コード例 #1
ファイル: kmp_error.cpp プロジェクト: AstroVPK/LLVM-4.0.0
    kmp_i18n_id_t            id,     // Message identifier.
    enum cons_type           ct,     // First construct type.
    ident_t const *          ident,  // First construct ident.
    struct cons_data const * cons    // Second construct.
) {
    char const * construct1 = __kmp_pragma( ct, ident );
    char const * construct2 = __kmp_pragma( cons->type, cons->ident );
    __kmp_msg( kmp_ms_fatal, __kmp_msg_format( id, construct1, construct2 ), __kmp_msg_null );
    KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( (void *) construct1 );
    KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( (void *) construct2 );
コード例 #2
    kmp_env_blk_t * block  // M: Block of environment variables to free.
) {

    KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( (void *) block->vars );
    KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( (void *) block->bulk );

    block->count = 0;
    block->vars  = NULL;
    block->bulk  = NULL;

} // __kmp_env_blk_free
コード例 #3
ファイル: kmp_str.c プロジェクト: niober123/ompt-intel-openmp
    char const * * str
) {
    KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( str != NULL );
    KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( (void *) * str );
    * str = NULL;
} // func __kmp_str_free
コード例 #4
__kmp_env_free( char const * * value ) {

    KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( value != NULL );
    KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( (void *) * value );
    * value = NULL;

} // func __kmp_env_free
コード例 #5
char *__kmp_env_get(char const *name) {

  char *result = NULL;

  char const *value = getenv(name);
  if (value != NULL) {
    size_t len = KMP_STRLEN(value) + 1;
    result = (char *)KMP_INTERNAL_MALLOC(len);
    if (result == NULL) {
    KMP_STRNCPY_S(result, len, value, len);
  /* We use GetEnvironmentVariable for Windows* OS instead of getenv because the
     act of loading a DLL on Windows* OS makes any user-set environment
     variables (i.e. with putenv()) unavailable. getenv() apparently gets a
     clean copy of the env variables as they existed at the start of the run.
     JH 12/23/2002 */
  DWORD rc;
  rc = GetEnvironmentVariable(name, NULL, 0);
  if (!rc) {
    DWORD error = GetLastError();
    if (error != ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND) {
      __kmp_fatal(KMP_MSG(CantGetEnvVar, name), KMP_ERR(error), __kmp_msg_null);
    // Variable is not found, it's ok, just continue.
  } else {
    DWORD len = rc;
    result = (char *)KMP_INTERNAL_MALLOC(len);
    if (result == NULL) {
    rc = GetEnvironmentVariable(name, result, len);
    if (!rc) {
      // GetEnvironmentVariable() may return 0 if variable is empty.
      // In such a case GetLastError() returns ERROR_SUCCESS.
      DWORD error = GetLastError();
      if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
        // Unexpected error. The variable should be in the environment,
        // and buffer should be large enough.
        __kmp_fatal(KMP_MSG(CantGetEnvVar, name), KMP_ERR(error),
        KMP_INTERNAL_FREE((void *)result);
        result = NULL;
#error Unknown or unsupported OS.

  return result;

} // func __kmp_env_get
コード例 #6
ファイル: kmp_error.cpp プロジェクト: AstroVPK/LLVM-4.0.0
    kmp_i18n_id_t    id,     // Message identifier.
    enum cons_type   ct,     // Construct type.
    ident_t const *  ident   // Construct ident.
) {
    char const * construct = __kmp_pragma( ct, ident );
    __kmp_msg( kmp_ms_fatal, __kmp_msg_format( id, construct ), __kmp_msg_null );
    KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( (void *) construct );
コード例 #7
ファイル: kmp_str.c プロジェクト: niober123/ompt-intel-openmp
    kmp_str_loc_t * loc
) {
    __kmp_str_fname_free( & loc->fname );
    KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( loc->_bulk );
    loc->_bulk = NULL;
    loc->file  = NULL;
    loc->func  = NULL;
} // kmp_str_loc_free
コード例 #8
ファイル: kmp_i18n.c プロジェクト: PRUNER/openmp
static void
    kmp_i18n_table_t * table
) {
    int s;
    int m;
    for ( s = 0; s < table->size; ++ s ) {
        for ( m = 0; m < table->sect[ s ].size; ++ m ) {
            // Free message.
            KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( (void *) table->sect[ s ].str[ m ] );
            table->sect[ s ].str[ m ] = NULL;
        }; // for m
        table->sect[ s ].size = 0;
        // Free section itself.
        KMP_INTERNAL_FREE ( (void *) table->sect[ s ].str );
        table->sect[ s ].str = NULL;
    }; // for s
    table->size = 0;
    KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( (void *) table->sect );
    table->sect = NULL;
} // kmp_i8n_table_free
コード例 #9
ファイル: kmp_str.c プロジェクト: niober123/ompt-intel-openmp
    kmp_str_buf_t * buffer
) {
    KMP_STR_BUF_INVARIANT( buffer );
    if ( buffer->size > sizeof( buffer->bulk ) ) {
        KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( buffer->str );
    }; // if
    buffer->str  = buffer->bulk;
    buffer->size = sizeof( buffer->bulk );
    buffer->used = 0;
    KMP_STR_BUF_INVARIANT( buffer );
} // __kmp_str_buf_free
コード例 #10
ファイル: kmp_i18n.c プロジェクト: PRUNER/openmp
static UINT
) {

    UINT cp = default_code_page;
    char const * value = __kmp_env_get( "KMP_CODEPAGE" );
    if ( value != NULL ) {
        if ( _stricmp( value, "ANSI" ) == 0 ) {
            cp = CP_ACP;
        } else if ( _stricmp( value, "OEM" ) == 0 ) {
            cp = CP_OEMCP;
        } else if ( _stricmp( value, "UTF-8" ) == 0 || _stricmp( value, "UTF8" ) == 0 ) {
            cp = CP_UTF8;
        } else if ( _stricmp( value, "UTF-7" ) == 0 || _stricmp( value, "UTF7" ) == 0 ) {
            cp = CP_UTF7;
        } else {
            // !!! TODO: Issue a warning?
        }; // if
    }; // if
    KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( (void *) value );
    return cp;

} // func get_code_page
コード例 #11
ファイル: kmp_i18n.c プロジェクト: PRUNER/openmp
    kmp_msg_severity_t  severity,
    kmp_msg_t           message,
) {

    va_list        args;
    kmp_i18n_id_t  format;      // format identifier
    kmp_msg_t      fmsg;        // formatted message
    kmp_str_buf_t  buffer;

    if ( severity != kmp_ms_fatal && __kmp_generate_warnings == kmp_warnings_off )
        return; // no reason to form a string in order to not print it

    __kmp_str_buf_init( & buffer );

    // Format the primary message.
    switch ( severity ) {
        case kmp_ms_inform : {
            format = kmp_i18n_fmt_Info;
        } break;
        case kmp_ms_warning : {
            format = kmp_i18n_fmt_Warning;
        } break;
        case kmp_ms_fatal : {
            format = kmp_i18n_fmt_Fatal;
        } break;
        default : {
            KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( 0 );
    }; // switch
    fmsg = __kmp_msg_format( format, message.num, message.str );
    KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( (void *) message.str );
    __kmp_str_buf_cat( & buffer, fmsg.str, fmsg.len );
    KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( (void *) fmsg.str );

    // Format other messages.
    va_start( args, message );
    for ( ; ; ) {
        message = va_arg( args, kmp_msg_t );
        if ( message.type == kmp_mt_dummy && message.str == NULL ) {
        }; // if
        if ( message.type == kmp_mt_dummy && message.str == __kmp_msg_empty.str ) {
        }; // if
        switch ( message.type ) {
            case kmp_mt_hint : {
                format = kmp_i18n_fmt_Hint;
            } break;
            case kmp_mt_syserr : {
                format = kmp_i18n_fmt_SysErr;
            } break;
            default : {
                KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( 0 );
        }; // switch
        fmsg = __kmp_msg_format( format, message.num, message.str );
        KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( (void *) message.str );
        __kmp_str_buf_cat( & buffer, fmsg.str, fmsg.len );
        KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( (void *) fmsg.str );
    }; // forever
    va_end( args );

    // Print formatted messages.
    // This lock prevents multiple fatal errors on the same problem.
    // __kmp_acquire_bootstrap_lock( & lock );    // GEH - This lock causing tests to hang on OS X*.
    __kmp_printf( "%s", buffer.str );
    __kmp_str_buf_free( & buffer );

    if ( severity == kmp_ms_fatal ) {
        #if KMP_OS_WINDOWS
        __kmp_thread_sleep( 500 );   /* Delay to give message a chance to appear before reaping */
    }; // if

    // __kmp_release_bootstrap_lock( & lock );  // GEH - this lock causing tests to hang on OS X*.

} // __kmp_msg
コード例 #12
ファイル: kmp_i18n.c プロジェクト: PRUNER/openmp
char *
    int err
) {

    char * message = NULL;


        LPVOID  buffer = NULL;
        int     len;
        DWORD   rc;
        rc =
                MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ), // Default language.
                (LPTSTR) & buffer,
        if ( rc > 0 ) {
            // Message formatted. Copy it (so we can free it later with normal free().
            message = __kmp_str_format( "%s", (char *) buffer );
            len = ___strip_crs( message ); // Delete carriage returns if any.
            // Strip trailing newlines.
            while ( len > 0 && message[ len - 1 ] == '\n' ) {
                -- len;
            }; // while
            message[ len ] = 0;
        } else {
            // FormatMessage() failed to format system error message. GetLastError() would give us
            // error code, which we would convert to message... this it dangerous recursion, which
            // cannot clarify original error, so we will not even start it.
        }; // if
        if ( buffer != NULL ) {
            LocalFree( buffer );
        }; // if

    #else // Non-Windows* OS: Linux* OS or OS X*

            There are 2 incompatible versions of strerror_r:

                char * strerror_r( int, char *, size_t );  // GNU version
                int    strerror_r( int, char *, size_t );  // XSI version

        #if defined(__GLIBC__) && defined(_GNU_SOURCE)

            // GNU version of strerror_r.

            char   buffer[ 2048 ];
            char * const err_msg = strerror_r( err, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) );
                // Do not eliminate this assignment to temporary variable, otherwise compiler would
                // not issue warning if strerror_r() returns `int' instead of expected `char *'.
            message = __kmp_str_format( "%s", err_msg );

        #else // OS X*, FreeBSD* etc.

            // XSI version of strerror_r.

            int    size   = 2048;
            // TODO: Add checking result of malloc().
            char * buffer = (char *) KMP_INTERNAL_MALLOC( size );
            int    rc;
            if (buffer == NULL) {
            rc = strerror_r( err, buffer, size );
            if ( rc == -1 ) {
                rc = errno;            // XSI version sets errno.
            }; // if
            while ( rc == ERANGE ) {   // ERANGE means the buffer is too small.
                KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( buffer );
                size *= 2;
                buffer = (char *) KMP_INTERNAL_MALLOC( size );
                if (buffer == NULL) {
                rc = strerror_r( err, buffer, size );
                if ( rc == -1 ) {
                    rc = errno;        // XSI version sets errno.
                }; // if
            }; // while
            if ( rc == 0 ) {
                message = buffer;
            } else {
                // Buffer is unused. Free it.
                KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( buffer );
            }; // if


    #endif /* KMP_OS_WINDOWS */

    if ( message == NULL ) {
        // TODO: I18n this message.
        message = __kmp_str_format( "%s", "(No system error message available)" );
    }; // if
    return message;

} // sys_error
コード例 #13
ファイル: kmp_i18n.c プロジェクト: PRUNER/openmp
char const *
    kmp_i18n_id_t  id
) {

    char *    result = NULL;
    PVOID     addr   = NULL;
    wchar_t * wmsg   = NULL;
    DWORD     wlen   = 0;
    char *    msg    = NULL;
    int       len    = 0;
    int       rc;

    wlen =    // wlen does *not* include terminating null.
            0,             // LangId
            (LPWSTR) & addr,
            0,             // Size in elements, not in bytes.
    if ( wlen <= 0 ) {
        goto end;
    }; // if
    wmsg = (wchar_t *) addr;  // Warning: wmsg may be not nul-terminated!

    // Calculate length of multibyte message.
    len =     // Since wlen does not include terminating null, len does not include it also.
            0,                // Flags.
            wmsg, wlen,       // Wide buffer and size.
            NULL, 0,          // Buffer and size.
            NULL, NULL        // Default char and used default char.
    if ( len <= 0 ) {
        goto end;
    }; // if

    // Allocate memory.
    msg = (char *) KMP_INTERNAL_MALLOC( len + 1 );

    // Convert wide message to multibyte one.
    rc =
            0,                // Flags.
            wmsg, wlen,       // Wide buffer and size.
            msg, len,         // Buffer and size.
            NULL, NULL        // Default char and used default char.
    if ( rc <= 0 || rc > len ) {
        goto end;
    }; // if
    KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( rc == len );
    len = rc;
    msg[ len ] = 0;           // Put terminating null to the end.

    // Stripping all "\r" before stripping last end-of-line simplifies the task.
    len = ___strip_crs( msg );

    // Every message in catalog is terminated with "\n". Strip it.
    if ( len >= 1 && msg[ len - 1 ] == '\n' ) {
        -- len;
        msg[ len ] = 0;
    }; // if

    // Everything looks ok.
    result = msg;
    msg    = NULL;


    if ( msg != NULL ) {
        KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( msg );
    }; // if
    if ( wmsg != NULL ) {
        LocalFree( wmsg );
    }; // if

    return result;

} // ___catgets
コード例 #14
ファイル: kmp_i18n.c プロジェクト: PRUNER/openmp
) {
    int    english = 0;
    char * lang    = __kmp_env_get( "LANG" );
    // TODO: What about LC_ALL or LC_MESSAGES?

    KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( status == KMP_I18N_CLOSED );

    english =
	lang == NULL                       ||  // In all these cases English language is used.
	strcmp( lang, "" )            == 0 ||
        strcmp( lang, " " )           == 0 ||
              // Workaround for Fortran RTL bug DPD200137873 "Fortran runtime resets LANG env var
              // to space if it is not set".
	strcmp( lang, "C" )           == 0 ||
	strcmp( lang, "POSIX" )       == 0;

    if ( ! english ) {  // English language is not yet detected, let us continue.
        // Format of LANG is: [language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier]]
        // Strip all parts except language.
        char * tail = NULL;
        __kmp_str_split( lang, '@', & lang, & tail );
        __kmp_str_split( lang, '.', & lang, & tail );
        __kmp_str_split( lang, '_', & lang, & tail );
        english = ( strcmp( lang, "en" ) == 0 );
    }; // if

    KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( lang );

    // Do not try to open English catalog because internal messages are
    // exact copy of messages in English catalog.
    if ( english ) {
	status = KMP_I18N_ABSENT;  // mark catalog as absent so it will not be re-opened.

    cat = catopen( name, 0 );
    // TODO: Why do we pass 0 in flags?
    status = ( cat == KMP_I18N_NULLCAT ? KMP_I18N_ABSENT : KMP_I18N_OPENED );

    if ( status == KMP_I18N_ABSENT ) {
      if (__kmp_generate_warnings > kmp_warnings_low) { // AC: only issue warning in case explicitly asked to
        int    error   = errno; // Save errno immediately.
	char * nlspath = __kmp_env_get( "NLSPATH" );
        char * lang    = __kmp_env_get( "LANG" );

	// Infinite recursion will not occur -- status is KMP_I18N_ABSENT now, so
	// __kmp_i18n_catgets() will not try to open catalog, but will return default message.
	    KMP_MSG( CantOpenMessageCatalog, name ),
	    KMP_ERR( error ),
	    KMP_HNT( CheckEnvVar, "NLSPATH", nlspath ),
            KMP_HNT( CheckEnvVar, "LANG", lang ),
	KMP_INFORM( WillUseDefaultMessages );
        KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( nlspath );
        KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( lang );
    } else { // status == KMP_I18N_OPENED

        int section = get_section( kmp_i18n_prp_Version );
        int number  = get_number( kmp_i18n_prp_Version );
        char const * expected = __kmp_i18n_default_table.sect[ section ].str[ number ];
            // Expected version of the catalog.
        kmp_str_buf_t version;   // Actual version of the catalog.
        __kmp_str_buf_init( & version );
        __kmp_str_buf_print( & version, "%s", catgets( cat, section, number, NULL ) );

            // String returned by catgets is invalid after closing the catalog, so copy it.
        if ( strcmp( version.str, expected ) != 0 ) {
            __kmp_i18n_catclose();     // Close bad catalog.
            status = KMP_I18N_ABSENT;  // And mark it as absent.
            if (__kmp_generate_warnings > kmp_warnings_low) { // AC: only issue warning in case explicitly asked to
                // And now print a warning using default messages.
                char const * name    = "NLSPATH";
                char const * nlspath = __kmp_env_get( name );
                    KMP_MSG( WrongMessageCatalog, name, version.str, expected ),
                    KMP_HNT( CheckEnvVar, name, nlspath ),
                KMP_INFORM( WillUseDefaultMessages );
                KMP_INTERNAL_FREE( (void *) nlspath );
            } // __kmp_generate_warnings
        }; // if
        __kmp_str_buf_free( & version );

    }; // if

} // func __kmp_i18n_do_catopen