コード例 #1
ファイル: rcg.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
/* If there are multiple selection predicates associated with each of 
** the RCG node, then we need to merge them and create a single selection
** predicate by and'ing. This merged selection predicate then is called 
** decorated selection predicate.
void generate_decorated_RCG(RCG *graph)
	ListElement *cursor, *tree_cursor;
	RCG_node *node;
	syntree *node_tree, *and_tree;

	ASSERT (graph);
	for (node = (RCG_node *)List_getFirst(graph->nodes, &cursor);
		 node = (RCG_node *)List_getNext(&cursor))
		for (node_tree = (syntree *)List_getFirst(node->selection_predicates_list, &tree_cursor);
			node_tree = (syntree *)List_getNext(&tree_cursor))
			if (node->decorated_selection_predicate != NULL)
				/* create a new AND node, with decorated_selection_predicate
				** as left tree and node_tree as right tree.
				and_tree = and_new (node->decorated_selection_predicate, node_tree);
				node->decorated_selection_predicate = and_tree;
				node->decorated_selection_predicate = node_tree;
コード例 #2
ファイル: set.c プロジェクト: bjhua/dragon
T Set_union (T set1, T set2)
  T newSet;
  List_t p;


  newSet = Set_new (set1->equals);
  p = List_getFirst (set1->list);
  while (p){
    Set_insert (newSet, p->data);
    p = p->next;
  p = List_getFirst (set2->list);
  while (p){
    Poly_t v = (Poly_t)p->data;

    if (!List_exists (set1->list, v, set1->equals))
      Set_insert (newSet, v);
    p = p->next;
  return newSet;
コード例 #3
ファイル: rcg.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
/* Function to create a complete RCG including the TRUE join conditions 
   for the nodes which are isolated and without any join condition */
void build_complete_RCG (RCG *graph)
    syntree      *temp_tree, *TRUE_syntree = NULL;
    List         *null_join_list;
    ListElement  *cursor, *cursor1;
    RCG_node     *rcg_node, *ref_rcg_node;

	ASSERT (graph);
	// Initialise the list to hold the null join list nodes
    null_join_list = List_new();
    ref_rcg_node = NULL;

    /* Find all the RCG nodes hanging around without any join predicates
       and find the reference RCG node  */
    rcg_node = (RCG_node *)List_getFirst(graph->nodes, &cursor);

    while (rcg_node != NULL) {
        temp_tree = (syntree *)List_getFirst(rcg_node->join_predicates_list, &cursor1);
        if (temp_tree == NULL) {
            /* Insert into the list all the RCG nodes with null join predicates */
            List_insertElement(null_join_list, rcg_node);
        else {
            /* Choose this node as the root reference node for the TRUE join condition */
            ref_rcg_node = rcg_node;
        rcg_node = (RCG_node *)List_getNext(&cursor);

    if (ref_rcg_node == NULL) {
        ref_rcg_node = (RCG_node *)List_getFirst(graph->nodes, &cursor);

	/* Initialise the TRUE join condition syntax tree if there are isolated RCG nodes*/
	if (!List_isEmpty(null_join_list)) {
		TRUE_syntree = (syntree *)tman_malloc(sizeof(syntree));
		memset(TRUE_syntree, '\0', sizeof(syntree));
		TRUE_syntree->type = TRUE_ORDINARY_PRED_TYPE;    
		TRUE_syntree->datum = chars_new("TRUE");

    /* Create the TRUE join connection for all those nodes without any join condition */
    rcg_node = (RCG_node *)List_getFirst(null_join_list, &cursor);
    while (rcg_node != NULL) {
		// Insert the TRUE condition to the null join condition node */
        List_insertElement(rcg_node->join_predicates_list, TRUE_syntree);
        rcg_node->reference_tuple_variable_name = ref_rcg_node->tuple_variable_name;

        // Insert the TRUE condition to the reference node also */
        List_insertElement(ref_rcg_node->join_predicates_list, TRUE_syntree);        
        rcg_node = (RCG_node *)List_getNext(&cursor);

コード例 #4
ファイル: rcg.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
// Creates a new RULE CONDITION GRAPH - it creates a RCG node for every tuple variable
// Takes the tuple variable and the data source list along with the number of tuple variables
// as the input
RCG *RCG_new(int num_tuple_var, List *tuple_var_list, List *datasrc_list)
	RCG *graph;
	int i;
	ListElement *cursor1, *cursor2;
	RCG_node *node;
	void *tuple_var_name, *datasrc_name;

	graph = (RCG *)tman_malloc(sizeof(RCG));	
	memset(graph, '\0', sizeof(RCG));

	graph->type = RCG_TYPE;
	graph->num_tuple_variables = num_tuple_var;
	graph->nodes = List_new();
	graph->catch_all = List_new();

	if (!num_tuple_var)
		/* The RCG does not have any tuple variables. For ex.
		** when 1 = 1.
		return graph;

	/* create the individual nodes -- one for each tuple variable*/
	node = RCG_node_new();
	tuple_var_name = (char *)List_getFirst(tuple_var_list, &cursor1);
   	datasrc_name = (char *)List_getFirst(datasrc_list, &cursor2);

	node->tuple_variable_name = get_chars(tuple_var_name);
    node->datasrc_name = get_chars(datasrc_name);

    /* Insert the node into the RCG */
	List_insertElement(graph->nodes, node);
	for (i = 1; i < num_tuple_var; i++)
		/* create the individual nodes */
		node = RCG_node_new();
		tuple_var_name = (char *)List_getNext(&cursor1);
   		datasrc_name = (char *)List_getNext(&cursor2);

		node->tuple_variable_name = get_chars(tuple_var_name);
        node->datasrc_name = get_chars(datasrc_name);

		/* Insert the node into the RCG */
		List_insertElement(graph->nodes, node);

    return graph;
コード例 #5
ファイル: when.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
// Converts the when clause to CNF. Set the variable when_clause_modified
// to TRUE if the when clause is modified.
void convert_when_clause_to_CNF(syntree *when_clause, int *when_clause_modified)
    int          tree_modified = TRUE;
    List        *del_node_list, *temp_list;
    ListElement *cursor1, *cursor2;
    syntree     *node_to_be_del, *possible_duplicate;

    // Create a list to store all the syntax tree nodes that have to be deleted
    // after the when clause has been converted to CNF.
    del_node_list = List_new();

    if (when_clause) {
        while(tree_modified) {
            tree_modified = FALSE;
            convert_to_CNF (when_clause, &tree_modified, del_node_list);
            if (tree_modified == TRUE) {
                *when_clause_modified = TRUE;

    // Delete the syntax tree nodes in the delete node list. As the list may contain duplicate
    // copies of one or more nodes, delete the nodes only once but remove the list element for
    // the duplicates too.
    node_to_be_del = List_getFirst(del_node_list, &cursor1);
    while (node_to_be_del != NULL)
        // Delete the list element but not the contents.
        node_to_be_del = List_deleteElement(del_node_list, &cursor1);
        // Assign this to a temporary list to search for duplicate copies of this node.
        temp_list = del_node_list;

        // Go through the remaining list to delete the list elements for the duplicate copies.
        possible_duplicate = List_getFirst(temp_list, &cursor2);
        while (possible_duplicate != NULL)
            // Check for the duplicate.
            if (node_to_be_del == possible_duplicate)
                // Delete the duplicate list element. Ignore the contents returned.
                List_deleteElement(temp_list, &cursor2);
                // Start traversing the list again.
                possible_duplicate = List_getFirst(temp_list, &cursor2);
                possible_duplicate = List_getNext(&cursor2);
        // Delete the contents of the original syntax tree node.
        node_to_be_del = List_getFirst(del_node_list, &cursor1);
コード例 #6
ファイル: rcg.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
/* Similar to generate_decorated_RCG 
   Instead of taking a RCG graph as the input, it takes
   a list of syntax trees as the input, ANDs them and creates
   a single syntax tree
syntree *generate_decorated_syntree(List *syntreeList)
    ListElement *cursor;
    syntree *node_tree, *and_tree, *decoratedSyntree;

	ASSERT (syntreeList);
	decoratedSyntree = NULL;
    // AND the list of syntax trees

    for (node_tree = (syntree *)List_getFirst(syntreeList, &cursor);
        node_tree = (syntree *)List_getNext(&cursor)) {

            if (decoratedSyntree != NULL) {

                /* create a new AND node, with decorated_selection_predicate
				** as left tree and node_tree as right tree.
                and_tree = and_new(decoratedSyntree, node_tree);
                decoratedSyntree = and_tree;
            else {
                decoratedSyntree = node_tree;

        return decoratedSyntree;

コード例 #7
ファイル: drop_trigger.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
/* Searches and deletes the constant node from the list of constant nodes for the signature */
static void delete_const_node_from_sig_list(constant_node *const_node_to_delete, List *const_list)
	constant_node *const_node;
	ListElement   *cursor;

	ASSERT (const_list);

	// Search the constant node to be deleted in the constant list
	const_node = (constant_node *)List_getFirst(const_list, &cursor);
	while (const_node != NULL) {
	    // If the constant node from the list matches the 
		// constant node to be deleted -- a match is found   
		if (const_node == const_node_to_delete) {		
			// Delete the constant node from the constant list
			const_node_to_delete = (constant_node *)List_deleteElement(const_list, &cursor);
		else {
			const_node = (constant_node *)List_getNext(&cursor);
	// The constant node cannot be NULL
	// Delete the contents of the constant node
コード例 #8
ファイル: ft_pred.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
int search_negated_elements (ft_doc_index *doc_idx, List *negated_elements)
	ListElement *cursor;
	void		*element;
	ft_word_info word_info;
	ASSERT (negated_elements);
	for (element = List_getFirst (negated_elements, &cursor); 
		 element = List_getNext (&cursor))
		if (*(int *)element == FT_WORD_TYPE)
			if (search_word (doc_idx, element, &word_info) == TMAN_FOUND)
				return TMAN_FOUND;
		else if (*(int *)element == FT_PHRASE_TYPE)
			if (search_phrase (doc_idx, element) == TMAN_FOUND)
				return TMAN_FOUND;

コード例 #9
ファイル: ft_pred.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
static double match_score_or_basic_pred (ft_doc_index *doc_idx, ft_basic_pred *ft_pred)
	int num_non_negated_words, i;
	double result;
	ft_word_info *non_negated_words_info;
	ft_word_info non_neg_words_info_static[10] = {'\0'};
	word_syntree *word;
	ft_phrase_info *phrase_info = NULL;
	ListElement *cursor;
	ASSERT (ft_pred);

	// There should be no negated word in this basic predicate.
	ASSERT (ft_pred->negated_query_elements == NULL);

	num_non_negated_words = va_get_size (ft_pred->non_negated_words);
	if (num_non_negated_words <= 10)
		non_negated_words_info = non_neg_words_info_static;
		non_negated_words_info = (ft_word_info *) tman_malloc (num_non_negated_words * sizeof(ft_word_info));
		memset (non_negated_words_info, '\0', num_non_negated_words * sizeof(ft_word_info));

	for (i = 0; i < num_non_negated_words; i++)
		word = (word_syntree *)va_get_element (ft_pred->non_negated_words, i);
		search_word (doc_idx, word, &(non_negated_words_info[i]));

	// Do phrase matching.
	if (ft_pred->phrases_words_info)
		for (phrase_info = List_getFirst (ft_pred->phrases_words_info, &cursor); phrase_info;
			 phrase_info = List_getNext (&cursor))
			phrase_pos_match (doc_idx, phrase_info, non_negated_words_info, num_non_negated_words);

	// Score the basic predicate.
	result = calculate_score (non_negated_words_info, num_non_negated_words);

	if (num_non_negated_words > 10)
		tman_free (non_negated_words_info);
	return result;
コード例 #10
ファイル: hash-set.c プロジェクト: bjhua/dragon
void HashSet_unionVoidSet (T set1, Set_t set2)
  List_t p;


  p = List_getFirst (Set_toList (set2));
  while (p){
    HashSet_insert (set1, p->data);
    p = p->next;
コード例 #11
ファイル: set.c プロジェクト: bjhua/dragon
int Set_exists (T set, Poly_t x)
  List_t p;


  p = List_getFirst (set->list);
  while (p){
    if (set->equals (x, p->data))
      return 1;
    p = p->next;
  return 0;
コード例 #12
ファイル: rcg.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
void print_RCG(RCG *graph)
	ListElement *node_cursor, *tree_cursor;
	RCG_node *node;
	syntree *tree;

	for (node = List_getFirst(graph->nodes, &node_cursor);
		 node = List_getNext(&node_cursor))
		logwrite("Node is %s\n", node->tuple_variable_name);
        logwrite("data source is %s\n", node->datasrc_name);
		logwrite("The selection predicates in the node are ");
		for (tree = List_getFirst(node->selection_predicates_list, &tree_cursor);
		tree = List_getNext(&tree_cursor))
			print_tree(tree, 0);
			logwrite ("");
		logwrite ("The decorated selction  predicate for the node is");
		print_tree(node->decorated_selection_predicate, 0);

		logwrite ("The join predicates in the node are");
		for (tree = List_getFirst(node->join_predicates_list, &tree_cursor);
		tree = List_getNext(&tree_cursor))
            print_tree(tree, 0);
			logwrite ("");
コード例 #13
ファイル: list-test.c プロジェクト: qc1iu/c-lib
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  List_t l = List_new();
  fprintf(stdout, "test List...\n");
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    List_addFirst(l, i);

  fprintf(stdout, "List_getFirst\n");
  int r = (int) List_getFirst(l);
  assert(r == 99);

  fprintf(stdout, "List_getIndexOf\n");
  for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    r = (int) List_getIndexOf(l, i);
    assert(r == (99 - i));


  fprintf(stdout, "List_addLast\n");
  List_addLast(l, 200);
  r = (int) List_getIndexOf(l, 100);
  assert(r == 200);

  fprintf(stdout, "List_size\n");
  r = List_size(l);
  assert(r == 101);

  fprintf(stdout, "List_isEmpty\n");
  r = List_isEmpty(l);
  assert(r == 0);
  List_t l2 = List_new();
  r = List_isEmpty(l2);
  assert(r == 1);

  fprintf(stdout, "List_remove\n");
  for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    r = (int) List_removeFirst(l);
    assert(r == (99 - i));
  r = (int) List_removeFirst(l);
  assert(r == 200);
  r = List_isEmpty(l);
  assert(r == 1);

  return 0;
コード例 #14
ファイル: ft_pred.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
void ft_basic_pred_print_tree (ft_basic_pred *node, int level)
	syntree *query_element_node;
	ListElement *cursor;
	indent (level, "[Basic Predicate Type - %d]", node->basic_pred_type);
	if (node->non_negated_words)
		indent (level, "[Non negated words]");
		print_tree (node->non_negated_words, level);
	if (node->negated_query_elements)
		indent (level, "[Negated query-words]");
		for (query_element_node = List_getFirst (node->negated_query_elements, &cursor); 
			 query_element_node = List_getNext (&cursor))
			print_tree (query_element_node, level);

	if (node->phrases_words_info)
		int index = 1;
		ft_phrase_info *temp_phrase_info;
		for (temp_phrase_info = List_getFirst (node->phrases_words_info, &cursor); 
			 temp_phrase_info = List_getNext (&cursor), index++)
			indent (level, "[Phrase %d]", index);
			print_tree (temp_phrase_info, level);
コード例 #15
ファイル: rcg.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
void reset(RCG *graph)
	ListElement *cursor;
	RCG_node *node;

	ASSERT (graph);

	for (node = (RCG_node *)List_getFirst(graph->nodes, &cursor);
		 node = (RCG_node *)List_getNext(&cursor))
		node->already_inserted = 0;
コード例 #16
ファイル: dead-block.c プロジェクト: bjhua/dragon
static List_t transBlocks (List_t blocks)
  List_t tmp, result = List_new ();
  tmp = List_getFirst (blocks);
  while (tmp){
    Ssa_Block_t b = (Ssa_Block_t)tmp->data;

    if (Property_get (visited, b))
      List_insertLast (result, b);
    tmp = tmp->next;
  return result;
コード例 #17
ファイル: rcg.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
// Function that deletes the TRUE join nodes
// Should be never called if all the nodes in the RCG are naturally connected
// Should be called only once when there are one or more isolated RCG nodes
int del_TRUE_join_node(RCG_node *rcg_node)
	ListElement *cursor;
	syntree     *join_tree;

	join_tree = (syntree *)List_getFirst(rcg_node->join_predicates_list, &cursor);
	while (join_tree != NULL) {
		if (join_tree->type == TRUE_ORDINARY_PRED_TYPE) {
			join_tree = List_deleteElement(rcg_node->join_predicates_list, &cursor);
			return TRUE;
		join_tree = (syntree *)List_getNext(&cursor);
	return FALSE;
コード例 #18
ファイル: set.c プロジェクト: bjhua/dragon
void Set_unionVoid (T set1, T set2)
  List_t p;


  p = List_getFirst (set2->list);
  while (p){
    Poly_t v = (Poly_t)p->data;

    // this may be further enhanced
    if (!List_exists (set1->list, v, set1->equals))
      Set_insert (set1, v);
    p = p->next;
コード例 #19
ファイル: rcg.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
RCG_node *get_node_from_RCG(char *name, RCG *graph)
	ListElement *cursor;
	RCG_node *node;
	ASSERT (name);
	ASSERT (graph);

	for (node = (RCG_node *)List_getFirst(graph->nodes, &cursor);
		 node = (RCG_node *)List_getNext(&cursor))
		if (strcmp(node->tuple_variable_name, name) == 0)
			return node;
	logwrite ("Internal error: tuple variable %s not found in rule condition graph (RCG).", name);
	return NULL;
コード例 #20
ファイル: rcg.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
// Destructor for the whole RCG
void RCG_delete(RCG *arg)
	int already_processed;
	RCG_node *rcgNode;
	ListElement *cursor;

	// RCG graph for a trigger cannot be NULL
    ASSERT (arg);
	already_processed = FALSE;

	// Delete the RCG nodes for this RCG

    // Get the first gator node from the RCG graph
	rcgNode = (RCG_node*)List_getFirst(arg->nodes, &cursor);

	while (rcgNode != NULL) {
		// Isolated RCG nodes with no edges are connected to the root
		// node(selected while constructing the RCG) by TRUE edges.
		// More than one RCG node may share this TRUE syntax tree as the connecting edge.
		// It can be deleted only once.
		if (already_processed == FALSE) {
			already_processed = del_TRUE_join_node(rcgNode);
		/* Get the next rcg node */
		rcgNode = (RCG_node *)List_getNext(&cursor);
	// Delete the backbone of the list of gator nodes

	// Delete the backbone of the catch all list

	// Delete the gator network

コード例 #21
ファイル: list.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
// This function inserts an element iff it doesn't already exist in the list.
// Do not use it to compare values of contents. It just does the dumb checking for 
// pointers of the objects to be same.
void List_insert_uniqueElement (List *theList, void *theContents, int *exist)
	ListElement *cursor;
	void *element;
	ASSERT (theList);
    ASSERT (theContents);

	for (element = List_getFirst (theList, &cursor); element; element = List_getNext (&cursor))
		if (element == theContents)
			*exist = TRUE;

	// The element does not exist in the list, append the element here.
	*exist = FALSE;
	List_insertElement (theList, theContents);

コード例 #22
ファイル: x86.c プロジェクト: bjhua/dragon
File_t X86_Mask_print (File_t file, M m)
  List_t p;

  fprintf (file, "%s", Id_toString (m->name));
  fprintf (file, ":\n\t.int ");
  fprintf (file, "%s", Int_toString (m->size));
  if (List_isEmpty (m->index)){
    fprintf (file, "\n");
    return file;
  fprintf (file, ", ");
  p = List_getFirst (m->index);
  while (p){
    fprintf (file, "%s", Int_toString ((int)p->data));
    if (p->next)
      fprintf (file, ", ");
    p = p->next;
  fprintf (file, "\n");
  return file;
コード例 #23
ファイル: set.c プロジェクト: bjhua/dragon
int Set_equals (T set1, T set2)
  T newSet;
  List_t p;


  if (List_size (set1->list) != List_size (set2->list))
    return 0;

  p = List_getFirst (set1->list);
  while (p){
    Poly_t v = (Poly_t)p->data;

    if (List_exists (set2->list, v, set1->equals))
      return 0;
    p = p->next;
  return 1;
コード例 #24

void StringList_init(StringList *stringList)
  assert(stringList != NULL);


void StringList_done(StringList *stringList)
  assert(stringList != NULL);


StringList *StringList_new(void)
  return (StringList*)List_new();

StringList *StringList_duplicate(const StringList *stringList)
  StringList *newStringList;

  assert(stringList != NULL);

  newStringList = StringList_new();
  if (newStringList == NULL)
    return NULL;


  return newStringList;

void StringList_copy(StringList *stringList, const StringList *fromStringList)
  StringNode *stringNode;

  assert(stringList != NULL);
  assert(fromStringList != NULL);

  stringNode = fromStringList->head;
  while (stringNode != NULL)
    stringNode = stringNode->next;

void StringList_delete(StringList *stringList)
  assert(stringList != NULL);


void StringList_clear(StringList *stringList)
  assert(stringList != NULL);


void StringList_move(StringList *fromStringList, StringList *toStringList)
  assert(fromStringList != NULL);
  assert(toStringList != NULL);


#ifdef NDEBUG
void StringList_insert(StringList *stringList, const String string, StringNode *nextStringNode)
#else /* not NDEBUG */
void __StringList_insert(const char *__fileName__, ulong __lineNb__, StringList *stringList, const String string, StringNode *nextStringNode)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
  #ifdef NDEBUG
  #else /* not NDEBUG */
  #endif /* NDEBUG */

#ifdef NDEBUG
void StringList_insertCString(StringList *stringList, const char *s, StringNode *nextStringNode)
#else /* not NDEBUG */
void __StringList_insertCString(const char *__fileName__, ulong __lineNb__, StringList *stringList, const char *s, StringNode *nextStringNode)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
  #ifdef NDEBUG
  #else /* not NDEBUG */
  #endif /* NDEBUG */

#ifdef NDEBUG
void StringList_insertChar(StringList *stringList, char ch, StringNode *nextStringNode)
#else /* not NDEBUG */
void __StringList_insertChar(const char *__fileName__, ulong __lineNb__, StringList *stringList, char ch, StringNode *nextStringNode)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
  #ifdef NDEBUG
  #else /* not NDEBUG */
  #endif /* NDEBUG */

#ifdef NDEBUG
void StringList_insertBuffer(StringList *stringList, char *buffer, ulong bufferLength, StringNode *nextStringNode)
#else /* not NDEBUG */
void __StringList_insertBuffer(const char *__fileName__, ulong __lineNb__, StringList *stringList, char *buffer, ulong bufferLength, StringNode *nextStringNode)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
  #ifdef NDEBUG
  #else /* not NDEBUG */
  #endif /* NDEBUG */

#ifdef NDEBUG
void StringList_append(StringList *stringList, const String string)
#else /* not NDEBUG */
void __StringList_append(const char *__fileName__, ulong __lineNb__, StringList *stringList, const String string)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
  #ifdef NDEBUG
  #else /* not NDEBUG */
  #endif /* NDEBUG */

#ifdef NDEBUG
void StringList_appendCString(StringList *stringList, const char *s)
#else /* not NDEBUG */
void __StringList_appendCString(const char *__fileName__, ulong __lineNb__, StringList *stringList, const char *s)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
  #ifdef NDEBUG
  #else /* not NDEBUG */
  #endif /* NDEBUG */

#ifdef NDEBUG
void StringList_appendChar(StringList *stringList, char ch)
#else /* not NDEBUG */
void __StringList_appendChar(const char *__fileName__, ulong __lineNb__, StringList *stringList, char ch)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
  #ifdef NDEBUG
  #else /* not NDEBUG */
  #endif /* NDEBUG */

#ifdef NDEBUG
void StringList_appendBuffer(StringList *stringList, char *buffer, ulong bufferLength)
#else /* not NDEBUG */
void __StringList_appendBuffer(const char *__fileName__, ulong __lineNb__, StringList *stringList, char *buffer, ulong bufferLength)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
  #ifdef NDEBUG
  #else /* not NDEBUG */
  #endif /* NDEBUG */

#ifdef NDEBUG
StringNode *StringList_remove(StringList *stringList, StringNode *stringNode)
#else /* not NDEBUG */
StringNode *__StringList_remove(const char *__fileName__, ulong __lineNb__, StringList *stringList, StringNode *stringNode)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
  StringNode *nextStringNode;

  assert(stringList != NULL);
  assert(stringNode != NULL);

  nextStringNode = (StringNode*)List_remove(stringList,stringNode);

  #ifdef NDEBUG
    stringNode = (StringNode*)LIST_DELETE_NODE(stringNode);
  #else /* not NDEBUG */
    stringNode = (StringNode*)__LIST_DELETE_NODE(__fileName__,__lineNb__,stringNode);
  #endif /* NDEBUG */

  return nextStringNode;

#ifdef NDEBUG
String StringList_getFirst(StringList *stringList, String string)
#else /* not NDEBUG */
String __StringList_getFirst(const char *fileName, ulong lineNb, StringList *stringList, String string)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
  StringNode *stringNode;

  assert(stringList != NULL);

  stringNode = (StringNode*)List_getFirst(stringList);
  if (stringNode != NULL)
    if (string != NULL)
      string = stringNode->string;
    #ifdef NDEBUG
    #else /* not NDEBUG */
    #endif /* NDEBUG */

    return string;
    if (string != NULL)

    return NULL;
コード例 #25
ファイル: drop_trigger.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
static void delete_trigger_ID_node(RCG_node *arg, int index)
	triggerID_node *id_node;
	ListElement    *cursor;

	id_node = (triggerID_node *)List_getFirst(arg->trigger_ID_list[index], &cursor);
	while (id_node != NULL)
		// Get the trigger ID node for this trigger
		// If it matches the trigger ID pointer of the rcg_node -- A match is found
		if (arg->triggerID_for_rcg_node[index] == id_node)
			// Delete the trigger ID node from the trigger ID list
			id_node = (triggerID_node *)List_deleteElement(arg->trigger_ID_list[index], &cursor);
			id_node = (triggerID_node *)List_getNext(&cursor);
	// The trigger ID node cannot be NULL

	// If there is a signature tree attached to trig_sig_tree_if_first_in_const_node, the predicate
	// index in which the trigger is installed might need to save some constant value present in the
	// syntax tree of this trigger.
	if (arg->triggerID_for_rcg_node[index]->trig_sig_tree_if_first_in_const_node)
		save_const_node_info (arg->triggerID_for_rcg_node[index]->trig_sig_tree_if_first_in_const_node);

	// Delete the contents of the trigger ID node
コード例 #26
ファイル: ft_pred.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
// This function populates the fields inside the ft_basic_pred pred from the free text basic predicate's
// syntax tree rooted at node.
static void form_basic_predicate (ft_basic_pred *pred, syntree **ptr_ft_syntree)
	ASSERT (pred);
	ASSERT (ptr_ft_syntree);
	ASSERT (*ptr_ft_syntree);

	// If the node is a word, insert it into the non negated word list of pred. 
	if ((*ptr_ft_syntree)->type == FT_WORD_TYPE)
		if (pred->non_negated_words == NULL)
			pred->non_negated_words = va_new ();
		va_append_element (pred->non_negated_words, *ptr_ft_syntree);
		// Detach the node from the syntax tree, so that the data is not freed when the syntax tree is 
		// deleted later.
		*ptr_ft_syntree = NULL;

	// If the node is a phrase, insert the words inside its word list into the non negated word list of pred. 
	// Also insert in every word a phrase_info node which will contain sequencing information of words in a phrase.
	// Later the non_negated_words array will be reordered according to the selectivity of the words. The new positions
	// of words will then be recorded in the phrase_info node, so the matching routine can use that information to 
	// do a phrase match.
	if ((*ptr_ft_syntree)->type == FT_PHRASE_TYPE)
		// initial position is 0.
		int pos_in_phrase;
		word_syntree *word_node;
		ft_phrase_info *phrase_info;
		ListElement *cursor;
		if (pred->non_negated_words == NULL)
			pred->non_negated_words = va_new ();

		if (pred->phrases_words_info == NULL)
			pred->phrases_words_info = List_new ();

		// This node will contain the information about this particular phrase.
		phrase_info = ft_phrase_info_new (((phrase_syntree *)(*ptr_ft_syntree))->num_words);		
		List_insertElement (pred->phrases_words_info, phrase_info);

		pos_in_phrase = 0;

		for (word_node = List_getFirst (((phrase_syntree *)(*ptr_ft_syntree))->word_list, &cursor); 
			 word_node = List_getNext (&cursor))
			// Change the position from UNDETERMINED to the position in phrase.
			word_node->pos_in_phrase = pos_in_phrase++;

			// Save the ptr to phrase info node for the phrase to which the word_node belongs. Later, the index of the word 
			// inside the non negated words array will be stored inside this phrase info node. We do not store the index
			// here as it is subject to change in case a reorder operation is performed on words for AND/ACCRUE type
			// basic predicates. This node will be used for phrase matching at a later stage.
			word_node->phrase_info = phrase_info;
			// Insert the word in the non negated word array.
			va_append_element (pred->non_negated_words, word_node);

		// Delete the backbone of the word list inside the phrase list, since the 
		// contents of this list have already been inserted inside the non negated word list.
		List_deleteBackbone (((phrase_syntree *)(*ptr_ft_syntree))->word_list);
		((phrase_syntree *)(*ptr_ft_syntree))->word_list = NULL;


	// If the node is a NOT node, insert its child into the negated query word list of pred.
	if ((*ptr_ft_syntree)->type == FT_NOT_TYPE)
		if (pred->negated_query_elements == NULL)
			pred->negated_query_elements = List_new ();
		List_insertElement (pred->negated_query_elements, (*ptr_ft_syntree)->left_tree);

		// Detach the left tree of the NOT node, so that it is not deleted.
		(*ptr_ft_syntree)->left_tree = NULL;

	// This code is only applicable to an operator node.
	ASSERT ((*ptr_ft_syntree)->type == FT_AND_TYPE || (*ptr_ft_syntree)->type == FT_OR_TYPE || 
														(*ptr_ft_syntree)->type == FT_ACCRUE_TYPE);

	form_basic_predicate (pred, &((*ptr_ft_syntree)->left_tree));
	form_basic_predicate (pred, &((*ptr_ft_syntree)->right_tree));
コード例 #27
ファイル: DriverMThread.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
   Mover dispatcher wakes up the movers whenever any data source gets updated.
DWORD WINAPI mover_dispatcher(LPVOID ptr)
    int                 task_count, i;
    int                 num_of_mover;
    int                 num_available_mover;
    int                 upd_datasrc_count = 0;
    const char         *updated_datasrc_list = "TM_updated_Datasrc_list";
    List               *upd_datasrc_list;
    ListElement        *cursor;
    update_queue_node  *upd_datasrc;
    const char		   *database_taskque_name = "Database_TaskQueue";
    taskqueue_type     *taskqueue;

    while (!g_fTerminate)
        // Get the handle to the global database token task queue that stores the unprocessed tokens
        // from database inserts/updates/deletes.
        taskqueue = tman_named_get(database_taskque_name);
        // Get the number of outstanding unprocessed tasks
        task_count = taskqueue->counter;

        // Get the number of active movers
        num_of_mover = num_mover;

        // Find if any data sources have been updated lately

        // Retrieve the list of updated data sources from shared memory.
        upd_datasrc_list = tman_named_get (updated_datasrc_list);

        // If there are any new updated data sources and there is available space in the global
        // task queue, wake up the movers.
        // A ceiling is imposed on the task queue to apply back pressure on the movers
        // to stop after the task queue is full. This will prevent the doers from lagging behind
        // and movers from moving too many tokens at the same time.
        if ((task_count < MAX_DATABASE_TASK_QUEUE_SIZE) && (!List_isEmpty(upd_datasrc_list)))
            // Database task queue is NOT FULL and new database tokens to process

            // Calculate the number of updated data sources
            upd_datasrc_count = 0;
            upd_datasrc = (update_queue_node *)List_getFirst(upd_datasrc_list, &cursor);
            while (upd_datasrc != NULL)
                upd_datasrc = (update_queue_node *)List_getNext(&cursor);

            // Calculate the number of available movers
            num_available_mover = MAXMOVER - num_of_mover;


            // If number of available movers > number of updated data sources,
            // wake up one mover per data source
            if (upd_datasrc_count < num_available_mover)
                for (i = 0; i < upd_datasrc_count; i++)
                    ReleaseSemaphore(wakeup_mover_by_mover_dispatcher_sem, 1, NULL);
            // If number of available movers < number of updated data sources,
            // wake up all the available movers
                for (i = 0; i < num_available_mover; i++)
                    ReleaseSemaphore(wakeup_mover_by_mover_dispatcher_sem, 1, NULL);
    // Release the movers.
    for (i = 0; i < MAXMOVER; i++)
        ReleaseSemaphore(wakeup_mover_by_mover_dispatcher_sem, 1, NULL);
    return 1;
コード例 #28
ファイル: ft_pred.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
static int search_phrase (ft_doc_index *doc_idx, phrase_syntree *phrase)
	ft_word_info	*words_info;
	ft_word_info	words_info_static[10] = {'\0'};
	int				words_pos_static[10] = {0};
	ListElement		*cursor;
	word_syntree	*word;
	int				i;
	ft_phrase_info	phrase_info;
	int				result = TMAN_FOUND;
	ASSERT (phrase);

	phrase_info.num_words = phrase->num_words;
	phrase_info.type = FT_PHRASE_INFO_TYPE;
	if (phrase->num_words > 10)
		words_info = (ft_word_info *)tman_malloc (phrase->num_words * sizeof(ft_word_info));
		memset (words_info, '\0', phrase->num_words * sizeof(ft_word_info));
		phrase_info.word_positions = (int *)tman_malloc (phrase->num_words * sizeof (int));
		memset (phrase_info.word_positions, 0, phrase->num_words * sizeof (int));
		words_info = words_info_static;
		phrase_info.word_positions = words_pos_static;
	// First search all the words in the phrase. If there is even one word that is not present in the document,
	// the search should fail.
	for (word = List_getFirst (phrase->word_list, &cursor), i = 0; word; word = List_getNext (&cursor), i++)
		// Word positions are the same as they appear in the word list in phrase node.
		phrase_info.word_positions[i] = i;
		if (search_word (doc_idx, word, &(words_info[i])) == TMAN_NOT_FOUND)
			result = TMAN_NOT_FOUND;

	if (result == TMAN_NOT_FOUND)
		goto cleanup;
		// If all the words are present in the document, search for their sequencing.
		if (phrase_pos_match (doc_idx, &phrase_info, words_info, phrase->num_words) == TMAN_NOMATCH)
			result = TMAN_NOT_FOUND;

	if (phrase->num_words > 10)
		tman_free (words_info);
		tman_free (phrase_info.word_positions);

	return (result);
コード例 #29
ファイル: ft_pred.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
static double match_score_accrue_basic_pred (ft_doc_index *doc_idx, ft_basic_pred *ft_pred)
	int num_non_negated_words = 0, status, i;
	double result;
	ft_word_info *non_negated_words_info = NULL;
	ft_word_info non_neg_words_info_static[10] = {'\0'};
	word_syntree *word;
	ft_phrase_info *phrase_info = NULL;
	ListElement *cursor;
	ASSERT (ft_pred);

	// First check for negated words, if any.
	if (ft_pred->negated_query_elements != NULL)
		status = search_negated_elements (doc_idx, ft_pred->negated_query_elements);
		// If even one negated element was found, bail out.
		if (status == TMAN_FOUND)
			result = 0.0;
			goto cleanup;

	num_non_negated_words = va_get_size (ft_pred->non_negated_words);
	if (num_non_negated_words <= 10)
		non_negated_words_info = non_neg_words_info_static;
		non_negated_words_info = (ft_word_info *) tman_malloc (num_non_negated_words * sizeof(ft_word_info));
		memset (non_negated_words_info, '\0', num_non_negated_words * sizeof(ft_word_info));

	for (i = 0; i < num_non_negated_words; i++)
		word = (word_syntree *)va_get_element (ft_pred->non_negated_words, i);
		search_word (doc_idx, word, &(non_negated_words_info[i]));

	// Do phrase matching.
	if (ft_pred->phrases_words_info)
		for (phrase_info = List_getFirst (ft_pred->phrases_words_info, &cursor); phrase_info;
			 phrase_info = List_getNext (&cursor))
			phrase_pos_match (doc_idx, phrase_info, non_negated_words_info, num_non_negated_words);

	// Score the basic predicate.
	result = calculate_score (non_negated_words_info, num_non_negated_words);

	if (num_non_negated_words > 10)
		tman_free (non_negated_words_info);
	return result;
コード例 #30
ファイル: drop_trigger.c プロジェクト: aevernon/triggerman
// Drop the trigger object and all the related ADTs	
int delTrigger(trigger *arg)
    DATUM        *after_clause_datasrc = NULL;
	char         *after_clause_datasrc_name = NULL;
	RCG          *temp_rcg;
	RCG_node     *rcg_node;
	ListElement  *cursor;	
    // create trigger ADT cannot be null

	// Get the name of the datasrc in the after clause if there is one.
	if (arg->after_clause == NULL)
		after_clause_datasrc = NULL;
		get_after_clause_datasrc(arg->after_clause, &after_clause_datasrc);
		after_clause_datasrc_name = get_chars(after_clause_datasrc);
	// Extract the RCG pointer
	temp_rcg = (RCG *)arg->rule_condition_graph;

	// The RCG graph cannot be NULL

	// Delete the trigger ID nodes of this trigger for all the data sources
	rcg_node = (RCG_node *)List_getFirst(temp_rcg->nodes, &cursor);

    while (rcg_node != NULL)
		// If the after clause is specified, then check whether the tuple variable name of this RCG node matches the 
		// tuple variable name specified in the after clause. If they match, then this rcg node has a corresponding
		// trigger id node, otherwise it does not have one.
		if (after_clause_datasrc != NULL)
			if (strcmp(rcg_node->tuple_variable_name, after_clause_datasrc_name) != 0)
				// The rcg node's tuple variable name does not match with the after clause.
				// So it does not have a trigger ID node entry in the SPI, so skip this rcg node.
				rcg_node = (RCG_node *)List_getNext(&cursor);

		// Find the trigger ID nodes for this rcg node and delete them
		delete_trigger_ID_node(rcg_node, DEFAULT_INDEX);
		// If the trigger ID list is empty, then delete the constant.
		if (List_isEmpty(rcg_node->trigger_ID_list[DEFAULT_INDEX]))
			// Delete the trigger ID list for this constant set

			// Remove the constant node from the expression list
			remove_constant_node_from_sig(rcg_node, DEFAULT_INDEX);			
		// Check whether the constant set for the expression signature is empty.
		// If yes, then delete the expression signature	.
		del_expr_sig_when_const_set_is_empty(rcg_node, DEFAULT_INDEX);
		/*	If the rcg node is for an INSERT/UPDATE trigger, then we have to delete all
			the data structures from the UPDATE branch.. */
		if( rcg_node->opcode == TM_INSERT_UPDATE )
			delete_trigger_ID_node(rcg_node, INS_UPD_INDEX);
			if (List_isEmpty(rcg_node->trigger_ID_list[INS_UPD_INDEX]))
				// Delete the trigger ID list for this constant set
				// Remove the constant node from the expression list
				remove_constant_node_from_sig(rcg_node, INS_UPD_INDEX);			
			// Check whether the constant set for the expression signature is empty.
			// If yes, then delete the expression signature	.
			del_expr_sig_when_const_set_is_empty(rcg_node, INS_UPD_INDEX);

		rcg_node = (RCG_node *)List_getNext(&cursor);
	// Delete the Gator network for this trigger

	// Delete the RCG network for this trigger

	// Delete the create trigger data structure for this trigger
	// This deletes the actual syntax trees when the trigger was first created

	return TMAN_OK;
