コード例 #1
ファイル: dense.cpp プロジェクト: mdqyy/strategy_core
bool sv(RealVector &b, RealSquare &A) {
  bool flag = true;
  lapack_int n, nrhs, lda, ldb, info;
	lapack_int *ipiv;
  n = A.size, nrhs = 1, lda = n, ldb = nrhs;
  ipiv = new lapack_int[n];
  if (NULL == &A || NULL == &b) {
    flag = false;
	  goto end;
  if (A.size != b.size) {
    flag = false;
	  goto end;

  info = LAPACKE_sgesv(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, n, nrhs, A.M, lda, ipiv, b.M, ldb);

  if (info > 0) {
    printf("The diagonal element of the triangular factor of A,\n");
    printf("U(%i,%i) is zero, so that A is singular;\n", info, info);
    printf("the solution could not be computed.\n");
    flag = false;
    goto end;

  delete []ipiv; ipiv = NULL;
  return flag;
コード例 #2
ファイル: c.c プロジェクト: kod3r/cpp-cheat
int main(void)
    int info, ipiv2[2];
    float err = 1e-6;
    float x2[2], b2[2], c2[2];
    float a2x2[2][2];


        x2[0] =  1.0;
        x2[1] = -2.0;
        assert_eqd( cblas_snrm2(2, x2, 1), sqrt(5.0), err );


        //1 2 x = 5
        //3 4 y   11

        //x = 1
        //y = 1

        a2x2[0][0] = 1.0;
        a2x2[1][0] = 2.0;
        a2x2[0][1] = 3.0;
        a2x2[1][1] = 4.0;
        b2[0] = 5.;
        b2[1] = 11.;

        info = LAPACKE_sgesv(
            LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, //COL or ROW
            2,                //n
            1,                //nrhs
            2,                //lda
            2                 //ldb
        c2[0] = 1.0;
        c2[1] = 2.0;
        assert_eqi( info, 0 );
        assert_eqd( b2[0], c2[0], err );
        assert_eqd( b2[1], c2[1], err );

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
コード例 #3
ファイル: lapacke.hpp プロジェクト: quinsmpang/Lux
template <> inline
int gesvd(const char order, const int N, const int M, float *A, const int LDA, int *IPIV, float *B, const int LDB)
	return LAPACKE_sgesv(order, N, M, A, LDA, IPIV, B, LDB);
コード例 #4
int main() {
    float x[3] = {1,1,1};
    float y[3] = {2,2,2};
    //float dotProd = cblas_sdot(3, x, 1, y, 1);
    //printf("%f\n", dotProd);
    lapack_int nrhs = 1; // Cols of B, always 1 in our case
    lapack_int numEqs = 3; // Size of side of matrix, or number of linear equations
    lapack_int lda = numEqs;
    lapack_int ldb = lda;
    float matA[] = {3.,7.,1., 4.,2.,1., 1.,1.,0.};
    float vecB[] = {0.,0.,1.};
    lapack_int ipiv[3] = {0,0,0};

    // Apparently the function can only work using LAPACK_COL_MAJOR order; 
    // investigate
    lapack_int info = LAPACKE_sgesv(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, numEqs, nrhs, matA, 
                                    lda, ipiv, vecB, lda);

    // Can use status code to identify failures in computation; only 
    // status code=0 is good
    printf("status code:%d\n",info);
    for (int i=0; i < ldb; ++i) {
        printf("%f\n", vecB[i]);
    // Test situation where solution is not possible

    // Now test inner product
    // 14 args
    // Matrix to be multiplied should be in col maj order
    float sqA[] = {3.,2.,4., 2.,2.,4.};
    float arrB[] = {1.,1.};
    float matC[] = {0.,0.};
    int rowsA = 3, colsA = 2;
    int m = rowsA, n = 1, k = colsA; 
    int aLd = rowsA, bLd = colsA, cLd = rowsA;
    float alpha = 1., beta = 1.;

    // First try A * b
    cblas_sgemm(CblasColMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, m, n, k, alpha, sqA, aLd, 
                arrB, bLd, beta, matC, cLd);
    for (int i=0; i < rowsA; ++i) {
        printf("%f\n", matC[i]);
    // Then try b_T * A
    float arrB_T[] = {1.,1.,1.};
    m = 1, n = colsA, k = rowsA;
    aLd = rowsA;
    bLd = rowsA; // For Op(b), not b itself
    cLd = 1;
    matC[0] = 0.; matC[1] = 0.; matC[2] = 0.;

    cblas_sgemm(CblasColMajor, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, m, n, k, alpha, arrB_T, aLd, 
                sqA, bLd, beta, matC, cLd);
    for (int i=0; i < colsA; ++i) {
        printf("%f\n", matC[i]);
    return 0;