コード例 #1
ファイル: RectangleTrack.cpp プロジェクト: obabywawa/UPIM
*  函数名	: CreatePos
*  功能		: 计算出轨迹上所有点的集合,保存到列表中去
*  参数		: VOID
*  算法		: 通过 LineDDA 函数得出所有的轨迹点座标
*  前置条件 : 必须已经设定了轨迹起始点座标和终止点座标
*  后置条件 : 在 m_listTrackPoints 列表中保存所有轨迹点的座标
BOOL CRectangleTrack::CreatePos()
	if (m_ptTrackStartPoint.y == m_ptTrackEndPoint.y && m_ptTrackStartPoint.x == m_ptTrackEndPoint.x)
		// 水平线或是垂直线
		LineDDA(m_ptTrackStartPoint.x, m_ptTrackStartPoint.y, m_ptTrackEndPoint.x, m_ptTrackEndPoint.y, CTrack::AddPosToList, (LPARAM) this);
		CPoint ptVertex[4];
		ptVertex[0] = m_ptTrackStartPoint;
		ptVertex[1].x = m_ptTrackEndPoint.x;
		ptVertex[1].y = m_ptTrackStartPoint.y;
		ptVertex[2] = m_ptTrackEndPoint;
		ptVertex[3].x = m_ptTrackStartPoint.x;
		ptVertex[3].y = m_ptTrackEndPoint.y;
		// 将矩形的四个顶点依次连线用 LineDDA 得到轨迹点
		LineDDA(ptVertex[0].x, ptVertex[0].y, ptVertex[1].x, ptVertex[1].y, CTrack::AddPosToList, (LPARAM) this);
		LineDDA(ptVertex[1].x, ptVertex[1].y, ptVertex[2].x, ptVertex[2].y, CTrack::AddPosToList, (LPARAM) this);
		LineDDA(ptVertex[2].x, ptVertex[2].y, ptVertex[3].x, ptVertex[3].y, CTrack::AddPosToList, (LPARAM) this);
		LineDDA(ptVertex[3].x, ptVertex[3].y, ptVertex[0].x, ptVertex[0].y, CTrack::AddPosToList, (LPARAM) this);
	return TRUE;
コード例 #2
ファイル: RandomTrack.cpp プロジェクト: obabywawa/UPIM
*  函数名	: CreatePos
*  功能		: 计算出轨迹上所有点的集合,保存到列表中去
*  参数		: VOID
*  算法		: 通过 LineDDA 函数得出所有的轨迹点座标
*  前置条件 : 必须已经设定了轨迹起始点座标和终止点座标
*  后置条件 : 在 m_listTrackPoints 列表中保存所有轨迹点的座标
BOOL CRandomTrack::CreatePos()
	// 两次鼠标移动事件有时间间隔
	LineDDA(m_ptTrackStartPoint.x, m_ptTrackStartPoint.y, m_ptTrackEndPoint.x, m_ptTrackEndPoint.y, CTrack::AddPosToList, (LPARAM) this);

	return TRUE;
コード例 #3
ファイル: EllipseTrack.cpp プロジェクト: obabywawa/UPIM
*  函数名: CreatePos
*  功能	 : 计算出椭圆轨迹上所有点的集合,保存到列表中去
*  算法  : 根据椭圆方程求椭圆上的每一个点
*  前置条件: 必须已经设定了轨迹起始点座标和终止点座标
*  后置条件: 在 m_listTrackPoints 列表中保存所有轨迹点的座标
BOOL CEllipseTrack::CreatePos()
	if (m_ptTrackStartPoint.y == m_ptTrackEndPoint.y && m_ptTrackStartPoint.x == m_ptTrackEndPoint.x)
		// 水平线或是垂直线
		LineDDA(m_ptTrackStartPoint.x, m_ptTrackStartPoint.y, m_ptTrackEndPoint.x, m_ptTrackEndPoint.y, CTrack::AddPosToList, (LPARAM) this);
		int xCenter, yCenter;
		double a, b;
		xCenter = (m_ptTrackEndPoint.x + m_ptTrackStartPoint.x) / 2;
		yCenter = (m_ptTrackEndPoint.y + m_ptTrackStartPoint.y) / 2;
		// 椭圆 X 轴长度
		a = abs(m_ptTrackEndPoint.x - m_ptTrackStartPoint.x) / 2;
		// 椭圆 Y 轴长度
		b = abs(m_ptTrackEndPoint.y - m_ptTrackStartPoint.y) / 2;
		double b2 = b * b;
		double a2 = a * a;
		// 中心点为(xCenter, yCenter),扫描 X 轴求 Y 值
		int x, y;		
		for (x = (int) -a; x <= (int) a; x++)
			y = (int) sqrt(b2 - (b2 / a2) * (x * x));
			AddPoint(x + xCenter, y + yCenter);
		// 求对称轴,求两次是为了让坐标是连贯的
		for (x = (int) -a; x <= (int) a; x++)
			y = (int) sqrt(b2 - (b2 / a2) * (x * x));
			AddPoint(x + xCenter, yCenter - y);

		// 中心点为(xCenter, yCenter),扫描 Y 轴求 X 值
		for (y = (int) b; y >= (int) -b; y--)
			x = (int) sqrt(a2 - (a2 / b2) * (y * y));
			if ( y != (int) sqrt(b2 - (b2 / a2) * (x * x)) )
				AddPoint(xCenter - x, yCenter + y);
		// 求对称轴,求两次是为了让坐标是连贯的
		for (y = (int) -b; y <= (int) b; y++)
			x = (int) sqrt(a2 - (a2 / b2) * (y * y));
			if ( y != (int) sqrt(b2 - (b2 / a2) * (x * x)) )
				AddPoint(x + xCenter, y + yCenter);

	return TRUE;
コード例 #4
ファイル: FiveSideTrack.cpp プロジェクト: obabywawa/UPIM
*  函数名	: CreatePos
*  功能		: 计算出轨迹上所有点的集合,保存到列表中去
*  算法		: 由五角星的外部五个顶点和内部五个顶点依次连线,
*		      能过 LineDDA 函数得出所有的轨迹点座标
*  前置条件 : 必须已经设定了轨迹起始点座标和终止点座标
*  后置条件 : 在 m_listTrackPoints 列表中保存所有轨迹点的座标
BOOL CFiveSideTrack::CreatePos()
	CPoint ptOutVertex[5];

	// 五等分圆,得到五个顶点座标
	SplitCircle(m_ptTrackStartPoint, m_ptTrackEndPoint, 5, ptOutVertex);

	// 将五边形的外部五顶点依次连线用 LineDDA 得到轨迹点
	LineDDA(ptOutVertex[0].x, ptOutVertex[0].y, ptOutVertex[1].x, ptOutVertex[1].y, CTrack::AddPosToList, (LPARAM) this);
	LineDDA(ptOutVertex[1].x, ptOutVertex[1].y, ptOutVertex[2].x, ptOutVertex[2].y, CTrack::AddPosToList, (LPARAM) this);
	LineDDA(ptOutVertex[2].x, ptOutVertex[2].y, ptOutVertex[3].x, ptOutVertex[3].y, CTrack::AddPosToList, (LPARAM) this);
	LineDDA(ptOutVertex[3].x, ptOutVertex[3].y, ptOutVertex[4].x, ptOutVertex[4].y, CTrack::AddPosToList, (LPARAM) this);
	LineDDA(ptOutVertex[4].x, ptOutVertex[4].y, ptOutVertex[0].x, ptOutVertex[0].y, CTrack::AddPosToList, (LPARAM) this);

	return TRUE;
コード例 #5
void MainWindow::Paint( void )
    RECT rect;
    LINEDDAPROC lpLineFunc;

    lpLineFunc = (LINEDDAPROC)MakeProcInstance( (FARPROC) MainWindow::LineFunc, Main::hInstance );
    GetClientRect( hWnd, (LPRECT) &rect );

    BeginPaint( hWnd, &ps );
    LINEFUNCDATA LineFuncData( ps.hdc, lpBitmap1, lpBitmap2 );
    LineDDA( 0, 0, rect.right - (lpBitmap1->GetSize( ps.hdc )).x,
             0, lpLineFunc, (LPARAM)&LineFuncData );
    EndPaint( hWnd, &ps );
    FreeProcInstance((FARPROC)lpLineFunc );
コード例 #6
ファイル: demoView.cpp プロジェクト: Aliceljm1/CxImageVS2010
void CDemoView::DrawSelection()
	CDemoDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
	if (pDoc->m_NumSel>2){
		CPoint pos(GetScrollPosition());
		float zoom=pDoc->GetZoomFactor();
//		pDC->MoveTo(zoom*pDoc->m_Sel[0].x - pos.x,zoom*pDoc->m_Sel[0].y - pos.y);
		for(int i=1;i<pDoc->m_NumSel;i++){
//			pDC->LineTo(zoom*pDoc->m_Sel[i].x - pos.x,zoom*pDoc->m_Sel[i].y - pos.y);
			LineDDA((int)(zoom*pDoc->m_Sel[i-1].x - pos.x),
				    (int)(zoom*pDoc->m_Sel[i-1].y - pos.y),
					(int)(zoom*pDoc->m_Sel[i].x - pos.x),
					(int)(zoom*pDoc->m_Sel[i].y - pos.y),
コード例 #7
ファイル: shootgal.c プロジェクト: ABratovic/open-watcom-v2
 * "shoot" a bolt from the current bolt location to the "aim" location
static void ShootBolt( HWND window_handle )
    extra_data  *edata_ptr;
    HDC         hdc;
    HBITMAP     screensavebmp;
    MSG         msg;
    FARPROC     proc;
    HANDLE      inst_handle;
    icon_mover  mover;

    edata_ptr = (extra_data *) GetWindowLong( window_handle,
                                        EXTRA_DATA_OFFSET );

    hdc = GetDC( window_handle );
    inst_handle = GetWindowWord( window_handle, GWW_HINSTANCE );

    /* set up an "icon_mover" struct to give all needed data to DrawBolt */
    mover.icon = edata_ptr->bolt_icon;
    mover.size.x = BOLTWIDTH;
    mover.size.y = BOLTHEIGHT;
    mover.last.x = -1;
    mover.last.y = -1;
    mover.screen_dc = hdc;
    mover.storage_dc = CreateCompatibleDC( hdc );
    mover.speed = edata_ptr->bolt_speed;

    screensavebmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap( hdc, mover.size.x, mover.size.y );
    SelectObject( mover.storage_dc, screensavebmp );

    if( edata_ptr->sound_on ) {
     * for each point on the line between the points BOLT and AIM,
     * call DrawBolt
     * use aim - boltheight so that the bottom left corner of the bolt icon
     * stops at the point AIM
    proc = MakeProcInstance( (FARPROC)DrawBolt, inst_handle );
    LineDDA( edata_ptr->bolt.x, edata_ptr->bolt.y, edata_ptr->aim.x,
             edata_ptr->aim.y - BOLTHEIGHT, proc, (LPARAM)(LPVOID)&mover );
    FreeProcInstance( proc );

     * remove all WM_LBUTTONDOWN messages from the application queue which
     * occured while the bolt was "in the air"
     * this prevents the shots from building up - only 1 can happen at a time
    while( PeekMessage( &msg, window_handle, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONDOWN,
                        PM_REMOVE ) );

    /* make sure the bolt is drawn at the final location regardless of speed */
    mover.speed = 1;
    DoDrawBolt( edata_ptr->aim.x, edata_ptr->aim.y - BOLTHEIGHT, &mover );
    if( edata_ptr->sound_on ) {
    /* redraw the background behind the icon */
    BitBlt( mover.screen_dc, mover.last.x, mover.last.y, mover.size.x,
            mover.size.y, mover.storage_dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

    CheckHit( hdc, edata_ptr->aim );

    DeleteDC( mover.storage_dc );
    DeleteObject( screensavebmp );
    ReleaseDC(window_handle, hdc);

} /* ShootBolt */
コード例 #8
ファイル: path.c プロジェクト: mikekap/wine
static void test_linedda(void)
    const POINT *pt;
    static const POINT array_10_20_20_40[] = {{10,20},{10,21},{11,22},{11,23},
    static const POINT array_10_20_20_43[] = {{10,20},{10,21},{11,22},{11,23},

    static const POINT array_10_20_10_20[] = {{-1,-1}};
    static const POINT array_10_20_11_27[] = {{10,20},{10,21},{10,22},{10,23},

    static const POINT array_20_43_10_20[] = {{20,43},{20,42},{19,41},{19,40},

    static const POINT array_20_20_10_43[] = {{20,20},{20,21},{19,22},{19,23},

    static const POINT array_20_20_43_10[] = {{20,20},{21,20},{22,19},{23,19},

    pt = array_10_20_20_40;
    LineDDA(10, 20, 20, 40, linedda_callback, (LPARAM)&pt);
    ok(pt->x == -1 && pt->y == -1, "didn't find terminator\n");

    pt = array_10_20_20_43;
    LineDDA(10, 20, 20, 43, linedda_callback, (LPARAM)&pt);
    ok(pt->x == -1 && pt->y == -1, "didn't find terminator\n");

    pt = array_10_20_10_20;
    LineDDA(10, 20, 10, 20, linedda_callback, (LPARAM)&pt);
    ok(pt->x == -1 && pt->y == -1, "didn't find terminator\n");

    pt = array_10_20_11_27;
    LineDDA(10, 20, 11, 27, linedda_callback, (LPARAM)&pt);
    ok(pt->x == -1 && pt->y == -1, "didn't find terminator\n");

    pt = array_20_43_10_20;
    LineDDA(20, 43, 10, 20, linedda_callback, (LPARAM)&pt);
    ok(pt->x == -1 && pt->y == -1, "didn't find terminator\n");

    pt = array_20_20_10_43;
    LineDDA(20, 20, 10, 43, linedda_callback, (LPARAM)&pt);
    ok(pt->x == -1 && pt->y == -1, "didn't find terminator\n");

    pt = array_20_20_43_10;
    LineDDA(20, 20, 43, 10, linedda_callback, (LPARAM)&pt);
    ok(pt->x == -1 && pt->y == -1, "didn't find terminator\n");
コード例 #9
ファイル: linedda.c プロジェクト: Ukusbobra/open-watcom-v2
void PASCAL _Cover_LineDDA( short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2, LINEDDAPROC p,
                        LPARAM data )
    LineDDA( x1, y1, x2, y2, SetProc( (FARPROC)p, GETPROC_LINEDDA ), (LPARAM) data );