コード例 #1
void basisfield::Set(const volume<float>& pfield)
  if (int(FieldSz_x()) != pfield.xsize() || int(FieldSz_y()) != pfield.ysize() || int(FieldSz_z()) != pfield.zsize()) {
    throw BasisfieldException("basisfield::Set:: Matrix size mismatch beween basisfield class and supplied field");
  if (Vxs_x() != pfield.xdim() || Vxs_y() != pfield.ydim() || Vxs_z() != pfield.zdim()) {
    throw BasisfieldException("basisfield::Set:: Voxel size mismatch beween basisfield class and supplied field");

  volume<float>   volume_of_ones(pfield.xsize(),pfield.ysize(),pfield.zsize());
  volume_of_ones = 1.0;

  double lambda = 0.001;
  ColumnVector y = Jte(pfield,0);
  boost::shared_ptr<MISCMATHS::BFMatrix>  XtX = JtJ(volume_of_ones);
  boost::shared_ptr<MISCMATHS::BFMatrix>  BeEn = BendEnergyHess();
  ColumnVector coef_roof = XtX->SolveForx(y,SYM_POSDEF,1e-6,500);
コード例 #2
int levenberg_marquardt_nllsq_impl(Function f, JacobianFunction fill_jac, 
                                    InputVector& x, const OutputVector& y, 
                                    LinearSolver lin_solve, LimitFunction impose_limits, unsigned int max_iter, 
                                    T tau, T epsj, T epsx, T epsy)
  typedef typename vect_traits<InputVector>::value_type ValueType;
  typedef typename vect_traits<InputVector>::size_type SizeType;
  /* Check if the problem is defined properly */
  if (y.size() < x.size())
    throw improper_problem("Levenberg-Marquardt requires M > N!");
  mat<ValueType,mat_structure::rectangular> J(y.size(),x.size());
  mat<ValueType,mat_structure::square> JtJ(x.size());
  mat<ValueType,mat_structure::diagonal> diag_JtJ(x.size());
  mat<ValueType,mat_structure::scalar> mu(x.size(),0.0);
  InputVector Jte = x;
  InputVector Dp = x; Dp -= x;
  mat_vect_adaptor<InputVector> Dp_mat(Dp);
  InputVector pDp = x;
  impose_limits(x,Dp); // make sure the initial solution is feasible.
  x += Dp;
  if(tau <= 0.0) 
    tau = 1E-03;
  if(epsj <= 0.0) 
    epsj = 1E-17;
  if(epsx <= 0.0) 
    epsx = 1E-17;
  ValueType epsx_sq = epsx * epsx;
  if(epsy <= 0.0) 
    epsy = 1E-17;
  if(max_iter <= 1)
    max_iter = 2;

  /* compute e=x - f(p) and its L2 norm */
  OutputVector y_approx = f(x);
  OutputVector e = y; e -= y_approx;
  OutputVector e_tmp = e;
  ValueType p_eL2 = e * e;
  unsigned int nu = 2;
  for(unsigned int k = 0; k < max_iter; ++k) {
    if(p_eL2 < epsy)
      return 1;  //residual is too small.


    /* J^T J, J^T e */
    for(SizeType i = 0; i < J.get_col_count(); ++i) {
      for(SizeType j = i; j < J.get_col_count(); ++j) {
        ValueType tmp(0.0);
        for(SizeType l = 0; l < J.get_row_count(); ++l)
          tmp += J(l,i) * J(l,j);
        JtJ(i,j) = JtJ(j,i) = tmp;
    Jte = e * J;
    ValueType p_L2 = x * x;

    /* check for convergence */
    if( norm_inf(mat_vect_adaptor<InputVector>(Jte)) < epsj) 
      return 2;  //Jacobian is too small.

    /* compute initial damping factor */
    if( k == 0 ) {
      ValueType tmp = std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::min();
      for(SizeType i=0; i < JtJ.get_row_count(); ++i)
        if(JtJ(i,i) > tmp) 
          tmp = JtJ(i,i); /* find max diagonal element */
      mu = mat<ValueType,mat_structure::scalar>(x.size(), tau * tmp);

    /* determine increment using adaptive damping */
    while(true) {

      /* solve augmented equations */
      try {
        ValueType Dp_L2 = Dp * Dp;
        pDp = x; pDp += Dp;

        if(Dp_L2 < epsx_sq * p_L2) /* relative change in p is small, stop */
          return 3;  //steps are too small.

        if( Dp_L2 >= (p_L2 + epsx) / ( std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::epsilon() * std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::epsilon() ) ) 
          throw 42; //signal to throw a singularity-error (see below).
        e_tmp = y; e_tmp -= f(pDp);
        ValueType pDp_eL2 = e_tmp * e_tmp;
        ValueType dL = mu(0,0) * Dp_L2 + Dp * Jte;

        ValueType dF = p_eL2 - pDp_eL2;
        if( (dL < 0.0) || (dF < 0.0) ) 
          throw singularity_error("reject inc.");

        // reduction in error, increment is accepted
        ValueType tmp = ( ValueType(2.0) * dF / dL - ValueType(1.0));
        tmp = 1.0 - tmp * tmp * tmp;
        mu *= ( ( tmp >= ValueType(1.0 / 3.0) ) ? tmp : ValueType(1.0 / 3.0) );
        nu = 2;

        x = pDp;
        y_approx = y; y_approx -= e_tmp;
        e = e_tmp;
        p_eL2 = pDp_eL2;
        break; //the step is accepted and the loop is broken.
      } catch(singularity_error&) {
        //the increment must be rejected (either by singularity in damped matrix or no-redux by the step.
        mu *= ValueType(nu);
        nu <<= 1; // 2*nu;
        if( nu == 0 ) /* nu has overflown. */
          throw infeasible_problem("Levenberg-Marquardt method cannot reduce the function further, matrix damping has overflown!");
      } catch(int i) {
        if(i == 42)
          throw singularity_error("Levenberg-Marquardt method has detected a near-singularity in the Jacobian matrix!");
          throw i;  //just in case there might be another integer thrown (very unlikely).

    }; /* inner loop */

  //if this point is reached, it means we have reached the maximum iterations.
  throw maximum_iteration(max_iter);
