static int LuaGetFlowvar(lua_State *luastate) { uint16_t idx; int id; Flow *f; FlowVar *fv; DetectLuaData *ld; /* need lua data for id -> idx conversion */ lua_pushlightuserdata(luastate, (void *)&luaext_key_ld); lua_gettable(luastate, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); ld = lua_touserdata(luastate, -1); SCLogDebug("ld %p", ld); if (ld == NULL) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "internal error: no ld"); return 2; } /* need flow and lock hint */ f = LuaStateGetFlow(luastate); if (f == NULL) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "no flow"); return 2; } /* need flowvar idx */ if (!lua_isnumber(luastate, 1)) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "1st arg not a number"); return 2; } id = lua_tonumber(luastate, 1); if (id < 0 || id >= DETECT_LUAJIT_MAX_FLOWVARS) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "flowvar id out of range"); return 2; } idx = ld->flowvar[id]; if (idx == 0) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "flowvar id uninitialized"); return 2; } fv = FlowVarGet(f, idx); if (fv == NULL) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "no flow var"); return 2; } LuaPushStringBuffer(luastate, (const uint8_t *)fv->data.fv_str.value, (size_t)fv->data.fv_str.value_len); return 1; }
/** \internal * \brief Wrapper for getting AppLayerProto info into a lua script * \retval cnt number of items placed on the stack */ static int LuaCallbackStatsFlow(lua_State *luastate) { int r = 0; Flow *f = LuaStateGetFlow(luastate); if (f == NULL) return LuaCallbackError(luastate, "internal error: no flow"); r = LuaCallbackStatsPushToStackFromFlow(luastate, f); return r; }
/** \internal * \brief Wrapper for getting ts info into a lua script * \retval cnt number of items placed on the stack */ static int LuaCallbackFlowTimeString(lua_State *luastate) { int r = 0; Flow *flow = LuaStateGetFlow(luastate); if (flow == NULL) return LuaCallbackError(luastate, "internal error: no flow"); r = LuaCallbackTimeStringPushToStackFromFlow(luastate, flow); return r; }
int LuaStateNeedProto(lua_State *luastate, AppProto alproto) { AppProto flow_alproto = 0; Flow *flow = LuaStateGetFlow(luastate); if (flow == NULL) return LuaCallbackError(luastate, "internal error: no flow"); flow_alproto = flow->alproto; return (alproto == flow_alproto); }
static int TlsGetSNI(lua_State *luastate) { int r; if (!(LuaStateNeedProto(luastate, ALPROTO_TLS))) return LuaCallbackError(luastate, "error: protocol not tls"); int lock_hint = 0; Flow *f = LuaStateGetFlow(luastate, &lock_hint); if (f == NULL) return LuaCallbackError(luastate, "internal error: no flow"); if (lock_hint == LUA_FLOW_NOT_LOCKED_BY_PARENT) { FLOWLOCK_RDLOCK(f); r = GetSNI(luastate, f); FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(f); } else { r = GetSNI(luastate, f); } return r; }
static int LuaDecrFlowint(lua_State *luastate) { uint16_t idx; int id; Flow *f; FlowVar *fv; DetectLuaData *ld; int flow_lock = 0; uint32_t number; /* need luajit data for id -> idx conversion */ lua_pushlightuserdata(luastate, (void *)&luaext_key_ld); lua_gettable(luastate, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); ld = lua_touserdata(luastate, -1); SCLogDebug("ld %p", ld); if (ld == NULL) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "internal error: no ld"); return 2; } /* need flow and lock hint */ f = LuaStateGetFlow(luastate, &flow_lock); if (f == NULL) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "no flow"); return 2; } /* need flowint idx */ if (!lua_isnumber(luastate, 1)) { SCLogDebug("1st arg not a number"); lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "1st arg not a number"); return 2; } id = lua_tonumber(luastate, 1); if (id < 0 || id >= DETECT_LUAJIT_MAX_FLOWINTS) { SCLogDebug("id %d", id); lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "flowint id out of range"); return 2; } idx = ld->flowint[id]; if (idx == 0) { SCLogDebug("idx %u", idx); lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "flowint id uninitialized"); return 2; } /* lookup var */ if (flow_lock == LUA_FLOW_NOT_LOCKED_BY_PARENT) FLOWLOCK_RDLOCK(f); fv = FlowVarGet(f, idx); if (fv == NULL) { number = 0; } else { number = fv->data.fv_int.value; if (number > 0) number--; } FlowVarAddIntNoLock(f, idx, number); if (flow_lock == LUA_FLOW_NOT_LOCKED_BY_PARENT) FLOWLOCK_UNLOCK(f); /* return value through luastate, as a luanumber */ lua_pushnumber(luastate, (lua_Number)number); SCLogDebug("decremented flow:%p idx:%u value:%u", f, idx, number); return 1; }
int LuaSetFlowint(lua_State *luastate) { uint16_t idx; int id; Flow *f; DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx; DetectLuaData *ld; int flow_lock = 0; uint32_t number; lua_Number luanumber; /* need luajit data for id -> idx conversion */ lua_pushlightuserdata(luastate, (void *)&luaext_key_ld); lua_gettable(luastate, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); ld = lua_touserdata(luastate, -1); SCLogDebug("ld %p", ld); if (ld == NULL) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "internal error: no ld"); return 2; } /* need det_ctx */ lua_pushlightuserdata(luastate, (void *)&luaext_key_det_ctx); lua_gettable(luastate, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); det_ctx = lua_touserdata(luastate, -1); SCLogDebug("det_ctx %p", det_ctx); if (det_ctx == NULL) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "internal error: no det_ctx"); return 2; } /* need flow and lock hint */ f = LuaStateGetFlow(luastate, &flow_lock); if (f == NULL) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "no flow"); return 2; } /* need flowint idx */ if (!lua_isnumber(luastate, 1)) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "1st arg not a number"); return 2; } id = lua_tonumber(luastate, 1); if (id < 0 || id >= DETECT_LUAJIT_MAX_FLOWVARS) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "flowint id out of range"); return 2; } if (!lua_isnumber(luastate, 2)) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "2nd arg not a number"); return 2; } luanumber = lua_tonumber(luastate, 2); if (luanumber < 0 || id > (double)UINT_MAX) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "value out of range, value must be unsigned 32bit int"); return 2; } number = (uint32_t)luanumber; idx = ld->flowint[id]; if (idx == 0) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "flowint id uninitialized"); return 2; } if (flow_lock == LUA_FLOW_NOT_LOCKED_BY_PARENT) FlowVarAddInt(f, idx, number); else FlowVarAddIntNoLock(f, idx, number); SCLogDebug("stored flow:%p idx:%u value:%u", f, idx, number); return 0; }
int LuaSetFlowvar(lua_State *luastate) { uint16_t idx; int id; Flow *f; const char *str; int len; uint8_t *buffer; DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx; DetectLuaData *ld; int flow_lock = 0; /* need luajit data for id -> idx conversion */ lua_pushlightuserdata(luastate, (void *)&luaext_key_ld); lua_gettable(luastate, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); ld = lua_touserdata(luastate, -1); SCLogDebug("ld %p", ld); if (ld == NULL) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "internal error: no ld"); return 2; } /* need det_ctx */ lua_pushlightuserdata(luastate, (void *)&luaext_key_det_ctx); lua_gettable(luastate, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); det_ctx = lua_touserdata(luastate, -1); SCLogDebug("det_ctx %p", det_ctx); if (det_ctx == NULL) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "internal error: no det_ctx"); return 2; } /* need flow and lock hint */ f = LuaStateGetFlow(luastate, &flow_lock); if (f == NULL) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "no flow"); return 2; } /* need flowvar idx */ if (!lua_isnumber(luastate, 1)) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "1st arg not a number"); return 2; } id = lua_tonumber(luastate, 1); if (id < 0 || id >= DETECT_LUAJIT_MAX_FLOWVARS) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "flowvar id out of range"); return 2; } if (!lua_isstring(luastate, 2)) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "2nd arg not a string"); return 2; } str = lua_tostring(luastate, 2); if (str == NULL) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "null string"); return 2; } if (!lua_isnumber(luastate, 3)) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "3rd arg not a number"); return 2; } len = lua_tonumber(luastate, 3); if (len < 0 || len > 0xffff) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "len out of range: max 64k"); return 2; } idx = ld->flowvar[id]; if (idx == 0) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "flowvar id uninitialized"); return 2; } buffer = SCMalloc(len+1); if (unlikely(buffer == NULL)) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "out of memory"); return 2; } memcpy(buffer, str, len); buffer[len] = '\0'; if (flow_lock == LUA_FLOW_NOT_LOCKED_BY_PARENT) FlowVarAddStr(f, idx, buffer, len); else FlowVarAddStrNoLock(f, idx, buffer, len); //SCLogInfo("stored:"); //PrintRawDataFp(stdout,buffer,len); return 0; }
static int LuaGetFlowint(lua_State *luastate) { uint16_t idx; int id; Flow *f; FlowVar *fv; DetectLuaData *ld; uint32_t number; /* need lua data for id -> idx conversion */ lua_pushlightuserdata(luastate, (void *)&luaext_key_ld); lua_gettable(luastate, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); ld = lua_touserdata(luastate, -1); SCLogDebug("ld %p", ld); if (ld == NULL) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "internal error: no ld"); return 2; } /* need flow and lock hint */ f = LuaStateGetFlow(luastate); if (f == NULL) { lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "no flow"); return 2; } /* need flowint idx */ if (!lua_isnumber(luastate, 1)) { SCLogDebug("1st arg not a number"); lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "1st arg not a number"); return 2; } id = lua_tonumber(luastate, 1); if (id < 0 || id >= DETECT_LUAJIT_MAX_FLOWINTS) { SCLogDebug("id %d", id); lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "flowint id out of range"); return 2; } idx = ld->flowint[id]; if (idx == 0) { SCLogDebug("idx %u", idx); lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "flowint id uninitialized"); return 2; } /* lookup var */ fv = FlowVarGet(f, idx); if (fv == NULL) { SCLogDebug("fv NULL"); lua_pushnil(luastate); lua_pushstring(luastate, "no flow var"); return 2; } number = fv->data.fv_int.value; /* return value through luastate, as a luanumber */ lua_pushnumber(luastate, (lua_Number)number); SCLogDebug("retrieved flow:%p idx:%u value:%u", f, idx, number); return 1; }