コード例 #1
ファイル: lcd.c プロジェクト: kn2cssl/WirelessCode
void LCDdefinechar(uint8_t *pc,uint8_t char_code){
	uint8_t a, pcc;
	uint16_t i;
	for (i=0; i<8; i++)
コード例 #2
/* This is called every time data is received from the Rabbit
 * via WiFi.
void userLoop() {
	// Example using the LCD to print debug values
	for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) {
		LCDSendData(' ');

	// Drive code example  //

	// Simple "tank drive" example:
	// Use the L joystick's y-axis to control the L motor
	// and the R joystick's y-axis to control the R motor

	// Tank drive using the TReX
	trex.motor[0] = controls.analog[1];
	trex.motor[1] = controls.analog[3];

	// Tank drive using the X2
	//  (see below on how to control the X2 motor directly)
	//x2.motor[0] = controls.analog[1];
	//x2.motor[1] = controls.analog[3];

	// Servo control example //

	// FIRST: Uncomment the TWO sections of code marked 
	//  "Uncomment to enable X2 servos"
	// This maps servos 0 and 1 to the X and Y axes (respectively) of the
	//  second controller
	// (Servo 0 is pin D4 and servo 1 is pin D5: refer to the diagram in
	//  the Electronics Assembly Guide, "Connecting the X2" section)
	//x2.servo[0] = controls.analog[4];
	//x2.servo[1] = controls.analog[5];

    // Code below this point actually sets motor and servo values.  //
    // Make sure you know what you're doing before modifying!       //

	// [2 of 2] Uncomment to enable X2 servos
	//servo_setPos(0, x2.servo[0]);
	//servo_setPos(1, x2.servo[1]);

	// This scales the values in x2.motor[] to the range [-255,255]
	//  needed by setMotorN()
	int motorVal;

	motorVal = ((int)x2.motor[0] - 127) * 2;
	setMotor1(motorVal ? motorVal-1 : 0);
	motorVal = ((int)x2.motor[1] - 127) * 2;
	setMotor2(motorVal ? motorVal-1 : 0);

	// For advanced users: The setMotor1() and setMotor2() functions
	//  are defined in SPI.c. Look in that file for functions
	//  that do more advanced motor control (acceleration, braking).
コード例 #3
ファイル: lcd.c プロジェクト: kn2cssl/WirelessCode
void LCDStringFlash(char *data)	
 char k;
 while (k=*data++) LCDSendData(k);