コード例 #1
ByteOffset ContextualGlyphSubstitutionProcessor::processStateEntry(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, le_int32 &currGlyph, EntryTableIndex index)
    const ContextualGlyphSubstitutionStateEntry *entry = &entryTable[index];
    ByteOffset newState = SWAPW(entry->newStateOffset);
    le_int16 flags = SWAPW(entry->flags);
    WordOffset markOffset = SWAPW(entry->markOffset);
    WordOffset currOffset = SWAPW(entry->currOffset);

    if (markOffset != 0) {
        const le_int16 *table = (const le_int16 *) ((char *) &stateTableHeader->stHeader + markOffset * 2);
        LEGlyphID mGlyph = glyphStorage[markGlyph];
        TTGlyphID newGlyph = SWAPW(table[LE_GET_GLYPH(mGlyph)]);

         glyphStorage[markGlyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(mGlyph, newGlyph);

    if (currOffset != 0) {
        const le_int16 *table = (const le_int16 *) ((char *) &stateTableHeader->stHeader + currOffset * 2);
        LEGlyphID thisGlyph = glyphStorage[currGlyph];
        TTGlyphID newGlyph = SWAPW(table[LE_GET_GLYPH(thisGlyph)]);

        glyphStorage[currGlyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(thisGlyph, newGlyph);

    if (flags & cgsSetMark) {
        markGlyph = currGlyph;

    if (!(flags & cgsDontAdvance)) {
        // should handle reverse too!
        currGlyph += 1;

    return newState;
コード例 #2
le_uint32 AlternateSubstitutionSubtable::process(GlyphIterator *glyphIterator, const LEGlyphFilter *filter) const
    // NOTE: For now, we'll just pick the first alternative...
    LEGlyphID glyph = glyphIterator->getCurrGlyphID();
    le_int32 coverageIndex = getGlyphCoverage(glyph);

    if (coverageIndex >= 0) {
        le_uint16 altSetCount = SWAPW(alternateSetCount);

        if (coverageIndex < altSetCount) {
            Offset alternateSetTableOffset = SWAPW(alternateSetTableOffsetArray[coverageIndex]);
            const AlternateSetTable *alternateSetTable =
                (const AlternateSetTable *) ((char *) this + alternateSetTableOffset);
            TTGlyphID alternate = SWAPW(alternateSetTable->alternateArray[0]);

            if (filter == NULL || filter->accept(LE_SET_GLYPH(glyph, alternate))) {
            return 1;

        // XXXX If we get here, the table's mal-formed...

    return 0;
コード例 #3
void SegmentArrayProcessor::process(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    const LookupSegment *segments = segmentArrayLookupTable->segments;
    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();
    le_int32 glyph;

    for (glyph = 0; glyph < glyphCount; glyph += 1) {
        LEGlyphID thisGlyph = glyphStorage[glyph];
        const LookupSegment *lookupSegment = segmentArrayLookupTable->lookupSegment(segmentArrayLookupTable, segments, thisGlyph, success);

        if (lookupSegment != NULL)  {
            TTGlyphID firstGlyph = SWAPW(lookupSegment->firstGlyph);
            le_int16  offset = SWAPW(lookupSegment->value);

            if (offset != 0) {
                LEReferenceToArrayOf<TTGlyphID> glyphArray(subtableHeader, success, offset, LE_UNBOUNDED_ARRAY);
                if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
                TTGlyphID   newGlyph   = SWAPW(glyphArray(LE_GET_GLYPH(thisGlyph) - firstGlyph, success));
                glyphStorage[glyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(thisGlyph, newGlyph);
コード例 #4

le_uint32 AlternateSubstitutionSubtable::process(const LEReferenceTo<AlternateSubstitutionSubtable> &base,
        GlyphIterator *glyphIterator, LEErrorCode &success, const LEGlyphFilter *filter) const
    // NOTE: For now, we'll just pick the first alternative...
    LEGlyphID glyph = glyphIterator->getCurrGlyphID();
    le_int32 coverageIndex = getGlyphCoverage(base, glyph, success);

    if (coverageIndex >= 0 && LE_SUCCESS(success)) {
        le_uint16 altSetCount = SWAPW(alternateSetCount);

        if (coverageIndex < altSetCount) {
            Offset alternateSetTableOffset = SWAPW(alternateSetTableOffsetArray[coverageIndex]);
            const LEReferenceTo<AlternateSetTable> alternateSetTable(base, success,
                    (const AlternateSetTable *) ((char *) this + alternateSetTableOffset));
            TTGlyphID alternate = SWAPW(alternateSetTable->alternateArray[0]);

            if (filter == NULL || filter->accept(LE_SET_GLYPH(glyph, alternate))) {

            return 1;

        // XXXX If we get here, the table's mal-formed...

    return 0;
コード例 #5

le_uint32 LigatureSubstitutionSubtable::process(const LETableReference &base, GlyphIterator *glyphIterator, LEErrorCode &success, const LEGlyphFilter *filter) const
    LEGlyphID glyph = glyphIterator->getCurrGlyphID();
    le_int32 coverageIndex = getGlyphCoverage(base, glyph, success);

    if (coverageIndex >= 0) {
        Offset ligSetTableOffset = SWAPW(ligSetTableOffsetArray[coverageIndex]);
        const LigatureSetTable *ligSetTable = (const LigatureSetTable *) ((char *) this + ligSetTableOffset);
        le_uint16 ligCount = SWAPW(ligSetTable->ligatureCount);

        for (le_uint16 lig = 0; lig < ligCount; lig += 1) {
            Offset ligTableOffset = SWAPW(ligSetTable->ligatureTableOffsetArray[lig]);
            const LigatureTable *ligTable = (const LigatureTable *) ((char *)ligSetTable + ligTableOffset);
            le_uint16 compCount = SWAPW(ligTable->compCount) - 1;
                componentArrayRef(base, success, ligTable->componentArray, compCount);
            if (LE_FAILURE(success)) { return 0; }
            le_int32 startPosition = glyphIterator->getCurrStreamPosition();
            TTGlyphID ligGlyph = SWAPW(ligTable->ligGlyph);
            le_uint16 comp;

            for (comp = 0; comp < compCount; comp += 1) {
                if (! glyphIterator->next()) {

                if (LE_GET_GLYPH(glyphIterator->getCurrGlyphID()) != SWAPW(ligTable->componentArray[comp])) {

            if (comp == compCount && (filter == NULL || filter->accept(LE_SET_GLYPH(glyph, ligGlyph)))) {
                GlyphIterator tempIterator(*glyphIterator);
                TTGlyphID deletedGlyph = tempIterator.ignoresMarks()? 0xFFFE : 0xFFFF;

                while (comp > 0) {

                    comp -= 1;


                return compCount + 1;



    return 0;
コード例 #6
void SimpleArrayProcessor::process(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage)
    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();
    le_int32 glyph;

    for (glyph = 0; glyph < glyphCount; glyph += 1) {
        LEGlyphID thisGlyph = glyphStorage[glyph];
        if (LE_GET_GLYPH(thisGlyph) < 0xFFFF) {
            TTGlyphID newGlyph = SWAPW(simpleArrayLookupTable->valueArray[LE_GET_GLYPH(thisGlyph)]);

            glyphStorage[glyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(thisGlyph, newGlyph);
コード例 #7
void SimpleArrayProcessor::process(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();
    le_int32 glyph;

    LEReferenceToArrayOf<LookupValue> valueArray(simpleArrayLookupTable, success, (const LookupValue*)&simpleArrayLookupTable->valueArray, LE_UNBOUNDED_ARRAY);

    for (glyph = 0; LE_SUCCESS(success) && (glyph < glyphCount); glyph += 1) {
        LEGlyphID thisGlyph = glyphStorage[glyph];
        if (LE_GET_GLYPH(thisGlyph) < 0xFFFF) {
          TTGlyphID newGlyph = SWAPW(valueArray.getObject(LE_GET_GLYPH(thisGlyph),success));
          glyphStorage[glyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(thisGlyph, newGlyph);
コード例 #8
void TrimmedArrayProcessor::process(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage)
    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();
    le_int32 glyph;

    for (glyph = 0; glyph < glyphCount; glyph += 1) {
        LEGlyphID thisGlyph = glyphStorage[glyph];
        TTGlyphID ttGlyph = (TTGlyphID) LE_GET_GLYPH(thisGlyph);

        if ((ttGlyph > firstGlyph) && (ttGlyph < lastGlyph)) {
            TTGlyphID newGlyph = SWAPW(trimmedArrayLookupTable->valueArray[ttGlyph - firstGlyph]);

            glyphStorage[glyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(thisGlyph, newGlyph);
コード例 #9
void SimpleArrayProcessor2::process(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();
    le_int32 glyph;

    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) return;

    for (glyph = 0; glyph < glyphCount; glyph += 1) {
        LEGlyphID thisGlyph = glyphStorage[glyph];
        if (LE_GET_GLYPH(thisGlyph) < 0xFFFF) {
          TTGlyphID newGlyph = SWAPW(valueArray(LE_GET_GLYPH(thisGlyph),success));

            glyphStorage[glyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(thisGlyph, newGlyph);
コード例 #10
// This is the really stupid version that doesn't look in any other font for the character...
// It would be better to also look in the "DEFAULT:" font. Another thing to do would be to
// look in all the fonts in some order, script code order being the most obvious...
LEGlyphID ScriptCompositeFontInstance::mapCharToGlyph(LEUnicode32 ch) const
    UErrorCode  error  = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    LEErrorCode status = LE_NO_ERROR;
    le_int32 script = uscript_getScript(ch, &error);
    const LEFontInstance *scriptFont = fFontMap->getScriptFont(script, status);
    LEGlyphID subFont = LE_SET_SUB_FONT(0, script);

    if (LE_FAILURE(status)) {
        return subFont;

    LEGlyphID glyph = scriptFont->mapCharToGlyph(ch);

    return LE_SET_GLYPH(subFont, glyph);
コード例 #11
le_uint32 SingleSubstitutionFormat1Subtable::process(const LEReferenceTo<SingleSubstitutionFormat1Subtable> &base, GlyphIterator *glyphIterator, LEErrorCode &success, const LEGlyphFilter *filter) const
    LEGlyphID glyph = glyphIterator->getCurrGlyphID();
    le_int32 coverageIndex = getGlyphCoverage(base, glyph, success);

    if (coverageIndex >= 0) {
        TTGlyphID substitute = ((TTGlyphID) LE_GET_GLYPH(glyph)) + SWAPW(deltaGlyphID);

        if (filter == NULL || filter->accept(LE_SET_GLYPH(glyph, substitute))) {

        return 1;

    return 0;
コード例 #12
void TrimmedArrayProcessor2::process(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    if(LE_FAILURE(success)) return;
    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();
    le_int32 glyph;

    for (glyph = 0; glyph < glyphCount; glyph += 1) {
        LEGlyphID thisGlyph = glyphStorage[glyph];
        TTGlyphID ttGlyph = (TTGlyphID) LE_GET_GLYPH(thisGlyph);

        if ((ttGlyph > firstGlyph) && (ttGlyph < lastGlyph)) {
            TTGlyphID newGlyph = SWAPW(valueArray(ttGlyph - firstGlyph, success));

            glyphStorage[glyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(thisGlyph, newGlyph);
コード例 #13
le_uint32 SingleSubstitutionFormat2Subtable::process(GlyphIterator *glyphIterator, const LEGlyphFilter *filter) const
    LEGlyphID glyph = glyphIterator->getCurrGlyphID();
    le_int32 coverageIndex = getGlyphCoverage(glyph);

    if (coverageIndex >= 0) {
        TTGlyphID substitute = SWAPW(substituteArray[coverageIndex]);

        if (filter == NULL || filter->accept(LE_SET_GLYPH(glyph, substitute))) {

        return 1;

    return 0;
コード例 #14
void SegmentSingleProcessor::process(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage)
    const LookupSegment *segments = segmentSingleLookupTable->segments;
    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();
    le_int32 glyph;

    for (glyph = 0; glyph < glyphCount; glyph += 1) {
        LEGlyphID thisGlyph = glyphStorage[glyph];
        const LookupSegment *lookupSegment = segmentSingleLookupTable->lookupSegment(segments, thisGlyph);

        if (lookupSegment != NULL) {
            TTGlyphID   newGlyph  = (TTGlyphID) LE_GET_GLYPH(thisGlyph) + SWAPW(lookupSegment->value);

            glyphStorage[glyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(thisGlyph, newGlyph);
コード例 #15
void SegmentSingleProcessor2::process(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    const LookupSegment *segments = segmentSingleLookupTable->segments;
    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();
    le_int32 glyph;

    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) return;

    for (glyph = 0; glyph < glyphCount; glyph += 1) {
        LEGlyphID thisGlyph = glyphStorage[glyph];
        const LookupSegment *lookupSegment = segmentSingleLookupTable->lookupSegment(segmentSingleLookupTable, segments, thisGlyph, success);

        if (lookupSegment != NULL && LE_SUCCESS(success)) {
            TTGlyphID   newGlyph  = (TTGlyphID) LE_GET_GLYPH(thisGlyph) + SWAPW(lookupSegment->value);

            glyphStorage[glyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(thisGlyph, newGlyph);
コード例 #16
void SegmentArrayProcessor::process(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage)
    const LookupSegment *segments = segmentArrayLookupTable->segments;
    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();
    le_int32 glyph;

    for (glyph = 0; glyph < glyphCount; glyph += 1) {
        LEGlyphID thisGlyph = glyphStorage[glyph];
        const LookupSegment *lookupSegment = segmentArrayLookupTable->lookupSegment(segments, thisGlyph);

        if (lookupSegment != NULL)  {
            TTGlyphID firstGlyph = SWAPW(lookupSegment->firstGlyph);
            le_int16  offset = SWAPW(lookupSegment->value);

            if (offset != 0) {
                TTGlyphID  *glyphArray = (TTGlyphID *) ((char *) subtableHeader + offset);
                TTGlyphID   newGlyph   = SWAPW(glyphArray[LE_GET_GLYPH(thisGlyph) - firstGlyph]);
                glyphStorage[glyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(thisGlyph, newGlyph);
void GlyphIterator::setCurrGlyphID(TTGlyphID glyphID)
    LEGlyphID glyph = glyphStorage[position];

    glyphStorage[position] = LE_SET_GLYPH(glyph, glyphID);
// apply GPOS table, if any
void OpenTypeLayoutEngine::adjustGlyphPositions(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_bool reverse,
                                                LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {

    if (chars == NULL || offset < 0 || count < 0) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;

    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();
    if (glyphCount == 0) {

    if (fGPOSTable != NULL) {
        GlyphPositionAdjustments *adjustments = new GlyphPositionAdjustments(glyphCount);
        le_int32 i;

        if (adjustments == NULL) {
            success = LE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;

#if 0
        // Don't need to do this if we allocate
        // the adjustments array w/ new...
        for (i = 0; i < glyphCount; i += 1) {
            adjustments->setXPlacement(i, 0);
            adjustments->setYPlacement(i, 0);

            adjustments->setXAdvance(i, 0);
            adjustments->setYAdvance(i, 0);

            adjustments->setBaseOffset(i, -1);

        if (fGPOSTable != NULL) {
            if (fScriptTagV2 != nullScriptTag && fGPOSTable->coversScriptAndLanguage(fScriptTagV2,fLangSysTag)) { 
                fGPOSTable->process(glyphStorage, adjustments, reverse, fScriptTagV2, fLangSysTag, fGDEFTable, success, fFontInstance,
                                fFeatureMap, fFeatureMapCount, fFeatureOrder);
            } else {
                fGPOSTable->process(glyphStorage, adjustments, reverse, fScriptTag, fLangSysTag, fGDEFTable, success, fFontInstance,
                                fFeatureMap, fFeatureMapCount, fFeatureOrder);
        } else if ( fTypoFlags & 0x1 ) {
            static const le_uint32 kernTableTag = LE_KERN_TABLE_TAG;
            KernTable kt(fFontInstance, getFontTable(kernTableTag));

        float xAdjust = 0, yAdjust = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < glyphCount; i += 1) {
            float xAdvance   = adjustments->getXAdvance(i);
            float yAdvance   = adjustments->getYAdvance(i);
            float xPlacement = 0;
            float yPlacement = 0;

#if 0
            // This is where separate kerning adjustments
            // should get applied.
            xAdjust += xKerning;
            yAdjust += yKerning;

            for (le_int32 base = i; base >= 0; base = adjustments->getBaseOffset(base)) {
                xPlacement += adjustments->getXPlacement(base);
                yPlacement += adjustments->getYPlacement(base);

            xPlacement = fFontInstance->xUnitsToPoints(xPlacement);
            yPlacement = fFontInstance->yUnitsToPoints(yPlacement);
            glyphStorage.adjustPosition(i, xAdjust + xPlacement, -(yAdjust + yPlacement), success);

            xAdjust += fFontInstance->xUnitsToPoints(xAdvance);
            yAdjust += fFontInstance->yUnitsToPoints(yAdvance);

        glyphStorage.adjustPosition(glyphCount, xAdjust, -yAdjust, success);

        delete adjustments;
    } else {
        // if there was no GPOS table, maybe there's non-OpenType kerning we can use
        //   Google Patch: disable this.  Causes problems with Tamil.
        //       Umesh says layout is poor both with and without the change, but
        //       worse with the change.  See ocean/imageprocessing/layout_test_unittest.cc
        //   Public ICU ticket for this problem is  #7742
        // LayoutEngine::adjustGlyphPositions(chars, offset, count, reverse, glyphStorage, success);        

    LEGlyphID zwnj  = fFontInstance->mapCharToGlyph(0x200C);

    if (zwnj != 0x0000) {
        for (le_int32 g = 0; g < glyphCount; g += 1) {
            LEGlyphID glyph = glyphStorage[g];

            if (glyph == zwnj) {
                glyphStorage[g] = LE_SET_GLYPH(glyph, 0xFFFF);

#if 0
    // Don't know why this is here...
    fFeatureTags = NULL;
コード例 #19
ByteOffset LigatureSubstitutionProcessor::processStateEntry(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, le_int32 &currGlyph, EntryTableIndex index)
  LEErrorCode success = LE_NO_ERROR;
  const LigatureSubstitutionStateEntry *entry = entryTable.getAlias(index, success);

    ByteOffset newState = SWAPW(entry->newStateOffset);
    le_int16 flags = SWAPW(entry->flags);

    if (flags & lsfSetComponent) {
        if (++m >= nComponents) {
            m = 0;

        componentStack[m] = currGlyph;
    } else if ( m == -1) {
        // bad font- skip this glyph.
        return newState;

    ByteOffset actionOffset = flags & lsfActionOffsetMask;

    if (actionOffset != 0) {
      LEReferenceTo<LigatureActionEntry> ap(stHeader, success, actionOffset);
        LigatureActionEntry action;
        le_int32 offset, i = 0;
        le_int32 stack[nComponents];
        le_int16 mm = -1;

        do {
            le_uint32 componentGlyph = componentStack[m--];

            action = SWAPL(*ap.getAlias());
            ap.addObject(success); // ap++

            if (m < 0) {
                m = nComponents - 1;

            offset = action & lafComponentOffsetMask;
            if (offset != 0) {
              LEReferenceToArrayOf<le_int16> offsetTable(stHeader, success, 2 * SignExtend(offset, lafComponentOffsetMask), LE_UNBOUNDED_ARRAY);

              if(LE_FAILURE(success)) {
                  LE_DEBUG_BAD_FONT("off end of ligature substitution header");
                  return newState; // get out! bad font
              if(componentGlyph > glyphStorage.getGlyphCount()) {
                LE_DEBUG_BAD_FONT("preposterous componentGlyph");
                return newState; // get out! bad font
              i += SWAPW(offsetTable.getObject(LE_GET_GLYPH(glyphStorage[componentGlyph]), success));

                if (action & (lafLast | lafStore))  {
                  LEReferenceTo<TTGlyphID> ligatureOffset(stHeader, success, i);
                  TTGlyphID ligatureGlyph = SWAPW(*ligatureOffset.getAlias());

                  glyphStorage[componentGlyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(glyphStorage[componentGlyph], ligatureGlyph);
                  if(mm==nComponents) {
                    LE_DEBUG_BAD_FONT("exceeded nComponents");
                    mm--; // don't overrun the stack.
                  stack[++mm] = componentGlyph;
                  i = 0;
                } else {
                  glyphStorage[componentGlyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(glyphStorage[componentGlyph], 0xFFFF);
            if(m<0) {
        } while (!(action & lafLast)  && (m>=0) ); // stop if last bit is set, or if run out of items

        while (mm >= 0) {
          if (++m >= nComponents) {
            m = 0;

          componentStack[m] = stack[mm--];
コード例 #20

le_uint32 MultipleSubstitutionSubtable::process(const LETableReference &base, GlyphIterator *glyphIterator, LEErrorCode& success, const LEGlyphFilter *filter) const
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    LEGlyphID glyph = glyphIterator->getCurrGlyphID();

    // If there's a filter, we only want to do the
    // substitution if the *input* glyphs doesn't
    // exist.
    // FIXME: is this always the right thing to do?
    // FIXME: should this only be done for a non-zero
    //        glyphCount?
    if (filter != NULL && filter->accept(glyph)) {
        return 0;

    le_int32 coverageIndex = getGlyphCoverage(base, glyph, success);
    le_uint16 seqCount = SWAPW(sequenceCount);
        sequenceTableOffsetArrayRef(base, success, sequenceTableOffsetArray, seqCount);

    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;
    if (coverageIndex >= 0 && coverageIndex < seqCount) {
        Offset sequenceTableOffset = SWAPW(sequenceTableOffsetArray[coverageIndex]);
        const SequenceTable *sequenceTable = (const SequenceTable *) ((char *) this + sequenceTableOffset);
        le_uint16 glyphCount = SWAPW(sequenceTable->glyphCount);

        if (glyphCount == 0) {
            return 1;
        } else if (glyphCount == 1) {
            TTGlyphID substitute = SWAPW(sequenceTable->substituteArray[0]);

            if (filter != NULL && ! filter->accept(LE_SET_GLYPH(glyph, substitute))) {
                return 0;

            return 1;
        } else {
            // If there's a filter, make sure all of the output glyphs
            // exist.
            if (filter != NULL) {
                for (le_int32 i = 0; i < glyphCount; i += 1) {
                    TTGlyphID substitute = SWAPW(sequenceTable->substituteArray[i]);

                    if (! filter->accept(substitute)) {
                        return 0;

            LEGlyphID *newGlyphs = glyphIterator->insertGlyphs(glyphCount, success);
            if (LE_FAILURE(success)) { 
                return 0;

            le_int32 insert = 0, direction = 1;

            if (glyphIterator->isRightToLeft()) {
                insert = glyphCount - 1;
                direction = -1;

            for (le_int32 i = 0; i < glyphCount; i += 1) {
                TTGlyphID substitute = SWAPW(sequenceTable->substituteArray[i]);

                newGlyphs[insert] = LE_SET_GLYPH(glyph, substitute);
                insert += direction;

            return 1;

    return 0;
コード例 #21
ファイル: LigatureSubstProc2.cpp プロジェクト: lmsf/jdk9-dev
le_uint16 LigatureSubstitutionProcessor2::processStateEntry(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, le_int32 &currGlyph, EntryTableIndex2 index, LEErrorCode &success)
    const LigatureSubstitutionStateEntry2 *entry = entryTable.getAlias(index, success);
    if(LE_FAILURE(success)) return 0;

    le_uint16 nextStateIndex = SWAPW(entry->nextStateIndex);
    le_uint16 flags = SWAPW(entry->entryFlags);
    le_uint16 ligActionIndex = SWAPW(entry->ligActionIndex);

    if (flags & lsfSetComponent) {
        if (++m >= nComponents) {
            m = 0;
        componentStack[m] = currGlyph;
    } else if ( m == -1) {
        // bad font- skip this glyph.
        //LE_DEBUG_BAD_FONT("m==-1 (componentCount went negative)")
        currGlyph+= dir;
        return nextStateIndex;

    ByteOffset actionOffset = flags & lsfPerformAction;

    if (actionOffset != 0) {
        LEReferenceTo<LigatureActionEntry> ap(stHeader, success, ligActionOffset); // byte offset
        if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
            currGlyph+= dir;
            return nextStateIndex;
        ap.addObject(ligActionIndex, success);
        LEReferenceToArrayOf<TTGlyphID> ligatureTable(stHeader, success, ligatureOffset, LE_UNBOUNDED_ARRAY);
        LigatureActionEntry action;
        le_int32 offset, i = 0, j = 0;
        le_int32 stack[nComponents];
        le_int16 mm = -1;

        LEReferenceToArrayOf<le_uint16> componentTable(stHeader, success, componentOffset, LE_UNBOUNDED_ARRAY);
        if(LE_FAILURE(success)) {
            currGlyph+= dir;
            return nextStateIndex; // get out! bad font

        do {
            le_uint32 componentGlyph = componentStack[m--]; // pop off

            if (j++ > 0) {
            if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
                currGlyph+= dir;
                return nextStateIndex;

            action = SWAPL(*ap.getAlias());

            if (m < 0) {
                m = nComponents - 1;

            offset = action & lafComponentOffsetMask;
            if (offset != 0) {
                if(componentGlyph >= glyphStorage.getGlyphCount()) {
                  LE_DEBUG_BAD_FONT("preposterous componentGlyph");
                  currGlyph+= dir;
                  return nextStateIndex; // get out! bad font
                i += SWAPW(componentTable(LE_GET_GLYPH(glyphStorage[componentGlyph]) + (SignExtend(offset, lafComponentOffsetMask)),success));
                if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
                    currGlyph+= dir;
                    return nextStateIndex;

                if (action & (lafLast | lafStore))  {
                  TTGlyphID ligatureGlyph = SWAPW(ligatureTable(i,success));
                  if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
                      currGlyph+= dir;
                      return nextStateIndex;
                    glyphStorage[componentGlyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(glyphStorage[componentGlyph], ligatureGlyph);
                    if(mm==nComponents) {
                      LE_DEBUG_BAD_FONT("exceeded nComponents");
                      mm--; // don't overrun the stack.
                    stack[++mm] = componentGlyph;
                    i = 0;
                } else {
                    glyphStorage[componentGlyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(glyphStorage[componentGlyph], 0xFFFF);
            if(m<0) {
        } while (LE_SUCCESS(success) && !(action & lafLast) && (m>=0) ); // stop if last bit is set, or if run out of items

        while (mm >= 0) {
            if (++m >= nComponents) {
                m = 0;

            componentStack[m] = stack[mm--];
コード例 #22
// apply GPOS table, if any
void OpenTypeLayoutEngine::adjustGlyphPositions(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_bool reverse,
                                                LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {

    if (chars == NULL || offset < 0 || count < 0) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;

    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();
    if (glyphCount == 0) {

    if (!fGPOSTable.isEmpty()) {
        GlyphPositionAdjustments *adjustments = new GlyphPositionAdjustments(glyphCount);
        le_int32 i;

        if (adjustments == NULL) {
            success = LE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;

#if 0
        // Don't need to do this if we allocate
        // the adjustments array w/ new...
        for (i = 0; i < glyphCount; i += 1) {
            adjustments->setXPlacement(i, 0);
            adjustments->setYPlacement(i, 0);

            adjustments->setXAdvance(i, 0);
            adjustments->setYAdvance(i, 0);

            adjustments->setBaseOffset(i, -1);

        if (!fGPOSTable.isEmpty()) {
            if (fScriptTagV2 != nullScriptTag && 
                fGPOSTable->coversScriptAndLanguage(fGPOSTable, fScriptTagV2,fLangSysTag,success)) { 
              fGPOSTable->process(fGPOSTable, glyphStorage, adjustments, reverse, fScriptTagV2, fLangSysTag, 
                                  fGDEFTable, success, fFontInstance, fFeatureMap, fFeatureMapCount, fFeatureOrder);
            } else {
              fGPOSTable->process(fGPOSTable, glyphStorage, adjustments, reverse, fScriptTag, fLangSysTag, 
                                  fGDEFTable, success, fFontInstance, fFeatureMap, fFeatureMapCount, fFeatureOrder);
        } else if (fTypoFlags & LE_Kerning_FEATURE_FLAG) { /* kerning enabled */
          LETableReference kernTable(fFontInstance, LE_KERN_TABLE_TAG, success);
          KernTable kt(kernTable, success);
          kt.process(glyphStorage, success);

        float xAdjust = 0, yAdjust = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < glyphCount; i += 1) {
            float xAdvance   = adjustments->getXAdvance(i);
            float yAdvance   = adjustments->getYAdvance(i);
            float xPlacement = 0;
            float yPlacement = 0;

#if 0
            // This is where separate kerning adjustments
            // should get applied.
            xAdjust += xKerning;
            yAdjust += yKerning;

            for (le_int32 base = i; base >= 0; base = adjustments->getBaseOffset(base)) {
                xPlacement += adjustments->getXPlacement(base);
                yPlacement += adjustments->getYPlacement(base);

            xPlacement = fFontInstance->xUnitsToPoints(xPlacement);
            yPlacement = fFontInstance->yUnitsToPoints(yPlacement);
            glyphStorage.adjustPosition(i, xAdjust + xPlacement, -(yAdjust + yPlacement), success);

            xAdjust += fFontInstance->xUnitsToPoints(xAdvance);
            yAdjust += fFontInstance->yUnitsToPoints(yAdvance);

        glyphStorage.adjustPosition(glyphCount, xAdjust, -yAdjust, success);

        delete adjustments;
    } else {
        // if there was no GPOS table, maybe there's non-OpenType kerning we can use
        LayoutEngine::adjustGlyphPositions(chars, offset, count, reverse, glyphStorage, success);        

    LEGlyphID zwnj  = fFontInstance->mapCharToGlyph(0x200C);

    if (zwnj != 0x0000) {
        for (le_int32 g = 0; g < glyphCount; g += 1) {
            LEGlyphID glyph = glyphStorage[g];

            if (glyph == zwnj) {
                glyphStorage[g] = LE_SET_GLYPH(glyph, 0xFFFF);

#if 0
    // Don't know why this is here...
    fFeatureTags = NULL;
コード例 #23
ByteOffset LigatureSubstitutionProcessor::processStateEntry(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, le_int32 &currGlyph, EntryTableIndex index)
    const LigatureSubstitutionStateEntry *entry = &entryTable[index];
    ByteOffset newState = SWAPW(entry->newStateOffset);
    le_int16 flags = SWAPW(entry->flags);

    if (flags & lsfSetComponent) {
        if (++m >= nComponents) {
            m = 0;

        componentStack[m] = currGlyph;

    ByteOffset actionOffset = flags & lsfActionOffsetMask;

    if (actionOffset != 0) {
        const LigatureActionEntry *ap = (const LigatureActionEntry *) ((char *) &ligatureSubstitutionHeader->stHeader + actionOffset);
        LigatureActionEntry action;
        le_int32 offset, i = 0;
        le_int32 stack[nComponents];
        le_int16 mm = -1;

        do {
            le_uint32 componentGlyph = componentStack[m--];

            action = SWAPL(*ap++);

            if (m < 0) {
                m = nComponents - 1;

            offset = action & lafComponentOffsetMask;
            if (offset != 0) {
                const le_int16 *offsetTable = (const le_int16 *)((char *) &ligatureSubstitutionHeader->stHeader + 2 * SignExtend(offset, lafComponentOffsetMask));

                i += SWAPW(offsetTable[LE_GET_GLYPH(glyphStorage[componentGlyph])]);

                if (action & (lafLast | lafStore))  {
                    const TTGlyphID *ligatureOffset = (const TTGlyphID *) ((char *) &ligatureSubstitutionHeader->stHeader + i);
                    TTGlyphID ligatureGlyph = SWAPW(*ligatureOffset);

                    glyphStorage[componentGlyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(glyphStorage[componentGlyph], ligatureGlyph);
                    stack[++mm] = componentGlyph;
                    i = 0;
                } else {
                    glyphStorage[componentGlyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(glyphStorage[componentGlyph], 0xFFFF);
        } while (!(action & lafLast));

        while (mm >= 0) {
            if (++m >= nComponents) {
                m = 0;

            componentStack[m] = stack[mm--];

    if (!(flags & lsfDontAdvance)) {
        // should handle reverse too!
        currGlyph += 1;

    return newState;
コード例 #24
le_uint16 LigatureSubstitutionProcessor2::processStateEntry(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, le_int32 &currGlyph, EntryTableIndex2 index)
    const LigatureSubstitutionStateEntry2 *entry = &entryTable[index];
    le_uint16 nextStateIndex = SWAPW(entry->nextStateIndex);
    le_uint16 flags = SWAPW(entry->entryFlags);
    le_uint16 ligActionIndex = SWAPW(entry->ligActionIndex);
    if (flags & lsfSetComponent) {
        if (++m >= nComponents) {
            m = 0;
        componentStack[m] = currGlyph;

    ByteOffset actionOffset = flags & lsfPerformAction;

    if (actionOffset != 0) {
        const LigatureActionEntry *ap = (const LigatureActionEntry *) ((char *) &ligatureSubstitutionHeader->stHeader + ligActionOffset) + ligActionIndex;
        const TTGlyphID *ligatureTable = (const TTGlyphID *) ((char *) &ligatureSubstitutionHeader->stHeader + ligatureOffset);
        LigatureActionEntry action;
        le_int32 offset, i = 0;
        le_int32 stack[nComponents];
        le_int16 mm = -1;

        const le_uint16 *componentTable = (const le_uint16 *)((char *) &ligatureSubstitutionHeader->stHeader + componentOffset);
        do {
            le_uint32 componentGlyph = componentStack[m--]; // pop off

            action = SWAPL(*ap++);

            if (m < 0) {
                m = nComponents - 1;

            offset = action & lafComponentOffsetMask;
            if (offset != 0) {
                i += SWAPW(componentTable[LE_GET_GLYPH(glyphStorage[componentGlyph]) + (SignExtend(offset, lafComponentOffsetMask))]);
                if (action & (lafLast | lafStore))  {
                    TTGlyphID ligatureGlyph = SWAPW(ligatureTable[i]);
                    glyphStorage[componentGlyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(glyphStorage[componentGlyph], ligatureGlyph);
                    stack[++mm] = componentGlyph;
                    i = 0;
                } else {
                    glyphStorage[componentGlyph] = LE_SET_GLYPH(glyphStorage[componentGlyph], 0xFFFF);
        } while (!(action & lafLast));

        while (mm >= 0) {
            if (++m >= nComponents) {
                m = 0;

            componentStack[m] = stack[mm--];

    if (!(flags & lsfDontAdvance)) {
        currGlyph += dir;

    return nextStateIndex;