/** Checks whether ParamSegment contains valid characters in Parameter name and Parameter value as specified in RFC 3261. @param aName The descriptor for parameter name to be checked as per RFC 3261. @param aValue The descriptor for value to be checked as per RFC 3261. @return A boolean value of ETrue if uri contains valid parameters and values, EFalse if it does not. */ TBool TValidatorSip::IsValidParamSegment(const TDesC8& aName, const TDesC8& aValue) const { if (!aName.Length() || !IsValidParam(aName) ) { return EFalse; } /************************************************************************************************************** * As per RFC 3261 if the uri-parameter contains name as Tranport or User or Method then its Value must be * * the characters as specified in Token. else if the name is Ttl then its value must lie in between 0 - 255. * * else if the name is Maddr then its value must be a host, else if the name is lr then it must not conatin * * any value, else it must be a other-parameter whose value must conatin the characters specified in paramchar.* * As per INC 115503 and due to IOP issue Validation of lr paramater is not performed. * ***************************************************************************************************************/ if ( ( (aName.CompareF(KTransport()) == 0 || aName.CompareF(KUser()) == 0 || aName.CompareF(KMethod()) == 0 ) && !IsValidParamToken(aValue) ) || ( aName.CompareF(KTtl()) == 0 && !IsValidParamTtl(aValue) ) || ( aName.CompareF(KMaddr()) == 0 && !IsValidParamMaddr(aValue) ) || ( aName.CompareF(KTransport()) != 0 && aName.CompareF(KUser()) != 0 && aName.CompareF(KMethod()) != 0 && aName.CompareF(KTtl()) != 0 && aName.CompareF(KMaddr()) != 0 && aName.CompareF(KLr()) != 0 && !IsValidParam(aValue)) ) { return EFalse; } return ETrue; }
KWrited::KWrited() : TQTextEdit() { int pref_width, pref_height; setFont(TDEGlobalSettings::fixedFont()); pref_width = (2 * TDEGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry(0).width()) / 3; pref_height = fontMetrics().lineSpacing() * 10; setMinimumWidth(pref_width); setMinimumHeight(pref_height); setReadOnly(true); setFocusPolicy(TQ_NoFocus); setWordWrap(TQTextEdit::WidgetWidth); setTextFormat(TQt::PlainText); pty = new KPty(); pty->open(); pty->login(KUser().loginName().local8Bit().data(), getenv("DISPLAY")); TQSocketNotifier *sn = new TQSocketNotifier(pty->masterFd(), TQSocketNotifier::Read, TQT_TQOBJECT(this)); connect(sn, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(block_in(int))); TQString txt = i18n("KWrited - Listening on Device %1").arg(pty->ttyName()); setCaption(txt); kdDebug() << txt << endl; }
void KFileShare::readConfig() // static { // Create KFileSharePrivate instance KFileSharePrivate::self(); KSimpleConfig config(QString::fromLatin1(FILESHARECONF), true); s_sharingEnabled = config.readEntry("FILESHARING", "yes") == "yes"; s_restricted = config.readEntry("RESTRICT", "yes") == "yes"; s_fileShareGroup = config.readEntry("FILESHAREGROUP", "fileshare"); if(!s_sharingEnabled) s_authorization = UserNotAllowed; else if(!s_restricted) s_authorization = Authorized; else { // check if current user is in fileshare group KUserGroup shareGroup(s_fileShareGroup); if(shareGroup.users().findIndex(KUser()) > -1) s_authorization = Authorized; else s_authorization = UserNotAllowed; } if(config.readEntry("SHARINGMODE", "simple") == "simple") s_shareMode = Simple; else s_shareMode = Advanced; s_sambaEnabled = config.readEntry("SAMBA", "yes") == "yes"; s_nfsEnabled = config.readEntry("NFS", "yes") == "yes"; }
void ChatWindow::cdIntoLogPath() { QString home = KUser(KUser::UseRealUserID).homeDir(); QUrl logUrl = Preferences::self()->logfilePath(); if(!logUrl.isLocalFile()) { return; } QString logPath = logUrl.toLocalFile(); QDir logDir(home); // Try to "cd" into the logfile path. if (!logDir.cd(logPath)) { // Only create log path if logging is enabled. if (log()) { // Try to create the logfile path and "cd" into it again. logDir.mkpath(logPath); logDir.cd(logPath); } } // Add the logfile name to the path. logfile.setFileName(logDir.path() + '/' + logName); }
QList<KUser> KUserGroup::users(uint maxCount) const { QList<KUser> result; listGroupMembers(d->gid, maxCount, [&](const passwd *p) { result.append(KUser(p)); }); return result; }
void fillGroup(const ::group *p) { if (p) { gid = p->gr_gid; name = QString::fromLocal8Bit(p->gr_name); for (char **user = p->gr_mem; *user; user++) users.append(KUser(*user)); } }
TDMCancelShutdown::TDMCancelShutdown( int how, int start, int timeout, int force, int uid, const char *os, TQWidget *_parent ) : inherited( -1, _parent ) { if (force == SHUT_FORCE) { if (_allowNuke == SHUT_NONE) mayOk = false; else if (_allowNuke == SHUT_ROOT) mayNuke = doesNuke = true; } TQLabel *lab = new TQLabel( mayOk ? i18n("Abort pending shutdown:") : i18n("No permission to abort pending shutdown:"), this ); box->addWidget( lab ); TQDateTime qdt; TQString strt, end; if (start < time( 0 )) strt = i18n("now"); else { qdt.setTime_t( start ); strt = qdt.toString( Qt::LocalDate ); } if (timeout == TO_INF) end = i18n("infinite"); else { qdt.setTime_t( timeout ); end = qdt.toString( Qt::LocalDate ); } TQString trg = i18n("Owner: %1" "\nType: %2%5" "\nStart: %3" "\nTimeout: %4") .arg( uid == -2 ? i18n("console user") : uid == -1 ? i18n("control socket") : KUser( uid ).loginName() ) .arg( how == SHUT_HALT ? i18n("turn off computer") : i18n("restart computer") ) .arg( strt ).arg( end ) .arg( os ? i18n("\nNext boot: %1").arg( TQString::fromLocal8Bit( os ) ) : TQString() ); if (timeout != TO_INF) trg += i18n("\nAfter timeout: %1") .arg( force == SHUT_FORCE ? i18n("abort all sessions") : force == SHUT_FORCEMY ? i18n("abort own sessions") : i18n("cancel shutdown") ); lab = new TQLabel( trg, this ); box->addWidget( lab ); complete( 0 ); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { KAboutData aboutData("kdepasswd", 0, ki18n("KDE passwd"), KDE_VERSION_STRING, ki18n("Changes a UNIX password."), KAboutData::License_Artistic, ki18n("Copyright (c) 2000 Geert Jansen")); aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Geert Jansen"), ki18n("Maintainer"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.setProgramIconName( "preferences-desktop-user-password" ); KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, &aboutData); KCmdLineOptions options; options.add("+[user]", ki18n("Change password of this user")); KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions(options); KUniqueApplication::addCmdLineOptions(); if (!KUniqueApplication::start()) { kDebug() << "kdepasswd is already running"; return 2; } KUniqueApplication app; KUser ku; QString user; bool bRoot = ku.isSuperUser(); KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); if (args->count()) user = args->arg(0); /* You must be able to run "kdepasswd loginName" */ if ( !user.isEmpty() && user!=KUser().loginName() && !bRoot) { KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("You need to be root to change the password of other users.")); return 1; } QByteArray oldpass; if (!bRoot) { int result = KDEpasswd1Dialog::getPassword(oldpass); if (result != KDEpasswd1Dialog::Accepted) return 1; } KDEpasswd2Dialog *dlg = new KDEpasswd2Dialog(oldpass, user.toLocal8Bit()); dlg->exec(); if (dlg->result() == KDEpasswd2Dialog::Rejected) return 1; return 0; }
void KMimeTypeTest::testIcons() { if (!KUser().isSuperUser()) { // Can't test this one if running as root QString emptyString; // gcc-3.3 workaround QTemporaryDir tmp(emptyString); QFile(tmp.path()).setPermissions(0); tmp.setAutoRemove(true); //KUrl url( tmp.path() ); //QCOMPARE(KIO::iconNameForUrl(url), "inode-directory"); // was folder_locked, but we don't have that anymore - TODO QFile(tmp.path()).setPermissions(QFile::ReadOwner | QFile::ExeOwner); // so we can 'rm -rf' it } }
void KFileItemPrivate::init() { m_access.clear(); // metaInfo = KFileMetaInfo(); // stat() local files if needed // TODO: delay this until requested if (m_fileMode == KFileItem::Unknown || m_permissions == KFileItem::Unknown || m_entry.count() == 0) { if (m_url.isLocalFile()) { /* directories may not have a slash at the end if * we want to stat() them; it requires that we * change into it .. which may not be allowed * stat("/is/unaccessible") -> rwx------ * stat("/is/unaccessible/") -> EPERM H.Z. * This is the reason for the StripTrailingSlash */ QT_STATBUF buf; const QString path = m_url.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).toLocalFile(); const QByteArray pathBA = QFile::encodeName(path); if (QT_LSTAT(pathBA.constData(), &buf) == 0) { m_entry.insert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_DEVICE_ID, buf.st_dev); m_entry.insert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_INODE, buf.st_ino); mode_t mode = buf.st_mode; if ((buf.st_mode & QT_STAT_MASK) == QT_STAT_LNK) { m_bLink = true; if (QT_STAT(pathBA, &buf) == 0) { mode = buf.st_mode; } else {// link pointing to nowhere (see FileProtocol::createUDSEntry() in ioslaves/file/file.cpp) mode = (QT_STAT_MASK - 1) | S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO; } } m_entry.insert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_SIZE, buf.st_size); m_entry.insert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_FILE_TYPE, buf.st_mode & QT_STAT_MASK); // extract file type m_entry.insert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_ACCESS, buf.st_mode & 07777); // extract permissions m_entry.insert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_MODIFICATION_TIME, buf.st_mtime); // TODO: we could use msecs too... m_entry.insert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_ACCESS_TIME, buf.st_atime); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN m_entry.insert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_USER, KUser(buf.st_uid).loginName()); m_entry.insert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_GROUP, KUserGroup(buf.st_gid).name()); #endif // TODO: these can be removed, we can use UDS_FILE_TYPE and UDS_ACCESS everywhere if (m_fileMode == KFileItem::Unknown) { m_fileMode = mode & QT_STAT_MASK; // extract file type } if (m_permissions == KFileItem::Unknown) { m_permissions = mode & 07777; // extract permissions } } } } }
QList<KUser> KUser::allUsers() { QList<KUser> result; passwd* p; while ((p = getpwent())) { result.append(KUser(p)); } endpwent(); return result; }
void KMimeTypeTest::testIcons() { checkIcon( KUrl( "file:/tmp/" ), "inode-directory" ); if ( !KUser().isSuperUser() ) // Can't test this one if running as root { QString emptyString; // gcc-3.3 workaround KTempDir tmp( emptyString, 0 ); tmp.setAutoRemove( true ); KUrl url( tmp.name() ); checkIcon( url, "inode-directory" ); // was folder_locked, but we don't have that anymore - TODO KDE::chmod( tmp.name(), 0500 ); // so we can 'rm -rf' it } }
QList<KUser> KUser::allUsers(uint maxCount) { QList<KUser> result; passwd *p; setpwent(); for (uint i = 0; i < maxCount && (p = getpwent()); ++i) { result.append(KUser(p)); } endpwent(); return result; }
void KUserProxy::update(const QString &path) { if (path == m_user.faceIconPath()) { // we need to force updates, even when the path doesn't change, // but the underlying image does. Change path temporarily, to // make the Image reload. // Needs cache: false in the Image item to actually reload m_temporaryEmptyFaceIconPath = true; emit faceIconUrlChanged(); m_temporaryEmptyFaceIconPath = false; emit faceIconUrlChanged(); } else if (path == etcPasswd) { m_user = KUser(); emit nameChanged(); } }
Smb4KCustomOptions::Smb4KCustomOptions() : d(new Smb4KCustomOptionsPrivate) { d->type = UnknownNetworkItem; d->remount = UndefinedRemount; d->smbPort = 139; #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX) d->fileSystemPort = 445; d->securityMode = UndefinedSecurityMode; d->writeAccess = UndefinedWriteAccess; #endif d->kerberos = UndefinedKerberos; d->user = KUser(KUser::UseRealUserID); d->group = KUserGroup(KUser::UseRealUserID); d->wol_first_scan = false; d->wol_mount = false; }
Smb4KCustomOptions::Smb4KCustomOptions(Smb4KHost *host) : d(new Smb4KCustomOptionsPrivate) { d->workgroup = host->workgroupName(); d->url = host->url(); d->type = Host; d->remount = UndefinedRemount; d->smbPort = host->port() != -1 ? host->port() : 139; #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX) d->fileSystemPort = 445; d->securityMode = UndefinedSecurityMode; d->writeAccess = UndefinedWriteAccess; #endif d->kerberos = UndefinedKerberos; d->user = KUser(KUser::UseRealUserID); d->group = KUserGroup(KUser::UseRealUserID); d->ip.setAddress(host->ip()); d->wol_first_scan = false; d->wol_mount = false; }
KFilePlacesModel::KFilePlacesModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractItemModel(parent), d(new Private(this)) { const QString file = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("data", "kfileplaces/bookmarks.xml"); d->bookmarkManager = KBookmarkManager::managerForFile(file, "kfilePlaces"); // Let's put some places in there if it's empty. We have a corner case here: // Given you have bookmarked some folders (which have been saved on // ~/.local/share/user-places.xbel (according to freedesktop bookmarks spec), and // deleted the home directory ~/.kde, the call managerForFile() will return the // bookmark manager for the fallback "kfilePlaces", making root.first().isNull() being // false (you have your own items bookmarked), resulting on only being added your own // bookmarks, and not the default ones too. So, we also check if kfileplaces/bookmarks.xml // file exists, and if it doesn't, we also add the default places. (ereslibre) KBookmarkGroup root = d->bookmarkManager->root(); if (root.first().isNull() || !QFile::exists(file)) { // NOTE: The context for these I18N_NOOP2 calls has to be "KFile System Bookmarks". // The real i18nc call is made later, with this context, so the two must match. // // createSystemBookmark actually does nothing with its third argument, // but we have to give it something so the I18N_NOOP2 calls stay here for now. // // (coles, 13th May 2009) KFilePlacesItem::createSystemBookmark(d->bookmarkManager, "Home", I18N_NOOP2("KFile System Bookmarks", "Home"), KUrl(KUser().homeDir()), "user-home"); KFilePlacesItem::createSystemBookmark(d->bookmarkManager, "Network", I18N_NOOP2("KFile System Bookmarks", "Network"), KUrl("remote:/"), "network-workgroup"); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // adding drives foreach ( const QFileInfo& info, QDir::drives() ) { #ifndef _WIN32_WCE uint type = DRIVE_UNKNOWN; #endif QString driveIcon = "drive-harddisk"; #ifndef _WIN32_WCE QT_WA({ type = GetDriveTypeW((wchar_t *)info.absoluteFilePath().utf16()); }, { type = GetDriveTypeA(info.absoluteFilePath().toLocal8Bit()); });
void KCGlobal::init() { char buf[256]; buf[0] = '\0'; if (!gethostname(buf, sizeof(buf))) buf[sizeof(buf)-1] ='\0'; QString hostname(buf); setHostName(hostname); setUserName(KUser().loginName()); setRoot(getuid() == 0); setKDEVersion(KDE::versionString()); struct utsname info; uname(&info); setSystemName(info.sysname); setSystemRelease(info.release); setSystemVersion(info.version); setSystemMachine(info.machine); }
void Handler::addAndActivateConnection(const QString& device, const QString& specificObject, const QString& password) { NetworkManager::AccessPoint::Ptr ap; NetworkManager::WirelessDevice::Ptr wifiDev; Q_FOREACH (const NetworkManager::Device::Ptr & dev, NetworkManager::networkInterfaces()) { if (dev->type() == NetworkManager::Device::Wifi) { wifiDev = dev.objectCast<NetworkManager::WirelessDevice>(); ap = wifiDev->findAccessPoint(specificObject); if (ap) { break; } } } if (!ap) { return; } NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::Ptr settings = NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::Ptr(new NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings(NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::Wireless)); settings->setId(ap->ssid()); settings->setUuid(NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::createNewUuid()); settings->setAutoconnect(true); #if 0 settings->addToPermissions(KUser().loginName(), QString()); #endif NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::Ptr wifiSetting = settings->setting(NetworkManager::Setting::Wireless).dynamicCast<NetworkManager::WirelessSetting>(); wifiSetting->setInitialized(true); wifiSetting = settings->setting(NetworkManager::Setting::Wireless).dynamicCast<NetworkManager::WirelessSetting>(); wifiSetting->setSsid(ap->ssid().toUtf8()); if (ap->mode() == NetworkManager::AccessPoint::Adhoc) { wifiSetting->setMode(NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::Adhoc); } NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::Ptr wifiSecurity = settings->setting(NetworkManager::Setting::WirelessSecurity).dynamicCast<NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting>(); NetworkManager::WirelessSecurityType securityType = NetworkManager::findBestWirelessSecurity(wifiDev->wirelessCapabilities(), true, (ap->mode() == NetworkManager::AccessPoint::Adhoc), ap->capabilities(), ap->wpaFlags(), ap->rsnFlags()); if (securityType != NetworkManager::NoneSecurity) { wifiSecurity->setInitialized(true); wifiSetting->setSecurity("802-11-wireless-security"); } if (securityType == NetworkManager::Leap || securityType == NetworkManager::DynamicWep || securityType == NetworkManager::Wpa2Eap || securityType == NetworkManager::WpaEap) { if (securityType == NetworkManager::DynamicWep || securityType == NetworkManager::Leap) { wifiSecurity->setKeyMgmt(NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::Ieee8021x); if (securityType == NetworkManager::Leap) { wifiSecurity->setAuthAlg(NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::Leap); } } else { wifiSecurity->setKeyMgmt(NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::WpaEap); } m_tmpConnectionUuid = settings->uuid(); m_tmpDevicePath = device; m_tmpSpecificPath = specificObject; #if 0 QPointer<ConnectionDetailEditor> editor = new ConnectionDetailEditor(settings, true); editor->show(); KWindowSystem::setState(editor->winId(), NET::KeepAbove); KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow(editor->winId()); connect(editor.data(), &ConnectionDetailEditor::accepted, [editor, this] () { addConnection(editor->setting()); }); connect(editor.data(), &ConnectionDetailEditor::finished, [editor] () { if (editor) { editor->deleteLater(); } }); editor->setModal(true); editor->show(); #endif } else { if (securityType == NetworkManager::StaticWep) { wifiSecurity->setKeyMgmt(NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::Wep); wifiSecurity->setWepKey0(password); #if 0 if (KWallet::Wallet::isEnabled()) { wifiSecurity->setWepKeyFlags(NetworkManager::Setting::AgentOwned); } #endif } else { if (ap->mode() == NetworkManager::AccessPoint::Adhoc) { wifiSecurity->setKeyMgmt(NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::WpaNone); } else { wifiSecurity->setKeyMgmt(NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::WpaPsk); } wifiSecurity->setPsk(password); #if 0 if (KWallet::Wallet::isEnabled()) { wifiSecurity->setPskFlags(NetworkManager::Setting::AgentOwned); } #endif } QDBusPendingReply<QDBusObjectPath> reply = NetworkManager::addAndActivateConnection(settings->toMap(), device, specificObject); QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(reply, this); watcher->setProperty("action", Handler::AddAndActivateConnection); watcher->setProperty("connection", settings->name()); connect(watcher, &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished, this, &Handler::replyFinished); } settings.clear(); }
KUserGroup::KUserGroup(KUser::UIDMode mode) { d = new Private(getgrgid(KUser(mode).gid())); }
KCModule * KCModuleProxy::realModule() const { /* * Note, don't call any function that calls realModule() since * that leads to an infinite loop. */ kdDebug(711) << k_funcinfo << endl; /* Already loaded */ if( d->kcm ) return d->kcm; /* /We/ have no kcm, but kcmshell running with root prevs does.. */ if( d->rootMode ) return 0; QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); KCModuleProxy * that = const_cast<KCModuleProxy*>( this ); if( !d->isInitialized ) { d->dcopName = moduleInfo().handle().prepend("KCModuleProxy-").utf8(); d->topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( that, 0, 0, "topLayout" ); d->isInitialized = true; } if( !d->dcopClient ) d->dcopClient = new DCOPClient(); if( !d->dcopClient->isRegistered() ) d->dcopClient->registerAs( d->dcopName, false ); d->dcopClient->setAcceptCalls( true ); if( d->dcopClient->appId() == d->dcopName || d->bogusOccupier ) { /* We got the name we requested, because no one was before us, * or, it was an random application which had picked that name */ kdDebug(711) << "Module not already loaded, loading module" << endl; d->dcopObject = new KCModuleProxyIfaceImpl( d->dcopName, that ); d->kcm = KCModuleLoader::loadModule( moduleInfo(), KCModuleLoader::Inline, d->withFallback, that, name(), d->args ); connect( d->kcm, SIGNAL( changed( bool ) ), SLOT(moduleChanged(bool)) ); connect( d->kcm, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), SLOT( moduleDestroyed() ) ); connect( d->kcm, SIGNAL(quickHelpChanged()), SIGNAL(quickHelpChanged())); QWhatsThis::add( that, d->kcm->quickHelp() ); d->topLayout->addWidget( d->kcm ); if ( !d->rootInfo && /* If it's already done */ moduleInfo().needsRootPrivileges() /* root, anyone? */ && !KUser().isSuperUser() ) /* Not necessary if we're root */ { d->rootInfo = new QLabel( that, "rootInfo" ); d->topLayout->insertWidget( 0, d->rootInfo ); d->rootInfo->setFrameShape(QFrame::Box); d->rootInfo->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Raised); const QString msg = d->kcm->rootOnlyMsg(); if( msg.isEmpty() ) d->rootInfo->setText(i18n( "<b>Changes in this section requires root access.</b><br />" "Click the \"Administrator Mode\" button to " "allow modifications.")); else d->rootInfo->setText(msg); QWhatsThis::add( d->rootInfo, i18n( "This section requires special permissions, probably " "for system-wide changes; therefore, it is " "required that you provide the root password to be " "able to change the module's properties. If " "you do not provide the password, the module will be " "disabled.")); } }
KClassicGreeter::KClassicGreeter( KGreeterPluginHandler *_handler, KdmThemer *themer, QWidget *parent, QWidget *pred, const QString &_fixedEntity, Function _func, Context _ctx ) : QObject(), KGreeterPlugin( _handler ), fixedUser( _fixedEntity ), func( _func ), ctx( _ctx ), exp( -1 ), pExp( -1 ), running( false ) { KdmItem *user_entry = 0, *pw_entry = 0; QGridLayout *grid = 0; int line = 0; layoutItem = 0; if (themer && (!(user_entry = themer->findNode( "user-entry" )) || !(pw_entry = themer->findNode( "pw-entry" )))) themer = 0; if (!themer) layoutItem = grid = new QGridLayout( 0, 0, 10 ); loginLabel = passwdLabel = passwd1Label = passwd2Label = 0; loginEdit = 0; passwdEdit = passwd1Edit = passwd2Edit = 0; if (ctx == ExUnlock || ctx == ExChangeTok) fixedUser = KUser().loginName(); if (func != ChAuthTok) { if (fixedUser.isEmpty()) { loginEdit = new KLineEdit( parent ); loginEdit->setContextMenuEnabled( false ); connect( loginEdit, SIGNAL(lostFocus()), SLOT(slotLoginLostFocus()) ); connect( loginEdit, SIGNAL(lostFocus()), SLOT(slotActivity()) ); connect( loginEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged( const QString & )), SLOT(slotActivity()) ); connect( loginEdit, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), SLOT(slotActivity()) ); if (pred) { parent->setTabOrder( pred, loginEdit ); pred = loginEdit; } if (!grid) { loginEdit->adjustSize(); user_entry->setWidget( loginEdit ); } else { loginLabel = new QLabel( loginEdit, i18n("&Username:"******"Username:"******"&Password:"******"Current &password:"******"&New password:"******"Con&firm password:"), parent ); if (pred) { parent->setTabOrder( pred, passwd1Edit ); parent->setTabOrder( passwd1Edit, passwd2Edit ); } if (grid) { grid->addWidget( passwd1Label, line, 0 ); grid->addWidget( passwd1Edit, line++, 1 ); grid->addWidget( passwd2Label, line, 0 ); grid->addWidget( passwd2Edit, line, 1 ); } if (!passwdEdit) passwd1Edit->setFocus(); } }
#include <KConfig> #include <KFileItem> #include <KConfigGroup> #include <KSharedConfig> #include <KLocalizedString> #include <baloo/indexerconfig.h> #include <baloo/query.h> #define COMPACT_LEVEL 2 #define CONFIG_BACK_DAYS QStringLiteral("BackDays") #define CONFIG_BACK_DAYS_DEFAULT 7 static const QString HomeDir = KUser().homeDir(); static const int HomeDirLength = HomeDir.length(); RecentFolders::RecentFolders(const QByteArray &pool, const QByteArray &app) : SlaveBase("recentfolders", pool, app), backDays(CONFIG_BACK_DAYS_DEFAULT) { loadConfig(); } RecentFolders::~RecentFolders() { } void RecentFolders::loadConfig() { KSharedConfig::Ptr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("kio_recentfolders"));
bool DccTransferRecv::queue() { kdDebug() << "DccTransferRecv::queue()" << endl; if ( getStatus() != Configuring ) return false; if ( m_partnerIp.isEmpty() || m_partnerPort.isEmpty() ) return false; if (!kapp->authorize("allow_downloading")) { //note we have this after the initialisations so that item looks okay //Do not have the rights to send the file. Shouldn't have gotten this far anyway failed(i18n("The admin has restricted the right to receive files")); return false; } // check if the sender IP is valid if ( m_partnerIp == "" ) { failed( i18n( "Invalid sender address (%1)" ).arg( m_partnerIp ) ); return false; } // TODO: should we support it? if ( m_fileSize == 0 ) { failed( i18n( "Unsupported negotiation (filesize=0)" ) ); return false; } if ( m_fileName.isEmpty() ) { m_fileName = "unnamed_file"; } if ( m_fileURL.isEmpty() ) { // determine default incoming file URL // set default folder if ( !Preferences::dccPath().isEmpty() ) m_fileURL = KURL( Preferences::dccPath() ); else m_fileURL.setPath( KUser( KUser::UseRealUserID ).homeDir() ); // default folder is *not* specified // add a slash if there is none m_fileURL.adjustPath( 1 ); // Append folder with partner's name if wanted if ( Preferences::dccCreateFolder() ) m_fileURL.addPath( m_partnerNick + '/' ); // Just incase anyone tries to do anything nasty QString fileNameSanitized = sanitizeFileName( m_fileName ); // Append partner's name to file name if wanted if ( Preferences::dccAddPartner() ) m_fileURL.addPath( m_partnerNick + '.' + fileNameSanitized ); else m_fileURL.addPath( fileNameSanitized ); } return DccTransfer::queue(); }
bool Smb4KCustomOptions::isEmpty() { // Type if (d->type != UnknownNetworkItem) { return false; } else { // Do nothing } // Profile if (!d->profile.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { // Do nothing } // Workgroup if (!d->workgroup.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { // Do nothing } // URL if (!d->url.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { // Do nothing } // IP address if (!d->ip.isNull()) { return false; } else { // Do nothing } // Remounting if (d->remount != Smb4KCustomOptions::UndefinedRemount) { return false; } else { // Do nothing } // SMB port if (d->smbPort != 139) { return false; } else { // Do nothing } #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX) // File system port (used for mounting) if (d->fileSystemPort != 445) { return false; } else { // Do nothing } // Security mode if (d->securityMode != Smb4KCustomOptions::UndefinedSecurityMode) { return false; } else { // Do nothing } // Write access if (d->writeAccess != UndefinedWriteAccess) { return false; } else { // Do nothing } #endif // Kerberos if (d->kerberos != UndefinedKerberos) { return false; } else { // Do nothing } // UID if (d->user.userId() != KUser(KUser::UseRealUserID).userId()) { return false; } else { // Do nothing } // GID if (d->group.groupId() != KUserGroup(KUser::UseRealUserID).groupId()) { return false; } else { // Do nothing } // MAC address if (!d->mac.isNull()) { return false; } else { // Do nothing } // Send WOL packages before first scan if (d->wol_first_scan) { return false; } else { // Do nothing } // Send WOL packages before mount if (d->wol_mount) { return false; } else { // Do nothing } return true; }