コード例 #1
bool PHIApplication::stopPhisService()
    return false;
    if ( !QFile::exists( _serverBin ) ) return false;
    QProcess proc;
    if ( proc.execute( _serverBin, QStringList() << L1( "-t" ) )!=0 ) return false;
    return true;
コード例 #2
bool SoldierSpawnTarget::Load( const Json::Value& setters )
    std::string cursor_id;
    if( !Json::GetStr(setters["cursor_id"], cursor_id))
        L1("Error retrieving 'cursor_id' \n" );
        return false;
    mCursorId = AutoId( cursor_id );
    return true;
コード例 #3
// Returns a string for a HTTP-header
QString KHttpCookie::cookieStr(bool useDOMFormat)
    QString result;

    if (useDOMFormat || (mProtocolVersion == 0))
        if ( !mName.isEmpty() )
           result = mName + '=';
        result += mValue;
        result = mName + '=' + mValue;
        if (mExplicitPath)
            result += L1("; $Path=\"") + mPath + L1("\"");
        if (!mDomain.isEmpty())
            result += L1("; $Domain=\"") + mDomain + L1("\"");
    return result;
コード例 #4
int test_string_cast_vector()
    int Error = 0;

    glm::vec2 A1(1, 2);
    std::string A2 = glm::to_string(A1);
    Error += A2 != std::string("fvec2(1.000000, 2.000000)") ? 1 : 0;

    glm::vec3 B1(1, 2, 3);
    std::string B2 = glm::to_string(B1);
    Error += B2 != std::string("fvec3(1.000000, 2.000000, 3.000000)") ? 1 : 0;

    glm::vec4 C1(1, 2, 3, 4);
    std::string C2 = glm::to_string(C1);
    Error += C2 != std::string("fvec4(1.000000, 2.000000, 3.000000, 4.000000)") ? 1 : 0;

    glm::ivec2 D1(1, 2);
    std::string D2 = glm::to_string(D1);
    Error += D2 != std::string("ivec2(1, 2)") ? 1 : 0;

    glm::ivec3 E1(1, 2, 3);
    std::string E2 = glm::to_string(E1);
    Error += E2 != std::string("ivec3(1, 2, 3)") ? 1 : 0;

    glm::ivec4 F1(1, 2, 3, 4);
    std::string F2 = glm::to_string(F1);
    Error += F2 != std::string("ivec4(1, 2, 3, 4)") ? 1 : 0;

    glm::hvec2 G1(1, 2);
    std::string G2 = glm::to_string(G1);
    Error += G2 != std::string("hvec2(1.0000, 2.0000)") ? 1 : 0;

    glm::hvec3 H1(1, 2, 3);
    std::string H2 = glm::to_string(H1);
    Error += H2 != std::string("hvec3(1.0000, 2.0000, 3.0000)") ? 1 : 0;

    glm::hvec4 I1(1, 2, 3, 4);
    std::string I2 = glm::to_string(I1);
    Error += I2 != std::string("hvec4(1.0000, 2.0000, 3.0000, 4.0000)") ? 1 : 0;

    glm::dvec2 J1(1, 2);
    std::string J2 = glm::to_string(J1);
    Error += J2 != std::string("dvec2(1.000000, 2.000000)") ? 1 : 0;

    glm::dvec3 K1(1, 2, 3);
    std::string K2 = glm::to_string(K1);
    Error += K2 != std::string("dvec3(1.000000, 2.000000, 3.000000)") ? 1 : 0;

    glm::dvec4 L1(1, 2, 3, 4);
    std::string L2 = glm::to_string(L1);
    Error += L2 != std::string("dvec4(1.000000, 2.000000, 3.000000, 4.000000)") ? 1 : 0;

    return Error;
コード例 #5
ファイル: phidomevent.cpp プロジェクト: Phisketeer/phisketeer
void PHIDomEvent::setDropEvent( QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *e )
    Q_ASSERT( e );
    /* DOM does not specify mouse positions in a drop event. :-(
    QPoint v=mapFromScene( e->scenePos() );
    QPoint doc=e->scenePos().toPoint();
    self.setProperty( "pageX" ), doc.x(), QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    self.setProperty( "pageY" ), doc.y(), QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    self.setProperty( "clientX" ), v.x(), QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    self.setProperty( "clientY" ), v.y(), QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    self.setProperty( "screenX" ), e->screenPos().x(), QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    self.setProperty( "screenY" ), e->screenPos().y(), QScriptValue::ReadOnly );

    int button=0, which=0;
    if ( e->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton ) which=1;
    else if ( e->buttons() & Qt::RightButton ) { button=2; which=3; }
    else if ( e->buttons() & Qt::MidButton ) { button=1; which=2; }
    _self.setProperty( L1( "which" ), which, QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "button" ), button, QScriptValue::ReadOnly );

    _self.setProperty( L1( "altKey" ), (e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier ? true : false), QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "ctrlKey" ), (e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier ? true : false), QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "shiftKey" ), (e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier ? true : false), QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "metaKey" ), (e->modifiers() & Qt::MetaModifier ? true : false), QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
コード例 #6
std::auto_ptr<Actor> SoldierSpawnSystem::Spawn( core::ClientData& clientData, map::SpawnPoint spawnPoint, std::auto_ptr<Actor> player )
    Opt<Actor> clientActor( mScene.GetActor( clientData.mClientActorGUID ) );
    if( clientActor.IsValid() )
        Opt<IHealthComponent> healthC = clientActor->Get<IHealthComponent>();
        if ( healthC.IsValid() && healthC->IsAlive() )
            L1( "Cannot spawn soldier for clientData (%s) current soldier still alive!\n", clientData.mClientName.c_str() );
            return std::auto_ptr<Actor>();
        L2( "No actor for clientData(%s). (it might be an error on revive)\n", clientData.mClientName.c_str() );
    L2( "player is valid %d", player.get() );
    Opt<IPositionComponent> positionC = player->Get<IPositionComponent>();
    L2( "positionC is valid %d", positionC.IsValid() );
    positionC->SetX( spawnPoint.mX );
    positionC->SetY( spawnPoint.mY );

    //TODO: temporary till normal inventory sync
//     Opt<IInventoryComponent> inventoryC = player->Get<IInventoryComponent>();
//     if ( inventoryC.IsValid() )
//     {
//         inventoryC->SetSelectedWeapon( AutoId( "pistol" ) );
//     }

    Opt<PlayerControllerComponent> playerControllerC( player->Get<IControllerComponent>() );
    if ( playerControllerC.IsValid() )
        playerControllerC->mControllerId = clientData.mClientId;
        if ( mProgramState.mControlledActorGUID == clientData.mClientActorGUID
             && mProgramState.mMode != core::ProgramState::Server )
            playerControllerC->SetEnabled( true );
            playerControllerC->mActive = true;
            mProgramState.mControlledActorGUID = player->GetGUID();
    clientData.mClientActorGUID = player->GetGUID(); //TODO: might seek for a better place
    L2( "player created clientId:%d clientName:%s actorId:%d\n", clientData.mClientId, clientData.mClientName.c_str(), clientData.mClientActorGUID );

    if ( mProgramState.mMode != core::ProgramState::Server &&
         mProgramState.mClientDatas.begin()->mClientActorGUID == player->GetGUID() )
        Scene::Get().SetPlayerModels( Opt<Actor>( player.get() ) );
    EventServer<SoldierCreatedEvent>::Get().SendEvent( SoldierCreatedEvent( clientData, Opt<Actor>( player.get() ) ) );
    return player;
コード例 #7
ファイル: weapon.cpp プロジェクト: HalalUr/Reaping2
void WeaponLoader::BindValues()
    L1( "Bind Weapon values \n" );
    Bind( "shoot_cooldown", func_double( &Weapon::SetShootCooldown ) );
    Bind( "shoot_alt_cooldown", func_double( &Weapon::SetShootAltCooldown ) );
    Bind( "bullets", func_double( &Weapon::SetBullets ) );
    Bind( "bullets", func_double( &Weapon::SetBulletsMax ) );
    Bind( "shot_cost", func_int32_t( &Weapon::SetShotCost ) );
    Bind( "shot_cost_alt", func_int32_t( &Weapon::SetShotCostAlt ) );
    Bind( "reload_time", func_double( &Weapon::SetReloadTimeMax ) );
    Bind( "static_reload", func_double( &Weapon::SetStaticReload ) );
    Bind( "position_x", func_double(&Weapon::SetPositionX));
    Bind( "position_y", func_double(&Weapon::SetPositionY));
    std::string istr;
    if (Json::GetStr((*mSetters)["muzzle"], istr))
        Bind<int32_t>(&Weapon::SetMuzzleId, AutoId(istr));
    if (Json::GetStr((*mSetters)["muzzle_alt"], istr))
        Bind<int32_t>(&Weapon::SetMuzzleAltId, AutoId(istr));

    Scatter scatter;
    Json::GetDouble( ( *mSetters )["scatter_increase"], scatter.mIncrease );
    Json::GetDouble( ( *mSetters )["scatter_alt_increase"], scatter.mAltIncrease );
    Json::GetDouble( ( *mSetters )["scatter_chill"], scatter.mChill );
    Json::GetDouble( ( *mSetters )["scatter_magic_number"], scatter.mMagicNumber );
    L1( "Scatter in: %f %f %f %f", scatter.mIncrease, scatter.mAltIncrease, scatter.mChill, scatter.mMagicNumber );
    Bind<Scatter>( &Weapon::SetScatter, scatter );
    if (Json::GetStr( (*mSetters)["shot"], istr ))
        Bind<int32_t>( &Weapon::SetShotId, AutoId( istr ) );
    if (Json::GetStr( (*mSetters)["shot_alt"], istr ))
        Bind<int32_t>( &Weapon::SetShotAltId, AutoId( istr ) );
コード例 #8
void PlayerControllerMessageHandlerSubSystem::Execute( Message const& message )
    PlayerControllerMessage const& msg = static_cast<PlayerControllerMessage const&>( message );
    //        L1("executing PlayerController: %d \n",msg.mSenderId );
    Opt<Actor> actor = mScene.GetActor( msg.mActorGUID );
    if ( !actor.IsValid() )
        L1( "cannot find actor with GUID: (that is not possible) %d \n", msg.mActorGUID );

    Opt<PlayerControllerComponent> playerControllerC = actor->Get<IControllerComponent>();
    if ( !playerControllerC.IsValid() )
        L1( "playercontroller is called on an actor that has no player_controller_component \n" );
    playerControllerC->mOrientation = msg.mOrientation / PRECISION;
    playerControllerC->mHeading = msg.mHeading / PRECISION;
    playerControllerC->mShoot = msg.mShoot;
    playerControllerC->mShootAlt = msg.mShootAlt;
    if (msg.mUseNormalItem.IsActive())
    if (msg.mUseReload.IsActive())
    playerControllerC->mMoving = msg.mMoving;
コード例 #9
int L1()
				return 1;
	return 1;
コード例 #10
bool SetOwnershipMessageHandlerSubSystem::ProcessPending( Message const& message )
    SetOwnershipMessage const& msg = static_cast<SetOwnershipMessage const&>( message );
    Opt<Actor> actor = mScene.GetActor( msg.mActorGUID ); //guaranteed
    L1( "executing %s: actorGUID %d \n", __FUNCTION__, msg.mActorGUID );
    Opt<PlayerControllerComponent> playerControllerC( actor->Get<IControllerComponent>() );
    if ( !playerControllerC.IsValid() )
        L1( "setownership is called on an actor that is not playerControllable \n" );
        return true;

    playerControllerC->mControllerId = msg.mClientId;

    if ( msg.mClientId == mProgramState.mClientId )
        L1( "thats my id! actorguid: %d,%d \n", msg.mActorGUID, PlayerControllerComponent::GetType_static() );
        Opt<Actor> oldActor = mScene.GetActor( mProgramState.mControlledActorGUID );
        if ( oldActor.IsValid() )
            Opt<PlayerControllerComponent> pcc = oldActor->Get<IControllerComponent>();
            if( pcc.IsValid() )
                pcc->SetEnabled( false );
                pcc->mActive = false;
        mProgramState.mControlledActorGUID = msg.mActorGUID;
        playerControllerC->SetEnabled( true );
        playerControllerC->mActive = true;
        mScene.SetPlayerModels( actor );
    Opt<core::ClientData> clientData( mProgramState.FindClientDataByClientId( msg.mClientId ) );
    if ( clientData.IsValid() )
        clientData->mClientActorGUID = msg.mActorGUID;
    return true;
コード例 #11
ファイル: symmetries.cpp プロジェクト: dtegunov/vlion
//#define DEBUG
void SymList::compute_subgroup()
    Matrix2D<DOUBLE> I(4, 4);
    Matrix2D<DOUBLE> L1(4, 4), R1(4, 4), L2(4, 4), R2(4, 4), newL(4, 4), newR(4, 4);
    Matrix2D<int>    tried(true_symNo, true_symNo);
    int i, j;
    int new_chain_length;
    while (found_not_tried(tried, i, j, true_symNo))
        tried(i, j) = 1;

        get_matrices(i, L1, R1);
        get_matrices(j, L2, R2);
        newL = L1 * L2;
        newR = R1 * R2;
        new_chain_length = __chain_length(i) + __chain_length(j);
        Matrix2D<DOUBLE> newR3 = newR;
        if (newL.isIdentity() && newR3.isIdentity()) continue;

        // Try to find it in current ones
        bool found;
        found = false;
        for (int l = 0; l < SymsNo(); l++)
        	get_matrices(l, L1, R1);
            if (newL.equal(L1) && newR.equal(R1))
                found = true;

        if (!found)
//#define DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
           std::cout << "Matrix size " << tried.Xdim() << " "
            << "trying " << i << " " << j << " "
            << "chain length=" << new_chain_length << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Result R Sh\n" << newR;
#undef DEBUG
            add_matrices(newL, newR, new_chain_length);
            tried.resize(MAT_YSIZE(tried) + 1, MAT_XSIZE(tried) + 1);
コード例 #12
ファイル: phidomevent.cpp プロジェクト: Phisketeer/phisketeer
void PHIDomEvent::setKeyEvent( QKeyEvent *e )
    Q_ASSERT( e );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "altKey" ), (e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier ? true : false), QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "ctrlKey" ), (e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier ? true : false), QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "shiftKey" ), (e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier ? true : false), QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "metaKey" ), (e->modifiers() & Qt::MetaModifier ? true : false), QScriptValue::ReadOnly );

    int code=PHIFakeDomEvent::qtToDomKey( e->key() );
    if ( !e->text().isEmpty() ) {
        QChar c;
        c=e->text().at( 0 );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "isChar" ), !e->text().isEmpty() );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "charCode" ), e->text().isEmpty() ? L1( "0" ) : e->text() );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "keyCode" ), code );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "which" ), code );
コード例 #13
ファイル: test3.c プロジェクト: khokhlov/compact3
void single_test(const int n, const double alpha, reconstruct r, complex_mesh_func cmf, err_t *err)
	data_t d, nd;
	integrate(n, alpha, r, cmf, &d);
	save_data("bis2.txt", &d);
	copy_data(&d, &nd);
	initial_sin4(T, &nd);
	save_data("none.txt", &d);
	err->l1 = L1(&d, &nd);
	err->l2 = L2(&d, &nd);
	err->linf = Linf(&d, &nd);
	free_data(&d, 1);
	free_data(&nd, 1);
コード例 #14
void OrientationMessageHandlerSubSystem::Execute( Message const& message )
    OrientationMessage const& msg = static_cast<OrientationMessage const&>( message );

    if ( mProgramState.mMode == ProgramState::Server
         || ( mProgramState.mMode == ProgramState::Client && msg.mActorGUID != mProgramState.mControlledActorGUID ) )
        Opt<Actor> actor = mScene.GetActor( msg.mActorGUID );
        if ( !actor.IsValid() )
            L1( "cannot find actor with GUID: (that is not possible) %d \n", msg.mActorGUID );

        Opt<IPositionComponent> positionC( actor->Get<IPositionComponent>() );
        if ( !positionC.IsValid() )
            L1( "position is called on an actor that has no position_component \n" );
        positionC->SetOrientation( msg.mOrientation / PRECISION );
コード例 #15
bool KCookieJar::parseURL(const QString &_url,
                          QString &_fqdn,
                          QString &_path)
    KURL kurl(_url);
    if (!kurl.isValid())
       return false;

    _fqdn = kurl.host().lower();
    if (kurl.port())
       if (((kurl.protocol() == L1("http")) && (kurl.port() != 80)) ||
           ((kurl.protocol() == L1("https")) && (kurl.port() != 443)))
          _fqdn = L1("%1:%2").arg(kurl.port()).arg(_fqdn);

    // Cookie spoofing protection.  Since there is no way a path separator
    // or escape encoded character is allowed in the hostname according
    // to RFC 2396, reject attempts to include such things there!
    if(_fqdn.find('/') > -1 || _fqdn.find('%') > -1)
        return false;  // deny everything!!

    _path = kurl.path();
    if (_path.isEmpty())
       _path = L1("/");

    QRegExp exp(L1("[\\\\/]\\.\\.[\\\\/]"));
    // Weird path, cookie stealing attempt?
    if (exp.search(_path) != -1)
       return false; // Deny everything!!

    return true;
コード例 #16
ファイル: 3.cpp プロジェクト: keymanky/sites
void main()

     Linea L1(50,80,180,200);
     int a,b,i;
     initgraph(&a,&b," ");
コード例 #17
void ClientSystem::Init()
    if ( enet_initialize () != 0 )
        L1 ( "An error occurred while initializing ENet.\n" );
    atexit ( enet_deinitialize );
    mThreaded = Settings::Get().GetBool( "network.threaded", true );
    mRunning = true;
    mWaitMillisecs = Settings::Get().GetInt( "network.wait_millisec", 10 );
    if (mThreaded)
        mThread = std::thread(boost::bind(&ClientSystem::UpdateThread,this));
コード例 #18
bool PHIApplication::startPhisService()
    qWarning() << "phiapp start" << _serverBin;
    return false;
    if ( !QFile::exists( _serverBin ) ) return false;
    qWarning() << "phiapp start" << _serverBin;
    QProcess proc;
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
    proc.execute( _serverBin, QStringList() << L1( "-i" ) );
    if ( proc.execute( _serverBin, QStringList() )!=0 ) return false;
    return true;
コード例 #19
ファイル: Game_Engine.cpp プロジェクト: VulpesCorsac/Tron
int Game_Engine::Intersect_Tails(const Player &_Player1, const Player &_Player2, const double &dt) {
	vector < Point2D < double > > V_1,V_2;
	Polygon2D <double> P;
	LightCycle _Cycle = _Player1.MyCycle;
	P = Polygon_from_cycle(_Cycle);
	P = Polygon_from_cycle(_Cycle);
	Polygon2D < double > Pol1(V_1);

	_Cycle = _Player2.MyCycle;
	P = Polygon_from_cycle(_Cycle);
	P = Polygon_from_cycle(_Cycle);
	Polygon2D < double > Pol2(V_2);

	if (Intersect(Pol1, Pol2)) {
		Line2D < double > L1(0.5*(V_1[1] + V_1[0]), 0.5*(V_1[2] + V_1[3]));
		Line2D < double > L2(0.5*(V_2[1] + V_2[0]), 0.5*(V_2[2] + V_2[3]));
		Point2D < double > Cross_P;
		double dist1, dist2;
		Cross_line(L1, L2, Cross_P);
		if (abs(dist(Cross_P, 0.5*(V_1[1] + V_1[0])) + this->Constants->LightCycle_Length - dist(Cross_P, 0.5*(V_1[2] + V_1[3]))) < EPS)
			dist1 = -dist(Cross_P, 0.5*(V_1[1] + V_1[0]));
			dist1 = dist(Cross_P, 0.5*(V_1[1] + V_1[0]));
		if (abs(dist(Cross_P, 0.5*(V_2[1] + V_2[0])) + this->Constants->LightCycle_Length - dist(Cross_P, 0.5*(V_2[2] + V_2[3]))) < EPS)
			dist2 = -dist(Cross_P, 0.5*(V_2[1] + V_2[0]));
			dist2 = dist(Cross_P, 0.5*(V_2[1] + V_2[0]));
		if (dist1 + 1.5*this->Constants->LightCycle_Length < dist2)
			return 1;
		if (dist2 + 1.5*this->Constants->LightCycle_Length < dist1)
			return 2;
		return 3;
	return 0;
コード例 #20
ファイル: phidomevent.cpp プロジェクト: Phisketeer/phisketeer
PHIDomEvent::PHIDomEvent( const QString &type, PHIBaseItem *item, bool cancelable )
    : QObject( item->scriptEngine() ), _item( item ), _cancelDefault( false ),
    _stopPropagation( false ), _cancelable( cancelable )
    //qDebug( "PHIDomEvent::PHIDomEvent()" );
    PHIDomItem *domItem=new PHIDomItem( item, this );
    QScriptValue target=item->scriptEngine()->newQObject( domItem, QScriptEngine::QtOwnership, PHIDOMSCRIPTOPTIONS );
    _self=eventToScriptValue( _item->scriptEngine(), this );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "target" ), target, QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "currentTarget" ), target, QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "type" ), type, QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "bubbles" ), false, QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "cancelable" ), cancelable, QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "eventPhase" ), 1, QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "view" ), item->scriptEngine()->globalObject(), QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
    _self.setProperty( L1( "detail" ), 0, QScriptValue::ReadOnly );
コード例 #21
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: AXLEproject/nvram-sim
void run_stresstest_simple()
  std::cout << "Running simple random address test..." << std::endl;
  Addr addr_space = 4*GB;
  size_t mem_access_cost = 500;
  size_t L2_direct_entries = 64;
  size_t L2_line_size_bytes = 128;
  size_t L2_associativity = 8;
  size_t L2_hit_cost_ticks = 50;
  size_t L1_direct_entries = 128;
  size_t L1_line_size_bytes = 64;
  size_t L1_associativity = 2;
  size_t L1_hit_cost_ticks = 3;
  MainMemory main_mem(addr_space, mem_access_cost);
  Cache L2("L2", &main_mem, L2_direct_entries, L2_associativity, L2_line_size_bytes, L2_hit_cost_ticks, IS_WRITEBACK_CACHE);
  Cache L1("L1", &L2, L1_direct_entries, L1_associativity, L1_line_size_bytes, L1_hit_cost_ticks, !IS_WRITEBACK_CACHE);
  size_t ticks = 0;

#ifdef WINTIME
  long int before = GetTickCount();
  clock_t start, finish;
  start = clock();

  uint8_t *data;
  size_t iterations = 100*K;
  for (size_t i=0; i<iterations; i++)
    Addr addr = (Addr)&globalmem[rand()%globalmem_size];
    uint8_t line_state_req = linestates[rand()%3];
    L1.line_get(addr, line_state_req, ticks, data);
    ticks = 0;

#ifdef WINTIME
  long int after = GetTickCount();
  std::cout << "Execution Time: " << (after-before) << " ms." << std::endl;
  finish = clock();
  double exec_time_ms = ((double)(finish - start))*1000/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  std::cout << "Execution Time: " << exec_time_ms << " ms." << std::endl;
  std::cout << "that makes: " << ((double)(iterations/exec_time_ms)) << " cache queries/ms." << std::endl;
コード例 #22
ファイル: flash_message.cpp プロジェクト: HalalUr/Reaping2
void FlashMessageHandlerSubSystem::Execute( Message const& message )
    FlashMessage const& msg = static_cast<FlashMessage const&>( message );
    Opt<Actor> actor = mScene.GetActor( msg.mActorGUID );
    if ( !actor.IsValid() )
        L1( "cannot find actor with GUID: (%s) %d \n", __FUNCTION__, msg.mActorGUID );
    Opt<IPositionComponent> positionC = actor->Get<IPositionComponent>();
    if ( !positionC.IsValid() )
    positionC->SetX( msg.mX / PRECISION );
    positionC->SetY( msg.mY / PRECISION );
コード例 #23
ファイル: gauss.hpp プロジェクト: gregvw/legendre-gauss
// Evaluate the nth order Legendre polynomial and its derivative
void legendre(const dvec& a, const dvec& b, const dvec& x, dvec& L, dvec& Lp) {
    int n = x.size();
    dvec L0(n,1.0);
    dvec L1(n,0.0);
    // Iterate over grid points
    for(int j=0;j<n;++j) {
        L1[j] = x[j];
        // Iterate over polynomials  
        for(int k=1;k<n;++k) {

            L[j] = a[k]*x[j]*L1[j]-b[k]*L0[j];
            L0[j] = L1[j];
            L1[j] = L[j];
        Lp[j] = n*(L0[j]-x[j]*L[j])/(1.0-x[j]*x[j]); 
コード例 #24
ファイル: strike_slip.c プロジェクト: ellipt01/piezomag
/*** contributions from the mirror image HIII ***/
static double
strikexHIII (MagComp component, const fault_params *fault, const magnetic_params *mag, double xi, double et, double qq, double y, double z)
	double val;
	double h = mag->dcurier;
	double qd = y * sd + (fault->fdepth - h) * cd;
	double K1_val = K1 (component, 1.0, xi, et, qq);
	double atan_xe_qr_val = atan_xe_qr (component, 1.0, xi, et, qq);
	double J1_val = J1 (component, 1.0, xi, et, qq);
	double M1_val = M1 (component, 1.0, xi, et, qq);
	double L1_val = L1 (component, 1.0, xi, et, qq);

	val = - alpha4 * K1_val
		+ alpha1 * atan_xe_qr_val + alpha3 * J1_val
		+ alpha3 * (qd * M1_val + (z - h) * L1_val * sd);

	return val;
コード例 #25
ファイル: by_rec4.c プロジェクト: rfalke/decompiler-subjects
    _unknown_ __ebx,                       // r1
    _unknown_ __edx                        // r3
{// addr = 0x080483AC
    _unknown_ _v8;                         // _cfa_fffffff8
    _unknown_ __ebp;                       // r6
    _unknown_ _t3;                         // _t3
    _unknown_ _t4;                         // _t4

    __edx = __edx;
コード例 #26
ファイル: actor_factory.cpp プロジェクト: HalalUr/Reaping2
void ActorFactory::Init()
    PathVect_t Paths;
    Filesys& FSys = Filesys::Get();
    FSys.GetFileNames( Paths, "actors" );
    for( PathVect_t::const_iterator i = Paths.begin(), e = Paths.end(); i != e; ++i )
        boost::filesystem::path const& Path = *i;
        if( Path.extension().string() != ".json" )
        AutoFile JsonFile = FSys.Open( *i );
        if( !JsonFile.get() )
        JsonReader Reader( *JsonFile );
        if( !Reader.IsValid() )
        Json::Value Root = Reader.GetRoot();
        if( !Root.isArray() )
        for( Json::Value::iterator i = Root.begin(), e = Root.end(); i != e; ++i )
            Json::Value& ActorsDesc = *i;
                if( !AddActorCreatorFromOneDesc( ActorsDesc, mActorCreators ) )
            catch( std::exception const& err )
                L1( "Exception caught while parsing %s : %s", Path.generic_string().c_str(), err.what() );
コード例 #27
ファイル: system.cpp プロジェクト: vetlewi/Projects
// Runge-Kutta 4 algorithm
void System::RK4(){
    vec2dN K1(nObj), K2(nObj), K3(nObj), K4(nObj);
    vec2dN L1(nObj), L2(nObj), L3(nObj), L4(nObj);

    vec2dN NewR(nObj), NewV(nObj);
    if (nObj == 1){ // If only ONE object
        K1 = h*derX(vec2dN(nObj));
        L1 = h*(SunInf(vec2dN(nObj)));
        K2 = h*derX(L1*0.5);
        L2 = h*(SunInf(K1*0.5));
        K3 = h*derX(L2*0.5);
        L3 = h*(SunInf(K2*0.5));
        K4 = h*derX(L3);
        L4 = h*(SunInf(K3));
    } else { // If more than one object
        if (!statSun){ // Sun mobile or not pressent
            K1 = h*derX(vec2dN(nObj));
            L1 = h*derV(vec2dN(nObj));
            K2 = h*derX(L1*0.5);
            L2 = h*derV(K1*0.5);
            K3 = h*derX(L2*0.5);
            L3 = h*derV(L2*0.5);
            K4 = h*derX(L3);
            L4 = h*derV(K4);
        } else { // If the sun is stationary
            K1 = h*derX(vec2dN(nObj));
            L1 = h*(derV(vec2dN(nObj)) + SunInf(vec2dN(nObj)));
            K2 = h*derX(L1*0.5);
            L2 = h*(derV(K1*0.5) + SunInf(K1*0.5));
            K3 = h*derX(L2*0.5);
            L3 = h*(derV(K2*0.5) + SunInf(K2*0.5));
            K4 = h*derX(L3);
            L4 = h*(derV(K3) + SunInf(K3));
    for (int i = 0 ; i < nObj ; i++){
        NewR[i] = sys[i].relR + (K1[i] + 2*K2[i] + 2*K3[i] + K4[i])/(double)6;
        NewV[i] = sys[i].relV + (L1[i] + 2*L2[i] + 2*L3[i] + L4[i])/(double)6;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < nObj ; i++){
        sys[i].update(NewR[i], NewV[i], sys[i].relT+h);
コード例 #28
ファイル: test-circuit.cpp プロジェクト: vcnt/ingspice
void test_circuit_parallel()
	//circuit 1
	ngac AC("ac1", 0, 5, 1);
	ngresistor R("r1", 370);
	ngled LED("LED1", 7e-3);
	ngground GND;

	ngline L0(AC.p1, GND.p1);
	ngline L1(AC.p2, R.p1);
	ngline L2(R.p2, LED.p1);
	ngline L3(LED.p2, AC.p1);

	schema SCH;
	SCH.AddDevices(&AC, &R, &LED, &GND, 0);
	SCH.AddLines(&L0, &L1, &L2, &L3, 0);

	circuit CIR(&SCH);
	CIR.Tran("20", "1m");

	//circuit 2
	ngac ac("ac1", 0, 5, 1);
	ngresistor r("r1", 370);
	ngled led("led1", 5e-3);
	ngground gnd;

	ngline l0(ac.p1, gnd.p1);
	ngline l1(ac.p2, r.p1);
	ngline l2(r.p2, led.p1);
	ngline l3(led.p2, ac.p1);

	schema sch;
	sch.AddDevices(&ac, &r, &led, &gnd, 0);
	sch.AddLines(&l0, &l1, &l2, &l3, 0);

	circuit cir(&sch);
	cir.Tran("20", "1m");

	} while (CIR.IsRunning() || cir.IsRunning());
コード例 #29
void divide_assignment_test()
    quan::length::m L1(3.);
    L1 /=2;
    QUAN_CHECK_EQUAL(L1.numeric_value() , QUAN_FLOAT_TYPE(3.) / 2);

    quan::length::mm L2(-2310);
    L2 /= 2343;
    QUAN_CHECK_EQUAL(L2.numeric_value() ,QUAN_FLOAT_TYPE(-2310) / 2343);

    quan::length::in L3(-12);
    L3 /= 0.1;
    QUAN_CHECK_EQUAL(L3.numeric_value() ,QUAN_FLOAT_TYPE(-12) / 0.1 );

    quan::length::in L4(0.314142);
    L4 /= 3.14142;
    QUAN_CHECK_EQUAL(L4.numeric_value() ,QUAN_FLOAT_TYPE(0.314142) / 3.14142);

コード例 #30
ファイル: TestcaseInfExact.hpp プロジェクト: kanster/OpenGP
/** @brief	Cholesky factor test */  
TEST_F(TestCaseInfExact, CholeskyFactorTest)
	// Expected value
	Matrix L1(5, 5);
	L1 << 15.033296378372905f, 0.000000000000000f, 0.000000000000000f, 0.000000000000000f, 0.000000000000000f, 
		   7.954233000003977f, 12.756573888848354f, 0.000000000000000f, 0.000000000000000f, 0.000000000000000f, 
		   6.878925159482144f, 2.721575651484489f, 13.087146924501544f, 0.000000000000000f, 0.000000000000000f, 
		   4.036549175942017f, 5.820105434875480f, 7.317399015148106f, 11.058404728090039f, 0.000000000000000f, 
		   4.036549175942017f, 5.820105434875480f, 7.317399015148106f, 10.967975771600516f, 1.411319454917352f;

	// Actual value
	const Matrix L21(pL1->matrixL());
	const Matrix L22(pL2->matrixL());

	// Test