void CPMotion::OnLeftRight() { short Velocity = 100; short Duration = 1; //seconds short Iterations = 8; LeftRight(Velocity, Duration, Iterations); }
NodeT* insertNodeAVLtree(NodeT* root, int data) { if(root==NULL) return createNodeT(data); else { if(root->data < data) root->right=insertNodeAVLtree(root->right, data); else root->left=insertNodeAVLtree(root->left, data); } root->height=maxx(height(root->left), height(root->right))+1; int aux=balanceFactor(root); if(aux>1) { if(root->left->data > data)//RR rightRotation(&root); else//LR LeftRight(&root); } else if(aux<-1) { if(root->right->data < data)//LL leftRotation(&root); else//RL RightLeft(&root); } //else return root; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ if(argc != 3){ printf("Useage: input_name output_name"); exit(0); } char file_answer; printf("Select mode:\n" "1.bin to bmp\n" "2.bmp to bmp\n" "3.bin to bin\n"); file_answer=getchar(); fflush(stdin); char *Input=argv[1], *Output=argv[2];//retrive input/output name from commandline BmpHead *pBmpHeader = new BmpHead; unsigned char **pucImageData; char *pcColorMap=NULL; if((file_answer == '1')||(file_answer == '3')){ //read bin file system("cls"); //assign header information courtersy of Lena.bin (*pBmpHeader).bfType=19778; (*pBmpHeader).bfSize=54 + 1024+ 512*512 ; // raw data size = 512*512 = 262144 bytes, modify when necessary (*pBmpHeader).bfReserved=0; (*pBmpHeader).bfOffBits=1078; (*pBmpHeader).biSize=40; (*pBmpHeader).biWidth= 512; //number of columns of the image (*pBmpHeader).biHeight= 512; //number of rows of the image (*pBmpHeader).biPlanes=1; (*pBmpHeader).biBitCount=8; (*pBmpHeader).biCompression=0; (*pBmpHeader).biSizeImage= 512*512; //raw data size = 512*512 = 26144 bytes, modify when necessary, e.g., a 256x256 image: raw data size = 256*256 (*pBmpHeader).biXPelsPerMeter=2834; (*pBmpHeader).biYpelsPerMeter=2834; (*pBmpHeader).biClrUsed=0; (*pBmpHeader).biClrImportant=0; //read provided colormap FILE *colormap=NULL; pcColorMap = new char [1024]; if((colormap=fopen("colormap.bin", "rb")) == NULL){ printf("Failed to find colormap.bin\n"); exit(0); } fread(pcColorMap, sizeof(char), pBmpHeader->bfOffBits-64, colormap); fclose(colormap); //read raw data fron input pucImageData = ReadImage( Input, pBmpHeader->biWidth, 0); printf("successfully read raw data from %s.\n\n", Input); } else if(file_answer == '2'){ //read bmp file system("cls"); //read input header infomation pBmpHeader=ReadBmpHeader(Input); printf("raw data size: %d\n", pBmpHeader->biSizeImage); printf("Image Width: %d\n", pBmpHeader->biWidth); printf("Image Height %d\n", pBmpHeader->biHeight); printf("Header occupies 54 bytes\n"); printf("Color map occupies 1024 bytes\n"); //read input colormap pcColorMap=ReadColorMap(Input, 1024); //read raw data from input //set offset=1024+54 pucImageData=ReadImage(Input, pBmpHeader->biWidth, 1078); printf("successfully read raw data from %s.\n\n", Input); } srand(time(NULL));//plant random seed //function menu char fx_answer; int width, cutoff; do{ printf( "Select function:\n" "A.Turn Lena upside down\n" "B.Turn Lena around\n" "C.Rotate Lena by 45 deg clockwise\n" "D.Shrink Lena by half\n" "E.Invert Lena\n" "F.Add normal noise to Lena\n" "G.Add impluse noise to Lena\n" "H.Moving average filtering\n" "I.Midian filtering\n" "J.Differential flitering\n" "K.LPF\n" "L.HPF\n" "\n0.Exit\n"); printf("Your choice: [_]\b\b"); fx_answer = getchar(); fx_answer = tolower(fx_answer); fflush(stdin); switch(fx_answer){//savefile(): ask user to save as picture or not case 'a':// selected: turn lena upside down UpsideDown(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'b'://selected: turn lena around LeftRight(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'c'://selected: rotate lena ImgRotate(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth, 45); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'd'://selected: shrink lena Shrink(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth, pBmpHeader, 2); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'e'://selected: invert lena Invert(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'f'://selected: add noise NormalNoise(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'g'://selected: add paper n salt noise ImpluseNoise(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'h'://selected: moving average filter //ask user to input sampling width printf("Enter sampling width:"); scanf("%d", &width); fflush(stdin); MAF(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth, width); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'i'://selected: moving midian filter //ask user to input sampling width printf("Enter sampling width:"); scanf("%d", &width); fflush(stdin); MF(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth, width); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'j'://selected: differential filter DIF(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'k'://selected: low-pass filter //ask user to input cutoff frequency printf("Enter cutoff frenquency(0~%d):", (int)pBmpHeader->biWidth/2); scanf("%d", &cutoff); fflush(stdin); LPF(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth, cutoff); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case 'l'://selected: high-pass filter //ask user to input cutoff frequency printf("Enter cutoff frenquency(0~%d):", (int)pBmpHeader->biWidth/2); scanf("%d", &cutoff); fflush(stdin); HPF(pucImageData, pBmpHeader->biWidth, cutoff); savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; case '0'://selected: exit //ask one last time whether user want to save or not savefile(Output, pucImageData, file_answer, pBmpHeader, pcColorMap); break; default: system("cls"); printf("Your choice is not in the list!\n"); break; } if(fx_answer == 0) break;//selected: exit. break the loop } while(fx_answer != '0'); //returning dynamic allocated memory delete [] pcColorMap; delete [] pucImageData; delete pBmpHeader; pcColorMap=NULL; pucImageData=NULL; pBmpHeader=NULL; printf("EOP\n"); }
/* * Delete a node from AVL tree * Recursive method */ bool delete_avl_node(avl_pp head, int val) { avl_p node; avl_p tmp; if (!head) { log(ERROR, "Initialize AVL tree first\n"); return FALSE; } node = *head; if (!node) { log(ERROR, "No nodes to delete\n"); return FALSE; } if (val > node->data) { if (!node->right) return FALSE; if (delete_avl_node(&(node->right), val) == FALSE) return FALSE; if (BalanceFactor(node) == 2) { if (BalanceFactor(node->left) >= 0) node = LeftLeft(node); else node = LeftRight(node); } } else if (val < node->data) { if (!node->left) return FALSE; if (delete_avl_node(&(node->left), val) == FALSE) return FALSE; if (BalanceFactor(node) == -2) { if (BalanceFactor(node->right) <= 0) node = RightRight(node); else node = RightLeft(node); } } else { /* Match found */ if (node->right) { /* Delete the inorder successor */ tmp = node->right; while (tmp->left) tmp = tmp->left; node->data = tmp->data; if (delete_avl_node(&(node->right), tmp->data) == FALSE) return FALSE; if (BalanceFactor(node) == 2) { if (BalanceFactor(node->left) >= 0) node = LeftLeft(node); else node = LeftRight(node); } } else { *head = node->left; return TRUE; } } node->height = height(node); *head = node; return TRUE; }
/* * Rebalance subtree tmp based on balance factor & skew */ bool rebalance(stack_p stack, avl_pp head, avl_p tmp, int data) { nodedata_p p = NULL; int direction; avl_p parent = NULL; bool modified = TRUE; if (BalanceFactor(tmp) == -2) { /* Right subtree longer */ p = pop(stack); if (p) { parent = p->node; direction = p->direction; } if (data >= tmp->right->data) { /* Right-right skewed subtree */ if (p) direction == RIGHT ? (parent->right = RightRight(tmp)) : (parent->left = RightRight(tmp)); else /* If p is NULL, this is the topmost node, update *head */ *head = RightRight(tmp); } else { /* Right-left skewed subtree */ if (p) direction == RIGHT ? (parent->right = RightLeft(tmp)) : (parent->left = RightLeft(tmp)); else *head = RightLeft(tmp); } } else if (BalanceFactor(tmp) == 2) { /* Left subtree longer */ p = pop(stack); if (p) { parent = p->node; direction = p->direction; } /* If p is NULL, this is the topmost node, update *head */ if (data < tmp->left->data) { /* Left-left skewed subtree */ if (p) direction == RIGHT ? (parent->right = LeftLeft(tmp)) : (parent->left = LeftLeft(tmp)); else *head = LeftLeft(tmp); } else { /* Left-right skewed subtree */ if (p) direction == RIGHT ? (parent->right = LeftRight(tmp)) : (parent->left = LeftRight(tmp)); else *head = LeftRight(tmp); } } else modified = FALSE; if (p) free(p); tmp->height = height(tmp); return modified; }