コード例 #1
ファイル: verify_deprecated.c プロジェクト: GuardTime/libksi
static int verifyCalendarChainWithPublication(KSI_Signature *sig){
	KSI_CalendarHashChain *calChain = NULL;
	KSI_Integer *pubTime = NULL;
	KSI_DataHash *rootHash = NULL;
	KSI_PublicationRecord *sigPubRec = NULL;
	KSI_PublicationData *sigPubData = NULL;
	KSI_DataHash *publishedHash = NULL;
	KSI_Integer *publishedTime = NULL;
	KSI_VerificationResult *info = &sig->verificationResult;

	if (sig->publication == NULL) {
		res = KSI_OK;
		goto cleanup;

	KSI_LOG_debug(sig->ctx, "Verifying calendar chain with publication.");

	calChain = sig->calendarChain;
	res = KSI_CalendarHashChain_getPublicationTime(calChain, &pubTime);
	if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_CalendarHashChain_aggregate(calChain, &rootHash);
	if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;

	sigPubRec = sig->publication;
	res = KSI_PublicationRecord_getPublishedData(sigPubRec, &sigPubData);
	if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_PublicationData_getImprint(sigPubData, &publishedHash);
	if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_PublicationData_getTime(sigPubData, &publishedTime);
	if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;

	if (!KSI_DataHash_equals(rootHash, publishedHash)){
		KSI_LOG_logDataHash(sig->ctx, KSI_LOG_DEBUG, "Calendar root hash", rootHash);
		KSI_LOG_logDataHash(sig->ctx, KSI_LOG_DEBUG, "Published hash", publishedHash);
		res = KSI_VerificationResult_addFailure(info, step, "Published hash and calendar hash chain root hash mismatch.");
		goto cleanup;

	if (!KSI_Integer_equals(pubTime, publishedTime)){
		KSI_LOG_debug(sig->ctx, "Calendar hash chain publication time: %i.", KSI_Integer_getUInt64(pubTime));
		KSI_LOG_debug(sig->ctx, "Published publication time: %i.", KSI_Integer_getUInt64(publishedTime));
		res = KSI_VerificationResult_addFailure(info, step, "Calendar hash chain publication time mismatch.");
		goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_VerificationResult_addSuccess(info, step, "Calendar chain verified with publication.");



	return res;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ksi_signature_test.c プロジェクト: khushil/libksi
static void testSignatureSigningTime(CuTest *tc) {
	int res;
	KSI_Signature *sig = NULL;
	KSI_Integer *sigTime = NULL;
	KSI_uint64_t utc = 0;


	res = KSI_Signature_fromFile(ctx, getFullResourcePath(TEST_SIGNATURE_FILE), &sig);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read signature from file.", res == KSI_OK && sig != NULL);

	res = KSI_Signature_getSigningTime(sig, &sigTime);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get signing time from signature", res == KSI_OK && sigTime != NULL);

	utc = KSI_Integer_getUInt64(sigTime);

	CuAssert(tc, "Unexpected signature signing time.", utc == 1398866256);

コード例 #3
ファイル: publicationsfile.c プロジェクト: GuardTime/libksi
int KSI_PublicationData_toBase32(const KSI_PublicationData *pubData, char **pubStr) {
	int res;
	const unsigned char *imprint = NULL;
	size_t imprint_len = 0;
	KSI_uint64_t publication_identifier = 0;
	unsigned char *binPub = NULL;
	size_t binPub_length;
	int i;
	unsigned long tmp_ulong;
	char *tmp = NULL;

	if (pubData == NULL) {
		goto cleanup;


	if (pubStr == NULL) {
		KSI_pushError(pubData->ctx, res = KSI_INVALID_ARGUMENT, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_DataHash_getImprint(pubData->imprint, &imprint, &imprint_len);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(pubData->ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	binPub_length =	8 + imprint_len + 4;
	binPub = KSI_calloc(binPub_length, 1);
	if (binPub == NULL) {
		KSI_pushError(pubData->ctx, res = KSI_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	publication_identifier = KSI_Integer_getUInt64(pubData->time);

	for (i = 7; i >= 0; --i) {
		binPub[i] = (unsigned char) (publication_identifier & 0xff);
		publication_identifier >>= 8;

	memcpy(binPub + 8, imprint, imprint_len);

	tmp_ulong = KSI_crc32(binPub, binPub_length - 4, 0);
	for (i = 3; i >= 0; --i) {
		binPub[binPub_length - 4 + i] =
			(unsigned char) (tmp_ulong & 0xff);
		tmp_ulong >>= 8;

	res = KSI_base32Encode(binPub, binPub_length, 6, &tmp);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(pubData->ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	*pubStr = tmp;
	tmp = NULL;

	res = KSI_OK;



	return res;
コード例 #4
ファイル: verify_deprecated.c プロジェクト: GuardTime/libksi
static int verifyInternallyAggregationChain(KSI_Signature *sig) {
	KSI_DataHash *hsh = NULL;
	KSI_DataHash *inputHash = NULL;
	int level;
	size_t i;
	size_t successCount = 0;
	KSI_VerificationResult *info = &sig->verificationResult;
	const KSI_AggregationHashChain *prevChain = NULL;

	/* Aggregate aggregation chains. */
	hsh = NULL;

	/* The aggregation level might not be 0 in case of local aggregation. */
	if (sig->verificationResult.docAggrLevel > 0xff) {
		KSI_pushError(sig->ctx, res = KSI_INVALID_FORMAT, "Aggregation level can't be larger than 0xff.");
		goto cleanup;

	level = (int)sig->verificationResult.docAggrLevel;

	KSI_LOG_info(sig->ctx, "Verifying aggregation hash chain internal consistency.");

	if (sig->rfc3161 != NULL) {
		KSI_LOG_info(sig->ctx, "Using input hash calculated from RFC 3161 for aggregation.");
		res = rfc3161_getInputToAggreChain(sig, &inputHash);
		if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;

		res = rfc3161_verify(sig);
		if (res != KSI_OK){
			res = KSI_VerificationResult_addFailure(info, step, "RFC 3161 does not belong to this aggregation hash chain.");
			goto cleanup;

	/* Aggregate all the aggregation chains. */
	for (i = 0; i < KSI_AggregationHashChainList_length(sig->aggregationChainList); i++) {
		const KSI_AggregationHashChain* aggregationChain = NULL;
		KSI_DataHash *tmpHash = NULL;

		res = KSI_AggregationHashChainList_elementAt(sig->aggregationChainList, i, (KSI_AggregationHashChain **)&aggregationChain);
		if (res != KSI_OK || aggregationChain == NULL) {
			if (res == KSI_OK) res = KSI_INVALID_STATE;
			goto cleanup;

		if (prevChain != NULL) {
			/* Verify aggregation time. */
			if (!KSI_Integer_equals(aggregationChain->aggregationTime, prevChain->aggregationTime)) {
				res = KSI_VerificationResult_addFailure(info, step, "Aggregation hash chain's from different aggregation rounds.");
				goto cleanup;

			/* Verify chain index length. */
			if (KSI_IntegerList_length(prevChain->chainIndex) != KSI_IntegerList_length(aggregationChain->chainIndex) + 1) {
				res = KSI_VerificationResult_addFailure(info, step, "Unexpected chain index length in aggregation chain.");
				goto cleanup;
			} else {
				unsigned j;
				for (j = 0; j < KSI_IntegerList_length(aggregationChain->chainIndex); j++) {
					KSI_Integer *chainIndex1 = NULL;
					KSI_Integer *chainIndex2 = NULL;

					res = KSI_IntegerList_elementAt(prevChain->chainIndex, j, &chainIndex1);
					if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;

					res = KSI_IntegerList_elementAt(aggregationChain->chainIndex, j, &chainIndex2);
					if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;

					if (!KSI_Integer_equals(chainIndex1, chainIndex2)) {
						res = KSI_VerificationResult_addFailure(info, step, "Aggregation chain chain index is not continuation of previous chain index.");
						goto cleanup;

		if (i == 0 && inputHash != NULL){
			if (!KSI_DataHash_equals(inputHash, aggregationChain->inputHash)) {
				KSI_LOG_logDataHash(sig->ctx, KSI_LOG_DEBUG, "Input hash from RFC 3161 :", inputHash);
				KSI_LOG_logDataHash(sig->ctx, KSI_LOG_DEBUG, "Expected input hash      :", aggregationChain->inputHash);
				res = KSI_VerificationResult_addFailure(info, step, "Aggregation hash chain's input hash does not match with RFC 3161 input hash.");
				goto cleanup;

		if (hsh != NULL) {
			/* Validate input hash */
			if (!KSI_DataHash_equals(hsh, aggregationChain->inputHash)) {
				KSI_LOG_logDataHash(sig->ctx, KSI_LOG_DEBUG, "Calculated hash", hsh);
				KSI_LOG_logDataHash(sig->ctx, KSI_LOG_DEBUG, "  Expected hash", aggregationChain->inputHash);

		res = KSI_HashChain_aggregate(aggregationChain->ctx, aggregationChain->chain, aggregationChain->inputHash, level, (int)KSI_Integer_getUInt64(aggregationChain->aggrHashId), &level, &tmpHash);
		if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;

		/* TODO! Instead of freeing the object - reuse it */
		if (hsh != NULL) {

		hsh = tmpHash;


		prevChain = aggregationChain;

	/* First verify internal calculations. */
	if (successCount != KSI_AggregationHashChainList_length(sig->aggregationChainList)) {
		res = KSI_VerificationResult_addFailure(info, step, "Aggregation hash chain calculation failed.");
		goto cleanup;

	sig->verificationResult.aggregationHash = hsh;
	hsh = NULL;

	res = KSI_VerificationResult_addSuccess(info,  step,"Aggregation chain internally consistent.");



	return res;
コード例 #5
ファイル: verify_deprecated.c プロジェクト: GuardTime/libksi
static int rfc3161_getInputToAggreChain(const KSI_Signature *sig, KSI_DataHash **inputToAggre) {
	int res;
	KSI_CTX *ctx = NULL;
	KSI_DataHash *hsh_tstInfo = NULL;
	KSI_DataHash *hsh_sigAttr = NULL;
	KSI_DataHash *tmp = NULL;
	KSI_DataHasher *hsr = NULL;
	KSI_RFC3161 *rfc = NULL;
	const unsigned char *imprint = NULL;
	size_t imprint_len = 0;
	KSI_HashAlgorithm algo_id = -1;
	KSI_HashAlgorithm tstInfoAlgoId;
	KSI_HashAlgorithm sigAttrAlgoId;

	if (sig == NULL) {
		goto cleanup;

	ctx = sig->ctx;

	if (inputToAggre == NULL) {
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res = KSI_INVALID_ARGUMENT, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	rfc = sig->rfc3161;
	if (rfc == NULL) {
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res = KSI_INVALID_ARGUMENT, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	if (KSI_Integer_getUInt64(rfc->tstInfoAlgo) > 0xff || KSI_Integer_getUInt64(rfc->sigAttrAlgo) > 0xff) {
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res = KSI_INVALID_FORMAT, "Hash algorithm can't be larger than 0xff.");
		goto cleanup;
	} else {
		tstInfoAlgoId = (int)KSI_Integer_getUInt64(rfc->tstInfoAlgo);
		sigAttrAlgoId = (int)KSI_Integer_getUInt64(rfc->sigAttrAlgo);

	res = rfc3161_preSufHasher(ctx, rfc->tstInfoPrefix, rfc->inputHash, rfc->tstInfoSuffix, tstInfoAlgoId, &hsh_tstInfo);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	res = rfc3161_preSufHasher(ctx, rfc->sigAttrPrefix, hsh_tstInfo, rfc->sigAttrSuffix, sigAttrAlgoId, &hsh_sigAttr);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_DataHash_getImprint(hsh_sigAttr, &imprint, &imprint_len);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(sig->ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_Signature_getHashAlgorithm((KSI_Signature *)sig, &algo_id);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(sig->ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_DataHash_create(ctx, imprint, imprint_len, algo_id, &tmp);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(sig->ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	*inputToAggre = tmp;
	tmp = NULL;



	return res;
コード例 #6
ファイル: verify_deprecated.c プロジェクト: GuardTime/libksi
/*TODO: check chain index verification*/
static int rfc3161_verify(const KSI_Signature *sig) {
	int res;
	KSI_CTX *ctx = NULL;
	KSI_RFC3161 *rfc3161 = NULL;
	KSI_AggregationHashChainList *aggreChain = NULL;
	KSI_AggregationHashChain *firstChain = NULL;
	unsigned i;

	if (sig == NULL) {
		goto cleanup;
	ctx = sig->ctx;

	rfc3161 = sig->rfc3161;
	if (rfc3161 == NULL) {
		res = KSI_OK;
		goto cleanup;

	aggreChain = sig->aggregationChainList;
	if (aggreChain == NULL) {
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res = KSI_INVALID_SIGNATURE, "Aggregation chain is missing.");
		goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_AggregationHashChainList_elementAt(aggreChain, 0, &firstChain);
	if (res != KSI_OK || firstChain == NULL) {
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res != KSI_OK ? res : (res = KSI_INVALID_STATE), NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	if (KSI_Integer_compare(firstChain->aggregationTime, rfc3161->aggregationTime) != 0) {
		KSI_LOG_debug(ctx, "Signatures aggregation time: %i.", KSI_Integer_getUInt64(firstChain->aggregationTime));
		KSI_LOG_debug(ctx, "RFC 3161 aggregation time:   %i.", KSI_Integer_getUInt64(rfc3161->aggregationTime));
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res = KSI_VERIFICATION_FAILURE, "Aggregation chain and RFC 3161 aggregation time mismatch.");
		goto cleanup;

	if (KSI_IntegerList_length(firstChain->chainIndex) != KSI_IntegerList_length(rfc3161->chainIndex)) {
		KSI_LOG_debug(ctx, "Aggregation chain and RFC 3161 chain index mismatch.", KSI_IntegerList_length(firstChain->chainIndex));
		KSI_LOG_debug(ctx, "Signatures chain index length: %i.", KSI_IntegerList_length(firstChain->chainIndex));
		KSI_LOG_debug(ctx, "RFC 3161 chain index length:   %i.", KSI_IntegerList_length(rfc3161->chainIndex));
	}else {
		for (i = 0; i < KSI_IntegerList_length(firstChain->chainIndex); i++){
			KSI_Integer *ch1 = NULL;
			KSI_Integer *ch2 = NULL;

			res = KSI_IntegerList_elementAt(firstChain->chainIndex, i, &ch1);
			if (res != KSI_OK) {
				KSI_pushError(ctx, res, NULL);
				goto cleanup;

			res = KSI_IntegerList_elementAt(rfc3161->chainIndex, i, &ch2);
			if (res != KSI_OK) {
				KSI_pushError(ctx, res, NULL);
				goto cleanup;

			if (KSI_Integer_compare(ch1, ch2) != 0) {
				KSI_LOG_debug(ctx, "Aggregation chain and RFC 3161 chain index mismatch.", KSI_IntegerList_length(firstChain->chainIndex));

	res = KSI_OK;


	return res;