std::string SdpEndpointImpl::processAnswer (const std::string &answer) { GstSDPMessage *answerSdp; std::string resultStr; bool expected = true; bool expected_false = false; if (!waitingAnswer.compare_exchange_strong (expected, true) ) { //offer not generated throw KurentoException (SDP_END_POINT_NOT_OFFER_GENERATED, "Offer not generated. It is not possible to process an answer."); } if (!answerProcessed.compare_exchange_strong (expected_false, true) ) { //the endpoint is already negotiated throw KurentoException (SDP_END_POINT_ANSWER_ALREADY_PROCCESED, "Sdp Answer already processed"); } answerSdp = str_to_sdp (answer); g_signal_emit_by_name (element, "process-answer", answerSdp, NULL); gst_sdp_message_free (answerSdp); MediaSessionStarted event (shared_from_this(), MediaSessionStarted::getName() ); signalMediaSessionStarted (event); return getLocalSessionDescriptor (); }
void MixerImpl::disconnect (std::shared_ptr<MediaType> media, std::shared_ptr<HubPort> source, std::shared_ptr<HubPort> sink) { std::shared_ptr<HubPortImpl> sourcePort = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<HubPortImpl> (source); std::shared_ptr<HubPortImpl> sinkPort = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<HubPortImpl> (sink); std::string action; bool connected; switch (media->getValue() ) { case MediaType::AUDIO: action = "disconnect-audio"; break; case MediaType::VIDEO: throw KurentoException (UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, "Video disconnection is not implemented yet"); default: /* Only audio is suppported so far */ throw KurentoException (UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, "Invalid media type"); }; g_signal_emit_by_name (G_OBJECT (element), action.c_str(), sourcePort->getHandlerId(), sinkPort->getHandlerId(), &connected); if (!connected) { throw KurentoException (CONNECT_ERROR, "Can not connect video ports"); } }
std::string SdpEndpointImpl::processOffer (const std::string &offer) { GstSDPMessage *offerSdp = NULL, *result = NULL; std::string offerSdpStr; bool expected = false; if (!offerInProcess.compare_exchange_strong (expected, true) ) { //the endpoint is already negotiated throw KurentoException (SDP_END_POINT_ALREADY_NEGOTIATED, "Endpoint already negotiated"); } offerSdp = str_to_sdp (offer); g_signal_emit_by_name (element, "process-offer", offerSdp, &result); gst_sdp_message_free (offerSdp); if (result == NULL) { offerInProcess = false; throw KurentoException (SDP_END_POINT_PROCESS_OFFER_ERROR, "Error processing offer"); } sdp_to_str (offerSdpStr, result); gst_sdp_message_free (result); MediaSessionStarted event (shared_from_this(), MediaSessionStarted::getName() ); signalMediaSessionStarted (event); return offerSdpStr; }
std::string SdpEndpointImpl::generateOffer () { GstSDPMessage *offer = NULL; std::string offerStr; bool expected = false; if (!offerInProcess.compare_exchange_strong (expected, true) ) { //the endpoint is already negotiated throw KurentoException (SDP_END_POINT_ALREADY_NEGOTIATED, "Endpoint already negotiated"); } if (element == NULL) { } g_signal_emit_by_name (element, "generate-offer", &offer); if (offer == NULL) { offerInProcess = false; throw KurentoException (SDP_END_POINT_GENERATE_OFFER_ERROR, "Error generating offer"); } sdp_to_str (offerStr, offer); gst_sdp_message_free (offer); waitingAnswer = true; return offerStr; }
void WebRtcEndpointImpl::createDataChannel (const std::string &label, bool ordered, int maxPacketLifeTime, int maxRetransmits, const std::string &protocol) { gint lifeTime, retransmits, stream_id; gboolean supported; g_object_get (element, "data-channel-supported", &supported, NULL); if (!supported) { throw KurentoException (MEDIA_OBJECT_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Data channels are not supported"); } /* Less than one values mean that parameters are disabled */ if (maxPacketLifeTime < 0) { maxPacketLifeTime = -1; } if (maxRetransmits < 0) { maxRetransmits = -1; } if (maxPacketLifeTime != -1 && maxRetransmits != -1) { /* Both values are incompatible. */ /* */ throw KurentoException (MEDIA_OBJECT_ILLEGAL_PARAM_ERROR, "Syntax error"); } if (maxPacketLifeTime > G_MAXUSHORT) { GST_WARNING ("maxPacketLifeTime can not be bigger than %u. Setting it to that value", G_MAXUSHORT); lifeTime = G_MAXUSHORT; } else { lifeTime = maxPacketLifeTime; } if (maxRetransmits > G_MAXUSHORT) { GST_WARNING ("maxRetransmits can not be bigger than %u. Setting it to that value", G_MAXUSHORT); retransmits = G_MAXUSHORT; } else { retransmits = maxRetransmits; } /* Create the data channel */ g_signal_emit_by_name (element, "create-data-channel", ordered, lifeTime, retransmits, label.c_str(), protocol.c_str(), &stream_id); if (stream_id < 0) { throw KurentoException (UNEXPECTED_ERROR, "Can not create data channel"); } GST_DEBUG ("Creating data channel with stream id %d", stream_id); }
std::shared_ptr< MediaObjectImpl > MediaSet::getMediaObject (const std::string &mediaObjectRef) { if (mediaObjectRef.size() > NEW_REF.size() && mediaObjectRef.substr (0, NEW_REF.size() ) == NEW_REF) { throw KurentoException (MEDIA_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND_TRANSACTION_NO_COMMIT, "Object '" + mediaObjectRef + "' not found. Possibly using a transactional " + "object without committing the transaction."); } std::shared_ptr <MediaObjectImpl> objectLocked; std::unique_lock <std::recursive_mutex> lock (recMutex); auto it = objectsMap.find (mediaObjectRef); if (it == objectsMap.end() ) { throw KurentoException (MEDIA_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, "Object '" + mediaObjectRef + "' not found"); } try { objectLocked = it->second.lock(); } catch (...) { throw KurentoException (MEDIA_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, "Object '" + mediaObjectRef + "' not found"); } if (!objectLocked) { throw KurentoException (MEDIA_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, "Object '" + mediaObjectRef + "' not found"); } auto it2 = reverseSessionMap.find (objectLocked->getId() ); if (it2 == reverseSessionMap.end() || it2->second.empty() ) { if (serverManager && mediaObjectRef == serverManager->getId() ) { return serverManager; } throw KurentoException (MEDIA_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, "Object '" + mediaObjectRef + "' not found"); } return objectLocked; }
static GstStructure * get_structure_from_roi (std::shared_ptr<RegionOfInterest> roi) { GstStructure *roiStructure, *configRoiSt; std::shared_ptr<RegionOfInterestConfig> config; int pointCount = 0; roiStructure = gst_structure_new_empty (roi->getId().c_str() ); if (roiStructure == NULL) { throw KurentoException (MEDIA_OBJECT_ILLEGAL_PARAM_ERROR, "Invalid roi name"); } for (std::shared_ptr<RelativePoint> point : roi->getPoints() ) { GstStructure *pointSt; std::string name = "point" + std::to_string (pointCount ++); pointSt = gst_structure_new (name.c_str(), "x", G_TYPE_FLOAT, point->getX(), "y", G_TYPE_FLOAT, point->getY(), NULL); gst_structure_set (roiStructure, name.c_str(), GST_TYPE_STRUCTURE, pointSt, NULL); gst_structure_free (pointSt); } config = roi->getRegionOfInterestConfig(); configRoiSt = gst_structure_new ("config", "id", G_TYPE_STRING, roi->getId().c_str(), "occupancy_level_min", G_TYPE_INT, config->getOccupancyLevelMin(), "occupancy_level_med", G_TYPE_INT, config->getOccupancyLevelMed(), "occupancy_level_max", G_TYPE_INT, config->getOccupancyLevelMax(), "occupancy_num_frames_to_event", G_TYPE_INT, config->getOccupancyNumFramesToEvent(), "fluidity_level_min", G_TYPE_INT, config->getFluidityLevelMin(), "fluidity_level_med", G_TYPE_INT, config->getFluidityLevelMed(), "fluidity_level_max", G_TYPE_INT, config->getFluidityLevelMax(), "fluidity_num_frames_to_event", G_TYPE_INT, config->getFluidityNumFramesToEvent(), "send_optical_flow_event", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, config->getSendOpticalFlowEvent(), "optical_flow_num_frames_to_event", G_TYPE_INT, config->getOpticalFlowNumFramesToEvent(), "optical_flow_num_frames_to_reset", G_TYPE_INT, config->getOpticalFlowNumFramesToReset(), "optical_flow_angle_offset", G_TYPE_INT, config->getOpticalFlowAngleOffset(), NULL); gst_structure_set (roiStructure, "config", GST_TYPE_STRUCTURE, configRoiSt, NULL); gst_structure_free (configRoiSt); return roiStructure; }
void checkResources (void) { int nThreads; nThreads = getNumberOfThreads (); if (nThreads > maxThreads) { throw KurentoException (NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES, "Too many threads"); } }
HttpGetEndpointImpl::HttpGetEndpointImpl ( const boost::property_tree::ptree &conf, std::shared_ptr<MediaPipeline> mediaPipeline, bool terminateOnEOS, std::shared_ptr<MediaProfileSpecType> mediaProfile, int disconnectionTimeout) : HttpEndpointImpl (conf, std::dynamic_pointer_cast< MediaObjectImpl > (mediaPipeline), disconnectionTimeout, FACTORY_NAME) { g_object_set ( G_OBJECT (element), "accept-eos", terminateOnEOS, NULL); switch (mediaProfile->getValue() ) { case MediaProfileSpecType::WEBM: GST_INFO ("Set WEBM profile"); g_object_set ( G_OBJECT (element), "profile", KMS_RECORDING_PROFILE_WEBM, NULL); break; case MediaProfileSpecType::MP4: GST_INFO ("Set MP4 profile"); g_object_set ( G_OBJECT (element), "profile", KMS_RECORDING_PROFILE_MP4, NULL); break; case MediaProfileSpecType::WEBM_VIDEO_ONLY: g_object_set ( G_OBJECT (element), "profile", KMS_RECORDING_PROFILE_WEBM_VIDEO_ONLY, NULL); GST_INFO ("Set WEBM profile"); break; case MediaProfileSpecType::WEBM_AUDIO_ONLY: g_object_set ( G_OBJECT (element), "profile", KMS_RECORDING_PROFILE_WEBM_AUDIO_ONLY, NULL); GST_INFO ("Set WEBM profile"); break; case MediaProfileSpecType::MP4_VIDEO_ONLY: g_object_set ( G_OBJECT (element), "profile", KMS_RECORDING_PROFILE_MP4_VIDEO_ONLY, NULL); GST_INFO ("Set WEBM profile"); break; case MediaProfileSpecType::MP4_AUDIO_ONLY: g_object_set ( G_OBJECT (element), "profile", KMS_RECORDING_PROFILE_MP4_AUDIO_ONLY, NULL); GST_INFO ("Set WEBM profile"); break; } register_end_point(); if (!is_registered() ) { throw KurentoException (HTTP_END_POINT_REGISTRATION_ERROR, "Cannot register HttpGetEndPoint"); } }
static void checkOpenFiles (float limit_percent) { int nOpenFiles; nOpenFiles = getNumberOfOpenFiles (); if (nOpenFiles > getMaxOpenFiles () * limit_percent ) { throw KurentoException (NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES, "Too many open files"); } }
static void checkThreads (float limit_percent) { int nThreads; nThreads = getNumberOfThreads (); if (nThreads > getMaxThreads () * limit_percent ) { throw KurentoException (NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES, "Too many threads"); } }
std::string MediaObjectImpl::getTag (const std::string &key) { auto it = tagsMap.find (key); if (it != tagsMap.end() ) { return it->second; } throw KurentoException (MEDIA_OBJECT_TAG_KEY_NOT_FOUND, "Tag key not found"); }
void WebRtcEndpointImpl::gatherCandidates () { gboolean ret; g_signal_emit_by_name (element, "gather-candidates", &ret); if (!ret) { throw KurentoException (ICE_GATHER_CANDIDATES_ERROR, "Error gathering candidates"); } }
void ServerMethods::subscribe (const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &response) { std::shared_ptr<MediaObjectImpl> obj; std::string eventType; std::string handlerId; std::string sessionId; std::string objectId; requireParams (params); JsonRpc::getValue (params, TYPE, eventType); JsonRpc::getValue (params, OBJECT, objectId); getOrCreateSessionId (sessionId, params); try { obj = MediaSet::getMediaSet()->getMediaObject (sessionId, objectId); try { handlerId = eventSubscriptionHandler (obj, sessionId, eventType, params); } catch (std::bad_function_call &e) { throw KurentoException (NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Current transport does not support events"); } if (handlerId == "") { throw KurentoException (MEDIA_OBJECT_EVENT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Event not found"); } } catch (KurentoException &ex) { Json::Value data; data[TYPE] = ex.getType(); throw JsonRpc::CallException (ex.getCode (), ex.getMessage (), data); } response[SESSION_ID] = sessionId; response[VALUE] = handlerId; }
NuboTrackerImpl::NuboTrackerImpl (const boost::property_tree::ptree &config, std::shared_ptr<MediaPipeline> mediaPipeline) : FilterImpl (config, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MediaPipelineImpl> (mediaPipeline)) { g_object_set (element, "filter-factory", "nubotracker", NULL); g_object_get (G_OBJECT (element), "filter", &nubo_tracker, NULL); if (NULL == nubo_tracker) { throw KurentoException (MEDIA_OBJECT_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Media Object not available"); } g_object_unref(nubo_tracker); }
Json::Value F::getFirstEvent () { for (auto it = recvMessages.begin(); it != recvMessages.end(); it++) { Json::Value message = *it; if (isEvent (message) ) { recvMessages.erase (it); return message; } } throw KurentoException (UNEXPECTED_ERROR, "Resonse not found"); }
Json::Value F::getResponse (const std::string &requestId) { for (auto it = recvMessages.begin(); it != recvMessages.end(); it++) { Json::Value message = *it; if (isResponse (message, requestId) ) { recvMessages.erase (it); return message; } } throw KurentoException (UNEXPECTED_ERROR, "Resonse not found"); }
void SdpEndpointImpl::postConstructor () { gchar *sess_id; g_signal_emit_by_name (element, "create-session", &sess_id); if (sess_id == NULL) { throw KurentoException (SDP_END_POINT_CANNOT_CREATE_SESSON, "Cannot create session"); } sessId = std::string (sess_id); g_free (sess_id); }
static GstSDPMessage * str_to_sdp (const std::string &sdpStr) { GstSDPResult result; GstSDPMessage *sdp = NULL; result = gst_sdp_message_new (&sdp); if (result != GST_SDP_OK) { throw KurentoException (SDP_CREATE_ERROR, "Error creating SDP message"); } result = gst_sdp_message_parse_buffer ( (const guint8 *) sdpStr.c_str (), -1, sdp); if (result != GST_SDP_OK) { gst_sdp_message_free (sdp); throw KurentoException (SDP_PARSE_ERROR, "Error parsing SDP"); } return sdp; }
void ServerMethods::invoke (const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &response) { std::shared_ptr<MediaObject> obj; std::string sessionId; std::string operation; Json::Value operationParams; std::string objectId; requireParams (params); JsonRpc::getValue (params, "operation", operation); JsonRpc::getValue (params, OBJECT, objectId); try { JsonRpc::getValue (params, "operationParams", operationParams); } catch (JsonRpc::CallException e) { /* operationParams is optional at this point */ } try { JsonRpc::getValue (params, SESSION_ID, sessionId); } catch (JsonRpc::CallException e) { generateUUID (sessionId); } try { Json::Value value; obj = MediaSet::getMediaSet().getMediaObject (sessionId, objectId); if (!obj) { throw KurentoException (MEDIA_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, "Object not found"); } obj->getInvoker().invoke (obj, operation, operationParams, value); response["value"] = value; response["sessionId"] = sessionId; } catch (KurentoException &ex) { Json::Value data; data["code"] = ex.getCode(); data["message"] = ex.getMessage(); JsonRpc::CallException e (JsonRpc::ErrorCode::SERVER_ERROR_INIT, ex.what(), data); throw e; } }
void SamplePluginFilter_js_mvImpl::Serialize (JsonSerializer &serializer) { if (serializer.IsWriter) { try { Json::Value v (getId() ); serializer.JsonValue = v; } catch (std::bad_cast &e) { } } else { throw KurentoException (MARSHALL_ERROR, "'SamplePluginFilter_js_mvImpl' cannot be deserialized as an object"); } }
FaceOverlayFilterImpl::FaceOverlayFilterImpl ( std::shared_ptr< MediaObjectImpl > parent) : FilterImpl (parent) { g_object_set (element, "filter-factory", "faceoverlay", NULL); g_object_get (G_OBJECT (element), "filter", &faceOverlay, NULL); if (faceOverlay == NULL) { throw KurentoException (MEDIA_OBJECT_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Media Object not available"); } g_object_unref (faceOverlay); }
void WebRtcEndpointImpl::closeDataChannel (int channelId) { gboolean supported; g_object_get (element, "data-channel-supported", &supported, NULL); if (!supported) { throw KurentoException (MEDIA_OBJECT_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Data channels are not supported"); } /* Destroy the data channel */ g_signal_emit_by_name (element, "destroy-data-channel", channelId); }
std::string SdpEndpointImpl::getRemoteSessionDescriptor () { GstSDPMessage *remoteSdp = NULL; std::string remoteSdpStr; g_signal_emit_by_name (element, "get-remote-sdp", sessId.c_str (), &remoteSdp); if (remoteSdp == NULL) { throw KurentoException (SDP_END_POINT_NO_REMOTE_SDP_ERROR, "No remote SDP"); } sdp_to_str (remoteSdpStr, remoteSdp);; gst_sdp_message_free (remoteSdp); return remoteSdpStr; }
std::string SdpEndpointImpl::getRemoteSessionDescriptor () { GstSDPMessage *remoteSdp = NULL; std::string remoteSdpStr; g_object_get (element, "remote-sdp", &remoteSdp, NULL); if (remoteSdp == NULL) { throw KurentoException (SDP_END_POINT_NO_REMOTE_SDP_ERROR, "No remote SDP"); } sdp_to_str (remoteSdpStr, remoteSdp);; gst_sdp_message_free (remoteSdp); return remoteSdpStr; }
std::string SdpEndpointImpl::getLocalSessionDescriptor () { GstSDPMessage *localSdp = NULL; std::string localSdpStr; g_object_get (element, "local-sdp", &localSdp, NULL); if (localSdp == NULL) { throw KurentoException (SDP_END_POINT_NO_LOCAL_SDP_ERROR, "No local SDP"); } sdp_to_str (localSdpStr, localSdp); gst_sdp_message_free (localSdp); return localSdpStr; }
KmsShowFacesImpl::KmsShowFacesImpl (const boost::property_tree::ptree &config, std::shared_ptr<MediaPipeline> mediaPipeline) : FilterImpl (config, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MediaObjectImpl> ( mediaPipeline) ) { g_object_set (element, "filter-factory", "imageoverlaymetadata", NULL); g_object_get (G_OBJECT (element), "filter", &imageOverlay, NULL); if (imageOverlay == NULL) { throw KurentoException (MEDIA_OBJECT_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Media Object not available"); } g_object_unref (imageOverlay); }
std::string SdpEndpointImpl::getLocalSessionDescriptor () { GstSDPMessage *localSdp = NULL; std::string localSdpStr; g_signal_emit_by_name (element, "get-local-sdp", sessId.c_str (), &localSdp); if (localSdp == NULL) { throw KurentoException (SDP_END_POINT_NO_LOCAL_SDP_ERROR, "No local SDP"); } sdp_to_str (localSdpStr, localSdp); gst_sdp_message_free (localSdp); return localSdpStr; }
std::string ServerMethods::connectEventHandler (std::shared_ptr<MediaObject> obj, const std::string &sessionId, const std::string &eventType, std::shared_ptr<EventHandler> handler) { std::string subscriptionId; subscriptionId = obj->connect (eventType, handler); if (subscriptionId == "") { throw KurentoException (MEDIA_OBJECT_EVENT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Event not found"); } registerEventHandler (obj, sessionId, subscriptionId, handler); return subscriptionId; }
ZBarFilterImpl::ZBarFilterImpl (const boost::property_tree::ptree &conf, std::shared_ptr<MediaPipeline> mediaPipeline) : FilterImpl (conf, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MediaObjectImpl> ( mediaPipeline) ) { g_object_set (element, "filter-factory", "zbar", NULL); g_object_get (G_OBJECT (element), "filter", &zbar, NULL); if (zbar == NULL) { throw KurentoException (MEDIA_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, "MediaObject not found"); } g_object_set (G_OBJECT (zbar), "qos", FALSE, NULL); bus_handler_id = 0; // There is no need to reference zbar becase its live cycle is the same as the filter live cycle g_object_unref (zbar); }