コード例 #1
ファイル: hidpi.cpp プロジェクト: ryoon/poedit
wxBitmap LoadScaledBitmap(const wxString& name)
    const wxString filename(name + ".png");
    if (!wxFileExists(filename))
        return wxNullBitmap;

    if (HiDPIScalingFactor() > 1.0)
        wxImage img;
        double imgScale = HiDPIScalingFactor();
        const wxString filename_2x(name + "@2x.png");
        if (wxFileExists(filename_2x))
            LoadPNGImage(img, filename_2x);
            if (HiDPIScalingFactor() == 2.0)
                return wxBitmap(img);
                imgScale /= 2.0;
            LoadPNGImage(img, filename);

        img.Rescale(img.GetWidth() * imgScale, img.GetHeight() * imgScale,
                    imgScale == 2.0 ? wxIMAGE_QUALITY_NEAREST : wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BICUBIC);
        return wxBitmap(img);
    // else: load normally

    return wxBitmap(wxImage(filename, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG));
コード例 #2
ファイル: image_formats.c プロジェクト: mcr/vtwm
static int
LoadImage(char *path, Image * img, Pixel color)
  char *extn;

  extn = strrchr(path, '.');

  if (strcasecmp(extn, ".xpm") == 0)
    LoadXPMImage(path, img, color);
#endif /* NO_XPM_SUPPORT */

  if (strcasecmp(extn, ".png") == 0)
    LoadPNGImage(path, img);
#endif /* NO_PNG_SUPPORT */

  if (img->type != IMAGE_TYPE_NONE)
    return (TRUE);
  return (FALSE);
コード例 #3
ファイル: FindToolTrans.c プロジェクト: HTshandou/winspy
HBITMAP MakeDockPanelBitmap(RECT *rect)
	int width  = GetRectWidth(rect);
	int height = GetRectHeight(rect);
	DWORD *pdwBox;

	static HBITMAP hbmBox, hbm;
	HDC		hdcBox, hdcDIB, hdcSrc;
	HANDLE	hOldBox, hOldDIB;

	RECT *sprite = 0;
	POINT pos = { 0 };

	// 32bpp bitmap
	BITMAPINFOHEADER bih = { sizeof(bih) };
	bih.biWidth			= width;
	bih.biHeight		= height;
	bih.biPlanes		= 1;
	bih.biBitCount		= 32;
	bih.biCompression	= BI_RGB;
	bih.biSizeImage		= 0;

    hdcSrc = GetDC(0);

	if(hbmBox == 0)
		hbmBox	= LoadPNGImage(IDB_SELBOX, (void **)&pdwBox);

	hdcBox	= CreateCompatibleDC(hdcSrc);
	hOldBox	= SelectObject(hdcBox, hbmBox);

	hbm		= CreateDIBSection(hdcSrc, (BITMAPINFO *)&bih, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)&pdwBox, 0, 0);
	hdcDIB	= CreateCompatibleDC(hdcSrc);
	hOldDIB	= SelectObject(hdcDIB, hbm);

    if(1)//type & DOCKRECT_TYPE_THICK)
	    // corners
	    BitBlt(hdcDIB, 0, 0, 32, 32, hdcBox, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
	    BitBlt(hdcDIB, width - 32, 0, 32, 32, hdcBox, 32, 0, SRCCOPY);
	    BitBlt(hdcDIB, 0, height-32, 32, 32, hdcBox, 0, 32, SRCCOPY);
	    BitBlt(hdcDIB, width-32, height-32, 32, 32, hdcBox, 32, 32, SRCCOPY);

	    // sides
	    StretchBlt(hdcDIB, 0, 32, 32, height-64, hdcBox, 0,32,32,1,SRCCOPY);
	    StretchBlt(hdcDIB, width-32, 32, 32, height-64, hdcBox, 32,32,32,1,SRCCOPY);
	    StretchBlt(hdcDIB, 32, 0, width-64, 32, hdcBox, 32,0,1,32,SRCCOPY);
	    StretchBlt(hdcDIB, 32, height-32, width-64, 32, hdcBox, 32,32,1,32,SRCCOPY);

        //if(type & DOCKRECT_TYPE_SHADED)
        	// middle
	        StretchBlt(hdcDIB, 32, 32, width-64, height-64, hdcBox, 32,32,1,1,SRCCOPY);
    /*else if(type & DOCKRECT_TYPE_SHADED)
        StretchBlt(hdcDIB, 0, 0, width, height, hdcBox, 32,32,1,1,SRCCOPY);

	SelectObject(hdcDIB,	hOldDIB);
	SelectObject(hdcBox,	hOldBox);


	ReleaseDC(0, hdcSrc);
	return hbm;
コード例 #4
ファイル: hidpi.cpp プロジェクト: LocutusOfBorg/poedit
wxImage LoadScaledBitmap(const wxString& name)
    const wxString filename(name + ".png");
    if (!wxFileExists(filename))
        return wxNullImage;

    wxImage img;

    // On Windows, arbitrary scaling factors are possible and "ugly" values like 125%
    // or 150% scaling are not only possible, but common. It is unrealistic to provide
    // custom-drawn bitmaps for all of them, so we make do with a basic set of 100%/@1x,
    // 200%/@2x (used on macOS too) and one more for 150%/@1.5x for Windows use.
    // To eliminate smudged scaling artifacts, we use these fixed sizes even for zoom
    // factors in-between (such as the very common 125% or less common 175%). This looks
    // better and the size difference is negligible.
    auto const screenScaling = HiDPIScalingFactor();
    if (screenScaling > 1.25)
        if (screenScaling <= 1.75)  // @1.5x is reasonable 
            const wxString filename_15x(name + "@1.5x.png");
            if (wxFileExists(filename_15x))
                LoadPNGImage(img, filename_15x);
                if (img.IsOk())
                    return img;

        double imgScale = screenScaling;
        const wxString filename_2x(name + "@2x.png");
        if (wxFileExists(filename_2x))
            LoadPNGImage(img, filename_2x);
            if (screenScaling > 1.75 && screenScaling <= 2.50)  // @2x is reasonable
                return img;
                imgScale /= 2.0;
        else  // fall back to upscaled @1x
            LoadPNGImage(img, filename);

        if (!img.IsOk())
            return wxNullImage;

        wxImageResizeQuality quality;
        if (imgScale == 2.0)
            quality = wxIMAGE_QUALITY_NEAREST;
        else if (imgScale == 1.5)
            quality = wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BILINEAR;
            quality = wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BICUBIC;
        img.Rescale(img.GetWidth() * imgScale, img.GetHeight() * imgScale, quality);
        return img;
    // else if screenScaling <= 1.25: @1x size is good enough, load normally

    LoadPNGImage(img, filename);
    return img;
コード例 #5
ファイル: image.c プロジェクト: Miteam/jwm
/** Load an image from the specified file. */
ImageNode *LoadImage(const char *fileName, int width, int height,
                     char preserveAspect)
   unsigned nameLength;
   ImageNode *result = NULL;
   if(!fileName) {
      return result;

   nameLength = strlen(fileName);
   if(JUNLIKELY(nameLength == 0)) {
      return result;

   /* Attempt to load the file as a PNG image. */
#ifdef USE_PNG
   if(nameLength >= 4
      && !StrCmpNoCase(&fileName[nameLength - 4], ".png")) {
      result = LoadPNGImage(fileName);
      if(result) {
         return result;

   /* Attempt to load the file as a JPEG image. */
#ifdef USE_JPEG
   if(   (nameLength >= 4
            && !StrCmpNoCase(&fileName[nameLength - 4], ".jpg"))
      || (nameLength >= 5
            && !StrCmpNoCase(&fileName[nameLength - 5], ".jpeg"))) {
      result = LoadJPEGImage(fileName, width, height);
      if(result) {
         return result;

   /* Attempt to load the file as an SVG image. */
#if defined USE_RSVG || defined USE_NANOSVG 
   if(nameLength >= 4
      && !StrCmpNoCase(&fileName[nameLength - 4], ".svg")) {
      result = LoadSVGImage(fileName, width, height, preserveAspect);
      if(result) {
         return result;

   /* Attempt to load the file as an XPM image. */
#ifdef USE_XPM
   if(nameLength >= 4
      && !StrCmpNoCase(&fileName[nameLength - 4], ".xpm")) {
      result = LoadXPMImage(fileName);
      if(result) {
         return result;

   /* Attempt to load the file as an XBM image. */
#ifdef USE_XBM
   if(nameLength >= 4
      && !StrCmpNoCase(&fileName[nameLength - 4], ".xbm")) {
      result = LoadXBMImage(fileName);
      if(result) {
         return result;

   /* Attempt to load a PNG, JPEG, GIf, TGA, BMP, PNM, PSD or PIC image. */
   result = LoadstbImage(fileName);

   return result;

コード例 #6
ファイル: DockTransPanel.c プロジェクト: 4aiman/HexEdit
HBITMAP MakeDockPanelBitmap(RECT *rect, DWORD side, DWORD type)
	int width  = RectWidth(rect);
	int height = RectHeight(rect);
	int i;
	DWORD *pdwBox, *pdwArrow;

	HBITMAP hbmBox, hbmArrow, hbm;
	HDC		hdcBox, hdcArrow, hdcDIB, hdcSrc;
	HANDLE	hOldBox, hOldArrow, hOldDIB;

	RECT *sprite = 0;
	POINT pos = { 0 };

	int swidth, sheight;
	int sidx = type & DOCKRECT_TYPE_SHADED;
	// 32bpp bitmap
	BITMAPINFOHEADER bih = { sizeof(bih) };
	bih.biWidth			= width;
	bih.biHeight		= height;
	bih.biPlanes		= 1;
	bih.biBitCount		= 32;
	bih.biCompression	= BI_RGB;
	bih.biSizeImage		= 0;

    hdcSrc = GetDC(0);

	hbmBox	= LoadPNGImage(IDB_SELBOX, (void **)&pdwBox);
	hdcBox	= CreateCompatibleDC(hdcSrc);
	hOldBox	= SelectObject(hdcBox, hbmBox);

	hbm		= CreateDIBSection(hdcSrc, (BITMAPINFO *)&bih, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)&pdwBox, 0, 0);
	hdcDIB	= CreateCompatibleDC(hdcSrc);
	hOldDIB	= SelectObject(hdcDIB, hbm);

    if(type & DOCKRECT_TYPE_THICK)
	    // corners
	    BitBlt(hdcDIB, 0, 0, 32, 32, hdcBox, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
	    BitBlt(hdcDIB, width - 32, 0, 32, 32, hdcBox, 32, 0, SRCCOPY);
	    BitBlt(hdcDIB, 0, height-32, 32, 32, hdcBox, 0, 32, SRCCOPY);
	    BitBlt(hdcDIB, width-32, height-32, 32, 32, hdcBox, 32, 32, SRCCOPY);

	    // sides
	    StretchBlt(hdcDIB, 0, 32, 32, height-64, hdcBox, 0,32,32,1,SRCCOPY);
	    StretchBlt(hdcDIB, width-32, 32, 32, height-64, hdcBox, 32,32,32,1,SRCCOPY);
	    StretchBlt(hdcDIB, 32, 0, width-64, 32, hdcBox, 32,0,1,32,SRCCOPY);
	    StretchBlt(hdcDIB, 32, height-32, width-64, 32, hdcBox, 32,32,1,32,SRCCOPY);

        if(type & DOCKRECT_TYPE_SHADED)
        	// middle
	        StretchBlt(hdcDIB, 32, 32, width-64, height-64, hdcBox, 32,32,1,1,SRCCOPY);
    else if(type & DOCKRECT_TYPE_SHADED)
        StretchBlt(hdcDIB, 0, 0, width, height, hdcBox, 32,32,1,1,SRCCOPY);

    if(side && (RectWidth(rect) < 64 || RectHeight(rect) < 64))
        side = 0;

	hbmArrow = LoadPNGImage(IDB_SELARROW, (void **)&pdwArrow);
	hdcArrow	 = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcSrc);
	hOldArrow = SelectObject(hdcArrow, hbmArrow);

	// loop over the 
    for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)

	switch(side & mask[i])
		sprite = &spritemap[sidx][2];
		pos.x  = 0;
		pos.y  = height/2 - RectHeight(sprite)/2;
		//StretchBlt(hdcDIB, 0, 100, 32, 45, hdcMem2, 257,80,32,45,SRCCOPY);

		sprite = &spritemap[sidx][3];
		pos.x  = width- RectWidth(sprite);
		pos.y  = height/2 - RectHeight(sprite)/2;
		//StretchBlt(hdcDIB, 0, 100, 32, 45, hdcMem2, 257,80,32,45,SRCCOPY);

		sprite = &spritemap[sidx][1];
		pos.x = width/2 - RectWidth(sprite)/2;
		pos.y = 0;
		//StretchBlt(hdcDIB, 0, 100, 32, 45, hdcMem2, 257,80,32,45,SRCCOPY);

	//case 0: 
		sprite = &spritemap[sidx][0];
		pos.x = width/2 - RectWidth(sprite)/2;
		pos.y = height-RectHeight(sprite);

	case 0x1000000:
		sprite = &spritemap[sidx][4];
		pos.x = 16;
		pos.y = height - RectHeight(sprite);


	swidth = RectWidth(sprite);
	sheight = RectHeight(sprite);

	/*if((type & DOCKRECT_TYPE_SHADED) == 0)
		swidth = 56;
		sheight = 56;

	StretchBlt(hdcDIB, pos.x, pos.y, swidth, sheight, hdcArrow, 
        sprite->top,// - ((type & DOCKRECT_TYPE_SHADED) == 0 ? 80 : 0),
        swidth,// + ((type & DOCKRECT_TYPE_SHADED) == 0 ? 30 : 0),
        sheight,//+ ((type & DOCKRECT_TYPE_SHADED) == 0 ? 30 : 0),

	SelectObject(hdcDIB,	hOldDIB);
	SelectObject(hdcBox,	hOldBox);
	SelectObject(hdcArrow,	hOldArrow);


	ReleaseDC(0, hdcSrc);
	return hbm;