コード例 #1
ファイル: Profile.cpp プロジェクト: Cyrill1/CASAL2
void Profile::Build() {
  string type       = "";
  string label      = "";
  string parameter  = "";
  string index      = "";

   * Explode the parameter string so we can get the estimable
   * name (parameter) and the index
  model_->objects().ExplodeString(parameter_, type, label, parameter, index);
  if (type == "" || label == "" || parameter == "") {
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PARAMETER) << ": parameter " << parameter_
        << " is not in the correct format. Correct format is object_type[label].estimable(array index)";
  model_->objects().ImplodeString(type, label, parameter, index, parameter_);

  string error = "";
  base::Object* target = model_->objects().FindObject(parameter_, error);
  if (!target) {
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PARAMETER) << ": parameter " << parameter_ << " is not a valid estimable in the system";

  target_ = target->GetEstimable(parameter);
  if (target_ == 0)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PARAMETER) << ": parameter " << parameter_ << " is not a valid estimable in the system";
  original_value_ = *target_;

  step_size_ = (upper_bound_ - lower_bound_) / (steps_ + 1);
コード例 #2
 * Validate our Mortality Constant Rate process
 * - Validate the required parameters
 * - Assign the label from the parameters
 * - Assign and validate remaining parameters
 * - Duplicate 'm' and 'selectivities' if only 1 vale specified
 * - Check m is between 0.0 and 1.0
 * - Check the categories are real
void TagLoss::DoValidate() {
  LOG_FINEST() << "Number of categories = " << category_labels_.size() << " number of proportions given = " << tag_loss_input_.size();

  if (tag_loss_input_.size() == 1)
    tag_loss_input_.assign(category_labels_.size(), tag_loss_input_[0]);
  if (selectivity_names_.size() == 1)
    selectivity_names_.assign(category_labels_.size(), selectivity_names_[0]);

  if (tag_loss_input_.size() != category_labels_.size()) {
        << ": Number of tag loss values provided is not the same as the number of categories provided. Expected: "
        << category_labels_.size()<< " but got " << tag_loss_input_.size();

  if (selectivity_names_.size() != category_labels_.size()) {
        << ": Number of selectivities provided is not the same as the number of categories provided. Expected: "
        << category_labels_.size()<< " but got " << selectivity_names_.size();

  // Validate type of tag loss
  if (tag_loss_type_ != "single")
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_TAG_LOSS_TYPE) << tag_loss_type_ << " Is not an expected type. Values allowed are " << PARAM_SINGLE << " and " << PARAM_DOUBLE << " is coming soon";

  if (tag_loss_type_ == PARAM_DOUBLE)
    LOG_ERROR() << PARAM_TAG_LOSS_TYPE << " " << PARAM_DOUBLE << " is not implemented yet";
  // Validate our Ms are between 1.0 and 0.0
  for (Double tag_loss : tag_loss_input_) {
    if (tag_loss < 0.0 || tag_loss > 1.0)
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_TAG_LOSS_RATE) << ": m value " << AS_DOUBLE(tag_loss) << " must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive)";

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < tag_loss_input_.size(); ++i)
    tag_loss_[category_labels_[i]] = tag_loss_input_[i];
コード例 #3
 * Validate this selectivity. This will load the
 * values that were passed in from the configuration
 * file and assign them to the local variables.
 * We'll then do some basic checks on the local
 * variables to ensure they are within the business
 * rules for the model.
void AllValuesBounded::DoValidate() {
    unsigned min_age = model_->min_age();
    unsigned max_age = model_->max_age();

    // Param: L
    if (low_ < min_age) {
        LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_L) << ": Parameter 'l' is less than the 'min_age' for the model\n"
                             << "Model 'min_age' is " << min_age << " and 'l' is " << low_;

    // Param: H
    if (high_ > max_age) {
        LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_H) << ": Parameter 'h' is greater than the 'max_age' for the model\n"
                             << "Model 'max_age' is " << max_age << " and 'h' is " << high_;

    if (low_ >= high_) {
        LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_L) << ": Parameter 'l' is greater than or equal to parameter 'h'\n"
                             << "'l' = " << low_ << " and 'h' = " << high_;

    // Param: V
    if (v_.size() != (high_ - low_)+1) {
        LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_V) << ": Parameter 'v' does not have the right amount of elements n = h - l\n"
                             << "Expected " << (high_ - low_) + 1 << " but got " << v_.size();
コード例 #4
 * Validate our Survival Constant Rate process
 * - Validate the required parameters
 * - Assign the label from the parameters
 * - Assign and validate remaining parameters
 * - Duplicate 's' and 'selectivities' if only 1 vale specified
 * - Check s is between 0.0 and 1.0
 * - Check the categories are real
void SurvivalConstantRate::DoValidate() {
  category_labels_ = model_->categories()->ExpandLabels(category_labels_, parameters_.Get(PARAM_CATEGORIES));

  if (s_input_.size() == 1)
    s_input_.assign(category_labels_.size(), s_input_[0]);
  if (selectivity_names_.size() == 1)
    selectivity_names_.assign(category_labels_.size(), selectivity_names_[0]);

  if (s_input_.size() != category_labels_.size()) {
        << ": Number of Ms provided is not the same as the number of categories provided. Expected: "
        << category_labels_.size()<< " but got " << s_input_.size();

  if (selectivity_names_.size() != category_labels_.size()) {
        << ": Number of selectivities provided is not the same as the number of categories provided. Expected: "
        << category_labels_.size()<< " but got " << selectivity_names_.size();

  // Validate our Ms are between 1.0 and 0.0
  for (Double s : s_input_) {
    if (s < 0.0 || s > 1.0)
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_S) << ": m value " << AS_DOUBLE(s) << " must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive)";

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < s_input_.size(); ++i)
    m_[category_labels_[i]] = s_input_[i];

  // Check categories are real
  for (const string& label : category_labels_) {
    if (!model_->categories()->IsValid(label))
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_CATEGORIES) << ": category " << label << " does not exist. Have you defined it?";
コード例 #5
void MortalityEventBiomass::DoValidate() {
  category_labels_ = model_->categories()->ExpandLabels(category_labels_, parameters_.Get(PARAM_CATEGORIES));

  if (u_max_ <= 0.0 || u_max_ >= 1.0)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_U_MAX) << " (" << u_max_ << ") must be between 0.0 and 1.0 exclusive";

  if (category_labels_.size() != selectivity_labels_.size())
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_SELECTIVITIES) << " number provided (" << selectivity_labels_.size() << ") must match the number of "
        "categories provided (" << category_labels_.size() << ")";
  if (years_.size() != catches_.size())
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_CATCHES) << " number provided (" << catches_.size() << ") must match the number of "
        "years provided (" << years_.size() << ")";

  // Validate: catches_ and years_
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < years_.size(); ++i) {
    if (catch_years_.find(years_[i]) != catch_years_.end()) {
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_YEARS) << " year " << years_[i] << " has already been specified, please remove the duplicate";
    catch_years_[years_[i]] = catches_[i];

  // add extra years in to model for things like forward projection
  vector<unsigned> model_years = model_->years();
  for (unsigned year : model_years) {
    if (catch_years_.find(year) == catch_years_.end())
      catch_years_[year] = 0.0;
コード例 #6
void Iterative::DoBuild() {
  time_steps_ = model_->managers().time_step()->ordered_time_steps();

  // Set the default process labels for the time step for this phase
  for (auto time_step : time_steps_)
    time_step->SetInitialisationProcessLabels(label_, time_step->process_labels());

  // handle any new processes we want to insert
  for (string insert : insert_processes_) {
    vector<string> pieces;
    boost::split(pieces, insert, boost::is_any_of("()="), boost::token_compress_on);

    string target_process   = pieces.size() == 3 ? pieces[1] : "";
    string new_process      = pieces.size() == 3 ? pieces[2] : pieces[1];

    auto time_step = model_->managers().time_step()->GetTimeStep(pieces[0]);
    vector<string> process_labels = time_step->initialisation_process_labels(label_);

    if (target_process == "") {
      process_labels.insert(process_labels.begin(), new_process);
    } else {
      vector<string>::iterator iter = std::find(process_labels.begin(), process_labels.end(), target_process);
      if (iter == process_labels.end())
        LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_INSERT_PROCESSES) << " process " << target_process << " does not exist in time step " << time_step->label();
      process_labels.insert(iter, new_process);

    time_step->SetInitialisationProcessLabels(label_, process_labels);

  // handle the excludes we've specified
  for (string exclude : exclude_processes_) {
    unsigned count = 0;
    for (auto time_step : time_steps_) {
      vector<string> process_labels = time_step->initialisation_process_labels(label_);
      unsigned size_before = process_labels.size();
      process_labels.erase(std::remove_if(process_labels.begin(), process_labels.end(), [exclude](string& ex) { return exclude == ex; }), process_labels.end());
      unsigned diff = size_before - process_labels.size();

      time_step->SetInitialisationProcessLabels(label_, process_labels);
      count += diff;

    if (count == 0)
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_EXCLUDE_PROCESSES) << " process " << exclude << " does not exist in any time steps to be excluded. Please check your spelling";

  if (convergence_years_.size() != 0) {
    std::sort(convergence_years_.begin(), convergence_years_.end());
    if ((*convergence_years_.rbegin()) != years_)

  // Build our partition
  vector<string> categories = model_->categories()->category_names();

コード例 #7
ファイル: Data.cpp プロジェクト: Cyrill1/CASAL2
 * Build any objects that will need to be utilised by this object.
 * Obtain smart_pointers to any objects that will be used by this object.
void Data::DoBuild() {
  length_weight_ = model_->managers().length_weight()->GetLengthWeight(length_weight_label_);
  if (!length_weight_)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_LENGTH_WEIGHT) << "(" << length_weight_label_ << ") could not be found. Have you defined it?";
  if (!data_table_)
    LOG_CODE_ERROR() << "!data_table_";

  // basic validation
  const vector<string>& columns = data_table_->columns();
  if (columns.size() != model_->age_spread() + 1)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_DATA) << "column count (" << columns.size() << ") must be <year> <ages> for a total of " << model_->age_spread() + 1 << " columns";
  if (columns[0] != PARAM_YEAR)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_DATA) << "first column label must be 'year'. First column label was '" << columns[0] << "'";

   * Build our data_by_year map so we can fill the gaps
   * and use it in the model
  vector<vector<string>>& data = data_table_->data();
  vector<Double> total_length(model_->age_spread(), 0.0);
  Double number_of_years = 0.0;

  for (vector<string> row : data) {
    if (row.size() != columns.size())
      LOG_CODE_ERROR() << "row.size() != columns.size()";
    number_of_years += 1;
    unsigned year = utilities::ToInline<string, unsigned>(row[0]);
    for (unsigned i = 1; i < row.size(); ++i) {
      data_by_year_[year].push_back(utilities::ToInline<string, Double>(row[i]));
      total_length[i - 1] += utilities::ToInline<string, Double>(row[i]);

   * Build our average map for use in initialisation and simulation phases
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < model_->age_spread(); ++i)
    data_by_age_[model_->min_age() + i] = total_length[i] / number_of_years;

   * Check if we're using a mean method and build a vector of means now
   * before we modify the data_by_year object by filling the external
   * gaps
  if (external_gaps_ == PARAM_MEAN || internal_gaps_ == PARAM_MEAN) {
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < model_->age_spread(); ++i) {
      Double total = 0.0;
      for (auto iter = data_by_year_.begin(); iter != data_by_year_.end(); ++iter)
        total += iter->second[i];
      means_.push_back(total / data_by_year_.size());

  // Fill our gaps

コード例 #8
 * Validate this selectivity. This will load the
 * values that were passed in from the configuration
 * file and assign them to the local variables.
 * We'll then do some basic checks on the local
 * variables to ensure they are within the business
 * rules for the model.
void DoubleNormal::DoValidate() {
  if (alpha_ <= 0.0)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_MU) << ": alpha cannot be less than or equal to 0.0";
  if (sigma_l_ <= 0.0)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_SIGMA_L) << ": sigma_l cannot be less than or equal to 0.0";
  if (sigma_r_ <= 0.0)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_SIGMA_R) << ": sigmal_r cannot be less than or equal to 0.0";
コード例 #9
 * Validate the parameters passed in from the configuration file
void Cinitial::DoValidate() {
	min_age_ = model_->min_age();
	max_age_ = model_->max_age();

  if (max_age_ < min_age_)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_MIN_AGE) << "(" << min_age_ << ") cannot be less than the max age(" << max_age_ << ")";

  column_count_ = (max_age_ - min_age_) + 2;

   * Convert the string values to doubles and load them in to a table.
  vector<vector<string>>& data = n_table_->data();
  unsigned row_number = 1;
  for (auto row : data) {
    string row_label = row[0];
    // CHeck that it is a valid category
    bool check_combined = model_->categories()->IsCombinedLabels(row_label);
    LOG_FINEST() << "Checking row with label = " << row_label;
    if (find(category_labels_.begin(),category_labels_.end(), row_label )== category_labels_.end())
      LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_N) << " Could not find '" << row_label << "' in the categories supplied, please make sure that categories supplied is the same as the row labels.";

    if (check_combined) {
      vector<string> split_category_labels;
      boost::split(split_category_labels, row_label, boost::is_any_of("+"));
      unsigned category_iter = 0;
      for (const string& split_category_label : split_category_labels) {
        if (!model_->categories()->IsValid(split_category_label)) {
          LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_N)<< ": The category " << split_category_label << " is not a valid category.";
    } else {
      if (!model_->categories()->IsValid(row_label))
        LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_N) << ": The category " << row_label << " is not a valid category.";
    // convert to lower case
    row_label = utilities::ToLowercase(row_label);
    if (row.size() != column_count_)
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_N) << "the " << row_number << "the row has " << row.size() << " values but " << column_count_ << " values are expected";
    if (n_.find(row_label) != n_.end())
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_N) << "the category " << row_label << " is defined more than once. You can only define a category once";

    for (unsigned i = 1; i < row.size(); ++i) {
      Double temp = Double();
      if (!utilities::To<Double>(row[i], temp))
        LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_N) << "value (" << row[i] << ") in row " << row_number << " is not a valid numeric";
 * Validate our Mortality Event Process
 * 1. Check for the required parameters
 * 2. Assign any remaining variables
void MortalityInitialisationEventBiomass::DoValidate() {
  // Validate that the number of selectivities is the same as the number of categories
  if (category_labels_.size() != selectivity_names_.size()) {
        << " Number of selectivities provided does not match the number of categories provided."
        << " Expected " << category_labels_.size() << " but got " << selectivity_names_.size();

  // Validate u_max
  if (u_max_ < 0.0 || u_max_ > 1.0)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_U_MAX) << ": u_max must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). Value defined was " << AS_DOUBLE(u_max_);
コード例 #11
void SumToOne::DoValidate() {
  if (parameters_.Get(PARAM_UPPER_BOUND)->has_been_defined() & parameters_.Get(PARAM_LOWER_BOUND)->has_been_defined()) {
    if (estimate_labels_.size() > 2)
      LOG_WARNING() << "This estimate transformation was specked for two parameters if you have more than this, be cautious using this transformation";

    if (upper_bounds_.size() != lower_bounds_.size())
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_LOWER_BOUND) << "You must supple the same number of upper and lower bounds. We found '" << estimate_labels_.size() << "' estimate labels and '" << lower_bounds_.size() << "' bounds, please sort this out or look in the manual";

    if ((estimate_labels_.size() - 1) != lower_bounds_.size())
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_ESTIMATE_LABELS) << "You must supple one less bound than estimate labels. We found '" << upper_bounds_.size() << "' upper bound values and '" << lower_bounds_.size() << "' lower bound values, please sort this out chairs";
コード例 #12
 * Populate any parameters,
 * Validate values are within expected ranges when we cannot use bind<>() overloads
 * Note: all parameters are populated from configuration files
void MortalityPreySuitability::DoValidate() {
  // Check length of categories are the same as selectivities
  if (prey_category_labels_.size() != prey_selectivity_labels_.size())
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PREY_CATEGORIES) << ": You provided (" << prey_selectivity_labels_.size() << ") prey selectivities but we have "
        << prey_category_labels_.size() << " prey catregories";

  if (predator_category_labels_.size() != predator_selectivity_labels_.size())
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PREY_CATEGORIES) << ": You provided (" << predator_selectivity_labels_.size() << ") predator selectivities but we have "
        << predator_category_labels_.size() << " predator categories";

  if (prey_category_labels_.size() != electivities_.size())
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_ELECTIVITIES) << ": You provided (" << prey_category_labels_.size() << ") prey categories but we have "
            << electivities_.size() << " prey electivities, these must be equal";
コード例 #13
void TimeStepAbundance::DoBuild() {

    if (time_step_proportion_ < 0.0 || time_step_proportion_ > 1.0)
        LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_TIME_STEP_PROPORTION) << ": time_step_proportion (" << AS_DOUBLE(time_step_proportion_) << ") must be between 0.0 and 1.0";
    proportion_of_time_ = time_step_proportion_;

    auto time_step = model_->managers().time_step()->GetTimeStep(time_step_label_);
    if (!time_step) {
        LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_TIME_STEP) << time_step_label_ << " could not be found. Have you defined it?";
    } else {
        for (unsigned year : years_)
            time_step->SubscribeToBlock(this, year);
コード例 #14
 * Build our relationships between this object and other objects
void Project::DoBuild() {
  project_ = model_->managers().project()->GetProject(project_label_);
  if (!project_) {
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PROJECT) << "project " << project_label_ << " could not be found. Have you defined it?";

コード例 #15
ファイル: TimeStep.cpp プロジェクト: Cyrill1/CASAL2
 * Build our time step
void TimeStep::Build() {

  // Get the pointers to our processes
  processes::Manager& process_manager = *model_->managers().process();
  for (string process_name : process_names_) {
    Process* process = process_manager.GetProcess(process_name);
    if (!process) {
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PROCESSES) << ": process " << process_name << " does not exist. Have you defined it?";
    } else
  LOG_FINE() << "Time step " << label_ << " has " << processes_.size() << " processes";

   * Find the range of our mortality block. This block encompasses the
   * first continuous collection of mortality processes within the time
   * step.
  mortality_block_.first  = processes_.size();
  mortality_block_.second = processes_.size() - 1;
  bool finished_mortality_block = false;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < processes_.size(); ++i) {
    if (processes_[i]->process_type() == ProcessType::kMortality && !finished_mortality_block) {
      mortality_block_.first = mortality_block_.first == processes_.size() ? i : mortality_block_.first;
      mortality_block_.second = i;
    } else if (processes_[i]->process_type() == ProcessType::kMortality && finished_mortality_block) {
      LOG_FATAL() << "Mortality processes within a time step need to be consecutive (i.e. a single mortality block)";
    } else if (mortality_block_.first != processes_.size())
      finished_mortality_block = true;

  mortality_block_.second = mortality_block_.first == processes_.size() ? mortality_block_.first : mortality_block_.second;
コード例 #16
 * Build any objects that will need to be utilised by this object.
 * Obtain smart_pointers to any objects that will be used by this object.
void AgeLength::Build() {
  unsigned time_step_count = model_->managers().time_step()->ordered_time_steps().size();
  if (time_step_proportions_.size() == 0) {
    time_step_proportions_.assign(time_step_count, 0.0);
  } else if (time_step_count != time_step_proportions_.size()) {
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_TIME_STEP_PROPORTIONS) << "size (" << time_step_proportions_.size() << ") must match the number "
        "of defined time steps for this process (" << time_step_count << ")";

  for (auto iter : time_step_proportions_) {
    if (iter < 0.0 || iter > 1.0)
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_TIME_STEP_PROPORTIONS) << " value (" << iter << ") must be in the range 0.0-1.0";

コード例 #17
 * Build our relationships between this object and other objects
void Process::DoBuild() {
  process_ = model_->managers().process()->GetProcess(process_label_);
  if (!process_) {
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PROCESS) << "process " << process_label_ << " could not be found. Have you defined it?";

コード例 #18
void Iterative::DoValidate() {
  for (string insert : insert_processes_) {
    vector<string> pieces;
    boost::split(pieces, insert, boost::is_any_of("()="), boost::token_compress_on);
    if (pieces.size() != 2 && pieces.size() != 3)
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_INSERT_PROCESSES) << " value " << insert << " does not match the format time_step(process)=new_process = " << pieces.size();
コード例 #19
 * Build any runtime relationships we may have and ensure
 * the labels for other objects are valid.
void ProcessRemovalsByLength::DoBuild() {
  partition_ = CombinedCategoriesPtr(new niwa::partition::accessors::CombinedCategories(model_, category_labels_));
  cached_partition_ = CachedCombinedCategoriesPtr(new niwa::partition::accessors::cached::CombinedCategories(model_, category_labels_));

//  if (ageing_error_label_ != "")
//   LOG_CODE_ERROR() << "ageing error has not been implemented for the proportions at age observation";

  length_results_.resize(number_bins_ * category_labels_.size(), 0.0);

  auto time_step = model_->managers().time_step()->GetTimeStep(time_step_label_);
  if (!time_step) {
    LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_TIME_STEP)<< time_step_label_ << " could not be found. Have you defined it?";
  } else {
    auto process = time_step->SubscribeToProcess(this, years_, process_label_);
    mortality_instantaneous_ = dynamic_cast<MortalityInstantaneous*>(process);

  if (!mortality_instantaneous_)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PROCESS) << "This observation can only be used for Process of type = " << PARAM_MORTALITY_INSTANTANEOUS;

  // Need to split the categories if any are combined for checking
  vector<string> temp_split_category_labels, split_category_labels;

  for (const string& category_label : category_labels_) {
    boost::split(temp_split_category_labels, category_label, boost::is_any_of("+"));
    for (const string& split_category_label : temp_split_category_labels) {

  // Need to make this a vector so its compatible with the function couldn't be bothered templating sorry
  vector<string> methods;
  // Do some checks so that the observation and process are compatible
  if (!mortality_instantaneous_->check_methods_for_removal_obs(methods))
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_METHOD_OF_REMOVAL) << "could not find all these methods in the instantaneous_mortality process labeled " << process_label_
        << " please check that the methods are compatible with this process";
  if (!mortality_instantaneous_->check_categories_in_methods_for_removal_obs(methods, split_category_labels))
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_CATEGORIES) << "could not find all these categories in the instantaneous_mortality process labeled " << process_label_
        << " please check that the categories are compatible with this process";
  if (!mortality_instantaneous_->check_years_in_methods_for_removal_obs(years_, methods))
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_YEARS) << "could not find catches in all years in the instantaneous_mortality process labeled " << process_label_
        << " please check that the years are compatible with this process";

コード例 #20
void Linear::DoBuild() {
  string error = "";
  target_object_ = model_->objects().FindObject(parameter_, error);

  Estimable::Type estimable_type = model_->objects().GetEstimableType(parameter_, error);
  if( estimable_type != Estimable::kSingle)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_TYPE) << "@time_varying blocks of type " << PARAM_LINEAR << " can only be implemented in parameters that are scalars or single values";
 * Build the runtime relationships required
 * - Build partition reference
void MortalityInitialisationEventBiomass::DoBuild() {

  for (string label : selectivity_names_) {
    Selectivity* selectivity = model_->managers().selectivity()->GetSelectivity(label);
    if (!selectivity)
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_SELECTIVITIES) << ": selectivity " << label << " does not exist. Have you defined it?";


  if (penalty_name_ != "") {
    penalty_ = model_->managers().penalty()->GetProcessPenalty(penalty_name_);
    if (!penalty_) {
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PENALTY) << ": penalty " << penalty_name_ << " does not exist. Have you defined it?";
コード例 #22
 * Build our parameters
void VectorSmoothing::DoBuild() {
  string type       = "";
  string label      = "";
  string parameter  = "";
  string index      = "";

   * Explode the parameter string sive o we can get the estimable
   * name (parameter) and the index
  if (parameter_ == "") {
    parameters().Add(PARAM_PARAMETER, label_, parameters_.Get(PARAM_LABEL)->file_name(), parameters_.Get(PARAM_LABEL)->line_number());
    parameter_ = label_;

  model_->objects().ExplodeString(parameter_, type, label, parameter, index);
  if (type == "" || label == "" || parameter == "") {
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PARAMETER) << ": parameter " << parameter_
        << " is not in the correct format. Correct format is object_type[label].estimable(array index)";

  string error = "";
  base::Object* target = model_->objects().FindObject(parameter_, error);
  if (!target)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PARAMETER) << " " << parameter_ << " is not a valid estimable in the system";

  Estimable::Type estimable_type = target->GetEstimableType(parameter);
  switch(estimable_type) {
    case Estimable::kInvalid:
      LOG_CODE_ERROR() << "Invalid estimable type: " << parameter_;
    case Estimable::kVector:
      estimable_vector_ = target->GetEstimableVector(parameter);
    case Estimable::kUnsignedMap:
      estimable_map_ = target->GetEstimableUMap(parameter);
      LOG_ERROR() << "The estimable you have provided for use in a additional priors: " << parameter_ << " is not a type that is supported for this class of additional prior";
コード例 #23
 * Populate any parameters,
 * Validate values are within expected ranges when we cannot use bind<>() overloads
 * Note: all parameters are populated from configuration files
void DerivedQuantity::Validate() {
  category_labels_ = model_->categories()->ExpandLabels(category_labels_, parameters_.Get(PARAM_CATEGORIES));

  // Validate Categories
  auto categories = model_->categories();
  for (const string& label : category_labels_) {
    if (!categories->IsValid(label))
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_CATEGORIES) << ": category " << label << " does not exist. Have you defined it?";

  if (proportion_method_ == PARAM_WEIGHTED_PRODUCT)
    mean_proportion_method_ = false;

  if (category_labels_.size() != selectivity_labels_.size())
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_SELECTIVITIES) << " count (" << selectivity_labels_.size() << ") "
        << " is not the same as the categories count (" << category_labels_.size() << ")";
コード例 #24
 * Build any objects that will need to be utilised by this object.
 * Validate any parameters that require information from other objects
 * in the system
void MortalityPreySuitability::DoBuild() {
  prey_partition_ = CombinedCategoriesPtr(new niwa::partition::accessors::CombinedCategories(model_, prey_category_labels_));
  predator_partition_ = CombinedCategoriesPtr(new niwa::partition::accessors::CombinedCategories(model_, predator_category_labels_));

   * Assign the selectivity, penalty and time step index to each fisher data object
  unsigned category_offset = 0;
  for (string selectivity : prey_selectivity_labels_) {
    if (!prey_selectivities_[category_offset])
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PREY_SELECTIVITIES) << "selectivity " << selectivity << " does not exist. Have you defined it?";

  category_offset = 0;
  for (string selectivity : predator_selectivity_labels_) {
    if (!predator_selectivities_[category_offset])
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PREDATOR_SELECTIVITIES) << "selectivity " << selectivity << " does not exist. Have you defined it?";

  if (penalty_label_ != "none") {
    penalty_ = model_->managers().penalty()->GetProcessPenalty(penalty_label_);
    if (!penalty_)
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PENALTY) << ": penalty " << penalty_label_ << " does not exist. Have you defined it?";

/*  *
   * Check All the categories are valid

  for (const string& label : prey_category_labels_) {
    if (!model_->categories()->IsValid(label))
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PREY_CATEGORIES) << ": category " << label << " does not exist. Have you defined it?";
  for (const string& label : predator_category_labels_) {
    if (!model_->categories()->IsValid(label))
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PREDATOR_CATEGORIES) << ": category " << label << " does not exist. Have you defined it?";
コード例 #25
 * Build any runtime relationships
 * - Build the partition accessor
 * - Build our list of selectivities
 * - Build our ratios for the number of time steps
void TagLoss::DoBuild() {

  for (string label : selectivity_names_) {
    Selectivity* selectivity = model_->managers().selectivity()->GetSelectivity(label);
    if (!selectivity)
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_SELECTIVITIES) << ": selectivity " << label << " does not exist. Have you defined it?";


   * Organise our time step ratios. Each time step can
   * apply a different ratio of M so here we want to verify
   * we have enough and re-scale them to 1.0
  vector<TimeStep*> time_steps = model_->managers().time_step()->ordered_time_steps();
  LOG_FINEST() << "time_steps.size(): " << time_steps.size();
  vector<unsigned> active_time_steps;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < time_steps.size(); ++i) {
    if (time_steps[i]->HasProcess(label_))

  if (ratios_.size() == 0) {
    for (unsigned i : active_time_steps)
      time_step_ratios_[i] = 1.0;
  } else {
    if (ratios_.size() != active_time_steps.size())
      LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_TIME_STEP_RATIO) << " length (" << ratios_.size()
          << ") does not match the number of time steps this process has been assigned to (" << active_time_steps.size() << ")";

    for (Double value : ratios_) {
      if (value < 0.0 || value > 1.0)
        LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_TIME_STEP_RATIO) << " value (" << value << ") must be between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (inclusive)";

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ratios_.size(); ++i)
      time_step_ratios_[active_time_steps[i]] = ratios_[i];
コード例 #26
ファイル: Constant.cpp プロジェクト: Cyrill1/CASAL2
 * Validate
void Constant::DoValidate() {
  if (values_.size() != 1 && values_.size() != years_.size()) {
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_VALUES) << "length (" << values_.size() << ") must match the number of years provided (" << years_.size() << ")";

  if (values_.size() == 1)
    values_.assign(years_.size(), values_[0]);
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < years_.size(); ++i) {
    parameter_by_year_[years_[i]] = values_[i];
コード例 #27
ファイル: TransitionCategory.cpp プロジェクト: Cyrill1/CASAL2
 * Build any runtime relationships this class needs.
 * - Build the partition accessors
 * - Verify the selectivities are valid
 * - Get pointers to the selectivities
void TransitionCategory::DoBuild() {


  for(string label : selectivity_names_) {
    Selectivity* selectivity = model_->managers().selectivity()->GetSelectivity(label);
    if (!selectivity)
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_SELECTIVITIES) << ": Selectivity " << label << " does not exist. Have you defined it?";
コード例 #28
 * Populate any parameters,
 * Validate values are within expected ranges when we cannot use bind<>() overloads
 * Note: all parameters are populated from configuration files
void MortalityPreySuitability::DoValidate() {

   * Now go through each category and split it if required, then check each piece to ensure
   * it's a valid category
  Categories* categories = model_->categories();

  vector<string> split_prey_category_labels;
  for (const string& category_label : prey_category_labels_) {
    boost::split(split_prey_category_labels, category_label, boost::is_any_of("+"));

    for (const string& split_category_label : split_prey_category_labels) {
      if (!categories->IsValid(split_category_label)) {
        if (split_category_label == category_label) {
          LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PREY_CATEGORIES) << ": The category " << split_category_label << " is not a valid category.";
        } else {
          LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PREY_CATEGORIES) << ": The category " << split_category_label << " is not a valid category."
              << " It was defined in the category collection " << category_label;

  vector<string> split_predator_category_labels;
  for (const string& category_label : predator_category_labels_) {
    boost::split(split_predator_category_labels, category_label, boost::is_any_of("+"));

    for (const string& split_category_label : split_predator_category_labels) {
      if (!categories->IsValid(split_category_label)) {
        if (split_category_label == category_label) {
          LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PREDATOR_CATEGORIES) << ": The category " << split_category_label << " is not a valid category.";
        } else {
          LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PREDATOR_CATEGORIES) << ": The category " << split_category_label << " is not a valid category."
              << " It was defined in the category collection " << category_label;

  // Check length of categories are the same as selectivities
  if (prey_category_labels_.size() != prey_selectivity_labels_.size())
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PREY_CATEGORIES) << ": You provided (" << prey_selectivity_labels_.size() << ") prey selectivities but we have "
        << prey_category_labels_.size() << " prey catregories";

  if (predator_category_labels_.size() != predator_selectivity_labels_.size())
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PREY_CATEGORIES) << ": You provided (" << predator_selectivity_labels_.size() << ") predator selectivities but we have "
        << predator_category_labels_.size() << " predator categories";

  if (prey_category_labels_.size() != electivities_.size())
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_ELECTIVITIES) << ": You provided (" << prey_category_labels_.size() << ") prey categories but we have "
            << electivities_.size() << " prey electivities, these must be equal";

コード例 #29
 * Build any objects that will need to be utilised by this object.
 * Obtain smart_pointers to any objects that will be used by this object.
void DerivedQuantity::Build() {


  selectivities::Manager& selectivity_manager = *model_->managers().selectivity();
  for (string label : selectivity_labels_) {
    Selectivity* selectivity = selectivity_manager.GetSelectivity(label);
    if (!selectivity)
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_SELECTIVITIES) << " (" << label << ") could not be found. Have you defined it?";


   * ensure the time steps we have are valid
  TimeStep* time_step = model_->managers().time_step()->GetTimeStep(time_step_label_);
  if (!time_step)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_TIME_STEP) << " (" << time_step_label_ << ") could not be found. Have you defined it?";
コード例 #30
 * Build our process proportions by category
void ProcessProportionsByCategory::DoBuild() {

  if (process_proportion_ < 0.0 || process_proportion_ > 1.0)
    LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_PROCESS_PROPORTION) << ": process_proportion (" << AS_DOUBLE(process_proportion_) << ") must be between 0.0 and 1.0";
  proportion_of_time_ = process_proportion_;

  auto time_step = model_->managers().time_step()->GetTimeStep(time_step_label_);
  if (!time_step) {
    LOG_FATAL_P(PARAM_TIME_STEP) << time_step_label_ << " could not be found. Have you defined it?";
  } else {
    for (unsigned year : years_)
      time_step->SubscribeToProcess(this, year, process_label_);