コード例 #1
ファイル: EditorBuildUtils.cpp プロジェクト: Codermay/Unreal4
 * Helper method to handle automated build behavior in the event of an error. Depending on the specified behavior, one of three
 * results are possible:
 *	a) User is prompted on whether to proceed with the automated build or not,
 *	b) The error is regarded as a build-stopper and the method returns failure,
 *	or
 *	c) The error is acknowledged but not regarded as a build-stopper, and the method returns success.
 * In any event, the error is logged for the user's information.
 * @param	InBehavior				Behavior to use to respond to the error
 * @param	InErrorMsg				Error to log
 * @param	OutAccumulatedErrors	List of errors accumulated from the build process so far; InErrorMsg will be added to the list
 * @return	true if the build should proceed after processing the error behavior; false if it should not
bool FEditorBuildUtils::ProcessAutomatedBuildBehavior( EAutomatedBuildBehavior InBehavior, const FText& InErrorMsg, FText& OutAccumulatedErrors )
	// Assume the behavior should result in the build being successful/proceeding to start
	bool bSuccessful = true;

	switch ( InBehavior )
		// In the event the user should be prompted for the error, display a modal dialog describing the error and ask the user
		// if the build should proceed or not
	case ABB_PromptOnError:
			bSuccessful = EAppReturnType::Yes == FMessageDialog::Open(EAppMsgType::YesNo, InErrorMsg);

		// In the event that the specified error should abort the build, mark the processing as a failure
	case ABB_FailOnError:
		bSuccessful = false;

	// Log the error message so the user is aware of it
	LogErrorMessage( InErrorMsg, OutAccumulatedErrors );

	// If the processing resulted in the build inevitably being aborted, write to the log about the abortion
	if ( !bSuccessful )
		LogErrorMessage( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_AutomatedBuildAborted", "Automated build aborted."), OutAccumulatedErrors );

	return bSuccessful;
コード例 #2
ファイル: TCPSocket.cpp プロジェクト: Robograde/Robograde
bool TCPSocket::Connect( const IPv4Address& destination )
	//Set up the socket
	m_Socket = static_cast< int >( socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP ) );	// Adress Family = INET and the protocol to be used is TCP
	if ( m_Socket <= 0 )
		LogErrorMessage( "Failed to create socket", "TCPSocket" );
		return false;

	SetBlockingMode( false );

	// Try to connect
	Logger::Log( "Attempting to connect to " + destination.GetPrintableAddressAndPort(), "TCPSocket", LogSeverity::INFO_MSG );
	sockaddr_in addr = destination.GetSockAddr();

	timeval timeOut;
	timeOut.tv_usec = 0;

	fd_set set;
	FD_ZERO( &set );
	FD_SET( m_Socket, &set );

	int returnVal;
	if ( ( returnVal = connect( m_Socket, ( sockaddr * )&addr, sizeof( sockaddr_in ) ) ) == INVALID_SOCKET )
			return false;
	returnVal = select( static_cast<int>( m_Socket + 1 ), NULL, &set, NULL, &timeOut );

	if ( returnVal > 0 ) // A socket was connected
		m_Destination = destination;
		m_Connected = true;


		Logger::Log( "Connection attempt to " + destination.GetPrintableAddressAndPort() + " was successfull!", "TCPSocket", LogSeverity::INFO_MSG );
		return true;
	else if ( returnVal == 0 )
		Logger::Log( "Connection attempt to " + destination.GetPrintableAddressAndPort() + " timed out", "TCPSocket", LogSeverity::INFO_MSG );
		return false;
		LogErrorMessage( "Connection attempt to " + destination.GetPrintableAddressAndPort() + " failed", "TCPSocket" );
		return false;
コード例 #3
bool CSendToMarket::SendToMarket(TTradeRequest &trade_mes)
	try {
		// send Trade Request to MEE
		m_Socket->dbt5Send(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&trade_mes),
	} catch (CSocketErr *pErr) {
		m_Socket->dbt5Disconnect();	// close connection
		timeval t1;
		gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
		ostringstream osErr;
		osErr << "Cannot send to market, time "<<t1.tv_sec<<", "<<t1.tv_usec<<", m_Socket = "<<m_Socket->getSocketFd() << endl <<
				"Error: " << pErr->ErrorText() <<
				" at CSendToMarket::SendToMarket" << endl;
		delete pErr;
		return false;

	return true;
コード例 #4
int CiSeries::getAlarmInfo()

	//char *almmsg[] = {
	//	"P/S 100 ALARM","P/S 000 ALARM",
	//	"P/S 101 ALARM","P/S ALARM (1-255)",
	//	"OT ALARM",     "OH ALARM",
	//	"SERVO ALARM",  "unknown ALARM",
	//	"P/S ALARM (5000-)"
	//} ;
	char *almmsg[] = {
		"P/S alarm",
		"Overtravel alarm",
		"Servo alarm",
		"(Not used)",
		"Overheat alarm",
		"Stroke limit - 1",
		"Stroke limit - 2",
		"Edit alarm",
		"APC alarm",
		"(Not used)",
		"P/S 5000 ... alarm",
		"(Not used)",
		"(Not used)",
		"(Not used)",
		"External alarm",
		"Reverse control alarm"};

	short ret=0;
	ODBALM buf ;
	unsigned short idx ;
	ret=cnc_alarm( _adapter->mFlibhndl, &buf ) ;
	if (ret != EW_OK)
		return 	LogErrorMessage("iSeries::getAlarmInfo() cnc_alarm FAILED\n", ret );

	if ( buf.data == 0 )
			_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("fault", "");
		std::string sAlarm;
		for ( idx = 0 ; idx < 11 ; idx++ ) 
			if ( buf.data & 0x0001 )
				sAlarm+= almmsg[idx]  ;
			buf.data >>= 1 ;
		_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("fault", sAlarm);
	return 0;
コード例 #5
int CiSeries::connect()
	LOGONCE GLogger.Status(StdStringFormat("iSeries::connect Using Protocol=%s\n", Globals.FanucProtocol.c_str()));

	short ret;
	if(Globals.FanucProtocol == "HSSB")
		GLogger.Fatal(StdStringFormat("iSeries::connect HSSB cnc_allclibhndl2 Port=%d\n", _adapter->mDevicePort ));
		//GLogger << FATAL  << "THIS EXECUTABLE DOES NOT HANDLE HSSB - EXCLUSIVELY Focas w/ Processing library for TCP/IP\n";
		ret =  ::cnc_allclibhndl2(_adapter->mDevicePort,&_adapter->mFlibhndl);
		GLogger.Fatal( "THIS EXECUTABLE DOES NOT HANDLE LAN - EXCLUSIVELY Focas w/ Processing library for HSSB\n" );
		return -1;
		GLogger.Fatal(StdStringFormat("iSeries::connect LAN cnc_allclibhndl3 IP=%s  Port=%d\n",Globals.FanucIpAddress.c_str(), _adapter->mDevicePort ));
		ret = ::cnc_allclibhndl3(Globals.FanucIpAddress.c_str(), _adapter->mDevicePort, 10, &_adapter->mFlibhndl);
			GLogger.Fatal(StdStringFormat("iSeries::connect LAN cnc_allclibhndl3 Exception\n"));
		GLogger.Fatal( "THIS EXECUTABLE DOES NOT HANDLE LAN - EXCLUSIVELY Focas w/ Processing library for HSSB\n");
		return -1;

	GLogger.Fatal (StdStringFormat("iSeries::connect cnc_allclibhndl Result:%x\n " , ret ));
	if (ret != EW_OK) 
		LogErrorMessage("iSeries::connect cnc_allclibhndl3 failed ",ret);
		_adapter->mConnected = false;
		LOGONCE GLogger.Fatal(StdStringFormat("iSeries::connect FAILED Power = OFF\n", ret ));
		return -1;

	GLogger.LogMessage(StdStringFormat("iSeries::connect connected ON\n", ret ), HEAVYDEBUG);
	_adapter->mConnected = true;
	return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: TCPSocket.cpp プロジェクト: Robograde/Robograde
void TCPSocket::Disconnect()
	int result;
	result = shutdown( m_Socket, SD_BOTH );
	result = shutdown( m_Socket, SHUT_RDWR );
	if ( result != 0 )
		LogErrorMessage( "Failed to shut down socket", "TCPSocket" );

	result = closesocket( m_Socket );
	result = close( m_Socket );
	if ( result != 0 )
		LogErrorMessage( "Failed to close socket", "TCPSocket" );
	m_Connected = false;
コード例 #7
ファイル: TCPSocket.cpp プロジェクト: Robograde/Robograde
bool TCPSocket::SetTimeout( unsigned int seconds )
	bool result1;
	bool result2;
	bool toReturn;

	struct timeval timeout;
	timeout.tv_sec = seconds;
	timeout.tv_usec = 0;

	result1 = setsockopt( m_Socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, ( char * )&timeout, sizeof( timeout ) ) != SOCKET_ERROR;
	result2 = setsockopt( m_Socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, ( char * )&timeout, sizeof( timeout ) ) != SOCKET_ERROR;

	toReturn = result1 && result2;
	if ( !toReturn )
		LogErrorMessage( "Failed to set timeout time", "TCPSocket" );

	return toReturn;
コード例 #8
bool CSendToMarket::SendToMarket(TTradeRequest &trade_mes)
    try {
        // send Trade Request to MEE
        m_Socket->dbt5Send(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&trade_mes),
    } catch (CSocketErr *pErr) {
        m_Socket->dbt5Disconnect();	// close connection

        ostringstream osErr;
        osErr << "Cannot send to market" << endl <<
              "Error: " << pErr->ErrorText() <<
              " at CSendToMarket::SendToMarket" << endl;
        delete pErr;
        return false;

    return true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: TCPSocket.cpp プロジェクト: Robograde/Robograde
bool TCPSocket::SendRawData( const Byte* const data, const unsigned int dataSize )
	if ( m_Socket == INVALID_SOCKET )
		Logger::Log( "Attempted to send to invalid socket", "TCPSocket", LogSeverity::WARNING_MSG );
		return false;

	int bytesSent = send( m_Socket, data, dataSize, SENDFLAGS );
	if ( bytesSent != dataSize )
		int error = GET_NETWORK_ERROR;
		if ( error == ROBOECONNECTIONABORTED || error == ROBOEWOULDBLOCK || error == EPIPE || error == ROBOECONNRESET )
			m_Connected = false;
			Logger::Log( "Connection to " + m_Destination.GetPrintableAddressAndPort() + " was aborted", "TCPSocket", LogSeverity::INFO_MSG );
			LogErrorMessage( "Sending of packet with length " + rToString( dataSize ) + " and destination " + m_Destination.GetPrintableAddressAndPort() + " failed", "TCPSocket" );

		return false;
	return true;
コード例 #10
ファイル: TCPSocket.cpp プロジェクト: Robograde/Robograde
Message* TCPSocket::Receive()
	if ( m_Socket == INVALID_SOCKET )
		Logger::Log( "Attempted to receive from invalid socket", "TCPSocket", LogSeverity::WARNING_MSG );
		return nullptr;

	int nrOfBytesReceived;
	if ( m_ExpectedHeaderBytes > 0 ) // If we are waiting for header data
		nrOfBytesReceived = recv( m_Socket, m_Pos, m_ExpectedHeaderBytes, 0 ); // Try to receive header

		if ( nrOfBytesReceived == 0 ) // Check if the socket was gracefully disconnected
			m_Connected = false;
			Logger::Log( "Connection to " + m_Destination.GetPrintableAddressAndPort() + " terminated gracefully", "TCPSocket", LogSeverity::INFO_MSG );
		else if ( nrOfBytesReceived == -1 )
			int error = GET_NETWORK_ERROR;
			if ( error != ROBOEWOULDBLOCK )
					m_Connected = false;
					Logger::Log( "Connection to " + m_Destination.GetPrintableAddressAndPort( ) + " was aborted", "TCPSocket", LogSeverity::INFO_MSG );
					LogErrorMessage( "An unhandled error occured while receiving header data", "TCPSocket" );
			return nullptr; // No data was ready to be received or there was an error

		if ( nrOfBytesReceived == m_ExpectedHeaderBytes )
			m_ExpectedHeaderBytes = 0;	// We received the full header

			// Get the size of the packet (Embedded as first part) and create a buffer of that size
			m_PayloadData = static_cast<Byte*>( tMalloc( m_ExpectedPayloadBytes ) );

			m_ExpectedPayloadBytes -= sizeof( unsigned int ); // We have already received the size value
			m_Pos = m_PayloadData;	// Pos now points to the new buffer since that is where we will want to write on the next recv
		else // Only a part of the header was received. Account for this and handle it on next function call
			m_ExpectedHeaderBytes -= nrOfBytesReceived;
			m_Pos += nrOfBytesReceived;
			return nullptr;

	nrOfBytesReceived = recv( m_Socket, m_Pos, m_ExpectedPayloadBytes, 0 ); // Try to receive payload

	if ( nrOfBytesReceived == -1 )
		int error = GET_NETWORK_ERROR;
		if ( error != ROBOEWOULDBLOCK )
				m_Connected = false;
				Logger::Log( "Connection to " + m_Destination.GetPrintableAddressAndPort( ) + " was aborted", "TCPSocket", LogSeverity::INFO_MSG );
				LogErrorMessage( "An unhandled error occured while receiving payload data", "TCPSocket" );

		return nullptr; // No data was ready to be received or there was an error

	// If all data was received. Clean up, prepare for next call and return the buffer as a packet (Will need to be cast to the correct type on the outside using the Type field)
	if ( nrOfBytesReceived == m_ExpectedPayloadBytes )
		MessageTypes::MessageType messageType;
		Byte* walker = m_PayloadData;

		memcpy( &messageType, walker, sizeof( MESSAGE_TYPE_ENUM_UNDELYING_TYPE ) );
		Message* packet;
		if ( messageType == 0 )
			NetworkMessageTypes::NetworkMessageType networkedMessageType;
			memcpy( &networkedMessageType, walker + sizeof( MESSAGE_TYPE_ENUM_UNDELYING_TYPE ) + sizeof( bool ), sizeof( NetworkMessageTypes::NetworkMessageType ) );
			packet = NetworkMessages::GetDefaultMessage( networkedMessageType );
			packet = Messages::GetDefaultMessage( messageType );
		packet->Deserialize( ( const char*& )walker );

		if ( walker != m_PayloadData + packet->GetSerializationSize( ) )
			int differentiatingSize = walker - m_PayloadData - packet->GetSerializationSize( );
			assert( false );
		MemoryAllocator::VerifyPointer( packet );

		tFree( m_PayloadData );
		m_PayloadData = nullptr;
		m_Pos = reinterpret_cast<Byte*>( &m_ExpectedPayloadBytes );
		m_ExpectedPayloadBytes = -1;
		m_ExpectedHeaderBytes = sizeof( unsigned int );

		return packet;
	else // Only part of the payload was received. Account for this and try to receive the rest in an upcoming function call
		m_ExpectedPayloadBytes -= nrOfBytesReceived;
		m_Pos += nrOfBytesReceived;
		return nullptr;
コード例 #11
//	SIP Uri Logger
void CSipUriAndAuthorityTest::SipLogError(TInt aError, const TDesC16& aSipUri) const
	TBool wrongError=EFalse;
	//compare the Equivalent SIP URI to look for the correct error, these SIP URIs must be in T_UriParserSipUri.txt
	//All equal
	if (0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriEqual0) && KErrNone != aError 
		|| 0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriEqual1) && KErrNone != aError 
		|| 0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriEqual2) && KErrNone != aError)
	//All not equal		
	if (0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriNotEqual0) && KUriUtilsErrDifferentUserInfo == aError 
		|| 0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriNotEqual1) && KUriUtilsErrDifferentPath  == aError 
		|| 0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriNotEqual2) && KUriUtilsErrDifferentPort  == aError )

	//compare the SIP URIs to look for the correct error returned by CUri for validation
	if (0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriNotEqual1) && KUriUtilsErrDifferentPath  != aError )

	if (0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriValid0) && KErrNone!= aError
		|| 0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriValid1) && KErrNone!= aError)

	if (0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriInvalid0) && KErrNotSupported != aError)
	if( 0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriInvalid5) && KUriUtilsErrInvalidParam!= aError
		|| 0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriInvalid6) && KUriUtilsErrInvalidParam!= aError)
	if (0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriInvalid3) && KUriUtilsErrInvalidHost!= aError)
	if (0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriInvalid2) && KUriUtilsErrInvalidHeaders != aError)

	if (0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriInvalid1) && KUriUtilsErrInvalidPort != aError
		|| 0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriInvalid4) && KUriUtilsErrInvalidPort!= aError
		|| 0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriNotEqual2) && KUriUtilsErrDifferentPort  != aError)

	if (0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriInvalid7) && KUriUtilsErrInvalidUserInfo!= aError
		|| 0==aSipUri.Compare(KCompsSipUriNotEqual0) && KUriUtilsErrDifferentUserInfo != aError)

	if (wrongError)
	LogErrorMessage(aSipUri, aError);
	if (wrongError)
コード例 #12
int CiSeries::getSpeeds()
	GLogger.LogMessage("iSeries::getSpeeds enter\n", 3);
	if (!_adapter->mConnected)
		return -1;

	double spindlespeed=0, feedrate=0;

	ODBSPEED speed;
	/* Data type. 0 ( feed rate ), 1 ( spindle speed  ) , -1 (  all  ) */
	short ret = cnc_rdspeed(_adapter->mFlibhndl, -1, &speed);
	if (ret == EW_OK)
			 spindlespeed=spindlespeed / pow( 10.0, (double) speed.acts.dec); 

			 feedrate=feedrate / pow( 10.0, (double) speed.actf.dec); 

	else // Error
		GLogger.Warning(StdStringFormat("Error: iSeries::getSpeeds=%d\n", ret));
		LogErrorMessage("Error: iSeries::cnc_rdspeed", ret);

		std::string feed,X, Y, Z, A, B,mode,execution;


		// If moving and in auto mode, assume spindle on
		if(	(mode == "AUTOMATIC" ) &&
			(execution ==  "EXECUTING" )&&
			lastFeed!=feed ||
			lastX!=X ||
			lastY!= Y ||
			//|| lastA!=A
			mLag=4; // 3 cycles - 3 seconds;

		if(mLag<0) mLag=0;

			spindlespeed = 99.0; // _adapter->SetMTCTagValue("Srpm","99.0");
			spindlespeed = 0; // _adapter->SetMTCTagValue("Srpm","0");

	_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("path_feedratefrt", StdStringFormat("%8.4f", feedrate));
	_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("Srpm", StdStringFormat("%8.4f", spindlespeed));

	GLogger.LogMessage("iSeries::getSpeeds done\n", 3);
	GLogger.LogMessage("iSeries::getSpindleLoad\n", 5);
#if 1

	short nspd;
	ret = cnc_rdnspdl(_adapter->mFlibhndl, &nspd);
	if (ret != EW_OK)
		LOGONCE GLogger.Fatal("iSeries::cnc_rdnspdl Failed\n");
		return -1;

	ODBSPN *load = static_cast<ODBSPN *>(alloca(nspd * sizeof(ODBSPN)));
	//ODBSPLOAD load[MAX_SPINDLES];   /* 4 = maximum spinlde number */
	ret = cnc_rdspload (_adapter->mFlibhndl, -1, load);
	if (ret != EW_OK)
		LOGONCE GLogger.Fatal(StdStringFormat("iSeries::cnc_rdspload Failed\n"));
		return ret;
	 _adapter->SetMTCTagValue("Sload", StdStringFormat("%8.4f", load[0].data[0]));
	GLogger.LogMessage("iSeries::getLoads Leave\n", 3);
	return EW_OK;
コード例 #13
int CiSeries::getStatus()
	GLogger.LogMessage("iSeries::getStatus Enter\n", 3);

	if (!_adapter->mConnected)
		return -1;

	short ret;

	/// Difference 15i versus 16/18/.. i series
	if (EW_OK == (ret=cnc_rdopnlsgnl(_adapter->mFlibhndl, 0xFFFF, &sgnl)))
		std::string sFovr = StdStringFormat("%d", (int) sgnl.feed_ovrd );

		// Broken?
		//_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("path_feedrateovr", sFovr);
		_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("path_feedrateovr", "100");
			_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("Sovr", "100");
		_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("Sovr", "100");
		_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("path_feedrateovr", "100");
		GLogger.Warning(StdStringFormat("Error: iSeries::cnc_rdopnlsgnl=%d\n", ret));
		LogErrorMessage("Error: iSeries::cnc_rdopnlsgnl", ret);

	//this one may fail
	// bit 6	:	Spindle override signal (only Series 15)
	//if(EW_OK == cnc_rdopnlsgnl(_adapter->mFlibhndl, 0x40, &sgnl)) 
	//	_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("Sovr", StdStringFormat("%8.4f", sgnl.spdl_ovrd * 10.0));

	ODBST status;
	ret = cnc_statinfo(_adapter->mFlibhndl, &status);
	if (ret == EW_OK)
		GLogger.Info(StdStringFormat("Controller mode iSeries::cnc_statinfo=%d\n", status.aut));
		// Series 16/18/21/0/Power Mate 
		if (status.aut == 0) // MDI for aut
		_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("controllermode", "MANUAL");
		else if (status.aut != 2) // Other than no selection or MDI
			_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("controllermode", "AUTOMATIC");
			_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("controllermode", "MANUAL");

		/** run 
		Status of automatic operation 0  :  ****(reset)  
		1  :  STOP  
		2  :  HOLD  
		3  :  STaRT  
		4  :  MSTR(during retraction and re-positioning of tool retraction and recovery, and operation of JOG MDI)  
		GLogger.Info(StdStringFormat("Execution mode iSeries::cnc_statinfo=%d\n", status.run));

		if(status.run == 0 )
			_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("execution", "IDLE");
		else if (status.run == 1 || status.run == 2) //  STOP or HOLD is ePAUSED
			_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("execution", "PAUSED");
		else if (status.run >2) // STaRT
			_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("execution", "EXECUTING");
		//else if (status.run ==4) 
		//	_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("execution", "PAUSED");
		//	_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("execution", "PAUSED");
	GLogger.LogMessage("iSeries::getStatus Leave\n", 3);
	return EW_OK;
コード例 #14
int CiSeries::getLine()
	GLogger.LogMessage("iSeries::getLine Enter\n", 3);
	std::string prognum,progname;

	short ret;
	if (!_adapter->mConnected)
		return -1;

	ODBSEQ block;
	ret = cnc_rdseqnum(_adapter->mFlibhndl, &block ); // 15,16,18,21,0,powermate
	if (ret == EW_OK)
		_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("line", StdStringFormat("%d", block.data));
		GLogger.Info(StdStringFormat("Error iSeries::cnc_rdseqnum=%d\n", ret));

	ODBPRO buf ;
	ret = cnc_rdprgnum( _adapter->mFlibhndl, &buf ) ; // 15,16,18,21,0,powermate
	if (ret == EW_OK)
		//prognum=StdStringFormat("O%04hd", buf.data); // mdata -  Main program number. data- Running program number.
		prognum=StdStringFormat("O%04d", buf.data); // mdata -  Main program number. data- Running program number.
		GLogger.Info(StdStringFormat("iSeries::cnc_rdprgnum prognum = %d\n", buf.mdata));
		GLogger.Info(StdStringFormat("iSeries::cnc_rdprgnum prognum = %d\n",(int) (buf.mdata&0xFFFF)));
		GLogger.Info(StdStringFormat("iSeries::cnc_rdprgnum prognum data = %d\n",(int) (buf.data&0xFFFF)));
		GLogger.Info(StdStringFormat("Error CiSeries::cnc_rdprgnum=%d", ret));
		LogErrorMessage(" CiSeries::cnc_rdprgnum FAILED\n", ret );

	if(1) // Globals.ProgramLogic == "FirstComment")

		short i, blk;
		unsigned short num;
		short top = 0;
		char prg[BUFSIZE+1];
		std::string sLine;
		//do {
			num = BUFSIZE;

			ret = cnc_rdexecprog(_adapter->mFlibhndl,&num, &blk, prg);

			if ( ret == EW_LENGTH  ) 
				LogErrorMessage(" iSeries::cnc_rdexecprog FAILED Length Error\n", ret );
				goto error;

			if ( ret ) 
				LogErrorMessage("iSeries::cnc_rdexecprog NOSPECIFIC ERROR\n", ret );
				goto error;

			// Find first comment  (  ) SHOULD BE ON FIRST LINE
			// Extract comment, if not null assign to progname, which is output as program to MTConnect
				//sLine = prg[i].comment;
				sLine = prg; // [i].comment;
				int n = sLine.find("(");
				int m= sLine.find(")");

				if(std::string::npos ==n && std::string::npos ==m)
					LOGONCE GLogger.Fatal(StdStringFormat("Didn't find comment %s\n",sLine.c_str()));
					goto error;

				sLine= sLine.substr(n+1,m-n-1);

				if(!sLine.empty() && sLine != "()")
					// GLogger.Fatal(StdStringFormat("Program Name = %s\n",sLine.c_str()));
		_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("program", progname);
	else if(!prognum.empty())
		_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("program", prognum);
		_adapter->SetMTCTagValue("program", "O1");
	GLogger.LogMessage("iSeries::getLine Leave\n", 3);
	return EW_OK;
コード例 #15
ファイル: EditorBuildUtils.cpp プロジェクト: Codermay/Unreal4
bool FEditorBuildUtils::EditorAutomatedBuildAndSubmit( const FEditorAutomatedBuildSettings& BuildSettings, FText& OutErrorMessages )
	// Assume the build is successful to start
	bool bBuildSuccessful = true;
	// Keep a set of packages that should be submitted to source control at the end of a successful build. The build preparation and processing
	// will add and remove from the set depending on build settings, errors, etc.
	TSet<UPackage*> PackagesToSubmit;

	// Perform required preparations for the automated build process
	bBuildSuccessful = PrepForAutomatedBuild( BuildSettings, PackagesToSubmit, OutErrorMessages );

	// If the preparation went smoothly, attempt the actual map building process
	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		bBuildSuccessful = EditorBuild( GWorld, EBuildOptions::BuildAllSubmit );

		// If the map build failed, log the error
		if ( !bBuildSuccessful )
			LogErrorMessage( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_BuildFailed", "The map build failed or was canceled."), OutErrorMessages );

	// If any map errors resulted from the build, process them according to the behavior specified in the build settings
	if ( bBuildSuccessful && FMessageLog("MapCheck").NumMessages( EMessageSeverity::Warning ) > 0 )
		bBuildSuccessful = ProcessAutomatedBuildBehavior( BuildSettings.BuildErrorBehavior, NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_MapErrors", "Map errors occurred while building.\n\nAttempt to continue the build?"), OutErrorMessages );

	// If it's still safe to proceed, attempt to save all of the level packages that have been marked for submission
	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		UPackage* CurOutermostPkg = GWorld->PersistentLevel->GetOutermost();
		FString PackagesThatFailedToSave;

		// Try to save the p-level if it should be submitted
		if ( PackagesToSubmit.Contains( CurOutermostPkg ) && !FEditorFileUtils::SaveLevel( GWorld->PersistentLevel ) )
			// If the p-level failed to save, remove it from the set of packages to submit
			PackagesThatFailedToSave += FString::Printf( TEXT("%s\n"), *CurOutermostPkg->GetName() );
			PackagesToSubmit.Remove( CurOutermostPkg );
		// Try to save each streaming level (if they should be submitted)
		for ( TArray<ULevelStreaming*>::TIterator LevelIter( GWorld->StreamingLevels ); LevelIter; ++LevelIter )
			ULevelStreaming* CurStreamingLevel = *LevelIter;
			if ( CurStreamingLevel != NULL )
				ULevel* Level = CurStreamingLevel->GetLoadedLevel();
				if ( Level != NULL )
					CurOutermostPkg = Level->GetOutermost();
					if ( PackagesToSubmit.Contains( CurOutermostPkg ) && !FEditorFileUtils::SaveLevel( Level ) )
						// If a save failed, remove the streaming level from the set of packages to submit
						PackagesThatFailedToSave += FString::Printf( TEXT("%s\n"), *CurOutermostPkg->GetName() );
						PackagesToSubmit.Remove( CurOutermostPkg );

		// If any packages failed to save, process the behavior specified by the build settings to see how the process should proceed
		if ( PackagesThatFailedToSave.Len() > 0 )
			bBuildSuccessful = ProcessAutomatedBuildBehavior( BuildSettings.FailedToSaveBehavior,
				FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_FilesFailedSave", "The following assets failed to save and cannot be submitted:\n\n{0}\n\nAttempt to continue the build?"), FText::FromString(PackagesThatFailedToSave) ),
				OutErrorMessages );

	// If still safe to proceed, make sure there are actually packages remaining to submit
	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		bBuildSuccessful = PackagesToSubmit.Num() > 0;
		if ( !bBuildSuccessful )
			LogErrorMessage( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_NoValidLevels", "None of the current levels are valid for submission; automated build aborted."), OutErrorMessages );

	// Finally, if everything has gone smoothly, submit the requested packages to source control
	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		SubmitPackagesForAutomatedBuild( PackagesToSubmit, BuildSettings );

	// Check if the user requested the editor shutdown at the conclusion of the automated build
	if ( BuildSettings.bShutdownEditorOnCompletion )
		FPlatformMisc::RequestExit( false );

	return bBuildSuccessful;
コード例 #16
ファイル: EditorBuildUtils.cpp プロジェクト: Codermay/Unreal4
 * Helper method designed to perform the necessary preparations required to complete an automated editor build
 * @param	BuildSettings		Build settings that will be used for the editor build
 * @param	OutPkgsToSubmit		Set of packages that need to be saved and submitted after a successful build
 * @param	OutErrorMessages	Errors that resulted from the preparation (may or may not force the build to stop, depending on build settings)
 * @return	true if the preparation was successful and the build should continue; false if the preparation failed and the build should be aborted
bool FEditorBuildUtils::PrepForAutomatedBuild( const FEditorAutomatedBuildSettings& BuildSettings, TSet<UPackage*>& OutPkgsToSubmit, FText& OutErrorMessages )
	// Assume the preparation is successful to start
	bool bBuildSuccessful = true;


	ISourceControlProvider& SourceControlProvider = ISourceControlModule::Get().GetProvider();

	// Source control is required for the automated build, so ensure that SCC support is compiled in and
	// that the server is enabled and available for use
	if ( !ISourceControlModule::Get().IsEnabled() || !SourceControlProvider.IsAvailable() )
		bBuildSuccessful = false;
		LogErrorMessage( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_SCCError", "Cannot connect to source control; automated build aborted."), OutErrorMessages );

	// Empty changelists aren't allowed; abort the build if one wasn't provided
	if ( bBuildSuccessful && BuildSettings.ChangeDescription.Len() == 0 )
		bBuildSuccessful = false;
		LogErrorMessage( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_NoCLDesc", "A changelist description must be provided; automated build aborted."), OutErrorMessages );

	TArray<UPackage*> PreviouslySavedWorldPackages;
	TArray<UPackage*> PackagesToCheckout;
	TArray<ULevel*> LevelsToSave;

	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		TArray<UWorld*> AllWorlds;
		FString UnsavedWorlds;
		EditorLevelUtils::GetWorlds( GWorld, AllWorlds, true );

		// Check all of the worlds that will be built to ensure they have been saved before and have a filename
		// associated with them. If they don't, they won't be able to be submitted to source control.
		FString CurWorldPkgFileName;
		for ( TArray<UWorld*>::TConstIterator WorldIter( AllWorlds ); WorldIter; ++WorldIter )
			const UWorld* CurWorld = *WorldIter;
			check( CurWorld );

			UPackage* CurWorldPackage = CurWorld->GetOutermost();
			check( CurWorldPackage );

			if ( FPackageName::DoesPackageExist( CurWorldPackage->GetName(), NULL, &CurWorldPkgFileName ) )
				PreviouslySavedWorldPackages.AddUnique( CurWorldPackage );

				// Add all packages which have a corresponding file to the set of packages to submit for now. As preparation continues
				// any packages that can't be submitted due to some error will be removed.
				OutPkgsToSubmit.Add( CurWorldPackage );
				UnsavedWorlds += FString::Printf( TEXT("%s\n"), *CurWorldPackage->GetName() );

		// If any of the worlds haven't been saved before, process the build setting's behavior to see if the build
		// should proceed or not
		if ( UnsavedWorlds.Len() > 0 )
			bBuildSuccessful = ProcessAutomatedBuildBehavior( BuildSettings.NewMapBehavior, 
				FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_UnsavedMap", "The following levels have never been saved before and cannot be submitted:\n\n{0}\n\nAttempt to continue the build?"), FText::FromString(UnsavedWorlds) ),
				OutErrorMessages );

	// Load the asset tools module
	FAssetToolsModule& AssetToolsModule = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FAssetToolsModule>("AssetTools");

	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		// Update the source control status of any relevant world packages in order to determine which need to be
		// checked out, added to the depot, etc.
		SourceControlProvider.Execute( ISourceControlOperation::Create<FUpdateStatus>(), SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilenames(PreviouslySavedWorldPackages) );

		FString PkgsThatCantBeCheckedOut;
		for ( TArray<UPackage*>::TConstIterator PkgIter( PreviouslySavedWorldPackages ); PkgIter; ++PkgIter )
			UPackage* CurPackage = *PkgIter;
			const FString CurPkgName = CurPackage->GetName();
			FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(CurPackage, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);

			if( !SourceControlState.IsValid() ||
				(!SourceControlState->IsSourceControlled() &&
				 !SourceControlState->IsUnknown() &&
				FString CurFilename;
				if ( FPackageName::DoesPackageExist( CurPkgName, NULL, &CurFilename ) )
					if ( IFileManager::Get().IsReadOnly( *CurFilename ) )
						PkgsThatCantBeCheckedOut += FString::Printf( TEXT("%s\n"), *CurPkgName );
						OutPkgsToSubmit.Remove( CurPackage );
			else if(SourceControlState->CanCheckout())
				PackagesToCheckout.Add( CurPackage );
				PkgsThatCantBeCheckedOut += FString::Printf( TEXT("%s\n"), *CurPkgName );
				OutPkgsToSubmit.Remove( CurPackage );

		// If any of the packages can't be checked out or are read-only, process the build setting's behavior to see if the build
		// should proceed or not
		if ( PkgsThatCantBeCheckedOut.Len() > 0 )
			bBuildSuccessful = ProcessAutomatedBuildBehavior( BuildSettings.UnableToCheckoutFilesBehavior,
				FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_UnsaveableFiles", "The following assets cannot be checked out of source control (or are read-only) and cannot be submitted:\n\n{0}\n\nAttempt to continue the build?"), FText::FromString(PkgsThatCantBeCheckedOut) ),
				OutErrorMessages );

	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		// Check out all of the packages from source control that need to be checked out
		if ( PackagesToCheckout.Num() > 0 )
			TArray<FString> PackageFilenames = SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilenames(PackagesToCheckout);
			SourceControlProvider.Execute( ISourceControlOperation::Create<FCheckOut>(), PackageFilenames );

			// Update the package status of the packages that were just checked out to confirm that they
			// were actually checked out correctly
			SourceControlProvider.Execute(  ISourceControlOperation::Create<FUpdateStatus>(), PackageFilenames );

			FString FilesThatFailedCheckout;
			for ( TArray<UPackage*>::TConstIterator CheckedOutIter( PackagesToCheckout ); CheckedOutIter; ++CheckedOutIter )
				UPackage* CurPkg = *CheckedOutIter;
				FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(CurPkg, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);

				// If any of the packages failed to check out, remove them from the set of packages to submit
				if ( !SourceControlState.IsValid() || (!SourceControlState->IsCheckedOut() && !SourceControlState->IsAdded() && SourceControlState->IsSourceControlled()) )
					FilesThatFailedCheckout += FString::Printf( TEXT("%s\n"), *CurPkg->GetName() );
					OutPkgsToSubmit.Remove( CurPkg );

			// If any of the packages failed to check out correctly, process the build setting's behavior to see if the build
			// should proceed or not
			if ( FilesThatFailedCheckout.Len() > 0 )
				bBuildSuccessful = ProcessAutomatedBuildBehavior( BuildSettings.UnableToCheckoutFilesBehavior,
					FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_FilesFailedCheckout", "The following assets failed to checkout of source control and cannot be submitted:\n{0}\n\nAttempt to continue the build?"), FText::FromString(FilesThatFailedCheckout)),
					OutErrorMessages );

	// Verify there are still actually any packages left to submit. If there aren't, abort the build and warn the user of the situation.
	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		bBuildSuccessful = OutPkgsToSubmit.Num() > 0;
		if ( !bBuildSuccessful )
			LogErrorMessage( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AutomatedBuild_Error_NoValidLevels", "None of the current levels are valid for submission; automated build aborted."), OutErrorMessages );

	// If the build is safe to commence, force all of the levels visible to make sure the build operates correctly
	if ( bBuildSuccessful )
		bool bVisibilityToggled = false;
		if ( !FLevelUtils::IsLevelVisible( GWorld->PersistentLevel ) )
			EditorLevelUtils::SetLevelVisibility( GWorld->PersistentLevel, true, false );
			bVisibilityToggled = true;
		for ( TArray<ULevelStreaming*>::TConstIterator LevelIter( GWorld->StreamingLevels ); LevelIter; ++LevelIter )
			ULevelStreaming* CurStreamingLevel = *LevelIter;
			if ( CurStreamingLevel && !FLevelUtils::IsLevelVisible( CurStreamingLevel ) )
				CurStreamingLevel->bShouldBeVisibleInEditor = true;
				bVisibilityToggled = true;
		if ( bVisibilityToggled )

	return bBuildSuccessful;