コード例 #1
struct FStreamable* FStreamableManager::StreamInternal(FStringAssetReference const& InTargetName)
	UE_LOG(LogStreamableManager, Verbose, TEXT("Asynchronous load %s"), *InTargetName.AssetLongPathname);

	if (FPackageName::IsShortPackageName(InTargetName.AssetLongPathname))
		UE_LOG(LogStreamableManager, Error, TEXT("     Can't load invalid package name %s"), *InTargetName.AssetLongPathname);
		return NULL;

	FStringAssetReference TargetName = ResolveRedirects(InTargetName);
	FStreamable* Existing = StreamableItems.FindRef(TargetName);
	if (Existing)
		if (Existing->bAsyncUnloadRequestOutstanding)
			// It's valid to have a live pointer if an async loaded object was hard referenced later
			check(!Existing->bAsyncLoadRequestOutstanding); // we should not be both loading and unloading
			UE_LOG(LogStreamableManager, Verbose, TEXT("     Aborted unload for %s"), *TargetName.AssetLongPathname);
			Existing->bAsyncUnloadRequestOutstanding = false;
			check(Existing->Target || Existing->bLoadFailed); // should not be an unload request unless the target is valid
			return Existing;
		if (Existing->bAsyncLoadRequestOutstanding)
			UE_LOG(LogStreamableManager, Verbose, TEXT("     Already in progress %s"), *TargetName.AssetLongPathname);
			check(!Existing->bAsyncUnloadRequestOutstanding); // we should not be both loading and unloading
			check(!Existing->Target); // should not be an load request unless the target is invalid
			return Existing; // already have one in process
		if (Existing->Target)
			UE_LOG(LogStreamableManager, Verbose, TEXT("     Already Loaded %s"), *TargetName.AssetLongPathname);
			return Existing; 
		Existing = StreamableItems.Add(TargetName, new FStreamable());

	FindInMemory(TargetName, Existing);

	if (!Existing->Target)
		FString Package = TargetName.AssetLongPathname;
		int32 FirstDot = Package.Find(TEXT("."));
		if (FirstDot != INDEX_NONE)
			Package = Package.Left(FirstDot);

		Existing->bAsyncLoadRequestOutstanding = true;
			FLoadPackageAsyncDelegate::CreateStatic(&AsyncLoadCallbackWrapper, new FCallback(TargetName, this))
	return Existing;
コード例 #2
void USoundNodeModPlayer::LoadAsset()
	if (IsAsyncLoading())
		SoundMod = SoundModAssetPtr.Get();
		if (SoundMod == nullptr)
			LoadPackageAsync(SoundModAssetPtr.GetLongPackageName(), FLoadPackageAsyncDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &USoundNodeModPlayer::OnSoundModLoaded));
		SoundMod = SoundModAssetPtr.LoadSynchronous();
コード例 #3
void FWorldTileModel::LoadLevel()
	// Level is currently loading or has been loaded already
	if (bLoadingLevel || LoadedLevel.IsValid())

	// stream in this level
	bLoadingLevel = true;
	ULevel::StreamedLevelsOwningWorld.Add(TileDetails->PackageName, LevelCollectionModel.GetWorld());
		FLoadPackageAsyncDelegate::CreateSP(this, &FWorldTileModel::AsyncLevelLoadComplete) 
コード例 #4
void USoundNodeWavePlayer::LoadAsset()
	if (IsAsyncLoading())
		SoundWave = SoundWaveAssetPtr.Get();
		if (SoundWave == nullptr)
			const FString LongPackageName = SoundWaveAssetPtr.GetLongPackageName();
			if (!LongPackageName.IsEmpty())
				LoadPackageAsync(LongPackageName, FLoadPackageAsyncDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &USoundNodeWavePlayer::OnSoundWaveLoaded));
		SoundWave = SoundWaveAssetPtr.LoadSynchronous();
コード例 #5
ファイル: LevelStreaming.cpp プロジェクト: ErwinT6/T6Engine
bool ULevelStreaming::RequestLevel(UWorld* PersistentWorld, bool bAllowLevelLoadRequests, bool bBlockOnLoad)
	// Quit early in case load request already issued
	if (bHasLoadRequestPending)
		return true;

	// Previous attempts have failed, no reason to try again
	if (bFailedToLoad)
		return false;
	FScopeCycleCounterUObject Context(PersistentWorld);
	// Package name we want to load
	FName DesiredPackageName = PersistentWorld->IsGameWorld() ? GetLODPackageName() : GetWorldAssetPackageFName();
	FName DesiredPackageNameToLoad = PersistentWorld->IsGameWorld() ? GetLODPackageNameToLoad() : PackageNameToLoad;

	// Check if currently loaded level is what we want right now
	if (LoadedLevel != NULL && 
		LoadedLevel->GetOutermost()->GetFName() == DesiredPackageName)
		return true;

	// Can not load new level now, there is still level pending unload
	if (PendingUnloadLevel != NULL)
		return false;
	// Try to find the [to be] loaded package.
	UPackage* LevelPackage = (UPackage*) StaticFindObjectFast(UPackage::StaticClass(), NULL, DesiredPackageName, 0, 0, RF_PendingKill);

	// Package is already or still loaded.
	if (LevelPackage)
		// Find world object and use its PersistentLevel pointer.
		UWorld* World = UWorld::FindWorldInPackage(LevelPackage);

		// Check for a redirector. Follow it, if found.
		if ( !World )
			World = UWorld::FollowWorldRedirectorInPackage(LevelPackage);
			if ( World )
				LevelPackage = World->GetOutermost();

		if (World != NULL)
			if (World->PersistentLevel == NULL)
				UE_LOG(LogLevelStreaming, Log, TEXT("World exists but PersistentLevel doesn't for %s, most likely caused by reference to world of unloaded level and GC setting reference to NULL while keeping world object"), *World->GetOutermost()->GetName());
				// print out some debug information...
				StaticExec(World, *FString::Printf(TEXT("OBJ REFS CLASS=WORLD NAME=%s shortest"), *World->GetPathName()));
				TMap<UObject*,UProperty*> Route = FArchiveTraceRoute::FindShortestRootPath( World, true, GARBAGE_COLLECTION_KEEPFLAGS );
				FString ErrorString = FArchiveTraceRoute::PrintRootPath( Route, World );
				UE_LOG(LogLevelStreaming, Log, TEXT("%s"), *ErrorString);
				// before asserting
				checkf(World->PersistentLevel,TEXT("Most likely caused by reference to world of unloaded level and GC setting reference to NULL while keeping world object"));
				return false;
			if (World->PersistentLevel != LoadedLevel)
				// Broadcast level loaded event to blueprints
			return true;

	EPackageFlags PackageFlags = PKG_None;
	int32 PIEInstanceID = INDEX_NONE;

	// copy streaming level on demand if we are in PIE
	// (the world is already loaded for the editor, just find it and copy it)
	if ( PersistentWorld->IsPlayInEditor() )
		if (PersistentWorld->GetOutermost()->HasAnyPackageFlags(PKG_PlayInEditor))
			PackageFlags |= PKG_PlayInEditor;
		PIEInstanceID = PersistentWorld->GetOutermost()->PIEInstanceID;
		const FString NonPrefixedLevelName = UWorld::StripPIEPrefixFromPackageName(DesiredPackageName.ToString(), PersistentWorld->StreamingLevelsPrefix);
		UPackage* EditorLevelPackage = FindObjectFast<UPackage>(nullptr, FName(*NonPrefixedLevelName));
		bool bShouldDuplicate = EditorLevelPackage && (bBlockOnLoad || EditorLevelPackage->IsDirty() || !GEngine->PreferToStreamLevelsInPIE());
		if (bShouldDuplicate)
			// Do the duplication
			UWorld* PIELevelWorld = UWorld::DuplicateWorldForPIE(NonPrefixedLevelName, PersistentWorld);
			if (PIELevelWorld)
				PIELevelWorld->PersistentLevel->bAlreadyMovedActors = true; // As we have duplicated the world, the actors will already have been transformed
				check(PendingUnloadLevel == NULL);

				// Broadcast level loaded event to blueprints

				return true;
			else if (PersistentWorld->WorldComposition == NULL) // In world composition streaming levels are not loaded by default
				if ( bAllowLevelLoadRequests )
					UE_LOG(LogLevelStreaming, Log, TEXT("World to duplicate for PIE '%s' not found. Attempting load."), *NonPrefixedLevelName);
					UE_LOG(LogLevelStreaming, Warning, TEXT("Unable to duplicate PIE World: '%s'"), *NonPrefixedLevelName);

	// Async load package if world object couldn't be found and we are allowed to request a load.
	if (bAllowLevelLoadRequests)
		FString PackageNameToLoadFrom = DesiredPackageName.ToString();
		if (DesiredPackageNameToLoad != NAME_None)
			PackageNameToLoadFrom = DesiredPackageNameToLoad.ToString();

		if (GUseSeekFreeLoading)
			// Only load localized package if it exists as async package loading doesn't handle errors gracefully.
			FString LocalizedPackageName = PackageNameToLoadFrom + LOCALIZED_SEEKFREE_SUFFIX;
			FString LocalizedFileName;
			if (FPackageName::DoesPackageExist(LocalizedPackageName, NULL, &LocalizedFileName))
				// Load localized part of level first in case it exists. We don't need to worry about GC or completion 
				// callback as we always kick off another async IO for the level below.
				LoadPackageAsync(*(GetWorldAssetPackageName() + LOCALIZED_SEEKFREE_SUFFIX), nullptr, *LocalizedPackageName, FLoadPackageAsyncDelegate(), PackageFlags, PIEInstanceID);

		if (FPackageName::DoesPackageExist(PackageNameToLoadFrom, NULL, NULL))
			bHasLoadRequestPending = true;
			ULevel::StreamedLevelsOwningWorld.Add(DesiredPackageName, PersistentWorld);
			UWorld::WorldTypePreLoadMap.FindOrAdd(DesiredPackageName) = PersistentWorld->WorldType;

			// Kick off async load request.
			STAT_ADD_CUSTOMMESSAGE_NAME( STAT_NamedMarker, *(FString( TEXT( "RequestLevel - " ) + DesiredPackageName.ToString() )) );
			LoadPackageAsync(DesiredPackageName.ToString(), nullptr, *PackageNameToLoadFrom, FLoadPackageAsyncDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &ULevelStreaming::AsyncLevelLoadComplete), PackageFlags, PIEInstanceID);

			// streamingServer: server loads everything?
			// Editor immediately blocks on load and we also block if background level streaming is disabled.
			if (bBlockOnLoad || ShouldBeAlwaysLoaded())
				// Finish all async loading.
			UE_LOG(LogStreaming, Error,TEXT("Couldn't find file for package %s."), *PackageNameToLoadFrom);
			bFailedToLoad = true;
			return false;

	return true;