コード例 #1
ファイル: test_key.c プロジェクト: maxendpoint/openafs_cvs
/* lineTest() : wait until a whole line has been entered before processing.
    char ch;
    int rc;
    char line[256];

    printf("Will print dots until enter a line\n");
    /* start the dotwriter thread running */
    waitingForAnswer = 1;

    rc = LWP_GetLine(line, 256);

    waitingForAnswer = 0;

    printf("You entered : %s\n", line);
    if (rc)
	printf("linebuf was too small\n");

コード例 #2
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: jblaine/openafs
main(int argc, char **argv)
{				/*main */
    char *targv[MAXV];		/*Ptr to parsed argv stuff */
    afs_int32 targc;		/*Num parsed arguments */
    afs_int32 code;		/*Return code */
    struct cmd_syndesc *ts;	/*Ptr to parsed command line */
    int i;

#ifdef	AFS_AIX32_ENV
     * The following signal action for AIX is necessary so that in case of a
     * crash (i.e. core is generated) we can include the user's data section
     * in the core dump. Unfortunately, by default, only a partial core is
     * generated which, in many cases, isn't too useful.
    struct sigaction nsa;

    nsa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
    nsa.sa_flags = SA_FULLDUMP;
    sigaction(SIGSEGV, &nsa, NULL);
    InitErrTabs();		/* init all the error tables which may be used */

    /* setup the default backup dir */
    /* Get early warning if the command is interacive mode or not */
    interact = (((argc < 2) || (argv[1][0] == '-')) ? 1 : 0);

    cmd_SetBeforeProc(MyBeforeProc, NULL);

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("dump", bc_DumpCmd, NULL, "start dump");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-volumeset", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"volume set name");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dump", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dump level name");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-portoffset", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"TC port offset");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-at", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "Date/time to start dump");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-append", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"append to existing dump set");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dryrun", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,
                "list what would be done, don't do it");
    cmd_AddParmAlias(ts, 5, "-n");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-file", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "load file");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("volrestore", bc_VolRestoreCmd, NULL,
			  "restore volume");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED,
		"destination machine");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-partition", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED,
		"destination partition");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-volume", CMD_LIST, CMD_REQUIRED,
		"volume(s) to restore");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-extension", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"new volume name extension");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-date", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"date from which to restore");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-portoffset", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "TC port offsets");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dryrun", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,
                "list what would be done, don't do it");
    cmd_AddParmAlias(ts, 6, "-n");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-usedump", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"specify the dumpID to restore from");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("diskrestore", bc_DiskRestoreCmd, NULL,
			  "restore partition");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED,
		"machine to restore");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-partition", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED,
		"partition to restore");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-portoffset", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "TC port offset");
    cmd_Seek(ts, 8);
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-newserver", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"destination machine");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-newpartition", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"destination partition");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-extension", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"new volume name extension");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dryrun", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,
                "list what would be done, don't do it");
    cmd_AddParmAlias(ts, 11, "-n");
    if (!interact)

    cmd_CreateSyntax("quit", bc_QuitCmd, NULL, "leave the program");

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("volsetrestore", bc_VolsetRestoreCmd, NULL,
			  "restore a set of volumes");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-name", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "volume set name");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-file", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "file name");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-portoffset", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "TC port offset");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-extension", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"new volume name extension");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dryrun", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,
                "list what would be done, don't do it");
    cmd_AddParmAlias(ts, 4, "-n");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("addhost", bc_AddHostCmd, NULL, "add host to config");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-tapehost", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED,
		"tape machine name");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-portoffset", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"TC port offset");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("delhost", bc_DeleteHostCmd, NULL,
			  "delete host to config");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-tapehost", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED,
		"tape machine name");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-portoffset", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"TC port offset");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("listhosts", bc_ListHostsCmd, NULL,
			  "list config hosts");
    if (!interact)

    cmd_CreateSyntax("jobs", bc_JobsCmd, NULL, "list running jobs");

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("kill", bc_KillCmd, NULL, "kill running job");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-id", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED,
		"job ID or dump set name");

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("listvolsets", bc_ListVolSetCmd, NULL,
			  "list volume sets");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-name", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "volume set name");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("listdumps", bc_ListDumpScheduleCmd, NULL,
			  "list dump schedules");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("addvolset", bc_AddVolSetCmd, NULL,
			  "create a new volume set");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-name", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED, "volume set name");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-temporary", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"temporary volume set");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("status", bc_GetTapeStatusCmd, NULL,
			  "get tape coordinator status");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-portoffset", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"TC port offset");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("delvolset", bc_DeleteVolSetCmd, NULL,
			  "delete a volume set");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-name", CMD_LIST, CMD_REQUIRED, "volume set name");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("addvolentry", bc_AddVolEntryCmd, NULL,
			  "add a new volume entry");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-name", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED, "volume set name");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED, "machine name");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-partition", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED, "partition name");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-volumes", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED,
		"volume name (regular expression)");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("delvolentry", bc_DeleteVolEntryCmd, NULL,
			  "delete a volume set sub-entry");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-name", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED, "volume set name");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-entry", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED, "volume set index");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("adddump", bc_AddDumpCmd, NULL, "add dump schedule");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dump", CMD_LIST, CMD_REQUIRED, "dump level name");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-expires", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "expiration date");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("deldump", bc_DeleteDumpCmd, NULL,
			  "delete dump schedule");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dump", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED, "dump level name");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("labeltape", bc_LabelTapeCmd, NULL, "label a tape");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-name", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"AFS tape name, defaults to NULL");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-size", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"tape size in Kbytes, defaults to size in tapeconfig");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-portoffset", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"TC port offset");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-pname", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"permanent tape name");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("readlabel", bc_ReadLabelCmd, NULL,
			  "read the label on tape");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-portoffset", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"TC port offset");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("scantape", bc_ScanDumpsCmd, NULL,
			  "dump information recovery from tape");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dbadd", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"add information to the database");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-portoffset", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"TC port offset");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("volinfo", bc_dblookupCmd, NULL,
			  "query the backup database");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-volume", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED, "volume name");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("setexp", bc_SetExpCmd, NULL,
			  "set/clear dump expiration dates");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dump", CMD_LIST, CMD_REQUIRED, "dump level name");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-expires", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "expiration date");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("savedb", bc_saveDbCmd, NULL, "save backup database");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-portoffset", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"TC port offset");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-archive", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "date time");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("restoredb", bc_restoreDbCmd, NULL,
			  "restore backup database");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-portoffset", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"TC port offset");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("dumpinfo", bc_dumpInfoCmd, NULL,
			  "provide information about a dump in the database");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-ndumps", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "no. of dumps");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-id", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dump id");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-verbose", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"detailed description");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("dbverify", bc_dbVerifyCmd, NULL,
			  "check ubik database integrity");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-detail", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "additional details");
    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("deletedump", bc_deleteDumpCmd, NULL,
			  "delete dumps from the database");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dumpid", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dump id");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-from", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "date time");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-to", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "date time");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-port", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "TC port offset");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-groupid", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "group ID");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dbonly", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"delete the dump from the backup database only");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-force", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"always delete from backup database");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-noexecute", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL|CMD_HIDDEN, "");
    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dryrun", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,
		"list the dumps, don't delete anything");
    cmd_AddParmAlias(ts, 8, "-n");

    if (!interact)

    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("interactive", bc_interactCmd, NULL,
			  "enter interactive mode");

     * Now execute the command.

    targc = 0;
    targv[targc++] = argv[0];
    if (interact)
	targv[targc++] = "interactive";
    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
	targv[targc++] = argv[i];

    code = doDispatch(targc, targv, 1);

    if (!interact || !bcInit) {	/* Non-interactive mode */
	if (code)
	if (bcInit)
	    code = bc_WaitForNoJobs();	/* wait for any jobs to finish */
	exit(code);		/* and exit */

    /* Iterate on command lines, interpreting user commands (interactive mode) */
    while (1) {
	int ret;

	printf("backup> ");

	while ((ret = LWP_GetLine(lineBuffer, sizeof(lineBuffer))) == 0)
	    printf("%s: Command line too long\n", whoami);	/* line too long */

	if (ret == -1)
	    return 0;		/* Got EOF */

	if (!LineIsBlank(lineBuffer)) {
	    code = cmd_ParseLine(lineBuffer, targv, &targc, MAXV);
	    if (code)
		afs_com_err(whoami, code, "; Can't parse line: '%s'",
	    else {
		doDispatch(targc, targv, 1);
}				/*main */