Pd(makefile_path),Config.QuotePathMode()); } line += " all -f "+pl->ProtectPath(pl->Pd(m_MakefileNames[i])+platform_suffix,Config.QuotePathMode()); m_MakefileText.Insert(line); m_MakefileText.Insert(""); } // line = "clean:"; for (int i = 0; i < m_TargetNames.GetCount(); i++) { line.Append(" clean_").Append(m_TargetNames[i]); } m_MakefileText.Insert(line); m_MakefileText.Insert(""); for (int i = 0; i < m_TargetNames.GetCount(); i++) { CString makefile_path = m_MakefilePaths[i]; line = "clean_"+m_TargetNames[i]+":"; m_MakefileText.Insert(line); line = "\t$(MAKE)"; if (!makefile_path.IsEmpty()) { line += " -C "+pl->ProtectPath(pl->Pd(makefile_path),Config.QuotePathMode()); } line += " clean -f "+pl->ProtectPath(pl->Pd(m_MakefileNames[i])+platform_suffix,Config.QuotePathMode()); m_MakefileText.Insert(line); m_MakefileText.Insert(""); } // line = ".PHONY:"; for (int i = 0; i < m_TargetNames.GetCount(); i++) { line.Append(" ").Append(m_TargetNames[i]); line.Append(" clean_").Append(m_TargetNames[i]); } m_MakefileText.Insert(line); m_MakefileText.Insert(""); m_MakefileText.SaveToFile(makefile_name); m_MakefileText.Clear(); ChangeDir(cwd); } }
bool CamulewebApp::GetTemplateDir(const wxString& templateName, wxString& templateDir) { wxString dir; m_localTemplate = false; DebugShow(wxT("looking for template: ") + templateName + wxT("\n")); #ifdef __WXMAC__ CFURLRef amuleBundleUrl; OSStatus status = LSFindApplicationForInfo( kLSUnknownCreator, // This magic string is the bundle identifier in's Info.plist CFSTR("org.amule.aMule"), NULL, NULL, &amuleBundleUrl); if (status == noErr && amuleBundleUrl) { CFBundleRef amuleBundle = CFBundleCreate(NULL, amuleBundleUrl); CFRelease(amuleBundleUrl); if (amuleBundle) { CFURLRef webserverDirUrl = CFBundleCopyResourceURL( amuleBundle, CFSTR("webserver"), NULL, NULL); CFRelease(amuleBundle); if (webserverDirUrl) { CFURLRef absoluteURL = CFURLCopyAbsoluteURL(webserverDirUrl); CFRelease(webserverDirUrl); if (absoluteURL) { CFStringRef pathString = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( absoluteURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle); CFRelease(absoluteURL); #if wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 9, 0) dir = wxCFStringRef(pathString). AsString(wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding()); #else dir = wxMacCFStringHolder(pathString). AsString(wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding()); #endif if (CheckDirForTemplate(dir, templateName)) { templateDir = dir; return true; } } } } } #endif dir = GetConfigDir(wxT("remote.conf")) + wxT("webserver"); if (CheckDirForTemplate(dir, templateName)) { templateDir = dir; m_localTemplate = true; return true; } #ifdef WEBSERVERDIR dir = wxT(WEBSERVERDIR); if (CheckDirForTemplate(dir, templateName)) { templateDir = dir; return true; } #endif dir = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetResourcesDir(); // Returns 'aMule' when we use 'amule' elsewhere #if !defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXMAC__) dir = dir.BeforeLast(wxFileName::GetPathSeparator()); dir = JoinPaths(dir, wxT("amule")); #endif dir = JoinPaths(dir, wxT("webserver")); if (CheckDirForTemplate(dir, templateName)) { templateDir = dir; return true; } // template not found. reverting to default const wxChar* const defaultTemplateName = wxT("default"); if ( templateName == defaultTemplateName ) { return false; } Show(wxT("Template ") + templateName + wxT(" not found, reverting to default\n\n")); return GetTemplateDir(defaultTemplateName, templateDir); }
bool CWorkspaceUnit::LoadProject(const CString& WorkspacePath) { return m_Project.LoadProject(JoinPaths(WorkspacePath,m_FileName)); }
bool CProcessingMachine::Configure(const CString& FileName) { CGenericProcessingMachine::Configure(""/*FileName*/); if (DoShowHelp()) { DisplayHelpMessage(); return false; } if (BeVerbose()) { std::cout<<"Command line parameters:"<<std::endl; PSC().Print(std::cout); } if (PSC().VarDefined("--version")) { std::cout<<"cbp2make rev."<<REVISION_NUMBER<<std::endl; return false; } #ifdef REVISION_NUMBER if (!BeQuiet()) std::cout<<"Starting cbp2make rev."<<REVISION_NUMBER<<"..."<<std::endl; #endif m_BuildManager.Config().BeQuiet() = BeQuiet(); m_BuildManager.Config().BeVerbose() = BeVerbose(); CString cfg_name = ConfigurationName(); // Lookup configuration file // 1) if "-cfg" option is specified, use it as-is // 2) if "-cfg" option is not specified do following: // 2A) use default configuration in current directory // if it exists or "--local" option is specified. // 2B) find and/or create configuration in user's home directory, // if it is not possible, fallback to current directory. if (!PSC().VarDefined(GPM_VAR_NAME_CFG) && ((!FileExists(cfg_name) && !PSC().VarDefined("--local")) || PSC().VarDefined("--global"))) { CString cfg_path = JoinPaths(HomeDirPath(),".cbp2make"); if (!DirExists(cfg_path)) { MakeDir(cfg_path); } if (DirExists(cfg_path)) { cfg_name = JoinPaths(cfg_path,DefaultConfigurationName()); } } if (FileExists(cfg_name)) { if (!BeQuiet()) std::cout<<"Using configuration: "<<cfg_name.GetCString()<<std::endl; m_BuildManager.Config().Load(cfg_name); m_BuildManager.Config().BeQuiet() = BeQuiet(); m_BuildManager.Config().BeVerbose() = BeVerbose(); } else { if (!BeQuiet()) std::cout<<"Using default configuration."<<std::endl; m_BuildManager.Config().Platforms().AddDefault(); m_BuildManager.Config().ToolChains().AddDefault(); //do not create configuration file unless explicitly instructed to do so //m_BuildManager.Config().Save(cfg_name); } if (PSC().VarDefined("--default-options")) { m_BuildManager.Config().DefaultOptions() = PSC().VarNamed("--default-options").GetString(); } if (!m_BuildManager.Config().DefaultOptions().IsEmpty()) { PS().AddParameters(m_BuildManager.Config().DefaultOptions()); PSC().ProcessParameters(PS()); CGenericProcessingMachine::Configure(""); m_BuildManager.Config().BeQuiet() = BeQuiet(); m_BuildManager.Config().BeVerbose() = BeVerbose(); } // cache frequently used variables bool os_unix = PSC().VarDefined("-unix"); bool os_windows = PSC().VarDefined("-windows"); bool os_mac = PSC().VarDefined("-mac"); CPlatform::OS_Type os_type = CPlatform::OS_Unix; if (os_unix) os_type = CPlatform::OS_Unix; else if (os_windows) os_type = CPlatform::OS_Windows; else if (os_mac) os_type = CPlatform::OS_Mac; bool os_any = os_unix || os_windows || os_mac; // configure m_BuildManager.Config().Platforms().AddDefault(); if (PSC().VarDefined("--config")) { CString config_item_str = PSC().VarNamed("--config").GetString(); int config_item = GuessStr(config_item_str,"toolchain tool platform variable options", config_item_str,true); if (0==config_item) { CString chain_name = PSC().VarNamed("-chain").GetString(); if (PSC().VarDefined("--add")) { if (PSC().VarDefined("-chain")) { CToolChain *tc = m_BuildManager.ToolChains().Find(os_type,chain_name); if (0==tc) { tc = m_BuildManager.ToolChains().Add(os_type,chain_name); } if (0==tc) return false; ConfigureToolchain(tc); } } // add-toolchain else if (PSC().VarDefined("--remove")&&PSC().VarDefined("-chain")&&os_any) { m_BuildManager.ToolChains().Remove(os_type,chain_name); } } if (1==config_item) { CString chain_name = PSC().VarNamed("-chain").GetString(); if (PSC().VarDefined("--add")) { if (PSC().VarDefined("-chain")) { CToolChain *tc = m_BuildManager.ToolChains().Find(os_type,chain_name); if (0==tc) { tc = m_BuildManager.ToolChains().Add(os_type,chain_name); } if (0==tc) return false; if (PSC().VarDefined("-tool")&&PSC().VarDefined("-type")) { CString tool_type_str = PSC().VarNamed("-type").GetString(); int tool_type_int = GuessStr(tool_type_str,"other pp as cc rc sl dl el nl count", tool_type_str,false); CBuildTool::ToolType tool_type = (CBuildTool::ToolType)tool_type_int; CString tool_name = PSC().VarNamed("-tool").GetString(); CBuildTool *bt = tc->FindBuildToolByName(tool_name); if (0==bt) { bt = tc->CreateBuildTool(tool_type); bt->Alias() = tool_name; } if (0==bt) return false; ConfigureBuildTool(bt); } } } // add-tool else if (PSC().VarDefined("--remove")&&PSC().VarDefined("-chain")&&PSC().VarDefined("-tool")&&os_any) { CToolChain *tc = m_BuildManager.ToolChains().Find(os_type,chain_name); if (0!=tc) { return tc->RemoveToolByName(PSC().VarNamed("-tool").GetString()); } } } if (2==config_item) { if (os_any) { CPlatform *p = m_BuildManager.Platforms().Find(os_type); if (0==p) return false; ConfigurePlatform(p); } } if (3==config_item) { if (PSC().VarDefined("--add")) { CString set_name = PSC().VarNamed("-set").GetString(); if (PSC().VarDefined("-name") && PSC().VarDefined("-value")) { CString var_name = PSC().VarNamed("-name").GetString(); CGlobalVariableSet *vset = m_BuildManager.Config().GlobalVariables().Add(set_name); CGlobalVariable *var = vset->Add(var_name); if (PSC().VarDefined("-desc")) { var->Description() = PSC().VarNamed("-desc").GetString(); } if (PSC().VarDefined("-value")) { var->Add(PSC().VarNamed("-field").GetString(), PSC().VarNamed("-value").GetString()); } } } // add variable else if (PSC().VarDefined("--remove")) { CString set_name = PSC().VarNamed("-set").GetString(); if (PSC().VarDefined("-name")) { CString var_name = PSC().VarNamed("-name").GetString(); CGlobalVariableSet *vset = m_BuildManager.Config().GlobalVariables().Add(set_name); CGlobalVariable *var = vset->Add(var_name); if (PSC().VarDefined("-field")) { // if both variable and field names are defined, remove the field var->Remove(PSC().VarNamed("-field").GetString()); } else { // if variable name is defined, but field name is not, remove the variable vset->Remove(var_name); } } else { // if both variable and field names are not defined, // but set name is defined, remove the entire set if (PSC().VarDefined("-set")) { m_BuildManager.Config().GlobalVariables().Remove(set_name); } } } // remove variable } // config variable if (config_item < 0) m_BuildManager.Config().Show(); std::cout<<"Saving configuration: "<<cfg_name.GetCString()<<std::endl; m_BuildManager.Config().Save(cfg_name); return false; } // config // bool os_all = PSC().VarDefined("--all-os"); os_all = os_all || (os_unix && os_windows && os_mac); os_unix = os_unix || os_all; os_windows = os_windows || os_all; os_mac = os_mac || os_all; bool os_none = !os_all && !os_unix && !os_windows && !os_mac; if (os_none) { #ifdef OS_UNIX os_unix = true; #endif #ifdef OS_WIN os_windows = true; #endif #ifdef OS_MAC os_mac = true; #endif } if (os_unix) { CPlatform *p = m_BuildManager.Config().Platforms().Find(CPlatform::OS_Unix); if (p) p->Active() = true; } if (os_windows) { CPlatform *p = m_BuildManager.Config().Platforms().Find(CPlatform::OS_Windows); if (p) p->Active() = true; } if (os_mac) { CPlatform *p = m_BuildManager.Config().Platforms().Find(CPlatform::OS_Mac); if (p) p->Active() = true; } // { CString vset_name = PSC().VarNamed("-set").GetString(); CGlobalVariableSet *vset = m_BuildManager.Config().GlobalVariables().Find(vset_name); if (0!=vset) { vset->Active() = true; } } m_BuildManager.Config().FlatObjectNames() = PSC().VarDefined("--flat-objects"); m_BuildManager.Config().FlatObjectPaths() = PSC().VarDefined("--flat-objpath"); m_BuildManager.Config().MultilineObjects() = PSC().VarDefined("--wrap-objects"); m_BuildManager.Config().MultilineOptions() = PSC().VarDefined("--wrap-options"); m_BuildManager.Config().IncludeDependencies() = PSC().VarDefined("--with-deps"); { CString target_case_name = PSC().VarNamed("--target-case").GetString(); m_BuildManager.Config().TargetNameCase() = GuessStr(target_case_name,"keep lower upper",target_case_name,false); } { CString macros_case_name = PSC().VarNamed("--macros-case").GetString(); m_BuildManager.Config().MacroVariableCase() = GuessStr(macros_case_name,"keep lower upper",macros_case_name,false); } { CString quote_path_name = PSC().VarNamed("--quote-path").GetString(); m_BuildManager.Config().QuotePathMode() = GuessStr(quote_path_name,"auto never always",quote_path_name,false); } m_BuildManager.Config().KeepObjectDirectories() = PSC().VarDefined("--keep-objdir"); m_BuildManager.Config().KeepOutputDirectories() = PSC().VarDefined("--keep-outdir"); { CStringList targets; ParseStr(PSC().VarNamed("-targets").GetString(),',',targets); targets.RemoveEmpty(); targets.RemoveDuplicates(); m_BuildManager.Config().Targets() = targets; } //if (BeVerbose()) PSC().Print(std::cout); return true; }
void CSaveGameController::setGameDirectory(const std::string& game_directory) { m_savedir = JoinPaths("save", game_directory); }
bool CEGALatch::loadData( std::string &path, short episode, int version, unsigned char *data, bool compresseddata ) { std::string filename; byte *RawData; Uint16 width, height; SDL_Surface *sfc; filename = getResourceFilename("" + itoa(episode), path); FILE* latchfile = OpenGameFile(filename,"rb"); if(!latchfile) return false; RawData = new byte[m_latchplanesize * 4]; // get the data out of the file into the memory, decompressing it if necessary. if (compresseddata) { if (lz_decompress(latchfile, (unsigned char*) RawData)) { return 1; } } else { for(int i=0 ; i<(m_latchplanesize*4) ; i++) RawData[i] = fgetc(latchfile); } fclose(latchfile); // these are the offsets of the different video planes as // relative to each other--that is if a pixel in plane1 // is at N, the byte for that same pixel in plane3 will be // at (N + plane3). unsigned long plane1, plane2, plane3, plane4; plane1 = 0; plane2 = (m_latchplanesize * 1); plane3 = (m_latchplanesize * 2); plane4 = (m_latchplanesize * 3); // ** read the 8x8 tiles ** // set up the getbit() function of CPlanes class CPlanes Planes(RawData); Planes.setOffsets(plane1 + m_fontlocation, plane2 + m_fontlocation, plane3 + m_fontlocation, plane4 + m_fontlocation, 0); // Load these graphics into the CFont Class of CGfxEngine // The original vorticon engine only uses one fontmap, but we use another for // extra icons. For example sliders are in that map g_pGfxEngine->freeFonts(); g_pGfxEngine->createEmptyFontmaps(3); g_pGfxEngine->getFont(0).loadinternalFont(); CFont &Font = g_pGfxEngine->getFont(1); Font.CreateSurface( g_pGfxEngine->Palette.m_Palette, SDL_SWSURFACE ); sfc = Font.getSDLSurface(); g_pGfxEngine->getFont(2).loadAlternateFont(); if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(sfc)) SDL_LockSurface(sfc); Uint8 *pixel = (Uint8*) sfc->pixels; SDL_FillRect(sfc, NULL, 0); for(int p=0;p<4;p++) Planes.readPlaneofTiles(p, pixel, 16, 8, m_fonttiles); if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(sfc)) SDL_UnlockSurface(sfc); // ** read the 16x16 tiles ** Planes.setOffsets(plane1 + m_tiles16location, plane2 + m_tiles16location, plane3 + m_tiles16location, plane4 + m_tiles16location, 0); g_pGfxEngine->freeTilemap(); g_pGfxEngine->createEmptyTilemap(2); CTilemap &Tilemap = g_pGfxEngine->getTileMap(1); Tilemap.CreateSurface( g_pGfxEngine->Palette.m_Palette, SDL_SWSURFACE, m_num16tiles, 4, 13 ); sfc = Tilemap.getSDLSurface(); SDL_FillRect(sfc,NULL, 0); if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(sfc)) SDL_LockSurface(sfc); Uint8 *u_pixel = (Uint8*) sfc->pixels; for(int p=0;p<4;p++) Planes.readPlaneofTiles(p, u_pixel, 13, 16, m_num16tiles); if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(sfc)) SDL_UnlockSurface(sfc); // Load Hi-Colour, VGA, SVGA Tiles into the tilemap filename = getResourceFilename("gfx/ck" + itoa(episode) + "tiles.bmp", path, false); if(Tilemap.loadHiresTile(filename)) g_pLogFile->textOut(GREEN, "VGA Bitmap for Tileset has been loaded successfully!"); // Adapt the tilemap to the display, so they are faster blit Tilemap.optimizeSurface(); // make masked tiles according to it's surfaces applyMasks(); //////////////////// /// Load Bitmaps /// //////////////////// Planes.setOffsets(plane1 + m_bitmaplocation, plane2 + m_bitmaplocation, plane3 + m_bitmaplocation, plane4 + m_bitmaplocation, 0); // decode bitmaps into the BitmapData structure. The bitmaps are // loaded into one continuous stream of image data, with the bitmaps[] // array giving pointers to where each bitmap starts within the stream. for(int p=0 ; p<4 ; p++) { for(int b=0 ; b<m_bitmaps ; b++) { CBitmap &bitmap = g_pGfxEngine->getBitmap(b); // this points to the location that we're currently // decoding bitmap data to sfc= bitmap.getSDLSurface(); if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(sfc)) SDL_LockSurface(sfc); Uint8* pixel = (Uint8*) sfc->pixels; if(p==0) SDL_FillRect(sfc, NULL, 0); width = bitmap.getWidth(); height = bitmap.getHeight(); // Now read the raw data Planes.readPlane(p, pixel, width, height); if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(sfc)) SDL_UnlockSurface(sfc); } } // optimize the bitmaps and load hq bitmaps if there are some. for(int b=0 ; b<m_bitmaps ; b++) { CBitmap &bitmap = g_pGfxEngine->getBitmap(b); bitmap.optimizeSurface(); } std::set<std::string> filelist; FileListAdder fileListAdder; std::string gfxpath = JoinPaths(path, "gfx"); GetFileList(filelist, fileListAdder, gfxpath, false, FM_REG); FilterFilelist(filelist, "bitmap"); std::set<std::string>::iterator it = filelist.begin(); for( ; it != filelist.end() ; it++ ) { std::string filename=*it; int num = getRessourceID(filename, "bitmap"); CBitmap &bitmap = g_pGfxEngine->getBitmap(num); filename = getResourceFilename("gfx/" + filename, path, false); bitmap.loadHQBitmap(filename); } if(RawData){ delete[] RawData; RawData = NULL;} return true; }
FOR_EACH_ATTRIBUTE(sel, it) { if (it->getName() == prefix + "border-radius-" + corner) sett.iRoundRadius.set(it->getFirstValue().getInteger(0), it->getPriority()); else if (it->getName() == prefix + "border-image-" + corner) sett.bmpCorner.set(LoadGameImage(JoinPaths(sel.getBaseURL(), it->getFirstValue().getURL())), it->getPriority()); }