bool Font::BeginLoad(Deserializer& source) { // In headless mode, do not actually load, just return success Graphics* graphics = GetSubsystem<Graphics>(); if (!graphics) return true; fontType_ = FONT_NONE; faces_.Clear(); fontDataSize_ = source.GetSize(); if (fontDataSize_) { fontData_ = new unsigned char[fontDataSize_]; if (source.Read(&fontData_[0], fontDataSize_) != fontDataSize_) return false; } else { fontData_.Reset(); return false; } String ext = GetExtension(GetName()); if (ext == ".ttf" || ext == ".otf" || ext == ".woff") { fontType_ = FONT_FREETYPE; LoadParameters(); } else if (ext == ".xml" || ext == ".fnt" || ext == ".sdf") fontType_ = FONT_BITMAP; sdfFont_ = ext == ".sdf"; SetMemoryUse(fontDataSize_); return true; }
/** * \brief Initialize the Shooter object. * * Create member objects, initialize default values, read parameters from the param file. * * \param parameters shooter parameter file path and name. * \param logging_enabled true if logging is enabled. */ void Shooter::Initialize(char * parameters, bool logging_enabled) { // Initialize public member variables encoder_enabled_ = false; shooter_enabled_ = false; pitch_enabled_ = false; // Initialize private member objects shooter_controller_ = NULL; pitch_controller_ = NULL; encoder_ = NULL; timer_ = NULL; log_ = NULL; parameters_ = NULL; // Initialize private parameters invert_multiplier_ = 0.0; shooter_normal_speed_ratio_ = 1.0; pitch_normal_speed_ratio_ = 1.0; pitch_turbo_speed_ratio_ = 1.0; auto_far_speed_ratio_ = 1.0; auto_medium_speed_ratio_ = 1.0; auto_near_speed_ratio_ = 1.0; auto_medium_encoder_threshold_ = 50; auto_far_encoder_threshold_ = 100; auto_medium_time_threshold_ = 0.5; auto_far_time_threshold_ = 1.0; encoder_threshold_ = 10; pitch_up_direction_ = 1.0; pitch_down_direction_ = -1.0; shoot_forward_direction_ = 1.0; shoot_backward_direction_ = -1.0; time_threshold_ = 0.1; encoder_max_limit_ = -1; encoder_min_limit_ = -1; shooter_min_power_speed_ = 0.4; shooter_power_adjustment_ratio_ = 0.006; angle_linear_fit_gradient_ = 1.0; angle_linear_fit_constant_ = 0.0; fulcrum_clear_encoder_count_ = 0; // Initialize private member variables encoder_count_ = 0; log_enabled_ = false; robot_state_ = kDisabled; ignore_encoder_limits_ = false; // Create a new data log object log_ = new DataLog("shooter.log"); // Enable logging if specified if (log_ != NULL && log_->file_opened_) { log_enabled_ = logging_enabled; } else { log_enabled_ = false; } // Create a timer object timer_ = new Timer(); // Attempt to read the parameters file strncpy(parameters_file_, parameters, sizeof(parameters_file_)); LoadParameters(); }
/*! This is main function. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AK8963PRMS prms; int retValue = 0; AKMD_PATNO pat; int16 outbit; /* Show the version info of this software. */ Disp_StartMessage(); #if ENABLE_AKMDEBUG /* Register signal handler */ signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); #endif #if ENABLE_FORMATION RegisterFormClass(&s_formClass); #endif /* Open device driver. */ if (AKD_InitDevice() != AKD_SUCCESS) { retValue = ERROR_INITDEVICE; goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; } /* Parse command-line options */ if (OptParse(argc, argv, &pat, &outbit) == 0) { retValue = ERROR_OPTPARSE; goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; } /* Initialize parameters structure. */ InitAK8963PRMS(&prms); /* Put argument to PRMS. */ prms.m_layout = pat; prms.m_outbit = outbit; /* Read Fuse ROM */ if (ReadAK8963FUSEROM(&prms) != AKRET_PROC_SUCCEED) { retValue = ERROR_FUSEROM; goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; } /* Here is the Main Loop */ if (g_opmode) { /*** Console Mode *********************************************/ while (AKD_TRUE) { /* Select operation */ switch (Menu_Main()) { case MODE_FctShipmntTestBody: FctShipmntTest_Body(&prms); break; case MODE_MeasureSNG: /* Read Parameters from file. */ if (LoadParameters(&prms) == 0) { SetDefaultPRMS(&prms); } /* Reset flag */ g_stopRequest = 0; /* Measurement routine */ MeasureSNGLoop(&prms); /* Write Parameters to file. */ SaveParameters(&prms); break; case MODE_Quit: goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; break; default: AKMDEBUG(DBG_LEVEL0, "Unknown operation mode.\n"); break; } } } else { /*** Daemon Mode *********************************************/ while (g_mainQuit == AKD_FALSE) { int st = 0; /* Wait until device driver is opened. */ if (AKD_GetOpenStatus(&st) != AKD_SUCCESS) { retValue = ERROR_GETOPEN_STAT; goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; } if (st == 0) { ALOGI("Suspended."); } else { ALOGI("Compass Opened."); /* Read Parameters from file. */ if (LoadParameters(&prms) == 0) { SetDefaultPRMS(&prms); } /* Reset flag */ g_stopRequest = 0; /* Start measurement thread. */ if (startClone(&prms) == 0) { retValue = ERROR_STARTCLONE; goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; } /* Wait until device driver is closed. */ if (AKD_GetCloseStatus(&st) != AKD_SUCCESS) { retValue = ERROR_GETCLOSE_STAT; g_mainQuit = AKD_TRUE; } /* Wait thread completion. */ g_stopRequest = 1; pthread_join(s_thread, NULL); ALOGI("Compass Closed."); /* Write Parameters to file. */ SaveParameters(&prms); } } } THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION: /* Close device driver. */ AKD_DeinitDevice(); /* Show the last message. */ Disp_EndMessage(retValue); return retValue; }
bool Texture3D::Load(Deserializer& source) { PROFILE(LoadTexture3D); // In headless mode, do not actually load the texture, just return success if (!graphics_) return true; // If device is lost, retry later if (graphics_->IsDeviceLost()) { LOGWARNING("Texture load while device is lost"); dataPending_ = true; return true; } // If over the texture budget, see if materials can be freed to allow textures to be freed CheckTextureBudget(GetTypeStatic()); // Before actually loading the texture, get optional parameters from an XML description file LoadParameters(); String texPath, texName, texExt; SplitPath(GetName(), texPath, texName, texExt); SharedPtr<XMLFile> xml(new XMLFile(context_)); if (!xml->Load(source)) return false; XMLElement textureElem = xml->GetRoot(); XMLElement volumeElem = textureElem.GetChild("volume"); XMLElement colorlutElem = textureElem.GetChild("colorlut"); if (volumeElem) { String name = volumeElem.GetAttribute("name"); String volumeTexPath, volumeTexName, volumeTexExt; SplitPath(name, volumeTexPath, volumeTexName, volumeTexExt); // If path is empty, add the XML file path if (volumeTexPath.Empty()) name = texPath + name; SharedPtr<Image> image(GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>()->GetResource<Image>(name)); return Load(image); } else if (colorlutElem) { String name = colorlutElem.GetAttribute("name"); String colorlutTexPath, colorlutTexName, colorlutTexExt; SplitPath(name, colorlutTexPath, colorlutTexName, colorlutTexExt); // If path is empty, add the XML file path if (colorlutTexPath.Empty()) name = texPath + name; SharedPtr<File> file = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>()->GetFile(name); SharedPtr<Image> image(new Image(context_)); if (!image->LoadColorLUT(*(file.Get()))) return false; return Load(image); } return false; }
void GibbsTrackingFilter< ItkQBallImageType >::GenerateData() { TimeProbe preClock; preClock.Start(); // check if input is qball or tensor image and generate qball if necessary if (m_QBallImage.IsNull() && m_TensorImage.IsNotNull()) { TensorImageToQBallImageFilter<float,float>::Pointer filter = TensorImageToQBallImageFilter<float,float>::New(); filter->SetInput( m_TensorImage ); filter->Update(); m_QBallImage = filter->GetOutput(); } else if (m_DuplicateImage) // generate local working copy of QBall image (if not disabled) { typedef itk::ImageDuplicator< ItkQBallImageType > DuplicateFilterType; typename DuplicateFilterType::Pointer duplicator = DuplicateFilterType::New(); duplicator->SetInputImage( m_QBallImage ); duplicator->Update(); m_QBallImage = duplicator->GetOutput(); } // perform mean subtraction on odfs typedef ImageRegionIterator< ItkQBallImageType > InputIteratorType; InputIteratorType it(m_QBallImage, m_QBallImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion() ); it.GoToBegin(); while (!it.IsAtEnd()) { itk::OrientationDistributionFunction<float, QBALL_ODFSIZE> odf(it.Get().GetDataPointer()); float mean = odf.GetMeanValue(); odf -= mean; it.Set(odf.GetDataPointer()); ++it; } // check if mask image is given if it needs resampling PrepareMaskImage(); // load parameter file LoadParameters(); // prepare parameters float minSpacing; if(m_QBallImage->GetSpacing()[0]<m_QBallImage->GetSpacing()[1] && m_QBallImage->GetSpacing()[0]<m_QBallImage->GetSpacing()[2]) minSpacing = m_QBallImage->GetSpacing()[0]; else if (m_QBallImage->GetSpacing()[1] < m_QBallImage->GetSpacing()[2]) minSpacing = m_QBallImage->GetSpacing()[1]; else minSpacing = m_QBallImage->GetSpacing()[2]; if(m_ParticleLength == 0) m_ParticleLength = 1.5*minSpacing; if(m_ParticleWidth == 0) m_ParticleWidth = 0.5*minSpacing; if(m_ParticleWeight == 0) EstimateParticleWeight(); float alpha = log(m_EndTemperature/m_StartTemperature); m_Steps = m_Iterations/10000; if (m_Steps<10) m_Steps = 10; if (m_Steps>m_Iterations) { MITK_INFO << "GibbsTrackingFilter: not enough iterations!"; m_AbortTracking = true; } if (m_CurvatureThreshold < mitk::eps) m_CurvatureThreshold = 0; unsigned long singleIts = (unsigned long)((1.0*m_Iterations) / (1.0*m_Steps)); // seed random generators Statistics::MersenneTwisterRandomVariateGenerator::Pointer randGen = Statistics::MersenneTwisterRandomVariateGenerator::New(); if (m_RandomSeed>-1) randGen->SetSeed(m_RandomSeed); else randGen->SetSeed(); // load sphere interpolator to evaluate the ODFs SphereInterpolator* interpolator = new SphereInterpolator(m_LutPath); // handle lookup table not found cases if( !interpolator->IsInValidState() ) { m_IsInValidState = false; m_AbortTracking = true; m_BuildFibers = false; mitkThrow() << "Unable to load lookup tables."; } // initialize the actual tracking components (ParticleGrid, Metropolis Hastings Sampler and Energy Computer) ParticleGrid* particleGrid; GibbsEnergyComputer* encomp; MetropolisHastingsSampler* sampler; try{ particleGrid = new ParticleGrid(m_MaskImage, m_ParticleLength, m_ParticleGridCellCapacity); encomp = new GibbsEnergyComputer(m_QBallImage, m_MaskImage, particleGrid, interpolator, randGen); encomp->SetParameters(m_ParticleWeight,m_ParticleWidth,m_ConnectionPotential*m_ParticleLength*m_ParticleLength,m_CurvatureThreshold,m_InexBalance,m_ParticlePotential); sampler = new MetropolisHastingsSampler(particleGrid, encomp, randGen, m_CurvatureThreshold); } catch(...) { MITK_ERROR << "Particle grid allocation failed. Not enough memory? Try to increase the particle length."; m_IsInValidState = false; m_AbortTracking = true; m_BuildFibers = false; return; } MITK_INFO << "----------------------------------------"; MITK_INFO << "Iterations: " << m_Iterations; MITK_INFO << "Steps: " << m_Steps; MITK_INFO << "Particle length: " << m_ParticleLength; MITK_INFO << "Particle width: " << m_ParticleWidth; MITK_INFO << "Particle weight: " << m_ParticleWeight; MITK_INFO << "Start temperature: " << m_StartTemperature; MITK_INFO << "End temperature: " << m_EndTemperature; MITK_INFO << "In/Ex balance: " << m_InexBalance; MITK_INFO << "Min. fiber length: " << m_MinFiberLength; MITK_INFO << "Curvature threshold: " << m_CurvatureThreshold; MITK_INFO << "Random seed: " << m_RandomSeed; MITK_INFO << "----------------------------------------"; // main loop preClock.Stop(); TimeProbe clock; clock.Start(); m_NumAcceptedFibers = 0; unsigned long counter = 1; boost::progress_display disp(m_Steps*singleIts); if (!m_AbortTracking) for( m_CurrentStep = 1; m_CurrentStep <= m_Steps; m_CurrentStep++ ) { // update temperatur for simulated annealing process float temperature = m_StartTemperature * exp(alpha*(((1.0)*m_CurrentStep)/((1.0)*m_Steps))); sampler->SetTemperature(temperature); for (unsigned long i=0; i<singleIts; i++) { ++disp; if (m_AbortTracking) break; sampler->MakeProposal(); if (m_BuildFibers || (i==singleIts-1 && m_CurrentStep==m_Steps)) { m_ProposalAcceptance = (float)sampler->GetNumAcceptedProposals()/counter; m_NumParticles = particleGrid->m_NumParticles; m_NumConnections = particleGrid->m_NumConnections; FiberBuilder fiberBuilder(particleGrid, m_MaskImage); m_FiberPolyData = fiberBuilder.iterate(m_MinFiberLength); m_NumAcceptedFibers = m_FiberPolyData->GetNumberOfLines(); m_BuildFibers = false; } counter++; } m_ProposalAcceptance = (float)sampler->GetNumAcceptedProposals()/counter; m_NumParticles = particleGrid->m_NumParticles; m_NumConnections = particleGrid->m_NumConnections; if (m_AbortTracking) break; } if (m_AbortTracking) { FiberBuilder fiberBuilder(particleGrid, m_MaskImage); m_FiberPolyData = fiberBuilder.iterate(m_MinFiberLength); m_NumAcceptedFibers = m_FiberPolyData->GetNumberOfLines(); } clock.Stop(); delete sampler; delete encomp; delete interpolator; delete particleGrid; m_AbortTracking = true; m_BuildFibers = false; int h = clock.GetTotal()/3600; int m = ((int)clock.GetTotal()%3600)/60; int s = (int)clock.GetTotal()%60; MITK_INFO << "GibbsTrackingFilter: finished gibbs tracking in " << h << "h, " << m << "m and " << s << "s"; m = (int)preClock.GetTotal()/60; s = (int)preClock.GetTotal()%60; MITK_INFO << "GibbsTrackingFilter: preparation of the data took " << m << "m and " << s << "s"; MITK_INFO << "GibbsTrackingFilter: " << m_NumAcceptedFibers << " fibers accepted"; // sampler->PrintProposalTimes(); SaveParameters(); }
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { Eigen::setNbThreads(NumCores); #ifdef MKL mkl_set_num_threads(NumCores); #endif INFO("Eigen3 uses " << Eigen::nbThreads() << " threads."); int L; RealType J12ratio; int OBC; int N; RealType Uin, phi; std::vector<RealType> Vin; LoadParameters( "conf.h5", L, J12ratio, OBC, N, Uin, Vin, phi); HDF5IO file("BSSH.h5"); // const int L = 5; // const bool OBC = true; // const RealType J12ratio = 0.010e0; INFO("Build Lattice - "); std::vector<ComplexType> J; if ( OBC ){ J = std::vector<ComplexType>(L - 1, ComplexType(1.0, 0.0)); for (size_t cnt = 0; cnt < L-1; cnt+=2) { *= J12ratio; } } else{ J = std::vector<ComplexType>(L, ComplexType(1.0, 0.0)); for (size_t cnt = 0; cnt < L; cnt+=2) { *= J12ratio; } if ( std::abs(phi) > 1.0e-10 ){ *= exp( ComplexType(0.0e0, 1.0e0) * phi ); // INFO(exp( ComplexType(0.0e0, 1.0e0) * phi )); } } for ( auto &val : J ){ INFO_NONEWLINE(val << " "); } INFO(""); const std::vector< Node<ComplexType>* > lattice = NN_1D_Chain(L, J, OBC); file.saveNumber("1DChain", "L", L); file.saveNumber("1DChain", "U", Uin); file.saveStdVector("1DChain", "J", J); for ( auto < : lattice ){ if ( !(lt->VerifySite()) ) RUNTIME_ERROR("Wrong lattice setup!"); } INFO("DONE!"); INFO("Build Basis - "); // int N1 = (L+1)/2; Basis B1(L, N); B1.Boson(); // std::vector< std::vector<int> > st = B1.getBStates(); // std::vector< RealType > tg = B1.getBTags(); // for (size_t cnt = 0; cnt < tg.size(); cnt++) { // INFO_NONEWLINE( std::setw(3) << cnt << " - "); // for (auto &j :{ // INFO_NONEWLINE(j << " "); // } // INFO("- " <<; // } file.saveNumber("1DChain", "N", N); // file.saveStdVector("Basis", "States", st); // file.saveStdVector("Basis", "Tags", tg); INFO("DONE!"); INFO_NONEWLINE("Build Hamiltonian - "); std::vector<Basis> Bases; Bases.push_back(B1); Hamiltonian<ComplexType> ham( Bases ); std::vector< std::vector<ComplexType> > Vloc; std::vector<ComplexType> Vtmp;//(L, 1.0); for ( RealType &val : Vin ){ Vtmp.push_back((ComplexType)val); } Vloc.push_back(Vtmp); std::vector< std::vector<ComplexType> > Uloc; // std::vector<ComplexType> Utmp(L, ComplexType(10.0e0, 0.0e0) ); std::vector<ComplexType> Utmp(L, (ComplexType)Uin); Uloc.push_back(Utmp); ham.BuildLocalHamiltonian(Vloc, Uloc, Bases); ham.BuildHoppingHamiltonian(Bases, lattice); ham.BuildTotalHamiltonian(); INFO("DONE!"); INFO_NONEWLINE("Diagonalize Hamiltonian - "); std::vector<RealType> Val; Hamiltonian<ComplexType>::VectorType Vec; ham.eigh(Val, Vec); INFO("GS energy = " <<; file.saveVector("GS", "EVec", Vec); file.saveStdVector("GS", "EVal", Val); INFO("DONE!"); std::vector<ComplexType> Nbi = Ni( Bases, Vec ); for (auto &n : Nbi ){ INFO( n << " " ); } ComplexMatrixType Nij = NiNj( Bases, Vec ); INFO(Nij); INFO(Nij.diagonal()); file.saveStdVector("Obs", "Nb", Nbi); file.saveMatrix("Obs", "Nij", Nij); return 0; }
void CommandlineInterface(vector<string> Arguments) { bool InputArgument = false; vector<string> ParameterFiles; for (int i=0; i < int(Arguments.size()); i++) { if (Arguments[i].compare("inputfilelist") == 0) { if (int(Arguments.size()) >= i+2) { InputArgument = true; SetInputParametersFile(Arguments[i+1].data()); } } if (Arguments[i].compare("parameterfile") == 0) { if (int(Arguments.size()) >= i+2) { ParameterFiles.push_back(Arguments[i+1].data()); i++; } } } if (!InputArgument) { SetInputParametersFile(COMMANDLINE_INPUT_FILE); } LoadParameters(); for(int i=0; i < int(ParameterFiles.size()); i++) { LoadParameterFile(ParameterFiles[i]); } for (int i=0; i < int(Arguments.size()); i++) { if (Arguments[i].compare("resetparameter") == 0) { if (int(Arguments.size()) >= i+3) { string ParameterName = Arguments[i+1]; findandreplace(ParameterName,"_"," "); SetParameter(,Arguments[i+2].data()); } } } ClearParameterDependance("CLEAR ALL PARAMETER DEPENDANCE"); if (Initialize() != SUCCESS) { return; } LoadFIGMODELParameters(); ClearParameterDependance("CLEAR ALL PARAMETER DEPENDANCE"); for (int i=0; i < int(Arguments.size()); i++) { if (Arguments[i].compare("stringcode") == 0) { if (int(Arguments.size()) < i+3) { cout << "Insufficient arguments" << endl; FErrorFile() << "Insufficient arguments" << endl; FlushErrorFile(); } else { CreateStringCode(Arguments[i+1],Arguments[i+2]); i += 2; } } else if (Arguments[i].compare("LoadCentralSystem") == 0 || Arguments[i].compare("LoadDecentralSystem") == 0) { if (int(Arguments.size()) < i+2) { cout << "Insufficient arguments" << endl; FErrorFile() << "Insufficient arguments" << endl; FlushErrorFile(); } else { LoadDatabaseFile(Arguments[i+1].data()); } } else if (Arguments[i].compare("ProcessDatabase") == 0) { ProcessDatabase(); } else if (Arguments[i].compare("metabolites") == 0) { if (int(Arguments.size()) < i+2) { cout << "Insufficient arguments" << endl; FErrorFile() << "Insufficient arguments" << endl; FlushErrorFile(); } else { SetParameter("metabolites to optimize",Arguments[i+1].data()); } } else if (Arguments[i].compare("WebGCM") == 0) { if (int(Arguments.size()) < i+3) { cout << "Insufficient arguments" << endl; FErrorFile() << "Insufficient arguments" << endl; FlushErrorFile(); } else { RunWebGCM(Arguments[i+1].data(),Arguments[i+2].data()); } } else if (Arguments[i].compare("ProcessMolfiles") == 0) { if (int(Arguments.size()) < i+3) { cout << "Insufficient arguments" << endl; FErrorFile() << "Insufficient arguments" << endl; FlushErrorFile(); } else { ProcessMolfileDirectory(Arguments[i+1].data(),Arguments[i+2].data()); } } else if (Arguments[i].compare("ProcessMolfileList") == 0) { ProcessMolfiles(); } } }
/** * \brief Initialize the DriveTrain object. * * Create member objects, initialize default values, read parameters from the param file. * * \param parameters drive train parameter file path and name. * \param logging_enabled true if logging is enabled. */ void DriveTrain::Initialize(const char * parameters, bool logging_enabled) { // Initialize public member variables gyro_enabled_ = false; accelerometer_enabled_ = false; // Initialize private member objects robot_drive_ = NULL; left_controller_ = NULL; right_controller_ = NULL; gyro_ = NULL; accelerometer_ = NULL; timer_ = NULL; acceleration_timer_ = NULL; log_ = NULL; parameters_ = NULL; // Initialize private parameters invert_multiplier_ = 0.0; normal_linear_speed_ratio_ = 1.0; turbo_linear_speed_ratio_ = 1.0; normal_turning_speed_ratio_ = 1.0; turbo_turning_speed_ratio_ = 1.0; auto_far_linear_speed_ratio_ = 1.0; auto_medium_linear_speed_ratio_ = 1.0; auto_near_linear_speed_ratio_ = 1.0; auto_far_turning_speed_ratio_ = 1.0; auto_medium_turning_speed_ratio_ = 1.0; auto_near_turning_speed_ratio_ = 1.0; auto_medium_time_threshold_ = 0.5; auto_far_time_threshold_ = 1.0; auto_medium_distance_threshold_ = 2.0; auto_far_distance_threshold_ = 5.0; auto_medium_heading_threshold_ = 15.0; auto_far_heading_threshold_ = 25.0; distance_threshold_ = 0.5; heading_threshold_ = 3.0; time_threshold_ = 0.1; forward_direction_ = 1.0; backward_direction_ = -1.0; left_direction_ = -1.0; right_direction_ = 1.0; left_motor_inverted_ = 0; right_motor_inverted_ = 0; accelerometer_axis_ = 0; maximum_linear_speed_change_ = 0.0; maximum_turn_speed_change_ = 0.0; linear_filter_constant_ = 0.0; turn_filter_constant_ = 0.0; // Initialize private member variables acceleration_ = 0.0; gyro_angle_ = 0.0; initial_heading_ = 0.0; adjustment_in_progress_ = false; distance_traveled_ = 0.0; log_enabled_ = false; robot_state_ = kDisabled; previous_linear_speed_ = 0.0; previous_turn_speed_ = 0.0; // Create a new data log object log_ = new DataLog("drivetrain.log"); // Enable logging if specified if (log_ != NULL && log_->file_opened_) { log_enabled_ = logging_enabled; } else { log_enabled_ = false; } // Create a timer object timer_ = new Timer(); // Attempt to read the parameters file strncpy(parameters_file_, parameters, sizeof(parameters_file_)); LoadParameters(); }
/* .! : This is main function. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AK8975PRMS prms; int retValue = 0; int mainQuit = FALSE; int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (0 == strncmp("-s", argv[i], 2)) { s_opmode = 1; } } #ifdef COMIF //// Initialize Library //// AKSC_Version functions are called in Disp_StartMessage(). //// Therefore, AKSC_ActivateLibrary function has to be called previously. //retValue = AKSC_ActivateLibrary(GUID_AKSC); //if (retValue < 0) { // LOGE("akmd2 : Failed to activate library (%d).\n", retValue); // goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; //} //LOGI("akmd2 : Activation succeeded (%d).\n", retValue); #endif // Show the version info of this software. Disp_StartMessage(); // Open device driver. if (AKD_InitDevice() != AKD_SUCCESS) { LOGE("akmd2 : Device initialization failed.\n"); retValue = -1; goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; } // Initialize parameters structure. InitAK8975PRMS(&prms); // Read Fuse ROM if (ReadAK8975FUSEROM(&prms) == 0) { LOGE("akmd2 : Fuse ROM read failed.\n"); retValue = -2; goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; } // Here is the Main Loop if (s_opmode) { //*** Console Mode ********************************************* while (mainQuit == FALSE) { // Select operation switch (Menu_Main()) { case MODE_FctShipmntTestBody: FctShipmntTest_Body(&prms); break; case MODE_MeasureSNG: // Read Parameters from file. if (LoadParameters(&prms) == 0) { LOGE("akmd2 : Setting file can't be read.\n"); SetDefaultPRMS(&prms); } #ifdef COMIF //// Activation //retValue = AKSC_ActivateLibrary(GUID_AKSC); //if (retValue < 0) { // LOGE("akmd2 : Failed to activate library (%d).\n", retValue); // goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; //} //LOGI("akmd2 : Activation succeeded (%d).\n", retValue); #endif // Measurement routine MeasureSNGLoop(&prms); // Write Parameters to file. if (SaveParameters(&prms) == 0) { LOGE("akmd2 : Setting file can't be saved.\n"); } break; case MODE_Quit: mainQuit = TRUE; break; default: DBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL1, "Unknown operation mode.\n"); break; } } } else { //*** Daemon Mode ********************************************* I("AKMD runs in daemon mode."); while (mainQuit == FALSE) { int st = 0; // .! : // Wait until device driver is opened. if (ioctl(g_file, ECS_IOCTL_GET_OPEN_STATUS, &st) < 0) { retValue = -3; goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; } if (st == 0) { LOGI("akmd2 : Suspended.\n"); } else { LOGI("akmd2 : Compass Opened.\n"); V("m_hs : [%d, %d, %d].", (prms.m_hs).v[0], (prms.m_hs).v[1], (prms.m_hs).v[2] ); // Read Parameters from file. if (LoadParameters(&prms) == 0) { LOGE("akmd2 : Setting file can't be read.\n"); SetDefaultPRMS(&prms); } V("m_hs : [%d, %d, %d].", (prms.m_hs).v[0], (prms.m_hs).v[1], (prms.m_hs).v[2] ); #ifdef COMIF //// Activation //retValue = AKSC_ActivateLibrary(GUID_AKSC); //if (retValue < 0) { // LOGE("akmd2 : Failed to activate library (%d).\n", retValue); // retValue = -4; // goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; //} //LOGI("akmd2 : Activation succeeded (%d).\n", retValue); #endif // .! : // Start measurement thread. if (startClone(&prms) == 0) { retValue = -5; goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; } // Wait until device driver is closed. if (ioctl(g_file, ECS_IOCTL_GET_CLOSE_STATUS, &st) < 0) { retValue = -6; goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; } // Wait thread completion. s_stopRequest = 1; pthread_join(s_thread, NULL); LOGI("akmd2 : Compass Closed.\n"); // Write Parameters to file. if (SaveParameters(&prms) == 0) { LOGE("akmd2 : Setting file can't be saved.\n"); } } } } THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION: #ifdef COMIF //// Close library //AKSC_ReleaseLibrary(); //LOGI("akmd2 : Library released.\n"); #endif // Close device driver. AKD_DeinitDevice(); // Show the last message. Disp_EndMessage(); return retValue; }
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { Eigen::setNbThreads(NumCores); #ifdef MKL mkl_set_num_threads(NumCores); #endif INFO("Eigen3 uses " << Eigen::nbThreads() << " threads."); int L; RealType J12ratio; int OBC; int N1, N2; int dynamics, Tsteps; RealType Uin, phi, dt; std::vector<RealType> Vin; LoadParameters( "conf.h5", L, J12ratio, OBC, N1, N2, Uin, Vin, phi, dynamics, Tsteps, dt); HDF5IO *file = new HDF5IO("FSSH.h5"); // const int L = 5; // const bool OBC = true; // const RealType J12ratio = 0.010e0; INFO("Build Lattice - "); std::vector<DT> J; if ( OBC ){ // J = std::vector<DT>(L - 1, 0.0);// NOTE: Atomic limit testing J = std::vector<DT>(L - 1, 1.0); if ( J12ratio > 1.0e0 ) { for (size_t cnt = 1; cnt < L-1; cnt+=2) { /= J12ratio; } } else{ for (size_t cnt = 0; cnt < L-1; cnt+=2) { *= J12ratio; } } } else{ J = std::vector<DT>(L, 1.0); if ( J12ratio > 1.0e0 ) { for (size_t cnt = 1; cnt < L; cnt+=2) { /= J12ratio; } } else{ for (size_t cnt = 0; cnt < L; cnt+=2) { *= J12ratio; } } #ifndef DTYPE if ( std::abs(phi) > 1.0e-10 ){ *= exp( DT(0.0, 1.0) * phi ); } #endif } for ( auto &val : J ){ INFO_NONEWLINE(val << " "); } INFO(""); const std::vector< Node<DT>* > lattice = NN_1D_Chain(L, J, OBC); file->saveNumber("1DChain", "L", L); file->saveStdVector("1DChain", "J", J); for ( auto < : lattice ){ if ( !(lt->VerifySite()) ) RUNTIME_ERROR("Wrong lattice setup!"); } INFO("DONE!"); INFO("Build Basis - "); // int N1 = (L+1)/2; Basis F1(L, N1, true); F1.Fermion(); std::vector<int> st1 = F1.getFStates(); std::vector<size_t> tg1 = F1.getFTags(); // for (size_t cnt = 0; cnt < st1.size(); cnt++) { // INFO_NONEWLINE( std::setw(3) << << " - "); // F1.printFermionBasis(; // INFO("- " <<; // } // int N2 = (L-1)/2; Basis F2(L, N2, true); F2.Fermion(); std::vector<int> st2 = F2.getFStates(); std::vector<size_t> tg2 = F2.getFTags(); // for (size_t cnt = 0; cnt < st2.size(); cnt++) { // INFO_NONEWLINE( std::setw(3) << << " - "); // F2.printFermionBasis(; // INFO("- " <<; // } file->saveNumber("Basis", "N1", N1); file->saveStdVector("Basis", "F1States", st1); file->saveStdVector("Basis", "F1Tags", tg1); file->saveNumber("Basis", "N2", N2); file->saveStdVector("Basis", "F2States", st2); file->saveStdVector("Basis", "F2Tags", tg2); INFO("DONE!"); INFO_NONEWLINE("Build Hamiltonian - "); std::vector<Basis> Bases; Bases.push_back(F1); Bases.push_back(F2); Hamiltonian<DT> ham( Bases ); std::vector< std::vector<DT> > Vloc; std::vector<DT> Vtmp;//(L, 1.0); for ( RealType &val : Vin ){ Vtmp.push_back((DT)val); } Vloc.push_back(Vtmp); Vloc.push_back(Vtmp); std::vector< std::vector<DT> > Uloc; // std::vector<DT> Utmp(L, DT(10.0e0, 0.0e0) ); std::vector<DT> Utmp(L, (DT)Uin); Uloc.push_back(Utmp); Uloc.push_back(Utmp); ham.BuildLocalHamiltonian(Vloc, Uloc, Bases); INFO(" - BuildLocalHamiltonian DONE!"); ham.BuildHoppingHamiltonian(Bases, lattice); INFO(" - BuildHoppingHamiltonian DONE!"); ham.BuildTotalHamiltonian(); INFO("DONE!"); INFO_NONEWLINE("Diagonalize Hamiltonian - "); std::vector<RealType> Val; Hamiltonian<DT>::VectorType Vec; ham.eigh(Val, Vec); INFO("GS energy = " <<; file->saveVector("GS", "EVec", Vec); file->saveStdVector("GS", "EVal", Val); INFO("DONE!"); std::vector< DTV > Nfi = Ni( Bases, Vec, ham ); INFO(" Up Spin - "); INFO(; INFO(" Down Spin - "); INFO(; INFO(" N_i - "); DTV Niall = +; INFO(Niall); DTM Nud = NupNdn( Bases, Vec, ham ); INFO(" Correlation NupNdn"); INFO(Nud); DTM Nuu = NupNup( Bases, Vec, ham ); INFO(" Correlation NupNup"); INFO(Nuu); DTM Ndd = NdnNdn( Bases, Vec, ham ); INFO(" Correlation NdnNdn"); INFO(Ndd); INFO(" N_i^2 - "); DTM Ni2 = Nuu.diagonal() + Ndd.diagonal() + 2.0e0 * Nud.diagonal(); INFO(Ni2); file->saveVector("Obs", "Nup",; file->saveVector("Obs", "Ndn",; file->saveMatrix("Obs", "NupNdn", Nud); file->saveMatrix("Obs", "NupNup", Nuu); file->saveMatrix("Obs", "NdnNdn", Ndd); delete file; if ( dynamics ){ ComplexType Prefactor = ComplexType(0.0, -1.0e0*dt);/* NOTE: hbar = 1 */ std::cout << "Begin dynamics......" << std::endl; std::cout << "Cut the boundary." << std::endl; J.pop_back(); std::vector< Node<DT>* > lattice2 = NN_1D_Chain(L, J, true);// cut to open ham.BuildHoppingHamiltonian(Bases, lattice2); INFO(" - Update Hopping Hamiltonian DONE!"); ham.BuildTotalHamiltonian(); INFO(" - Update Total Hamiltonian DONE!"); for (size_t cntT = 1; cntT <= Tsteps; cntT++) { ham.expH(Prefactor, Vec); if ( cntT % 2 == 0 ){ HDF5IO file2("DYN.h5"); std::string gname = "Obs-"; gname.append(std::to_string((unsigned long long)cntT)); gname.append("/"); Nfi = Ni( Bases, Vec, ham ); Nud = NupNdn( Bases, Vec, ham ); Nuu = NupNup( Bases, Vec, ham ); Ndd = NdnNdn( Bases, Vec, ham ); file2.saveVector(gname, "Nup",; file2.saveVector(gname, "Ndn",; file2.saveMatrix(gname, "NupNdn", Nud); file2.saveMatrix(gname, "NupNup", Nuu); file2.saveMatrix(gname, "NdnNdn", Ndd); } } } return 0; }
bool LadspaEffect::SetHost(EffectHostInterface *host) { mHost = host; if (!Load()) { return false; } mInputPorts = new unsigned long [mData->PortCount]; mOutputPorts = new unsigned long [mData->PortCount]; mInputControls = new float [mData->PortCount]; mOutputControls = new float [mData->PortCount]; for (unsigned long p = 0; p < mData->PortCount; p++) { LADSPA_PortDescriptor d = mData->PortDescriptors[p]; // Collect the audio ports if (LADSPA_IS_PORT_AUDIO(d)) { if (LADSPA_IS_PORT_INPUT(d)) { mInputPorts[mAudioIns++] = p; } else if (LADSPA_IS_PORT_OUTPUT(d)) { mOutputPorts[mAudioOuts++] = p; } } // Determine the port's default value else if (LADSPA_IS_PORT_CONTROL(d) && LADSPA_IS_PORT_INPUT(d)) { mInteractive = true; LADSPA_PortRangeHint hint = mData->PortRangeHints[p]; float val = float(1.0); float lower = hint.LowerBound; float upper = hint.UpperBound; if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_SAMPLE_RATE(hint.HintDescriptor)) { lower *= mSampleRate; upper *= mSampleRate; } if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_BOUNDED_BELOW(hint.HintDescriptor) && val < lower) { val = lower; } if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_BOUNDED_ABOVE(hint.HintDescriptor) && val > upper) { val = upper; } if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_DEFAULT_MINIMUM(hint.HintDescriptor)) { val = lower; } if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_DEFAULT_MAXIMUM(hint.HintDescriptor)) { val = upper; } if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_DEFAULT_LOW(hint.HintDescriptor)) { if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_LOGARITHMIC(hint.HintDescriptor)) { val = exp(log(lower)) * 0.75f + log(upper) * 0.25f; } else { val = lower * 0.75f + upper * 0.25f; } } if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_DEFAULT_MIDDLE(hint.HintDescriptor)) { if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_LOGARITHMIC(hint.HintDescriptor)) { val = exp(log(lower)) * 0.5f + log(upper) * 0.5f; } else { val = lower * 0.5f + upper * 0.5f; } } if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_DEFAULT_HIGH(hint.HintDescriptor)) { if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_LOGARITHMIC(hint.HintDescriptor)) { val = exp(log(lower)) * 0.25f + log(upper) * 0.75f; } else { val = lower * 0.25f + upper * 0.75f; } } if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_DEFAULT_0(hint.HintDescriptor)) { val = 0.0f; } if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_DEFAULT_1(hint.HintDescriptor)) { val = 1.0f; } if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_DEFAULT_100(hint.HintDescriptor)) { val = 100.0f; } if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_DEFAULT_440(hint.HintDescriptor)) { val = 440.0f; } mNumInputControls++; mInputControls[p] = val; } else if (LADSPA_IS_PORT_CONTROL(d) && LADSPA_IS_PORT_OUTPUT(d)) { mInteractive = true; mNumOutputControls++; mOutputControls[p] = 0.0; // Ladspa effects have a convention of providing latency on an output // control port whose name is "latency". if (strcmp(mData->PortNames[p], "latency") == 0) { mLatencyPort = p; } } } // mHost will be null during registration if (mHost) { mHost->GetSharedConfig(wxT("Settings"), wxT("BufferSize"), mUserBlockSize, 8192); mBlockSize = mUserBlockSize; bool haveDefaults; mHost->GetPrivateConfig(wxT("Default"), wxT("Initialized"), haveDefaults, false); if (!haveDefaults) { SaveParameters(wxT("Default")); mHost->SetPrivateConfig(wxT("Default"), wxT("Initialized"), true); } LoadParameters(wxT("Current")); } return true; }
void LadspaEffect::LoadFactoryDefaults() { LoadParameters(mHost->GetFactoryDefaultsGroup()); }
void LadspaEffect::LoadUserPreset(const wxString & name) { LoadParameters(name); }
Experiment::Experiment (Simulator* simulator, bool graphics, string outputFilename, int replications, int replicationShift, string paramsFilename) : Service (simulator) { // read params from file if available paramsExp = new ExperimentParameters; paramsCtrl = new ControllerDiscriminationParameters; if (!paramsFilename.empty()) LoadParameters (paramsFilename); // record replications count if (replications > 0) paramsExp->replications = replications; if (replicationShift > 0) paramsExp->replicationShift = replicationShift; currentReplication = replicationShift; // output file if (!outputFilename.empty()) paramsExp->outputFilename = outputFilename; // random number generation init_rng(&rng); // add services physics = new PhysicsBullet(simulator, 10.0); simulator->Add (physics); render = NULL; if (graphics) { render = new RenderOpenGL(simulator); simulator->Add (render); float lookat[3] = {0,0,0.7 * physics->scalingFactor}; float dab[3] = {4.0 * physics->scalingFactor, 90.0, 20.0}; render->dsSetViewpoint2 (lookat, dab); } // add the experiment so that we can step regularly simulator->Add (this); // add robots for (int i = 0; i < paramsExp->robotsCount; i++) { RobotLily* r = new RobotLily (); r->Register(physics); if (render) r->Register(render); ControllerDiscrimination* c = new ControllerDiscrimination (r); c->SetParameters(paramsCtrl); robots.push_back(r); simulator->Add(r); // position is set in reset } // add base stations float a = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < paramsExp->basestationsCount; i++) { BaseStation* b = new BaseStation (); b->Register (physics); if (render) b->Register (render); ControllerBaseStation* c = new ControllerBaseStation (b, i); basestations.push_back(b); simulator->Add (b); float distance = 1.0 * physics->scalingFactor; float angle = a; float x = cos(angle) * distance; float y = sin(angle) * distance; float z = 1.0 * physics->scalingFactor + b->height / 2.0; b->SetPosition(x, y, z); a += 2.0 * M_PI / float (paramsExp->basestationsCount); } AquariumCircular* aquarium = new AquariumCircular(paramsExp->aquariumRadius * physics->scalingFactor, 1.0 * physics->scalingFactor, 1.0 * physics->scalingFactor, 40.0); aquarium->Register(physics); if (render) aquarium->Register(render); simulator->Add(aquarium); // set last stuff, position of robots mainly Reset(); }
/*! This is main function. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { AKSCPRMS prms; int retValue = 0; /* Show the version info of this software. */ Disp_StartMessage(); #if ENABLE_AKMDEBUG /* Register signal handler */ signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); #endif #if ENABLE_FORMATION RegisterFormClass(&s_formClass); #endif /* Initialize parameters structure. */ InitAKSCPRMS(&prms); /* Parse command-line options */ if (OptParse(argc, argv, &prms.m_hlayout) == 0) { retValue = ERROR_OPTPARSE; goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; } /* Open device driver. */ if (AKD_InitDevice() != AKD_SUCCESS) { retValue = ERROR_INITDEVICE; goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; } /* If layout is not specified with argument, get parameter from driver */ if (prms.m_hlayout == PAT_INVALID) { int16_t n; if (AKD_GetLayout(&n) == AKD_SUCCESS) { if ((PAT1 <= n) && (n <= PAT8)) { prms.m_hlayout = (AKMD_PATNO)n; } } /* Error */ if (prms.m_hlayout == PAT_INVALID) { ALOGE("Magnetic sensor's layout is specified."); retValue = ERROR_HLAYOUT; goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; } } /* Read Fuse ROM */ if (ReadFUSEROM(&prms) != AKRET_PROC_SUCCEED) { retValue = ERROR_FUSEROM; goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; } /* PDC */ LoadPDC(&prms); /* Here is the Main Loop */ if (g_opmode & OPMODE_CONSOLE) { /*** Console Mode *********************************************/ while (AKD_TRUE) { /* Select operation */ switch (Menu_Main()) { case MODE_FST: FST_Body(); break; case MODE_MeasureSNG: /* Read Parameters from file. */ if (LoadParameters(&prms) == 0) { SetDefaultPRMS(&prms); } /* Reset flag */ g_stopRequest = 0; /* Measurement routine */ MeasureSNGLoop(&prms); /* Write Parameters to file. */ SaveParameters(&prms); break; case MODE_OffsetCalibration: /* Read Parameters from file. */ if (LoadParameters(&prms) == 0) { SetDefaultPRMS(&prms); } /* measure offset (NOT sensitivity) */ if (SimpleCalibration(&prms) == AKRET_PROC_SUCCEED) { SaveParameters(&prms); } break; case MODE_Quit: goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; break; default: AKMDEBUG(AKMDBG_DEBUG, "Unknown operation mode.\n"); break; } } } else { /*** Daemon Mode *********************************************/ while (g_mainQuit == AKD_FALSE) { int st = 0; /* Wait until device driver is opened. */ if (AKD_GetOpenStatus(&st) != AKD_SUCCESS) { retValue = ERROR_GETOPEN_STAT; goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; } if (st == 0) { AKMDEBUG(AKMDBG_DEBUG, "Suspended."); } else { AKMDEBUG(AKMDBG_DEBUG, "Compass Opened."); /* Read Parameters from file. */ if (LoadParameters(&prms) == 0) { SetDefaultPRMS(&prms); } /* Reset flag */ g_stopRequest = 0; /* Start measurement thread. */ if (startClone(&prms) == 0) { retValue = ERROR_STARTCLONE; goto THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION; } /* Wait until device driver is closed. */ if (AKD_GetCloseStatus(&st) != AKD_SUCCESS) { retValue = ERROR_GETCLOSE_STAT; g_mainQuit = AKD_TRUE; } /* Wait thread completion. */ g_stopRequest = 1; pthread_join(s_thread, NULL); AKMDEBUG(AKMDBG_DEBUG, "Compass Closed."); /* Write Parameters to file. */ SaveParameters(&prms); } } } THE_END_OF_MAIN_FUNCTION: /* Close device driver. */ AKD_DeinitDevice(); /* Show the last message. */ Disp_EndMessage(retValue); return retValue; }
void performFit(string inputDir, string inputParameterFile, string label, string PassInputDataFilename, string FailInputDataFilename, string PassSignalTemplateHistName, string FailSignalTemplateHistName) { gBenchmark->Start("fitZCat"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Settings //============================================================================================================== const Double_t mlow = 60; const Double_t mhigh = 120; const Int_t nbins = 24; TString effType = inputDir; // The fit variable - lepton invariant mass RooRealVar* rooMass_ = new RooRealVar("Mass","m_{ee}",mlow, mhigh, "GeV/c^{2}"); RooRealVar Mass = *rooMass_; Mass.setBins(nbins); // Make the category variable that defines the two fits, // namely whether the probe passes or fails the eff criteria. RooCategory sample("sample","") ; sample.defineType("Pass", 1) ; sample.defineType("Fail", 2) ; RooDataSet *dataPass = RooDataSet::read((inputDir+PassInputDataFilename).c_str(),RooArgList(Mass)); RooDataSet *dataFail = RooDataSet::read((inputDir+FailInputDataFilename).c_str(),RooArgList(Mass)); RooDataSet *dataCombined = new RooDataSet("dataCombined","dataCombined", RooArgList(Mass), RooFit::Index(sample), RooFit::Import("Pass",*dataPass), RooFit::Import("Fail",*dataFail)); //********************************************************************************************* //Define Free Parameters //********************************************************************************************* RooRealVar* ParNumSignal = LoadParameters(inputParameterFile, label,"ParNumSignal"); RooRealVar* ParNumBkgPass = LoadParameters(inputParameterFile, label,"ParNumBkgPass"); RooRealVar* ParNumBkgFail = LoadParameters(inputParameterFile, label, "ParNumBkgFail"); RooRealVar* ParEfficiency = LoadParameters(inputParameterFile, label, "ParEfficiency"); RooRealVar* ParPassBackgroundExpCoefficient = LoadParameters(inputParameterFile, label, "ParPassBackgroundExpCoefficient"); RooRealVar* ParFailBackgroundExpCoefficient = LoadParameters(inputParameterFile, label, "ParFailBackgroundExpCoefficient"); RooRealVar* ParPassSignalMassShift = LoadParameters(inputParameterFile, label, "ParPassSignalMassShift"); RooRealVar* ParFailSignalMassShift = LoadParameters(inputParameterFile, label, "ParFailSignalMassShift"); RooRealVar* ParPassSignalResolution = LoadParameters(inputParameterFile, label, "ParPassSignalResolution"); RooRealVar* ParFailSignalResolution = LoadParameters(inputParameterFile, label, "ParFailSignalResolution"); // new RooRealVar ("ParPassSignalMassShift","ParPassSignalMassShift",-2.6079e-02,-10.0, 10.0); //ParPassSignalMassShift->setConstant(kTRUE); // RooRealVar* ParFailSignalMassShift = new RooRealVar ("ParFailSignalMassShift","ParFailSignalMassShift",7.2230e-01,-10.0, 10.0); //ParFailSignalMassShift->setConstant(kTRUE); // RooRealVar* ParPassSignalResolution = new RooRealVar ("ParPassSignalResolution","ParPassSignalResolution",6.9723e-01,0.0, 10.0); ParPassSignalResolution->setConstant(kTRUE); // RooRealVar* ParFailSignalResolution = new RooRealVar ("ParFailSignalResolution","ParFailSignalResolution",1.6412e+00,0.0, 10.0); ParFailSignalResolution->setConstant(kTRUE); //********************************************************************************************* // //Load Signal PDFs // //********************************************************************************************* TFile *Zeelineshape_file = new TFile("res/photonEfffromZee.dflag1.eT1.2.gT40.mt15.root", "READ"); TH1* histTemplatePass = (TH1D*) Zeelineshape_file->Get(PassSignalTemplateHistName.c_str()); TH1* histTemplateFail = (TH1D*) Zeelineshape_file->Get(FailSignalTemplateHistName.c_str()); //Introduce mass shift coordinate transformation // RooFormulaVar PassShiftedMass("PassShiftedMass","@0-@1",RooArgList(Mass,*ParPassSignalMassShift)); // RooFormulaVar FailShiftedMass("FailShiftedMass","@0-@1",RooArgList(Mass,*ParFailSignalMassShift)); RooGaussian *PassSignalResolutionFunction = new RooGaussian("PassSignalResolutionFunction","PassSignalResolutionFunction",Mass,*ParPassSignalMassShift,*ParPassSignalResolution); RooGaussian *FailSignalResolutionFunction = new RooGaussian("FailSignalResolutionFunction","FailSignalResolutionFunction",Mass,*ParFailSignalMassShift,*ParFailSignalResolution); RooDataHist* dataHistPass = new RooDataHist("dataHistPass","dataHistPass", RooArgSet(Mass), histTemplatePass); RooDataHist* dataHistFail = new RooDataHist("dataHistFail","dataHistFail", RooArgSet(Mass), histTemplateFail); RooHistPdf* signalShapePassTemplatePdf = new RooHistPdf("signalShapePassTemplatePdf", "signalShapePassTemplatePdf", Mass, *dataHistPass, 1); RooHistPdf* signalShapeFailTemplatePdf = new RooHistPdf("signalShapeFailTemplatePdf", "signalShapeFailTemplatePdf", Mass, *dataHistFail, 1); RooFFTConvPdf* signalShapePassPdf = new RooFFTConvPdf("signalShapePassPdf","signalShapePassPdf" , Mass, *signalShapePassTemplatePdf,*PassSignalResolutionFunction,2); RooFFTConvPdf* signalShapeFailPdf = new RooFFTConvPdf("signalShapeFailPdf","signalShapeFailPdf" , Mass, *signalShapeFailTemplatePdf,*FailSignalResolutionFunction,2); // Now define some efficiency/yield variables RooFormulaVar* NumSignalPass = new RooFormulaVar("NumSignalPass", "ParEfficiency*ParNumSignal", RooArgList(*ParEfficiency,*ParNumSignal)); RooFormulaVar* NumSignalFail = new RooFormulaVar("NumSignalFail", "(1.0-ParEfficiency)*ParNumSignal", RooArgList(*ParEfficiency,*ParNumSignal)); //********************************************************************************************* // // Create Background PDFs // //********************************************************************************************* RooExponential* bkgPassPdf = new RooExponential("bkgPassPdf","bkgPassPdf",Mass, *ParPassBackgroundExpCoefficient); RooExponential* bkgFailPdf = new RooExponential("bkgFailPdf","bkgFailPdf",Mass, *ParFailBackgroundExpCoefficient); //********************************************************************************************* // // Create Total PDFs // //********************************************************************************************* RooAddPdf pdfPass("pdfPass","pdfPass",RooArgList(*signalShapePassPdf,*bkgPassPdf), RooArgList(*NumSignalPass,*ParNumBkgPass)); RooAddPdf pdfFail("pdfFail","pdfFail",RooArgList(*signalShapeFailPdf,*bkgFailPdf), RooArgList(*NumSignalFail,*ParNumBkgFail)); // PDF for simultaneous fit RooSimultaneous totalPdf("totalPdf","totalPdf", sample); totalPdf.addPdf(pdfPass,"Pass"); // totalPdf.Print(); totalPdf.addPdf(pdfFail,"Fail"); totalPdf.Print(); //********************************************************************************************* // // Perform Fit // //********************************************************************************************* RooFitResult *fitResult = 0; // ********* Fix with Migrad first ********** // fitResult = totalPdf.fitTo(*dataCombined, RooFit::Save(true), RooFit::Extended(true), RooFit::PrintLevel(-1)); fitResult->Print("v"); // // ********* Fit With Minos ********** // // fitResult = totalPdf.fitTo(*dataCombined, RooFit::Save(true), // RooFit::Extended(true), RooFit::PrintLevel(-1), RooFit::Minos()); // fitResult->Print("v"); // // ********* Fix Mass Shift and Fit For Resolution ********** // // ParPassSignalMassShift->setConstant(kTRUE); // ParFailSignalMassShift->setConstant(kTRUE); // ParPassSignalResolution->setConstant(kFALSE); // ParFailSignalResolution->setConstant(kFALSE); // fitResult = totalPdf.fitTo(*dataCombined, RooFit::Save(true), // RooFit::Extended(true), RooFit::PrintLevel(-1)); // fitResult->Print("v"); // // ********* Do Final Fit ********** // // ParPassSignalMassShift->setConstant(kFALSE); // ParFailSignalMassShift->setConstant(kFALSE); // ParPassSignalResolution->setConstant(kTRUE); // ParFailSignalResolution->setConstant(kTRUE); // fitResult = totalPdf.fitTo(*dataCombined, RooFit::Save(true), // RooFit::Extended(true), RooFit::PrintLevel(-1)); // fitResult->Print("v"); double nSignalPass = NumSignalPass->getVal(); double nSignalFail = NumSignalFail->getVal(); double denominator = nSignalPass + nSignalFail; printf("\nFit results:\n"); if( fitResult->status() != 0 ){ std::cout<<"ERROR: BAD FIT STATUS"<<std::endl; } printf(" Efficiency = %.4f +- %.4f\n", ParEfficiency->getVal(), ParEfficiency->getPropagatedError(*fitResult)); cout << "Signal Pass: "******"Signal Fail: " << nSignalFail << endl; cout << "*********************************************************************\n"; cout << "Final Parameters\n"; cout << "*********************************************************************\n"; PrintParameter(ParNumSignal, label,"ParNumSignal"); PrintParameter(ParNumBkgPass, label,"ParNumBkgPass"); PrintParameter(ParNumBkgFail, label, "ParNumBkgFail"); PrintParameter(ParEfficiency , label, "ParEfficiency"); PrintParameter(ParPassBackgroundExpCoefficient , label, "ParPassBackgroundExpCoefficient"); PrintParameter(ParFailBackgroundExpCoefficient , label, "ParFailBackgroundExpCoefficient"); PrintParameter(ParPassSignalMassShift , label, "ParPassSignalMassShift"); PrintParameter(ParFailSignalMassShift , label, "ParFailSignalMassShift"); PrintParameter(ParPassSignalResolution , label, "ParPassSignalResolution"); PrintParameter(ParFailSignalResolution , label, "ParFailSignalResolution"); cout << endl << endl; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Make plots //============================================================================================================== TFile *canvasFile = new TFile("Efficiency_FitResults.root", "UPDATE"); RooAbsData::ErrorType errorType = RooAbsData::Poisson; Mass.setBins(NBINSPASS); TString cname = TString((label+"_Pass").c_str()); TCanvas *c = new TCanvas(cname,cname,800,600); RooPlot* frame1 = Mass.frame(); frame1->SetMinimum(0); dataPass->plotOn(frame1,RooFit::DataError(errorType)); pdfPass.plotOn(frame1,RooFit::ProjWData(*dataPass), RooFit::Components(*bkgPassPdf),RooFit::LineColor(kRed)); pdfPass.plotOn(frame1,RooFit::ProjWData(*dataPass)); frame1->Draw("e0"); TPaveText *plotlabel = new TPaveText(0.23,0.87,0.43,0.92,"NDC"); plotlabel->SetTextColor(kBlack); plotlabel->SetFillColor(kWhite); plotlabel->SetBorderSize(0); plotlabel->SetTextAlign(12); plotlabel->SetTextSize(0.03); plotlabel->AddText("CMS Preliminary 2010"); TPaveText *plotlabel2 = new TPaveText(0.23,0.82,0.43,0.87,"NDC"); plotlabel2->SetTextColor(kBlack); plotlabel2->SetFillColor(kWhite); plotlabel2->SetBorderSize(0); plotlabel2->SetTextAlign(12); plotlabel2->SetTextSize(0.03); plotlabel2->AddText("#sqrt{s} = 7 TeV"); TPaveText *plotlabel3 = new TPaveText(0.23,0.75,0.43,0.80,"NDC"); plotlabel3->SetTextColor(kBlack); plotlabel3->SetFillColor(kWhite); plotlabel3->SetBorderSize(0); plotlabel3->SetTextAlign(12); plotlabel3->SetTextSize(0.03); char temp[100]; sprintf(temp, "%.4f", LUMINOSITY); plotlabel3->AddText((string("#int#font[12]{L}dt = ") + temp + string(" pb^{ -1}")).c_str()); TPaveText *plotlabel4 = new TPaveText(0.6,0.82,0.8,0.87,"NDC"); plotlabel4->SetTextColor(kBlack); plotlabel4->SetFillColor(kWhite); plotlabel4->SetBorderSize(0); plotlabel4->SetTextAlign(12); plotlabel4->SetTextSize(0.03); double nsig = ParNumSignal->getVal(); double nErr = ParNumSignal->getError(); double e = ParEfficiency->getVal(); double eErr = ParEfficiency->getError(); double corr = fitResult->correlation(*ParEfficiency, *ParNumSignal); double err = ErrorInProduct(nsig, nErr, e, eErr, corr); sprintf(temp, "Signal = %.2f #pm %.2f", NumSignalPass->getVal(), err); plotlabel4->AddText(temp); TPaveText *plotlabel5 = new TPaveText(0.6,0.77,0.8,0.82,"NDC"); plotlabel5->SetTextColor(kBlack); plotlabel5->SetFillColor(kWhite); plotlabel5->SetBorderSize(0); plotlabel5->SetTextAlign(12); plotlabel5->SetTextSize(0.03); sprintf(temp, "Bkg = %.2f #pm %.2f", ParNumBkgPass->getVal(), ParNumBkgPass->getError()); plotlabel5->AddText(temp); TPaveText *plotlabel6 = new TPaveText(0.6,0.87,0.8,0.92,"NDC"); plotlabel6->SetTextColor(kBlack); plotlabel6->SetFillColor(kWhite); plotlabel6->SetBorderSize(0); plotlabel6->SetTextAlign(12); plotlabel6->SetTextSize(0.03); plotlabel6->AddText("Passing probes"); TPaveText *plotlabel7 = new TPaveText(0.6,0.72,0.8,0.77,"NDC"); plotlabel7->SetTextColor(kBlack); plotlabel7->SetFillColor(kWhite); plotlabel7->SetBorderSize(0); plotlabel7->SetTextAlign(12); plotlabel7->SetTextSize(0.03); sprintf(temp, "Eff = %.3f #pm %.3f", ParEfficiency->getVal(), ParEfficiency->getErrorHi()); plotlabel7->AddText(temp); TPaveText *plotlabel8 = new TPaveText(0.6,0.72,0.8,0.66,"NDC"); plotlabel8->SetTextColor(kBlack); plotlabel8->SetFillColor(kWhite); plotlabel8->SetBorderSize(0); plotlabel8->SetTextAlign(12); plotlabel8->SetTextSize(0.03); sprintf(temp, "#chi^{2}/DOF = %.3f", frame1->chiSquare()); plotlabel8->AddText(temp); plotlabel4->Draw(); plotlabel5->Draw(); plotlabel6->Draw(); plotlabel7->Draw(); plotlabel8->Draw(); // c->SaveAs( cname + TString(".eps")); c->SaveAs( cname + TString(".gif")); canvasFile->WriteTObject(c, c->GetName(), "WriteDelete"); Mass.setBins(NBINSFAIL); cname = TString((label+"_Fail").c_str()); TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas(cname,cname,800,600); RooPlot* frame2 = Mass.frame(); frame2->SetMinimum(0); dataFail->plotOn(frame2,RooFit::DataError(errorType)); pdfFail.plotOn(frame2,RooFit::ProjWData(*dataFail), RooFit::Components(*bkgFailPdf),RooFit::LineColor(kRed)); pdfFail.plotOn(frame2,RooFit::ProjWData(*dataFail)); frame2->Draw("e0"); plotlabel = new TPaveText(0.23,0.87,0.43,0.92,"NDC"); plotlabel->SetTextColor(kBlack); plotlabel->SetFillColor(kWhite); plotlabel->SetBorderSize(0); plotlabel->SetTextAlign(12); plotlabel->SetTextSize(0.03); plotlabel->AddText("CMS Preliminary 2010"); plotlabel2 = new TPaveText(0.23,0.82,0.43,0.87,"NDC"); plotlabel2->SetTextColor(kBlack); plotlabel2->SetFillColor(kWhite); plotlabel2->SetBorderSize(0); plotlabel2->SetTextAlign(12); plotlabel2->SetTextSize(0.03); plotlabel2->AddText("#sqrt{s} = 7 TeV"); plotlabel3 = new TPaveText(0.23,0.75,0.43,0.80,"NDC"); plotlabel3->SetTextColor(kBlack); plotlabel3->SetFillColor(kWhite); plotlabel3->SetBorderSize(0); plotlabel3->SetTextAlign(12); plotlabel3->SetTextSize(0.03); sprintf(temp, "%.4f", LUMINOSITY); plotlabel3->AddText((string("#int#font[12]{L}dt = ") + temp + string(" pb^{ -1}")).c_str()); plotlabel4 = new TPaveText(0.6,0.82,0.8,0.87,"NDC"); plotlabel4->SetTextColor(kBlack); plotlabel4->SetFillColor(kWhite); plotlabel4->SetBorderSize(0); plotlabel4->SetTextAlign(12); plotlabel4->SetTextSize(0.03); err = ErrorInProduct(nsig, nErr, 1.0-e, eErr, corr); sprintf(temp, "Signal = %.2f #pm %.2f", NumSignalFail->getVal(), err); plotlabel4->AddText(temp); plotlabel5 = new TPaveText(0.6,0.77,0.8,0.82,"NDC"); plotlabel5->SetTextColor(kBlack); plotlabel5->SetFillColor(kWhite); plotlabel5->SetBorderSize(0); plotlabel5->SetTextAlign(12); plotlabel5->SetTextSize(0.03); sprintf(temp, "Bkg = %.2f #pm %.2f", ParNumBkgFail->getVal(), ParNumBkgFail->getError()); plotlabel5->AddText(temp); plotlabel6 = new TPaveText(0.6,0.87,0.8,0.92,"NDC"); plotlabel6->SetTextColor(kBlack); plotlabel6->SetFillColor(kWhite); plotlabel6->SetBorderSize(0); plotlabel6->SetTextAlign(12); plotlabel6->SetTextSize(0.03); plotlabel6->AddText("Failing probes"); plotlabel7 = new TPaveText(0.6,0.72,0.8,0.77,"NDC"); plotlabel7->SetTextColor(kBlack); plotlabel7->SetFillColor(kWhite); plotlabel7->SetBorderSize(0); plotlabel7->SetTextAlign(12); plotlabel7->SetTextSize(0.03); sprintf(temp, "Eff = %.3f #pm %.3f", ParEfficiency->getVal(), ParEfficiency->getErrorHi(), ParEfficiency->getErrorLo()); plotlabel7->AddText(temp); plotlabel8 = new TPaveText(0.6,0.72,0.8,0.66,"NDC"); plotlabel8->SetTextColor(kBlack); plotlabel8->SetFillColor(kWhite); plotlabel8->SetBorderSize(0); plotlabel8->SetTextAlign(12); plotlabel8->SetTextSize(0.03); sprintf(temp, "#chi^{2}/DOF = %.3f", frame2->chiSquare()); plotlabel8->AddText(temp); // plotlabel->Draw(); // plotlabel2->Draw(); // plotlabel3->Draw(); plotlabel4->Draw(); plotlabel5->Draw(); plotlabel6->Draw(); plotlabel7->Draw(); plotlabel8->Draw(); c2->SaveAs( cname + TString(".gif")); // c2->SaveAs( cname + TString(".eps")); // c2->SaveAs( cname + TString(".root")); canvasFile->WriteTObject(c2, c2->GetName(), "WriteDelete"); canvasFile->Close(); effTextFile.width(40); effTextFile << label; effTextFile.width(20); effTextFile << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(4) << left << ParEfficiency->getVal() ; effTextFile.width(20); effTextFile << left << ParEfficiency->getErrorHi(); effTextFile.width(20); effTextFile << left << ParEfficiency->getErrorLo(); effTextFile.width(14); effTextFile << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) << left << nSignalPass ; effTextFile.width(14); effTextFile << left << nSignalFail << endl; }